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Everything unambiguously suggests that Vidyanand considers Umaswami and Gṛdhrapiccha to be completely different. They are not one and the same. To confirm this point, there is an instance that Vidyanand, who regarded Gṛdhrapiccha and Umaswami as indistinguishable, distinctly referred to Umaswami in one place and Gṛdhrapiccha as “Acarya” in another. The way I interpret the aforementioned statement, which is not mistaken, suggests that in Vidyanand's view, Umaswami would be the proponent of the Tattvarthadhigama Shastra, but he must have definitely considered Gṛdhrapiccha and Umaswami to be two different entities.
Gṛdhrapiccha, Balakapircha, Mayurapircha, etc., are creations rooted in the concept of the abandonment of clothing related to the Digambara ideal. If Vidyanand had certainly understood Umaswami to be Digambara, he would have certainly appended descriptors like Gṛdhrapiccha to his name in later times. Therefore, it can be said that Vidyanand did not indicate any affiliation of Umaswami with either the Svetambara, Digambara, or any other sect.