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________________ Collected Research Papers in Prakrit & Jainlogy (Volume II) Edited by NALINI JOSHI (With Preface) Seth H.N.Jain Chair Firodia Publications University of Pune March 2013 NALINI JOSHI
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________________ Collected Research Papers in Prakrit & Jainlogy (Volume II) Edited by Dr. Nalini Joshi (With Preface) Assisted by Dr. Kaumudi Baldota Dr. Anita Bothra Publisher : Seth H.N.Jain Chair Firodia Publications (University of Pune) All Rights Reserved First Edition : March 2013 For Private Circulation Only Price : Rs. 300/ D.T.P. Work : Ajay Joshi
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________________ Preface with Self-assessment Impartial self-assessment is one of the salient features in post-modernism. An attempt has been made in this direction in the present preface cum editor's note cum publisher's note. All the research-papers collected in this book are the outcome of the research done jointly with the help of the assistance given by Dr. Anita Bothara and Dr. Kaumudi Baldota, under the auspices of Seth H.N.Jaina Chair which is attached to the Dept. of philosophy, University of Pune. All the three roles viz. author, editor and publisher are played by Dr. Nalini Joshi, Hon. Professor, Jaina Chair. While looking back to my academic endeavor of twenty-five years, up till now, a fact comes up glaringly the whole span of my life is continuous chain of rare opportunities in the field of Jaina Studies. In the two initial decades while working in the 'Comprehensive and Critical Dictionary of Prakrits', under the able editorship of Late Dr.A.M.Ghatage, I got acquaintance, with almost five hundred original Prakrit texts. Side by side, for the last twenty-five years, I got opportunity to teach Prakrit and especially Jaina Philosophical texts, through the Institute 'Sanmati-Teerth', a purely academic institute dedicated to Jaina Studies. In July 2007, I was appointed an honorary professor of Seth H.N.Jaina Chair. Through the academic as well as informal discussions with my colleagues in the philosophy department, I got new perspectives, thought models and approaches to look at Jaina Studies. The discussions helped me a lot to re-understand what is (i) religious, (ii) ethical or moral, (iii) philosophical, (iv) epistemological, (v) metaphysical and ontological and (vi) spiritual - in the perspective of Jainaism. When we started to scan and screen the various aspects of Jaina Studies on the comprehensive background of the whole Indian Philosophy, gave rise to many naive issues for further research. The aims and objectives of the esteemed Jaina Chair are threefold viz. (i) Research, (ii) Popular Activities and (iii) Publication. The present collection of the research papers is the 8th publication of the Chair during last five years. The first part of the collected research papers was published in 2008. It is not noted down on the cover-page that it is 'Volume I' because it was not imagined at that time that we would be able to publish the second volume in 2012. The process of research is continuously going on in the Jaina Chair with my two experienced and dedicated research assistants, viz. Dr.Anita Bothara and Dr.Kaumudi Baldota. Nearly sixty research papers are prepared during the span of five years in Marathi, Hindi and English according to the requirement of the concerned seminar, conference or symposium. The first volume of the collected papers contains tri-lingual papers. The present collection contains the research papers written in English. Out of the nineteen articles mentioned in the list of contents, the last two articles are informative in nature and contain very little research value as such. One article is useful in understanding the contribution of Prakrits to the Indian literature, in a very comprehensive manner. The other article highlights the poetic and cultural value of Gahasattasai. Both the articles were written on the demand of the prestigious and celebrated magazine viz. 'Heritage India'. Due to this reason, it was decided to include the articles in the present collection. All the first fifteen papers
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________________ are specially invited papers, which are read out, discussed, sometimes debated and generally appreciated in various International and National Seminars and Conferences. The Scope of Jaina Studies 'Jaina Studies' is an independent branch of knowledge having multiple aspects. In true sense it is inter-disciplinary by its own nature. Jaina is one of the ancient religions, therefore it can contribute to religious studies. Historicity of Jaina tradition is indisputable. At the same time the threads of Jaina history is interwoven in the Indian history with great integrity. Thus a scholar of Jainaism can throw a new light on the Indian history whether ancient, medieval or modern. Many problems of date-fixation can be solved with the help of its Jaina counterpart. It is quite evident that in the symposia and seminars of philosophy, a Jaina scholar has a tremendous scope in special conferences like 'Darsanaparisada' or 'Nyayaparisada', a scholar of Jainaism can participate easily. They are invited in the conferences of Jaina Ethics, Jaina Logic, Oriental and Indological studies. In contemporary philosophies, 'Feminism' or 'Women Studies' is gaining popularity. In Jaina tradition, though the man woman equality is mostly moksa-centric, the other issues concerned to the abilities of both are discussed at length on various occasions. Thus a Jaina scholar can have an easy access in the conferences dedicated to Feminism. In the last century (1900-2000 A.D.) the scholars of Jainaism edited literary hundreds of original Jaina texts which were written in Sanskrit, Prakrit and Apabhramsa. There are Jaina grantha-bhandaras all over India full of unedited manuscripts. Therefore an experienced scholar of Jainaism can share his experiences in the seminars on 'Manuscriptology'. It is generally observed that the seminars of Prakrit are crowded with Jaina scholars because nearly eighty percent of Prakrit literature is produced by Jaina authors. It is very unfortunate that the scholars of Sanskrit are acquainted with very few Jaina Sanskrit texts like Varangacarita, Yasastilakacampu and Nitivakyamrta. A Jaina scholar having a mastery over Sanskrit can enlighten the Sanskritists in seminars and conferences. Jainas have contributed a lot to the modern Indian colloquial regional languages, especially to Kannad, Marathi, Gujarathi and Hindi. A scholar of Jainaism, having specialization in the concerned language can present his studies from literary point of view as well as from linguistic point of view. In last two decades, especially in India the seminars on Environmental science and Bio-ethics are arranged in collaboration with institutions like UNESCO, with a great optimism. There is no need to say that the pro-environmental thoughts are imbibed in Jaina philosophy and practice, since non-violence is the base and essence of Jainaism in the above mentioned conferences is very easy, natural and thought-provoking. If we cast a glance at the details given in bracket under the main title of each paper, the reader will come to know that there is a close connection of Jainaism to various faculties of knowledge.
