Book Title: Jainism Early Faith of Ashoka
Author(s): Edward Thomas
Publisher: Trubner and Company London
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BI 1350 T45 ASIA 38 Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY CHON THIS BOOK IS ONE OF A COLLECTION MADE BY BENNO LOEWY 1854-1919 AND BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DATE DUE JANRLANDS the longue GAYLORD PRINTED IN U.S. Cornell University Library BL 1350.T47 Jainism, or, The early faith of Asoka :W 3 1924 022 953 529 sasa Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CORNELL NIVERSITY FOUNDED D. 1865 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINISM, OR THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA; WITH ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ANCIENT RELIGIONS OF THE EAST, FROM THE PANTHEON OF THE INDO-SCYTHIANS. (Read at the Meeting of the Royal Asiatic Society, Feb. 26, 1877.) TO WHICH IS PREFIXED A NOTICE ON BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. BY EDWARD THOMAS, F.R.S., CORRESPONDANT DE L'INSTITUT DE FRANCE; CORRESPONDING MEMBER GERMAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY ; HON. MEMBER ASIATIC SOCIETY BENGAL; VICE-PRESIDENT NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. LONDON: TRUBNER & Co., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A626618 232 HERTFORD: STEPHEN AUSTIN AND SONS, PRINTERS Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREFATORY NOTICE. The publishers of the JOURNAL OF The Royal Asiatic SOCIETY-under the impression that there are many points of unusual interest in the articles named on the title-page -have resolved to issue a small edition, as a separate brochure, which' may be available to Orientalists at large, who do not happen to be Members of the SOCIETY, to the pages of whose JOURNAL these essays would otherwise be confined. Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTENTS. ARTICLE I. (From J.R.A.S. Vol. IX. pp. 1-21.) PAGE Greek Monograms on Bactrian Coins, representing dates - 3 The rejection of the figure for hundreds by the Bactrian Greeks, in accordance with the conceptions of the Indian system - - - 3-5 Illustrative coin of the Bactrian King Plato, dated in Seleucidan figures 147=B.C. 165 - - - - 5-6 Spread of the Seleucidan method of computation in India - 7 Indo-Scythian Inscriptions in Indian-Pali and BactrianPali - - - - - - 9-11 Historical traces of the leading Indo-Scythian Kings Hushka, Jushka, and Kanishka . - - - 12 General recapitulation of the various schemes of dates, and their apparent relative importance - - - 14 Contrast of optional data available under the three systems of Seleucidae, Vikramaditya, and Saka - - - 15 Difficulties attendant upon the irregular omission of hundreds 15-16 Coin of the Saka-Scythian King Heraus - - - 17 Identification of the Saka-Scythian capital - . '. 19-20 The relative employment of the terms Tupavvouvtos and BaoileUOVTOS - - - - - - - 21 Practical application of the latter term, under the Su zerainties of Antiochus, Diodotus, and Euthydemus - Obverse dies of old Mint-issues, lettered aner, to meet the changed political positions of the Kings who furnished the original portraits - - - - - - 22 Tupavvouvtos, its appearance and acceptance in Western India - - - - - - - Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ vi CONTENTS. ARTICLE II. (J.R.A.S. Vol. IX. pp. 155-234.) The theoretic differences of Jainism and Buddhism Jaina discoveries at Mathura General spread of Jaina edifices and precedence in the selection of sites * Colebrooke's opinions regarding the priority of the Jainas - Additional evidence to the same effect Documentary evidence from the Mahawanso - The testimony of Fah-Hian, the Chinese pilgrim Indications furnished by the Lalita-vistara List of the Jaina Tirthankaras, with their several cognizances, etc. Opinions of Colonel Low on the associate symbols of Jainism and Buddhism Dr. Stevenson's researches,-the Kalpa Sutra, etc. His inferences identical with those of Colebrooke The Ante-Brahmanical worship of the Hindus The original claim of the Jainas to the shrine of Jagganath The Jaina Mahavira and his disciple Gautama, Sakya Muni, from the Bhagavati Further notices from Chinese writers and the travels of Hiouen Thsang Mr. Brian Hodgson's denial of the claims of the literature of Buddhism to any antiquity Colonel Tod's information regarding the Jainas General Malcolm's personal observations on the sect M. Rousselet's contributions to the general subject Data regarding Jainism to be gathered from Brahmanical sources The FAITH of Chandra Gupta The succession of the Maurya Kings Brahmans and Sramans. Caste Aryan influence on Indian Caste The FAITH of Vindusara - PAGE 3 3 4 5 6 8 8 9 11 12 13 q h 13 15 16 18 19 20 21 21 2222222 23 24 25 26 27 29 Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTENTS. 31 32 33 33 35 37 39 41 46 46 The Early FAITH of Asoka- - - - The testimony of Abul Fazl, - - - Asoka introduces JAINISM into Kashmir . . Confirmation of the fact from the Raja Tarangini . . Resume of the Edicts of Asoka - - - - - Dr. Kern's new translations - - - - - Professor Wilson's opinion as to the total absence of any reference to Buddhism in the Rock and Pillar edicts - The gradations of belief to be detected between the periods of the Rock and Pillar edicts - - - - - - Facsimile of the alphabetical characters of the Inscriptions The edicts dating from the tenth and twelfth years of Asoka's reign - - - Mention of Antiochus, the Greek king (Plate I. to face p. 42.) The Pillar Edicts of the twenty-seventh year Reference to the Five Greek Kings (Note) - The aim and purpose of the Inscriptions - - - POSITIVE BUDDHISM (the Bhabra Edict). - The disuse of the title of Devanampiya, "the beloved of the Gods," as incompatible with Buddhism - - The later FAITH of the Maurya DynastySaivism - - - - Saivism under the Kanerki Kings - - - Saivism under Kadphises The newly-discovered hoard of gold coins at Peshawar - General Legends on the Kanerki coins Description of the Coins inserted in Plate II. . . (Plate II. to face p. 61.) The large amount of Roman influence to be detected in the types of the Peshawar find - - - - - Roman coins found in a Tumulus at Manikyala - The causes which may have led to the introduction of so much Roman Art and so many Roman Gods into the coinages of the Indo-Scythians - - - 51 52 54 55 57 57 58 59 60 61 65 65 68 Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ viii CONTENTS. PAGE 69 71 71 Suggestion of the domestication of the prisoners of the army of Crassus at and around Mery-ul-rud - - - Mechanical Mint-processes of adaptation - - Introduction of Graeco-Roman Science - - - Alphabetical influence of Latin upon later Zend - - - Comparative weight of standards - - - - The Gods admitted into the Indo-Scythian Pantheon . . Identification of some of the Zend and other names I. Vedic - - - - - - II. Iranian - - - III. Persian - - - IV. Roman - - - - V. Brahmanical - - VI. Buddhist The Mathura Archaological Remains - - - - - Dated Jaina Inscriptions incised during the reign of Vasudeva . - 74 74 75 77 78 78 - 79 79 81 Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. BY EDWARD THOMAS, F.R.S. A SHORT time ago, a casual reference to the complicated Greek monograms stamped on the earlier Bactrian coins suggested to me an explanation of some of their less involved combinations by the test of simple Greek letter dates, which was followed by the curious discovery that the Bactrian kings were in the habit of recognizing and employing curtailed dates to the optional omission of the figure for hundreds, which seems to have been the immemorial custom in many parts of India. My chief authority for this conclusion was derived from a chance passage in Albiruni,1 whose statement, however, has since been independently supported by the interpretation of an inscription of the ninth century A.D. from Kashmir, which illustrates the provincial use of a cycle of one hundred years, and has now 1 Alhirani, writing in India in 1031 A.D., tells us, " Le vulgaire, dans l'Inde, compte par siecles, et les siecles se placent l'un apres l'autre. On appelle cela la Samvatsara du cent. Quand un cent est ecoule, on le laisse et l'on en commence un autre. On appelle cela Loka-kala, c'est-a-dire comput du peuple." -Reinaud's Translation, Fragments Arabes, Paris, 1845, p. 145. 2 This second inscription ends with the words Saka Kalagatavdah 726-that is, "Saka Kala years slapsed 726," equivalent to A.D. 804, which is therefore the date of the temple. This date also corresponds with the year 80 of the local cycle, which is the Loka-kala of Kashmir or cycle of 2,700 years, counted by centuries named after the twenty-seven nakshatras, or lunar mansions. The reckoning, therefore, never goes beyond 100 years, and as each century begins in the 25th year of the Christian century, the 80th year of the local cycle is squivalent to the 4th year of the Christian century.-General A. Cunningham, Archaeological Report, 1875, vol. v. p. 181. Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4 BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. been definitively confirmed by information obtained by Dr. Buhler 1 as to the origin of the Kashmiri era and the corroboration of the practice of the omission of "the hundreds in stating dates" still prevailing in that conservative kingdom. Since Bayer's premature attempt to interpret the mintmonogram HP, on a piece of Eucratides, as 108,3 Numismatists have not lost sight of the possible discrimination of dates as opposed to the preferential mint-marks so abundant on the surfaces of these issues, though the general impression has been adverse to the possibility of their fulfilling any such functions. 1 "Dr. Buhler has found out the key to the Kashmirean era: it begins in the year of the Kaliyug 25, or 3076 B.C., when the Saptarshis are said to have gone to heaven. The Kashmir people often omit tbe hundreds in stating dates. Thus the year 24 (Kashmir era) in which Kalhana wrote his Rajatarangini, and which corresponded with Saka 1070, stands for 4,224."- Atheneum, Nov. 20, 1875, p. 675. 2 Since this was written, General Cunningham's letter of the 30th March, 1876, has appeared in the Atheneum (April 29th, 1876), from the text of which I extract the following passages. These seem to establish the fact that the optional omission of the hundreds was a common and well-understood rule so early as about the age of Asoka. "The passage in which the figures occur runs as follows in the Sahasaram text: iyam cha savane vivuthena dutesa pannalati satavivuthati 252. The corresponding passage in the Rupnath text is somewhat different: ahale sava vivasetavaya ati vyathena savane katesu 52 satavivasata. The corresponding portion of the Bairat text is lost. My reason for looking upon these figures as expressing a date is that they are preceded in the Rupnath text hy the word katesu, which I take to be the equivalent of the Sanskrit kranteshu=(50 many years) 'having elapsed.'" I do not stop to follow General Cunningham's arguments with regard to the value of the figures which he interprets as 252. The sign for 50, in its horizontal form, has hitherto been received as 80, but that the same symbol came, sooner or later, to represent 50, when placed perpendicularly, is sufficiently shown by Prof. Eggeling's Plate, p. 52, in Yol. VIII. of our Journal, I should how ever, take great exception to the rendering of the unit as 2; which, to judge by Mr. Bayley's letter, in the same number of the Athenaeum, Gen. Cunningham and Dr. Buhler had at first rightly concurred in reading as 6. 3 Hist. Reg. Graecorum Bactriani, St. Petersburg, 1738, p. 92: "Numus Eucratidis, quem postea copiosius explicabo, annum 108. habet, sine dubio epochae Bactrianae, qui annus ex nostris rationibus A.Y.. 606. Septembri mense iniit. Igitur oum hoc in numo victoriae ejus Indicae celebrantur, quibus ut Justinus ait, Indiam in potestatem redegit." See also pp. 38, 56, 134 H. H. Wilson, Ariana Antiqua, pp. 235, 238. General A. Cunningham, Numismatic Chronicle, vol, viu. 0.8. p. 175; and vol, viii. N.s. 1868. D.1831 vol. ix. .8. 1869, p. 230. Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. In 1858 I published, in my edition of "Prinsep's Essays on Indian Antiquities," a notice of the detached letters OT as occurring on a coin of Eucratides (No. 3, p. 184, vol. ii.), and IT as found on the money of Heliocles (No. 1, p. 182), which letters, in their simple form, would severally represent the figures 73 and 83; but the difficulty obtruded itself that these numbers were too low to afford any satisfactory elucidation of the question involved in their application as dynastic dates. Among the later acquisitions of Bactrian coins in the British Museum is a piece of Heliocles bearing the full triliteral date, after the manner of the Syrian mints, of PIII or 183, which, when tested by the Seleucidan era (i.e. 311--183), brings his reign under the convenient date of B.C. 128, authorizing us to use the coincident abbreviated figures, under the same terms, as ON=73 for 173 of the Seleucidan era= B.C. 138 for Eucratides, and the repeated HI = 83 for 183 Seleucidan=B.C. 128, for Heliocles,' a date which is further supported by the appearance of the exceptionally combined open monogram JAI(ITA), or 81 for 181=B.c. 130 on his other pieces. The last fully-dated piece, in the Bactrian series, is the unique example of the money of Plato (bearing the figured letter date PMZ=147 of the Seleucidae, or B.c. 165). We have two doubtful dates 5=60 and SE=65, on the coins of Apollodotus; but if these letters were intended for dates, they will scarcely fit-in with the Seleucidan scheme. Menander dates his coins in regnal years. I can trace extant examples from 1 to 8. But this practice by no means necessitates the disuse of the Seleucidan era in ordinary reckonings, still less its abandonment in State documents where more formal precision was 1 General Cunningham was cognizant of the date nr = 83 as found on the coins of Heliocles, which he associated with the year B.C. 164, under the assumption that he had detected the true initial date of the Bactrian era, which he had settled to his own satisfaction, as beginning in B.C. 246."-Num. Chron.. N. 8. vol. vii. 1868, p. 266: Ng, vol. ix. 1869, pp. 35, 230. See also Mr. Vaux's note, N.C. 1875, vol. xv, p. 3. Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. required. Subjoined is a rough facsimile and technical de scription of the coin of Plato. Silver. Size 1.2. Wt. 258 grains. STERI BAN. ATLANTAINS Obv. Head of king to the right, with helmet ornamented with the peculiar ear and horn of a bull, so marked on the coins of Eucratides. Rev. Apollo driving the horses of the Sun. Monogram No. 46a, Prinsep's Essays. Legend. BAZIAENZ ENIMANOTE HAATANOZ. Date at foot, PM2=147 Selucidae (or B.c. 165). My first impression on noticing the near identity of the obverse head with the standard Numismatic portraits of Eucratides, and the coincidence of the date with that assumed, by our latest authority, as the year of the decease of that monarch, was that Plato must have succeeded him ; but the advanced interpretation of the dates, above given, puts any such assignment altogether out of court, and necessitates a critical reconstruction of all previous speculative epochal or serial lists of the Bactrian succession. In the present instance the adoption of the helmet of the Chabylians 3 by Eucratides and Plato may merely imply that 1 The woodcut here given was prepared for Mr. Vaux's original article on this unique coin of Plato, in the Numismatic Chronicle, vol. xv. D. 1. * Gen. Cunningham, N.C. vol. viii.o.s. 1843, p. 175, and vol.ix. N.S. 1869, p. 175. s The Chabylians had small shields made of raw hides, and each had two iavelins used for hunting wolves. Brazen helmets protected their heads, and above these they wore the ears and horns of an ox fashioned in brass. They had also crests on their helms." - Herodotus vii. 76; Rawlinson, vol. iv. p. 72; Xenophon Anab. y. Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ they both claimed kindred with that tribe, or at some time held command in their national contingent-and Plato may, with equal possibility, have introduced the device, in the first instance, as have copied the more abundant obverses of similar character from the coins of Eucratides. On the other hand, the identity of the helmet may indicate an absolute borrowing of a ready prepared device. The singular and eccentric combination of Bactrian Mint dies has from the first constituted a difficulty and a danger to modern interpreters. I have for long past looked suspiciously upon the too facile adaptations of otherwise conscientious mint masters, leading them to utilize, for reasons of their own, the available die-devices in stock for purposes foreign to the original intent under which they were executed. However, in the present instance, the imperfect preservation of the single coin of Plato available does not permit of our pronouncing with any certainty upon the identity of the features with those of the profile of Eucratides. BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. To revert to our leading subject. In addition to the value of the data quoted above as fixing definitively, though within fairly anticipated limits, the epochs of three prominent Bactrian kings, their conventional use of the system of abbreviated definitions points, directly, to the assimilation of local customs, to which the Greeks so readily lent themselves, in adopting the method of reckoning by the Indian Loka Kala, which simplified the expression of dates, even as we do now, in the civilized year of our Lord, when we write 76 for 1876. The extension of the Seleucidan era eastwards, and its amalgamation of Indian methods of definition within its own mechanism, leads further to the consideration of how long this exotic era maintained its ground in Upper India, and how much influence it exerted upon the chronological records of succeeding dynasties. I have always been under the impression that this influence was more wide-spread and abiding than my fellow-antiquaries have been ready to admit,1 but 1 Journal Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. XII. p. 41; Journal Asiatic Society cec ....1107 175. Dringane Tocote walii n 26. Tourmal - ..........m 1022 1 Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. I am now prepared to carry my inferences into broader. channels, and to suggest that the Indo-Scythian "Kanishka" group of kings continued to use the Seleucidan era, even as they retained the minor sub-divisions of the Greek months, wbich formed an essential part of its system: and under this view to propose that we should treat the entire circle of dates of the "Hushka, Jushka, and Kanishka" family, mentioned in the Raja Tarangini, which their inscriptions expand from ix. to xcviii., as pertaining to the fourth century of the Seleucidan era, an arrangement which will bring them into concert with our Christian reckoning from 2 B.c. to 87 A.D. A scheme which would, moreover, provide for their full possession of power up to the crucial "Saka" date of 78-79 A.D., and allow for the subsequent continuance of a considerable breadth of sway outside the limited geographical range of Indian cognizance. There are further considerations which add weight to the conclusion that the Kanerki Scythians adopted, for public purposes, the Seleucidan era; they may be supposed, like the Parthians and other Nomads, to have achieved but scant culture till conquest made them masters of civilized sections of the earth. In the present instance, these new invaders are seen to have ignored or rejected the Semitic-Bactrian writing employed by the Kadphises horde in parallel concert with the traditional monumental Greek, and to have relied exclusively on the Greek language in their official records 1 till the later domestication of some of the members of the family, at Mathura, led to an exceptional use of the Devanagari alphabet, in subordination to the dominant Greek, on the coins of Vasudeva. In no case do we find them recognizing the Semitic type of character, though the inscriptions quoted 1 Prof. Wilson's Plates, in his Ariana Antiqua, arranged 35 years ago, and altogether independently of the present argument, will suffice to place this contrast before the reader. The Kadphises group extend from fige. 5 to 21 of plate x. All these coins are bilingual, Greek and Semitic-Bactrian, The Kanerki series commence with No. 15, plate xi., having nothing but Greek legends, either on the obverse or on the reverse, and follow on continuously through plates xii. xiii. and xiv. down to fig, 11. After that, the Greek characters become more or less chaotic, till we reach No. 19. Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. below will show how largely that alphabet had spread in some portions of their dominion. But beyond this, their adherence, or perhaps that of their successors, to Greek, continues mechanically till its characters merge into utter incoherence on the later mintages. All of these indications lead to the inference that, as far as the Court influences were concerned, the tendency to rely upon Greek speech would have carried with it what remained in situ of the manners and customs of their Western instructors.2 There are two groups or varieties of Indo-Scythian Inscriptions of the Kanishka family. The one in the Indian proper or Lat alphabet, all of which are located at Mathura. The published Mathura inscriptions of this group (excluding the two quotations placed within brackets) number 20 in all; as a rule they are merely records of votive offerings on the part of "pious founders," and contain only casual references to the ruling powers. Twelve of these make no mention of any monarch, though they are clearly contemporaneous with the other dedicatory inscriptions. Throughout the whole 1 Ariana xiv. Nos. 12, 14, 16, 17. ( 2 The circumstances bearing upon the battle of Karor (or) are of so much importance in the history of this epoch, that I reproduce Albiruni's account of that event: "On emploie ordinairement les eres de Sri-Harcha, de Vikramaditya, de Saka, de Ballaba, et des Gouptas. L'ere de Vikramaditya est employee dans les provinces meridionales et occidentales de l'Inde. L'ere de Saka, nommee par les Indiens Saka-kala,' est posterieure a celle de Vikramaditya de 135 ans. Saka est le nom d'un prince qui a regne sur les contrees situees entre l'Indus et la mer. Sa residence etait placee au centre de l'empire, dans la contree nommee Aryavartha. Les Indiens le font naitre dans une classe autre que celle des Sakya; quelques-uns pretendent qu'il etait Soudra et originaire de la ville de Mansoura; il y en a meme qui disent qu'il n'etait pas de race indienne, et qu'il tirait son origine des regions occidentales. Les peuples eurent beancoup a souffrir de son despotisme, jusqu'a ce qu'il leur vint du secours de l'Orient. Vikramaditya marcha contre lui, mit son armee en deroute, et le tua sur le territoire de Korour, situe entre Moultan et le chateau de Louny. Cette epoque devint celebre, a cause de la joie que les peuples ressentirent de la mort de Saka, et on la choisit pour ere principalement chez les astronomes."-Reinaud's translation. General Cunningham has attempted to identify the site of Karor with a position "50 miles S.E. of Multan and 20 miles N.E. of Bahawalpur," making the "castle of Loni" into "Ludhan, an ancient town situated near the old bed of the Sutlej river, 44 miles E.N.E. of Kahror and 70 miles E.S.E. of Multan."-Ancient Geography of India (Trubner, 1871), p. 241. These assignments, are, however, seriously shaken by the fact that Albiruni himself invariably places these two sites far north of Multan, i.e. according to his latitudes and longitudes, Multan is 91deg-29deg 30' N., while Kador, as he writes it, is 92deg-31deg Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. series of twenty records the dates are confined to numbers below one hundred: they approach and nearly touch the end of a given century, in the 90 and 98; but do not reach or surpass the crucial hundred discarded in the local cycle. The two inscriptions, Nos. 22, 23, from the same locality, dated, severally, Samvat 135 with the Indian month of Paushya, and Samvat 281, clearly belong to a different age, and vary from their associates in dedicatory phraseology, forms of letters, and many minor characteristics, which General Cunningham readily discriminated.? INDO-SCYTHIAN INSCRIPTION8. In the Indo-Pali Alphabet. At Mathurd. KANISHKA. Mahdraja Kanishka. Samvat 9. [Kanishka. Samvat 28.] [Huvishka. Samvat 33.]" HUVISHKA, Mahardja DEVAPUTRA Huishka. Hemanta, S. 39. Mahardja RAJATIRAJA DEVAPUTRA Huvishka. Grishma, S. 47.5 Mahdraja Huvishka. Hemanta, S. 48. Maharaja Rajatiraja DEVAPUTRA Vusul deva). Varsha, S. 44. Maharaja Pasudeva. Grishma, 8. 83. Mahardja Rajatirdja, SHani, Vasudeva. Hemanta, 8. 87. Raja Vasudeva. Varsha, S. 98.4 1 Arch. Rep. vol. i. p. 38. 2 These two dates are quoted from Gen. Cunningham's letter to the Athenaeum of 29 April, 1876, as having been lately discovered by Mr. Growse, B.C.S. s The 47th year of the Monastery of Huvishka.. 4 I was at first disposed to infer that the use of the Indian months in their full development indicated a period subsequent to the employment of the primitive three seasons, but I find from the Western Inscriptions, lately published by Prof. Bhandarkar, that they were clearly in contemporaneous acceptance. While a passage in Hiouen Thsang suggests that the retention of the normal terms was in a measure typical of Buddhist belief, and so that, in another senso, the months had a confessed conventional significance. "Suivant la sainte doctrine de Jou-lai (du Tatliagata), une annee se compose de trois saisons. Depuis le 16 du premier mois, jusqu'au 15 du cinquieme mois, c'est la saison chaude. Depuis le 16 du cinquieme mois, jusqu'au 15 du neuvieme mois, c'est la saison pluvieuse (Varchas). Depuis le 16 de neuvieme mois. jusqu'au 15 du premier mois, c'est la saison froide. Quelquefois on divise l'annee en quatre saisons, savoir : le printemps, l'ete, l'automne et l'hiver." _Hiouen Thsang, vol. ii. p. 63. The division into three seasons is distinctly non-Vedic.-Muir, vol. i. p. 13; Elliot, Glossary, vol. ii, p. 47. " There ars two summers in the year and two harvests, while the winter intervenes between them."--Pliny vi. 21; Diod. Sic. I. c. i. Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. 11 The parallel series are more scattered, and crop up in less direct consecutive association, these are indorsed in the Bactrian or Aryan adaptation of the Ancient Phoenician alphabet. INDO-SCYTHIAN INSCRIPTIONS. In the Bactrian-Pali Alphabet. Bahawalpur. Maharaja Rajadiraja DEVAPUTRA Kanishka. Samvat 11, on the 28th of the (Greek) month of Daesius. Manikyala Tope. Maharaja Kaneshka, GUSHANA vasa samvardhaka. "Increaser of the dominion of the Gushans" (Kushans). Samvat 18. Wardak Vase. Maharaja rajatiraja Heveshka. Samvat 51, 15th of Artemisius.1 1 Besides these inscriptions, there is a record of the name of Kanishka designated as Raja Gandharya, on "a rough block of quartz," from Zeda, near Ohind, now in the Labore Museum. This legend is embodied in very small Bactrian letters, and is preceded by a single line in large characters, which reads as follows: San 10+i(=11) Ashadasa masasa di 20, Udey ana gu. 1. Isachhu nami." I do not quote or definitively adopt this date, as the two inscriptions appear to me to be of different periods, and vary in a marked degree in the forms as well as in the size of their letters.-Lowenthal, J.A.S.B. 1863, p. 5; Gen. Cunningham, Arch. Report, vol. v. p. 57. In addition to the above Bactrian Pali Inscriptions, we have a record from Taxila, by the Satrap Liako Kusuluko," in the 78th year of the great king, the Great Moga, on the 5th day of the month Pauaemus" (J.R.A.S. XX. 0.5. p. 227; J.A.S.B. 1862, p.40). And an inscription from Takht-i-Babi of the IndoParthian king Gondophares, well known to us from his coins (Ariana Antiqua, p. 340, Prinsep's Essays, vol. i. p. 214), and doubtfully associated with the Gondoferus of the Legenda Aurea, to the following tenor: "Maharayasa Gudupharasa Pasha 20+4+2 (=26) San . . . Satimae 100+-3 (=103) Vesakhasa masasa divase 4." (Cunningham, Arch. Rep. vol. v. p. 59.) And to complete the series of regal quotations, I add the heading of the inscription from Panjtar of a king of the Kushans : " Sam 100+ +2 (=122) Sravanasa masasa di prathame 1, Maha rayasa Gushanasa Ra..." (Professor Doweon, J.R.A.S. Vol. XX. o.s. p. 223; Cunningham, Arch. Rep. vol. v. p. 61.) This is an inscription which, in the exceptional character of its framework, buggests and even necessitates reconstructive interpretations. The stone upon which it is engrossed was obviously fissured and imperfectly prepared for its purpose in the first instance; so that, in the opening line, Gondophares' name has to be taken over a broken gap with space for two letters, which divides the d from the ph. The surface of the stone has likewise suffered from abrasion of some kind or other, so that material letters have in certain cases been reduced to mere abadowy outlines. But enough remains intact to establish the name of the IndoParthian King, and to exhibit a donble record of dates, giving his regnal year and the counterpart in an era the determination of which is of the highest possible importance. The vasha or year of the king, expressed in figures alone, as 26, is not contested. The figured date of the leading era presents no difficulty whatever to those who are conversant with Phoenician notation, or who may pobe to consult the ancient coins of Aradus. The symbol for hundreds Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. The above collection of names and dates covers, in the latter sense, a period of from An. 9 to An. 98, or eighty-nine years in all. The names, as I interpret them, apply to two individuals, only, out of the triple brotherhood mentioned in the Raja Tarangini. After enumerating the reigns of (1) Asoka, (2) Jaloka, and (3) Damodhara, Professor Wilson's translation of that chronicle continues : "Damodhara was succeeded by three princes who divided the country, and severally founded capital cities named after themselves. These princes were called Hushka, Jushka, and Kanishka, of Turushka or Tatar extraction. ... They are considered synchronous, but may possibly be all that are preserved of some series of Tatar princes who, it is very likely, at various periods, established themselves in Kashmir."2 I the Western system, marks the simple number of hundreds ; in India an additional prolongation duplicates the value of the normal symbol. Under these terms the adoptive Bactrian figures are positive as 103. Before the figured date there is to be found, in letters, the word satimae in one hundred" or "hundredth," in the reading of which all concur. It is possible that the exceptional use of the figure for 100, which has not previonsly been met with, may have led to its definition and repetition in writing in the body of the inscription, in order that future interpreters should feel no hesitation about the value of the exotic symbol. There was not the same necessity for repeating the 3, the three fingers of which must always have been obvious to the meanest capacity. I have no difficulty about the existence and free currency of the Vikramaditya era per se in its own proper time, which some archaeologists are inclined to regard as of later adaptation. But I am unable to concur in the reading of Samvatsara, or to admit, if such should prove the correct interpretation, that the word Samvatsara involved or necessitated a preferential association with the Vikramaditya era, any more than the Samvatsara (J.R.A.S., Vol. IV. p. 500) and Samvatsaraye (ibid. p. 222), or the abbreviated San or Sam, which is so constant in these Bactrian Pali Inscriptions, and so frequent on Indo-Parthian coins (Prinsep's Essays, vol. ii. p. 205, Coins of Azas, Nos. 1, 2, 6, 7,12; Azilisas, Nos. 1, etc. ; Gondophares, p. 215, No. 4. | Abulfazl says " brothers." Gladwin's Translation, vol. ii. p. 171; Calcutta Text, p. 574. Mild rid Tulu w wo Swiss -Skis. General Cunningham considers that he has succeeded in identifying all the three capitals, the sites of which are placed within the limits of the valley of Kashmir, i.s., " Kanishka-pura (Kanikhpur) hod. Kampur, is ten miles south of Sirinagar, known as Kampur Sarai. " Hushka-pura, the Hu-se-kia-lo of Hinen Thsang-the Ushkar of Albiruni now surviving in the village of Uskara, two miles south-east of Barahmula. << Tecehka-pura is identified by the Brahmans with Zukru or Zukur, a considerable village four miles north of the capital, the Schecroh of Troyer and Wilson." --Ancient Geography of India (London, 1871), p. 99. 2 Prof. H. H. Wilson, "An Essay on the Hindu History of Kashmir >> Asiatic Researches, vol. xv. p. 23; and Troyer's Histoire des Rois du Kachmir (Paris, 1840-52), vol. i. p. 19. See also Hioucn-Thsang (Paris, 1858), vol. ii. pr. 42, 106, etc. Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. 13 assume Vasu Dera (Krishna's title) to have been the titular designation of Kanishka,1 while Devaputra was common to both brothers, and the Shahi? was perhaps optional, or devoted to the senior in the joint brotherhood 3 or head of the more extensive tribal community of the Kanerki. The Mathura inscriptions, as we have seen, distinguish the subdivisions of the year by the old triple seasons of Grishma, Varsha, and Hemanta, while the Bactrian Pali inscriptions ordinarily define the months by their Macedonian designations; 4 the question thus arises as to whether this latter 1 Coin of Vasu Deva struck in his Eastern dominions. Tresor de Numisinatique. Gold. Pl. lxxx., figs. 10,11, Obverse.--Scythian figure, standing to the front, casting incense into the typical small Mithraic altar. To the right, a trident with flowing pennons : to the left, a standard with streamers. Legend, around the main device, in obscure Greek, the vague reproduction of the conventional titles of FAO NANO PAO KOPANO. Below the left arma Va. =Vasu, in the exact style of character found in su his Mathura Inscriptions. Reverse. The Indian Goddess Parvati seated on an open chair or imitation and the classic regal fillet; Mithraic monogram to the left. Legend, APAOXPO, Ard-Ugra="half Siva,". i.e. Parvati, Those who wish to examine nearly exact counterparts of these types in English publications may consult the coins engraved in plate xiv., Ariana Antiqua, figs. 19, 20. The latter seems to have an imperfect rendering of the a va on the obverse, with su (formed like pu) on the reverse. (For corresponding types see also Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. v. pl. 36, and Prinsep's Essays, pl. 4. General Cunningham, Numismatic Chronicle, vol. vi. o.s. pl. i. fig. 2.) The u is not curved, but formed by a mere elongation of the downstroke of the As, which in itself constitutes the vowel. The omission of the consecutive Deva on the coins is of no more import than the parallel rejection of the Gupta, where the king's name is written downwards, Chinese fashion, in the confined space below the arm. See also General Cunningham's remarks on Vasudeva, J.R.A.S. Vol. V. pp. 193, 195. Gen. Cunningham proposes to amend Prof. Wilson's tentative reading of Baraono on the two gold coins, Ariana Antiqua, pl. xiv. figs. 14,18 (p. 378), into PAO NANO PAO BAZOAHO KOPANO. The engraving of No.14 certainly suggests an initial B in the name, and the AZ and o are sufficiently clear. We have only to angularize the succeeding o into A to complete the identification. These coins have a reverse of Siva and the Bull.-- Arch. Rep. vol. uu. p. 42. Dr. Kern does not seem to have been aware of these identifications when he proposed, in 1873 (Revue Critique, 1874, p. 291), to associate the Mathura Vasudeva with the Indo-Sassanian Pehlvi coin figured in Prinsep, pl. vii, fig. 6. Journ. Roy. Asiatic Soc. Vol. XII. pl. 3; Ariana Antiqua, pl. xvii. fig. 9. 2 The full Devaputra Shahan Shahi occurs in the Samudra Gupta inscription on the Allahabad Lat. It may possibly refer to some of the extra Indian successors of these Indo-Scythians. 3 Troyer translates paragraph 171, "Pendant le long regne de ces rois," yol. i. p. 19. 4 " The Macedonian months, which were adopted by the Syro-Macedonian Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. practice does not imply a continued use of the Seleucidan era, in association with which the names of these months must first have reached India ? and which must have been altogether out of place in any indigenous scheme of reckoning. Tested by this system, the years 9-98 of the fourth century of the Seleucidan era (B.c. 311-12) produce, as I have elsewhere remarked, the singularly.suitable return of B.C. 2 to A.D. 87. And a similar process applied to the third century of the newly-discovered Parthian era (B.c. 248)2 would represent B.C. 39 and A.D. 50. But this last method of computation seems to have secured a mere local and exceptional currency, and the probabilities of its extension to India are as zero compared with the wide-spread and enduring date of the Seleucidae, which the Parthians themselves continued to use on their coinage in conjunction with the old cities, and generally by the Greek cities of Asia, after the time of Alexander, were lunar till the reformation of the Roman calendar of Caesar (by inserting 67+23 =90 days in this year). After that reformation the Greek cities of Asia, which had then become subject to the Roman Empire, gradually adopted the Julian year. But although they followed the Romans in computing by the solar Julian year of 365d. 6h. instead of the lunar, yet they made no alteration in the season at which their year began (AIO2-Oct. Nov.), or in the order of the months." -Clinton, Fast. Hell. vol. ii. pp. 202, 347. 1 Some importance will be seen to have attached to the use of the contrasted terms for national months in olden time, as we find Letronne observing: "Dans tous les exemples de doubles ou triples dates que nous offrent les inscriptions redigees en Grece, le mois qui est enonce le premier est toujours celui dont fait usage la nation a laquelle appartient celui qui parle."-Letronne, Inscriptions de l'Egypte (Paris, 1852), p. 263. 2 Assyrian Discoveries, by George Smith, London, 1875, p. 389. From the time of the Parthian conquest it appears that the tablets were dated according to the Parthian style. There has always been a doubt as to the date of this revolt, and consequently of the Parthian monarchy, as the classical authorities have left no evidence as to the exact date of the rise of the Parthian power. I, however, obtained three Parthian tablets from Babylon; two of them contained double dates, one of which, being found perfect, supplied the required evidence, as it was dated according to the Seleucidan era, and according also to the Parthian era, the 144th year of the Parthians being equal to the 208th year of the Seleucidae, thus making the Parthian era to have commenced B.c. 248. This date is written: "Month .. 23rd day 144th year, which is called the 208th year, Arsaces, King of kings." Clinton, following Justin and Eusebius, etc., 250 B.C., Fasti Romani, vol. ii. p. 243, and Fasti Hellenici, vol. iii. p. 311; Moses Chorenensis, 251 or 252 B.C.; Suidas, 246 B.C. 3 "Antiochus, surnamed Epiphanes, son of Antiochus the king, reigned in the 137th year of the kingdom of the Greeks."-Maccabees I. i. 10 -ii. 70, et. seq. "In the 143rd year of the kingdom of the Seleucidae."Josephus, Ant. xii. 3. "It came to pass in the 145th year on the 25th of that month which is by us called Chasleu, and by the Macedonians Apelleus, * . Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. 