71 What are the names of the Gunasthanak in which
a Sadhu follows Panch Mahavrat? 72 | What is the lowest gunasthan at which shukla
dhyan is possible? 73 Name the fourth gunasthana
6th or 7th,? Apramat Sanyat or Pramat Sanyat (Any one of the four is correct) 8th
14 Gunasthanaks 14 Gunasthanaks
Avirati Samyag Drishti
74 Other than Siddha who does not have a leshya?
Ayogi Kevail, or one at the 14th Gunastanak
Dravya Shravak
75 What type of Shravak follows Jainism without a
deep faith in it? 76 After achieving 4th gunasthan once, you are
guaranteed nirvana within this much time Name the thirteenth gunasthan
Half or ardha pudgal paraavartan
Sayogi Kevali
78 Doubting or being skeptical about the religion Shanshayik
expounded by the Omniscients is this type of
Mityathva. 79 What are Gunastanak? Name the lowest and stages of spiritual elevation. Lowest level: wrong belief highest stages.
(Mithyatva) and Highest level: inactive omniscient
(ayogi kevali) 80 | What are Gunastanak? Name the lowest and wrong belief (Mithyatva) and inactive omniscient (ayogi highest stages of spiritual elevation
kevali) 81 Name in the Indian language, the strongest
Anantänu-bandhi degree of intensity of a Kashäya, with which it binds to the soul When a monk attains Kevalgnana, he has reached Ghati karmas the 12th Gunsthanak, whick category of karmas has he destroyed?
14 Gunasthanaks
14 Gunasthanaks