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________________ When such types of collections are published, generally they are divided under various sections. In the present book, the chronological order is maintained. The year wise and month wise order starts from October 2008 and ends in October 2012. Here the special feature of each paper is given in nutshell. Summary of Papers with Critical Remarks (1) Peculiarities of Jainaa Maharastri Literature In October 2008, a seminar was organized by K.J.Somaiya College, Vidyavihara, Mumbai in collaboration with Jaina Visvabharati, Ladnun. The central theme was 'The Spectrum of Jainaism in Southern India. The spectrum was highlighted from the angle of Philosophy, History, Art and Architecture, Literature and Social movement. The paper highlighting peculiarities of Jainaa Maharastri was the only paper written in the section of literature. The history of Jainaism in Southern India starts from Maharastra, Svetambara writers started their Jainaa Maharastri writings in 3rd century A.D. and continued up to 15th century. Close association of Jainaa Acaryas with Maharastra is explained in this paper with the help of various Prabandhakosas documenting legendary histories. A detailed account of the whole Jainaa Maharastri literature is presented in this paper. It is aptly observed at the end that, 'Though variety --- long period'. (Please see the conclusive part of the paper.) The paper can be supplemented with the interesting fact that after 15th century, Jainaa authors contributed a lot to modern Marathi literature. But at this stage Svetambara authors went on back foot and Digambara Acaryas produced ample Jainaa literature in poetry form during 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Most of the treatises are biographies of eminent personalities in Jainaa mythology. (2) The Jaina Versions of Ramayana Aikyabharati Research Institute organized an International Conference on 'The Different Versions of Ramayana', in Nov. 2008. Almost all Indian and Asian versions of Ramayana were presented by the scholars. In this paper the Jainaa Versions of Ramayana were presented by me. This paper documents the contribution of Jainas to the popular Ramayana. Jainaa Ramayanas are found in Jainaa Maharastri, Sanskrit and Apabhramba. Later Jainaa authors have generally followed the Jainaized form of Ramakatha authored by Vimalasuri. Three Ramayanas are purposefully selected representing three centuries. In Jainaa scriptures, there are hardly any references of Rama and his biography. In post-canonical literature Ramakaha starts from Vimalasuri (3rd 4th Cen.A.D.). In this paper the Ramakathas of (i) Vimalasuri, Ravisena, Svayambhu and Hemacandra (ii) Gunabhadra and Asadhara and (iii) Silanka are dealt with. The point of Jainaification is highlighted in a very brief manner. The paper focuses on the common Jainaa elements in all Jainaa versions of Ramayana. The striking dissimilarities among them are also taken into consideration. In
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________________ the conclusive remarks, it is observed that, 'Due to the disparity in various renderings, lack of poetic values and exaggerated Jainaification, Jainaa Ramakatha is not very popular even among Jainas.' The paper ends with the suggestion of a new research topic based on the comparative study of Ramakatha and Krsnakatha in Jainaa tradition. (3) Models of Conflict-resolution and Peace in Jainaa Tradition In February 2009, the department of Buddhist Studies, University of Pune, organized a National Seminar highlighting the models of conflict resolution and peace in Indian tradition. Nearly twenty scholars discussed the models in Hinduism and Buddhism. It was the best opportunity to represent the wisdom of Jainaa tradition which have helped the Jainas in surviving without losing their identity. The comprehensive model of non-absolutism is the very base or crux in Jainaa thought. The non-violence, peace-loving attitude containing reconciliation, adjustment and adoption is the natural outcome of the doctrine of non-absolutism (Anekantavada). Total six sub-models are discussed in this paper viz. (a) Adopting suitable language, (b) Choosing less harmful, (c) Peaceful interaction with rulers, (a) Categorization, (e) Removing social injustice, (f) Guarding or protective actions. It is emphatically noted in the paper that the model of 'Golden middle' is found in the Jainaa expression of art and sculpture also. The conflict-free and peace-loving attitude of Jainas is not their 'past' but they are still creating and adopting new models of conflict-resolution and peace. This paper is included in the felicitation volume 'Svasti' dedicated to Prof. Hampa Nagarajaiah and edited by Prof. Nalini Balbir (University of Paris). (4) Language and Identity (with special reference to Jainaism) This paper was presented in the International Conference jointly arranged by the Austrian Institute and Dept. of Sanskrit and Prakrit, University of Pune. The whole paper is an answer to a question - 'How far Jainaa religion is successful in keeping its identity without any language, taboo as such ?' It is noted that Jainas had expressed themselves chronologically in Ardhamagadhi, Jainaa Sauraseni, Jainaa Maharastri, Sanskrit and Apabhramsa. A brief sketch of all these languages is given in the paper. The paper concludes,"It is well-known that Jainas are very rigid, staunch and uncompromising in religious matter and conduct. But for keeping their identity intact through ages, Jainaa writers and preachers have displayed a very flexible and practical attitude towards languages. In this matter rigidity and flexibility go hand in hand. The Jainaa theory of 'dravya-guna-paryaya' helped them a lot. They applied thought-model of fourfold Niksepas (Dravya-Ksetra-Kala-Bhava) to the literary activities. They chose suitable language according to the subject, time, place and form of literature."
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________________ (5) Some Problems in Editing Single Manuscript (with special reference to Bappabhattikaha) A scholar of Jainaism can have an easy access in the seminars of Manuscriptology provided he tries to edit a manuscript in his academic endeavor. A seminar on Manuscriptology was arranged under the joint auspices of the Institute of Jainaology (Ahmedabad) and BORI on August 2010. The above mentioned paper was presented there. Initially the salient features of the Manuscript collection of BORI are given. After that the physical details and importance of the concerned ms. viz. Bappabhattikaha is mentioned. Some examples of the single-manuscript-editions are given i.e. Satkhandagama, Vasudevahindi and Samkhitta-tarangavai-kaha. In the next point, some problems and observations while editing, are given with actual examples and quotations. It is noted that the vocabulary of Bappabhattikaha contributed a lot to the Prakrit-English-Comprehensive-Dictionary of BORI. In the conclusive remarks, a caution is given to the newcomers that, 'The technical knowledge of manuscripts is no doubt important but it is our duty to apply the methodology for editing unpublished mss. and that too with scholarly introduction, variant readings, translations and critical notes like our Purvasuris'. A glimpse of a list of unedited mss. given at the end of the paper is really valuable for further research activities in this field. (6) World of Tiryancas: The Unique Jainaa Perspective A grand International Conference of Jainaism was arranged in Mysore by the Archaeology and Museums Dept. of Govt. of Karnataka in October 2010. The central theme was 'Jainaism Through Ages'. The eminent scholars of Jainaa studies from all over the world presented their papers from various aspects of Jainaism. In five different halls, the scholars presented their papers from 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. for three days. Nearly fifty percent of papers were dedicated to archaeology, iconography and temple art. The above mentioned paper about Tiryancas was presented in the section of Philosophy and Literature. The subject is philosophical and the references are gathered from the vast Jainaa literature. It is in real sense comparative because a lot of references from Vedic (Hindu) literature and Jataka-kathas are taken into consideration. Though the word 'Tiryanca' is used, the scope is limited to five-sensed birds and animals having mind (samjni pancendriya tiryancas). In this paper, an effort is made to co-relate the Jainaa thoughts with the modern discoveries. Examples and instances are noted down from 'Discovering Wildlife : a series published by Reader's Digest' (Ref. nos. 47 to 53). The salient features of the world of Tiryancas noted at the end of the paper are quite note-worthy. A comment can be made as an impartial examiner that the scope of the subject is so wide that one cannot give justice to it in a small paper. Actually it is a long research article or a small size project. In the project, all the philosophical, ethical and spiritual aspects about Tiryancas can be enumerated.