15 Macedonian months, whose importance in their bearing upon the leading era I have enlarged upon in the parallel Indo-Scythic instance immediately under review. So that, as at present advised, I hold to a preference for the Seleucidan test, which places the Indo-Scythians. in so satisfactory a position both relatively to their predecessors and successors. I have at the same time no reserve in acknowledging the many difficulties surrounding the leading question; but if we can but get a second "pied a terre," a fixed date-point, after the classical testimony to the epoch of the great Chandra Gupta, we may check the doubts and difficulties surrounding many generations both before and after any established date that we may chance to elicit from the present and more mature inquiries. The comparative estimates by the three methods of computation immediately available stand roughly as follows : Seleucidan * [1st Sept., 312 B.c.] B.C. 2 to A.D. 87: Vikramaditya . . [57 B.C.?] ...B.C. 48 to A.D. 41. Saka . . [14th March, 78 A.D.3] A.D. 88 to A.D. 177. Before taking leave of the general subject of Indian methods of defining dates, I wish to point out how much the conventional practice of the suppression of the hundreds must have impaired the ordinary continuity of record and in the 153rd Olympiad, etc."--xii. 4. " Seleucus cognominatus Nicator regnum Babelis, totiusque Eraki, et Chorasanae, Indiam usque, Ab initio imperii ipsius orditur aera, quae Alexandri audit, ea nempe qua tempora computant Syri et Hebraei."-Bar-Hebraeus, Pococke, p. 63. "The Jews still style it the AEra of Contracts, because they were obliged, when subject to the Syro-Macedonian princes, to express it in all their contracts and civil writings." --Gough's Seleucidae, p. 3. The Syriac text of the inscription at Singanfu is dated "in 1093d year of the Greeks" (A.D. 782).-A. Kircher, La Chine, p. 43; Yule, Marco Polo, vol. u. p. 22; see also Mure's History of Greece, vol. iv. pp. 74-79. pl The dates begin to appear on the Syro-Macedonian coins under Seleucus IV., Tresor de Numismatique, SAP=136; Mionnet, vol. v. p. 30, PAZ=137. Cleopatra and Antiochus VIII. also date their coins in the Seleucidan era. See Mionnet, vol. v. pp. 86, 87. The Parthian coin dates commence with A.s. 1 = 280 (B.C. 31), APTE, Artemisius, and continue to a.s. 539, Tres. de Num. Rois Grecs, pp.'143-147; Lindsay, Coinage of the Parthians (Cork, 1852), pp. 175-179. 2 Luni-solar year. 8 Solar or Sidereal year. Prinsep, Useful Tables, pp. 153-7. Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. affected the resulting value of many of the fragmentary data that have been preserved to our time. The existence of such a system of disregarding or blottingout of centuries-persevered in for ages-must naturally have led to endless uncertainties among subsequent home or foreign inquirers, whose errors and misunderstandings were occasionally superadded to the normal imperfections of their leading authorities. Something of this kind may be detected in the illustrative works both of Hiuen Thsang and Albiruni, wherever the quotation refers to hundreds in the gross. Apart from the improbabilities of events adapting them. selves to even numbers in hundreds, it is clear that, where hundreds alone are given, the date itself must be looked upon as more or less vague and conjectural, elicited, in short, out of uncertain and undefined numbers, and alike incapable of correction from minor totals; such a test must now be applied to Hiuen Thsang's oft-quoted open number of 400 as marking the interval between Buddha and Kanishka.? So also one of Albirani's less-consistently worked-out dates is liable to parallel objection, such, for instance, as the even "400 before Vikramaditya," which constitutes his era of "Sri Harsha," and which he is frank enough to confess may perchance pertain to the other Sri Harsha of 664 after Vikramaditya (or 57 +664=607-8 A.D.). His clear 400 of the era of Yezdegird is, however, a veritable conjuncture, a singular and unforced combination of independent epochs, 1"Dans les quatre cents ans qui suivront mon Nirvana, il y aura un roi qui d'illustrera dans le monde sous le nom de Kia-ni-se-kia (Kanishka)." - Memoires sur les Contrees ccidentales (Paris, 1857), i. p. 106. "Dans la 400e annee apres le Nirvana" (p. 172). This 400 is the sum given in the Lalita Vistara, but the Mongol authorities have 300. Foe-koue Ki, chapter xxv., and Burnouf's Intr. Hist. Bud., vol. I, p. 568,"trois cent ans," p. 579, " un peu plus de quatre cent ans apres Cakya, au temps de Kanichka." Hiuen Theang confines himself to obscure hundrede in other places. "Dans la centieme annee apres le Nirvana de Jou-lai, Asoka, roi de Magadha," p. 170. "La six centieme annee apres le Nirvana," p. 179. Nagarjuna is equally dated 400 years after Buddha. "Nagarjuna is generally supposed to have flourished 400 years after the death of Buddha." _As. Res, vol. xx. pp. 400,513. Csoma de Koros, Analysis of the Gyut. See also AeRes, vol. ix, p. 83; xv. p. 115; and Burnouf, vol. i. p. 447, and J.A.S.B. vol. vii. p. 143. M. Foucaux, in his Tibetan version of the Lalita Vistara. epeaks of Nagarjuna as flourishing "cent ant apres le mort de Cakya Mouni, p. 392, note. 2 Reinaud, loc. cit. pp. 137, 139. Albirani here rejoices, that " cette epoque s'exprime par un nombre rond et n'est embarrassee ni de dizaines ni d'unites." which seems to show how rarely, in his large experience, such a phenomenon had been met with. Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. 17 approximately marked by the date of the death of Mahmud of Ghazni, in an era that had not yet been superseded in the East by the Muhammadan Hijrah. I conclude this paper with a reproduction of the unique coin of the Saka King Heraus, which, on more mature ex-' amination, has been found to throw unexpected light on the chief seat of Saka-Scythian power, and to supply incidentally an approximate date, which may prove of considerable value in elucidating the contemporaneous history of the border lands of India. I have recently had occasion to investigate the probable age of this piece by a comparison of its reverse device with the leading types of the Imperial Parthian mintages, with which it has much in common, and the deduction I arrived at, from the purely Numismatic aspect of the evidence, was 1 The era of Yezdegird commenced 16th June, 632 AD. The date on Mahmud's tomb is 23rd Rabi' the second, A.H. 421 (30th April, A.D. 1030). 2 Alhiruni was naturally perplexed with the identities of Vikramaditya and Salivahana, and unable to reconcile the similarity of the acts attributed alike to one and the other. He concludes the passage quoted in note 2, p. 9, in the following terms :-"D'un autre cote, Vikramaditya, recut le titre de sri (grand) a cause de l'honneur qu'il s'etait acquis. Du reste, l'intervalle qui s'est ecoule entre l'ere de Vikramaditya et la mort de Saka, prouve que le vainqueur n'etait pas le celebre Vikramaditya, mais un autre prince du meme nom."-Reinaud, p. 142. Major Wilford, in like manner, while discussing the individualities of his "8 or 9 Vikramadityas," admitted that "the two periods of Vikramaditya and Salivahana are intimately connected, and the accounts we have of these two extraordinary personages are much confused, teeming with contradictions and absurdities to a surprising degree." As. Res., vol. ix. p. 117; see also vol. x. p. 93. A passage lately brought to notice by Dr. Buhler throws new light upon this question, for, in addition to supplying chronological data of much importance in regard to the interval of 470 years which is said to have elapsed between the great Jaina Mahavira (the 24th Tirthankara) and the first Vikraindditya of B.C, 57, it teaches us that there were Saka kings holding sway in India in B.C. 61-57, which indirectly confirms the epoch of the family of Heraus, and explains how both Vikramadityas, at intervals of 135 years, came to have Saka enemies to encounter, and consequently equal alaims to titular Sakari honours. "1. Palaka, the lord of Avanti, was anointed in that night in which the Arhat and Tirthankara Mahavira entered Nirvana. 2. 60 are (the years of King Palaka, but 155 are (the years) of the Nandas; 108 those of the Mauryas, and 30 those of Pusamitta (Pushyamitra). 3. 60 (years) ruled Balamitra and Bhanumitra, 40 Nabhovahana. 13 years likewise (lasted) the role of Gardabhilla, and 4 are (the years) of Saka." -From the Prakrit Gathas of Merutunga, etc. << These verses, which are quoted in a very large number of Jaina commentaries and chronological works, but the origin of which is not clear, give the adjustment between the eras of Vira and Vikrama, and form the basis of the earlier Jaina chronology."--Dr. Buhler, Indian Antiquary, vol. c. p. 363. Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. that, recognizing the imitative adoption of certain details of the main devices of the suzerain rulers, and supposing such adoption to have been immediate and contemporaneous, the dates B.C. 37 to A.D. 4 would "mark the age of Heraus." This epoch singularly accords with the date of Isidore of Charax, from whose text of the Stathmi Parthici' we likewise gather that the recognized seat of the Saka-Scythians, then feudatories of the Parthian Empire, was located in the valley of the Helmund, and was known by the optional 1 Records of the Gupta Dynasty (Trubrier, 1876), p. 37. "It is in regard to the typical details, however, that the contrast between the pieces of Mauas and Heraus is most apparent. Mauas has no coins with his own bust among the infinite variety of his mint devices, nor has Azas, who imitates so many of his emblems. But, in the Gondophares group, we meet again with busts and uncovered heads, the hair being simply bound by a fillet, in which arrangement of the head-dress Pakores, with his bnshy curls, follows suit. But the crucial typical test is furnished by the emall figure of victory crowning the horseman on the reverse, which is so special a characteristic of the Parthian die illustration, "We have frequent examples of Angels or types of victory extending re fillets in the Bactrian series, but these figures constitute as a rule the main device of the reverse, and are not subordinated into a corner, as in the Parthian system. The first appearance of the fillet in direct connexion with the king's head in the Imperial series, occurs on the coins of Arsaces XIV., Orodes (H.C. 54-37), where the crown is borne by an eagle (Lindsay, History of the Parthians, Cork, 1852, pl. iii. fig. 2, pp. 146-170; Tresor de Numismatique, pl. lxviii. fig. 17); hut on the reverses of the copper coinage this duty is already confided to the winged figure of Victory (Lindsay, pl. v. fig. 2, p. 181). Arsaces XV., Phrahates IV. (37 B.C.-4 A.D.), continues the eagles for a time, but progresses into single (Ibid., pl. iii. fig. 60, v. fig. 4, pp. 148, 170; Tresor de Numismatique, pl. lxviii. fig. 18; pl. lxix. fig. 5), and finally into double figures of Victory eager to crown him (Ibid., pl. iii. figs. 61-63), as indicating his successes against Antony and the annexation of the kingdom of Media (Lindsay, p. 46; Rawlinson, The Sixth Monarchy, p. 182). " Henceforth these winged adjuncts are discontinned, so that, if we are to seek for the prototype of the Heraus coin amid Imperial Arsacidan models, we are closely limited in point of antiquity, though the possibly deferred adoption may be less susceptible of proof," 2 The period of Isidore of Charax has been the subject of much controversy. The writer of the notice in Smith's Dictionary contents himself with saying, "He seems to have lived under the early Roman Emperors." C. Muller, the special authority for all Greek geographical questions, sums up his critical examination of the evidence to the point: * Probant scriptorem nostrum Augusti temporibus debere fuisse proximnm." -Geog. Grec. Min. vol. i. p. lxxiv. 3 17. 'Enteuthen Zaraggiane, skhoinoi ka'. Entha polis Parin kai Kordk polis. 18. 'Enteuthen Sakastane Sakon Skuthon, e kai Paraitakene, skhoinoi xe. Entha Barda polis kai Min polis kai Palakenti polis kai Sigal polis>> entha basileia Sakon kai plesion 'Alexandreia polis (kai plesion 'Alexandropolis polis: Kwuar e E. Isidore of Charax," Stathmi Parthici, ed. C. Muller. Paris. pp. 253. lxxxv. and xciii., map No. x. The text goes on to enumerate the stages up to Alexandropolis untpomohis 'Apaxwolas, and concludes : 'Axpi TOUTOV ZOT T @ Ildpowy Tikprela. I annex for the sake of comparison Ptolemy'a list of the cities of Drangia, after the century and a half which is roughly estimated as the interval between the two geographers. Sigal and Sakastane seem Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. 19 names of Sakastane or Paraitakene with a capital city entitled Sigal. The ancient Sigal may perhaps be identified with the modern site of Sekooha, the metropolis of a district of that name, which, in virtue of its position, its walls, and its wells, still claims pre-eminence among the cities of Seistan. And to complete the data, I now find on the surface of the alike to have disappeared from the local map. 1. IIpopladla. 2. 'Pouda. 3. "Ivya. 4. 'Aplkada. 5. "AOTA. 6. Eapsapr. 7. Noorava. 8. papacava. 9. Bryls. 10. Apidom. 11. 'Apava.-Ptolemy, lih. vi. cap. 19; Hndson, vol, iii. p. 44; Journ. R A.S. Vol. X. p. 21, and Vol. XV. pp. 97, 150, 206; Darius' Inscription, Persian "Saka," Scythic "Sakka." The old term of 1. Kw is preserved in all the intelligent Persian and Arabian writers. Majmal skn shh Hamza Isfahani ;nnkhn shh 1889 ,Al Tawarikh, Journ, Asiatique p. 50; msound mul kowg p. 51. And the Armenians adhere to the Sakasdan. - Moses of Khoreno, French edition, vol. ii. p. 143; Whiston, pp. 301, 364; St.- Martin, L'Armenie, vol. ii. p. 18. "Lime Les villes principales sont: Zalek, Kerkouyah, Hissoum, Zarany, et Bost, ou l'on voit les ruines de l'ecurie de Roustam, le Heros."-B. de Meynard, La Perse, p. 303. Other references to the geography of this locality will be found in Pliny vi. 21: Ouseley's Oriental Geography, p. 205; Anderson's Western Afghanistan, J.A.S. Bengal, 1849, p. 586; Leech (Sekwa), J.A.S.B., 1844, p. 117; Khanikoff, Asie Centrale,' Paris, 1861, p. 162 (Sekouhe); Ferrier's Travels, p. 430; Malcolm's Persia, vol. i. p. 67; Pottinger's Beloochistan, pp. 407-9; Burnouf's Yasna, p. xcix. 14 This fortress is the strongest and most important in Seistan, hecause, heing at 5 parasangs from the lake, water is to be obtained only in wells which have been dug within its enceinte. The intermediate and surrounding country being an arid parched waste, devoid not only of water, but of everything else, the besiegers could not subsist themselves, and would, even if provisioned, inevitably die of thirst. It contains about 1200 houses. ... I have called it the capital of Seistan, but it is impossible to say how long it may enjoy that title,"-Caravan Journeys of J. P. Ferrier, edited by H. D. Seymour, Esq., Murray, 1857, p. 419. << On the 1st February, 1872, made a 30 mile march to Sekuha, the more modern capital of Seistan...; finally we found Sekuha itself amid utter desolation." --Sir F. J. Goldsmid. From R. Geog. Soc. 1873, p. 70. See also Sir H. Rawlinson's elaborate notes on Seistan, p. 282, "Si-kobeh " (three hills], in the same volume. I may add in support of this reading of the name of the capital, that it very nearly reproduces the synonym of the obscure Greek Suyda, in the counterpart Pehlvi JAS = Saw Si gar or gal, which stands equally for three bills." Tahari tells us that in the old language, "guer a le sens de montagne" (Zotenberg, vol. i. p. 5), and Hamza Isfahani equally recognizes the ger as "colles et montes" (p. 37). The interchange of the rs and ls did not disturb the Iranian mind any more than the indeterminate use of gs and ks. See Journ. R.A.S. Vol. XII. pp. 265, 268, and Vol. XIII. p. 377. We need not carry on these comparisons further, but those who wish to trace identities more completely may consult Pictet, vol. i. p. 122, and follow out the Sanskrit giri, Slave gora, etc. Since the body of this note was set up in type, Sir F. Goldsmid's official report upon " Eastern Persia" has been published, and supplies the following additional Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 BACTRIAN-COINS AND INDIAN DATES. original coin, after the final a in zaka, the Greek monogram B, which apparently represents the ancient province, or provincial capital, of Drangia. AODO MOMON Modeli ORHEAD allo KOMANDY Dale HERAUS, SAKA King. Silver. British Museum. Unique. Obv, "Bust of a king, right, diademed and draped; border of reels and beads. Rev. TYIANNOYNTOE hisor SAKA KOIIANOU. (Turannountos "Eraou Saka koiranou.) A king, right, on horseback; behind, Nike, crowning him.2" details as to the characteristics of Sikoha :-"The town, ... which derives its name from three clay or mud hills in its midst, is built in an irregular circular form around the base of the two principal hills. The southernmost of these hills is surmounted by the ark or citadel, an ancient structure known as the citadel of Mir Kuchak Khan. ... Adjoining this, and connected with it, is the second hill, called the Burj-i-Falaksar, on which stands the present Governor's house; and about 150 yards to the west is the third hill, not so high as the other two, undefended. ... The two principal hills thus completely command the town lying at their base, and are connected with one another by a covered way." "Sekuha is quite independent of an extra-mural water supply, as water is always obtainable by digging a few feet below the surface anywhere inside the walls, which are twenty-five feet in height, strongly built."--Major E. Smith, vol. i. p. 258. 1 The progressive stages of this Monogram are curious. We have the normal R-Mionnet, pl. i. No. 12; Lindsay, Coins of the Parthians, pl. xi. No. 7. Next we have the Bactrian varieties Rie B, and B, entered in Prinsep'o Esagya. ol. xi. c. No. 53; Num. Chron, vol. xix. 0.8. Noe. 48, 52, and vol. viii. na 'di. yu. Nos, 71, 72, and 76, and likewise Mionnet's varieties 299 : Ariana Antiqua, pl. xxii, No. 118. 2 I am indebted to Mr. P. Gardner for this woodcut. I retain his deacrintion in as it appeared in the Numismatic Chronicle, 1874, vol. xiv. N.e. 161 It will be seen that Mr. Gardner failed to detect the worn outline of the Monogram Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. Colonel Pearse, R.A., retains a single example of an exceptionally common class of small silver coins displaying the obverse head in identical form with the outline in the woodcut. The reverse type discloses an ill-defined, erect figure, to the left, similar in disjointed treatment to some of the reverses in the Antiochus-Kodes class, accompanied by two parallel legends in obscure Greek. The leading line, giving the title, is altogether unintelligible; but its central letters range XDIAIINX or xDIAIIKX. The second line gives a nearer approach to "Moas" in a possible initial M, followed by the letters lollaHL=uollons, potrpns, uollans, etc. All these specimens, in addition to other Kodes associations, give outward signs of debased metal, or the Nickel, which was perchance, in those days, estimated as of equal value with silver, The interest in this remarkable coin is not confined to the approximate identifications of time and place, but extends itself to the tenor of the legend, which presents us with the unusual titular prefix of TupavvouVTOS, which, as a synonym of BaoileUOvtos, and here employed by an obvious subordinate, may be held to set at rest the disputed purport of the latter term, in opposition to the simple Baotlets, which has such an important bearing upon the relative positions of the earlier Bactrian Kings. The examples of the use of the term Baoileuovtos in the preliminary Bactrian series are as follows 3 : 1. Agathocles in subordi- , Obv. AIOAOTOT EDTHPOZ. nation to Diodotus Rev. BAZIAETONTOZ ACAOOKAEOTE AIKAIOT. Agathocleg. in subordi. Oby. ETOTAHMOT EOT. nation to Euthydemus / Rev. BAZIAETONTOZ ACAOOKAEOT AIKAIOT. 3. Agathocles in subordi- 1 Obv. ANTIOXOT NIKATOPOZ. .nation to Antiochus Rev. BAZLAETONTOX ACAOOKAEOTE AIKAIOT. '4. Antimachus Theus in ) Obv. AIOAOTOU QTHPOZ. subordination to Dio (Rev. BAZLAETONTOE ANTIMAXOY OEOT. dotus Num. Chron. vol. iv. N.s. p. 209, pl. viii, fig. 7 2 J.R.A.S., Vol. IV. p. 504; Records of the Gupta Dynasty, p. 38. ? M. de Bartholomaei, Koehne's Zeitschrift, 1843, p. 67, pl. iii. fig. 2; Reply to M. Droysen, Zeitschrift fur Munz, 1846 ; my papers in Prinsep's Essays (1858), vol. i. p. xvi., vol. ii. pp. 178-183; in the Numismatic Chronicle, vol. ii. 1862, p. 186; and Journ. R. A. 8., Vol. XX. 1863, p. 126; M. Raoul Rochotte, Journal des Savants, 1844, p. 117; Droysen, Geschichte des Hellenismus, Hamburg, Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES. The whole question as to the relative rank of the princes, whose names figure conjointly in the above legends, reduces itself concisely to this contrast, that the sub-king invariably calls himself Baoileus on his own proper coins, but on these exceptional tributary pieces, where he prefixes the image and superscription of a superior, he describes himself as Baoileuovtos. These alien Satraps were effective kings within their own domains, but clearly bowed to some acknowledged head of the Bactro-Greek confederation, after the manner of their Indian neighbours, or perchance included subjects, who so especially regarded the gradational import of the supreme Maharajadhiraja, in contradistinction to the lesser degrees of regal state implied in the various stages of raja, maharaja, rajadhiraja, etc. These binominal pieces are rare, and, numismatically speaking, "occasional," i.e. coined expressly to mark some public event or political incident, like our modern medals; coincident facts, which led me long ago to suggest? that they might have been struck as nominal tribute money or fealty pieces, in limited numbers, for submission with the annual nazarana, or presentation at high State receptions, to the most powerful chief or general of the Graeco-Bactrian oligarchy for the time being. There is a curious feature in these binominal coins, which, as far as I am aware of, has not hitherto been noticed. It is, that the obverse head, representing the portrait of the superior king, seems to have been adopted directly from his own ordinary mint-dies, which in their normal form presented 1843; Lassen, Ind. Alt., 1847; Gen. Cunningham, Numismatic Chronicle, vol. viu. N.e. '1868, p. 278, et seq., ix. 1869, p. 29; Mr. Vaux, Numismatic Chronicle, vol. xv. N.e. p. 15. 1 Journal Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. XX. p. 127; Numismatic Chronicle, N.e. vol. ii. p. 186. 2 I have long imagined that I could trace the likeness of Antiochus Theos on the ohverse of the early gold coins of Diodotus (Prinsep's Eesaye, pl. xlii. 1; Num. Chrow. vol. ij. pl. iv. figs. 1-3). I suppose, however, that in this case the latter monarch used his suzerain's ready-prepared die for the one face of bis precipitate and perhaps hesitating coinage, conjoined with a new reverse device hearing his own name, which might have afforded him a loophole of escape on his right to coin" being challenged. Apart from the similarity of the profile, the contrast between the high Greek art and perfect execution of the obverse head and the coarse design and superficial tooling of the imitative reverse device, greatly favours the conclusion of an adaptation, though the motive may have been merely to utilize the obverses of existing mint appliances of such high merit. Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BACTRIAN COINS AND INDIAN DATES: 23 the profile of the monarch without any surrounding legend, his name and titles being properly reserved for their conventional position on the reverse surface of his current coins. In the novel application of the head of the suzerain to a place on the obverse of a coin bearing the device and designations of his confessed subordinate on the reverse, it became necessary to add to the established obverse-device a specification of the name and titles of the superior, whose identification would otherwise have remained dependent upon the fidelity and the public recognition of the likeness itself. Hence, under the new adaptation, it likewise became requisite to engrave on the old die, around the standard Mint head, the suzerain's superscription in the odd corners and spaces in the field, no provision having been made, in the first instance, for any legend at all, and no room being left for the ordinary circular or perpendicular arrangement of the words, such as would have been spaced out under ordinary circumstances. In the majority of the instances we are able to cite, the Greek letters on the adapted obverse vary materially in their forms and outlines from those of the associated legends on the reverse, which still further proves the independent manipulation applied to the obverses of the compound pieces. In addition to these indications as bearing upon the Bactrian proper coinage, the title of Tupavvouvros is highly suggestive in its partial reappearance on the coins of the leading Sah Kings Nahapana and Chastana, connecting the Scythic element geographically to the southward with the province of Guzerat, for a full resume of which I must refer my readers to the Archaeological Report of Western India,1 for 1875. See also the short copies of my Essay on the Records of the Gupta Dynasty, London, 1876, p. 31. Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA, BY E. THOMAS, F.R.S. In most of the modern discussions on the ancient religions of India, the point at issue has been confined to the relative claims to priority of Buddhism and Brahmanism, a limitation which has led to a comparative ignoring of the existence of the exceptionally archaic creed of the Jainas. This third competitor for the honours of precedence has lately been restored to a very prominent position, in its archaeological status, by the discovery of numerous specimens of the sculptures and inscriptions of its votaries on the sacred site of Mathura, the Modoupa y twv EUR6v of the Greeks, that admit of no controversy, either as to the normal date or the typical import of the exhumed remains. This said Mathura on the Jumna constituted, from the earliest period, a "high place" of the Jainas, and its memory is preserved in the southern capital of the same name, the Modoupa, Bao lelov Ilavdiovos of Ptolemy, whence the sect, in after-times, disseminated their treasured knowledge, under the peaceful shelter of their Matams (colleges) in aid of 1 Ptolemy, Medopa, Arrian (quoting Megasthenes), Indica viu. Methora, Pliny, vi. 22. % F. Buchanan, Mysore, iii. 81, " Uttara Madura, on the Jumna." 3 The modern version of the name of the city on the Jumna is A TT Mathurd. Babu Rajendralala has pointed out that the old Sanskrit form was HEITT Madhurd (J.A.S. Bengal, 1874, p. 259), but both transcriptions seem to have missed the true derivative meaning of HT Matha (hodie eiro), "a monastery, a convent or college, a temple," etc., from the root HT "to dwell," Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. local learning and the reviving literature of the Peninsula. The extended geographical spread of Jaina edifices has . lately been contrasted, and compactly exhibited, in Mr. Fergusson's Map of the architectural creeds of India ;? but a more important question regarding the primary origin of their buildings is involved in the sites chosen by their founders : whence it would appear that the Jainas must have exercised the first right of selection, for the purposes of their primitive worship, of the most striking and appropriate positions, on hill-tops and imperishable rocks, whose lower sections were honey-combed with their excavated shrines--from which vantage-ground and dependent caves they were readily displaced, in after-days, by appropriating Buddhists on the as a hermit might abide in his cave. The sonthern reveuue terms have preserved many of the subordinate forms, in the shape of taxes for "Maths." Rajputana and the N.W. Provinces exhibit extant examples in abundance of the still conventional term, while the distant Himalayas retain the word in Joshi-Math, Bhairava-Math, etc. The Vishnu Purana pretends to derive the name from Madhu, a local demon (i. 164), while the later votaries of Krishna associate it with the Gopi's churn" math...Grow69, Mathura Settlement Report, 1874, vol. i. p. 50. 1 <Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TAE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. one part, or ousted and excluded by the more arrogant and combative Brahmans on the other. The introductory phase in the consecutive order of the l present inquiry involves the consideration of the conflicting claims to priority of the Jainas and the Buddhists. Some half a century ago, Colebrooke, echoing the opinions of previous commentators, seems to have been fully prepared to admit that Buddhism was virtually an emanation from anterior Jainism. We have now to examine how far subsequent evidence confirms this once bold deduction. Unquestionably, by all the laws of religious development, of which we have lately heard so much, the more simple faith, per se, must be primarily accepted as the precursor of the more complicated and philosophical system, confessing a common origin. Colebrooke summarized his conclusions to the following effect: "It is certainly probable, as remarked by Dr. Hamilton and Major Delamaine, that the Gautama of the Jainas and of the Bauddhas is the same personage: and this leads to the further surmise, that both sects are branches of one stock. According to the Jainas, only one of Mahavira's eleven disciples left spiritual successors : that is, the entire succession of Jaina priests is derived 1 << The ritual of the Jainas ia as simple as their moral code. The Yati, or devotee, dispensea with acts of worship at his pleasure, and the lay votary is only bound to viait daily a temple where aome of the images of the Tirthankaras are erectad, walk round it three times, and make an obeisance to the imagea, with an offering of aome trifla, usually fruit or flowers, and pronounce aoma auch Mantra or prayer as the following: 'Namo Arihantanam, Namo Siddhanam,'. . Salutation to the Arhats, etc. A morning prayer is also repeated : .. 'I beg forgiveness, O Lord, for yonr alave, whatever evil thoughts the night may have produced-I bow with my head.' .. The reader in a Jaina tample ia a Yati, or religious character; but the ministrant priest, the attendant on the images, the receiver of offerings, and conductor of all usual ceremonies, is a Brahman."Wilson'a Essays, vol. i. p. 319. "I may remark, parenthetically, with a view to what is atill to be eatablished that the Khandagiri Inscription opena with the self-sama invocation, NAMO ARAHANTANAM, NAMO SAVA SIDHANAM,' 'Salutation to the arhantas, glory to all the saints' (or those who have attained final emancipation!)." --Prinsep, J.A.S.B. vol. vi. p. 1080. 2 "Buddhism (to hazard a character in a faw worda) ia monastic asceticism in morals, philosophical scepticism in religion; and whilst acclesiastical history all over the world affords abundant instances of such a state of things resulting from groaa abuse of the religious sanction, that ample chronicle gives us no one instance of it as an original aystem of belief. Here is a legitimate inference from sound premiaea; but that Buddhism was, in very truth, a reform or heresy, and not an original ayatem, can be proved by the most abundant direct testimony: of friends and enemies." -B. H. Hodgaon, J.R.A.S. (1835), Vol. II. p. 290. 9 Major J. Delamaine, Trans. R.A.S. Vol. I. pp. 413-438. Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. from one individual, Sudharma-swami. Two only out of eleven survived Mahavira, viz. Indrabhuti and Sudharma: the first, identified with Gautama-swami, has no spiritual successors in the Jaina sect. The proper inference seems to be, that the followers of this surviving disciple are not of the sect of Jina, rather than that there have been none. "I take Parswanatha to have been the founder of the sect of Jainas, which was confirmed and thoroughly established by Mahavira and his disciple Sudharma. A schism, however, seems to have taken place, after Mahavira, whose elder disciple, Indrabhuti, also named Gautama-swami, was by some of his followers raised to the rank of a deified saint, under the synonymous designation of Buddha (for Jina and Buddha bear the same meaning, according to both Buddhists and Jainas)."-Transactions of the R.A.S. (1826), Vol. I. p. 520; and Prof. Cowell's edition of Colebrooke'a collected Essays, vol. ii. p. 278.1 At the time when Colebrooke wrote, the knowledge of the inner history of Buddhism was limited in the extreme. Our later authorities contribute many curious items and suggestive coincidenees, tending more fully to establish the fact that Buddhism was substantially an offshoot of Jainism. For example, Ananda is found, in some passages of recognized authority, directly addressing Gotama himself in his own .... 1 Professor Wilson, writing in 1832 on the "Religious Sects of the Hindus," objected to this inference of Colebrooke's, on the ground of the supposed contrast of the castes of the two families. It is, however, a question, now that we know more of the gradual developments of caste in India, whether the divisions and subdivisions, relied upon by Prof. Wilson, had assumed anything like so definite a form, as his argument would imply, at so early a period as the date of the birth of Sakya Muni. Professor Wilson's observations are as follows:"When MAHAVIRA's fame began to be widely diffused, it attracted the notice of the Brahmans of Magadha, and several of their most eminent teachers undertook to refute his doctrines. Instead of effecting their purpose, however, they became converts, and constituted his Ganadharas, heads of schools, the disciples of MAHAVIRA and teachers of his doctrines, both orally and scripturally. It is of some interest to notice them in detail, as the epithets given to them are liable to be misunderstood, and to lead to erroneous notions respecting their character and history. This is particularly the case with the first INDRABHUTI, or GAUTAMA, who has been considered as the same with the GAUTAMA of the Bauddhas, the son of MAYADEVI, and author of the Indian metaphysics. That any connexion exists between the Jain and the Brahmana Sage is, at least, very doubtful; but the Gautama of the Bauddhas, the son of SUDDHODANA and MAYA, was a Kshattriya, a prince of the royal or warrior caste. All the Jain traditions make their GAUTAMA a Brahman originally of the gotra, or tribe of GOTAMA Rishi, a division of the Brahmans well known and still existing in the South of India. These two persons therefore cannot be identified, whether they be historical or fictitious personages.""-H. H. Wilson's Essays, vol. i. p. 298; Asiatic Res. vol. xvii. Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. proper person, and speaking of the "twenty-four Buddhas, who had immediately preceded him."l On other occasions the twenty-four Jaina Tirthankaras are reduced in the sacred texts of their supplanters to the six authorized antecedent Buddhas, or expanded at will into 120 Tathagatas or Buddhas; with their more deliberately fabulous multiplications. The Mahawanso, in like manner, has not only allowed the reference to the "twenty-four supreme Buddhos" to remain in its text, but has given their conventional names--which however have little in common with the Jaina list in the order of succession. Mahanamo's Tika* has preserved the catalogue, in its more complete form, specifying the parentage, place of birth and distinctive " Bo-trees" 5 of each of the "twenty-four Buddhok," and concluding, after a reference to Kassapo (born at Benares), with Gotamo (a Brahman named Jotipalo at Wappula), " the Buddho of the present system, and Metteyo [who is still to appear." This amplification / and elaborate discrimination of sacred trees has also a suspicious air of imitation about it, as we know that Ward was only able to discover six varieties of Indian trees nominally sacred to the gods, and Mr. Fergusson's exami1 Spence Hardy, Manual of Buddhism, pp. 88, 94, 311, rches, vol. xvi. p. 444, "Sarvarthasiddha observes, he has given so many [120] names exempli gratia, but his instructors were really no less in number than 80 crores." In other places Mr. Hodgson expresses his doubts" as to the historical existence of Sakya's six predecessors."--Works, p. 136, and J.R.A.S. Vol. II, p. 289. See also Csoma de Koros, J.A.S.B. vol. vii. p. 143. "Immense is the number of such Buddhas that have appeared in former ages in several parts of the universe." 3 Cap. i. p. 1. 4 Mahawanso, Turnour's Introduction, Ceylon, 1837, p. xxxii. 6 The "Bo-trees of the twenty-four Buddhos" are given in the following order (Mahawanso, p. xxxii) : 1. Pippala. 9. Sonaka. 17. Assana. 2. Salakalyana. 10. Salala. 18. Amalaka. 3. Naga. 11. Nipa. 19. Patali. 4. Do. 12. Welu. 20. Pundariko. 5, Do. 13. Kakudha. 21. Sala. 6. Do. 14. Champa. 22. Sirisa. 7. Ajjuna. 15. Bimbajala. 23. dumbara. 8. Sonaka. 16. Kanihani. 24. Nigrodha. As this list is quoted merely to contrast the numbers 24 against 7, it would be futile to follow out the botanical names of the various Bo-trees; but it may be remarked en passant, that No. 3 is a tree of the wet forests of Assam, Concan, Malabar, and Ceylon, while No. 11 is a palm-like plant which is entirely maritime, and abounds in the Sundarbands, wherein we have no record of. Buddhist " sittings.' s Vol. i. p. 263. Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. nation of all the extant Buddhist representations of their Bo-trees does not carry the extreme total beyond the legitimate "six or seven species altogether." "" 1 Another indication which may prove of some import in this inquiry is to be gleaned from the Chinese text of the Travels of the Buddhist Pilgrim Fah-Hian (400-415 a.d.), which, in describing the town of Sravasti, proceeds to advert to "the ninety-six heretical sects of mid-India," who "build hospices" (Punyasalas) etc., concluding with the remark, "Devadatta also has a body of disciples still existing; they pay religious reverence to the three past Buddhas, but not to Sakya Muni." 2 8 Again, an instructive passage is preserved in the Tibetan text of the Lalita-vistara, where, under the French version, "Le jeune Sarvarthasiddha," ,"3 the baby Buddha, is represented as wearing in his hair the Srivatsa, the Swastika, the Nandyavarta and the Vardhamana, the three symbols severally of the 10th, 7th and 18th Jaina Tirthankaras, and the fourth constituting the alternative designation of Mahavira, and indicating his mystic device, which differed from his ordinary cognizance in the form of a lion. Further on, the merits 1 Tree and Serpent Worship, p. 116. Among the sculptures lately discovered at Barahat, are to be found "representations of five separate Bodhi-trees of as many different Buddhas, which are distinctly labelled as follows: (1). Bhagavato Vipasino Bodhi, that is, the Tree of Fipasyin or Vipaswi, the firet of the seven Buddhas. (2). Bhagavato Kakusadhasa Bodhi. (3). Bhagavato Konagamana Bodhi. (4). Bhagavato Kasapasa Bodhi. (5). Bhagavato Sakamunino Bodhi. These last are the four well-known Buddhists named Krakuchhanda, Konagamani, Kasyapa, and Sakyamuni." It is scarcely necessary for me to add, that I by no means concur in the early date attributed by General Cunningham to these sculptures. 2 Rev. S. Beal, Travele of Fah-Hian, p. 82. Foe koue ki, cap. xx. Remusat's Note 35. Laidlay, pp. 168, 179. Spence Hardy, alluding to these sectaries, says, "they are called in general Tirthakars."