83 How many karmas a living Kevali (omniscient)
has removed (eradicated)? Name them.
Jnänävarniya (Knowledge obsuring), Darshanävaraniya (Perception obscuring), Mohaniya (Deluding), Antäray (Obstruction causing)
14 Gunasthanaks
84 Becoming Tirthankar rather than an ordinary
kevali is a result of this aghati karma, 85 Of the types of karma, which one has a subtype
that is specific to tirthankars? What four karmas do Arihantas shed at the time of liberation?
Naam or Body-determining
Gunasthanaks 14 Gunasthanaks | 15 Gunasthanaks
Naam (body-determining), Gotra (status-determining), Vedaniya (feeling pertaining), and Ayushya (life span determining) Honey (Madh), Meat (Mänsa), Butter (cream-cheese, Mänkhan) and, alcohol (Madira)
18 Paap
87 Name four Mahä Vigai (Four foods never to be
88 Name the next four Tirtankars in this
(10) Shitalnath (12) Vasupujya Swami (14) Anantnath 24 Tirthankars mathematical series: Ajitnath, Abhinandan, (16) Shantinath
Padmaprabha, Chandraprabha. 2,4,6,8... 89 The process in which a tirthankar's soul leaves its Chyavana or Garbha Kalyänak
24 Tirthankars previous body, and is conceived in the mother's
womb is called? 90 Tirthankar Name, Emblem, Number of
01 Rishabha or Adi Näth, Bull, 84, Ashtäpad (Kailasha), 24 Tirthankars Ganadharas and place of Nirvän for Ist five 02 Ajit-Näth, Elephant, 90, Samet Sikhar,
| 03 Sambhava-Näth, Horse, 105, Samet Sikhar, 04 Abhinandan Swami, Monkey, 03, 05 Sumati-Näth, Ruddy Goose, 116, Samet Sikhar
24 Tirthankars
Answer the following questions about Shantinath | 1) Achiradevi 2) Samet Shikhar or Mount Parasnath 3) Bhagawan. 1) What was his mother's name? 2) | Bird or Dove Where did he attain Moksha? 3) In his previous
life, as King Megharatha, what did he save? 92 Name of lord Mahävir's wife & Daughter? Yashoda, Priyadarshana
24 Tirthankars