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________________ (7) Some Distinctive Features of Pancastikaya In continuation with the above mentioned conference on Jainaism, a seminar on Prakrit Literature was arranged at 'Sravanabelagola' in October 2010. The central theme was 'The Ancient Prakrit Texts' to avoid repetition, particular ancient Prakrit texts were allotted among the scholars for reflective consideration. A lot is written about Pancastikaya on popular as well as acedemic level because of the valuable contribution of Kundakunda to Jainaa philosophy and Prakrit languages. The paper starts with a short lucid introduction. Total fifteen important distinctive features are documented with proper references and cross-references. At the end it is noted that, 'It is actually impossible to enumerate the distinctive features of Pancastikaya, since it is the overflow of spiritual experiences expressed in lucid style with inborn wisdom. But in nutshell we can say that Pancastikaya is an excellent example of dehali-dipa-nyaya. It illuminates the nature of scriptural concepts of astikayas and dravyas in the perspective of contemporary philosophies and at the same time, it is the whistle-blower of the forthcoming era of logic in the field of Jainaism.' (8) Jainaism : Philosophy and Practice in India This is a presentation given in the panel discussion arranged by the Dept. of Philosophy (Mumbai) and IPC - for the AAPA Conference in October 2010. Diacritical marks are not used in the paper because at the time of publishing, it creates technical difficulty. The line of thinking and the scope of the paper are well-articulated in the introductory part of the paper. The author writes, 'I wish to underline the flexibility and all inclusiveness of Jainaa practices in the broader perspective of historical background of Indian religions.' The paper is neat and compact because the author has chosen some of the important practices for consideration from Sravakacara and has excluded monastic conduct in this presentation. From ten important aspects the practical' or 'popular' Jainaism is examined and commented. Future of practical Jainaism is painted at the end with bright colors. The author exclaims, "I conclude with a very happy note that, there is no fear for Jainas to lose their identity. On the contrary, there is tremendous potentiality in Jainaa philosophy and ethics to influence the world without going for any fanatic measures." (9) The Ancient Jaina Text Rsibhasita (Unique example of religious harmony) A state level Seminar was arranged by Ramkrishna Math, Pune, on the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekanand in March 2011. The central theme was - 'In search of Religious Harmony'. SethH.N.Jaina Chair contributed a lot to this seminar by presenting three papers in three languages. Besides the above mentioned paper, Dr. Kaumudi Baldota wrote on
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________________ hale al -face-HYGRT 1 Mich HIER A HIGH' while Dr. Anita Bothara wrote on W IzvarasevA : jaina dRSTIne samIkSA'. Though informative in nature, the paper on Rsibhasita is quality-wise comparable to the paper on Pancastikaya. In a way the author of the paper had given justice to both of ancient Prakrit texts, Pancastikaya belongs to Digambara sect. while Rsibhasita is preserved in Svetambara sect. The beginning of the paper is attractive. It draws our attention to the list of synonyms of the word '. The necessary formal information is given in minimum words. The elements of Jainaification are properly understood. The most interesting part of the paper is the concrete examples from the text showcasing the variety of outlooks. Eight salient features are enumerated and elaborated in a very compact manner. It is mentioned in the conclusive remark that - "Rsibhasita is a valuable work not only of Jaina religion but also of the Indian tradition as a whole. The religious tolerance of Indian thought is truly reflected in this work. It also has a historical importance because it provides valuable and authentic information about many known and some unknown Rsis with their preaching. It is a text which documents the reflections of the seer prior to the institutionalization of six Darsanas and Jaina-Buddha religions." (10) Re-interpretation of the Mithyasruta Passage in Nandi This paper was presented in the International Conference organized by JU-CMS, Banglore in January 2012. It is a long research article in which names of nineteen ancient texts documented in Nandisutra are interpreted. The rational for choosing the subject is very much natural and convincing. The content of the mithyasruta passage is connected with the first chapter of Tattvarthasutra which discussess epistemology on the basis of scripture. 'Brief critical comments on the each text of Nandi' - is the crux of the paper. Some of the possibilities suggested by the author are really revealing. Unlike the other papers, the conclusive part is big and is divided into three sub-points. Each of them carries value in different aspects. At the end of the paper, the author has suggested five points to ponder over which are really helpful for researchers in this field. The final remark of the paper runs likewise - "A person having enlightened-world-view can attain spiritual progress through studying even the so called heretical texts, provided he possesses a non-partial attitude and power of discrimination." (11) Some Salient Features of the Narratives in Kumarapala-pratibodha This paper was presented in the National Seminar organized by the Dept. of Sanskrit and Prakrit, University of Pune in Feb. 2012. The central theme was - Katha in Sanskrit and Prakrit Literature.' It is generally observed that the researchers who present the research-papers dedicated to the narrative literature take lengthy start by providing unnecessary informative data about the narratives. In this paper this temptation is avoided by quoting the sevenfold classification of
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________________ narratives in seven lines. The date, place, nature and status of KumaPra is designated in one paragraph. The classification of the narratives in Kumara is given in a very innovative manner. One impartial, critical comment is worthy-quoting. The author says, "Nearly ten to twelve stories based on 'vrata-mahatmya' are really stereo-type, boring and insipid in all sense. Somaprabha's failure in the art of narration is explicitly seen in these stories." The author designates the language as a specimen of classical Jainaa Maharastri. She supports her view by giving four important points. The fourth point is elaborated by giving nearly thirty examples from the original text, which is the essence of the paper in real sense. Besides this, two aspects are important, viz. "the woman-focused narratives' and 'the motifs used to accelerate the happenings.' In the conclusion of the paper, the author says, "Though very few stories of Kumara can be designated as 'excellent from the literary point of view, still it holds an honorable position in the collection of Prakrit narratives' (Kathasamgrahas) by providing rich socio-cultural details in classical Jainaa Maharastri". (12) Critical Review of the Debate of Man-Woman-Equality (In Digambara, Svetambara, Yapaniya and Contemporary Perspective) The paper was presented by Dr. Anita Bothara in Feb. 2012, prepared