-Manual of Buddhism, p. 290. "Grand roi, le jeune Sarvarthasiddha a au milieu de la chevelure un Crivatsa, un Svastika, un Nandyavarta et un Vardhamana. Grand roi, ce sont la les quatre-vingts marques secondaires du jeune Sarvarthasiddha." p. 110. "Pendant qu'elle le preparait ces signee precurseurs apparurent: Au Foucaux, milieu de ce lait, un Crivatsa, un Svastika, un Nandyavarta, un lotue, un Vardhamana (Diagramme particulier dont la forme n'est pas indiquee), et d'autres signes de benediction se montrerent."-Cap. viii. p. 258 (see also pp. 305, 390). Colebrooke's Essays, vol. ii. p. 188. Asiatic Researches, vol. ix. p. 304. J.R.A.S. Vol. I. N.e. pp. 475-481. J.A.S. Bengal, vol. vii. p. 143. Burnouf, Lotus, pp. 624-645. Col. Low, Transactions R.A.S. Vol. III. 2 Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. of the young Buddha are adverted to as, "qui est apparu par l'effet de la racine de la vertu des precedents Djinas." The importance of these indications will be better appreciated, when it is understood that the twenty-four statues of the Jaina saints were all formed upon a single model, being indistinguishable, the one from the other, except by the chinas or subordinate marks on the pedestals, which constituted the discriminating lakshanas or mudras of each individual Tirthankara. These crypto-devices were, in other cases, exhibited as frontal marks, or delegated to convenient positions on the breast and other parts of the nude statue. In this sense, Jainism may be said to have been a religion of signs and symbols, comprehending many simple objects furnished by nature and further associated with enigmatical and Tantric devices, the import of which is a mystery to modern intelligence. The following is a list of the twenty-four JAINA TIRTHANKARAS, WITH THEIR PARENTAGE AND DISCRIMINATING SYMBOLS.? NAMES. SYMBOLs. Art. 1. Rishabha, of the race of Ikshwaku, Prathama Jina, " the first Jina" . a Bull 2. Ajita, son of Jitasatru . . . . . . an Elephant 3. Sambhava, son of Jitari . . . . . a Horse 4. Abhinandana, son of Sambara . . . . an Ape 5. Sumati, son of Megha . . . . . . a Curlew 6. Padmaprabha, son of Sridhara ... a Lotus 7. Suparswa, son of Pratishtha . . . . a Swastika Cre 8. Chandraprabha, son of Mahasena .. the Moon sro 9. Pushpadanta, or Suvidhi, son of Supriya an Alligator 10. Sitala, son of Dridharatha . .... a Srivatsa 1 In modern times, Mr. Hodgson tells us, he was able to discriminate statues, which passed with the vulgar for any god their priests chose to name, by the crucial test of their "minute accompaniments" and "frontal appendages."-- J.R.A.S. Vol. XVIII. p. 395. See, also, the Chinesg-Buddhist inscription from Keu-Yung Kwan, with its mudrds, and Mr. Wylie's remarks upon dhdranis. J.R.A.S. Vol. V. N.s. p. 22. 2 Colebrooke's Essays, vol. ii. p. 187; As. Res. vol. ix. p. 305. Mr. Burgess, Indian Antiquary, 1873, vol. i. p. 134. Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. NAMES. SYMBOLS. 11. Sreyan (or Sriyansa), son of Vishnu. . a Rhinoceros 12. Vasupujya, son of Vasupujya . . . . a Buffalo 13. Vimala, son of Kritavarman .... a Boar 14. Ananta (Anantajit), son of Sinhasena. a Falcon 15. Dharma, son of Bhanu . . . . . . a Thunderbolt 16. Santi, son of Viswasena . . . . . . an Antelope 17. Kunthu, son of Sura. . . . . . . a Goat 18. Ara, son of Sudarsana . . . . . . a Nandyavarta 19. Malli, son of Kumbha . . . . . . a Jar 20. Munisuvrata (Suvrata), son of Sumitra . a Tortoise 21. Nimi, son of Vijaya . . . . . . . blue Water-lily 22. Nemi (or Arishtanemi), s. of Samudrajaya a Conch 23. Parswa (Parswanatha), son of Aswasena a hooded Snake 24. Vardhamana, also named Vira, Maha vera, etc., surnamed Charama-terthakrit, or "last of the Jinas," "emphatically called Sramana or the saint," son of Siddhartha . . . . . . . . . a Lion. In addition to these discriminating symbols, the different Tirthankaras are distinguished by the tint of their complexions. No. 1 is described as of a yellow or golden complexion, which seems to have been the favourite colour, 1 Dr. Stevenson has tabulated some further details of the Jaina symbolic devices in "Trisala's Dreams": Elephant. Bull. Lion-Tiger. Lakshmi. A Garland. Moon. Sun, Standard. Jar. Lotus Lake. The Sea. Trisala. Heavenly Mansion. Heap of Pearls. Flameless Fire. Lucky figures, Srivatsa, "Satvika, SThrone, Flower-pot, 5 couple of Fished, 6 Mirror, Nandiyavarta, Vardhamana,-Kalpa Sutra, page i. Dr. Stevenson has an instructive note upon Jaina emblems, which I append to hia Table:- In the prefixed scheme of the emblems of the different Tirthankaras, it may strike the reader that there is no vestige of anything like this Buddhist Chaitya in any of them. This arises from one remarkable feature of dissimilarity between the Jains and Buddhists. The Dagoba, or Buddhist Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 11 Nos. 6 and 12 rejoice in a "red" complexion, Nos. 8 and 9 are designated as "fair," No. 19 is described as " blue," and No. 20 as " black." Parswanatha is likewise "blue," while Mahavira reverts to the typical "golden" hue, the parefa Suvarna chhavi, " the golden form " claimed alike for Sakya Muni.1 In illustration of this tendency to faith in emblems among the Jainas, I quote the independent opinion of Captain J. Low regarding the origin of the celebrated Phrabat, or ornamental impress of the feet of Buddha, and his demonstration of the inconsistent and inappropriate assimilation of the worship of symbols with the higher pretensions of the creed of Sakya Muni : " As the Phrabat is an object claiming from the Indo-Chinese nations a degree of veneration scarcely yielding to that which they pay to Buddha himself, we are naturally led to inquire why the emblems it exhibits are not all adored individually as well as in the aggregate. It seems to be one of those inconsistencies which mark the character of Buddhist schismatics; and it may enable us more readily to reach the real source of their religion, from which so many superstitions have ramified to cross our path in eastern research. To whatever country or people we may choose to assign Chaitya, was a place originally appropriated to the preservation of relics, a practice as abhorrent to the feelings of the Jainas as it is to those of the Brahmans. The word Chaitya, when used by the Jainas, means any image or temple dedicated to the memory of a Tirthankara."-Kalpa Sutra, p. xxyi. From quasi-Buddhist sources we derive independent Symbols of the Four Divisions of the Vaibhashika School. FOUR CLASSES. SUBDIVISIONS. DISTINCTIVE MARKS. Rahula... 4 sects, using the Sanskrit Sakya's. tongue Utpala padma(water-lily) jewel, and tree-leaf put together in Kasyapa ......... 6 sects, entitled "the great the form of a nosegay. Brahman's. community," using a cor rupt dialect............................ Shell or conch. 3 sects, styled "the class which Sudra's. is honored by many," using the language of the Pisd chikas ............ .............. A sortsika flower. 2 . 3 sects, entitled "the class that Vaisya's. have a fixed habitation," using the vulgar dialect.... | The figure of a wheel. Csoma de Koros, J.A.S.B. vol. vii. p. 143, 1 Asiatic Researches, vol. xv. P. 84. * Examples of Jaina-Buddhist Foot-prints may be seen in Vol. III. of our Journal, p. 159. Upali. K6 Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. the original invention of the Phrabat, it exhibits too many un doubted Hindu symbols to admit of our fixing its fabrication upon the worshippers of the latter Buddha; of whose positive dogmas it is rather subversive than otherwise, by encouraging polytheism. And further, the intent with which it was originally framed-namely, to embody in one grand symbol a complete system of theology and theogony-should seem to have been gradually forgotten, or perverted by succeeding ages to the purposes of a ridiculous superstition." -Capt. J. Low, "The Phrabat, or Divine Foot of Buddha from Bali and Siamese Books," Transactions R.A.S. Vol. II. p. 64.1 The existing traditions of the Jainas, on the other hand, consistently adhere to the reverence of nature's forms or the more elaborated diagrams and curious devices of their ancient creed, which is here shown to have been incompatible with the advanced tenets of Buddhism. The Vaishnavas, equally in their turn, had their Vishnu-pad; but when we meet with the symbolical impression of the feet under their adaptative treatment, we find it decorated and adorned with a totally different series of minor emblems to those affected by the early Jainas.3 Dr. Stevenson, in editing the text of the leading Jaina authority, the Kalpa Sutra, in 1848,4 arrived independently at 1 A pertinent inquiry is made by R. Friederich in the last Number of our Journal (Vol. IX. N.8. p. 65): " Were the Buddhists of Java Jainas ?" 2 Col. W. Franklin, in his account of the Temple of Parewanatha at SametSikhar, describes the statues as having the "head fashioned like a turban, with eeven expanded heads of serpents, Coluber Naga, or hooded szake, the invariable symbol of Parswanatha:" The summit of the hill, emphatically termed by the Jainas Samet Sikhar, comprises a table-land flanked by twenty small Jaina temples. In them are to be found the Vasu-Padikas or sacred feet,' similar to what are to be seen in the Jaina Temple at Champanagar. On the south side of the mountain is a very large and handsome flat-roofed temple, containing several figures of this deity, which exhibit the-never-failing attributes of Parswanatha and the Jaina religion, viz. the crowned serpent and crose-legged figures of Jineswara or Jina, the ruler and guardian of mankind." Asiatic Researches vot. x. pp. 528, 530. "In their temples, the Swetambaras have images of all these persons (the twenty-four Jinas), which they worship; but their devotions are more usually addressed to what are called representations of their feet." - Dr. B. Hamilton, Mysore, p. 538. 3 General Cunningham has published a fac-simile of the Gaya Vishnu-pad, which, however, he designates in the Plate," Buddha-pad," executed in A.D. 1308: in this, although many symbole of Indian origin and local currency are displayed, we miss the leading Swastika, and the other mystic diagrams more immediately associated with the Jaina and secondary Buddhist systems.--Arch. Rep., 1871, vol. i. p. 9, pl. vii. 4 The extant MS. text of the Kalpa Sutra contains a record that " 900 years after MaHAVIRA, and in the 80th year of the currency of the tenth hundred, Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 13 a similar conclusion with Colebrooke as to the relative positions of Jainism and Buddhism, in reference to their common source and the more recent innovations and arrogant assumptions of the latter creed. He sums up his remarks in the subjoined passage: "There are, however, yet one or two other points in the accounts the Jaina give ua, which seem to have a historic bearing. The first ia the relation said to have subsiated between the last Buddha and the last Tirthankara, the Jains making Mahavira Gautama's preceptor, and him the favourite pupil of his master. .... In favour of the Jain theory (of priority), however, it may be noticed, that Buddha is aaid to have seen 24 of hia predeceaaors (Mahavanso, I. c. i.), while in the present Kappo he had but four. The Jains, consistently with their theory, make Mahavira to have seen 23 of his predecessors, all that existed before him in the present age. This part of Buddhism evidently implies the knowledge of the 24 Tirthankaras of the Jaina. Gautama, however, by the force of natural genius, threw their system entirely into the shade, till the waning light of Buddhiam permitted its fainter radiance to re-appear on the western horizon."!_Kalpa Sutra, London, 1848, p. xii. Dr. Stevenson was peculiarly competent to express an opinion on this and collateral questions, as he had made the "ante-Brahmanical worship of the Hindus"? a subject of his especial study, during his lengthened career, as a missionary in the Dekhan, in direct association with the people of the land. Among other matters bearing upon Jainism, he gives an instructive account of the process of making a god, as traced in the instance of VIETAL or VITHOBA, commencing with the "rough unhewn stone of a pyramidical or triangular shape,"3 which formed the centre of the druidical this Book was written and pnblicly read in the currency of the 93rd year." Hence, taking Mahavira's eriod at 503 B.C., its date is fixed at "454 A.D. and its publication at 466 A.D."-Stevenson's Kalpa Sutra, p. 95. Colebrooke's Essays, vol. ii. p. 193. 1 After writing the above I found my conclusion anticipated by Mr. Colebrooke, and I am happy that it now goes abroad with the suffrage of so learned an Orientalist-Trans. R.A.S. Vol. I. p. 522." 2 J.R.A.S. Vol. V. pp. 189, 264; Vol. VI. p. 239; Vol. VIII. p. 330. See also J.A.S. Bengal, articles on cognate subjects, vol. iii. (1834), p. 495; vol. vi. 3 J.R.A.S. (1839), Vol. V. p. 193 et seq. Among other questions adverted to, Dr. Stevenson remarks: -" Vettal is the Dekhan, said to be an Avatar of p. 498. Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. circle of similarly-shaped blocks--proceeding, in the second stage, to their adornment with red-ochre tipped with white, to imitate fire, the further development of the central block into "a human figure," " with two arms," and its coincident promotion to the shelter of a temple with more complicated rites and ceremonies; and, finally, in other cases, to the transformation of "the form of a man, but without arms or legs," into "a fierce and gigantic man, perfect in all his parts." Dr. Stevenson, in a subsequent article, followed up his comparison of the later images of Vithoba3 with the normal ideals of the Jaina nude statues. One of his grounds for these identifications is stated in the following terms: "The want of suitable costume in the images (of Vithoba and Rakhami), as originally carved, in this agreeing exactly with the images the Jainas at present worship, and disagreeing with all others adored by the Hindus"--who, "with all their faults, had always sense of propriety enough to carve their images so as to represent the gods to the eye arrayed in a way not to give offence to modesty." The author then goes on to relate how the Brahmanists of Siva, and wonderful exploits performed by him are related in a book called the Vettal Pachisi; but which composition has not had the good fortune to gain the voice of the Brahmans and be placed among the Mahatmyas. On the contrary, they look upon it merely as a parcel of fables, and dispute the claims of Vettal to any divine honours whatever."-Dr. Stevenson, J.R.A.8. Vol. V. p. 192. i Dr. John Wilson, J.R.A.S. Vol. V. p. 197. "The temple of Vetal at Arawali, near Sawant Wadi." * J.R.A.S. Vol. VII. p. 5. 3 The legend of the creation of Jagganatha, accepted by his votaries, points to an equally simple origin, which, in this instance, took the form of a drift log of Nim-wood. This, dara or "branch" having been pronounced on examination to be adorned with the emblems of the Sanka, Gadd, Padma and Chakra, was afterwards, by divine intervention, split " into the four-fold image of Chatur Murti. A little colouring was necessary to complete them, and they then became recognized as Sri Krishna or Jagannath, distinguished by its black hue, Baldeo. a form of Siva, of a white colour, Subhadra, the sister, .. of the colour of saffron." In this case the Brahmans seem to have surpassed themselves in their theatrical adaptations, for they are said to have adopted a practice of dressing-up the figure of Sri Jia, in a costume appropriate to the occasion, to represent the principal deities of the ruling creeds. "Thus at the Ram Navami, the great imago assumes the dress and character of Rama; at the Janam Ashtami, that of Krishna: at the Kali Paja, that of Kali," with two other alternative green-room transformations, which we need not reproduce,-Stirling's Orissa, Asiatic Researches, yol. xv. p. 318. Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. later days appropriated the sacred sites and adapted the very images of the local gods to their own purposes. His description is most graphio of the way in which the nude statues of Vithoba and Rakhami, at Pandarpur, were clothed in appropriate Hindu garments and made to do duty for the Brahmanical Krishna and Rukmini. Not less caustic is the completion of the tale in the account of the "image-dresser's' appearance over night at feasts, in the borrowed habiliments of his patron god, to be restored for the benefit of the admiring multitude on the following morning.1 Among other suggestive inquiries, Dr. Stevenson has instituted a comparison between the equality of all men before their god-indicative of pre-caste periods-at the several shrines of Vithoba and Jaggannatha,' and the inferential claims of the Jainas to the origination of the ever-popular pilgrimage to the latter sanctuary. Incidentally, it may be mentioned that the title of " Jaggannatha is an appellation given by the modern Jainas to their Tirthankara Parswanatha in particular."3 General. Cunningham, in his work on the Bhilsa Topes, long ago pointed out the absolute identity of the outline of the modern figures of Jagganatha with the trisul or curved-trident ornament so frequent in the early Buddhist sculptures,5 and, in like manner, Burnouf had detected the coincidence of the form of the Vardhamanakya, or mystic symbol of Mahavira above adverted to, with the outline of the Baotro-Greek Monogram so common on the 15 dr No less acute is Dr. Stevenson's analysis, in another volume of our Journal (Vol. VIII. p. 330), of the position traditionally held by Siva in India-his absence "from the original Brahmanical theogony," his imperfect assimilation with the later forms of their ritual-and the conclusion "that the worship of Siva is nothing more than a superstition of the aboriginal Indians, modified by the Brahmans, and adopted into their system," for their own ends. An opinion which has been fully confirmed by later investigations. Journal R.A. S. Vol. VII. p. 7, and Vol. VIII. p. 331. See also Col. Sykes, Vol. VI. p. 420, note 3. Journ. A.S., p. 423. "The triple emblem, represented in fig. 22, pl. xxxii., is one of the most valuable of the Sanchi eculptures, as it shows in the clearest and most unequivocal manner the absolute identity of the holy Brahmanical Jaggannath with the ancient Buddhist triad."-Bhilsa Topes (London, 1854), p. 358. Fac-similes of these figures may be seen at p. 450, Journ. R.A.S., Vol. VI. 0.9. See also Laidlay's translation of Fo-kwa-ki, pp. 21-26, 261. The symbol forms a distinct object of worship at Amravati.-Fergusson's "Tree and Serpent Worship," pl. lxx, etc. Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. local coins. This last identification opens out a very wide field of speculation, inasmuch as this particular mark has now been found in all its integrity, on the person of a Jaina statue in the Indian Museum. Another coincidence which may prove to have some bearing upon the relative claims of Jainas and Buddhists to the Lion pillars, and the frequent representations of that animal upon the sculptures on the Topes, etc., is that the Lion proves to have been a special emblem of Maharira, as the mystic trident in its turn answered to his second title of Vardhamana. Before taking leave of the question of the relations once existing between Mahavira and Buddha, it remains for me to cite a most curious passage, furnishing a vivid outline of the intercourse between Guru and Chela, and foreshadowing the nascent doubts of the disciple-- which occurs in the Bhagavati, 3 a work recently published by Prof. Weber, of the existence of which neither Colebrooke nor Wilson were cognizant. I may add in further support of the identity of Gautama and Sakya Muni~so freely admitted 1 Burnouf, in noticing the 65 names of the figures traced on the supposed Dharma pradipika or imprint of the foot of Buddha in Ceylon, remarks under the sixth or Vardhaianakya head : " C'est la encore une sorte de diagramme mystique egalement familier aux Brahmanes et au Buddhistes; son nom signifio "lo prospere." "Quant a la figure suivante, on trouvera pent-etre qu'elle doit etre le Vardhamana ; je remarquerai seulement sur la seconde, w., qu'elle est ancienne; et on la remarque frequemment au revera dea medailles de Kadphisea et de quelques autres medailles indo-acythiques au type du roi cavalier at vainqueur (A.A. pl. x. 5, 9a), et sur la troisieme, qu'ello parait n'etre qu'une variante de la @econde." -Lotus, p. 627. "Waddhamanan kumarikan." Mahavanso, I. c. xi. p. 70. Col. Sykes, J.R.A.S. VI. o.e. p. 456, No. 34, atc. 2 The Kuhaon pillar ia manifestly Jaina, though there is this to be said, that it is more fully wrought than the ordinary round monoliths, some of which Asoka may have found ready to his hand. It hears the inscription of Skanda Gupta (219 a.p.), but this need no more detract from its true age than the modern inscription of Visala dova of A.D. 1164 would disturb the prior record of Asoka on the Dehli (Khizrabad) lat. "The bell (of the capital) itself is reeded, after the fashion of the Asoka pillars. Above this the capital is square, with a small niche on each sids holding a naked standing figure, surmounted by a low circular band, in which is fixed the metal spiks already described, 99 supporting a statue of a lion, or some other animal rampant.... On the western face of the aquare base there is a niche holding a naked standing figure, with very long arms reaching to his knees. Behind, there is a large anake folded in horizontal coils, one above the other, and with its soven heads forming a canopy over the idol!" --General Cunningham, Arch. Rep. 1. p. 93.* 3 Fragment der Bhagavati. Ein heitrag zur kenntniss der heiligen litteratur und sprache der Jaina. Von A. Weber, Berlin, 1867, p. 316. The author, a Jaina writer named Malayagiri, flourished in the thirteenth century A.D. Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 17 2 in previous quotations-that the Iranian texts equally designate him by the former epithet. And it is to be remembered that Buddhism very early made its way in force over parts of Bactria- -as the construction of the Nau Bihar at Balkh, lately identified by Sir H. Rawlinson,3 suffices to prove. An edifice which Hiouen Thsang commemorates as 'qui a ete construit par le premier roi de ce kr >>4 royaume. "At that time, then, at that juncture, the holy Mahavira's eldest pupil, Indrabhuti,-houseless, of Gautama's Gotra, seven (cubits) high, of even and regular proportions, with joints as of diamond, bull and arrow, fair like the streak on a touchstone or like lotus pollen, of mighty, shining, burning, powerful penance, pre-eminent, mighty, of mighty qualities, a mighty ascetic, of mighty abstinence, of dried-up body, of compact mighty resplendency, possessed of the fourteen preliminary steps, endowed with the four kinds of knowledge, acquainted with all the ways of joining syllables, in moderate proximity to the holy Cramana Mahavira, with knees erect and lowered head, endowed with a treasury of meditation,-lived edifying himself by asceticism and the bridling of his senses. "" Thereupon that holy Gautama, in whom faith, doubt, and curiosity arose, grew and increased, rose up. Having arisen he went to the place where the sacred Cramana Mahavira was. After going there, he honours him by three pradakshina circumambulations. After performing these, he praises him and bows to him. After so doing, not too close, not too distant, listening to him, bowing to him, with his face towards him, humbly waiting on him with folded hands, he thus spoke." I have already adverted to Fah-Hian's mention of a sect, in India, who declined to accept Sakya Muni as their 1 This has not, however, always been conceded. Prof. Wilson, in his remarks upon "Two Tracts from Nipal," says Dr. Buchanan "has only specified two names, Gautama and Sakya, of which the first does not occur in the Nipal list, whilst, in another place, he observes that Sakya is considered by the Burmese Buddhists as an impostor. The omission of the name of Gautama proves that he is not acknowledged as a distinct Buddha by the Nipalese, and he can be identified with no other in the list than Sakya Simba."-Essays, vol. ii. p. 9. At p. 10 Prof. Wilson contests Buchanan's assertion, and adds that in the Pali version of the Amara Kosha GAUTAMA and SAKYA SINHA and ADITYABANDHU are given as synonyms of the son of SUDDHODANA." 2 Fravardin Yasht (circa 350-450 B.C."), quoted by Dr. Haug, Essay on the Sacred Language of the Parsees, Bombay, 1862, p. 188. 3 Quarterly Review, 1866, and his " Central Asia," Murray, 1875, p. 246. * Memoires, vol. i. p. 30. "Nava sanghdrama." See also Voyages, p. 65. Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. prophet, but who avowedly confessed their faith in one or more of his predecessors. Some very instructive passages in this direction have been collected by the Rev. S. Beal, in his revised edition of the Travels of Fab-Hian. Among the rest, referring to the Chinese aspects of Buddhism, shortly after A.D. 458, he goes on to say: "The rapid progress of Buddhism excited much opposition from the Literati and followers of Lao-tseu. The latter affirmed that Sakya Buddha was but an incarnation of their own master, who had died 517 B.C., shortly after which date (it was said) Buddha was born. This slander was resented by the Buddhists, and they put back the date of their founder's birth in consequence--first, to 687 B.C., and afterwards to still earlier periods."--p. xxvi. A coincident assertion of priority of evolution seems to have been claimed, in situ, at the period of the visit to India of the second representative Chinese pilgrim, Hiouen Thsang (A.D. 629-645). His references to the Jainas, their practices, and their supposed appropriation of the leading theory, and consequent modification of portions of the Buddhist creed, are set forth, at length, in the following quotation : In describing the town of Sinhapira, Hiouen Thsang proceeds : "A cote et a une petite distance du Stoupa, on voit l'endroit ou le fondateur de la secte heretique qui porte des vetements blancs (Cvetavdsa ?), comprit les principes sublimes qu'il cherchait, et commenca a expliquer la loi. Aujourd'hui, on y voit une inscription. A cote de cet endroit, on a construit un temple des dieux. Les sectaires qui le frequentent se livrent a des dures austerites. . . La loi qu'a exposee le fondateur de cette secte, a ete pillee en grande partie dans les livres du Bouddha, sur lesquels il s'est guide pour etablir ses preceptes et ses regles. . . Dans leurs observances et leurs exercices religieux, ils suivent presque entierement la regle des Cramanas, seulement, ils conservent un peu de cheveux sur leur tete, et, de plus, ils vont nus. Si par hazard, ils portent des vetements, ils se distinguent par la couleur blanche. Voila les differences, d'ailleurs fort legeres, qui les separent des autres. La statue de leur maitre divin ressemble, par une sorte d'usurpation, a celle London, Trubner, 1869. Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. de Jou-lai (du Tathagata); elle n'en differe que par le costume; ses signes de beaute (mahapouroucha lakchanani) sout absolument les memes."-Memoires sur les contrees occidentales, Paris, 1857, vol. i. p. 163. 19 In this conflict of periods, the pretensions of the Northern Buddhists may be reduced, by the internal testimony of their own books, to severely approximate proportions; and here Mr. Brian Hodgson's preliminary researches present themselves, with an authority hitherto denied them; perchance, because they were so definitively in advance of the ordinary knowledge of Buddhism, as derived from extra-national sources. In this case Mr. Hodgson was able to appeal to data, contributed from the very nidus of Buddhism in Magadha-whose passage, into the ready refuge of the Valley of Nipal, would prima facie have secured an adulterated version of the ancient formula, and have supplied a crucial test for the comparison of the southern developments, as contrasted with the northern expansions and assimilations of the Faith. Mr. Hodgson observes : un "I can trace something very like Buddhism into far ages and realms but I am sure that that Buddhism which has come down to us, in the Sanskrit, Pali, and Tibetan books of the sect, and which only we do or can know, is neither old nor exotic."-J.A.S.B. 1837, p. 685.2 1 One of Hiouen Theang's contributions to the place and position of the Jainas in reference to the Buddhists proper, upon whom he has been supposed exclusively to rely, is exhibited in his faith in a native magician of the former creed, the truth of whose predictions he frankly acknowledges in the following terms:-"Avant l'arrivee du messager du roi Kumara, il y eut un heretique nu (Ni-kien-Nirgrantha), nomme Fa-che-lo (Vadjra), qui entra tout a coup dans sa chambre. Le Maitre de la loi, qui avait entendu dire, depuis longtemps, que les Ni-kien excellaient a tirer l'horoscope, le pria aussitot de s'asseoir et l'interrogea ainsi, afin d'eclaircir ses dontes: Moi Hiouen-Thsang, religieux du royaume de Tchi-na, je suis venu dans ce pays, il y a bien des annees, pour me livrer a l'etude et a de pieuses recherches. Maintenant, je desire m'en retourner dans ma patrie; j'ignore si j'y parviendrai ou non.'" He then goes on to relate: "Le Ni-kien prit un morceau de craie, traca des lignes sur la terre, tira les sorts et lui repondit en ces termes."-Hiouen-Thsang,. vol. i. (Voyages), p. 228. See also vol. i. p. 224; and (Memoires) vol. i. (ii.), pp. 42, 93, 354; vol. ii. (iii.), P. 406. 2 In the same sense, another distinguished writer on Buddhism remarks: "There is no life of Gotama Buddha, by any native author, yet discovered, that is free from the extravagant pretensions with which his history has been so largely invested; from which we may infer that the records now in existence were all prepared long after his appearance in the world."-Spence Hardy, J.R.A.S. Vol. XX. p. 135. Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. * Col. Tod's observations were not designed to extend to the question of the relative age of the Jaina and Buddhist creeds, but they serve to show the permanence and immutability of the former faith in a portion of the continent of India, where the people, beyond all other sectional nationalities, have preserved their individuality and reverence for local traditions. They explain, moreover, how the leading tenet of Jainism-which was shared in a subdued form by Buddhism came under its exaggerated aspect to leave their best kings at the mercy of less humane adversaries. Col. Tod proceeds to speak of the Jainas in the following terms: "The Vediavan (the man of secrets or knowledge, magician), or Magi of Rajasi han. The numbers and power of these sectarians are little known to Europeans, who take it for granted they 1 " The practical part of the Jain religion consists in the performance of five duties and the avoidance of five sins. "The duties are-1. Mercy to all animated beings; 2. Almsgiving; 3. Venerating the sages while living, and worshipping their images when deceased ; 4, Confession of faults; 5. Religious fasting "The sins ars--1. Killing; 2. Lying; 3. Stealing; 4. Adultery; 5. Worldlymindedness."-Kalpa Sutra, p. xxu. The Jainas "believe that not to kill any sentient being is the greatest virtue." -The Chintamani, ed. Rev. H. Bower, Madras, 1868, p. xxi. The leading contrast between the simple duties of the Jainas and the later developments introdnced by the various schools of Buddhists may be traced in the following extracts: "1. From the meanest insect up to man, thou shalt kill no animal whatever ; 2. Thou shalt not steal; 3. Thou shalt not violate the wife or concubine of another."--Gutzlaff, "China Opened," London, 1838, p. 216. "There are three sins of the body: 1. The taking of life, Murder (1 2. The taking that which is not given, Theft (2); 3. The holding of carnal intercourse with the female that helongs to another, Adultery (3)." - Spence Hardy, Manual of Buddhism, p. 461. "The ten obligations" commence with "1. Not to kill; 2. Not to steal; 3. Not to marry; 4. Not to lie, etc."-- The Rev. S. Beal, Fab-hian, p. 59. Mr. Beal goes on to expound the four principles involved in the existence of Buddhism, which are defined as these :-*1. That man may become superior to the Gods; 2. That Nirvana is the Supreme good; 3. That religion consists in a right preparation of heart (suppression of evil desire, practice of self-denial, active benevolence); 4. That men of all castes, and women, may enjoy the benefits of a religious life."--p.i. ? To this leading feature in their religion (the prohibition of the shedding of blood) they owe their political debasement: for Komarpal, the last King of Anhulwara, of the Jain faith, would not march his armies in the rains, from the unavoidable sacrifice of animal life that must have ensued. The strict Jain does not even maintain a lamp during that season, lest it should attract moths to their destruction."-i. p. 519. The oil-mill and the potter's wheel are stopped for four months in the year, when insects most abound."-i. p. 521. At p. 620 Col. Tod enlarges upon the mines of knowledge (of the Jaina) books hy the thousand, etc. Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. are few and diapersed. To prove the extent of their religious and political power, it will suffice to remark, that the pontiff of the Khartra-gatoha (true branch), one of the many branchea of this faith, has 11,000 clerical disciples scattered over India ; that a aingle community, the Ossi or Oswal (Osga in Marwar), numberg 100,000 families; and that more than half the mercantile wealth of India passes tlirough the hands of the Jain laity." -Tod, under Mewar, vol. i. p. 518. Col. Tod's contemporary, and superior officer, Gen. Malcolm, gives us an equally striking insight into the active aggressiveness of the Brahmans and the helpless submissiveness of the Jainas in his current narrative : "Six years ago, the Jains built a handsome 'temple at Ujjain; a Juttee, or priest of high character, arrived from Guzerat to conseorate it, and to place within the shrine the image of their favourite deity (Parswanath); but on the morning of the day fixed for this purpose, after the ceremony had commenced and the Jains had filled the temple expecting the arrival of their idol, a Brahman appeared conveying an oval stono from the river Seepra, which he proclaimed as the emblem of Mahadeva, (and his following) soon drove the unarmed bankera and shopkeepers from their temple, and proclaimed Mahadeva as the overthrower of Jains.'!-Malcolm, Central India, vol. ii. p. 160. See also Edward Conolly, in J.A.S.B., 1837, p. 834. In addition to the personal experiences and graphic narratives of Col. Tod, as detailed in his "Rajasthan," a new class of testimony, from indigenous sources, has lately reached us, in the contributions of an independent visitor to the courts of the Chiefs of the Rajput states, forhose careful exami/ nation and reproduction of the monuments existing in situ ( has been associated with the acquisition of an amount of ancient lore, as preserved among the people themselves, which has not always been accessible under the necessarily reserved attitude of English officials. I cite M. Rousselet's own words regarding the nature. of the doouments in the possession of the Jainas, and the reiterated charges they advance against the heretical Buddhists : "Les livres religieux dea Jaipas, dont la traduction jetterait un grand jour aur les ages recules de l'histoire de l'Inde, ont ete de Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITI OF ASOKA. laisses jusqu'a present par nos savants orientalistes. Si l'on en croit les traditions conservees par les pretres de cette secte, l'origine du jainisme remonterait a des centaines de siecles avant Jesus-Christ; il parait, en tout cas, etabli qu'il existait bien avant l'apparition de Cakya Mouni, et il est meme possible que les doctrines de ce dernier ne soient qu'une transformation des doctrines jainas. Les Bouddhistes reconnaissent du reste Mahavira, le dernier Tirthankar jaina, comme le precepteur de Cakya. Les Jainas considerent, de leur cote, les Bouddhistes comme des heretiques, et les ont poursuivis de tout temps de leur haine."-p. 373. We could scarcely have expected any contributory evidence towards the antiquity of the Jaina creed from Brahmanical sources, and, yet, an undesigned item of testimony to that end is found to be embalmed in the "Padma Purana," where, in adverting to the deeds of Prihaspati and his antagonism to Indra, Jainism is freely admitted to a contemporaneous existence with the great Gods of the Brahmans, and though duly designated as "heretic," is confessed, in the terms of the text, to have been a potent competitor for royal and other converts, in very early times. I am by no means desirous of claiming either high antiquity or undue authority for the Hindu Puranas, but their minor admissions are at times instructive, and this may chance to prove so.? 1 "The Asuras are described as enjoying the ascendancy over the Devatas, when Vrihaspati, taking advantage of their leader Sukra's being enamoured of a nymph of heaven, sent by Indra to interrupt his penance, comes among the former as Sukra, and misleads them into irreligion by preaching heretical doctrines; the doctrines and practices he teaches are Jain, and in a preceding passage it is said that the sons of Raji embraced the Jina Dharmma." Padna Purana, Wilson, J.R.A.S. Vol. V. p. 282. See also pp. 287, 310-11. * Professor Wilson, arguing upon the supposed priority of the Buddhists, attempted to account for the frequent allusions to the Jainas in the Brahmanical writings by concluding that " since the Bauddhas disappeared from India, and the Jainas only have been known, it will be found that the Hindu writers, whenever they speak of Bauddhas, show, by the phraseology and practices ascribed to them, that they really mean Jainas. The older writers do not make the same mistake, and the usages and expressions they give to Rauddha personages are not Jaina, but Bauddha."--Essays, vol. i. p. 329. It is to be added, however, that Prof. Wilson, when he put this opinion on record in 1832, had to rely upon the limited knowledge of the day, which preSupposed that the Jainas had nothing definite to show prior to the ninth century (n. 333). He was not then aware of the very early indications of their unobtrusivo power in Southern India in Saka 411 (A.D. 489), if not earlier, as proved by Sir W. Elliot's Inscriptions (J.R.A.S. 1837, Vol. IV. pp. 8, 9, 10, 17, 19): and still less could he have foreseen the new revelations from Mathura, wbich, of course, would have materially modified his conclusions. Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. The Pancha Tantra--the Indian original of AEsop's Fableswhich has preserved intact so many of the ancient traditions of the land also retains among the network of its ordinary homespun tales and local stories, a very significant admission of the position once held by the Jaina sect amid the social relations of the people. The fable, in question, appears in the authorized Sanskrit text, which, under some circumstances, might have caught the eye of Brahmanical revisors; nevertheless we find in its context " the chief of the (Jaina) convent" expressing himself, "How now, son; what is it you say? Are we Brahmans, think you, to be at any one's beck and call ? No, no; at the hour we go forth to gather alms, we enter the mansions of those votaries only who, we know, are of approved faith."1 That Chandra Gupta was a member of the Jaina community is taken by their writers as a matter of course, and treated as a known fact, which needed neither argument nor demonstration. The documentary evidence to this effect is 1 This is Prof. Wilson's own rendering of the text. As we have seen, his leading tendencies were altogether against the notion of the antiquity or ante-Buddhistical development of the Jaina creed (Essays, vol. iii. p. 227); and yet he was forced on many occasions, like the present, to admit that the terms were Buddhist, but the tenor was Jaina. In a note on the Pancha Tantra (p. 20, vol. ii.) he remarks, "From subsequent passages, however, it appears that the usual confusion of Bauddha and Jaina occurs in the Pancha Tantra; and that the latter alone is intended, whichever be named." And with regard to the quotation given above he goes an to say: "The chief peculiarity, however, of this story is its correct delineation of Jain customs; a thing very unusual in Brahmanical books. The address of the barber, and the benediction of the Superior of the Vihdra, are conformable to Jain usages. The whole is indeed a faithful picture..., The accuracy of the description is an argument for some antiquity; as the more modern any work is, the more incorrect the description of the Jainas and Bauddhas, and the confounding of one with the other."