Book Title: Shrimad Rajchandra Diwakar Chitrakatha 037
Author(s): Amarmuni
Publisher: Mahavir Seva Trust Mumbai
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A Mahavir Seva Trust Presentation DIWAKAR CHITRA KATHA SHRIMAD * RAJCHANDRA Vol. 37 Rs. 25.00 3. $ 24 DI * A PICTORIAL BIOGRAPHY Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Shrimad Rajchandra's genius was of a contemplative character, and yet the story of his life is not entirely uneventful. Till he was four years old, he was known as Laxminandan, but that was informally; he was, next, given the name Raichand. He grew up, and was sent to school. He was quick at learning and had remarkable memory and poetic gifts. As a young man, he got married, shifted to Bombay and entered business, where again he was strikingly successful. He led the life of a house-holder; he had four children. After having retired from business; at an early stage, he left Bombay and returned to places nearer his hometown Vavania in Saurashtra, and he passed away while still in his thirties, at the age of thirty-four.......... Raichandbhai was considerably close to people of the Jain fold who follow the way as preached by Bhagwan Mahavir. Quite a number of these were orthodox Jains, and among these were some who were munis, who were criticized in the orthodox circles and sometime to hostility and persecation. Very often, Shrimad was approached for guidance by his disciples during periods of strain. Despite this, Shrimad's advice was to avoid all unnecessary wranglings and friction, but never to flinch from the main battle. It was this independence of outlook and this capacity for the analysis of the accepted values of life, that attracted a young intellectual like Mohandas Gandhi to him and there were exchange of letters between Gandhiji and Shrimad, which left a deep impact on Gandhiji. This was also how the ardent but unassuming young man from Vavania, entered the history of Indian and consequently, of world-thought. What follows is the pictorial life-story of this man. PUBLISHERS MAHAVIR SEVA TRUST A-7, SAGAR NIWAS, 1ST FLOOR, OFF MANCHHUBHAI ROAD, MALAD (E), MUMBAI-400 097. PH. (O) 8811397. (R) 8892121 FEDERATION OF JAIN ASSOCIATIONS IN NORTH AMERICA (JAINA) C/o DR. P.B. GADA, 4410, 50TH STREET, LUBBOCK, TEXAS-79414 (U.S.A.). PH. 806-793-8555 SRIMAD RAJCHANDRA ASHRAM-AGAS (GUJRAT) DIWAKAR PRAKASHAN A-7, AWAGARH HOUSE, OPP. ANJNA CINEMA, M.G. ROAD, AGRA-282 002. PH. 351165, 5178 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA India was crushed politically, economically, and morally by superior British might in the great uprising of 1857. The next decade, however, saw India drawing on her innate spiritual resources. Luminaries such as Shri Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Swami Vivekanand, Mahatma Gandhi, as well as a great spiritual personality Shrimad Rajchandra were all born in the 1860's. In Vavania, a small village in Saurashtra, 20 miles from Morbi, there lived a pious couple. Ravjibhai, a Vaishnava, and Devabai, a Jain. On the 11th of November 1867, a son was born to them called Raichand (Rajchandra). He had four sisters and a younger brother Mansukh. Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In his childhood strange imaginations Paradoxically, an equally great desire to overtook him. be a great saint was also present. SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Q20 wow eg. An intense desire to be a Raja Rajeshwar.* He had no material desires. Our Raichand doesn't care about what he eats, drinks or wears. He is full of vairagya** at such a tender age. He told him stories and miracles of Shri Krishna. The little boy loved to hear them. Shri Panchanbhai instilled in him the love of religious values. King of kings He was very fond of his grandfather Shri Panchanbhai who took him to the temple of Shri Krishna daily. [ This resulted in a pure and guileless state of mind. At age seven he started his schooling with his mother's blessings. 7 Non-attachment to wordly des 2 Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA He had only to read a lesson once to grasp Once, when he was seven, a gentleman it and repeat it exactly word by word. named Amichand who loved Shrimad Rajchandra very much died of snake bite. 0000) Rajchandra is a prodigy of intellect. I have yet to teach a student as brilliant soul as he is. AnimatingSoul USING FERS Later, he taught his teacher the deeper meaning of the same texts. On hearing this, he turned to his beloved grandfather Dada, what is death? At first, he was reluctant for fear of scaring the boy. But then he explained: Death means that life has gone out of the body. He will not speak or move. His body will be burnt to ashes at the cremation place. O ra toca Restless and unsatisfied with the reply, he set out secretly and climbed a two branched tree overlooking the cremation ground. Isn't it an act of cruelty to burn such a good and god-fearing man? What impelled them to act in such an ignoble manner ? In his silent musings, he lost physical consciousness. Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA In that motionless state, he acquired This extraordinary and rare event made knowledge of his previous births. At a later him more serene and even more inclined stage, at the sight of Junagadh fort, this to Vairagya. knowledge was expanded till he remembered Inine hundred previous incarnations. Guruji, what will you teach me next? My dear boy, I have nothing left to teach you. In two years you have learnt more than what other students have in seven years. In Jain philosophy, this knowledge and perception of previous incarnations is called "Jati Smarana Gnana". It is the result of unsullied purity of soul. After his schooling, he helped his father run his grocery shop. He was hard working and honest. He was a born poet, and he wrote verses on the Ramayana and Mahabharata when there was no customer to wait on. In his own words, "I don't recall having weighed anything either more or less on the scales, even once." By age eleven, he had started contributing articles and essays to monthly and daily publications. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Once, in Vavania, a Bapu was riding a horse. Ha! Nonsense. Ma More. SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Suddenly, the horse reared and the Bapu fell and died. This little boy has a wise head on his shoulders. 26 He was once travelling to Rajkot. With him was Justice Dharshibhai of Morbi. From Shrimad Rajchandra's conversation: Loc You must come and stay with me. in Rajkot. O Bapu, please don't ride this horse today. 5 Sa He ignored the warning. No, I will stay with my maternal uncles. I will come to visit you, though. Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA At Dharshibhai's house, Rajkot. Do you have Dharshibhai, can any enmity with I come in ? Its me, my uncles ? Come in, Rajchandra. what is the matter? Yes, there is a political dispute going on. Why? I overheard my uncles plotting to kill you. I came to warn you to be on your guard. What presence of mind he possesses ! | am indeed fortunate to be in contact with a Bal-Mahatma like him ! A little later, Two people from Kutch are coming to see me. Can you make arrangements for their stay ? Ok? I will go and meet them. Hello Are you indeed Hemrajbhai Rajchandra ? How and Malsibhai ! did you know we were How are coming ? We did not tell you? anybody that we were coming. Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The soul has infinite powers by which I can know. SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA They then went to Dharshibhai's house to bath and refresh themselves. We have heard (Thanks, but no. of your fame, and would like to have you educated at Kashi. They then asked him questions and puzzles from certain shastras which he explained clearly and lucidly. (How futile of us to have thought that Whenever he visited Dharshibhai's house, so great a soul needed Dharshibhai made him sit on the mattress, further education at Kashi. while he himself sat on the floor! Copool They returned home disappointed. His uncles gave him a packet of mithais to take home. He took it to a sweetmeat shop. I want to Now, I won't have sell this. to beg money from anybody for my railway fare back home. 52U Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA To test Dharshibhai, Shrimad Raj chandra once requested that the former open an umbrella for him and walk through the Morbi Bazaar. Dharshibhai's devotion was such that he immediately complied. The sight of a great judge holding an umbrella for a twenty years old boy was truly astonishing ! He read all shastras without even formally studying languages like Sanskrit and Magadhi, and studied Vedanta, Upanishads, and Jain scriptures all by himself. CONCE Contact with local Jain monks at the Upashreya (an abode of Jain monks) attracted him greatly. He was deeply influenced by the austerity and the philosophical depths of Jainism. Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ When he was sixteen, he wrote "Mokshamala". It was a mile-stone in his life. He wrote it in the form of "Balavabodh" or beginer's primer. "Mokshamala" has divine power and inspires the reader to think deeply on "Moksha" (Salvation). It contains the entire Jain philosophy in a nut-shell. He wrote this immortal epic in just three days at Vinaybhai Daftary's house in Morbi. 