under the guidance of Dr. Nalini Joshi. It was presented in a U.G.C. sponsored National Seminar organized by Shri Atma Vallabha Jaina Museum, Acarya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar (A.P.). The central theme was 'Women and Jainaism'. The paper starts with documenting the Digambara view firstly because Acarya Kundakunda was the first who has explicitly opposed attainment of liberation from woman-birth. Yapaniya view about women is documented with the help of the citation given by Haribhadra in his Lalitavistara. The lengthy details of the history of Yapaniyas are avoided in the paper. The concerned passage with its English translation is given. The arguments of the commentator Gunaratna (comm. on Sad-darsana-sammuccaya of Haribhadra) are presented in nutshell. The comment on Gunaratna goes like this - "the credit goes to Gunaratna to drag out the debate of man-woman-equality from the moksa-based arguments and to opt fresh outlook like the criteria of superiority and inferiority." Muni Darsanavijayaji's contribution to this debate is mentioned in the paper in a very unbiased and impartial manner. The last part of the paper connects this debate to the contemporary issues. The efforts made by Jaina nuns to bring equality among nuns and monks are noted down. Conclusive remarks of this paper are worth-contemplating. The whole history of man-woman debate in Jainaism is summarized through KundakundaYapaniya-Haribhadra-Gunaratna-Darsanavijayaji and Jainaa Sadhvis at modern times. Thus it is a 10
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________________ graph of the debate of man-woman equality from the 1st century of Christian era upto 21st century. (13) Pro-Environmental Thoughts and Actual practices in Jaina Tradition: A Critical Review This paper was presented in the International Conference and Workshop jointly arranged by UNESCO-UOP at Pune on Oct. 2012. This conference was specially meant for fathoming the different Indian traditions in the perspective of Environmental Science and Ethics. In this conference the pro-environmental thoughts in Vedas, post-Vedic and Epic literature, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikkhism, Islam and in the literature of the saints like Kabir, Tulsidas, Meera, Dnyaneshwara etc. were put forth by various scholars specialized in the concerned fields. The above-mentioned paper represented Jaina tradition and highlighted the contribution of Jainas to the environmental thoughts. Part 'A' of the paper enumerates the pro-environmental thoughts in nutshell. It is noted in the paper that, "The Jaina thoughts fully support for the preservation, conservation and well-being of the surrounding world, full of bio-forms from the epistemological, religious, ethical and spiritual view-point." Part 'B' of the paper is really thought-churning and brain-storming. The negative and defensive behavioral patterns in Practical Jainaism' are carefully gathered and neatly arranged with the proper rationale behind the defensive role. The attitudes and aspirations of the Jaina youth are specially mentioned in the later part of the paper. Thus the discrepancy in the pro-environmental thoughts and actual practices in Jainaism is pointed out categorically, precisely and impartially in this paper. (14) Darwin's Theory of Evolution : from Jainaa Viewpoint The paper was presented in a National Symposium on Jaina Philosophy, Science and Scriptures, organized by JVB Ladnun, at Jasol, Rajasthan in Oct. 2012. Jaina doctors and engineers from all over India were invited for this conference to bring out the scientific nature of Jainaism. Terapanthi Samanis and Sadhus also participated in the symposium. Selected scholars and academicians of Jaina Studies were invited. The esteemed Jaina Chair, University of Pune contributed in the symposium by presenting two papers revealing scientific nature of Jainaism. Darwin's theory of evolution is given at the outset. Darwin's theory and its implications were critically examined in the light of the philosophical views expressed in Jainaism. It is noted in the first point that the traditional Jaina views are seen apparently against the theory of evolution. Further it is noted that the concept of Nigodi Jivas compels a researcher to think over the previous traditional view.
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________________ The third part of the paper is valuable to get the crux of the matter exactly. The summary given at the end of the discussion is useful to understand the favorable points at a glance. The theory of Gunasthana is designated as ethico-religio-spiritual evolution. From the empirical direction there is a scope for change by adaption in all the bio-forms. The unbiased and impartial conclusion runs like this - "The spirituality of Jainaism is not at all a hindrance for the serial progress or regress in the bio-species of the universe." Two reference-books and Wikipedia Website used to understand the Darwinian theory of evolution. Sufficient citations from original Jaina texts are given in the list of references. (15) Revealing the Scientific Nature of the Jaina Concept 'Sammurcchana' This paper was presented by Dr. Anita Bothara in the above-mentioned conference at Jasol, Rajasthan in Oct. 2012. The conference was specially arranged to highlight the scientific nature of Jainaism. It seems that sufficient scientific data was studied by the scholar of the present paper by referring the topics viz. (i) Asexual Reproduction, (ii) Hermaphrodite and (iii) Cloning. In the introductory part of the paper, classification of living organisms and specially types of birth according to Jainaism are noted down in nutshell which is utterly necessary to understand the concept of 'Sammurcchana'. The words 'sammurochima jivas' are translated as 'agglutinated beings'. A lot of details about these organisms are given from the original texts of Jainas. The common points between agglutinated birth' and 'asexual reproduction are pointed out. Agglutination in plant-kingdom is very much revealing from the Botanical point of view. In the next two points, Zoological views are mentioned in connection with the two-three and four-sensed organisms. The concept of Sammurcchima Manusyas is explained from the viewpoint of Pathology. Enough discussion is found in the paper about the grafting and tissue-culture in plant-kingdom with reference to the Jaina concept 'agglutination'. About cloning, it is said that, "In toto, agglutinated human beings are born asexually from sexually-born human beings under natural circumstances. Same thing done artificially in laboratories is nothing but cloning." It is noteworthy that a sincere attempt has been made in this paper to bring out all the implications of the Jaina concept 'Sammurcchima' but the scholar is aware that it is surely farfetched to claim that the descriptions of Jaina texts are hundred percent scientific. The above-mentioned summary of the papers will help the reader to understand the sum and substance of each paper in nutshell. The General Norms and Methodology Followed in the Papers In all the research papers prepared under the H.N.Jaina Chair whether written in English, Hindi or Marathi a common methodology and particular norms are strictly followed. They can be enumerated likewise : 1] 714 fuel felela - Nothing has been written which is not enrooted in the original framework of Jainaism.