--1840, vol. i. p. 76. 2 Book No. 20. Countermark 774, Mackenzie MSS., J.A.S. Bengal, vol. vii. p. 411. "Section 8. Chronological tables of Hindu rajas (termed Jaina kings of the Dravida country in the table of contents of book No. 20). << In the 4th age a mixture of names, one or two of them being Jaina: Chandra Gupta is termed a Jaina. Chola rajas. Himasila a Jaina king." The reporter, the Rev. William Taylor, adds the remark, "These lists, though imperfect, may have some use for occasional reference." t. The extinction of the Brahman and Kshatriya elasses was predicted by BHADRA-BAHU MUNI, in his interpretation of the 14 dreams of CHANDRA GUPTA, whom they, the Srawak Yatis, make out in the Buddha-vildsa, a Digambar work, to have been the monarch of Ujjayani."- Trans. R A.S. Vol. I. p. 413. " And Chandra Gupta, the king of Pataliputra, on the night of the full moon Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. of comparatively early date, and, apparently, absolved from all suspicion, by the omission from their lists of the name of Asoka, a far more powerful monarch than his grandfather, and one whom they would reasonably have claimed as a potent upholder of their faith, had he not become a pervert. The testimony of Megasthenes would likewise seem to imply that Chandra Gupta submitted to the devotional teaching of the seronanas, as opposed to the doctrines of the Brahmans. The passage in Strabo runs as follows :Tois de basileusi suneinai di' aggelon punthanomenois peri ton aition, kai di' ekeinon therapeuousi, kai litaneuousi to theion. -Strabo, xv. i. 60. We must now turn to the authoritative account of the succession of the Mauryas, as presented by the Brahmanical texts, which had so many chances of revision, both in time and substance, in their antagonism to all ancient creeds, and less-freely elaborated delusions, than their own more modern system professed to teach the Indian world. The most approved of their Puranas, under the chronological and genealogical aspects--the Vishnu Purara-introduces the succession of the Mauryas in the following terms: "Upon the cessation of the race of Nanda, the Mauryas will possess the earth; for Kautilya will place Chandragupta on the throne. His son will be Bindusara ; his son will be Asokuvardhana ; his son will be Suyasas; his son will be Dasaratha; his son will be Sangata ; his son will be Salisuka; his son will be Somasarman; in the month of Kartika, bad 16 dreams....."-Mr. Lewis Rice, Indian Antiquary, 1874, p. 155. Mr. Rice adds the "Chronology of the Rajavali Kathe," as given by Deva Chandra, to the following effect : "After the death of Vira Varddhamana Gautama and other Kevalis, 62 years. Then Nandi Mitra and other Srnta Kevalis, 100 years. Then Visakha and other Dasa purvie, 183. Then Nakshatra and other Ekadasangadhara, 233. Then was born Vikramaditya in Uji ... and he established his own era from the year of Radirodgari, the 606th year after the death of Varddhamana." " Intepretation of the 16 dreams of Chandra Gupta. "1. All knowledge will be darkened. "2. The Jaina religion will decline, and your sucoessors to the throne take dikshe. "3. The heavenly beings will not henceforth visit the Bharata Kshetra. "14. The Jainas will be split into sects. 15. The clouds will not give seasonable rain, and the crops will be poor. 16. True knowledge being lost, a few sparks will glimmer with a feeble light. 67. Aryakhanda will be destitute of Jaina doctrine. "8. The evil will prevail and goodness be hidden.. . " 16. Twelve years of dearth and famine will come upon this land." Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 25 his son will be Satadhanwan; and his successor will be Bsihadratha. These are the ten Mauryas, wbo will reign over the earth for 137, years."--Vishnu Purana, book iv. cap. xxiv. The full list of the Kings of Magadha, obtained from these sources, runs as follows: i. PRADYOTANA. XV. MAHANANDIN. ii. PALAKA. xvi. NANDA, Mahapadma.3 iii. VISAKHAYUPA. xvii. SUMALYA & 7 BROTHERS iv. JANAKA. ("the Brahman Kautilya will root out the 9 Nandas"). v. NANDIVARDHANA. xviii. CHANDRA GUPTA. vi. SisUNAGA. xix. BINDUSARA. vii. KAKAVARNA. xx. ASOKAVARDHANA. viii. KSHEMADHARMAN. xxi. SUYASAS. ix. KSHATTRAUJAS. xxii. DASARATHA. X. VIDMISARA (BIMBISARA). xxiii. SANGATA. xi. AJATASATRU. xxiv. S.ALISUKA. xii. DARBHAKA. XXV. SOMASAKMAN. xiii. UDAYASWA. xxvi. SATADHANWAN. xiv. NANDIVARDHANA. xxvii. BRIHADRATHA. The inquiry might here be reasonably raised, as to how a Brahman, like Kautilya, came to select, for sovereignty, a man of a supposedly adverse faith. But though our Kingmaker was a Brahman, he was not necessarily, in the modern acceptation of the term, a " Brahmanist." The fact of the Brahmanas being bracketed in equal gradation with the Sramanas of the Jainas and Buddhists, in the formal versions of Asoka's edicts, clearly demonstrates that the first-named class had not, as yet, succeeded to the exclusive charge of kings' consciences, or attained the leading place in the hierarchy of the land which they subsequently claimed. Moreover, in the full development of their power, the Brahmans, as a rule, recognized their proper metier of guiding and governing from within the palace, and but seldom sought to become ostensibly reigning kings. Thus, supposing Kautilya to have been, as is' affirmed in some passages, an hereditary minister, 4 he might well have sought to secure a submissive 1" 5 Pradyota kings, 138 years." 2 "10 Saisunaga kings, 362 years." s"He will be the annihilator of the Kshatrya race; for, after him, the kings of the earth will be Sudras." Hindu Theatre, p. 145. "Vishnu Gupta," son of Chanaka (hence Chanakya). He is described in the Vrihat-Katha as a "Brahman of mean appearance, in a meadow."-H.T.p. 140, and Wilson's Works, vol. iii. p. 177; see also vol. ii. p. 354, and the Mahawanso, p. 21, with the full list of references, pp. lxxvi, et seq. Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. prince, without regard to his crude ideas of faith, and one unlikely to trench upon the growing pretensions of the Brahmanical class. But, among other things, it is to be kept in view that, hitherto, there had been no overt antagonism of creeds, regarding which, as will be seen hereafter, Asoka so wisely counsels sufferance and consideration. The leading question of caste, also, has a very important, though seemingly indirect, bearing upon the subject under discussion. It is clear that the whole theory of Indian castes originated in a simple natural division of labour associated with heredity of occupations, constituting, as civilization advanced, ipso facto, a system of social class discrimination; each section of the community having its defined rights and being subject to its corresponding responsibilities. 1 In the initiatory stage this simple distribution of duties clearly had no concern with creeds or forms of religious belief. But beyond this, we have already seen (p. 3) that it was not incompatible with their obligations to their own faith, that Brahmans should officiate in Jaina temples and, as almost a case in point, we find very early instances of Jaina Kings entertaining Brahman Purohits, but it need not for a moment be supposed that these "spiritual guides" taught their sovereigns either the Vedic or Brahmanical system of religion.3 The conception of caste itself was obviously indigenous, and clearly an institution of home growth, which flourished and 1 In the Sonth and Central India the term carte seems still to renresent class << The Hindus, as in all parts of India, are divided into four great castes; but it will be preferable to speak of the inhabitants of this country as nations and classes, for it is in this manner they divide themselves and keep alive those attachments and prejudices which distinguish them from each other.-- Malcolm's "Central India." vol. i. p. 114. 2 " While Padmapara was reigning in the city of Kotikapura. . . His Queen being Padmaasri, and his purohita Soma Somarsi, a Brahman."-Rajavali Kathe, Ind. Antiquary, 1874, p. 154. 8 Govinda Raya makes a grant of land to a "Jaina Brahman." --Journal Royal . Asiatic Society, Vol. VIII. p. 2; see also Colonel Sykes, J.R.A.S., Vol. VI. pp. 301, 305, and F. Buchanan, Mysore, vol. iii. p. 77. It has elsewhere been remarked by other commentators:-"We see from the history of the Buddhist patriarchs, that the distinction of castes in no way interfered with the selection of the chiefs of religion. Sakya Muni was a Kshatrya ; Maha Kasvapa. his successor, was a Brahman; Shang na ho si'eou, the third patriarch. was a Vaigyn; and his successor, Yeou pho Khieouto, was a Sudra." - Remusat, note, cap ris. Foe koi ki, Laidlay's Translation, p. 178. "Sargata books treating on the subject of caste never call in question the antinge fact of a fourfold division of the Hindu people, but only give a more Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 27 engrafted itself more deeply as the nation progressed in its own independent self-development. In this sense we need not seek to discover any reference to its machinery in the authentic texts of the Vedas. The Aryan pastoral races, who reached India from distant geographical centres, however intellectually endowed, were, in their very tribal communities and migratory habits, unfitted and unprepared for such matured social conditions. The intrusion of a foreign race, in considerable numbers, would tend to fix the local distribution, and add a new division of its own to those already existing among people of the land. It might be suggested that the Vedic Aryans thus constituted, in their new home, the fifth of the "five classes of men " to whom they so frequently refer in the text of the Rig Veda. But there are decided objections to any such conclusion, as in one instance the five classes are distinctly alluded to as within the Aryan pale, in opposition to the local Dasyus.3 liberal interpretation to it than the current Brahmanical one of their day."-B. H. Hodgson, J.R.A.S. Vol. II. p. 289. And to conclude these references, I may point to the fact that Sakya Muni, in one instance, is represented as having promised a "young Brahman that he shall become a perfect Buddha."-Ksoma de Koros, Asiatic Researches, vol. xx. p. 453. 1 Muir, J.R.A.S. N.s. Vol. I. p. 356; Sanskrit Texts, vol. i. pp. 7, 15, etc.; vol. v. p. 371. Colebrooks, As. Res. vol. vii. p. 251; Essays, vol. i. pp. 161, 309. Max Muller, Ancient Sanskrit Literature, p. 570. Wilson, Rig Veda, vol. i. p. xliv. 2"Over the five men, or classes of men" (pancha kshitinam).-Rig Veda, Wilson's translation, vol. i. pp. 20, 230, 314; ii. p. xv., "The five classes of beings," p. 170; iii. p. xxii., "The five races of men" (panchajanyasu krishtishu) 87; "The five classes of men," pp. 468, 506, etc. "The commentator explains this term to denote the four castes, Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaisya, and Sudra, and the barbarian or Nishada; but Sayana, of course, expresses the received opinions of his own age."-Wilson, Rig Veda, vol. i. p. xliii; also vol. ii. p. XV. See also Muir, vol. i. p. 176, et seq. Pliny's detail of the castes or classes of India differs slightly from that of Megasthenes', and, like the Vedic tradition, estimates the number of divisions at five, excluding the lowest servils class. "The people of the more civilized nations of India are divided into several classes. One of these classes tills the earth, another attends to military affairs, others, again, are occupied in mercantile pursuits, while the wisest and most wealthy among them have the management of the affairs of State, act as judges, and give counsel to the King. The fifth class entirely devoting themselves to the pursuit of wisdom, which, in these countries, is almost held in the same veneration as religion.". "In addition to these, there is a class in a half-savage state, and doomed to endless labour; by means of their exertions, all the classes previously mentioned are supported."Pliny, vi. 22. 19, Bohn's edition, 1855. ... 3 The sage ATRI, who was venerated by the five classes of men,. baffling, showerers (of benefits), the devices of the malignant Dasyus."-Wilson, vol. i. p. 314 (R. V. i. viii.). and Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITI OF ASOKA. So that these references must be supposed either to apply to the Aryan tribes, as once distinguished from each other in their previous dwelling-places, or to refer to the independent waves of immigration of the clans across the Indus, which would establish a sufficiently marked subdivision of the parent race. On the other hand, it is clear that if they had no birthcaste, they had very arrogant notions of Varna "colour," which, under modern interpretation, has come to have the primary meaning of caste. We find them speaking of the Aryam 'varnam, "the Aryan-colour;"I and our "whitecomplexioned friends" are contrasted with the black skins and imperfect language of the indigenous races. These utterances appear to belong to the period of the Aryan progress through the Punjab. Whether after their prolonged wanderings, the surviving members of the community reached the sacred sites on the Saraswati in diminished force, we have no means of determining ; but they would, as far as we can judge, have here found themselves in more densely inhabited districts, in disproportionate numbers to the home population, and cut off from fresh accessions from the parent stock. But, however few in numbers, they were able to place their mark upon the future of the land, to introduce the worship of their own gods, to make their hymns the ritual, and finally, as expositors of the new religion, to elevate themselves into a sanctity but little removed from that of the deity. 3 We have now to inquire, what bearing this view of caste 1 "He gave horses, he gave the Sun, and INDRA gave also the many-nourishing cow; he gave golden treasure, and baving destroyed the Dasyus, he protected the Aryan tribe."-Wilson, R.V. vol. ii. p. 56. Aryam varnam "the Aryan colour."--Muir, vol. v. p. 114; and ii. 282, 360, 374. " INDRA ... divided the fields with his white-complexioned friends." - Wilson, R.V. vol. i. p. 259. 2 (Indra) "tore off the black skin." Vol. ii, p. 35 (ii. i. 8). (Indra) a scattered the black-sprung servile" (hosts). Vol. ii. p. 258 (ii. vi. 6). (Dasyus) "who are babblers defective in speech." Vol. iv. p. 42. "may we conquer in battle the ill-speaking man." Vol. iv. p. 60. 3** viu. 381. No greater crime is known on earth than slaying a Brahman; and the King, therefore, must not even form in his mind an idea of killing a priest." " ix. 317. A Brahman, whether learned or ignorant, is a powerful divinity.". "ix. Thus, although Brabmans employ themselves in all sorts of mean ocenpation, they must invariably be bonoured, for they are something transcendently divine."-G. C. Haugbtor . "The Institutes of Manu" ( VIALUU (1040). Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 29 has upon the pretensions of the Jainas to high antiquity. It is clear that the elaboration and gradual development of the subdivisions of caste must have been the work of ages; in early times. limited to four classes of men, it has so grown that, in our day, in a single district in Upper India, the official statistical return gives no less than ninety-five classes of the population, as ranged under the heading of "Caste," and the full total for the entire government of the NorthWestern Provinces mounts up "" to no less than 560 castes among the Hindus " alone." 221 If this be taken as the rate of increase, to what primitive times must we assign the pre-caste period, and with it the indigenous population represented by those, who, with the simplest form of worship, avowedly lived a life of equality before their Maker; and so long resisted any recognition of caste, till the force of example and surrounding custom led them exceptionally, and in a clumsy way,3 to subject the free worship of each independent votary to the control of a ministering priesthood. We may conclude, for all present purposes, that Vindusara followed the faith of his father, and that, in the same belief-- whatever it may prove to have been-his childhood's lessons were first learnt by Asoka. The Ceylon authorities assert that Vindusara's creed was "Brahmanical," but, under any circumstances, their testimony would not carry much weight in the argument about other lands and other times, and it is, moreover, a critical question as to how much they knew about Brahmanism itself, and whether the use of the word Brahman does not merely imply, in their sense, a non-Buddhistic or any religion opposed to their own.* Report on Saharanpur, Elliot's Glossary, vol. i. p. 296. 2 Ibid, p. 283. Census Report for 1865. 3 "VRISHABHANATHA was incarnate in this world. at the city of Ayodhya. C He also arranged the various duties of mankind, and allotted to men the means of subsistence, viz. Asi, 'the sword;" Masi, letters' (lit. ink); Krishi, 'agriculture;' Vanijya, commerce;' Pagupala, attendance on cattle.' Thus Vrishabhanatha established the religion of the Jains, in its four classes or castes, of Brahmans, Kshatris, Vaisyas, and Sudras."-C. Mackenzie, Asiatic Researches, vol. ix. p. 259. 4 "The father (of Asoka) being of the Brahmanical faith, maintained (bestowing daily alms) 60,000 Brahmans. He himself in like manner bestowed them for 3 years."-Mahawanso, p. 23. Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 30 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. I now arrive at the primary object, which, in nominal terms, heads this paper, regarding the relative precedence of Jainism and Buddhism, as tried and tested by the ultimate determination of "the early faith of Asoka." In the preliminary inquiry, I have often had to rely upon casual and inconsecutive evidence, which my readers may estimate after their own ideas and predilections. I have at length to face what might previously have been regarded as the crucial difficulty of my argument; but all doubts and obscurities in that direction may now be dissipated before Asoka's own words, which he or his advisers took such infinite pains to perpetuate-under the triple phases of his tardy religious progress-on rocks and big stones, and more elaborately prepared Indian Lats or monoliths. It is fully ascertained, that the knowledge of the characters of this Lat alphabet, together with the power of interpreting the meaning of these edicts, had been altogether lost and obscured in the land, where these very monuments stood undefaced, up to the fourteenth century A.D.; when Firuz Shah, on the occasion of the removal of two of the northern monoliths to his new city on the Jumna, ineffectually summoned the learned of all and every class and creed, from far and near, to explain the writing on their surfaces. It is therefore satisfactory to find that, so to say, Jaina records had preserved intact a tradition of what the once again legible purport of the inscriptions reveals, as coincident with the subdued and elsewhere disregarded pretensions of the sect. Abul Fazl, the accomplished minister of Akbar, is known to have been largely indebted to the Jaina priests and their carefully preserved chronicles, for much of his knowledge of the past, or Hindu, period of the empire he had to describe statistically, under the various aspects of its soils, its revenues, its ancient legends, its conflicting creeds, etc. In his Ain-e-Akbari he has retained, in his notice of the kingdom of Kashmir, three very important entries, exhibited in the 1 My Pathan Kings of Dehli, p. 292. General Cunningham, Arch. Rep. vol. i. pp. 156, 161. "Elliot's Historians, vol. iii. p. 352. Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 31 original Persian version quoted below, which establish: (1) that Asoka himself first introduced "JAINISM," eo nomine, into the kingdom of Kashmir; (2) that "Buddhism " was dominant there during the reign of Jaloka; and (3) that Brahmanism superseded Buddhism under Raja Sachinara. w chwn frmndhy bshwk psr `m rjh jnt bz khrdyd khysh ' -.brhmn ndkhth ay'yn jyn brgrft Dr. Blochmanns revised text, p . ovq. During the reign of Jaloka Buddhism is stated to have heen pre Under Raja Sachinara the .(way'yn bwdh dr an zmn rwny yft) .valent dr zmn rjh nr brhmn br bwdh Brahmans again asserted their supremacy .680 .p chyrh dst amdnd w prstsh jy ann khk twdh gsht 2 KINGS OF KASHMIR AFTER 35 PRINCES "WHOSE NAMES ARE FORGOTTEN."" PERBIAN NAXBB. SANSKRIT NAMES (As. Res. xv.). .(Lana) lwh .Kasegaga khshn pwr w .Khayendra (tyjynyr variant) khhghndr pwr w .Sarendra srndr pwr w .Godhara gwdhrz qwm dygr .Sabarna swrn psr w psr w .Janaka jng .Saehanara shy nr psrw Asoka, descended from the pe shwk psr `m jnk . .Jaloka jlwk psr w .Damodara dmwdr z wld shw .var) khnsht ,(pysh wzsh ( hsh Hashka, ashka, Kanish . hr sh brdr ay'yn bwdh dshtnd .ka .Abhimanga bh mn ternal great-uncle of Khagendra.) Calcutta Text, p. ove. Gladwin, vol. u. p. 171. Prinsep's Essays, Useful Tables, p. 243. Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. In brief, this extraneous evidence, from possibly secondary Jaina sources, is fully consistent with what Asoka has still to disclose in the texts of his own inscriptions ; but it conveys, indirectly, even more than those formal and largely-distributed official documents--which merely allow us to infer that Asoka's conversion to Buddhism occurred late in his life or reign. But the annals of Kashmir, on the other hand, more emphatically imply that either he did not seek to spread, or had not the chance or opportunity of propagating his new faith in the outlying sections of his dominions; and that, in this valley of Kashmir, at least, Buddhism came after him, as a consequence of his southern surrender rather than as a deliberate promulgation of a well-matured belief on his part. The leading fact of Asoka's introduction or recognition of the Jaina creed in Kashmir, above stated, does not, however, rest upon the sole testimony of the Muhammadan author, but is freely acknowledged in the Brahmanical pages of the Raja Tarangini--a work which, though finally compiled and put together only in 1148 A.D., relies, in this section of its history, upon the more archaic writings of Padma Mihira and Sri Chhavillakara. Professor. Wilson's recapitulation of the context of this passage is somewhat obscure, as, while hesitating to admit that Asoka "introduced" into Kashmir "the Jina Sasana," he, inconsistently, affirms that "he invented or originated" it. If so, we must suppose that Jainism had its germ and infantile birth in an outlying valley of the Himalaya in: 250 B.C.--a conclusion which is beyond measure improbable. Professor Wilson's paraphrase runs: "The last of these princes being childless, the crown of Kashmir reverted to the family of its former rulere, and devolved on ASOKA, who was descended from the paternal great uncle of KHAGENDRA. This prince, it is said in the A'in i-Akbari, abolished the Brahmanical rites, and substituted those of Jina: from the original (text of the Raja Tarangiai), however, it appears that he by no means attempted the former of these heinous acts, and that, on the contrary, he was a pious worshipper of Siva, an ancient temple of whom in the character of Vijayesa he repaired. With respect to the second charge, there is better foundation for it, although it appears that this prince did not introduce, but invented or originated the Jina Sdsana." Ae. Res. vol. xv. p. 19. The text and purport of the original are subjoined; the latter rune: " Then the prince Asoka, the lover of truth, obtained the earth; who einning in subdued affections produced the Jina Sdsana. Jaloka, the son and successor of Asoka, Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 33 I had outlined and transcribed the subjoined sketch of the contrasted stages of Asoka's edicts, before the Indian Antiquary containing Dr. Kern's revision of the translations of his predecessors came under my notice. As I understand the position of the inquiry at this moment, Dr. Kern is aided by no novel data or materials beyond the reach of those who came to the front before him, and it may chance to prove that he has been precipitate in closing his case, while a new and very perfect version of the same series of inscriptions, at Khalsi, is still awaiting General Cunningham's final imprimatur--a counterpart engrossed in more fully-defined characters, which Dr. Kern does not appear to have heard of. Dr. Kern's method of dealing with his materials might not commend itself to some interpreters. He confesses that the original, or Palace copy, forming the basis of all other variants, was cast in the dialect of Magadha, and he then goes through the curious process of reducing the Girnar text--which he takes as his representative test -- into classical or Brahmanic Sanskrit, on which he relies for his competitive translation. At the same time he admits, without reserve, that the geographically distributed versions of the guiding scripture were systematically adapted to the various dialects of "Gujarati was a prince of great prowess; be overcame the assertors of the Bauddha beresies, and quickly expelled the Mlechhas from the country. ..... "The conquest of Kanauj by this prince is connected with an event not improbable in itself, and which possibly marks the introduction of the Brahmanical creed, in its more perfect form, into this kingdom, and Jaloka is said to have adopted thence the distinction of castes, and the practices which were at that time established in the neighbouring kingdoms. . . He forbore in the latter part of his reign from molesting the followers of the Bauddha schism, and even bestowed on them some endowments." -As. Res. vol. xv. P. 21. Troyer's 'translation of 102 runs : " Ce monarque (Asoka) ayant eteint en lui tout penchant vicieux, embrassa la religion de Djina, et etendit sa domination par des enclos d'elevations sacrees de terre dans le pays de Cuchkala, ou est situee la montagne de Vitasta. 103. La Vitasta passait dans la ville au milieu des bois sacres et des Viharas: c'etait la ou s'elevait, bati par lui, un sanctuaire de Buddha, d'une hauteur dont l'oeil ne pouvait atteindre les limites."-Vol. ii. p. 12. A notice which may have some bearing upon these events is to be found in the Dulva. It purports to declare: "100 years after the disappearance of Sakya, his religion is carried into Kashmir. 110 years after the same event, in the reign of Asoka, King of Pataliputra, a new compilation of the laws'. .. was prepared at Allahabad."-J.A.S. Bengal, vol. i. p. 6. Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. or Marathi--Magadhi, and Gandhari" [the Semitic version of Kapurdigiri]. I should have had more confidence in this rectification of the translations of all previous masters of the craft, if the modern critic had proceeded upon diametrically opposite principles, and had recognized the confessed necessity of the variation and distribution of dialects, site by site, as a fact making against the pretended supremacy of classical Sanskrit at this early date. Singular to say, with all these reservations, I am fully prepared to accept so much of Dr. Kern's general conclusions as, without concert, chances opportunely to support and confirm my leading argument, with regard to the predominance of Jainism in the first and second series of Asoka's Inscriptions. Dr. Kern, elsewhere, relies on a short indorsement of, or supplementary addition to, the framework of the Girnar Inscription, as satisfactorily proving, to his perception, the Buddhistical import of the whole set of Edicts which precede it on the same rock. I am under the impression that this incised scroll is of later date than the body of the epigraph. It is larger in size, does not range with the rest of the writing, and does not, in terms, fit-in with the previous context. Of course should it prove to be authentic and synchronous in execution with the other chiselled letters, and, at the same time, of exclusively Buddhist tendency, I might regard its tenor as 1 The pretence of the universality of the Sanskrit la e in India at this period has often been contested in respect to the method of reconstruction of these ancient monuments. Mr. Turnour was the first to protest against James Prinsep's submission to the Sanskritic tendencies of his Pandits. Mr. B. Hodgson, in like manner, consistently upheld the local claims and prior currency of the various forms of the vernaculars, and, most unquestionably, Professor Wilson's own perception and faculty of interpreting this class of inter-provincial records was damaged and obscured by his obstinate demands for good dictionary Sanskrit. ? "In one place only-I mean the signature of the Girnar inscription--the following words have reference to Buddha. Of this signature there remains, ... va sveto hasti savalokasukhaharo naiina. What has to be supplied at the beginning I leave to the ingenuity of others to determine, but what is left means the white elephant' whose name is Bringer of Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 35 of more importance; but, even accepting all Dr. Kern's arguments in favour of " White Elephants," which I distrust altogether, how are we to reconcile the repeated arrays of elephants, (the special symbol of the second Jina), upon acknowledged Jaina sculptures, with anything but the general identity of symbols of both sects, and a possible derivation on the part of the Buddhists ? Dr. Kern thus concludes his final resume :-- - The Edicts give an idea of what the King did for his subjects in his wide empire, which extended from Behar to Gandhara, from the Himalaya to the coast of Coromandel and Pandya. They are not unimportant for the criticism of the Buddhistic traditions, though they give us exceedingly little concerning the condition of the doctrine and its adherents. ... "At fitting time and place, [Asoka] makes mention, in a modest and becoming manner, of the doctrine he had embraced; but nothing of a Buddhist spirit can be discovered in his State policy. From the very beginning of his reign he was a good prince. His ordinances concerning the sparing of animal life agree much more closely with the ideas of the heretical Jainas than those of the Buddhists." (p. 275.) TAE EDICTS OF ASOKA. Prof. Wilson, when revising the scattered texts of Asoka's Edicts within the reach of the commentators of 1849, declared, and, as we may now see, rightly maintained, that there was nothing demonstrably "Buddhist" in any of the preliminary or Rock Inscriptions of that monarch, though, then and since, he has been so prominently put bappiness to the whole world. That by this term Sakya is implied, there can be no doubt (he entered his mother's womb as a white elephant,--Lalita Vistara, p. 63). ..:. Even if the signature is not to be attributed to the scribe, the custom evidently even then prevalent, and still in use at the present day, of naming at the end of the inscription the divinity worshipped by the writer or scribe, can offer no serious difficulty." --I. A. p. 258. If Sakya Muni was the seed of the white elephant, how came he to be so disrespectful to his deceased relatives as to speak of his dead friend "the white elephunt" Devadatta killed, as "cet etre qui a un grand corps, en se decomposant, remplirait toute la ville d'une manvaise odeur ':?] Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 36 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. forward as the special patron and promoter of the Creed of Sakya Muni. In the single-handed contest between Buddhism and Brahmanism, Prof. Wilson made no pretence to discover any status --throughout the whole range of these formal records--for the latter religion ; except in the vague way of a notice of the Brahmans and Sramans mentioned in the corresponding palaeographic texts, which were, in a measure, associated with the coeval references of the Greek authors to these identical designations. But no suggestion seems to have presented itself to him, as an alternative, of old-world Jainism progressing into a facile introduction to philosophic Buddhism. We have now to compare the divergencies exhibited between the incidental records of the tenth, twelfth, and possibly following years, with the advanced declarations of the twenty-seventh year of Asoka's reign. We find the earlier proclamations advocating Dharma,? which certainly does not come up to our ideal of "religion," represented in its simplest phase of duty to others, which, among these untutored peoples, 1 "In the first place, then, with respect to the supposed main purport of the inscription, proselytism to the Buddhist religion, it may not unreasonably be doubted if they were made public with any such design, and whether they have any connexion with Buddhism at all."-J.R.A.S. Vol. XII. p. 236. "There is nothing in the injunctions promulgated or sentiments expressed in the inscriptions, in the sense in which I have suggested their interpretation, that is decidedly and exclusively characteristic of Buddhism. The main object of the first appears, it is true, to be a prohibition of destroying animal life, but it is a mistake to ascribe the doctrine to the Buddhists_alone. p. 238. "From these considerations, I have been compelled to withhold my unqualified assent to the confident opinions that have been entertained respecting the object and origin of the inscriptions. Without denying the possibility of their being intended to disseminate Buddhism, ... there are difficulties in the way, ... which, to say the least, render any such an attribution extremely uncertain." p. 250. 2 The four Dharmas, in their simplicity, are defined by the Northern Jainas as << merits," as consequent upon the five Mahdvratas or great duties." --Wilson's Essays, vol. i. p. 317. This idea progressed, in aftertimes, into a classification of the separate duties of each rank in life, or the "prescribed course of duty." Thug " giving alms," etc., is the dharma of the householder, "administering tice" of a king, "piety" of a Brahman,"courage" of a Kshatriya.-M. Williams, sub voce. "Later Jaina interpretations of the term Dharma in Southern India extend to virtue, duty, justice, righteousness, rectitude, religion. It is said to be the quality of the individual self which arises from action, and leads to happiness and final beatitude. It also means Law, and has for its object Dharma, things to be done, and Adharma, things to be avoided.' This Dharma is said by the Jainas to be eternal. Dharma, as well as Veda, if they are true Virtue and Law. are attributes or perfections of the Divine Being, and as such are eternal." Chintamani, Rev. H. Bower, p. xl. See also Max Muller's "Sanskrit Literature," p. 101: "In our Sutra Dharma means Law," etc. The intuitive Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. assumed the leading form of futile mercy to the lower animals, extending into the devices of "Hospitals" for the suffering members of the brute creation, and ultimately, in after-times, progressing into the absurdity of the wearing of respirators and the perpetual waving of fans, to avoid the destruction of minute insect life. An infatuation, which eventually led to the surrendering thrones and kingdoms, to avoid a chance step which should crush a worm, or anything that crept upon the face of the earth; and more detrimental still, a regal interference with the every-day life of the people at large, and the subjecting of human labour to an enforced three months' cessation in the year, in order that a moth should not approach a lighted lamp, and the revolving wheel should not crush a living atom in the mill. I have arranged, in the subjoined full resume of the three phases or gradations "of Asoka's faith," as much of a contrast as the original texts, under their modern reproductions, admit of; exhibiting, in the first period, his feelings and inspirations from the tenth to the twelfth year after his inauguration; following on to the second, or advanced phase of thought, which pervades the manifestos of his twenty-seventh year; and exhibiting, as a climax of the whole series of utterances, his free and outspoken profession of faith in the hitherto unrecognized "Buddha." The difference between the first and second series of declarations or definitions of Dharma is not so striking as the interval in point of time, and the opportunities of fifteen years of quasi-religious meditation, might have led us to expect; but still, there is palpable change in the scope of thought--"a marked advance in faith"; only the faith is indefinite, and the morals still continue supreme. Happily, for the present inquiry, there is nothing in these authentic documents which has any pretence to be either Vedic or 37 feeling that "laborare est orare" seems to have prevailed largely in the land, and would undoubtedly have been fostered and encouraged under the gradual development of caste. The great Akhar appears to have participated in the impressions of his Hindu subjects; for we find him, in the words of his modern biographer, described as one "who looks upon the performance of his duties as an act of divine worship."-Dr. Blochmann's translation of the Ain-i-Akbari, p. iii. Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. Brahmanical, and therefore we can pass by, for the moment, all needless comparisons between the terms "Brahmans and Sramans"-the latter of whom equally represented Jainas and Buddhists--a controversy to which undue emphasis and importance has been hitherto assigned, and confine ourselves to Asoka's aims in departing from the silence of the past, and covering the continent of India with his written proclamations. His ideas and aspirations, as exhibited in his early declarations, are tentative and modest in the extreme: in fact, he confesses, in his later summaries, that these inscribed edicts represent occasional thoughts and suggestive inspirations; indeed, that they were put forth, from time to time, and often, we must conclude, ostentatiously dated, without reference to their period of acceptance or their ultimate place on the very stones on which we find them. 38 When closely examined, the two sets of edicts, contrasted by their positions as Rock and PILLAR Inscriptions, covering, more or less, a national movement of fifteen years, resolve themselves into a change in the Dharma or religious law advocated by the ruling power of very limited and natural extent. The second series of manifestos are marked, on the one hand, by a deliberate rejection of some of the minor delusions of the earlier documents, and show an advance to a distinction and discrimination between good and evil animals, a more definite scale of apportionment of crimes and their appropriate punishments, completed by an outline of the ruling moral polity, reading like a passage from Megas-thenes,1 in regard to the duties of inspectors, and forming a consistent advance upon Chandra Gupta's moral code. 1 Arrian xii.; Strabo xv. 48; Diod. Sic. ii. 3. There are several points in the Greek accounts of Indian creeds which have hitherto been misunderstood, and which have tended to complicate and involve the true state of thinge existing in the land at the periods referred to. Among the rest is the grand question, in the present inquiry, of Jaina versus Buddhist, of which the following is an illustration:-Fah Hian, chap. xxx. "The honourable of the age (Buddha) has established a law that no one should destroy his own life." Mr. Laidlay adds, as a commentary upon this passage:"The law here alluded to is mentioned in the Dulva (p. 162 to 239); where, in consequence of several instances of suicide among the monks,. Sakya prohibits discourses upon that subject. So that the practice of self-immolation ascribed by the Greek historians to the Buddhists was, like that of going naked, a departure from orthodox principles."