765 "Mokshamala" describes the four gatis (life forms), four upamas (metaphors), twelve bhavanas (concepts) etc. NARAKI SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Creatures from hell TIRYANCH Animals MANUSHYA Humans DEVA CUT Cros Deities Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Four upamas (metaphors) of the sansar (world). World as ocean. Infinite as ocean of the world is, it can be crossed on the boat of right spiritual conduct, conquering formidable waves of lust and material possessions, with spiritual master as navigator. World as darkness. The world is full of illusion, and as a result, this darkness of ignorance prevails. This darkness is dispelled by the eternal flame of right spiritual knowledge. World as fire. The world is burning with threefold flames of mental tensions, physical illnesses and other worldly anxieties. This fire is continually fuelled by the ghee of illusionary pleasures and the oil of carnal desires. This fire is quenched by the cool water of non-attachment (vairagya). World as bullock cart. The wheels of the bullock cart represent the eternal cycle of life and death, drawn by the bullocks of attachment, hatred and ignorance. The twelve Bhavanas (reflections) are Anitya bhavana (impermanence), Asharana bhavana (refugeless state), Sansara bhavana (futility of worldliness), Ekatva bhavana (of a solitary status), Anyatva bhavana (otherness), Asrava bhavana (inflow of karmas), Samvara bhavana (shutting out of karmas), Nirjara bhavana (wearing down of karmas), Lokswarupa bhavana (nature of the world), Bodhidurlabha bhavana (rareness of the knowledge of truth) and Dharmadurlabha bhavana (rareness of true religion). These bhavanas are explained by parables and poems. Illustrated here is an example of Anitya bhavana. 10 Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A poor beggar came to a house on the outskirts of a forest. The compassionate housewife responded to his earnest pleas for some food & gave him left over sweetmeat. Fo SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Pleased at obtaining such delicious food he sat under a tree, cleared a small area and started eating his meal with great pleasure. mini Drowsy after eating such a meal, he fell asleep. He dreamt that he was a Maharajah, sleeping on a soft bed, dressed in silks and jewels. People were bowing to him in reverence and beautiful women were fanning him and pressing his feet. He really began to believe this wonderful dream was a fact. 00000000 11 Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA He began actually believing that this dream was real. Suddenly, a burst of thunder and lightning occurred, accompanied by torrential rain. The beggar was rudely awakened. He looked at himself. There was his tattered shirt, his old water vessel and torn mattress. SS The dream that he thought was real was just-a dream. So also, the worldly pleasures we think we enjoy are merely illusory. "Mokshamala" is full of such parables with chapters on religious rituals samayik, kshama (forgiveness), vivek (discretion), and vairagya (detachment). "Mokshamala", written at sixteen, was published a few years later. By then, he started performing "ashtavadhanas" i.e. the storing up in memory of eight different tasks simultaneously, and reproducing them correctly from memory. He had witnessed Pandit Shankarlal performing "ashtavadhana", and the next day he repeated the feat. He progressed to twelve, sixteen and then fifty-two avadhanas. These are shown on the next page. 12 Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Playing cards with three persons (1) Playing a game of chess with one person (1) Remembering four hundred words in sixteen different languages (16) Instructing a pupil (1) Expressing thoughts on some metaphors (2) Counting the strikes on a bell (1) Counting mentally addition subtraction, multiplication & division (4) Playing chopat with three persons Counting the beads on the rosary (1) Completing eight new puzzles (8) Composing new verses in given chhandas's or metres on sixteen new subjects (16) TOTAL - 52 AVADHANAS 13 Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA When he was nineteen, he finally performed a hundred "avadhanas" known as "shatavadhana", in front of a large assembly, which included judges of the High Court, and prominent personalities, at the Framjee Cowasjee Institute in Bombay. He exhibited his wonderful mnemonic powers. Dr. Peterson presided. Sir Charles Sargent, Chief Justice of Bombay, was present. This amazing feat included answering questions asked in sixteen languages including Greek, Latin, Persian, Arabic, French, English as well as Sanskrit, Bengali, Marathi etc. He was presented with a gold medal on. He was shown a dozen different books behalf of the Jain community. He was inand was told their names. He was then vited to repeat this feat in England, but he blind folded. declined. As he thought that he could not live in Europe as a pure Jain ought to live. As each book was placed in his hands, he identified them correctly. For Private Personal Use Only Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Some of the newspapers which covered this spectacular event were "The Times of India", "Indian Spectator", "Jame Jamshed"*, "Mumbai