SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA He had only to read a lesson once to grasp Once, when he was seven, a gentleman it and repeat it exactly word by word. named Amichand who loved Shrimad
Rajchandra very much died of snake bite. 0000) Rajchandra is a
prodigy of intellect. I have yet to teach a
student as brilliant soul
as he is. AnimatingSoul
Later, he taught his teacher the deeper meaning of the same texts.
On hearing this, he turned to his beloved grandfather
Dada, what is death?
At first, he was reluctant for fear of scaring the boy. But then he explained:
Death means that life has gone out of the body. He will not speak
or move. His body will be burnt to ashes at the
cremation place.
ra toca
Restless and unsatisfied with the reply, he set out secretly and climbed a two branched tree overlooking the cremation ground.
Isn't it an act of cruelty to burn such a good and god-fearing man? What impelled them to act in such an
ignoble manner ?
In his silent musings, he lost physical consciousness.
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