-p. 278. The Rev. S. Beal, in his revised translation of Fah Hian, in confirming this Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 39 All these indications, and many more significant items, may, perchance, be traced by those, who care to follow the divergencies presented in the subjoined extracts; but no ingenuity can shake the import of the fact, that, up to the twenty-seventh year of his reign, Asoka had no definite' idea of or leaning towards Buddhism, as represented in its after-development. His final confession and free and frank recognition of the name and teaching of Buddha in the Babhra proclamation, form a crucial contrast to all he had so elaborately advocated and indorsed upon stone, throughout his dominions, during the nearly full generation of his fellow-men, amid whom he had occupied the supreme throne of India. As my readers may be curious to see the absolute form in which this remarkable series of Palaeographic monuments were presented to the intelligent public of India, or to their authorized interpreters, in the third century B.C., I have, at at the last moment, taken advantage of Mr. Burgess's very successful paper-impressions, or squeezes, of the counterpart inscription on the Girnar rock, to secure an autotype reproduction of the opening tablets of that version of the closely parallel texts of Asoka's Edicts. Those who are not conversant with ancient palaeographies may also be glad of conclusion of Mr. Laidlay, emphatically declares, " I doubt very much whether there is any reference to Buddhists in the Greek accounts."--pp. xlii, 119. See also J.R.A.S. Vol. XIX. p. 420, and Vol. VIII. n.8. p. 100. "A long series of the rock inscriptions at Sravana Belgola, in the same old characters, consist of what may be termed epitaphs to Jaina saints and ascetics, both male and female, or memorials of their emancipation from the body. ... It is painful to imagine the pangs of slow starvation, by which these pitiable beings gave themselves up to death and put an end to their own existence, that hy virtue of such extreme penance they might acquire merit for the life to come. ... The irony is complete when we remember that avoidance of the destruction of life in whatever form is a fundamental doctrine of the sect." ... The inscriptions before us are in the oldest dialect of the Kanarese. The expression mudippidar, with which most of them terminate, is one which seems peculiar to the Jainas." -Mr. Lewis Rice, Indian Antiquary, 1873, p. 322. The passages regarding suicidal philosophers will be found in Megasthenes (Strabo xv. i. 64, 73); Q. Curtius viii. ix. sec. 33; Pliny, vi. c. 22, sec. 19; Arrian xi. The naked saints figure in Megasthenes (Straho xv. 60), Cleitarchus. (Strabo xv. 70), Q. Curtius, viii, ix. 33. i Mr. Burgess's Report for 1874-5 reached me on the 15th February, 1877, a few days only before the Meeting of the Royal Asiatic Society at which this paper was read. These paper-impressions are now deposited in the Library of the India Office. Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 40 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. the opportunity of examining the nature of the alphabetical system here in force --which constituted, in effect, the Alphabet Mere of India at large. These inscriptions, of about 250 B.C., contribute the earliest specimens of indigenous writing we are able to cite, their preservation and multiplication being apparently due to a newly-awakened royal inspiration of engraving edicts and moral admonitions on stone. This alphabetical system must clearly have passed through long ages of minority before it could have attained the full maturity in which it, so to say, suddenly presents itself over the whole face of the land. And which from that moment, unimproved to this day, asserts its claim to the title of the most perfect alphabet extant. The Sanskrit-speaking Aryans discarded, in its favour, the old Phoenician character they had learnt, laboriously transformed, and finally adapted to the requirements of their own tongue, during their passage through the narrow valleys of the Himalaya, and their subsequent residence on the southern slopes of the range, in the Sapta Sindhu or Punjab, which scheme of writing would appear to have answered to the term of the Yavanank lipi of Panini and the earlier Indian grammariang. In this second process of adaptation, the Aryans had to repudiate the normal ethnographic sequence of the short and long vowels, to add two consonants of their own (T, T) utterly foreign to the local alphabet, and to accept from that alphabet a class of letters, unneeded for the definition of Aryan tongues; an inference which is tested and proved by the fact that accomplished linguists of our age and nationality are seldom competent to pronounce or orally define the current Indian cerebrals.1 1 Prinsep's Essays (Murray, 1858), pp. ii. 43, 144, 161, etc. Burnouf, Yagna, n. cxly. Bopp's Grammar (Eastwick), i. 14. Lassen, "Essai sur le Pali." p. 15. J.R.A.S., 0.8. X. 63; XII. 236; XIII. 108; XV. 19; N.. I. 467; V.423. J.A.S. Beng., 1863, p. 168; 1867, p. 33. Journ. Bom. Branch R.A.S.. 1858. p. 41. Ancient Indian Weights (Numismata Orientalia, Part i. Trubner. 1874), pp. 3, 6, 21, 48. Numismatic Chronicle, 1863, p. 226. Caldwell, Dravidian Grammar (edit. 1875), pp. 13, 45, 64, 69, 82, 92, etc. Muir, Sanskrit Texts. ii. xxiv, and 344, 440n, 468, 488, etc. Weber, "Greek and Indian Letters," Ind. Ant. 1873, p. 143. "On the Dravidian Element in Sanskrit Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. Plate I. exhibits a facsimile of Tablets 1, 2, of the Girnar rock. Of the former I have merely transliterated the first sentence. But as I have had occasion to extract the full translation of Tablet 2, I have now added the type-text, in the old character, together with an interlineation in Roman letters, which will admit alike of preliminary readings, and suggest further crucial comparisons by more advanced students. 1 41 THE CONTRASTED TENOR OF THE THREE PERIODS OF ASOKA'S EDICTS. PERIOD I., 10TH AND 12TH YEARS AFTER HIS abhishek OR ANOINTMENT. 17.2 Chan The first sentence of the Rock-cut Edicts, of the twelfth year of Asoka's reign, commences textually:" LE 66 *|* * 8 Iyam dammalipi Devanam piyena piyadasina rana lepita. * LTTI PRITS C This is the edict of the beloved of the gods, Raja Priyadasi-the putting to death of animals is to be entirely discontinued." The second tablet, after referring to the subject races of India and to ". Antiochus by name, the Yona (or Yavana) Raja," goes on to say: "(two designs have been cherished Dictionaries," by the Rev. F. Kittel, Mercara, Indian Antiquary, 1872, p. 235. F. Muller, "Academy," 1872, p. 319. 1 This type was originally cut under James Prinsep's own supervision. I am indebted to the Asiatic Society of Bengal for the font now employed, which is in the possession of Messrs. Austin. Some slight modifications of the original will be noticed, especially in regard to the attachment of the vowels; but otherwise the type reproduces the normal letters in close facsimile. The most marked departure from the old model is to be seen in the vowel o, which in the original scheme was formed out of the a and "e, thus 1; whereas, in the type, for simplicity of junction, the e and the a have been ranged on one level, in this form IIt will be seen that the Sanskrit Ts has not yet put in an appearance, the local having to do duty for its coming associate. A full table of the alphabet itself will be found in Vol. V. N.s. of our Journal, p. 422. 2 I quote as my leading authority Professor Wilson's revised translation of the combined texts embodied in the Journ. R.A.S. Vol. XII. p. 164, et seq., as his materials were necessarily more ample and exact than Prinsep's original transcripts, which were unaided by the highly important counterpart and mostefficient corrective in Semitic letters from Kapurdigiri, the decipherment of which was only achieved by Mr. Norris in 1845. Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. by Priyadasi : one design) regarding men, and one relating to animals." door de Turner Savata vijitamhi Devanampiyasa Piyadasino rano D681 T die Jodrodily FAJTA.0. ovamapi pa chantesu yatha Chodd Pada Satiyaputo Kotaleputo a TambaWITHKL F ULTE IST in Histos con la pamni, Antiyako Yonardja yevapi tasa Aritiyakaro samipain TEIL 1161 Toro Cuadern}+6+1 rajdno savata Devananpiyasa Piyadasino rdao dve chikichha kata 81,4dfod uddfod i did JI BUKI'd manusa chikichhdoha pasuchikichhacha osudhdnich manusopaganisha m by@ b h 8 bl 8 bl b ayt 88 bh ph w bb w passpagdnicha yata-yata nasti savata hardpitanicha ropapit dnioha wh tt a y t bh t 8 bl 8 pl wl wl-8 mulinicha phalanicha yata-yata nasti savata harapitanicha ropdpitanicha b wb + ph b 8 bb ad 4 5 nL tlmbh bl bh bbl panthosu kupacha khandpitd vaohhacha ropdpitd paribhogdya pasumanusanan. I give Dr. Kern's later translation of this passage entire, on account of its historical interest; there does not seem to be any material conflict in his rendering of the religious sense : "In the whole dominion of King Devanampriya Priyadarsin, as also in the adjacent countries, as Chola, Pandya, Satyaputra, Keralaputra, as far as Tamraparni, the kingdom of Antiochus the Grecian king and of his neighbour kings, the system of caring for the sick, both of men and of cattle, followed by King Devanamapriya Priyadarsin, has been everywhere brought into practice; and at all places where useful healing herbs for men and cattle were wanting he has caused them to be brought and planted ; and at all Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ E u SA VICI 7, EL.STARCTED in the DISKUSITT 6 E16 BOLJ 16 1 5 BELGETTICOT ASOKA'S INSCRIPTION AT GIRNAR. Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. places where roots and fruits were wanting he has caused them to be brought and planted; also he has caused wells to be dug and trees to be planted, on the roads for the benefit of cattle."--Indian Antiquary, p. 272; Arch. Rep. 1874-5, p. 99. The 3rd seetion adverts to "expiation," and the 4th contiques : "During a past period of many centuries, there have prevailed, destruction of life, injury to living beings, disrespect towards kindred, and irreverence towards Sramans and Brahmans." I : The 5th edict, after a suitable preamble, proceeds : # Therefore in the tenth year of the inauguration have ministers of morality been made, who are appointed for the purpose of presiding over morals among persons of all the religions, for the sake of, the augmentation of virtue and for the happiness of the virtuous among the people of Kamboja, Gandbara, Naristaka and Pitenika. They sball also be spread among the warriors, the Brabmans, the mendicants, the destitute and others." ... The 6th edict declares :-"An unprecedently long time has passed since it has been the custom at all times and in all affairs, to submit representations. Now it is established by me that .. the officers appointed to make reports shall convey to me the objects of the people"-and goes on to define the duties of supervisors of morals, and explain their duties as "informers," etc., continuing : ** There is nothing more essential to the good of the world, for which I am always labouring. On the many beings over whoin i Dr. Kern's elaborate criticism of Burnouf's revision of Prof. Wilson's transIntion of this passage (Lotus de la Bonne Loi, p. 731) scarcely alters the material come quoted above. His version runs: In past times, during many centuries, attacking animal life and inflicting ndtering on the creatures, want of respect for Brahmans and monks." Dr. Kern, in the course of his remarks upon his new rendering, observes, " Apart from the style, there is so little exclusively Buddhistic in this document, that we might equally well conclude from it that the King, satiated with war, had become the president of a peace society and an association for the protection of the lower animals, as that he had embraced the doctrine of Sakya Muni." -- I. A., p. 262. 2 The Cuttack version of the Edicts differs from the associate texts, saying, << who shall be intermingled with all the hundred grades of unbelievers for the establishment among them of the faith, for the increase of religion ... in Kambocha and Gandhara, in Surastrika and Pitenika, ... and even to the furthest (limits) of the barbarian (countries). Who shall mix with the Brahmans and Bhikshus, with the poor and with the rich."-p. 190; Prinsep, J.A S. Bengal. Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. I rule I confer happiness in this world, -in the next they may obtain Swarga (heaven)."1 Tablet 7 does not seem to call for any remark. Tablet 8 refers to some change that came over the royal mind in the tenth year of his reign. "Piyadasi, the beloved of the gods, having been ten years inaugurated, by him easily awakened, that moral festival. is adopted (which consists) in seeing and bestowing gifts on Brahmanas and Sramanas, : . . overseeing the country and the people; the institution of moral laws," etc. Burnouf's amended translation differs from this materially. He writes : "[Mais] Piyadasi, le roi cheri des Devas, parvenu a la dixieme annee depuis son sacre, obtient la science parfaite que donne la Buddha. C'est pourquoi la promenade de la roi est cette qu'il faut faire, ce sont la visite et l'aumone faites aux Brahmanes et anx Samanas." ... I see that Dr. Kern now proposes to interpret this contested passage as, "But King Devanampriya Priyadarsin, ten years after his inauguration, came to the true insight. Therefore he began a walk of righteousness, which consists in this, that he sees at his house and bestows gifts upon Brahmans and monks. ... Since then this is the greatest pleasure of King Devanampriya Priyadarsin in the period after his conversion " (to what?).-I. A. p. 263. In his remarks upon the tenor of this brief tablet Dr. Kern continues, "It is distinguished by a certain simplicity and sentiment of tone, which makes it touch a chord in the human breast. There is a tenderness in it, so vividly different from the insensibility of the later monkish literature of Buddhism, of which Th. Parie observes, with so much justice, "Tout reste donc glace dans ce monde bouddhique."" Tablet 9, speaking of festivities in general, declares: "Such festivities are fruitless and vain, but the festivity that bears great fruit is the festival of duty, such as the respect of the servant to his master; reverence for holy teachers is good, tender 1 Lagen renders this, "my whole endeavour is to be blameless towards all creatures, to make them happy here below and enable them hereafter to obtain Svarga."-Indian Antiquary, p. 270. Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 45 ness for living creatures is good, liberality to Brahmans and Sramanas is good. These and other such acts constitute verily the festival of duty... With these means let a man seek Swarga." Tablet 10 contrasts the emptiness of earthly fame as compared with the observance of moral duty," and section 11 equally discourses on "virtue," which is defined as "the cherishing of slaves and dependents, pious devotion to mother and father, generous gifts to friends and kinsmen, Brahmanas and Sramanas, and the non-injury of living beings." Tablet 12 commences : "The beloved of the gods, King A Priyadasi, honours all forms of religious faith,"? . .. and enjoins "reverence for one's own faith, and no reviling nor injury of that of others. Let the reverence be shown in such and such a manner, as is suited to the difference of belief,"3 . . "for he, who in some way honours his own religion and reviles that of others, saying, having extended to all our own belief, let us make it famous, he, who does this, throws difficulties in the way of his own religion : this, his conduct cannot be right." .... The Edict goes on to say, " And as this is the object of all religions, with a view to its dissemination, superintendents of moral duty, as well as over women, and officers of compassion, as well as other officers" (are appointed).4 The 13th Tablet, which Professor Wilson declined to translate, as the Kapur di Giri text afforded no trustworthy corrective, seems, from Mr. Prinsep's version, to recapitulate much that has been said before, with a reiterated "injunction for the non-injury of animals and content of living creatures," sentiments in which he appears to seek the sympathy of the "Greek King Antiochus," together (as we now know 5) with that of the "four kings Ptolemy, Antigonus, Magas and 1 Dr. Kern's conclusion of Tablet 9 runs as follows, " By doing all this, a man can merit heaven; therefore let him who wishes to gain heaven for himself fulfil, above all things, these his duties."--I. A., p. 271. >> Dr. Kern's rendering says "honour all sects and orders of monks." 3 " so that no man may praise his own sect or contemn another sect." 4 "For this end, sheriffs over legal proceedings, magistrates entrusted with the superintendence of the women, hospice-masters and other bodies have been appointed."--I. A., p. 268. ** Gen. Cunningham, Arch. Report, vol. i. p. 247, and vol, v. p. 20. See also my "Dynasty of the Guptas in India," p. 34. I append the tentative trans Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. Alexander." The postscript in larger letters outside the square of this tablet adds, according to Prinsep, "And this place is named the WHITE ELEPHANT, conferring pleasure on all the world." Prof. Wilson, in conclusion of his review of the purport of these palaeographic documents, adverts to the Tablet numbered 14 in the original list, but he does not seem to have had sufficient confidence in his materials to have ventured upon a continuous translation. Period II. THE ADVANCED STAGE. The contrasted Lat or Monolithic Inscriptions, as opposed literation of the several versions of this tablet, which I had prepared for the latter work, My learned friends are unwilling as yet to compromise themselves by a translation of the still imperfect text. TRANSLITERATIONS OF TABLET XIII. OF THE ASOKA INSCRIPTIONS AT (1) KAPUR-DI-GIRI, (2) KHALSI, AND (3) GIRNAR. 1. Ka. Antiyoka lama Yona raja paran cha tenan Antiyok@na chatura (1) rajano 2. Kh. Antiyoga nama Yona , lan cha tena Antiyo , na chatali + lajana 3. Gir..... Yona raja paran cha tena ..chaptena[sic]rajano 1. Ka. Traramaye namna Antikina nana Makanama Alikasandaro nama 2. Kh: Tulamayo nama Antekina nama Maka nama Alikyasadale nama 3. Gir. Turamayo cha Antakana cha Maga cha . . 1. Ka. nicham Choda, Panda, Avam Tambupazniya hevammevambena raja 2. Kh. nicham Choda, Pandiya, Avan Tambapaniya hevamovahevamova .. laja 3. Gir. . . . . . . . . . . 1. Ka. Vishatidi Yonam Kamboyeshu Nibha Kanabhatina Bhojam Piti 2. Kh. Vishmavasi Yona Kambojasu Nubha Kanabha Pantisa Bhoja Piti 3. Gir. . . . . . . . . 1. Ka. Nikeshu, Andrapulideshu savatam . 2. Kh. Nikesa Adhapiladesa savata . 3. Gir. . ndhepirandasu savata, Under the Elephant at Khalsi, Gajatemre ? At Girnar, Sveto hasti, as above, p. 34. 1 The 14th Edict at Girnar is more curious, in respect to the preparation of the Edicts, than instructive in the religious sense. Dr. Kern'a revision produces, " King Devanampriya Priyadarsin has caused this righteousness edict to be written, here concisely, there in a moderate compass, and in a third place again at full length, so that it is not found altogether everywhere worked out; (?) for the kingdom is great, and what I have caused to be written much. Repetitions occur also, in a certain measure, on account of the sweetness of certain points, in order that the people should in that way (the more willingly) receive it. If sometimes the one or other is written incompletely or not in order, it is because care has not been taken to make a good transcript (chhdyd) or by the fault of tha oopyist (i.e. the stone-cutter)."-I. A., p. 275. * J. As. Soc. Bengal, vol. vi, 1837, p. 566. The text on the Dehli lat has been taken as the standard; these adicts are repeated verbatim on the three other lats of Allahabad, Betiah and Radhia, Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 47 to the Rock edicts already examined, open, in the text of the Tablet on the northern face of the Dehli pillar, with these words: "Iu the 27th year of my anointment, I have caused this religious! edict to be published in writing. I acknowledge and confess the faults that have been cherished in my heart. From the love of virtue, by the side of which all other things are as sins--from the strict scrutiny of sin, etc., ... by these may my eyes be strengthened and confirmed (in rectitude)." .. In the 10th line the King continues : "In religion (dhamma) is the chief excellence : but religion consists in good works :--in the non-omission of many acts: mercy and charity, purity and chastity;--(these are) to me the anointment of consecration. Towards the poor and the afflicted, towards bipeds and quadrupeds, towards the fowls of the air and things that move on the waters, manifold have been the benevolent acts performed by me." .... The concluding section of this tablet is devoted to a definition of the "nine minor transgressions," of which the following five alone are specified : "mischief, hard-heartedness, anger, pride, envy." The text of the western compartment of the Dehli lat begins : "In the 27th year of my anointment, I have caused to be promulgated the following religious edict. My devotees in very many hundred thousand souls, having (now) attained unto knowledge ;? I have ordained (the following) fines and punishments for their transgressions. Prinsep's half-admitted impression, that these inscriptions i Burnouf renders this opening, "La 26 ieme annee depuis mon sacre j'ai fait ecrire cet edit de la loi. Le bonheur dans ce monde et dans l'autre est difficile a obtenir sans un amour extreme pour la loi, sans une extreme attention, sans une extreme obeissance," etc.-Lotus, p. 655. 7 Dr. Kern's translation departe from this meaning in a striking manner, and substitutes: "I have appointed sheriffs over many hundred thousands of souls in the land, I have granted them free power of instituting legal prosecution and inflicting punishment." Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 48 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. were necessarily of a Buddhist tendency, led him into the awkward mistake of interpreting wat dhatre as "the myrobalan tree," instead of "a nurse," and the associate aswattha as "the holy fig-tree," in which he was followed by Lassen (Ind. Alt. vol. i. p. 256), instead of the asvatha abhita "consoles et sans crainte" of Burnouf, who corrected the translation in the following words: "De meme qu'un homme, ayant confie son enfant a une nourrice 'experimentee, est sans inquietude [et se dit:] une nourrice experimentee garde mon enfant, ainsi ai-je institue des officiers royaux pour le bien et le bonheur du pays."--Lotus de la bonne Loi, p. 741. Prinsep's text here resumes the subject of transgressions, and "according to the measure of the offence shall be the measure of punishment, but (the offender) shall not be put to death by me." "Banishment (shall be) the punishment of those malefactors deserving of imprisonment and execu tion." The text proceeds with a very remarkable passage : "Of those who commit murder on the high road, even none, whether of the poor or of the rich, shall be injured on my three especial days." 2 If we could rely upon the finality of this translation, we might cite, in favour of the Jaina tendency of the edict, the curious parallel of the Jainas under Akbar, who obtained a Firman to a somewhat similar tenor in favour of the life 1 It is curious to trace the extent to which these Jaina ideas developed themselves in after-times, and to learn from official sources how the simple tenets of mercy, in the abstract, progressed into the demands and rights of sanctuary claimed by and conceded to the sect. "Maharana Sri Raj Sing, commanding. To the Nobles, Ministers, Patels, etc., of Mewar. From remote times, the temples and dwellings of the Jainas have been authorized ; let none therefore within their boundaries carry animals to slaughter. This is their ancient privilege. "2. Whatever life, whether man or animal, passes their abode for the purpose of being killed, is saved (amra). "3. Traitors to the state, robbers, felons escaped confinement, who may fly for Banctuary (sirna) to the dwellings (upasra) of the Yatis, shall not be seized by the servants of the court. .'. By command, Sab Dyal, Minister. Samvat 1749 (A.D. 1693)." -Tod. vol. i. p. 553. 2 Singular to say, with all this excellent mercy to animals, there is a reference to injuriog (torturing?), and later eren to " mutilation" of the human offender! J.A.S.B. vol. vi. p. 588. See also Foe-koue-ki, cap. xvi. Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. of animals, and their exemption from slaughter on certain days peculiarly sacred in their Rubric.? The tablet, on the southern compartment, gives a list of the "animals which shall not be put to death," enumerating: many species of birds, the specific object of whose immunity it is difficult to comprehend-and especially exempting the females of the goat, sheep, and pig, .i. concluding with the declaration that "animals that prey on life shall not be cherished." The Edict goes on to specify the days of fasts and ceremonies, closing with the words, "Furthermore, in the twenty-seventh year of my reign, at this present time, twenty-five prisoners are set at liberty." D The Monolithic Inscriptions are continued in the eastern compartment, the text of which Prinsep translated in the following terms: "Thus spake King DEVANAMPIYA PIYADASI: In the twelfth year of my anointment, a religious edict (was) published for the pleasure and profit of the world; having destroyed that (document) and regarding my former religion as sin, I now for the benefit of the world proclaim the fact. And this ... I therefore cause to be destroyed; and I proclaim the same in all the congregations; while I pray with every variety of prayer for those who differ from me in creed, that they following after my proper example may with me attain unto eternal salvation : wherefore the present 1 Firman of Akbar. "Be it known to the Muttasuddies of Malwa, that the whole of our desires consists in the performance of good actions, and our virtuous intentions are constantly directed to one object, that of delighting and gaining the hearts of our subjects. "We, on hearing mention made of persons of any religious faith whatever, who pass their lives in sanctity, etc.,... shut our eyes on the external forms of their worship, and considering only the intention of their hearts, we feel a powerful inclination to admit them to our association, from a wish to do what may be acceptable to the Deity." The prayer of the petitioners was: "That the Padishah should issue orders that during the twelve days of the month of Bhadra called Putchoossur (which are held by the Jainas to be particularly holy), no cattle should be slaughtered in the cities where their tribe reside." -Ordered accordingly, 7th Jumad-us-Sani, 992 Hij. Era.-Malcolm, Central India. Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 50 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. edict of religion is promulgated in this twenty-seventh year of my anointment." "Thus spake King Devanampiya Piyadasi. Kings of the olden time have gone to heaven under these very desires. How then among mankind may religion (or growth in grace) be increased, yea through the conversion of the humbly-born shall religion increase. ... Through the conversion of the lowly-born if religion thus increaseth, by how much (more) through the conviction of the high-born and their conversion shall religion increase." Prinsep concludes his version of this division of the Inscription : "Thus spake King Devanampiya Piyadasi :- Wherefore from this very hour I have caused religious discourses to be preached, I have appointed religious observances -- that mankind having listened thereto shall be brought to follow in the right path and give glory unto God." If Dr Kern's amended reading of the opening paragraphs of this tablet is to be accepted as final, we must abandon any arguments based upon a supposed cancelment of previous manifestos. But the reconstruction in question-whether right or wrong-will not in the least degree affect my main argument of the pervading Jaina tendencies of the Monolithic edicts. Dr. Kern's translation runs as follows: "King Devanampiya Priyadarsin speaks thus : 12 years after my coronation, I caused a righteousness-edict to be written for the benefit and happiness of the public. Every one who leaves that unassailed shall obtain increase of merit in more than one respect. I direct attention to what is useful and pleasant for the public, and take such measures as I think will further happiness, while I provide satisfaction to my nearest relatives and to (my subjects) who are near as well as to them who dwell far off." 1 Prof. Wilson, while criticizing and correcting much of Prinsep's work upon these documents, remarked, "If the translation of the text of the eastern compartment) is correct, and in substance it seems to be so, there are two sets of opposing doctrines in the inscriptions, and of course both cannot be Buddhist. Mr. Prinsep comes to the conolusion that the Buddhist account of the date of Asoka's conversion, the fourth year of his reign, is erroneous, and that he could not have changed his creed until after his twelfth year. Then it follows that most, if not all the Rock inscriptions are not Buddhist, for the only dates specified are the tenth and twelfth years. Those on the Lats appear to be all of the twentyseventh year. If, however, those of the earlier dates are not Buddhist, neither are those of the later, for there is no essential difference in their purport. They all enforce the preference of moral to ceremonial observances" (J.R.A.S. vol. xii. p. 260). Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 51 II. a. THE AIM AND PURPOSE OF THE INSCRIPTIONS. The Dehli pillar, in addition to the four edicts inclosed within square tablets, has a supplementary inscription encircling the base of the column. In this proclamation Asoka, after enumerating his own efforts for the good of his people after the truly Indian ideal of planting trees and excavating wells along the high roads, goes on to arrange for the missionary spread of his religion, in these terms: "Let the priests deeply versed in the faith (or let my doctrines?) penetrate among the multitudes of the rich capable of granting favours, and let them penetrate alike among all the unbelievers whether of ascetics or of householders. . . . Moreover let them for my sake find their way among the brahmans (babhaneshu) and the most destitute." ... The text proceeds: "Let these (priests) and others most skilful in the sacred offices penetrate among"..."my Queens, and among all my secluded women,'' ... "acting on the heart and on the eyes of the children, ... for the purpose of imparting) religious enthusiasm and thorough religious instruction." After much more of similar import, the Edict concludes : "Let'stone pillars be prepared, and let this edict of religion be engraven thereon, that it may endure unto the remotest ages." The separate Edicts of the Aswastama Inscription at Dhauli i continue these exhortations in the subjoined terms: "My desire is that in this very manner, these (ordinances) shall be pronounced aloud by the person appointed to the stupa; and adverting to nothing else but precisely according to the commandment of DEVANAMPIYA, let him (further) declare and explain them." .... "And this edict is to be read at the time of) the 1 "The Aswastama is situated on a rocky eminence formi e of a cluster of hills, three in number, on the south bank of the Dyah river near to the village of Dhauli. The hills alluded to rise abruptly from the plains,... and have a singular appearance, no other hills being nearer than eight or ten miles." -Major Kittoe, J.A.S.B. vol. vii. p. 435. Burnouf revised this translation, with his usual critical acumen, in 1852. The following quotation gives his varied version :-" Aussi est-ce la ce qui doit etre proclame par le gardien du stupa qui ne regardera rien autre chose, (ou bien, aussi cet edit a du etre exprime au moyen du Prakrita et non dans un autre idiome). Et ainsi veut ici le commandement du roi Cheri des Devas. J'eu confie l'execution au grand ministre.... << Et cet edit doit etre entendu'au Nakhata Tisa (Nakchatra Tichya) et a la fin Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. lunar mansion Tisa, at the end of the month of Bhatun: it is to be made heard (even if) by a single listener. And thus (has been founded) the Kalanta stupa for the spiritual instruction of the congregation. For this reason is this edict here inscribed, whereby the inhabitants of the town may be guided in their devotions for ages to come."-J.A.S. Bengal, May, 1837, pp. 444-5. 52 PERIOD III. POSITIVE BUDDHISM. THE BHABRA EDICT.2 Professor Wilson's translation of the Bhabra Edict-unlike his previous renderings of Asoka's rock inscriptions, where he was at the mercy of succeeding commentators-was undertaken at a time when he, in his turn, had the advantage of the revised interpretations of Lassen and Burnouf. It may be taken, therefore, as a crucial trial of strength on his part. But the most curious coincidence in connexion with the present inquiry is that, in default of critical Sanskrit aids, he was obliged to have recourse to the vulgar tongue of the Jaina Scriptures for an explanation of the obscure opening terms, in the word bhante "I declare, confess," etc., etc., which proved, to his surprise, to constitute the ordinary Jaina preliminary form of prayer or conventional declaration of faith.3 I prefix Burnouf's translation, as exhibiting the inevitable divergences in the individual treatment of these obscure writings : du mois Tisa (4 letters) au Nakhata, meme par un seule personne il doit etre entendu. Et c'est ainsi que ce stupa doit etre honore jusqu'a la fin des temps, pour le bien de l'assemblee."-Burnouf, B. L. 673. See also my article in the J.R.A.S. Vol. I. N.s. p. 466; and the Kalpa Sutra, PP. 16, 17. says: As a possible commentary upon this, the avowedly Buddhist Lalita-Vistara "The rehearsal of religious discourse satiateth not the godly."-Preface, p. 24, Sanskrit Version, Rajendralala. 2 At Bairath, three marches N.E. of Jaipur. 3"But in turning over the leaves of a Jaina work (the Parikramanavidhi), which, according to Dr. Stevenson, means the Rules of Confession to a Guru, I found the word Bhante... repeated fourteen times, and in every instance with the pronoun aham-aham bhante-preceding apparently some promise or admission; I declare, I promise, or acknowledge. The book is written in the Magadhi of the Jainas, mixed with provincial Hindi, and is full of technicalities, which it would require a learned Yati to expound."-J.R.A.S., Vol. XVI. p. 361. Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 53 "Le roi Piyadasa, a l'Assemblee du Magadha qu'il fait saluer, a souhaite et peu de peines et une existence agreable. Il est bien condu, seigneurs, jusqu'ou vont et mon respect et ma foi pour le Buddha, pour la Loi, pour l'Assemblee. Tout ce qui, seigneurs, a ete dit par le bienheureux Buddha, tout cela seulement est bien dit. Il faut donc montrer, seigneurs, quelles [en] sont les autorites ; de cette maniere, la bonne loi sera de longue duree: voila ce que moi je crois necessaire. En attendant, voici, seigneurs, les sujets qu'embrasse la loi : les bornes marquees par la Vinaya (ou la discipline), les facultes surnaturelles des Ariyas, les dangers de l'avenir, les stances du solitaire, le Sata (sutra) du solitaire, la speculation d'Upatisa (Cariputtra) seulement, l'instruction de Lagula (Rahula), en rejetant les doctrines fausses: [voila] ce qui a ete dit par le bienheureux (Buddha). Ces sujets qu'embrasse la loi, seigneurs, je desire, et c'est la gloire a laquelle je tiens le plus, que les Religieux et les Religieuses les ecoutent et les meditent constamment, aussi bien que les fideles des deux sexes. C'est pour cela, seigneurs, que je (vous) fais ecrire ceci; telle est ma volunte et ma declaration."--Lotus, p. 725. Prof. Wilson's translation is as follows: "Piyadasi, the King, to the general Assembly of Magadha, commands the infliction of little pain and indulgence to animals. "It is verily known, I proclaim, to what extent my respect and favour (are placed) in Buddha, and in the Law, and in the Assembly. "Whatsoever (words) have been spoken by the divine Buddha, they have all been well said, and in them, verily I declare that capability of proof is to be discerned: so that the pure law (which they teach) will be of long duration, as far as I am worthy (of being obeyed). For these, I declare, are the principal discipline (Vinaya), having overcome the oppressions of the Aryas, and future perils, (and refuted) the songs of the Munis, the sutras of the Munis, (the practices) of inferior ascetics, the censure of a light world, and (all) false doctrices. These things, as declared by the divine Buddha, I proclaim, and I desire them to be regarded as the precepts of the Law..... These things I affirm, and have caused to be written (to make known to you) that such will be my intention."--Jouro. R.A.S. Vol. XVI. (1851), p. 357. See also Translation, Journ. A.S. Bengal, vol. ix. I subjoin Dr. Kern's newly-published translation, for the double purpose of comparison with the redactions of his predecessors, and to satisfy the modern world, that whatever Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 54 ' THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. diversities may have existed in the spirit or method of interpretation of the difficult passages of the 1st and 2nd series of Asoka's Edicts, our international savants are fully in accord as to the first appearance in monumental writing of the name of Buddha, that is, some time in or after the 27th year of Asoka. "King Priyadarsin (that is, the Humane) of Magadba greets the Assembly (of Clerics) and wishes them welfare and happiness. Ye know, sirs, how great is our reverence and affection for the triad which is called Buddha (the master), Faith, and Assembly. All that our Lord Buddha has spoken, my Lords is well spoken: wherefore, Sirs, it must indeed be regarded as having indisputable authority; so the true Faith shall last long. Thus, my Lords, I honour (deg) in the first place these religious works . . . [seven in number] uttered by our Lord Buddha . . . For this end, my Lords, I cause this to be written, and have made my wish evident." -- Indian Antiquary, Sept. 1876, p. 257. In concluding this section of the inquiry, I am anxious to advert to a point of considerable importance, the true bearing of which has, hitherto, scarcely been recognized. Under the old view of the necessary Buddhistic aim and tendency of both the Rock and Pillar Edicts, a subdued anomaly might have been detected in Asoka's designating himself as Devanampiya, "the beloved of the gods." We have seen at page 41 in what terms the rock inscriptions are phrased ; the pillar edicts, in like manner, commence with the same title of Devanampiye Piyadasi laja,' while the Bhabra Inscription unconditionally rejects the Devanampiya, which we may infer would have been inconsistent with Asoka's sudden profession of Buddhism, and opens with the restricted entry of Br JE Piyadasa laja. Now, it involves a more than remarkable coincidence, that this same term of Devanampiya, or "Beloved of the gods," should prove to have been an established and conventional title among the Jainas, equally, as, in a less important sense, was 1 J.A.S. Bengal, vol. vi. p. 577. % In Stevenson'e translation of the Kalpa Sutra Rishabha datta is thus addressed by Devanandi, the mother of Mahavira (pp. 26, 30), and he, in return, salutes her as "O beloved of the gods" (pp. 27, 29, etc.). At p. 54 King Sidd Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH 'OF ASOKA. 