Samachar". Genius Rajchandra An excerpt from "Indian Spectator" dated 18-11-1886... "We have had a visit from a young prodigy Shatavadhani Kavi Shri Raichand (Rajchandra) Ravjibhai from Vavania. He can perform a hundred different functions at one and the same time. He knows no other language but Gujarati and yet can exercise his marvellous powers in sixteen different languages......." He was interested in astrology and studied Jain scriptures among other on the subject. He digested them by reading them just When he once. D *house-holder JAN BOMBAY 1232 "The Times of India" made a similar observation on 24-1-1887. He even obtained the rare "Nashta-Vidya" i.e. by looking at the birth chart, he could tell the exact year, month, day and time of the person concerned. m THE TIMES OF INDI e 6 15 TarA. 10 bR. 11 ke. 8 In the whole of India, only one other person (in Kashi) had that knowledge. In 1888, he married Zabakben, the daughter of Shri Popatbhai Jagjivandas. He accepted his role as a "Gruhasthi"* with great equanimity of mind, and submission to his previous karmas. Very little is known about his family life. DECE 3 caM 1 Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Her uncle Shri Rewashankarbhai was It was amazingly accurate prediction. deep in debt. Give up your legal Rajchandra, my business practise, and set up is flourishing. I would be very business in Bombay. honoured if you join me as a You will prosper there, partner. About his own Horoscope, ten renowned astrologers declared unanimously. It consists of rare, best These yogas lead the native to yogas like Chandrachud, perfection and Godhood. Amar, Shrivasta, Mayur, Parijat, Mrigraj, etc. When asked to read the future of a certain sick man in 1891 What a pity that I have to give such an unpleasant prediction. Henceforth, I will remain indifferent to my astrological powers. He clearly foresaw his death. He remained silent and serene. 16 Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJEHANDRA (Why are you giving up astrology ? Please don't do that. I consider this science as kalpit.* It is of no use in spiritual advancement. He joined the diamonds and pearls business in partnership with Shri Rewashankarbhai and Shri Maneklalbhai, in charge of finance and foreign trade. He was scrupulously honest and his partners always benefitted from his fore-sighted advice. Within two years the business expanded to France, England and Arabia. Whenever he found leisure time from his Once, an Arab sold him some pearls at business, he read religious literature or a certain price and the Arab gave him a would jot notes in his diary. contract. Imaginary in the sense that it is of no use in spiritual advancement. 17 1 ) Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Later, the Arab told his elder brother He went to Shrimad Rajchandra and told about the deal. What have you him his difficulty. y. Here, take back your done ! Those pearls pearls. Don't worry, I will were not to be sold so tear up the contract. cheaply. Alas! We will be ruined ! QUUMOWUU His compassion was such, that he forsook a handsome profit from the business deal! Surely, he is a God, not a mere mortal! Jain monk Shri Devkaranji once You deal in asked him. diamonds and precious stones. Isn't it probable for you to acquire a materialistic attitude ? Muni* I don't see diamonds. Instead I see deadly poison. They don't affect me materially. In 1890, a son was born to him. He was called Chhagan Shastri. He imbibed a religious outlook from childhood. Unfortunately, he died at age nineteen. * Monk 18 www.jainelibrary org Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Two daughters, Javalben and Kashiben were born to him. A second son, Ratilal died in infancy. Javalben (1892-1978) Kashiben (1894-1922) In 1888, he went to Ahmedabad for the printing of "Mokshamala" Shri Jaisingbhai Ujjamshi rendered help in the matter. Shri Juthabhai, a pure soul Thimself, recognised the divinity in Shrimad Rajchandra, and became his ardent devotee. Cloc I am honoured to welcome such a learned man like you as a house guest. Thereafter they corresponded regularly. After twenty, he gave up performing avadhanas & practising astrology, as they hindered his spiritual progress. 600 Unfortunately I have to go out of town for some business, but my brother Juthabhai will take care of you. I want to devote my energies to realise my soul. 1889, Juthabhai's friend, Shri Ambalabhai came to visit him from Khambhat. Hello, Juthabhai, what are you reading? 