Book Title: Note on few words from Bolles Glossary to Pindnijutti and Ohnijutti
Author(s): H C Bhayani
Publisher: ZZ_Anusandhan
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2. Notes on a few words from Bollee's Glossary to piMDanijjutti and ohanijjutti H.C. Bhayani FEPN 461, 466, 472 (FET). Commentary : arch. It means a sweet prepared from macaroni. H. ha haiendat is Sanskritization of 95), Guj. zeva, seva 'macaroni' ; Guj. sevaiyo 'a sweet-ball of seva ? PSM. Ds, give the correct meaning. This has nothing to do with ETI brick', CDIAL 1600 referred to by Bollee. 35< 'body of a cart', On. 478 ; OBh. 253 Commentary : T : H AT. There seems to be difference of opinion about the meaning. (1) A big vessel used as cover over cooked food ; a lid. (2) Some part (e.g. body) of a cart. (DS.) (PSM. wrongly TIISI). In Haribhadra's 'Dhurtakhyana' occurs 1544 $G: phAlAviA ya raNNA puTTe diTTho a ayagaro viulo / sagaDassa Idaro viva khoDI viva mahiale paDio // (2, 19) "The king got (the crane) cut open. He saw a huge boa in its belly, which fell on the ground like the body of a cartor a big, heavy log of wood', 5 and 6 are scribal variants of the same word. ("Dhurtakhyana' ed. by Jinavijaya Muni. SJG. No. 19, 1994.). ukkera. In mUsaga-raya -ukkera. Sk. 3fronfa dugs out'. Bronefo do. (CDIAL 1723). Noun utkera , Pk. ukkera. So mUsaga-raya-ukkera means 'heap of earth dug out by mice. Ciuj. 30. i 'heap of euth dug out Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4. by white-ants, rats etc.'). Hence it is unnecessary to derive Pk. ukkera from Sk. utkara influenced by utkerayati (CDIAL 1710). obhaTTha. In aNobhaTTa (ON 148) = aprArthita (Com.). obhAsiya ON 615 = prArthita (Com.). PSM. obhAs=yAc (hence obhAsiya, obhAsaNa ), ohAs (ohAsiya, ohAsaNa). DS. obhaTTha-prArthita. DN 1 153 ohaTTha-hAsa, Pi. $ 155, 564 = * apahasta, apahasita is different. Probaby the forms should have been 377475, 3714411HH etc. Compare 371475, 3714TH in 'Vasudevahimdi :majjhimakhanda' (word index). omaMthiya. ON 390. Commentary adhomukhI. In 'Brhatkalpabhasya' also avAGmukhIkRta (Com.). In view of omattha etc., the source word is most probably * avamasta / avamastita. Compare avamUrdha (CDIAL 804), Pk. avahatthiya (from apahastita). omaMthiya is the result of nasalization due to m and by reinterpretation was connected with manth . karaDuya-bhatta. PN 464 (nizIthabhASya, 4442). Commentary : mRtaka-bhojanaM mAsikAdi. ( mAsikAdi. It means 'the ceremonial feast given as a part of the Sraddha performed a month, six months, a year etc. after the death of a person'). Guj. mAsIso, mAsiyo 'Sraddha performed after a month'. DS. has noted karaDa (= zrAddhavizeSa) (nizItha-bhASya, 3483); karaDayabhatta (= mRtabhoja, zrAddhavizeSa) (Avazyaka-cUrNi , p.335); karaDaya-bhatta (-mRtabhoja), (PN 464) : kareDuya- bhatta (-mRtabhoja, vaNiya-kule mayakiccaM ) (nicU. 3, pR. 428). mRtabhoja would mcan primarily 'ceremonial feast given ten (lays or so after the death of a person.' 6. Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7. 96 Now the word and its derivatives are known from Prakrit literature and from NIA languages. In the 'akhyanaka-mani-kosa-vrtti' we get in the sense of mRtabhoja : to bhaNai devadattA -- 'veNiya-paraMparAgayA esA kiM ammo kijjisai riddhi kAraTTae tujjha ?" ( > 1 'Thereupon says Devadatta, 'This our wealth, O mother, which has come to us through a tradition of many generations - is it to be used just for your funeral ritual feast?" In the index of Desya words +REY is duly glossed as and reference is given in Hindi and Gujarati words (regarding which see further below.) In the list of short-lived pleasures given in the 'Varnakasamuccaya' (mostly in Old Gujarati) we find the the share of the posthumous ritual expression feast') (p. 127, 1. 