55 the associate Piyadasane, "lovely to behold." "Siddhartha" is represented in the text of the Kalpa Sutra, as "issued forth the king and lord of men, the bull and lion among men, lovely to behold," etc. Dr. Stevenson adds, in a note: "This is the famous epithet fechu Piyadasane that occurs so frequently in the ancient inscriptions, and which we have met with several times before." Piyadassi is further given as the name of one of the 24 (Jaina ? Buddhos in the opening passage of the Mahavanso." Mr. Turnour contributes the following additional quotation from the Pali annals: "Hereafter the prince Piyadaso, having raised the chhatta, will assume the title of Asoko the Dhanma Raja, or righteous monarch." Thus, while we can comprehend that the retention of the simple title of "Pyadasi," by an avowed Buddhist, was harmless enough, the rejection of the designation of "Beloved of the gods" became a clear necessity for any convert to a religion which ipso facto repudiated all gods. The The title of Devanampiya does not seem to have been admitted into the scriptures of the Northern Buddhists, 3 who were deferred converts; but it was .carried down with the earliest spread of the faith to Ceylon, in B.C. 246, by "Deva-x. nampiya Tissa," 4 together with, as we have seen, many of the other elements and symbols of the Jaina creed. Amid the varied indirect sources of information bearing upon the "faith of the Mauryas," now available, we should scarcely have looked for any contributions from the formal hartha, in explaining Trisala's dream, commences, "O beloved of the gods." At messengers, he addresses them as "O beloved of the gods," and at p. 64 the "interpreters of dreams" are received with the same complimentary greeting. i Mahavanso, vol. i. p. 75. 2 J.A.S. Bengal, vol. vi. p. 1056, See also Wilson, J.R.A.S. Vol. XII. p. 244. 3 The objection to the term Devanampiya of course does not extend to the inevitable Devaputra of the Lalita-vistara - the heaven-born" need not have been compromised by his later apostacy.-See Rajendra Lala's (Sanskrit text), Preface, pp. 14, 15, 21, etc. Mahawanso, pp. 4, 68, 62, etc. Indian Antiquary, 1872, p. 139. Rhys Davids, Inscription of Gamini Tissa, son of Devanampiya Tissa, at Dambula, Ceylon. Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. pages of dictionaries or grammars. Nevertheless, amid the odd words cited, for other purposes, we discover, in Patanjali's commentary on the Sutras of Panini, a most suggestive record by the annotator, who is supposed to date somewhere about B.C. 160-60,1 regarding the gods of the Mauryas. Prof. Goldstucker's translation of Panini's leading text, with the illustration added by Patanjali, is subjoined: 56 "If a thing,' says Panini, 'serves for a livelihood, but is not for sale' (it has the affix ka). This rule Patanjali illustrates with the words 'Siva, Skanda, Visakha,' meaning the idols that represent these divinities, and at the same time give a living to the men who possess them while they are not for sale. And 'why?' he asks. 'The Mauryas wanted gold, and therefore established religious festivities.' Good; (Panini's rule) may apply to such (idols as they sold); but as to idols, which are hawked about (by common people) for the sake of such worship as brings an immediate profit, their names will have the affix ka." 2 That there are many difficulties in the translation, and still more in the practical interpretation of this passage, need not be reiterated.3 The first impression the context conveys 1 This is Prof. Weber's date; Prof. Goldstucker assigned Patanjali to 140-120 B.C.; and Prof. Bhandarkar fixes the date of his chapter iii. at 144-142 B.C.Ind. Ant. 1872, p. 302. 2 Goldstucker's Panini, p. 228. Prof. Goldstucker goes on to add: "Whether or not this interesting bit of history was given by Patanjali ironically, to show that even affixes are the obedient servants of kings, and must vanish before the idols which they sell, because they do not take the money at the same time that the bargain is made-as poor people do I know not. . . . I believe, too, if we are to give a natural interpretation to his (Patanjali's) words, . . . that he lived after the last king of this (Maurya) dynasty."-p. 229. ... Prof. Weber's critical commentary upon Goldstucker's rendering of this passage, amid other argumentative questions as to the period of Panini himself, proceeds: "Patanjali, in commenting on rule v. 99, of Panini,. in the case of a life sustenance-serving (object, which is an image, the affix ka is not used), except when the object is valuable. In the case of a saleable, e.g. Siva, Skanda, Visakha, the rule does not apply." "The gold-coveting Maurya had caused images of the gods to be prepared. To these the rule does not apply, but only to such as serve for immediate worship (ie. with which their possessors go about from house to house) [in order to exhibit them for immediate worship, and thereby to earn money]."-Indian Antiquary, 1873, p. 61. 3 Prof. Weber'a opinion on the bearing of this passage is to the following effect: "In the passage about the Mauryas I must leave it to others to decide if Patanjali'a words do really imply it as his opinion that Panini himself, in referring to images that were saleable, had in his eye such as those that had come down from the Mauryas. I never said more than thia. And Bhandarkar goes too far when he says: "Prof. Weber infers that Panini in making his rule had in his eye,' etc. My words According to the view of Patanjali;' 'Patanjali is undoubtedly of are: Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. seems to refer to the multitudinous images of the Jaina Mauryas, which were so easily reproduced in their absolute repetitive identity, and so largely distributed as part and parcel of the creed itself, of which we have had so many practical exemplifications in the preceding pages. But Patanjali's direct reference to the Maurya gods of his daythat is to say, during the reign of that staunch adherent of the Brahmans, the Sunga Pushpamitra 2--under the definite names of Siva, Skanda, Visakha, opens out a new line of inquiry as to the concurrent state and progress of Brahmanism, and his evidence undoubtedly indicates that their branch of the local religion was in a very crude and inchoate stage at the period referred to an inference which is more fully confirmed by the testimony of numismatic remains.3 57 Among the extant examples of the mintages of Hushka, Jushka, and Kanishka, we meet with the self-same designations of the three Brahmanical gods, under the counterpart Greek transcription of OKPO, Kanao, and bizaro. The only opinion; Be this as it may, the notice is in itself an exceedingly curious one.' Now with regard to this very curious and odd statement itself, I venture to throw it out as a mere suggestion, whether it may not perhaps refer to a first attempt at gold coinage made by the Mauryas (in imitation of the Greek coins). It is true no Maurya coin has been discovered as yet, so far as I know, but this may be mere chance: the real difficulty is how to bring Patanjali's words into harmony with such an interpretation, the more so as in his time no doubt gold coins were already rather common."-Indian Antiquary, July, 1873, pp. 208, 209. 1 "As these twenty-four Tirthankaras are incarnations of wisdom, and are divine personages who appeared in the world and attained the enjoyment of heavenly bliss, the Jainas consider them to be Swamis, equal to the divinenatured Arugan. And accordingly they build temples in honour of these Tirthankaras, and make images like them, of stone, wood, gold, and precious gems, and considering these idols as the god Arugan himself, they perform daily and special pujas, and observe fasts and celebrate festivsls in their honour." p. xix. Notice on Jainism, by Sastram Aiyar, from "The Chintamani," edited by the Rev. H. Bower, Madras, 1868. 2 Pushpamitra is the king who offered 100 dinars for the head of every Sramana, and hence obtained the title of Munihata, "Muni-killer."-Burnout, vol. i. p. 431. s I must add that in other portions of the "Mahabhashya" reference is made to "the Brahmanical deities of the Epic period, Siva, Vishnu, etc.; to Vasudeva or Krishna as a god or demi-god, and to his having slain Kansa and bound Bali." Mr. Muir, from whose analysis of Prof. Weber's Indische Studien (1873) I take this information, adds: "The genuineness of the whole of Patanjali's work itself, as we now have it, is not, Prof. Weber considers, beyond the reach of doubt, as some grounds exist for supposing that the work, after having been mutilated or corrupted, was subsequently reconstructed, and at the same time perhaps received various additions from the pen of the compiler." See also Academy, 8th August, 1874, p. 156. * Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 58 . THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. other Brahmanical gods that apparently attained any prominence, at the epoch of these three Indo-Scythian kings, which, for the moment, we may accept as at or about the commencement of our era, would seem to have been Siva's supposed consort, APAOXPO, and Mahasena, which latter embodiment is elsewhere understood as a mere counterpart of Siva.? In the same manner, Skanda constitutes the title of a "son of Siva," and Visakha is the conventional name of Karttikeya or Skanda, "the god of war," and finally, Kumara is simply a synonym of Skanda. In fact we have here nothing but the ' multiform Siva personally, or the various members of his family. So that the combined testimony of the grammarian and the material proofs exhibited by the coins would almost necessitate the conclusion that, at the commencement of our era, Brahmanism had not yet emerged from Saivism, whose Indian origin is now freely admitted by the leading authorities. In testing the position of Saivism, at approximate periods, we are able to appeal to the independent testimony of the coins of a collateral division of the Indo-Scythic race, whose leading designation follows the term of OOHMO KAAGICHC. It has hitherto been usual to place this branch of the Scythic intruders considerably earlier, in point of time, than their fellow and more permanently-domiciled brotherhood; but the question as it is presented, under later lights, seems to resolve itself into a geographical rather than an epochal severance. The Kadphises horde settled themselves in lands where the Bactrian Pali alphabet and quasi-Aryan speech were still current. The Kanerki group, wherever their first Indian location may have been, clearly followed Iranian traditions in the classification and designations of their adopted gods, in the regions of their abundant mintages. The Kadphises forms of Saivism may be followed in detail in Plate X. of Prof. Wilson's Ariana Antiqua. The 1 Mahd-send, "a great army," an epithet of Kdrttikeya or Skanda; of Siva. So also Sendpati, "army chief," name of Kdrttikeya; of Siva, etc.--M. Williams, in vocibus. Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 59 conjoint legends appertaining to which are couched in the following terms: Latin-Greek--BACIAETC OOHMO KAADICIC. Bactrian-Pali Maharajasa Rajadhirajasa Sarva-loga-iswarasa Mahigwarasa Kapigasa. Of the Great King, King of Kings, ruler of the whole world, the Great Lord (of) Kapisa,1 We have here, again, Siva very much under the guise of a God of War (Nos. 9, 13), though the trident is suggestive of Neptune and the ill-defined drooping garment, in the left hand, is reminiscent of the lion's skin of Hercules. But the Saivism is complete in No. 5, even to the spiral shell-shaped hair? (legs apparent in No. 13), with the conventional VAHANA or Bull, which now becomes constant and immutable ; following on in Nos. 12-21 the leading type exhibits various gradations of the gross hermaphrodite outline of half man, half woman, with "the necklace of skulls," possibly disclosing the first definite introduction to caste threads, out of which so many religious conflicts grew in later days. Under any circumstances, the present coincidences must be 'accepted as beyond measure, critical, when we find Patanjali, a native of Oudh, speaking of things on the banks of the Soane, at Patna, and Scythian intruders on the Kabul river, responding in practical terms, as to the ruling Saivism which covered, with so little change, a range of country represented in the divergent paths of a continuous highway, starting from the extreme geographical points here named.. For the purposes of the illustration of the international associations, and the accepted religions of the period, we are beyond measure indebted to the recent numismatic contributions of the Peshawar find. These coins, comprising the large total of 360 gold pieces, all belong to the combined Kanishka brotherhood, or tribal communities, to which reference has been made in my previous article in the Journal,and in 1 Prinsep's Essays, vol. ii.p. 213. Ariana Antiqua, p. 354. J.R.A.S. Vol. XX. p. 239. Solinus tells us : Quidam libri Caphusam. In alii: Caphisam. Plinius Capissam vocat. cap. liv. p. 827. Rudra and Pushan are said to wear their hair wound or braided spirally upwards into the form of a shell called " Kapardin."-Muir, vol. v. p. 462. 3 Journal Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. IX. p. 8 et seq. Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 60 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. the earlier pages of this paper. The triple series of obverse legends are restricted to the following repetitive Greek transcriptions : GREEK LEGENDS ON THE KANERKI COINS. 1. PAO NANO PAO KANHPKI KOPANO. 2. PAO NANO PAO OOHPKI KOPANO. 3. PAO NANO PAO BAZOAHO KOPANO. These titles seem to have been more or less sectional and eventually to have become hereditary, like Arsaces, Caesar, etc., and though probably applicable in the first instance severally to the three brothers, they appear, in process of time, to have become dynastic as the conventional titular designation of the head of the family or tribe, for the time being, and to have continued in imitative use, especially in the instance of BazoaHO, for many centuries. Until, indeed, as I have previously remarked, the Greek characters become altogether unintelligible, though the mint types are still mechanically reproduced. I have now to describe, as briefly as the subject will admit of, the coins I have selected for insertion in the accompanying Plate II., which were primarily arranged to illustrate the objects of worship admitted into the Indo-Scythian Pantheon; but, which, under subsequent discoveries, have assumed a more important mission in the general range of inquiry. CONTENTS OF PLATE II. KANERKI. No. 1. (Obverse. King standing to the front, in the conventional form represented in Ariana Antiqua, pl. xi. fig. 16, worn die. Legend. Constant. PAO NANO PAO KANHPKI KOPANO.) Reverse. Figure as in the Plate. Legend NANA PAO, Nanaia. . The identity of Bazdeo as one of the three brothers, and as the person alluded to in the Mathura inscriptions under the title of Pdsudeva, in conjunction with Kanishka and Huvishka, seems to be now placed beyond doubt; but the new coins teach us to discriminate Bazdeo as the third king, in opposition to my suggestion (Vol. IX. p. 11, suprd) that Vasudeva might have been the titular designation of Kanishka." 2 Prinsep's Essays, pl. xxii. 4, 5, 6-11, 13. J.R.A.S. o.e. Vol. XII. P1, IV. the same figures. Ariana Antiqua, pl. xiv. figs. 12, 13, 16, 17. Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. OOERKI. No. 2. (Obverse. King seated cross-legged, wearing a close-fitting helmet, with bossed cheek-plates and flowing fillets, ornamental coat fastened by two brooches or link-buttons in front, flames issue from both shoulders. He holds a small mace in the right hand, and a spear in the left.) Reverse. Figure as in Plate. Legend. HPAKIAO, Hercules. No. 3. (Bust of the King, as in the ordinary Kadphises types (A.A. xiv. 2). Quilted coat, flame issuing from the right shoulder, close cap, double feather frontlet, half moon, spiked mace, etc.) Reverse. Figures as in Plate. Legend. Mao Moon, MIIPO Sun. No. 4. (Obverse. Doerki, old form (A.A. xiv. 6), die much worn.) Reverse. Figure as in Plate. Legend. PIAH (or pion or pion), Pallaa. This type was first introduced at Rome by Domitian, A.D. 80, who affected to be the son of Pallas Capitolina.-Tresor de Numismatique, p. 42. No. 5. (Obverse. OOHPKI, (A.A. xiv. 6), worn-out die.) Reverse. Figure as in Plate. Legend. NPOH or wpov. Varuna. No. 6. (Obverse. Well-executed bust of King, with close-fitting cap, eagle feather frontlet, and flowing Sassanian fillets at the back; silken dress, with large necklace. He holds a small mace, and an ankus (elephant goad). Reverse. Figure as in Plate. Legend. CAPANO, Sarapis. No. 7. (Obverse. King seated, the general outline of the device is similar to that of No. 2; but the crossed legs are merged in rising clouds. The helmet has a prominent frontlet in the form of the sun, no cheek-plates, the ear and beard are visible, flames on shoulders, spear and mace, the coat is more than usually open in front and displays an embroidered under garment.) Reverse. Figure as in the Plate. Legend. ZEPO (Ceres), Diana. Device imitated from a coin of Augustus, A.U.C. 744, B.c. 10. -Tresor de Numismatique, vii. 12. No. 8. (Bust of King, similar to No. 2; Sun frontlet, in this instance the helmet has a cheek bar only, and shows the ear, traces of Sassanian fillets, etc. Armlets, link-brooch, mace, spear, etc. In one example of the Mars reverse, the obverse head is similar to No. 16 infrd, but the King wears a pallium.) Reverse. Figure of a Roman warrior, as in the Plate. There are five varieties of this reverse. In one instance the figure Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. of Mars holds what is described, in the Tresor de Numismatique, as "un bouclier rond," a type which occurs on the money of Germanicus, A.U.C: 801, A.D. 47 (Pl. xix. 7, 8). Legend. PAO PHOPO (Rao-rethro), Mars. No. 9. (Obver88. Bust of King, as in No. 7.) Reverse, Figure as in the Plate. Legend. OANINAA (Oaninda), Anandates. No. 10. (Obver88. Bust as in No. 3. No flame on shoulder, Sassan ian fillets.) Reverse. As in the Plate. Legend. MAAEHNO (Mahasena), an Indian form of Mars ? Siva ? No. 11. (Obverse. Bust as in No. 3.) Rever88. Device as in the Plate. Legends. KANAO, KOMAPO, BIZATO; Skanda, Kumara, Visakha. No. 12. (Obverse. Bust of King, with ornamental jacket, armlets, mace, spear, flames on shoulders, etc. Peaked cap as in A. A. xiv. 5, but with bossed cheek-plates.) Reverse. Device as in the Plate. Legend. A PO, Zend Atars (the Roman Vulcan). No. 13. (Obverse. Bust of King as in No. 8.) Reverse. Device as in the Plate; exhibiting a three-faced Indian form of siva wearing short drawers (janghiya), in front of which appears, for the first time, a marked definition of the Priapus, which however has nothing in common with the local Linga. The left hands hold the trident and an Indian thunderbolt. The one right hand grasps the wheel or chakra (the symbol of universal dominion), the other is extended to the small goat. Legend. OKPO. Ugra the "fierce" (a title of siva). No. 14. Obverse. As exhibited in the Plate. The King wears a Roman pallium; ornamental cap with cheek-plates and welldefined Sassanian fillets; in the right hand the small ironbound mace,' in the left a standard, surmounted by Siva's Vahana or the bull Nandi, in the conventional recumbent position. 1 General Canningham was under the impression that this object was a Budd. hist praying-wheel. I prefer to look upon it as an iron-bound mace, a counterpart of the modern club, so effective in strong hande, known by the name of Toha-band lathi. The gury of Feridun was an historical weapon. The use of which was affected by the great Mahmud of Ghazni and his successore after him. The Kadphiees Scythians also were demonstrative about maces, but theirs took the form of a bulky wooden club. See also Tabari (0.T.F.), vol. U. p. 228. Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 63 Legend, legible. PAO NANO PAO Onpki Kopavo. Reverse. Siva, three-faced, four-armed, to the front, holding the trident, a club, a western form of the thunderbolt and a gourd, water-vessel ? Legend. OKPA, Zend ugra, yo Ugra, the "fierce," " terrible." No. 15. (Obverse. King's bust as in No. 8.) Reverse. Roman figure, as in the plate, holding a brazier with ascending flames. Legend. PAPPO, Pharos. There are several varieties of this type: in one instance the figure holds a simpulum, such as is seen on the coins of Antonia Augusta, A.D. 37.-Tresor de Numismatique, pl. x. fig. 14. No. 16. Obverse. King's bust as in the Plate. Ornamental jacket, armlets, mace and spear; with a curious peaked helmet having buffalo horns diverging upwards from below the frontlet, as is seen in certain Indo-Sassanian coins of a later age;' flowing fillets at the back, with Sassanian fillets distributed over each shoulder. Reverse. A Roman type of abundance. Legend. APAOXPO. The cornucopiae and the style of dress belong to the period of Julius Caesar and the early days of Augustus, A.U.C. 711, 33 B.0. Tresor de Numismatique, pl. iii. fig. 1. No. 17. (Obverse. Kadphises type of King's bust, with mace and ankus, Sassanian fillets.) Reverse. Four-armed figure, as in the Plate. Legend. MANAO BAGO, the Moon-god. No. 18. (Obverse. Kadphises bust; silken garment, mace, ankus, etc., flame on right shoulder, ordinary fillets.) Reverse. Male figure, as in the Plate. Legend. Mao, Mao, the Moon. No. 19. (Obverse. King's bust as in A.A. xiv. 3; highly ornamental robe and collar, Sassanian fillets, etc.) Reverse. Figure as in the Plate, with sword and staff, holding out a chaplet. Legend. MAO, the Moon. No. 20, (Obverse. King's bust, with Roman pallium, peaked cap, and Sassanian fillets.) Reverse. Female figure with Caduceus, as in the Plate. Legend. NANO, Nanaia. * See Prinsep, Essays, vol. ii. p. 115; Ariana Antiqua, pl. xvii. 5, etc.; Herodotus, vii. c. lxxyi. Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 64 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. No. 21. (Obverse. Juvenile bust of the King, with silken garment, mace, ankus, with a close-fitting compact helmet and Sassanian fillets.) Reverse. Rayed figure, with flowing garments, as in the Plate. Legend. MIOPO, Mithra. No. 22. (Obverse. Old form of bust of the King, Kadphises style.) Reverse. Figure as in the Plate. Legend. MIIPO, Mihira. No. 23. (Obverse. Well-executed profile, but less-finished bust, of the King; wearing the Roman pallium, with mace, spear, peaked cap, prominent frontlet, bold halo, bossed cheek-plates , with flowing fillets of the ordinary character, associated with the Sassanian drooping falls on the back of the left shoulder, flame on the right shoulder.) Reverse. Figure, also clothed in the pallium, as seen in the Plate. The type of the reverse follows, in a measure, the earlier examples of haioc (A. A. xi. 16) and MIIPO (A. A. xii. 15), and it has something in common with the beautiful reverse of No. 21 of our Plate II. Legend of "undetermined" import APAEIXPO. BAZAHO. No. 24. (Obverse. King standing to the front, in full Scythian cap a-pied armour, with sword, spear, high pointed cap, reduced halo, falling fillets, with large Mithraic altar, into which the right hand of the King seems to be casting votive incense, as in A. A. xiv. 18. Legend, constant. PAO NANO PAO BAZOAHO KOPANO.) Reverse. Figure as exhibited in the Plate. Siva trimukhi, to the front, with top-knot, holding trident and noose (pasu), clad in the Indian dhoti, naked above the waist. Legend. Reversed-Greek POKPO. No. 25. (Obveree. Full-length figure of the King, in bossed and armour fished skirt (as in A.A. xiv. 14). Reveree. Figure as shown in the Plate. Siva, single-faced, with top-knot, and bushy hair, clothed in the Indian dhoti, bold muscular development of the chest, trident, noose (pasu), well-defined Brahmani bull, monogram, stc. Legend. OKPO. No. 26. (Obveree. Standing figure of the King, the bosses of the body-armour appear in full detail, the fish-scale skirt is also given, as are the greaves and the rings, or serpent-like protection of the arms. The spear is here a subdued trident, with a bold central point and reduced side spikes; but the Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 65 peculiarity of the whole device, in this instance, consists in the tall Kuzzalbash-like cap, which is surmounted by the head of a bird. Reverse. Siva trimukhi, as reproduced in the Plate, with his bull in a varied position. The god, in addition to ordinary trident and noose, reveals a subdued but fully defined priapus in front of the folds of the dhoti, together with the first determinate representation of a Brahmanical or caste thread, which replaces the early necklace of skulls adverted to at p. 59. One of the most important revelations of the Peshawar find is the large amount of Roman influence to be detected amid the types of these Indo-Scythian coinages. The earliest archaeological trace of commercial or other intercourse between India and Rome is represented by the celebrated deposit in a tumulus at Manikyala, discovered by M. A. Court in 1833. M. Court's description of the position and condition of the crypt is as follows: "At ten feet from the level of the ground, we met with a cell in the form of a rectangular parallelogram, built in a solid manner, with well-dressed stones, firmly united with mortar. The four sides of the cell corresponded with the four cardinal points, and it was covered with a single massive stone. Having turned this over, I perceived that it was covered with inscriptions. In the centre of the cell stood a copper urn, encircling which were placed symmetrically eight medals of the same metal. ... The urn itself was carefully enveloped in a wrapper of white linen tightly adhering to its surface. ... The copper urn enclosed a smaller one of silver; the space between them being filled in with a paste of the colour of raw umber. . . Within the silver urn was found one much smaller of gold, immersed in the same brown paste, in which were also contained seven silver medals, with Latin characters. The gold vessel 11. No. 19. pl. xxxiv. J.A.S. Bengal, vol. iii. A silver denarius of Mark Antony, struck while he was a member of the celebrated triumvirate ; M. ANTONIUS. iii. VIR. R.P.C.-Vaillant, ii. p. 9. Riccio, pl. iv. 25. J. des Sav. 1836, p. 72 (A.U.C. 711). 2. No. 20. Julius Caesar. Julia family, Riccio, xxiu. 31. R. Rochette. A.U.C. 694-704,"si connu et si commun." 3. No. 21. Cordia family. Ric. xiv. 1. R.R. A.U.C. 705. "Un denier d'Auguste, avec les tetes accouplees de Caius et de Lucius Caesars." 4. No. 22. Minucia family. Riccio, xxxii. 7. Q. THERM. M.F. about A.U.C. 680. Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 66 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. enclosed four small coins of gold of the Graeco-Scythic type'..; also two precious stones and four pearls." With a view to determine the age of the monument itself from external evidence, M. Raoul Rochette critically examined the Roman coins found in the inner coating of the main deposit. The result of his exhaustive study is subjoined in his own words : "Maintenant, ce qui resulte de la reunion de ces sept monnaies de familles romaines, six desquelles sont reconnues avec certitude, et qui furent toutes frappees dans le cours des annees 680 a 720 de Rome; ce qui resulte, non-seulement de la presence de ces sept monnaies, appartenant toutes aux derniers temps de la republique, et de l'absence de monnaies consulaires ou imperiales, c'est que le monument ou on les avait deposees a dessein, appartient lui-meme a la periode de temps qui est celle de l'emission et de la circulation de ces monnaies; car le fait qu'on n'y a trouve mele parmi elles ni un seul denier consulaire, ni un seul denier imperial, est certainement tres-significatif; et ce ne peut etre, a mon avis, une circonstance purement fortuite ou accidentelle qui ait reuni ainsi, dans un monument considerable, sept monnaies choisies entre toutes celles que le commerce avait portees dans l'Inde, et toutes frappees dans la periode republicaine des guerres civiles, qui eurent principalement l'Orient pour theatre."-Journ. des Savants, 1836, p. 74. At one time it was fondly hoped that this monument might prove to have been the last resting-place of the ashes of Kanishka himself, but the inscription on the inverted slab effectually disposed of any such notion. The covering stone of the crypt mentions Samvat 18, and the Mathura inscriptions extend his reign to Samvat 33. The discovery, however, is of the highest importance under other aspects. It has been usual to associate Kanishka's name with Buddhism, and in 5. No. 23. Accoleia family. LARISCOLVS, i, 1. A.U.C. 710-720. 6. No. 24. Julia family. Ric. xxii. 4. 7. No. 25. Furia family. R. xxi. 8. R.R. A.U.C. 686. The latest authorities, therefore, limit the date of the most recent of these coins to B.C. 34. Prinsep's Essays, vol. i. p. 149. i Four "gold coins found in the gold cylinder." Pl. xxxiv. vol. iii. J.A.S. Bengal. '1 and 2. Kanerki bust and peaked cap. Rev. Siva, four-armed and OKPO. 3. Kanerki standing figure. Rev. Siva, four-armed and OKPO. 4. Kanerki standing figure. Rev. Standing figure. AOPO. >> Prof. Dowson, J.R.A.S. Vol. XX. 0.s. p. 250. Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 67 his reign a new convocation of the Buddhists was convened, once again to revise and determine the authorized faith. If Kanishka ever was a Buddhist, he, like Asoka, must have become so late in life. His coins, as we have seen, are eminently Saiva, and this monument, erected during his reign, contained, within the gold cylinder in the innermost recess of its undisturbed chamber, no less than three coins bearing the image of Siva, out of the four, selected for inhumation with the ashes of the person, in whose honour it was built. Moreover, so distinctly was the ruling Saivism accepted in India, that we find the coins of NANA PAO conventionally denominated Nanakas (and elsewhere defined as bearing the mark of Siva) in the authoritative text of Yajnavalkya's Hindu Law. On the other hand, Indo-Scythic Buddhism is undemonstrative in the extreme, and one of the coins most relied upon to prove devotion to that faith? turns out, under the legends of the better specimens of the Peshawar find, to bear the name of APAEIXPO (No. 23, Pl. II.), whereas those coins which bear the unmistakable figure of Sakya Muni-as I shall show hereafter-clearly belong to a later period of the Kanerki series. Under the system in vogue, in more advanced Buddhistic days, of the gradual enlargement of Topes and the concurrent exhibition of relics, which for convenience sake were placed near the summit of the mound, we find a later deposit three feet only from the top of this smaller Manikykla tope, which consisted of three coins bearing the form and name of Siva, and one coin only with the image and superscription of OAO, the Wind. 1 Yajnavalkya's date is uncertain. Some commentators place him before Vikramaditya, others so late as the second century A.D. See my Ancient Indian Weights, p. 20. Prof. Wilson remarks that the name of u ran nanaka occurs in the play of the Mrichchhakati (act i. scene 1), and the commentary explains the nanaka as francac Sivanka-tarka, or "coin with the mark of Siva." 2 General Cunningham, J.A.S. Bengal, 1845, p. 435, pl, ii. fig. 3. 3 The four copper coins found above the stone cover of the tumulus, pl. Ixxiv. vol. iii. J.A.S. Berigal, are identified with-- 1. Kadphises, the King, standing. Rev. Siva and Nandi, with Bactrian-Pali legends similar to A.A. Plate x, figs. 15, etc. 2. Coin of Kanerki, with Rev. OAAO. 3 and 4. Coin of Kanerki, with Rev. Siva four-armed, OKPO. Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 68 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. We have now to seek to discover, from the numismatic remains,--which constitute the only positive data left us,how it came to pass, that so many of the elements of Western forms of worship and classic Roman devices found their way into such a specially-dissevered section of the earth, as that which howed to Indo-Scythian sway at and shortly before the commencement of our era. The first and most obvious suggestion would point to ordinary commercial intercourse, the superior value of Indian produce, and the consequent import of Roman gold for the requisite balance of trade, about which Pliny was so eloquent. But in this case we are forced to admit some more direct and abiding influence. If the Roman gold had been suffered to remain intact in the shape it was received, as mere bullion, which sufficed for the traffic of the Western coast, we should have gained no aid or instruction in the explanation of the present difficulty. But, fortunately, the recoinage of the original Roman aurei in situ, at whatever exact point it may ultimately be placed, must clearly be limited to a region, far removed from the inspiring centre, and separated by some natural belt of desert or hostile territory from free intercourse with old associations, or home relations. In the Parthian dominions, which intervened between the extreme points indicated, there existed precisely such barriers: and excepting the perseverance with which their kings retained the eagles of Crassus, there was no notion of recognition or adoption of Roman devices by the Parthian monarchs till the Italian slave Mousa got her image placed on the Arsacidan mintages. Whereas, among the distant communities in the far East, we discover consecutive imitations of Roman types, extending over a considerable space of time, and following irregularly the latest novelties and innovations of the Imperial mints; but always appearing in independent forms, as reproductions, with newly-engraved dies of inferior execution, but with Latin-Greek legends embodying Zend denominations; and, more distinctive still, uniformly accepting either Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. the already-prepared obverses of the Indo-Scythian kings, or reviving their semblance from time to time in apparent recognition of the suzerain power. The enigma above outlined seems to me to be susceptible of but one solution, which singularly accords with the given circumstances of time and place-that is, that the 10,000 captives of the army of Crassus, who were transported to Mervul-rud, on the extreme border of the Parthian dominions," a site intentionally most remote from their ancestral homes, finding even that fertile valley, that pleasant Siberia, unprepared to accommodate so large and so sudden an influx of population, spread and extended themselves into the proximate dominions of the Indo-Scythians,3 and freely ac 1 Plutarch in Crassus xxxi.-Legontai d oi pantes dismurioi men apothanein, murioi de alonai zontes. Repeated in Appian Parth., p. 66. 2 Pliny, N. H. vi. xvi. 18.-"Sequitur regio Margiane, apricitalis inclytae, sola in eo tractu vitifera, undique inclusa montibus amoenis et ipsa contra Parthia tractum sita: in qua Alexander Alexandriam condiderat. Qua diruta a barbaris, Antiochus Seleuci filius, eodem loco restituit Syriam; nam interfluente Margo, qui corrivatur in Zotale, is maluerat illam Antiochiam appellari. Urbis amplitudo circumitur circuitu stadiis lxx; in hanc Orodes Romanos Crassiana clade captos deduxit." The references in Vell. Patercnlus ii. 82, and Florus iv. 10, only go to show how mercifully the captives were treated, inasmuch as they were freely allowed to serve in the Parthian ranks. Justin, xlii. cap. v. affirms that the prisoners of both the armies of Crassus and Antony were collected and restored, with the standards, in B.C. 20, but this statement probably refers only to those who were within easy call; and the thirty-three years' residence in the distant valleys of the Indian Caucasus may well have reconciled the then surviving remnant of Crassus's force to their foreign home and new domestic ties. See. also Suetonius, in Angusto, c. xxi., in Tiberio, c. ix. 3 'AVTIOXELa 'n Kalovmevn "Evuopos, or Antiochia irrigua, was distant 537 schani, by the Parthian royal road, from Ctesiphon, or Madain, on the Tigris: in continuation of the same highway, it was 30 scheni N.N.E. of 'Ale?avopeia 'n ev 'Apelois or Alexandria Ariana, the modern "Herat," from whence the route proceeded by Farrah and the Lake of Zaranj to Sikohah, the ZakasTav Zakan Zkubov or Sacastana Sacarum Scytharum, and hence to Bust and Alexandropolis, metropolis Arakhosias, or the modern Kandahar.--C. Muller, Geographi Graeci Minores (Paris, pp. xci. 252, and Map No. x.). mdrrm 69 was selected as the seat of government of Khorasan Mero-ul-rud on the Arab conquest, in preference to the more northern Merv Shahjahan-both which names are to be found on the initial Arabico-Pahlavi coins of Selim bin Ziad and Abdullah Hazim, in 63 A.H. (J.R.A.S. Vol. XII. p. 293, and XIII. p. 404). The early Arabian geographers, who officially mapped-out every strategic and commercial highway, tell us that important routes conducted the merchant or traveller from Merv-ul-rud eastwards, by Talikan, Farayab and Maimana, to Balkh, whence roads branched-off to the southward, to Bamian, and by other lines to Andarabah, Parwan, and Kabul. While Herat once reached, by the direct main line to the south, offered endless `r or Merv 1 Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 70 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. cepting their established supremacy, settled themselves down as good citizens, taking in marriage the women of the country, and forming new republics, without objecting to the recognition of a nominal Suzerain---a political supremacy their fellow-countrymen so soon submitted to in its closer and more direct form of Imperator at the same time that they retained their old manners and customs, and with them the religion of the Roman pantheon, with the due allowance of Antistes and possibly a Pontifex Maximus, in partibus infidelium. To judge from the changes and gradations in the onward course of these mintages, it would seem as if the new settlers had either directly copied the obverses of the Indo-Scythians with their normal Greek legends, or possibly they may have been supplied with official mint-dies, which they used to destruction, and when, in turn, they had to renew these obverse dies, they imparted to the ideal bust of the suzerain many of their own conventional details of dress, etc. But in the process of imitation, they appear to have adhered as far as possible to a mechanical reproduction of the old quasiGreek letters of the Indo-Scythian legend, while on their new and independent reverses they took licence in the Latin forms of the Greek alphabet, frequently embodying the current Zend terms in their own hybrid characters, and in some cases becoming converts to, or at least accepting the symbols of the local creeds. Their influence, on the other hand, upon local thought and Indian science, may perchance be traced in the pages of the Paulisa-Siddhanta and Romaka-Siddhanta, wherein their adopted Greek astronomy was insured a shorter passage to the East than the hitherto-recognized devious routes from Alexandria to the Western coast and other points facilities for the dispersion of the new settlers in the six or seven roads which focussed in the centre formed by that ancient city. (See Sprenger's Post- und Reiserouten des Orients, maps 4, 5; M. N. Khanikof, " Asie centrale," Paris, 1861, map: Ferrier's Caravan Journeys, London, 1857, map.) 1 Milesne Cressi conjuge barhara, etc.