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The translation was done by Shri Hiralal Kapadia, M.A., along with the Gujarati translation of the first chapter of Tattvārthabhāṣya, published with Pandit Prabhudas Becharadas Parikh. The Hindi translation of Tattvāarth is essentially a word-for-word translation of my Gujarati commentary, prepared and published by Shri Meghrajj Munt from Marwad. Two booklets titled "Tattvārthasūtra – Jaināgama Samanvaya" have been published by Sthanakvasi Muni Atmaramji Upadhyay (currently Acharya). One of these is meaningful in Hindi, and the other is the Agamapath without meaning in Hindi. Shri Ramjibhai Doshi has written a commentary on Tattvārth in Gujarati, published from Sengadh. A commentary by P. G. R. Jain on the fifth chapter of Tattvārth has been published in English from the perspective of modern science. The work "Tattvārth Vṛtti" compiled by Pandit Mahendrakumarji and the Hindi translation of Tattvārthasūtra by Pandit Lalbahadur Shastri, along with Pandit Phoolchandji’s Hindi commentary, have been published from Banaras. The Bhāskarānand-written Sukhabhedavṛtti on Tattvārthasūtra has been edited by Pandit Shantiraj Shastri and published as the 84th book in the Sanskrit series of Oriental Library Publications. This commentary is from the 14th century. The commentary titled Tattvārtharisatṛ Prakāśikā, authored by Shri Vijayalavarayasurita, was published as the 22nd gem in the Shri Vijay Nemisūri Granthamālā. It relates to the topics of production and consumption in the fifth chapter.