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________________ 2] As a corollary of this, each and every thought is read out from the original Jaina texts. Sometimes secondary sources are utilized but the references are thoroughly checked. 3] Wherever necessary the views expressed in the research papers are supported by exact reference numbers with the particular editions of the concerned texts. 4] When a certain point is elaborated with the help of the references from many texts, the chronological order is carefully followed. 5] In the selection of philosophical subjects, such subjects are taken which have the potentiality to connect with the modern scientific concept. For example - (i) In one of the paper, biological thoughts of Jainas are reviewed from Darwinian Theory of evolution. (ii) Sammurcchana Janma is considered in the light of asexual-reproduction and grafting and cloning. (iii) The world of Tiryancas is tallied with the modern discoveries about the animal world. Sadjivanikayaraksa is examined from the viewpoint of the modern environmental thoughts. The connection with science is maintained in the papers written in Marathi and Hindi also. For example, in one of the paper (a) Namakarma and Gotrakarma are examined from genetic science and sociology. (b) The relevance of Ayurveda is examined from the viewpoint of Jainaism, with special reference to Caraka-samhita. (c) Indriya-vicara in Jainaism is compared with contemporary philosophies as well as with modern physiological concept. In most of the papers, Romanization of all the technical terms in Jainaism is done by using diacritical marks. It helps the reader to get the exact pronunciation. 6] As far as possible, flat informative narration is avoided. Importance is given to comparative and critical analysis with sufficient thought churning and logic. If a particular point is taken from merely Jaina texts, it is seen that the changes or development should be documented. 7] The issues which can be connected with the actual Jaina practices are necessarily treated in the light of the contemporary aspiration of Jainaa society. The views of the young generation of Jainas are taken into consideration wherever possible. 8] It happens in the field of research that many other aspects and topics occur to our mind while dealing with a particular subject. In many of the papers further line of research is suggested at the end.
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________________ The Humble Prayer at the End I wish to conclude this lengthy preface with the following prayer: * May the intrinsic power of the inner self inspire three of us to discover the new horizons of Jaina Studies in future. * Let me give rest to my pen with the mixed feelings of immense gratitude and tranquilizing satisfaction but at the same time the unquenching thirst for knowledge. The last two papers are included after writting the preface. NALINI JOSHI ** ** ***** *
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________________ Table of Contents Page No. 1) Peculiarities of Jaina Maharastri Literature 2) The Jaina Versions of Ramayana 3) Models of Conflict - resolution and Peace in Jaina Tradition 4) Language & Identity (With Special Reference to Jainism) 5) Some Problems in Editing Single Manuscript 6) World of Tiryancas : The Unique Jaina Perspective 7) Some Distinctive Features of Pancastikaya 8) Jainism : Philosophy and Practice in India 9) The Ancient Jaina Text 'Rushibhashita' 10) Re-interpretation of the 'Mithyasruta-Passage' in Nandi 11) Some Salient Features of the Narratives in Kumarapalapratibodha 105 12) Critical Review of the Debate of Man-Woman Equality (In Digambara, Svetambara, Yapaniya and Contemporary Perspective) 115 13) Pro-Environmental Thoughts and Actual Practices in Jaina Tradition : A Critical Review 122 14) Darwin's Theory of Evolution : From Jaina Viewpoint 129 15) Revealing the Scientific Nature of the Jaina Concept 'Sammurochima' 136 16) Wisdom in Jaina Tradition 148 17) Ethical Values Reflected in Jaina Philosophy 156 18) Contribution of Prakrit Literature to Indian Literature 162 19) The Rustic Love-expressions of Maharashtra 166 . . ... .. .. .
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________________ Peculiarities of Jaina Maharastri Literature (A Brief Chronological and Subject wise Survey with Critical Remarks) (A Paper presented in the National Seminar on 'Spectrum of Jainaism in Southern India' organized by K.J.Somaiya Centre for Studies in Jainaism on 20th & 21st Oct.2008) Introduction Jainaology or Jaina studies is a wholesome branch of knowledge in the perspective of Indian Culture. The edifice of Jaina Tradition is based on four pillars, viz. 1) History or Antiquity, 2) Philosophy and Logic, 3) Literature and 4) Art and Sculpture. In the early years of my career, I entered Jainaism through the gateway of Prakrit languages. Therefore, when I selected "Spectrum of Jainaism in Maharashtra", my attention was immediately drawn towards Jaina Maharastri literature. In this paper, I will try to draw a brief sketch of Jaina Maharastri literature with its highlights. The variety of languages used by Jainas is stunning. No other religion in India had carried out its literary activities in various Prakrit dialects than Jainas. The ancient canonical texts of Svetambaras are written in Ardhamagadhi and that of Digambaras in Jaina Sauraseni. Vacaka Umasvati introduced Sanskrit in Jaina literature by writing Tattvarthasutra in Sutra style (4" Cen. A.D.) Many Sve. and Dig. Acaryas continued their writings in Skt., the language of classes, up to 15th Cen. A.D. Acarya Bhadrabahu (II") started commentarial work on Ardhamagadhi canons in Jaina Maharastri in the 3d Cen. A.D. by writing his Nijjuttis. All Sve. Acaryas preferred JM. for their literary activities in Pkt. up to 15th Cen. A.D. In the meantime the religious and the philosophical teachings were written down in manuals in verse by scholars like Kundakunda, Vattakera and Yativrsabha and others up to the 12th Century. All these writings are included in the scope of Jaina Sauraseni. The language found in all these books is fairly uniform but differs considerably from the Jaina Maharastri. Though Dig. continued their writings in Js., number of treatises is declining. Variety of subjects and literary forms is comparatively much less than that of JM. When Apabhramsa dialects took literary form, Dig. writers started their writings in Apa. Though the first Apa. epic of Svayambhu was written in gth 9th Century A.D. , Digambara Acaryas were in their full form between 10th up to 15th centuries. Their language is fairly uniform and constitutes the bulk of Apa. literature mostly dedicated to Caritas. The most striking feature of the Apa. literature is the fact that the whole of it is written in verses and there hardly exists any prose in it. The Apa. works written by non-Jaina writers are scanty. Chronologically last part of Apa. is practically the beginning of New Indo Aryan languages. The facts which we get through this brief language-sketch of Jaina literature, gives rise to ample curiosities about the Peculiarities of JM. literature. 16