22). Mod. Guj kAraTuM (dialectally kAyaTuM ), H. karaTa 'Sraddha performed on the eleventh day' derive from the earlier If we assume as OIA. form corresponding to Pk. karaDa then its Vrddhi derivative kAsTa would develop as kAraTTa. karaDuya, kareDuya can be explained as scribal misreadings. (Akhyanakamanikosa-vrtti ed. Muni Punyavijaya, 1962. Desi Sabdakosa ed. I - Muni Dulaharaja, 1988. Varnaka-samuccaya Part-1, ed. B. J. Sandesara, 1956. Gujarati Bhasa-no Laghu Vyutpatti-kosa by H. C. Bhayani, 1994, p. 218.) 5. PN. 217, 291. Although derived from Sk.chia it is not the result of the change of a to 3 similar to the Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ instances given in Pischel $218. It is to be explained as Sk. kapota > Pk. kavoa , enlarged with the pleonastic suffix Da, it becomes * kavoaDa and hence kavoDa. 8. kummari. OBh 90. The word khaTTikA in the commentary is Pk. khaTTikka, khaTTia (PSM.) Guj. khATakI 'butcher'. koTalaya. OBh 221. PSM and DK have noted kuMTala, koMTala | koMTalaya, kuMTalaviMTala and koTalaveMTala with the sense mantratantra kA prayoga, jAdU-TonA. Haribhadra has rendered it as kArmaNa-vazIkaraNAdi . Corespondingly Gujarati has kAmaNa TUmaNa . ____10. giddhAvariMkhi. PN. 471. 'Crawling like a vulture ; sitted on haunches and proceeding by hopping like a vulture. Commentary : gRdhra iva utkaTako riGan yAti. riGa 'to crawl'. CDIAL 10735. utkaTaka in the commentary is to be emended as utkuTuka, Pk. ukkuDuya . Guj. UkaDu, CDIAL 1726. I agree with the emendation files a fifa for fografifa suggested in PSM. ___11. ghaMghasAlA. ON 640. Commentary anAthamaMDapa. Haribhadra : vAtAyanAdi-rahitAH atirittA vasahI kappaDiga-seviyA ya (=modern dharmazAlA; kappaDiga 'a wandering begger'. With ghaMgha =gRha (DN 2, 105) compare Guj. ghaMgholiyuM 'a small, mean hut ; a toy house'. 12. chabbaga PN. 278 ; ON 560. Commentury vaMza-piTaka . Gujarati chAba, chAbaDI, chAbaDaM . ___13. jovaNa. In AujjovaNa (oghabhA 90). Sk. yojana > Pk. joaNa - jovaNa. Pichel is wrong in rejecting (Goldschmidt's view " 3 . Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (KZ. 112, note 1) that in Pk. a, a, ita etc. a is interpolated between 3/ 371 and 37 to prevent hiatus ( $ 230, note 2). That tendency has become stronger in Apabhrams'a (Paumacariu 1, Introduction, p. 58, $ 31). sia 'are yoked' is a hybrid from -- a cross between Sk. yoktyante (from the denominative from yoktra ) and Pk.* jotrijjate (compare Guj. jotara 'to yoke' from Sk. yoktra , Pk * jotra and other NIA derivatives under CDIAL 10524 41474f9). 14. sia. PN. 286. Shriyan 986. Five occurrences of ste/ te with 371/ 31613 from Old Guj. texts of 12th to 16th cent. I had noted in a Gujarati paper that was later, in cluded in my collection 'Anusilano', 1965 (pp. 109.110). 15. SK/SM. PN. 15,37. ON 313. Commentary : 900104 CUS ; DS. ME-41914. Porn TT SITA 311 faqe vid 2751 (Nisitha 15,17); 378EUR (, p. 482). Guj. 31166 a piece cut out or broken from fruit, wood, wall etc.' 16. STA. PN. 250. Commentary : AGGREATI:, HEID: 'a big wooden laddle'. Guj. 31211. With the compare Guj. Ja sit, aut (Sk. 0114-6f ). large spoon with flat part at one end and long handle used to stir etc. in frying'. 7 - Guj. Eza. CDIAL 4575. 17. TIES. ON 624. Commentary : 306R. 'Brahatkaipa bhasya' : wrongly gRhapazcAd-bhAga , confusing purohaDa with parohaDa, From purohaDa is derived Old Guj. pohahaDauM (c. 1400 A.C.). TE3(1512). Mod Guj. To, fe early dawn front part of the day). Turner wrongly connects Guj Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ RIG with Sk. JATO (CDIAL 8707) or Sk. JITE (CDIAL 8747), and doubtfully connects haDa with Pk. ghara. parohaDa derives from Pk. paDohara (through metathesis) = gRhapazcAdbhAgaH. Pk. 16 derives from *YE, through dissimilation : *UNET < 2+371 65 < Sk. +34]E (Bhayani, Laghuvyutpatti-kos', 1994, p. 135, 227; also S'abda-prayogo-ni pagdamdi par, 1995, p. 50). the "cotton' ON 382, 383, 390. The form that is due to interpolation of a between a and 37. Piet is Sanskritized as and in the commentaries. From is derived Guj. Ta cotton' CDIAL 10798. - 26 in the commentary means 'cotton-padding'.