19 Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Juthabhai eagerly showed him a few He would sit in the upashreya for hours letters from Shrimad Rajchandra. together, re-reading the letters with his friends. What lofty ideals! and what great spiritual content ! Let me copy them and take them back to Khambhat with me. Ambalalbhai wrote to Shrimad Rajchandra and requested him to visit him some day. A little distance away, a monk from the upashreya, Shri Lalluji Maharaj, was discussing the "Bhagwati-Sutra" with Patidar Shri Damodar and expressing a doubt. it states here that If that is indeed unless the time is So, why is there any ripe for the cycle of necessity for becoming life and death to a monk, or of what use end, no one can are rituals, etc.? attain "Moksha". Upstairs, the senior monk, Shri Harakchandji was giving a sermon on the same text. Meanwhile, Shri Lalluji Maharaj saw Ambalalbhai and his friends reading the letters. Why aren't all of you attending the sermon upstairs ?) Either go up or come here and sit. Ambalalbhai and his friends chose to sit with Shri Lalluji Maharaj. 20 Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA They discussed the above question animatedly, He enthusiastically showed the but were unable to come up with a satisfactory monk the letters he was reading. answer. Then Ambalalbhai rer When the monk read those letters. Shrimad Rajchandra. I have never read anything I know of a very learned person with such great spiritual depth. who can answer questions which are I am sure he can answer so many far more difficult than this. His name is questions troubling my soul. I am Shrimad Rajchandra. filled with a great longing to meet him. In 1890 Shrimad Rajchandra visited Ambalalbhai in Khambhat. Ambalalbhai took him to the Upashreya. Shri Lalluji Maharaj, more widely, known as Shri Laghuraj Swami sought his senior monk's permission to obtain knowledge from Shrimad Rajchandra. Permission granted, he requested Shrimad Rajchandra to enter the first floor of the Upashreya where he prostrated himself thrice before Shrimad Rajchandra. Though Shrimad Rajchandra askedy him to desist Such was the humility of a true aspirant, who though an older monk, recognised his Guru in a much younger Gruhasthi. 21 Education International Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ What do you desire ? SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA On the way home with Shri Ambalalbhai. Self-realisation I inspected and a reinforce the monk's right toe, ment of my vow and I know he was a of celibacy. true spiritual aspirant even in his previous incarnations. DODOUTE LOODUIVIRUS Very well. | Shri Laghuraj Swami later propagated the preachings of Shrimad Rajchandra. Having heard of Shrimad Rajchandra's fame as a Shatavadhani poet, one Shri Sobhagbhai came to Morbi from Sayala, in 1890, to offer him the sacred "Bij-Mantra", which was given to his father by a Jain sadhu. Shri Sobhagbhai's instinct told him that Shrimad Rajchandra was worthy of receiving it. Please take Without looking up. On entering. the piece of paper on that desk and read it. Come in, Shri Sobhagbhai. He was astonished to hear his own name. He had not told anybody where he was going! It was none other than the "Bij-Mantra". calon International 22 Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Shri Sobhagbhai was dumb-founded ! | Shri Sobhagbhai knew But, to test Shrimad Rajchandra more. he was in a divine presence. He fell at his Which direction does my house feet thrice. He was 67 in Sayala face? years old and Shrimad Rajachandra only 23! The north. At a much later stage, assuring Sobhagbhai's sons that nothing would happen to him, Shrimad Rajchandra took him to the mountains of Idar. There, Sobhagbhai received the highest spiritual knowledge from him. Both Sobhagbhai and Juthabhai died after attaining self-realisation due to Shrimad Rajchandra's grace, during his own life-time. Over and over Shrimad Rajchandra pays lavish tributes to the two departed souls. The letter he wrote when Juthabhai died is most inspiring. His letters to Shri Sobhagbhai are an immortal legacy to any true spiritual aspirant. Thus, these four Bhakta-Ratnas He died a few months later. recognised Shrimad Rajchandra's divinity in his own life-time and attained self-realisation through his grac. 23 Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In 1891, young Gandhiji returned from England after completing his legal studies. He was then 23 years old. He learned of his mother's death on that very day. Thereafter they met regularly. ........therefore Ahimsa* and Satya** are of paramount importance. SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA At dinner, on the same day that he returned. Mohandas, meet my brother Popat's son-in-law Rajchandra. He is a scholar and Shatavadhani poet. Shrimad Rajchandra's spiritual bent influenced Gandhiji greatly. Non-violence ** Truth He stayed at his friend Dr. Pranjivandas' house in Bombay. He was the brother of Shri Popatbhai, Shrimad Rajchandra's father-in-law. Gandhiji wanted to test him. Could you repeat these two hundred words in different languages? Shrimad Rajchandra not only repeated them, but also in the exact sequence. Gandhiji observed him. His intellect compels as great a) regard as his moral earnestness. I can confide my innermost thoughts to him. His manner, befits a true yogi. Certainly. 