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________________ Maharastri and Jaina Maharastri In Bharata's Natyasastra, (2nd 3rd Cen. B.C.) 7 Bhasas and Vibhasas are mentioned. Maharastri is not enumerated in it. Some scholars tried to prove that Daksinatya of Bharata is Maharastri. Others did not agree with it. In Canda's Prakrtalaksana (3rd 4th Cen. A.D.), Vararuci's Prakstaprakasa (6th Cen. A.D.) and in Siddhahemavyakarana (12th Cen. A.D.) Maharastri is treated in the beginning as Samanya Prakrta or Arsa Prakrta. From the date of Dandin (6th Cen. A.D.) onwards it is named Maharastri and is thought to be the best Prakrit in which famous epics were composed. (Dandin-Kavyadarsa 1.35). He says that the language originated in Maharastra is Maharastri. Dr. Hornle points out that 'Maharastra includes Rajputana and Madhya-desa at that time. If we observe the proficiency of the Jaina writers over this language, it is quite obvious that this Maha-rastra (Big region) includes, today's geographical Maharastra, lower part of Gujrath, Madhyapradesh and also upper part of Karnataka. At least we can assume that the people residing in this bigger central part of India were able to understand the Maharastri used by Jaina Acaryas. It is observed by the eminent scholars like Jacobi, Pischel and Konow that in classical Skt. dramas, the Prakrit used in prose passages by ladies and lower characters is Sauraseni. We can say that Maharastri used by non-Jaina authors in Skt. dramas, Epics and Anthologies like Gahasattasai was quite favorable for poetical compositions. Jaina Acaryas used it for both, i.e. poetry as well as prose. The scholars like Jacobi and Pischel named it as Jaina Maharastri. The name become very popular and accepted by late Dr. A.M.Ghatge in Prakrit-English comprehensive dictionary. Svetambara writers started their JM, writings in 3d Century A.D. and continued up to 15th Century A.D. In the early centuries of Christian Era, two prominent languages were in vogue viz. Sauraseni and Maharastri. During this period, the differences between Sve. and Dig. were quite clear. Since Dig. had already started their philosophical writings in Sauraseni, naturally Sve. writers chose Maharastri for their post-canonical writings. A new literary style was developed which was suitable for their philosophical, doctrinal, didactic and conductual writings. Close association of Jaina Acaryas with Maharastra Due to various reasons like severe famines, political unrest and foreign invasions, the religious activities of Jaina Samgha were naturally shifted towards Madhya-desa and Southern lands. From the legendary histories of Jainas (viz. Vividhatirthakalpa, Prabandhakosa, Prabhavakacarita etc.) it is known that many influential Sve. Acaryas were in close contact with Maharastra. It is known from the history of Ancient India that after the death of Asoka, Andhrabhrtya Satavahana Kings ruled over Maharastra from 3rd Century B.C. up to 3rd Century A.D. In Prabandhakosa, Rajasekhara mentions,
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________________ HINDI SHU 24|1994qui faut aludkyta la 1991 neferral Faeterai yalaaa (Prabandhakosa . pp. 66-74) The 17th king of this dynasty was Hala Satavahana, who become famous for his anthology viz. Gahasattasai. Gunadhya who is famous for his Paisaci narrative Vaddakaha, is said to be an honoured poet in the assembly of Satavahana. Through all these legendary histories it is evident that all the Satavahanas were interested in Prakrits and especially in Maharastri. Pratisthana (or Paithana) and Nasikya were the capital cities of Satavahanas. According to Prabandhakosa, Niryuktikara Bhadrabahu and Varahamihira were two brahmin brothers, residents of Pratistana. Various legendary stories of both are mentioned in this Prabandha. The famous 'Uvasaggahara Stotra' was composed by Bhadrabahu in his stay at Pratistana. After the time-lapse of 800 years, it was necessary to write explanatory notes on Ardhamagadhi canons. It was very much logical to write it in Prakrit, in continuation with the spirit of Lord Mahavira. Bhadrabahu wrote ten Niryuktis in Prakrit Gatha form. Since he was the resident of Pratisthana he chose Maharastri language which was naturally influenced by Ardhamagadhi. Further Sve. Acaryas wrote their Bhasyas and Curnis following the tradition laid down by Bhadrabahu lind The famous Jaina Acarya Kalaka (1"-2" Cen. A.D.) came to Pratisthana in the last lap of his wanderings. He had discussions with Satavahana about the date of Paryusana. After this incidence, Kalaka stayed at Pratisthana until his death. Due to this association, there are at least three Kalakacarya-kathanakas written in JM. which were critically edited by Sten Konow. Padaliptacarya was a frequently quoted Sve. Acarya of 1"-2" Century. It is noted in Prabandhakosa that he arrived at Pratisthana and created a Campu-Kavya named Tarangalola. (4-4c19 pp. 11-14) This beautiful literary work (which is not available now) inspired many poets to write their poetries in JM. The famous logician Siddhasena Divakara, his Guru Vrddhavadi and Santisuri, the first commentator of Uttaradhyayana were also closely connected with Pratisthana and Nasikya during their wanderings. This legendary and historical data is sufficient to throw light on the background of the bulk of Jaina Maharastri literature. Special Features of JM. Literature Niryuktis on 10 Ardhamagadhi canons, some of the Prakirnakas, two Culikasutras, three Bhasyas along with Visesavasyaka and Curnis of Jinadasagani - the language of all these works is generally known as Arsa Praksta because it is influenced by Ardhamagadhi. Though Maharastri elements are prominent, still we find same linguistic characteristics of Magadhi and Sauraseni. Vimalasuri's Paumacariyam (4th Cen. A.D.) is also included in this category. This narrative poetry was written excluding the impossible and illogical elements of Valmiki Ramayana. This first Jaina Ramayana inspired many writers to present Ramayanakatha in Jaina manner. The poetic justice given to the female characters (viz. Sita, Anjana, Kaikeyi and Mandodari) is unique in itself. 18