- Horace, Od. iii. 5.5. 2 A very suggestive indication has been preserved, in later authors, about the white-blood claimed by the ruling races of Badakhshan, Darwaz, Kulab, Shighnan. Wakhan, Chitral, Gilgit, Swat, and Balti.--Burnes, J.A.S.B. vol. ii. p. 305: J.R.A.S. Vol. VI. p. 99; Marco Polo, cap. xxix. Yule's edit. i. p. 152. See also, for Kanishka's power in these parts, Hiouen Thsang, Memoires, i. pp. 42, 104, 172, 199. Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. of contact could have afforded. And, in another direction, these new suggestions may lead us to re-examine, with more authority, the later amplifications of the Zend alphabet, and to expose the needless introduction of foreign vowels and diphthongs--the assimilation of the anomalous Latin w q and the reception of the d f, which was only dubiously represented in the Sanskrit alphabet by u ph. Prof. Max Muller has remarked that the mention of the word dinar is, in a measure, the test of the date of a Sanskrit MS., and so the use of the re-converted Roman aurei may serve to check and define the epoch of distant dynastic changes. Pliny has told us of the "crime," as he calls it, of him who was the first to coin a denarius of gold,4 which took place sixty-two years after the first issue of silver money, or, in B.c. 207. Under Julius Caesar the weight of the aureus/ was revised and fixed at the rate of forty to the libra, after which period the rate gradually fell, till, under Nero, fortyfive aurei were coined to the libra. The average weight of extant specimens of Julius Caesar's denarii of gold is stated to run at about 125.66 grains, while similar pieces of Nero fall to a rate of 115.39 grains. The Persian Daric seems to have been fixed at 130 grains.5 The Greek gold pieces of Diodotus of Bactria weigh as much as 132-3 grains.6 The Indo-Scythian gold coins reach as high as 125," but this is an exceptionally heavy return. The Kadphises' group of coins range up to 122.5, and support an average of 122:4; an average which is confirmed by the double piece, no. 5, pl. x. Ariana Antiqua, which weighs 245 grains. The 1 Colebrooke, Essays, vol. i. p. 340. Wilford, Asiatic Researches, vol. X. pp. 55, 101, etc. Reinaud, Mem. sur l'Inde, pp. 332, etc. Whitney, Lunar Zodiac, 1874, p. 371. Kern, Preface to " Brihat Sanhita," p. 40, etc. 2 J.R.A.S. Vol. XII. 0.9. p. 272, and Vol. III. N.8. p. 266. Prinsep's Essays, yol. i. p. 171. 3 Sanskrit Literature, p. 245. 4 xxxu, 13. 3 International Numis. Orient., Mr. Head, p. 30. 6 Journ. Roy. As. Soc. Vol. XX. p. 122. 7 Gen. Cunningham, J.A.S.B., 1845, p. 435. Coin of Araei & Coin in British Museum. 23, 1. 11.). Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 72 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. Kanerki series, present a slightly lower average, but sustain, in numerous instances, a full measure of 122 grains. So that, allowing for wear or depreciation in recoinage, the official imitative mint-rate would not be far removed from the fall following close upon Julius Caesar's full average, which progressively reached the lower figures above quoted under Nero. While the coin weights, on the one hand, serve to determine the initial date of the serial issues, the devices above described will suffice, on their part, to indicate the periods of inter-communion with the Imperial history as seen in the periodical introduction of copies of the new Roman types of Mint reverses. To enable my readers to judge of the state of the religious beliefs of Upper India and the adjoining countries to the northward and westward, I have taken advantage of the very important discovery of the gold coins of the Scythic period above described, to compile, or rather to enlarge a previous Table, exhibiting the names of the multitudinous gods recognized amid the various nationalities who, at this time, bowed to the Indo-Scythian sway. _ ? Numismatic Chronicle, n.s. vol. xii. 1872, p. 113. My "Sassanians in Persia" (Trubner, 1873), p. 43. % The faith or dominant creed of the three brothers, Kanerki, Ooerki, and Vasudeva (Hushka, Jushka, Kanishka), or that of their subjects, may be tested by the devices of the Peshawar hoard of their coins. KANERKI, Karnpki. OOERKI, Oompki. Bazdeo, Bacoono. 1. Mupo 2. Melpo 3. Mao 4. Apo 6. Nava pao 1. Nava 2. Okpo, under nu. merous forms 1. Plan 10. Mavao sayo 2. Hpakilo 11. Apo 3. pon lla. Pao pn@po 4. Zapato 12. Apaelxpo 5. Zepo 13. Pappo 6. Oanindo 14. Nava 7. Milpa (Mupo, 15. Orpo Miopo, Mopo, 16. Apdoxpo etc.) 17. Maaonvo 8. Mao Skando 9. Mao with 18. Kouapo Miiro Bucayo This table is confined to the list of 93 specimens, selected from the total Peshawar find of 524 coins, as numismatic examples for deposit in the British Museum, The 60 coins brought home by Sir Bartle Frere from the same trouvaille, for the Indian Government, do not add any varieties to thesc lists. Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VEDIC GODB. IRANIAN GODB. PERBIAN. GREEK AND GRAECO-ROMAN BRAHMANICAL. BUDDHIBT. 1. 1. OAAO POH Varuna 1. MIOPO Mithra 1. HAIOE elios Vayu 1. OKPO Siva 1. BODA SAMANA Boda Sramana 2. OPAATNO Agni 2. MIIPO Mihira 2. NANA Nano 2. HPAKIAO Heroules 2. APAOXPO Parvati? two reasoris: firstly, because I do not desire to anticipate or as the above Table, to the narrowest possible outlines, for I have reduced both the description of Plate II., as well 3. APAEIXPO 3. NANA PAO 3. PIAH 3. MAAXHNO Nana-rao Rhea? (Pallas Capitolina) Mahasena 4. MAO 4. NANAIA | 4. XAPANO 4. SKANDO Mao Nanaia Sarapis Skanda 5. MAO and MIIPO | 5. QANINAO 5. ZEPO 5. KOMAPO Mao and Mihira Anandates Ceres ? (Diana) Kumdra 6. MANAO BAGO 6. PAO PHOPO 6. BIZATO Maonh Bago Raorethro (Mars) Vigakha 7. APO Atars TIE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 8. MAPO Pharo, fire-bearer 73 Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 74 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. interfere with Mr. Vaux's more comprehensive description of Sir B. Frere's selections from the great Peshawar find--which we may hope shortly to see in the pages of our Journal; and secondly, because I wish to await General Cunningham's mature report upon the same trouvaille, which is designed to form an article in the Numismata Orientalia, a work in which I am much interested. The only portions of the full number of 524 coins that I have examined are confined to the 93 specimens Sir E. C. Bayley has forwarded to me for the purpose of study and for eventual deposit in the British Museum, and the 60 coins from the same source brought bome by Sir Bartle Frere, now in the Library at the India Office. Nevertheless, there are some suggestive identifications embodied in the Table for which I may be held more immediately responsible, and which I must, as far as may be, endeavour to substantiate. I. VEDIC GODS. The first, and most venturesome of these, is the association of the wpon on the coins with the Vedic Varuna; but the process of reasoning involved becomes more simple, when we have to admit that Oupavos and Varuna are identical under independent developments from one and the same Aryan conception--and that, even if exception should be taken to the elected transcription of pon, the manifestly imperfect rendering of the letters of the Greek legend freely admits of the alternative Oron. Some difficulty has been felt, throughout the arrangement of the Table, as to under which of the first four headings certain names should be placed; in this instance, I have been led to put Varuna in the Vedic column, on account of the absence of the final Zend o-- which would have associated the name more directly with the Iranian branch of worship. A similar reason might properly be urged for removing 1 Muir, Sanskrit Texts, vol. v. pp. 58, 72, 76, 120, etc.; Haug, Sacred Writings of the Parsees, pp. 226, 230. Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. * 75 OPAArno from column i. to column ii.; but in this case the "Agni" is preferentially Vedic, and the Iranian branch has its own representative of "Fire," in the technical A PO. There is also another objection to be met, in the matter of the prefix. It has been usual to follow Lassen's identification of APAOXPO, as meaning "half-Siva," i.e. the female form of that hermaphrodite god ;? but these new legends suggest, if they do not prove, that the prefix Apa corresponds to the Sanskrit za Tita, " worshipped," great, etc., instead of to the assumed i arddhan,"half." And as, in the present instance, the figure to which the designation is attached is clearly a male, with spear and crested helmet, there can be no pretence of making a half-female out of this device. II. IRANIAN GODS. The opening osao of this list might well have claimed a place in column i., in virtue of its approximation to the Vedio Vayu-a term under which "the wind" is equally addressed in the Zend-Avesta : Vayus uparokairyo, "the wind whose business is above the sky." 4 But the term oo is certainly closer in orthography to the Persian sb bad, and the class of coins upon which it is found pertain more definitely to the Iranian section of the Aryan race, and refer to days when the main body of the Vedic Aryans had long since passed on to the banks of the Jumna. The MIIPO has been committed to column ii. on simply 1 " Agni is the god of fire, the Ignis of the Latins, the Ogni of the Slavonians. He is one of the most prominent deities of the Rig Veda. . . Agni is not, like the Greek Hephaitos, or the Latin Vulcan, the artificer of the gods."--Muir, vol. v. p. 199. ? Journ. A.S. Bengal, 1840, p. 455; Ind. Alt. (new edition), vol. ii. p. 839; Wilson, Ariana Antiqua, p. 366. 3 Ar. An. pl. xii. fig. 3; Journ. A.S. Bengal, 1836, pl. XXXVI, 1 ; Prinsep's Essays, pl. xxi. fig. 1; Journ. R.A.S. Vol. XII.0.8. Pl. VI. Fig. 1. I must add that the best specimens of the coins extant give the orthography of OPAATNO, which, however, has hitherto been universally accepted as OPAATNO;--a rectification which the parallel frequency of the prefix to other names largely encourages. 4 Hang, p. 194; see also pp. 193-232. 5 Lassen, J.A.S.B., 1840, p. 454; Wilson, Ariana Antiqua, p. 369; Muir, S. Texts, vol. v. p. 143,"Vayu does not occupy a very prominent place in the KigVeda." Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 76 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. orthographical grounds; and the Mao and Miipo follow the same law. Among the many outward forms of the Moon-god, Manao Bago would almost seem to be a superfluous variant, were it not that the word Maonh may assign it to a more definitely Zend-speaking locality. Then, there are complications about male and female Moons, which seem to be indicated in the varieties of outlines given to the figures of Mao, and it is clear that the ruling religious systems fully recognized both male and female Mithras.3 It is with much reserve that I venture to suggest any interpretation of the title of APAEIXPO. The opening letters may possibly be referred to the Sanskrit T ara "swift," 4 and, considering the mixed complications of letters and languages to be seen in parallel transcriptions, the EiXPO might be dubiously associated with equus, ikkoS, CTOS, infos, the "coursier rapide," i.e. the Sun.5 A(r)PO, as the type of Fire, the Roman Vulcan, sufficiently declares itself in the artistic rendering of his personal form. 1 Haug, p. 180; Khurshid and Mah Yashts. "The first yasht is devoted to the sun, which is called in Zend hvare kkshaeta= ( ) sun the King,' the second to the moon called mdonh=sho." "Je celebre, j'invoque Ahura et Mithra, eleves, immortels, purs; et les astres, creations saintes et celestes; et l'astre Taschter (Tistrya), lumineux, resplendissant; et la lune, qui garde le germe du taureau ; et le soleil, souverain, coursier rapide, weil d'Ahura Mazda ; Mithra, chef des provinces." --Burnouf, Yasna, p. 375. Creutzer, p. xxiv, fig. 330, etc.; Maury, Hist. des Religions, Paris, 1859, vol. iii. p. 127, "Sin ou Lune des Assyriens .. avait une caractere hermaphrodite. Cette premiere explication nous donne deux divinites, placees, pour le dire en passant, dans l'ordre hierarchique, Ahura et Mithra. Mais la separation meme de ces deux mots, ahuraeibya et mithraeibya, pourrait faire soupconner qu'il est question en cet endroit de deux Mithras, et que ahura doit etre regarde comme un titre : j'invoque, je celebre les deux seigneurs Mithras. Ces deux Mithras seraient sans doute Mithra male et Mithra femelle, dont le culte etait, selon les Grecs, anciennement celebre dans la Perse."--Burnouf, Yacna, p. 361; Zend-Avesta, vol. i. p. 87. 3 Muir, Sanskrit Texts, vol. v. p. 155, "The two sun gods celebrated in the hymns of the Rig Veda," " Surya and Savitri." 4 "Thou, Surya, outstrippest all in speed." -- Wilson, Rig Veda, vol. i. p. 131. 5 As in note 1, Mr, Muir also considers that some passages in the Rig Veda symbolize the Sun under the form of a horse.- Texts, vol. v. p. 158. Prof. Goldstucker has further traced the derivation of the name of the Aswins from "aswa, meaning literally the pervader, then the quick; then the horse, which becomes the symbol of the sun "--J.R.A.S. Vol. II. N.s. p. 14; Mrs. Manning, Ancient India, vol. i. p. 9. I am fully aware that a coin is extant bearing the letters APOOAchio (Aploaoro?), but the use of the aspa "horse" in this case is not necessarily conclusive against the interpretation of the independent transcript aboys suggested. Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 177 The APO or APPO is equally obvious in its intention and in the pictured outline given to the central figure. The name, of course, is derived from the Latin fero, as embodied in Lucifer and Diana. Lucifera. The early Greeks only knew the designation as that of a light-house, without being able to supply a root for the word, or, indeed, to interpret it otherwise than as "an island in the bay of Alexandria." The term is constant in ancient Persian combinations, as Ataphernes, etc.,-which eventually settled into the Aturparn or Fire Priest of the Sassanian period.1 III. PERSIAN GODS, I have repeated the name of MIOPO in the Persian column, more out of regard to the early Persian worship of the god, than because I can trace the direct descent of the Mithra of Cyrus to the same Iranian deity in his Eastern home. The simple enumeration of the various forms of the worship of Nanaia would fill volumes. Under its Persian aspect it may be sufficient to refer to Artaxerxes Mnemon's inscription at Susa, which specifies "Ormazd, Tanaitis, and Mithra," 2 as the gods who "help" him. The thirty chapters of the Aban Yasht are devoted to Ardvi Sura Anahita, "sublime, excellent, spotless," whom "Ahuramazda himself is said to have worshipped." And, for the traditions of her worship in the lands with which these coins are indirectly associated, we may cite the many sacred places that still bear her name.1 The Oanindo, Anandates, is a new discovery; but I conclude there will be no difficulty in admitting her identity with the Anandates of Strabo.5 1 See J.R.A.S. Vol. XIII. o.s. p. 415, etc. We have now new and clear Aturparn. See also Haug, p. 250. "Soshyantos examples of the true sm r dr and Angiras = Atharvans." 2 J.R.A.S. Vol. XV. p. 159. 3 Haug, pp. 178, 179. 4 J.A.S. Bengal, vol. iii. 449; v. 266. London, 1844, vol. iv. p. 391. Ariana Antiqua, p. 362. 5 Strabo xi. viii. 4: "They (the Persians) erected there a temple to Anaitis, and the gods Omanus (Quavou kal 'Avadarov) and Anandatus, Persian deities who have a common altar." xv. iii. 15: "The same customs are observed in the Masson, "Travels in Baluchistan." Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ** 78 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. IV. ROMAN GODS. In the identification of the whole list of the Roman and Graeco-Roman gods, I have been guided more by the forms and figures stamped on the coins than by the legends which are supposed to define the names and attributes of each divinity, which must often be accepted as simply independent versions of the original nomenclature. I am uncertain about the decipherment of PIAH, but there can be little doubt for whom the figure is intended. In the same way the type of Mars is manifest; his title of PHOPO may be referred to the Zend Gel eretha "great," etc.,' and though epv@plas might find some advocates, Anquetil's Verethre "victorious" seems to be conclusive as to the derivation. It will be remembered that the nearly similar term of OPAH POT is to be found on the coins of Kodes.2 V. BRAHMANICAL GODS. These several deities, their nomenclatures and attributes, have already been fully adverted to, under their Saivic aspect, in the preceding pages. I have only to add, in addition to what has already been said about APAOXPO, a reference to the fact which seems to have been hitherto lost sight of, that the second portion of this name does not coincide with the legitimate orthography of the OKPO of Siva. Indeed, as far as direct numismatic evidence may furnish a test, Siva is more directly associated with Nana, the Parvati of later belief,3 than with the Ardokro, or the Roman definition of "abundance " on coin No. 16, Plate II. temples of Anaitis and of Omanus. Belonging to these temples are shrines, and a wooden statue of Omanus is carried in procession. These we have seen ourselves." 1 Burnouf, Yasna, pp. 323, 377, 473. * J.R.A.S. Vol. IV. w.e. p. 518. URKODOU, ORDEThROU, MAKAROU. See also Num. Chron. N.e. vol. xiii. p. 229. 3 See coin No. 7, J.R.A.S. Vol. XII. o.e. Plate IV., and J.A.S. Bengal, vol. iv. fig. 7, pl. xxxviii., and Prinsep's Essays, vol. ii. pl. xxii. fig. 7, wherein OKPO Siva appears upon the reverse in company with Nana. Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. VI. BUDDHIST. Although I have felt bound to insert the words BOAA ZAMANA in my Table, on the authority of Gen. Cunningham, I have only been induced to admit any such possible reading by the coincident appearance of definite figures of Buddha, under the double aspect of the conventional standing and seated statues of the saint. I am not myself prepared to follow the present interpretation of the legends, though better examples may modify my views. But the point I have now more especially to insist upon is, that the appearance of these Buddhist figures is confined to inferior copper pieces of very imperfect execution, whose legends are absolutely chaotic in the forms and arrangement of the Greek letters. So that I should be disposed to assign the limited group of these Buddha-device coins to a comparatively late date in the general series of imitations : which, though still bearing the name and typical devices of Kanerki, would seem to consist of mere reproductions of old types by later occupants of the localities in which the earlier coins were struck. THE MATHURA ARCHAEOLOGICAL REMAINS. I adverted, at the commencement of this article, to the importance of the late archaeological discoveries in and around the ancient city of Mathura 2-which so definitely AAO of the samine as to be utterly this class of coins are incontest 1 The coin most relied on to prove the intention of the terms "OM BOA or perhaps OAI BOA; either Aum Buddha or Adi Buddha," published by General Cunningham in 1845 (J.A.S. Bengal, p. 435, plate 2, fig. 3), presents a central figure on the reverse exactly like the outline of tbe APAEIXPO of the present plate. His Nos. 6 and 7, as I have remarked, though clear in the definition of the figures of Buddha, are of coarse fabric, of far later date than the associate OaAll of the same plate, and finally, the letters of the legends are so badly formed and so straggling as to be utterly untrustworthy in establishing any definite reading. The other limited examples of this class of coins will be found in Ariana Antiqua, pl. xiii. figs. 1, 2, 3. Here, again, the figures are incontestable, but Prof. Wilson did not pretend to interpret the broken legends. Prinsep figured a coin of this description in fig. 11, pl. xxv. J.A.S. Be Prinsep's Essays, pl. vii. This coin was noticed, but left uninterpreted by Lassen in his paper in the J.A.S. Bengal, 1840, p. 456. 2 Amid the cities which were supposed to have claims to the honour of becoming the birthplace of Sakya Muni, Mathura is rejected because its kings had hereditary ideas inconsistent with the new faith, i.e. adhered to the old, Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 80 THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. establish the prominence of the Jaina religion, in the full developments of its sacred statues and associate inscriptions, at or about the commencement of our era.1 The Mathura sculptured monuments have preserved for modern examination the nude images of the saints of the Jainas,2 with the devotional dedications of the votaries of the faith appended in all contemporary formality. Jainism? "D'autres dirent: La ville de Mathoura, riche, entendue, florissante, et animee par une population nombreuse, toute remplie d'hommes; ce palais du roi Soubahou. D'autres dirent: Elle ne convient pas non plus; pourquoi ? Parce que ce roi est ne dans une famille ou les vues fausses sont hereditaires, et qu'il regne sur des hommes pareils aux barbares."-Lalita Vistara, Foucaux, p. 25. 1 General Cunningham was fully aware of the value of these discoveries, in their bearing upon the associate creeds of Jainism and Buddhism. That he should have ventured so far independently in the direction of the leading argument of this paper is highly encouraging. His remarks are to the following effect: "This is perhaps one of the most startling and important revelations that has been made by recent researches in India. It is true that, according to Jaina books, their faith had continuously flourished, under a succession of teachers, from the death of Mahavira in B.c. 527 down to the present time. Hitherto, however, there was no tangible evidence to vouch for the truth of this statement. But the Kankali mound at Mathura has now given us the most complete and satisfactory testimony that the Jaina religion, even before the beginning of the Christian era, must have been in a condition almost as rich and flourishing as that of Buddha. "The Kankali mound is a very extensive one, and the number of statues of all sizes, from the colossal downwards, which it has yielded, has scarcely been 'surpassed by the prolific returns of Buddhist sculpture from the Jail mound. But, as not more than one-third of the Kankali mound has yet been thoroughly searched, it may be confidently expected that its complete exploration will amply repay all the cost and trouble of the experiment."-General Cunningham, Arch. Rep. vol. iii. p. 46. Albiruni (A.D. 1030) has furnished us with a description of the forms of many of the Indian idols, derived from the text of Varaha-Mihira (sixth cent. A.D.). He defines the contrast between the statues of Buddha and those of the Arhats or Jaina saints in the following terms: "Si tu fais la statue de Djina, c'est-a-dire Bouddha, tache de lui donner une figure agreable et des membres bien faits. Il doit avoir les paumes de la main et le dessous des pieds en forme de nenufar. Tu le representeras assis, ayant des cheveux gris, et respirant un air de bonte, comme s'il etait le pere des creatures. S'il s'agit de donner a Bouddha la figure d'un arhanta, il faut en faire un jeune homme nu, bean de figure, et d'une physionomie agreable. It aura les deux mains appuyees sur les genoux," etc.-Reinaud, Memoires sur l'Inde, p. 121. Dr. Kern's translation, direct from the original Sanskrit text, gives: "The god of the Jainas is figured naked, young, handsome, with a calm countenance, and arms reaching down to the knees; his breast is marked with the Crivatsa figure."-J.R.A S. Vol. VI. N.s. p. 328. See also Wilson, J.A.S. Bengal, vol. i. p. 4; Burnouf, vol. i. p. 312. I omitted to notice in my previous references to nude statues (pp. 14, 18, 19, etc.), the remarkable expressions made use of by Calanus to Onesicritus; after "bidding him to strip himself naked, if he desired to hear any of his doctrine," he adds, "you should not hear me on any other condition though you came from Jupiter himself." Plutarch in Alexander. The exaction of these conditions seems to point to the tenets of Jainism. While on the subject of discriminating points, I add to the information, outlined Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. 81 These nade statues of the Jaina Tirthankaras teach us, like go many other subordinate indications of the remote antiquity of the creed, in its normal form, to look for parallels amid other forms of worship in their initiatory stage--and here we are inevitably reminded of the time when men made idols after their own images, and while those men, in the simplicity of nature, stood up, without shame, as the Creator had fashioned them. The value of the dedicatory inscriptions towards the elucidation of my leading question is, however, still more precise and irrecusable, in respect to the age of the monuments themselves, in the conjoint record of the name of the great Saint Mahavira and that of Vasudeva,--the BAZOAHO of the Indo-Scythian coins above described,--the third brother, or, as the case may be, the nominal head of the third tribe of the "Hushka, Jushka, and Kanishka" once nomad community. Of the twenty-four dated inscriptions given by General Cunningham in his Archaeological Report for 1871-2, no less than seven refer either directly, or indirectly, in the forms of the pedestals and the statues to which they are attached, to the Jaina creed. Nos. 2 and 3, dated Sam. 5; 4, dated Samvat 9, bear the name of Kanishka. No. 6, dated Sam. 20, is remarkable, as it specifies " the gift of one statue of Vardhamana" or Mahavira. at p. 9, a curious account of the modern Jaina reverence for the Footprints of their saints: " Shading the temple (of Vasinghji-one of the five snake brethren, at Tban) is a large Rdyana tree-the close foliage of small dark green oval leaves, which makes the shade so grateful, apparently having had to do with its being consecrated as a sacred tree in Western India, where it is specially dedicated by the Jainas to their first Tirthankara-Rishabhanatha--the patron saint of Satrun. jaya- no shrine to him being complete without a Rayana tree overshadowing his charana or footprints." -Mr. Burgess, Arch. Rep. 1875, p. 5. 1 Xenopbanes, colophonii Carminum Reliquiae, by Simon Karsten (Brussels, 1830), p. vi. His interpretation of one of the leading passages of the Greek text runs: "y. At mortales opinantur natos esse Deos, mortalique habitu et forma et figura praeditos." And vi. continues: "Si vero manus haberent boves vel leones, aut pingere manibus et fabricari eadem quae homines possent, ipsi quoque Deorum formas pingerent figurasque formarent tales, quali ipsorum quisque praeditus sit, equi equis, boves autem bobus similes."- p. 41. Pliny, xxxiv. p. 9, under iconica, adds the Greek practice is, not to cover any part of the " body" of their statues. Max Muller, Sanskrit Literature, vol. ii. p. 388. Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE EARLY FAITH OF ASOKA. No. 16, with the date of Sam. 83, and the name of Maharaja Vasu-deva, records, on the pedestal of a naked statue, "the gift of an image." No. 18, in like manner, preserves, at the foot of "a naked figure," the entry of Sam. 87, and the titles of Maharaja Rajatiraja Shahi Vasu-deva. 82 No. 20, which is, perhaps, the most important of the whole series of inscriptions, is appended to a "Naked standing figure," and commences with the following words: "Siddham Aum? Namo Arahate Mahavirasya Devanasasya Rajnya Vasu Devasya Samvatsare 98, Varsha Mase, 4 divase, 11 etasya." "Glory to the Arhat Mahavira, the destroyer of the Devas! (In the reign) of King Vasu-deva, in the Samvat year 98, in Varsha (the rainy season), the 4th month, the 11th day," etc. Without doubt this list might be largely extended from concurrent paleolithic documents, which do not so definitely declare themselves as of Jaina import; but enough has been adduced to establish the fact of the full and free usage of the Jaina religion in Mathura so early as the epoch of the Indo-Scythian Kanerkis. Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ LINGUISTIC PUBLICATIONS TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. OF Ahlwardt.-THE DIVANS OF THE SIX ANCIENT ARABIC POETS, Ennabiga, 'Antara, Tarafa, Zubair, 'Algama, and Imruolgais; chiefly according to the MSS. of Paria, Gotha, and Leyden, and the collection of their Fragments: with a complete list of the various readings of the Text. Edited by W. AHLWARDT, 8vo. pp. xxx. 340, sewed. 1870. 128. Aitareya Brahmanam of the Rig Veda. 2 vols. See under HAUG. Alabaster.-THE WHEEL OF THE LAW: Buddhism illustrated from Siamese Sources by the Modern Buddhist, & Life of Buddhs, and an account of H.M. Consulate-General in Siam; M.R.A.S. Demy 8vo. pp. lviii. and 324. 1871. 148. Alif Lailat wa Lailat.-THE ARABIAN NIGHTS. 4 vols. 4to. pp. 495, 493, 442, 434. Cairo, A.H. 1279 (1862). PS3 38. This celebrated Edition of the Arabian Nights is now, for the first time, offered at a price which makes it accessible to Scholars of limited means. Andrews.-A DICTIONARY OF THE HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE, to which is appended an English-Hawaiian Vocabulary, and a Chronological Table of Remarkable Eventa. By LORRIN ANDREWS. 8vo. pp. 560, cloth. PS1 118. 6d. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (The Journal of the). Published Quarterly. Vol I., No. 1. January-July, 1871. 8vo. pp. 120-clix, sewed. Illustrated with 11 full page Plates, and numerous Woodcuts; and accompanied by several folding platea of Tables, etc. 78. Vol. I., No. 2. October, 1871. 8vo. pp. 121-264, sewed. 48. 4s. Vol. I., No. 3. January, 1872. 8vo. pp. 265-427, sewed. 16 full-page Plates. 4s. Vol. II., No. 1. April, 1872. 8vo. pp. 136, sewed. Eight two-page platea snd two four-page plates. 48. Vol. II., No. 2. July and Oct, 1872. 8vo. pp. 137-312. 9 plates and a map. 68. Vol. II., No. 3. 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Part 3, 78. 6d. Asiatic Society.-JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. New Series. Vol. I. In Two Parts. pp. iv. and 490, sewed. 168. CONTENTS -I. Vajrs-chhedika, the "Kin Kong King," or Diamond Suera. Translated from the Chinese by the Rev. S. Beal, Chaplain, R.N.-II. The P&rsmita-bridaya Sutra, or, in Chinese, "Mo ho-p8-ye-po-lo-mih-to-ain-king," 1.8. "The Great Paramita Heart Satra." Translated from the Chinese by the Rev. 8. Besl, Chaplain, R.N.-III. On the Prescrvation of National Literature in the East. By Colonel F. J. Goldamid.-IV. On the Agricultural, Commercial, Financial, and Military Statistics of Ceylon. By E. R. Power, Esq.-V. Contributions to a Knowledge of the Vedic Theogony and Mythology. By J. Muir, D.C.L., LL.D.--VI. A Tabular List of Original Worka and Tranalations, publiahed by the late Dutch Government of Ceylon at their Printing Preas st Colombo. Compiled by Mr. Mst. P.J. Ondaatjc, of Colombo.-VII. Assyrian and Hebrew Chronology oompared, with a view of showing the extent to which the Hebrew Chronology of Uasber must be modified, in conformity with the Asayrian Canon. By J. W. Bosanqnet, Esq.Vill. On the existing Dictionaries of the Malay Langnsge. By Dr. H. N. van der Tunk.--IX. Bilingual Resdinge : Cuneiform and Phaenician. Notes on some Tablets in the British Museum, contsining Bilingual Legends (A sa yrian and Phoenician). By Major-General Sir H. Rawlinson, K.C.B., Director R.A.S.-X. Translatious of Three Copper-plate Inscriptiona of the Fonrth Century A.D., and Notices of the Chalnkya and Gurjjara Dynasties By Profesaor J. Dowaon, Staff College, Sandburet.-XI. Yama and the Doctrine of a Future Life, according to the Rig-Ysjur-, and Atharva-Vedss. By J. Muir, Esq., D.C.L., LL.D.-XII. On the Jyotiaha Observation of the Plsce of the Colurea, and the Date derivable from it. By Willism D. Whitney, Esq., Professor of Sanskrit in Yale College, New Haven, U.S.-Note on the preceding Article. By Sir Edward Colebrooke, Bart., M.P., President R.A.S.-XIII. Progress of the Vedic Religion towarda Abstract Conceptions of the Deity. By J. Muir, Esq., D.C.L., LL.D.-XIV. Brief Notes on the Age and Authenticity of the Work of Aryabbata, Varahamihira, Brahmagupta, Bhsttotpala, aud Bhaskaracharys. By Dr. Bhau Daji, H000rsry Member R.A.S. --XV. Ontlines of a Grammar of the Malagasy Language: By H. N. Van der Tuuk.-XVI. On the Identity of Xandramea and Krananda. By Edward Thomaa, Eaq. Vol. II. la Two Parts. pp. 522, sewed. 168. CONTENTA.-I. Contribution to a Knowledge of Vedic Theogony and Mythology. No. 2. By J. Muir, Esq.-II. Miscellaneous Hymns from the Rig- and Atharvs-Vedae. By J. Muir, E&.Ill. Five hundred questions on the Social Condition of the Natives of Bengal. By the Rev. J. Long.-IV. Short account of the Malay Manuscripts belonging to the Royal Asiatic Society. By Dr. H. N. van der Touk.-V. Tranalation of the Amitabha Satra from the Chinese. By the Rev. 8. Beal, Chaplain Royal Navy.-VI. The initial coinage of Bengal. By Edward Thomas, Esq.-VII. Specimena of an Assyrian Dictionary. By Edwin Norris, Esq.-VIII. On the Relations of the Prieste to the other classes of Indian Society in the Vedic sge By J. Muir, Eag. IX. On the Interpretation of the Veda. By the same.-X. An attempt to Tranalata from the Chinese a work known as the Confesional Services of the great compstaionato Kwan Yin, possessing 1000 hands and 1000 eyes. By the Rev. S. Beal, Chaplain Royal Navy. -X1. The Hymns of the Gaupiyanas and the Legend of King Abamati. By Professor Max Muller, M.A., Honorary Member Royal Asiatic Society.-XII. Specimen Chapters of an Assyrian Grammar. By the Rev. E.Hincka, D.D., Honorary Member Royal Asiatic Society. Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. Vol. III. In Two Parts. pp. 516, sewed. With Photograph. 228. CONTENTS.-I. Contributions towards s Glossary of the Assyrian Language. By H.F. Talbot. --II. Remarks on the Indo-Chinese Alphabets. By Dr. A. Bastian.III. The poetry of Mohamed Rabadan, Arragonese. By the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley.-IV. Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts in the Library of King's College, Cambridge. By Edward Henry Palmer, B.A, Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge, Member of the Royal Asiatic Society; Membre de la Societe Asiatique de Paris.. Description of the Amravati Tope in Guntur. By J. Ferguson, Feq., F.R.S.VI. Reinarks on Prof. Brockhsus' edition of the Kathasarit-agers, Lambaks IX, XVIII. By Dr. H. Kern, Profesaor of Sanskrit in the University of Leyden.-VII. The source of Colehrooke's Essay " On the Duties of s Faithful Hindu Widow." By Fitzedward Hall, Esq., M.A., D.C.L. Oxon. Supplement: Further detail of proofs that Colebrooke's Erasy, "On the Duties of a Faithful Hindu Widow," was not indebted to the Vivadsbhangarnava. By Fitzedward Hall, Esq.VIII. The Sixth Hymn of the First Book of the Rig Veds. By Professor Max Muller, M.A. Hon. M.R.A.S.IX. Ssbeanian Inacriptions. By E. Thomas, Esq.X. ACcount of an Embassy from Morocco to Spain in 1690 snd 1691. By the Hou. H. E. J. Stanley.- X1. The Poetry of Mohamed Rabadan, of Arragon. By the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley:-XII. Materials for the History of India for the Six Hundred Yesrs of Mohammadan rule, previous to the Foundation of the British Indian Empire. By Major W. Nassau Lees, LL.D., Ph.D.--XIII. A Few Words concerning the Hin people inhabiting the Foreata of the Cochin State. By Captain G. E. Fryer, Msdras Staff Corpe, M.R.A.S.-XIV. Notes on the Bhojpuri Dialect of Hindi, spoken in Western Bebar. By Joha Beames, Eeq., B.C.S., Magistrate of Chumparun. Vol. IV. In Two Parts. pp. 521, sewed. 168. CONTENTS.I. Contribution towards a Glossary of the Assyrian Language. By H. F. Talbot. Part 11.-II. On Iadisn Chronology. By J. Fergusson, Esq., F.R.S.-III. The Poetry of Mohamed Rabadan of Artsgon. By the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley.-IV. Oa the Magar Language of Nepal. By John Beames, Eaq., B.C.S.V. Contributions to the knowledge of Parsee Literature. By Edward Sachau, Ph.D).-VI. Illvatrs tions of the Lamaiat System in Tibet, drswa from Chinese Sources. By Wm. Frederick Mayere, Esq., of H.B.M. Consular Service, China. VII. Khuddska Paths, s Pali Text, with a Translation and Notes. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service.- VIII. Au Endeavour to elucidste Rashiduddin'a Geographical Notices of India. By Col. H. Yulo, C.B.- IX. Saseanian luacriptions explained by the Pahlavi of the Persie. By E. W. Went, E6.-X. Some Account of the Senbyu Pagoda at Mengan, near the Burmeae Capital, in a Memorandum by Capt. E. H. Sladan, Political Agent at Nandale; with Remarks on the Subject by Col. Henry Ymle, C.B. - XI. The Brbat-Sanhita; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varaba-Mihirs. Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. Kern. -XII. The Mobammedan Lsw of Evidence, and its influence on the Administration of Justice in Indis: By N. B. E. Baillie, Esq.-XIIl. The Mohammedan Law of Evidence in connection with the Administration of Justice to Foreigners. By N. B. E. Baillie, Esq.--XIV. A Translation of Bactrisa Pali luscription. By Prof. J. Dowson.-XV. Iudo-Parthian Coins. By E. Thomas, Eaq. Vol. V. In Two Parts. pp. 463, sewed. 188. 6d. With 10 full-page and folding Plates. CONTENTS.-I. Two Jatakas. The original Pali Text, with an Engliah TranslationBy V. Fausboll.-II. On ad Ancient Buddhist Inscription at Keu-yung kwan, in North China. By A. Wylie.--III. The Brhat Sanhits; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varaba-Mihira Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. Kera.-IV. The Pongol Festival in Southeru India. By Charles E. Gover.-7. The Poetry of Mohamed Rabsdan, of Arragon. By the Right Hon. Lord Stanley of Alderley.-VI. Essay on the Creed and Customs of the Jangams. By Charles P. Brown.-VII. On Malabar, Coromandel, Quilon, etc. By C. P. Brown.--VIII. Oa the Treatment of the Nexus in the Neo-Aryan Languages of India. By John Beames, B.C.S.IX. Some Remarks on the Great Tope at Saachi. By the Rev. S. Beal.-X. Ancient Inscriptions from Mathurs. Translated by Professor J. Dow800.-Note to the Mathura Inscriptions. By Major-General A. Cunaingbam.-XI. Specimen of a Translation of the Adi Granth. By Dr. Ernest Trumpp.-XII. Notes on Dhammapada, with Special Reference to the Question of Nirvana. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceyloa Civil Service.-XIII. The Brust-Santrita; or, Complete Syatem of Natural Astrology of Vsrahs-mihira, Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. Kern. XIV. On the Origin of the Buddhiat Arthakathas. By the Mudliar L. Comrilla Vijacinhs, Government laterpreter to the Ratnapura Court, Ceylon. With an Introduction by R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service-Xy. The Poetry of Mohamed Rsbaden, of Arragon. By the Right Hon. Lord Stanley of Alderley.-XVI. Proverbia Communia Syriaca. By Captain R. F. Burton. XVII. Notes on an Ancient Indian Vase, with an Account of the Eograving thereupon. By Charles Horne, M.R.A.S., late of the Bengal Civil Service.-XVIII. The Bhar Tribe. By the Rev. M. A. Sherriug, LL.D., Bensres. Communicated by C. Horre, M.R.A.S., Late B.C.S.