24 Emi Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA For two years their friendship deepened. Full of admiration Gandhiji noted. "Rajchandra's commercial transactions covered hundreds of thousands. He was a connoiseur of pearls & diamonds....but the centre of his life revolved round the passion to see God face to face...." On the request of a Muslim trader Abdullah Seth, Gandhiji agreed to go to South Africa as a salaried barrister for a year to try a civil case. He sailed in 1983. RIL D DORRONDBE Gandhiji won the case within the year. He was attracted to Christianity. How inspiring is Christ's Sermon on the Mount ! He corresponded with Shrimad Rajchandra regularly. At that time, Gandhiji was troubled by doubts regarding religion. I came to South Africa to earn my livelihood... I find myself thinking about realising my soul. Can Hinduism really help me do so ? THE BIBLE THEY BIBLE 25 Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA His Muslim friends were also keen to But Before | convert him. change my religion | must make a thorough study of Hinduism. I will ask a few religious leaders about my inner turmoil by post. Shrimad Rajchandra was the main person to whom he confided. He wrote back. "Be patient. I am sending you "Mokshamala", "Maniratnamala", "Panchikaran Yogavashishtha" as well as answers to your 27 questions. Read them carefully before acting. Thus Gandhiji's doubts about Hinduism were quelled. 77 V *"In my moment of spiritual crisis, he was my refuge." Thus, the developed qualities of Satya, Ahimsa and Brahmacharya, in Gandhiji were due to Shrimad Rajchandra's divine and intimate influence. In 1906, when Gandhiji was only 35. I must undertake a vow of Brahmacharya or celibacy for life. The main influence being Shrimad Rajchandra. (Gandhiji's autobiography, Part III Chapters VII & VIII) * Gandhiji's Autobiography - Part II Chapter 26 Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA From 1886 onwards, Shrimad Rajchandra experienced extreme vairagya. He noted-"A small star of beaming, circling light emanates from left eye. It shines like lightning for five minutes and is then extinguished. There is much illumination and peace in heart and mind." In 1891, the auspicious moment of self-realisation occurred. It was an unique experience of the soul's peace and bliss. In Jain philosophy it is known as "Shuddh-Samkit". Nothing in the world is comparable to this bliss. In the same year, he experienced or "Para-Bhakti" oneness with God. 27 . These unparalled experiences make me long to renounce the world and become a monk. Inom polohuoner la Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In 1885 Mother, please give me permission to become a Sarva-Sanga Parityagi Mother, please don't cry! I promise I will not bring up this subject again. He would meditate for hours together under a tree near some lake. He subsisted on a glass of milk and a chappati. He wore only a cloth crossed at the shoulders. *An all renouncing monk SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA TO****** His business flourished, but My heart is just not in it. Whenever I find free time, I will meditate in some small town in Gujarat or Saurashtra. 2000 No, no, if I am parted from you, I shall die of grief. Correspondence with his disciples flourished during this time. In 1894, Shri Laghuraj Swami wrote from Surat. 28 00000 "I fear I am going to die without realising my soul, and that my human life will have been wasted. Please help me before it is too late." Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA With utmost compassion, Shrimad Shri Laghuraj Swami was overwhelmed Rajchandra sent him a letter describing the by the awe inspiring letter with its deeply six tenets of the soul. This letter is most underlined spiritual message. inspiring and is worth learning by heart. "This letter is truly "I am sending this miraculous. It removes letter describing the every shred of doubt six basic tenets of the concerning the soul in its soul. Your fear of dying entirety. If the reader is in the near future is worthy, he can truly attain quite unjustified." enlightenment." The six tenets-1. The soul exists. 2. The soul is eternal. 3. The soul is the "Doer" of its own karmas or deeds. 4. It is the enjoyer or suffered of the fruit of its karmas. 5. "Moksha" or salvation exists. 6. Means to Moksha exist. I regard the whole of Bombay as a cremation ground.* * Not a single spiritually awakened soul in sight. 