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________________ Vasudevahindi jointly written by Samghadasa and Dharmasena in 5th Cen. A.D. is also noted as a grand narrative presented in Arsa Praksta or old Jaina Maharastri. The part of the book viz. Madhyama Khanda shows the linguistic characteristics of Sauraseni. In the history of Indian Literature, Vasudevahindi aquired very esteemed position due to its curious connection with Vaddakaha of Gunadhya. In the 6th or 7th Century, the great Sve. logician Siddhasena wrote Sanmatitarka in JM. in which he discussed the Nayas, in a comprehensive manner on the view of Anekantavada. Sanmati is one of the very few JM. works on logic. Haribhadra is the most celebrated, honoured and versatile author in the 8th Century. Throughout his life he wandered in Rajasthana and Gujratha and never visited Maharastra. It seems that with a sound background of Skt. he acquired the skills in JM. and produced (i) a huge prose narrative like Samaraiccakaha, (ii) a unique satirical work like Dhuttakkhana which inspired Skt. Dharmapariksa and Apabhramsa Dhammaparikkha in the later period, (iii) first JM. book dedicated to Yoga in Jaina manner (viz. Yogasayaya), (v) other treatises related to Karma theory, Monastic conduct, Layman's conduct, Didactic and Karananuyoga. Haribhadra included a lot of folk stories, examples, fables and traditional religious stories in his commentaries on Avassaya and Dasaveyaliya. Though the explanations of Sutras are given in Skt., he had purposely used JM. for this stories. Conclusively we can say that the JM. used by Haribhadra represents it's classical form. His language comes nearest to pure Maharastri. His vocabulary consists of a lot of old Gujrathi desi words, influence of Skt. in the use of cvi-forms, compounds ending in- bhuya (bhuta) and ample literary words. This classical form reaches its height in Kuvalayamala of Uddyotanasuri. This monumental Campukavya, full of rich cultural data is written in the last lap of the 8th Century. When we cast a glance to the 9th Century - literature, it is seen that the variety of subjects is remarkable. JM. works in this century are concerned to Philosophy, Anthology, Didactic, Karman, Hymns and Legendary histories. Silanka started the tradition of writing Caritas in JM. along with his commentaries on Acaranga and Sutrakstanga. Bappabhatti wrote his anthology Tarayana, who was in close contact with Vakpatiraja (Bappairaya) the poet of famous Maharastri work Gaudavaho. Virabhadra, belonging to 10th Century, wrote his Prakirnakas viz. Arahanapadaya, Aurapaccakkhana, Causarana and Bhattaparinna in Arsa Prakrit form. The language and presentation of the subjects were so revered among the Svetambaras that the Prakirnakas were treated as a part of canonical literature. Devasena's works on logic, Devendrasuri's Kalakacarya Kathanaka, Dhanapala's celebrated lexicon of Prakrit words and Nanditadhya's work on metrics (viz. Gahalakkhana) are the remarkable treatises of this century. Pradyumna's off-beat stories are also noteworthy which are included in Mulasuddhipagarana. Carita tradition is continued in this century. In the 11" Century, we find nine Caritas written in JM. which are published up till now. Three of them are written by Devendra alias Nemicandra, famous author of Sukhabodha, a comm. on Uttaradhyayna. Dhanesvara's Surasundaricariya gives sole importance to a woman character 19
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________________ which is unique and has given rise to the tradition of women-centered Caritas. Many Kathakosas are written in which Devendra's Akkhanamanikosa, Gunacandra's Kaharayanakosa and Jinesvara's Kathakosaprakarana are more important. Mehesvara's Nanapancamikaha started the tradition of Vratakathas. Prakaranas and Kulakas are the new literary forms developed in this century. 12th Century seems to be very crucial in the history of JM. literature. Tendency of writing in JS. is almost stopped. The number of Skt. works of Sve. and Dig. is rapidly increasing. JM. works are almost equal to that of Skt. works. Apabhramsa works in this century had seen to be taken classical literary form. Digambara writers are writing Apa. works with full enthusiasm. Detailed grammar of Apa. is written by Hemacandra in his Siddhahemavyakarana along with the examples of Apa. verses chosen from non-Jaina background. The peak point of Jaina logic is seen in Pramanamimamsa, a celebrated Skt. work of Kalikalasarvajna Hemacandra. He continued the tradition of JM, writings by presenting his unique lexical work Desinamamala and Kumarapalacrita. Maladhari Hemacandra wrote the Tippanas on canons, Malaygiri's huge commentarial work is the speciality of this century. Municandra wrote five Kulakas and three Prakaranas. His Vanaspatisaptatika is remarkable. Sricandra wrote in JM. and Skt. very fluently. In the 13th Century, JM. literature is comparatively less than Skt. and Apabhramsa literature is steadily growing. Thakkura Pheru, a treasurer of Allauddin Khilji wrote many scientific and technical works in 14th century. His small treatises are extremely important in JM. literature. These treatises are dedicated to Numismatics, Metallurgy, Mathematics, Astrology, Gemmology and Architecture. Ratnasekhara wrote on Ethics, Karananuyoga, Carananuyoga and Caritas. Jinaprabha's Vidhimargaprapa is an authentic work on rituals. Growing ritualistic tendencies in Jaina religion are reflected in Jinaprabha's other works also. Jayavallabha's anthology called Vajjalagga and Nayacandra's Prakrit drama - Sattaka are two remarkable works of this century. In the 15th Century, JM. works show declining tendency. Jinaharsa, Somacandra, Subhavardhana, Sakalakirti and Caritravardhana wrote in JM. but the variety of subjects and literary forms is not seen. Caritas and Kathakosas are ample in number but lack in originality and imitation prevail over creativity. This is the brief sketch of JM. Literature from 3rd Century A.D. up to 15th Century A.D. Conclusion Important Observations on JM. Literature In no other Prakrit language than JM. such a huge literature is produced in India for such a long period (from 3rd Cen. A.D. up to 15th Cen. A.D.) Since the Dig. had already chosen Sauraseni for their literary activities, Sve. writers had naturally undertaken Maharastri. Maharastri was understandable in the bigger middle region of India during this period. Skt. was the medium of higher education, so naturally Scientific and Technical Works and Classical literature of non-Jaina traditions is ample in quality and quantity. Lord Mahavira was 20
