11th Gunasthan, It is called Suppressed Passion Stage - Upasanta-kasaya
14 Gunasthanaks
A fall from this Gunasthan is inevitable, as it has arrived at this stage as a result of suppression of Karmas. Name the Gunasthäna and its numeber. (Both Answers are required) The number of Gunasthan, at the end of which the soul has eliminated all destructive karmas and
is omniscient. 61 When one attains Kevaljnän, one is in this
Gunshänak 62 The number of Gunasthan, the soul has
eliminated all destructive karmas and is
omniscient. 63
All Kevalis are at which Gunastanak?
14 Gunasthanaks
13th (Accept 'very end of 12th' as correct
13th and/or 14th
65 Whi
14 Gunasthanaks
What is the number when total number of
14 x 3/6 = 7 gunasthans are multiplied by the number of guptis & by the number of essential daily activities? Whick stage of spiritual elevation or Gunsthank | 14th Gunsthanak does one have to reach to attain Moksha or
liberation? 66 Provide the number of the lowest gunasthänak at 4th
which dharma dhyan is possible and that guarantees you moksha Give the Gunstanak stage number, or spiritual 4th - Avirti Samyag Darshan stage number, with the right perception but
without restraints. 68 |A shravak with 12 vratas has reached which 5th
Gunsthanak or stage of spiritual elevation? 69 | Right perception associated with partial restraint 5th or Deshvirti
is which Gunastanak? 70 Monks and nuns who strictly follow their code of 6th
conduct are in this Gunshänak as a minimum
14 Gunasthanaks
14 Gunasthanaks 14 Gunasthanaks