29 Jain Education Intemational Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Once on Mahavir Jayanti day in 1896, he was at his shop in Zaveri Bazaar. He saw a procession with Bhagwan Mahavir's idol on a chariot go by. Overwhelmed with emotion and compassion, he expressed his thoughts in his diary, the contents of which were printed posthumously. He signed the letter on that day as "Om Shri Mahavir" ! J A few months after this particular Mahavir Jayanti, Shri Sobhagbhai wrote to him, requesting. "Please compose some thing in verse which is beneficial for the soul and is easy to remember at the same time." Ama siddhi In response to Shri Sobhagbhai's request, he wrote his most important literary work "Shri Atma-Siddhi Shastra". It is the jewel of jewels among his spiritual literature and contains information on soul purification in the form of a dialogue between Guru & Shishya. Gandhiji impressed with it, translated it in English, but it got lost in England. 30 Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA He was then in Nadiad. He had gone for a walk with Shri Ambalalbhai. He wrote him immortal "Shri Atma-Siddhi Shastra" having 142 two-line stanzas. At a stretch in 1 hours in simple Gujarati for Shri Sobhagbhai's benefit. Shri Ambalalbhai held the lantern.* Four copies were made and given to Sobhagbhai, Ambalalbhai, Laghuraj Swami and Maneklalbhai. In 1896, he told his partners. I would like to retire from active business. His partners tried to dissuade him, but he remained firm. No, Rajchandra Please transfer we need you. You are my share of the indispensable to us. business in my brother Mansukh's name. I will, however, remain as an advisor for a few months more. 31 * There was no electricity in Nadiad at that time. Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ At Ralaj, near Khambhat, Shrimad Rajchandra was in solitary meditation, occasionally giving spiritual discourses. At that time, unable to bear the separation from his beloved Guru, Shri Laghuraj Swami, walked from Khambhat to Ralaj, and awaited permission to see him. He was sent back. (Jain monks are not allowed to travel anywhere in the four monsoon months. They have to be stationary at one place). Tears streaming down his cheeks he returned to Khambhat. He spent an anguished night enveloped in sorrow. Next morning, Shrimad sent Shri Sobhagbhai, Ambalalbhai and Shri Dungershibhai to Khambhat. Shri Sobhagbhai came to the upashreya where Shri Laghuraj Swami was staying. Shrimad Rajchandra will visit you soon, and has sent a message to be conveyed in strict confidence. SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA They then went to Shri Ambalalbhai's house, where they both sat in solitude. It was there that Shri Sobhagbhai delivered the sacred mantra that Shrimad Rajchandra had sent with him. Shri Laghuraj Swami was enjoined to repeat it five times on the 108 bead rosary every day. Shrimad Rajchandra empowered Shri Laghuraj Swami to give the mantra to any true and earnest spiritual aspirant. Shri Laghuraj Swami's down-trodden spirits soared with inner bliss and ecstasy. For Private 32ersonal Use Only Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Once, when Shrimad Rajchandra was at Anand, he saw many people going to Khambhat by train. On inquiring, he was informed that they were going to have "Darshan" of a monk, who had fasted for one month. He felt that people took outward rituals more seriously than inner awakening, and he composed "Mool Marag". This poem embodies the essence of Jainism and elaborates on the eternal, unchanging truth of the three-fold path of Samyak Gnana, Darshan and Charitra (right knowledge, perception and conduct). He is believed to have composed this beautiful poem on the Anand railway station. Anand Railway Station. RE EDE 33 Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA At Khambhat in 1896, Shrimad gave a sermon from the terrace of Shri Chhotalal Manekchand's house. There was no room left to even step in the house. People even spilled over on the streets to listen to him. They were spell-bound in amazement as all doubts were quelled in every individual heart! In 1898, he went for a walk with Shri Motilalbhai at Uttarsanda. Why are you not arousing yourself from worldly stupor ? In the present age, the spiritual path is strewn with thorns. To remove such obstacles, I have to undergo unimaginable trouble. You, who have the good fortune to be in the presence of a truly realised soul, are still not spiritually awakened. Shake off worldly slumber and be vigilant. When I was the last disciple of Bhagwan Mahavir, a slight lapse of vigilance on my part resulted in my having to undergo so many re-births. It is indeed rare for an individual to recognise a truly realised soul. TEAM Fo 34 SAMY Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA From 1897, he had more free time for spiritual progress. In late 1896, he composed "Dhanya Re Divas". He knew he was not far from the ultimate goal. The lyrics are stirringly beautiful and hauntingly spiritual. He is considered to be a "Kavi Chakra-Chudamani" or supreme poet according to connoiseurs of classical Gujarati literature. Early one morning, he sat on the edge of his mother's cot and composed "Apoorva Avasar"* a poem with 21 stanzas. Later in the year, he went to Vavania. Beside mentioning fourteen stages of spiritual development, he describes his own existing status and his intense longing for attaining the final goal. Gandhiji said of Apoorva Avasar. "The extreme vairagya which underlines every stanza, that I have experienced in every moment of my intimate association with Rajchandra." Shrimad Rajchandra also composed Vis Dohra, Yama Niyama, Bina Nayan and other spiritual poems. He translated "Panchastikaya" by Shri Kundakundacharya and gave us an exhaustive commentary on Shri Anandaghanji's poems. Most of his writings were published posthumously.