-XIX. Of Jihad in Mohammedan Law, and ita application to British India. By N. B. E. Baillie.XX. Commeats on Receut Pehlvi Decipherments. With an Incidental Sketch of the Derivation of Aryan Alphabets. And Contributions to the Early History and Geography of Tabaristan. Illustrated by Coins. By E. Thomaa, F.R.S. Vol. VI., Part 1, pp. 212, sewed, with two plates and a map. 88. CONTENTS.-The Ich maelites, and the Arabic Tribes who Conquered their country. By A. Sprenger. A Brief Account of Fonr Arabic Works on the History and Geography of Arabis. By Captain S. B. Milee. On the Methoda of Disposing of the Dead at Llagoa, Thibet, etc. By Charles Horne, late B.C.S. The Brhat-Sanbita; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varaha-mihirs, Trsuslated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. Kert.-Notes on Ilwen Thfang's Account of the Priucipalities of Tokharistan, in which come Previous Geograpbical Identifications are Reconsidered. By Colonel Yule, C.B.-The Campaign of AElins Gallus in Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Linguistic. Publications of Trubner & Co., Arabia. By A. Sprenger. An Account of Jernsalem, Tranalated for the late Sir H. M. Elliott from the Peraian 'l'ext of Naair ibn Khuara's Safaqamah by the late Mejor A. R. Fulier.-The Poetry of Mohamed Rabadan, of Arragon, By the Right Hon. Lord Stanley of Alderley. Vol. VI., Part II., pp. 213 to 400 and lxxxiv., sewed. Illustrated with a Map, Plates, and Woodcuts. Ss. CONTENTA.- On Hionen-Theang's Journey from Patna to Ballabhi. By James Fergusson, D.C.L., F.R.S.-Northern Buddhiam. [Note from Colonel H. Yule, addreared to the Secretary.] -Hwen Thaang'a Account of the Principalities of Tokharietan, etc. By Colonel H. Yule, C.B. - The Brhat-Sanhita; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varaha-ibira. Translated from Sanskrit into Eaglish by Dr. H. Kein.-The Initial Coinage of Bengal, under the Early Muhammadan Conquerore. Part II. Embracing the preliminary period between A.n. 614-634 (A.D. 1217-1236-7). By Edward Thomas, F.R.S.-The Legend of Dipankara Buddha. Translated from the Chinese and intended to illustrate Plates xxix. and L., Tree and Serpent Worehip '). By S. Beal.--Note on Art. IX., ante pp. 213-274 on Hiouen-Thsang'a Journey from Patog to Ballabhi. By James Ferguson. D.C.L., F.R.8.-Contributiona towards a Glossary of the Asayrian Language. By H. F. Talbot. Vol. VII., Part I., pp. 170 and 24, Bewed. With a plate.' 88. CONTENTE.-The Upasampada-Kammavaca, being the Buddhist Manual of the Form and Manger of Ordering of Prieats and Deacons. The Pali Text, with a Translation and Notes By J. F. Dickson, B.A., sometime Student of Christ Church, Oxford, now of the Ceylon Civil Service.-Notes on the Megalitbic Monuments of the Coimbatore Dietrict, Madrae. By M. J. Walhouse, late Madraa C.S.-Notes on the Sinhalese Language. No. 1, On the Formation of the Plural of Neuter Nouns. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service.-The Pali Text of the Mahaparinibbana Sutta and Commentary, with a Translation. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service.-The Brihat-Saohita; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varah a-mihira. Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. Kern.-Note on the Valley of Choombi. By Dr. A. Campbell, late Superintendent of Darjeeling.-The Name of the Twelfth Imam on the Coinage of Egypt. By H. Sauvaire and Stanley Lane Poole.-Three Inscriptions of Parakrama Babu the Great from Pulastipura, Ceylon (date circa 1180 A.D.). By T. W. Rhya Davida.-Of the Kharaj or Mubammadan Laod Tax; ita Application to British India, and Effect on the Tenure of Land. By N. B. E. Baillie.-Appeadix: A Specimen of a Syriac Version of the Kalilah wa-Dimnah, with an English Translation. By W. Wright. Vol. VII., Part II., pp. 191 to 394, sewed. With seven plates and a map. 88. CONTENTA.--Sigiri, the Lion Rock, near Pulastipura, Ceylon; and the Thirty-niatb Chapter of the Mahavamea. By T. W. Rhya David..--The Northern Frontagere of China. Part 1. The Origines of the Mongols. By H. H. Howorth.-Taedited Arabic Coins. By Stanley Lone Poole.- Notice on the Dinara of the Abbasside Dynasty. By Edward Thomae Rogers. The Northern Frontagers of Chiaa. Part 11. The Origides of the Manchus. By H. H. Howorth. -Notes on the Old Mongolian Capital of Shangtu. By S. W. Bushell, B.Sc., M.D.-Oriental Proverbs in their Relations to Folklore, History, Sociology; with Suggestiona for their Collection, Interpretation, Publication. By the Rev. J. Long.-Two Old Simhalese loscriptions. The Sahasa Malla Inscription, date 1200 AD., and the Rowsawaeli Dagaba Toscriptioa, date 1191 A.n. Text. Tranalation, and Notee. By T. W. Rhys Davide.-Notes on a Bactrian Pali Inscription and the Samvat Era. By Prof. J. Dowaon.--Note on a Jade Drinking Vessel of the Emperor Jabangir. By Edward Thomas, F.R.S. Vol. VIII., Part I., pp. 156, sewed, with three plates and a plan. 88. CONTENTA.- Catalogue of Buddhiet Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Possession of the Royal Asiatic Society (Hodgson Collection). By Profesaor. E. B. Cowell aad J, Eggeling.-On the Ruins of Sigiri in Ceylon. By T. H. Blakesley, Esq., Public Works Department, Ceylon.-The Patimokkha, being the Buddhist Office of the Coofession of Pricsts. The Pali Text, with a Translation, and Notee. By J F. Dicksca, M.A.. sometime Student of Christ Church, Oxford, now of the Ceylon Civil Servioe.-Notea on the Sinbalesc Language. No. 2. Proofa of the Sanskritic Origio of Siahalese. By R. C. Childere, late of the Ceylon Civil Service. Vol. VIII., Part II., pp. 157-308, sewed. 88. CONTENTS.-An Account of the Island of Bali By R. Friederich.-The Pali Text of the Mahaparinibbana Sutta and Commentary, with a Translation. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service. The Northern Frontagers of China Part 111. The Kara Khitai. By H. H. Howorth.-Inedited Arabic Coinc. II. By Stanley Lane Poole. On the Form of Goverament under the Native Sovereigns of Ceylon. By A. de Silva Ekanayaka, Mudaliyar of the Department of Public Tastruction, Ceylon. Asiatic Society -TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Complete in 3 vols. 4to., 80 Plates of Facsimiles, etc., cloth. London, 1827 to 1835. Published at PS9 58. : reduced to PS5 58. The above containe contributions by Profeasor Wilson, G. C. Haughton, Davis, Morrison, Colebrooke, Humboldt, Dorn, Grotefend, and other eminent Oriental echolara. Asiatic Society of Bengal.--JOURNAL OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. Edited by the Honorary Secretaries. 8vo. 8 numbers per annum. 48. each number. Asiatic Society of Bengal, --PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. Published Monthly. 18. each number, Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. Asiatic Society (Bombay Branch).-THE JOURNAL OF THE BOMBAY BRANCH OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. Edited by the Secretary. Nos. 1 to 33. 78. 6d. each number. 5 Asiatic Society.-JOURNAL OF THE CEYLON BRANCH OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. 8vo. Published irregularly. 78. 6d. each part. Asiatic Society of Japan.-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Vol. I. From 30th October, 1872, to 9th October, 1873. 8vo. pp. 110, with plates. 1874. Vol. II. From 22nd October, 1873, to 15th July, 1874. 8vo. pp. 249. 1874. Vol. III. Part I. From 16th July, 1874, to December, 1874, 1875. Vol. III. Part II. From 13th January, 1875, to 30th June, 1875. Each Part 78. 6d. Asiatic Society (North China Branch).-JOURNAL OF THE NORTH CHINA BRANCH OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. New Series. Parts I to 8. Each part 7s. 6d. Aston. A SHORT GRAMMAR OF THE JAPANESE SPOKEN LANGUAGE. By W. G. ASTON, M.A., Interpreter and Translator, H. B. M.'s Legation, Yedo, Japan. Third edition. 12mo: cloth, pp. 96. 12s. Atharva Veda Praticakhya.-See under WHITNEY. Auctores Sanscriti. Edited for the Sanskrit Text Society, under the supervision of THEODOR GOLDSTUCKER. Vol. I., containing the JaiminiyaNyaya-Mala-Vistara. Parts I. to V., pp. 1 to 400, large 4to. sewed. 10s. each part. Axon.-THE LITERATURE OF THE LANCASHIRE DIALECT. A Bibliographical Essay. By WILLIAM E. A. AXON, F.R.S.L. Feap. 8vo. sewed. 1870. Is. Baba-AN ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR OF THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE, with Easy Progressive Exercises. By TATUI BABA. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. xii. and 92. 58. Bachmaier.-PASIGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY AND GRAMMAR. By ANTON BACHMAIER, President of the Central Pasigraphical Society at Munich. 18o. cloth, pp. viii. ; 26; 160. 1870. 38. Bachmaier.-PASIGRAPHISCHES WORTERBUCH ZUM GERRAUCHE FUR DIE DEUTSCHE SPRACHE. Verfasst von ANTON BACHMAIER, Vorsitzendem des Central-Vereins fur Pasigraphie in Munchen. 18mo. cloth, pp. viii. ; 32; 128; 120. 1870. 2s. 6d Bachmaier.- DICTIONNAIRE PASIGRAPHIQUE, PRECEDE DE LA GRAMMAIRE. Redige par ANTOINE BACHMAIER, President de la Societe Centrale de Pasigraphie a Munich. 18mo. cloth, pp. vi. 26; 168; 150. 1870. 2s. 6d. Ballad Society's Publications. Subscriptions Small paper, one guinea, and large paper, three guineas, per annum. 1868. 1. BALLADS AND POEMS FROM MANUSCRIPTS. Vol. I. Part I. On the Condition of England in the Reigns of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. (including the state of the Clergy, Monks, and Friars), contains (besides a long Introduction) the following poems, etc. Now a Dayes, ab. 1520 A.D.; Vox Populi Vox Dei, A.D. 1547-8; The Ruyn' of a Ream'; The Image of Ypocresye, A.D. 1533; Against the Blaspheming English Lutherans and the Poisonous Dragon Luther; The Spoiling of the Abbeys; The Overthrowe of the Abbeys, a Tale of Robin Hoode; De Monasteriis Dirutis. Edited by F. J. FURNIVALL, M.A. 8vo. 2. BALLADS FROM MANUSCRIPTS. Vol. II. Part I. The Poore Mans Pittance. By RICHARD WILLIAMS. Contayninge three severall subjects:(1.) The firste, the fall and complaynte of Anthonie Babington, whoe, with others, weare executed for highe treason in the feildes nere lyncolns Inne, in the yeare of our lorde-1586. (2.) The seconde contaynes the life and Deathe of Roberte, lordc Deverox, Earle of Essex: whoe was beheaded in the towre of london on ash-wensdaye mornynge, Anno-1601. (3.) The Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Linguistic Publications of Trubner & Co., laste, Intituled "acolamatio patrie," oontayninge the borribile treason that weare pretended agayngte your Maiestie, to be donne on the parliament how se The seconde (third] yeare of your Maiestis Raygne (1605). "Edited by F. J. FURNIVALL, M.A." '8vo. (The Introductions, by Professor W. R. Morfill, M.A., of Oriel Coll., Oxford, and the Index, are published in No. 10.) 1869. 3. THE ROXBURGHE BALLADS. Part I. With short Notes by W. CHAPPELL, Esq., F.S.A., author of "Popular Music of the Olden Time," etc., etc., and with copies of the Original Woodcuta, drawn by Mr. RUDOLPP BLIND and Mr. W. H. HOOPEN, and engraved by Mr. J. H. RIMBAULT and Mr. HOOPER. 8vo. 1870. 4. TAE ROXBURGHE BALLADS. Vol. I. Part II. 1871. 5. THE ROXBURGHE BALLADS. Vol. I. Part III. With an Intro duction and ahort Notes by W. CHAPPELL, Esq., F.S.A. CAPTAIN Cox, HIS BALLADS AND BOOKs; or, ROBERT LANEHAM'S Letter : Whearin part of the entertainment untoo the Queenz Majesty at Killingworth Casti, in Warwik Sheer in this Soamerz Progresa, 1575, is signified; from a freend Officer attendant in the Court, unto hiz freend, a Citizen and Merchant of London. Re-edited, with accounts of all Captain Cox's accessible Books, and a comparison of them with those in the COMPLAYNT OF SCOTLAND, 1548-9 A.D. Bv F.J. FURNIVALL, M.A. 8vo. 1872. 7. BALLADS FROM MANUSCRIPTS. Vol. I. Part II. Ballads on Wolsey, Anne Boleyn, Somerset, and Lady Jane Grey; with Wynkyn de Worde's Treatise of a Galaunt (A.B. 1520 A.D.). Edited by FREDERICK J. FURNIVALL, M.A. With Foreworda to the Volume, Notes, and an Index. 8vo. 8. THE ROXBURGHE BALLADS. Vol. II. Part I. 1873. vey au AINO 1.6. UU JUUL UY LEDULIUAU 9. THE ROXBURGHE BALLADS. Vol. II. Part II. 10. BALLADS FROM MANUSCRIPTS. Vol. II. Part II. Containing Ballada on Queen Elizabeth, Essex, Campion, Drake, Raleigh, Frobisber, Warwick, and Bacon, "the Candlewick Ballads," Poems from the Jackson MS., etc. Edited by W. R. MORPILL, Eag., M.A., with an Introduction to No. 3. 1874. 11. LOVE-POEMS AND HUMOUROUS ONES, written at the end of a volume of small printed books, A.D. 1614-1619, in the British Museum, labella "Various Poems," and markt C. 80, a. Put forth by FREDERICK J. FURNIVALL. 12. THE ROXBURGHE BALLADS. Vol. II. Part III. 1875. 13. THE ROXBURGHE BALLADS. Vol. III. Part I. 1876. 14. THE BAGFORD BALLADS. Edited with Introduction and Notes, by JOSEPH WOODFALL EBSWORTH, M.A., Camb., Editor of the Reprinted " Drolleries' of the Restoration." Part I. Ballantyne.--ELEMENTS OF HINDIAND BRAJ BHAKA GRAMMAR. By the late JAMES R. BALLANTYNE, LL.D. Second edition, revised and corrected Crown 8vo., pp. 44, cloth. 58. Ballantyne.-FIRST LESSONS IN SANSKRIT GRAMMAR; together with an Introduction to the Hitopadesa. Second edition. Second Impreasion. By JAMES R. BALLANTYNE, LL.D., Librarian of the India Office. 8vo. pp. viii. and 110, cloth. 1873. 38. 6d. Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. Banerjea.--THE ARIAN WITNESS, or the Testimony of Arian Scriptures in corroboration of Biblical History and the Rudiments of Christian Doctrine. Including Disaartations on the Original Home and Early Adventures of Indo Ariana. By the Rev. K. M. BANERJEA. 8vo, sawed, pp. xviii, and 236. 88. 6d. Bate.-A DICTIONARY OF THE HINDEE LANGUAGE. Compiled by J. D. BATE. 8vo. cloth, pp. 806. $2 123, 6d. Beal.-TRAVELS OF FAH HIAN AND SUNG-Yun, Buddhist Pilgrims from China to India (400 A. O. and 518 A.D.) Translated from the Chinese, by S. BEAL (B.A. Trinity College, Cambridge), a Chaplain in Her Majesty's Fleat, a Member of the Royal Asiatic Society, and Author of a Translation of tha Pratimoksha and the Amithaba Satra from the Chinese. Crown 8vo. pp. lxxiii. and 210, cloth, ornamental, with a coloured map. 103, 6d. Beal.-A CATENA OF BUDDHIST SCRIPTURES FROM THE CHINESE. By S. BEAL, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge; a Chaplain in Her Majesty's Fleet, etc. 8vo. cloth, pp. xiv. and 436. 1871. 158. Beal.--THE ROMANTIO LEGEND OF SAKHYA BUDDHA. From the Chinese-Sanscrit by the Rev. SAMUEL BEAL, Author of "Buddhist Pilgrims," etc. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 400. 1875, 128. Beal.---THE BUDDHIST TRIPITAKA, as it is known in China and Japan. A Catalogue and Compendious Report. By SAMUEL BEAL, B.A. Folio, aswed, pp. 117. 78. 6d. Beames.-OUTLINES OF INDIAN PHILOLOGY. With a Map, showing the Distribution of the Indian Languagea. By JOHN BEAMES. Second anlarged and revised edition. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 96. 58. Beames. --NOTES ON THE BHOJPURI DIALECT OF H BHOJPURI DIALECT OF Hindi, spoken in Western Behar. By John BEAMES, E&q., B.C.S., Magiatrate of Chumparun. 8vo. pp. 26, sewed. 1868. 18. 6d. Beames.-A COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR OF THE MODERN ARYAN LANGUAGES OF INDIA (to wit), Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, Gujarati, Marathi, Uriya, and Bengali, By JOHN BEAMES, Bengal C.S., M.R.A.S., &c. Vol. 1. On Sounds. 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi and 360. 163. Vol. II. The Noun and the Pronoun. 8vo. cloth, pp. xii. and 348. 168. Bellairs.-A GRAMMAR OF THE MARATHI LANGUAGE. By H. S. K. BELLAIRS, M.A., and LAXMAN Y. ASHKEDKAR, B.A. 12mo. cloth, pp. 90. 58. Bellew. A DICTIONARY OF THE PUKKHTO, OR PUKSHTO LANGUAGE, on a New and Improved Syatem. With a reversed Part, or English and Pukkhto, By H. W. BELLEW, Assistant Surgeon, Bengal Army. Super Royal 8vo. pp. xii. and 356, cloth. 428. Bellew.-A GRAMMAR OF THE PUKKHTO OR PUKSITO LANGUAGE, on a New and Improved System. Combining Brevity with Utility, and Illustrated by Exercises and Dialogues. By H. W. BELLEW, Assistant Surgeon, Bengal Army. Super-royal 8vo., pp. xii. and 156, cloth. 218. Bellew. FROM THE INDUS TO THE TIGRIS: a Narrative of a Journey through the Countries of Balochistan, Afghaniatan, Khorasan, and Iran, in 1872; together with a Synoptical Grammar and Vocabulary of the Brahoe Language, and a Record of the Meteorological Observations and Altitudes on the March from the Indus to the Tigris. By H. W. BELLEW, C.S.I., Surgeon Bengal Staff Corps, Author of "A Journal of Mission to Afghanistan in 1857-58," and "A Grammar and Dictionary of the Pukkhto Language." Demy 8vo. cloth. 148. Bellew.-KASHMIR' AND KASHOHAR. A Narrative of the Journey of the Embaasy to Kashghar in 1873-74. By H. W. BELLEW, C.S.I. Demy 8vo. cl., pp. xxxii. and 420. 168. Bellows.--ENGLISH OUTLINE VOCABULARY, for the use of Students of the Chinese, Japanese, and other Languages. Arranged by JOHN BELLOWS. With Notes on the writing of Chinese with Roman Letters. By Professor SUMMERS, King'a College, Loudon. Crown 8vo., pp. 6 and 368, cloth. 68. Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Linguistic Publications of Trubner & Co., Bellows.-OUTLINE DICTIONARY, FOR THE USE OF MISSIONARIES, Explorers, and Students of Language. By MAX MULLER, M.A..Tavlorian Professor in the University of Oxford. With an Introduction on the proper nae of the ordinary English Alphabet in transcribing Foreign Languages. The Vocabulary compiled by JOHN BELLOWS. Crown 8vo. Limp morocco, pp. xxxi. and 368. 78. 6d. Bellows.--DICTIONARY FOR THE POCKET, French and English, English and French. Both Divisions on same page. By JOHN BELLOWS. Masculine and Feminine Words shown by Distinguishing Types. Conjugations of all the Verba ; Liaison marked in French Part, and Hints to aid Pronunciation. Together with Tables and Mapa. Revised by ALEXANDRE BELJAME, M.A., and Fellow of the University, Paris. Second Edition. 32mo. roan, with tuck, gilt edges. 108. 6d. Benfey.A GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE OF THE VEDAS. By Dr. THEODOR BENFEY. Io 1 vol. 8vo., of about 650 pages. [In preparation. Benfey.-A PRACTICAL GRAMMAR OF THE SANSKRIT LANGUAGE, for the ose of Early Studenta. By THEODOR BENFEY, Profesaor of Sanskrit in the University of Gottingen. Second, revised and enlarged, edition. Royal 8vo. pp. viii. and 296, cloth. 108. 6d.. Beschi. -CLAVIS HUMANIORUM LITTERARUM SUBLIMIORIS TAMULICI IDIO MATIS. Auctore R. P. CONSTANTIO JOSEPHO BESCHIO, Soc. Jesu, in Madurensi Regno Missionario. Edited by the Rev. K. IHLEFELD, and printed for A. Burnell, Esq., Tranquebar. 8vo. sewed, pp. 171. 108. 6d. Beurmann.-VOCABULARY OF THE TIGRE LANOUARE. Written down by MORITZ VON BEURMANN. Published with a Grammatical Sketch. By Dr. A. MERX, of the University of Jeng. pp. viii. and 78, cloth. 38. 6d. Beyeridge. --THE DISTRICT OF BAKARGANJ; its History and Statistics. By H. BEVEBIDGE, B.C.S. 8vo. cloth, pp. xx. and 460. 218. Bhagavat-Geeta.-See under WILIJNS. Bibliotheca Indica. A Collection of Oriental Works published by the Aaiatic Society of Bengal. Old Series. Fasc. 1 to 235. New Series. Faac. 1 to 348. (Special List of Contents to be had on application.) Each Fsc in 8vo., 2s.; in 4to., 48. Bigandet. --THE LIFE OR LEGEND OF GAUDAMA, the Buddha of the Burmese, with Annotations. The ways to Neibban, and Notice on the Phongyies, or Burmeae Monka. By the Right Reverend P. BIGANDET, Bishop of Ramatha, Vicar Apostolic of Ava and Pegu. 8vo. aewed, pp. xi., 538, and v. $2 28. Birch.-FASTI MONASTICI AEVI SAXONICI: or, an Alphabetical List of the Heads of Religious Houaes in England, previous to the Norman Conquest, to which is prefixed a Chronological Catalogue of Contemporary Foundationa. By W. DE GREY Binch. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 114. 58. Bleek. A COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR OF SOUTH AFRICAN LANOUAGES. By W. H. I. BLEEK, Ph.D. Volume I. 1. Phonology. I. The Concord. Section 1. The Noun. 8vo. pp. Xxxvi. and 322. cloth. 16s. Bleek, A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF BUSHMAN FOLK LORE AND OTHER TEXTS. By W. H. I. BLEEK, Ph.D., etc., etc. Folio sd., pp. 21. 1875. 2s.6d. Bleek.-REYNARD IN SOUTH AFRICA: or, Hottentot Fables. Trans lated from the Original Manuscript in Sir George Grey'a Library. By Dr. W. H. I. BLEEK, Librarian to the Grey Library, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. In one volume, amall 8vo., pp. Xxxi. and 94, cloth. 38. 6d. Blochmann.--THE PROSODY OF THE PERSIANS, according to Saifi, Jmi, and other Writers. By H. BLOCHMANN, M.A. Assistant Professor, Calcutta Madrasah. 8vo. Bewed, pp. 166. 108. 6d. Blochmann.-SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA AND BRITISH BURMAH. By H. BLOCHMANN, M.A. 12mo. pp. vi. and 100. 28. 6d. Blochmann.-A TREATISE ON THE RUBA'I entitled Risalab i Taranah. BY AGHA AHMAD 'ALI. With an Introduction and Explanatory Notes, by H. BLOCHMANN, M.A. 8vo. sewed, pp. 11 and 17, 28: 6d. Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. Blochmann.--THE PERSIAN METRES BY SAIFI, and a Treatise on Persian Rhyme by Jami. Edited in Persian, by E. BLOCHMANN, M.A. 8vo. sewed pp. 62. 38. 6d. Bombay Sanskrit Series. Edited under the superintendence of G. BUHLER, Ph. D., Professor of Oriental Languages, Elphinstone College, and F. KIELHORN, Ph. D., Superintendent of Sansktit Studies, Deccan College. 1868-70. 1. PANCHATANTRA IV. AND V. Edited, with Notes, by G. BUHLER, Ph. D. Pp. 84, 16. 68. 2. NAGOJIBHATTA'S PARIBHASHENDUSEKHARA. Edited and explained by F. KIELHORN, Ph. D. Part I., the Sansksit Text and Various Readings. pp. 116. 108.6d. 3. PANCHATANTRA LI. AND III. Edited, with Notes, by G. BUHLER, Ph. D. Pp. 86, 14, 2. 78. 6d. 4. PANCHATANTRA I. Edited, with Notes, by F. KIELHORN, Ph.D. Pp. 114, 53. 78. 6d. 5. KALIDASA'S RAGHUVANSA. With the Commentary of Mallinatha, Edited, with Notes, by SHANKAR P. PAND Notes, by SHANKAR P. PANDIT, M.A. Part I. Cantos I-VI. 10s.6d. 6. KALDASA'S MALAVIKAGNIMITRA. Edited, with Notes, by SHANKAR P. PANDIT, M.A. 10s. 6d. 7. NAGOJIBHATTA'S PARIBHASHENDUSEKHARA Edited and explained by F. KIELHORN, Ph.D. Part II. Translation and Notes. (Paribhasbas, 1.-xxxvii.) pp. 184. 108. 6d. 8. KALIDASA's RAGHUVAMSA. With the Commentary of Mallinatha. Edited, with Notes, by SHANKAR P. PANDIT, M.A. Part II. Cantos VII. XIII.. 108. 6d. 9. NAGOJIBHATTA'S PARIBHASHENDUSEKHARA. Edited and explained by F. KIELHORN. Part II. Translation and Notes. (Paribhashas xxxviii. lxix.) 78. 6d. 10. DANDIN'S DASAKUMARACHARITA. Edited with critical and explana tory Notes by G. Bubler. Part I. 73. 6d. 11. BHARTRIHARI'S NITISATAKA AND VAIRAGYASATAKA, with Extracts from Two Sanskrit Commentaries. Edited, with Notes, by Kasinath T. TELANG. 98. 12. NAGOJIBHATTA'S PARIBHASHENDUSEKHARA. Edited and explained by F. KELHORN. Part II. Translation and Notes. (Paribbashas lxx. cxxii.) 78. 6d. 13. KALIDASA'S RAGHUVANSA, with the Commentary of Mallinatha. Edited, with Notes, by SHANKAR P. PANDir. Part III. Cantos XIV. XIX. 108. 6d. 14. VIKRAMANKADEVACHARITA. Edited, with an Introduction, by G. BUKLER. 7s. 6d. Bottrell.---TRADITIONS AND HEARTHSIDE STORIES OF WEST CORNWALL. By W. BOTTRELL (an old Celt). Demy 12mo. pp. vi. 292, cloth. 1870. Scarce. Bottrell.---TRADITIONS AND HEARTHSIDE STORIES OF WEST CORNWALL, By WILLIAM BOTTRELL. With Illustrations by Mr. Joseph BLIGOT. Second Series. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. iv. and 300. 6s. Boyce. A GRAMMAR OF THE KAFFIR LANGUAGE.-- By WILLIAM B. BOYES, Wesleyan Missionary. Third Edition, augmented and improved, with Exercises, by WILLIAM J. DAVIS, Wesleyan Missionary. 12mo. pp. xii. and 164, cloth. 88. Bowditch.-SUFFOLK SURNAMES. By N. I. Bowdrica. Third Edition, 8vo. pp. xxvi. and 758, cloth. 78. 6d. Bretschneider. -- ON THE KNOWLEDGE POSSESSED BY THE ANCIENT Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Linguistic Publications of Trubner for Co., CHINESE OF THE ARABS AND ARABIAN COLONIES, and other Western Couo. triea mentioned in Chinese Booka. By E. BRETNCHNEIDER, M.D., Physician of the Rusaian Legation at Peking. 8vo. pp. 28, sewed. 1871. 18. Bretschneider.-NOTES ON CHINESE MEDIAEVAL TRAVELLERS TO THE . Demy 8vo. sd., pp. 130. 58. Bretschneider. -ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL RESEARCHES ON PEKING AND ITS ENVIRONS. By E. BRETSCHNEIDER, M.D., Phyaician to the Russian Legation at Peking. Imp. 8vo. sewed, pp. 64, with 4 Maps. 58. Bretschneider.-NOTICES OF THE MEDIEVAL GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY OF CENTRAL AND WESTERN ASIA. Drawn from Chinese and Mongol Writings, and Compared with the Observationa of Western Authors in the Middle Ages, By E. BRETCHNEIDER, M.D. 8vo. sewed, pp. 233, with two Maps. 128. 6d. Brhat-Sanhita (The).---See under Kern." Brinton.- THE MYTHS OF THE NEW WORLD A Treatise on the Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America. By DANIEL G. BRINTON, A.M., M.D. Second Edition, revised. Cr. 8vo. cloth, pp. viu. and 331. 128. 6d. British Museum.-CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT AND PALI BOoks in the British Museum. By Dr-EANAT HAAB. Printed by permission of the Trustees of the British Museum. 4to pp. viii. aod 188, boarda. 218. Brockie.--INDIAN PHILOSOPHY. Introductory Paper. By WILLIAM BROCKIE, Author of "A Day in the Land of Scott," etc., etc. 8vo. pp. 26, sewed. 1872. 6d. Bronson.-A DICTIONARY IN ASSAMESE AND ENGLISH. Compiled by M. BRONSON, American Baptiat Missionary. 8vo. calf, pp. viii. and 609. PS2 28. Brown.-THE DERVISHES; or, ORIENTAL SPIRITUALISM. By Jouin P. BROWN, Secretary and Dragoman of the Legation of the United States of America at Constantinople. With twenty-four Illustrationa. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 415. 148. Brown.-SANSKRIT PROSODY AND NUMERICAL SYMBOLS EXPLAINED. By CHARLES PHILIP BROWN, Author of the Telugu Dictionary, Grammar, etc., Pro fessor of Telugu in the Univeraity of London. Demy 8vo. pp. 64, cloth. 38. 6d. Buddhaghosha's Parables : translated from Burmese by Captain H. T. ROGERG, R.E. With an latroduction containing Buddha'a Dhammapadam, or, Path of Virtue ; translated from Pali by F. MAX MULLER. 8vo. pp. 378, cloth. 12s. 6d. Burgess.--ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF WESTERN INDIA. Report of the First Season's Operations in the Belgam and Kaladgi Districta. Jan. to May, 1874. By JAMES BURGESS. With 56 photographs and lith. plates. Royal 4to. pp. viii. and 45. PS2 28. Burnell.--CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. By A. C. BUANELL, M.R.A.S., Madraa Civil Service. Part 1. Vedic Manuscripts. Fcap. 8vo. pp. 64, aewed. 1870. 28. Burnell.--THE SAMAVIDHANABRAHMANA (being the Third Brabmsna) of the Sama Veda. Edited, together with the Commentary of Sayana, an English Translation, Introduction, and Index of Worda, by A. C. BUANBLL. Volume 1.- Text and Commentary, with Introduction. Syv, pp. xxxviii. and 104. 128. 6d. Burnell.-THE VAMCABRAHMANA (being the Eighth Brahmana) of the Sama Veda. Edited, together with the Commentary of Sayana, a Preface and Index of Words, by A. C. BUANELL, M.R.A.S., etc. 8vo. sewed, pp. xliii., 12, and xii., with 2 coloured plates. 10s. 6d. Burnell.--THE DEVATADAYaYABRABMANA (being the Fifth Brahmana) of the Sama Veda. The Sanakrit Text edited, with the Commentary of Sayana, au Index of Worda, etc., by A. C. BURNELL, M.R.A.S. 8vo. and I raus., pp. 34. 58. Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. 11 Burnell.--ON THE AINDRA SCHOOL OF SANSKRIT GRAMMARIANS. Their Place in the Sanakrit and Subordinate Literatures. By A. C. BURNELL. 8vo. pp. 120. 108. 6d. Burnell.-DAYADACACLOKI. TEN SLOKAS IN SANSKRIT, with English Translation. By A. C. BUANELL. 8vo. pp. 11. 28. Burnell.ELEMENTS OF SOUTH INDIAN PALAEOGRAPHY, from the 4th to the 17th century A.D. By A. C. BURNELL. 4to. hoarda, pp. 98. Withi 30 plates. 1875. Buttmann.--A GRAMMAR OF THE NEW TESTAMENT GREEK. By A. BUTTMANN. Authorized translation by Prof J. H. Thayer, with numerous additions and corrections by the author. Demy 8vo. cloth, pp. xx. and 47 +. 1873. 14s. Calcutta Review.--THE CALCUTTA REVIEW. Published Quarterly. Price 8s. 6d Caldwell.-A COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR OF THE DRAVIDIAN, OR SOUTH INDIAN FAMILY OF LANQUADES. By the Rev. R. CALDWELL, LL.D. A Second, corrected, and enlarged Edition. Demy 8vo. pp. 805. 1875. 288. Callaway.-IZINGANEKWANE, NENSUMANSUMANE, NEZINDARA, ZABANTU (Nuraery Tales, Traditions, and Histories of the Zulus). In their own words, with a Translation into English, and Notea. By the Rev. HENRY CALLAWAY, M.D. Volume I., 8vo. pp. xiv. and 378, cloth. Natal, 1866 and 1867. 168. Callaway.-- THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE AMAZULU. Part I.-- Unkulunkulu; or, the Tradition of Creation as existing among the Amazulu and other Tribes of South Africa, in their own words, with a translation into English, and Notes. By the Rev. Canon CALLAWAY, M.D. 8vo. pp. 128, sewed. 1868. 4s. Part II.-Amatongo; or, Ancestor Worship, as existing among the Amazulu, in their own words, with a translation into English, and Notes. By the Rev. CANON CALLAWAY, M.D. 1869. 8vo. pp. 127. aewed. 1869. 48. Part III.-Izinyanga Zokubula; or, Divination, as existing among the Amazulu, in their own words. With a Translation into English, and Notes. By the Rev. Canon CALLAWAY, M.D. 8vo. pp. 150, sewed. 1870. 4s. Part IV.-Abatakati, or Medical Magic and Witchcraft. 8vo. pp. 40, sewed. 18. 6d. Calligaris.-LE COMPAGNON DE Tous, ou DICTIONNAIRE POLYGLOTTE. Par le Colonel LOUIS CALLIGARIS, Grand Officier, etc. (French-Latin - Italian-- Spanish-Portuguese-German-English-Modern Greek-- Arabic-Turkish 2 vola. 4to., pp. 1157 and 746. Turin. PS4 48. Campbell.-SPECIMENS OF THE LANGUAGES OF INDIA, including Tribes of Bengal, the Central Provinces, and the Eastern Frontier. By Sir G. CAMPBELL, M.P. Folio, paper, pp. 308. 1874. PS1 118. 6d. Carpenter.-THE LAST DAYS IN ENGLAND OF THE RAJAH RAMMOHUN Roy. By MARY CARPENTER, of Bristol. With Five Illustrations. 8vo. 272, cloth. 78. 6d. Carr.-001 Berogo wojas. A COLLECTION OF TELUGU PROVERBS, Translated, Illustrated, and Explained ; together with some Sanscrit Proverbs printed in the Devnagari and Telugu Characters. By Captain M. W. CAKR, Madras Staff Corps. One Vol. and Supplemnt, royal 8vo. pp. 488 and 148. 318 6d Catlin.-O-KEE-PA. A Religious Ceremony of the Mandans. By GEORGE CATLIN. With 13 Coloured Illustrations. 4to. pp. 60, bound in cloth, gilt edges. 14s. Chalmers.--THE ORIGIN OF THE CHINESE; an Attempt to Trace the connection of the Chiaese with Western Nations in their Religion, Superstitions, Arte, Language, and Traditions. By JOHN CHALMERS, A.M. Foolscap 8vo, cloth, pp. 78. 58. Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 Linguistic Publications of Trubner & Co., Chalmers.- THE SPECULATIONS ON METAPHYSICS, POLITY, AND MORALITY OF "THE OLD PHILOSOPHER" LAU Tsze. Translated from the Chinese, with an Introduction by John Chalmers, M.A. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, xx. and 62. 48. 6d. Charnock.- LUDUS PATRONYMIOUS; or, the Etymology of Curious Sur names. By RICHARD STEPHEN CHARNOCK, Ph.D., F.S.A., F.R.G.S. Crown 8vo., pp. 182, cloth. 78. 6d. Charnock.--VERBA NOMINALIA ; or Words derived from Proper Names. By RICHARD STEPHEN CHARNOCK, Ph. Dr. F.S.A., etc. 8vo. pp. 326, cloth. 148. Charnock.--THE PEOPLES OF TRANSYLVANIA. Founded on a Paper read before THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP LONDON, on the 1th of May, 1869. By RICHARD STEPHEN CHARNOCK, Ph.D., F.S.A., F.R.G.S. Demy 8vo. pp. 36, sewed. 1870. 28. 6d. Chaucer Society's Publications. Subscription, two guineas per annum. 1868. First Series. CANTERBURY TALES. Part I. I. The Prologue and Knight's Tale, in 6 parallel Texts (from the 6 MSS. named below), together with Tablea, showing the Groups of the Talea, and their varying order in 38 MSS. of the Tales, and in the old printed editions, add also Specimens from several MSS. of the * Moveable Prologues" of the Canterbury Tales.--The Sbipman'a Prologue, and Franklin's Prologue,--when moved from their right placea, and of the substitutes for tbem. II. The Prologue and Knight'a Tale from the Ellesmere MS. III. >> >> >> Hengwrt, 164. IV. >> Cambridge, Gg. 4. 27. V. % Corpus , Oxford. VI. 1 >> >> Petworth , VII. , , Lansdowne , 851. Nos. II. to VII. are separate Texta of the 6-Text edition of the Canterbury Tales, Part I. 1868. Second Series. 1. ON EARLY ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION, with especial reference to Shak spere and Chaucer, containing an investigation of the Correspondence of Writing with Speech in England, from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present day, preceded by a systematic notation of all apoken sounda, by means of the ordinary printing types. Including a re-arrangement of Prof. F.J. Cbild'a Memoira on the Language of Chaucer and Gower, and Repriots of the Rare Tracts by Salesbury on English, 1547, and Welah, 1567, and by Barcley on French, 1521. By ALEXANDER J. ELLIS, F.R.S., etc., etc. Part I. On the Pronunciation of the XIVth, xvith, xvlith, and xvinth centuries. 2. Essays ON CHAUCER; His Words and Works. Part I. 1. Ebert's Review of Sandras'a Etude sur Chaucer, considere comme Imitateur des Trouveres, translated by J. W. Van Rees Hoets, M.A., Trinity Hall, Cambridge, and revised by the Author.-II. A Thirteenth Century Latin Treatise on the Chilindre: "For by my chilindre it is prime of day" (Shipmannes Tale). Edited, with a Translation, by Mr. EDMUND BROCK, and illustrated by a Woodcut of the Instrument from the Ashmole MS. 1522. 3. A TEMPORARY PREFACE to the Six-Text Edition of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Part I. Attempting to show the true order of the Tales, and the Days and Stagea of the Pilgrimage, etc., etc. By F. J, FURNIVALL, Esq., M.A., Triuity Hall, Cambridge. Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 13 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. Chaucer Society's Publications continued. 1869. First Series. VIII. The Miller's, Reeve's, Cook's, and Gamelyn's Tales : Ellesmere MS. IX. Hengwrt 1 Cambridge, XI. * Corpus 12 XII. Petworth XIII. > Lansdowne, These are separate issues of the 6-Text Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Part II. 1869. Second Series. 4. ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION, with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer. By ALEXANDER J. ELLIS, F.R.S. Part II. 1870. First Series. XIV. CANTERBURY TALES. Part II. The Miller's, Reeve's, and Cook's Tales, with an Appendix of the Spurious Tale of Gamelyn, in Six parallel Texts. 1870. Second Series. 5. ON EARLY ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION, with especial reference to Shak spere and Chaucer. By A. J. ELLIS, F.R.S., F.S.A. Part III. Illustrations on the Pronunciation of XIVth and xvith Centuries. Chaucer, Gower, Wycliffe, Spenser, Shakespere, Salesbury, Barcley, Hart, Bullokar, Gill. Pronouncing Vocabulary. 1871. First Series. XV. The Man of Law's, Shipman's, and Prioress's Tales, with Chaucer's own Tale of Sir Thopas, in 6 parallel Texts from the MSS. ahove oamed, and 10 coloured drawings of Tellers of Tales, after the originala in the Ellesmere MS. XVI. The Man of Law's Tale, &c., &c. : Ellesmere MS. XVII. 1 1 1 Cambridge, XVIII, Corpus XIX. The Shipman's, Prioress's, and Man of Law's Tales, from the Petworth MS. XX. The Man of Law's Tales, from the Lansdowne MS. (each with woodcuts of fourteen drawings of Tellers of Tales in the Ellesmere MS. XXI. A Parallel-Text edition of Chaucer's Minor Poems, Part 1. :--The Dethe of Blaunche the Duchesse,' from Thynne's ed. of 1532, the Fairfax MS. 16, and Tanner MS. 346; "the compleyat to Pite,' the Parlament of Foules,' and 'the Compleynt of Mars, each from six MSS. XXII. Supplementary Parallel-Texts of Chaucer'a Minor Poema, Part I., con taining * The Parlament of Fonles,' from three MSS. XXIII. Odd Texts of Chaucer's Minor Poems, Part I., containing I. two MS. fragments of The Parlament of Foules ;' 2. the two differing versions of The Prologue to the Legende of Good Women,' arranged so as to show their differences; 3. an Appendix of Poema attributed to Chaucer, 1. The Balade of Pitee by Chauciers;' 11. The Cronycle made by Chaucer,' both from MSS. written by Shirley, Chaucer's contemporary. XXIV. A One-Text Print of Chaucer's Minor Poems, being the best Text from the Parallel-Text Edition, Part I., containing: 1. The Dethe of Blaunche the Duchesse; 2. The Compleyut to Pite; 3. The Parlament of Fonles ; 4. The Compleynt of Mars; 5. The ABC, with its original from De Guileville's Pelerinage de la Vie humaine (edited from the best Paris Mss. by M. Panl Meyer). 1871. Second Series. 6. TRIAL FORE-WORDS to my Parallel-Text edition of Chaucer's Minor 19 Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 17 Linguistic Publications of Trubner for Co., Chaucer Society's Publications--continued. Poems for the Chaucer Society (with a try to set Chancer's Works in their right order of Time). By FREOK, J. FURNIVALL. Part 1. (This Part brings out, for the first time, Chsucer's long esrly but hopelesa love ) 1872. First Series. XXV. Chaucer's Tale of Melibe, the Monk's, Nun'a Priest's, Doctor'a, Par doner's, Wife of Bath's, Friar's, and Summoner's Tsles, in 6 parallel Texts from the MSS. above named, and with the remsining 13 coloured drawings of Tellers of Tsles, after the originals in the Ellesmere MS. XXVI. The Wife's, Frisr's, and Summoner's Tsles, from the Ellesmere MS., with 9 woodcuts of Tale-Tellers. (Psrt lv.) XXVII. The Wife's, Friar's, Summoner's, Monk's, and Nun's Prieat's Tales, from the Hengwrt MS, with 23 woodcuts of the Tellers of the Tales. (Part III.) XXVIII. The Wife's, Friar's, and Summoner's Tales, from the Cambridge MS., with 9 woodcuta of Tsle-Tellers. (Part IV.) XXIX. A Treatise on the Astrolabe; otherwiae called Bred and Mylk for Children, addreased to his Son Lowya by Geoffrey Chsucer. Edited by the Rev. WALTER W. SKEAT, M.A. 1872. Second Series. 7. ORIGINALS AND ANALOGUES of some of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Part I. l. The origins of the Msn of Law's Tale of Constance, from the French Chronicle of Nicholss Trivet, Arundel MS. 56, ab. 1340 A.D., collsted with the lster copy, ab. 1400, in the National Library at Stockholm; copied and edited with strnslation, by Mr. EDMUND BROCK. 2. The Tale of "Merelsus the Emperor," from the Esrly-English version of the Gesta Romanorum in Harl. MS. 7333; and 3. Part of Matthew Paris's Vita Offee Primi, hoth stories, illustrating incidents in the Man of Law's Tsle. 4. Two French Fabliaux like the Reeve's Tale. 5. Two Lstin Stories like the Friar's Tale. 1873. First Series. XXX. The Six-Text Canterbury Talea, Part V., containing the Clerk'a and Merchant's Tsles. 1873. Second Series. 8. Albertano of Brescia's Liber Consilii et Consolationis, A.D. 1246 (the Latin source of the French original of Chancer's Melibe), edited from the MSS. by Dr. Thor SUNDBY. 1874. First Series. XXXI. The Six-Text, Part VI., containing the Squire'a snd Franklin's Tales. XXXII. to XXXVI. Large Parts of the separate isaues of the Six MSS. 1874. Second Series. 9. Essays on Chaucer, his Words and Works, Part II.: S. John of Hoveden's Practica Chilindri, edited from the MS, with a translation, by Mr. E. BROCK. 4. Chaucer's use of the final -e, by JOSEPH PAYNE, Esq. 5. Mra. E. Barrett-Browning on Chaucer : being those parts of her review of the Book of the Poets, 1842, which relate to him ; here reprinted by leave of Mr. Robert Browning. 6. Professor Bernhard Ten-Brink's critical edition of Chaucer'a Compleynte to Pite. 1875. First Series. XXXVII. The Six-Text, Part VII., the Second Nun's, Canon's-Yeoman's, snd Manciple's Tsles, with the Blank-Parson Link. XXXVIII. to XLIII. Large Parts of the sepsrate iasues of the Six MSS. bringing all up to the Parson's Tale. Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. 15 Chaucer Society's Publications-continued. XLIV. 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