Alexander.” The postscript in larger letters outside the square of this tablet adds, according to Prinsep, “And this place is named the WHITE ELEPHANT, conferring pleasure on all the world.”
Prof. Wilson, in conclusion of his review of the purport of these palæographic documents, adverts to the Tablet numbered 14 in the original list, but he does not seem to have had sufficient confidence in his materials to have ventured upon a continuous translation.
Period II. THE ADVANCED STAGE. The contrasted Lát or Monolithic Inscriptions, as opposed literation of the several versions of this tablet, which I had prepared for the latter work,
My learned friends are unwilling as yet to compromise themselves by a translation of the still imperfect text. TRANSLITERATIONS OF TABLET XIII. OF THE AŞOKA INSCRIPTIONS AT (1)
KAPUR-DI-GIRI, (2) KHALSI, AND (3) GIRNÁR. 1. Ka. Antiyoka lama Yona raja paran cha tenan Antiyokəna chatura (1) rajano 2. Kh. Antiyoga nama Yona , lan chá tena Antiyo , ná chatali + lajana 3. Gir..... Yona raja paran cha tena ..chaptena[sic]rajano 1. Ka. Traramaye namna Antikina naná Makanamá Alikasandaro namá 2. Kh: Tulamayo náma Antekina náma Máká náma Alikyasadale nama 3. Gir. Turamayo cha Antakana cha Magá cha . . 1. Ka. nicham Choda, Panda, Avam Tambupazniya hevammevambena raja 2. Kh. nicham Choda, Pandiya, Avan Tambapaniyá hevamovahevamová .. lájá 3. Gir. . . . .
. . . . . . 1. Ka. Vishatidi Yonam Kamboyeshu Nibha Kanabhatina Bhojam Piti 2. Kh. Vishmavasi Yona Kambojasu Nubha Kanábha Pantisa Bhoja Piti 3. Gir. . . . . . . . . 1. Ka. Nikeshu, Andrapulideshu savatam . 2. Kh. Nikesa Adhapiladesa savatá . 3. Gir. . ndhepirandasu savata,
Under the Elephant at Khalsi, Gajatemre ? At Girnár, Sveto hasti, as above, p. 34.
1 The 14th Edict at Girnár is more curious, in respect to the preparation of the Edicts, than instructive in the religious sense. Dr. Kern'a revision produces, " King Devanampriya Priyadarsin has caused this righteousness edict to be written, here concisely, there in a moderate compass, and in a third place again at full length, so that it is not found altogether everywhere worked out; (?) for the kingdom is great, and what I have caused to be written much. Repetitions occur also, in a certain measure, on account of the sweetness of certain points, in order that the people should in that way (the more willingly) receive it. If sometimes the one or other is written incompletely or not in order, it is because care has not been taken to make a good transcript (chhdyd) or by the fault of tha oopyist (i.e. the stone-cutter)."-I. A., p. 275.
* J. As. Soc. Bengal, vol. vi, 1837, p. 566. The text on the Dehli lát has been taken as the standard; these adicts are repeated verbatim on the three other láts of Allahabad, Betiah and Radhia,