** | * Apoorva Avasar is included in Gandhiji's Ashram Bhajanavali. ** This publication is available from Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram, Agas. Jain Education intentational 35 For Private & Personell Use Only Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ In 1899. In 1900, he was meditating in the hilly district of Dharampur. But SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA I have renounced all wealth, and have also undertaken a vow of celibacy for life. What a nuisance ! I have wasted three to four days & not found a single animal to hunt.! He had started to lose his health. There, a visiting British bigshot was invited to a shikar organised in his honour. Thave two gardens* within me. One is well watered & the other is drying out. "The former-His soul. The latter-His body. How wrong of him to expect any animal to hunt when such a great soul is meditating nearby Surely his mercy prevented blood-shed! 36 Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Once, at Virsad SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Run swiftly Two wild bulls are on the rampage Run! Don't panic they will be calm. They calmed down near him. Lions and tigers roamed freely where he sat. He often went to the sacred mountains of Idar to meditate. There Jain temples and caves where great saints meditated abound conversing with the late king of Idar, Shrimad stated that he actually felt the presence of Bhagwan Shri Mahavir and his disciples who frequented these mountains more than 2,500 years ago. Shrimad was the last disciple of Bhagwan Mahavir who was born in this age. Through belief in Shrimad, many people could obtain "Moksha". 37nnett al' Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA At one time in 1899, he gave spiritual guidance to seven Jain monks, including Shri Laghuraj Swami in the religiously charged atmosphere of Idar mountains for six days. 99 WA G A little later, he told Shri Laghuraj Swami & Shri Devkaranji - "Do not differenciate between Veetaraga* and me." In 1901, he was in Rajkot when his end was near. His brother mansukhbhai tended lovingly to his needs. On the previous evening Shri Rewashankarbhai, Shri Mansukhbhai, Dr. Pranjivanbhai were present. Be free from anxiety. This soul is immortal, and is sure to attain the highest spiritual status. Remain in peace. 38 The supreme 'soul who transcends all wordly desires and obtains full Jain Es self-realisation. Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA At 7.45 next morning he drank a glass of milk. He was fully conscious. Mansukh, please transfer me from this bed to that couch. Mansukh, don't grieve for me. Take care of mother. I am now going into Mahasamadhi. Mansukh managed to do so in a way, convenient for him to lie comfortably. During his Mahasamadhi which lasted five hours there was a divine lustre on his face. He was thirty three and a half years old. The mortal body was discarded by his immortal soul on 9th April 1901. News of his Mahasamadhi shattered Shri Laghuraj Swami as well as Shri Ambalalbhai. He wrote a heart-rending letter expressing He was in his deep sorrow and sense of loss in a Kavitha about poetic manner bemoaning the lack of mercy to break his shown by the cruel hand of death. fast from the previous day. When he heard the sad news, he went back to the forest without touching any food or water and fasted for the next day as well. 39 Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Thus ended the life of a true Gnani and Atmadarshi whose soul is immortal-a brilliantly shining divinity-Shrimad Rajchandra. 1 KOD Shri Laghuraj Swami, affectionately known as Prabhushri, founded the Shrimad Rajachandra ashram at Agas. His devotion was unparalleled and thousands of devotees flock to the ashram even today. He took Samadhi in 1936. 8 9 0000 0000 Mety THE END 40 Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DIWAKAR CHITRA KATHA * Colourful Jain Story Books The simplest and easiest way to get acquainted with Jain religion, philosophy, way as picture books make the incidents from the life of the persons you revere come alive. 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