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________________ very keen about his religious sermons through Prakrit medium. JM. played the role of Rastrabhasa at that time. Now-a-days though the medium of higher education is English, still Hindi possesses a status of Rastrabhasa, likewise side by side with the regional colloquial languages and Skt., JM. played an important role. Sve. writers continued JM. writings following the footsteps of Lord Mahavira. * The earlier Sve. Jaina Acaryas like Bhadrabahu, Kalakacarya, Padalipta etc. were closely associated with Maharastra and specifically Pratisthana. Nearly for six centuries Satavahanas ruled over Maharastra who were pro-Prakrit by nature and liberal in religious matters. 'JM. had undergone three distinct stages during this long period of twelve centuries. (i) I Stage : 3rd to 6th Century. The various Niryuktis, Bhasyas, Curnis and the narrative works like Paumacariya, Vasudevahindi and others may be taken to represent the archaic form of JM. It was influenced by Ardhamagadhi. nd (ii) II Stage : 7th to 10th Century. In its classical form, as represented by Haribhadra, Uddyotanasuri, Silanka and Dhanapala, it shows influence of Skt. but still maintaining tendencies of colloquial languages in variety of forms and the use of Desi words. (iii) m Stage : 11th to 15th Century. The late form of JM. is best seen in the stories of Devendra in Utt.Sukha and the anthology called Vajjalagga. Here we see a strong influence of the Apabhramsa dialects making it felt both in its phonology and grammar. This Apa. influence originates from the spoken languages of the authors. After 15th Century we see that JM. is declining and Apa. is increasing. From the 16th and 17th Centuries, the history of our modern Indo-Aryan Languages starts. Though variety of subjects and literary forms is obviously seen in JM. Literature, it is a fact that scientific and technical works as well as works on Logic are comparatively much less than in Skt. But the role played by JM. in providing rich Cultural, Social and Religious data is really very useful in understanding Indian culture in better manner. No other Prakrit language than JM. is capable in throwing light on the life of masses in India during this long period. List of Reference-Books 1) jaina sAhitya kA bRhad itihAsa bhAga (1 se 6), pArzvanAtha vidyAzrama zodha saMsthAna, vArANasI 5, 1973 2) prAkRta sAhitya kA itihAsa, DaoN. jagadIzacaMdra jaina, caukhambA vidyAbhavana, vArANasI, 1985 3) prAcIna bhAratAcA sAMskRtika itihAsa, gAyadhanI, rAhurakara, kA~TinenTala prakAzana, puNe 2, 1961 4) prAcIna bhAratAcA rAjakIya itihAsa, le. hemacaMdra rAyacaudhurI, AThavale, boparDIkara, DAyamaMDa pablikezana, puNe 30 5) Dictionary of Prakrit Languages, Fascicule 1, A.M. Ghatge, 1993 6) 47534-HE-HEUUTC, 3416 - 4. a HO, HIGIM GHRUTH, f. 882EUR 7) vividhatIrthakalpa, jinaprabha, siMghI jaina jJAnapITha, zAMtiniketana, 1934 8) prabandhakoSa, rAjazekhara, siMghI jaina jJAnapITha, saM. jinavijaya, zAMtiniketana, 1935 9) prabhAvakacarita, prabhAcaMdra, siMghI jaina jJAnapITha, saM. jinavijaya, ahamadAbAda, 1940 10) prabandhacintAmaNi, merutuMga, siMghI jaina jJAnapITha, saM. jinavijaya, zAMtiniketana, 1933 ********** 21
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________________ The Jaina Versions of Ramayana (With Special Reference to Vimalasuri , Gunabhadra and Silanka) (A Research Paper presented in the International Conference on the Ramayana, Organized by Aikyabharati Research Institute, University of Pune) (28th, 29th and 30th Nov. 2008) Introduction There is no need to highlight the influence of Valmiki Ramayana on further Indian Literature and Culture. Though hundreds of Brahmanic, Jaina and Buddhist versions of Ramayana are available, Valmiki's position as Adikavi is unanimously accepted. Some stray different traditions about the chief characters may be prevalent in the society, but Valmiki was the first to present it in Epic form. For this paper, the date of the available Ramayana of Valmiki is assumed as 3d Century B.C. According to the prominent scholars, of course the Balakanda and Uttarakanda is spurious and there are some additions, here and there. Scope of the Research Paper Though there is a long tradition of Ramakatha among Jainas, here I have purposefully selected a few of them. Vimalasuri's Paumacariya is the first Jaina Ramayana written in Jaina Maharastri or Arsa Prakrit in 3d Century A.D. We find both Svetambara and Digambara elements in Vimalasuri. Some of the scholars have opined that Vimalasuri represents Yapaniya Sect, reconciling Sve. and Dig. views. Ravisena's Skt. Padmacarita (8th Cen. A.D.) is almost the replica of Prakrit Paumacariya of Vimalasuri. Ravisena has presented his Ramayana without mentioning the indebtedness of Vimalasuri, added some detailed descriptions and his Dig, attitude is quite clear. Apabhramsa Paumacariu written in the later half of the 8th Century by Svayambhu, who was a householder (Sravaka), almost imitates Vimalasuri and Ravisena. He mentions Ravisena but neglects Vimalasuri probably due to the sectarian bias. Hemacandra follows the same tradition of Ramakatha in his Skt. work Trisastisalakapurusacarita written in the 12th Century with few additions. So, when we consider Vimalasuri, all the above mentioned Ramakathas are covered. The Ramacarita presented in Skt. Uttarapurana (a part of Adipurana) by Gunabhadra (9 Cen. A.D.) differs a lot from Vimalsuri and being a Digambara, presented his Ramakatha totally in new manner. The scope, characterization, incidents and style differs from that of Vimalasuri. Pandit Asadhara (13th Cen. A.D.) a Dig. Jaina householder presents Gunabhadra's Ramakatha in a very compact manner in his Trisastismrtisastra. silanka (9th Cen. A.D>>) presents a very small story of Pauma (Rama) in his Jaina Maharastri Prakrit work Cauppannamahapurisacariya. It is very remarkable that his account of Rama is mostly a brief summary of Valmiki Ramayana. 22
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________________ Dasaratha Jataka presents the story of Rama Pandita in nutshell. This story, written in Pali, contains some queer Buddhist elements unlike Brahmanic or Jaina versions. Thus the observations and remarks in this research paper are based on the Ramakathas of (i) Vimalasuri, Ravisena, Svayambhu and Hemacandra, (ii) Gunabhadra and Asadhara, (iii) Silanka and (iv) Dasaratha Jataka. The Method followed in the Paper In the first place, the basic similarities in all Jaina versions are pointed out. The searchlight is thrown on the typical Jaina elements. In the second part, the striking differences among these Jaina versions are noted in the light of some important points. In the last part, conclusive remarks are presented on the basis of the abovementioned observations. (A) Common Jaina Elements in all Jaina Versions of Ramakatha (1) Tradition of 63 Salakapurusas All the authors of Jaina Ramakatha claim that Ramakatha was handed down to them right from Lord Mahavira through succession. Jaina tradition has created a format of 63 illustrated human heroes, of course in spiritual perspective. These are designations and all of them occur in ANI each Avasarpini and Utsarpini of the time wheel (Kalacakra). Rama or Padma is the 8" Baladeva (Balabhadra or Balarama), Laksamana is the 8th Vasudeva (or Narayana) and Ravana is the 8th Prati Vasudeva of the present Avasarpini.' Hanumana is enumerated as among the 24 Kamadevas but not included in the 63 Salakapurusas in the Jaina Purana perennis. According to this format, all Jaina authors agree that Laksmana killed Ravana. Both of them were born as infernal beings immediately after their birth as human beings. After a long span of time, after having gone through many cycles of birth and death, they will attain Liberation. Padma and Hanumana had attained Nirvana while Sita had attained heaven. (2) Polygamy In the format of Salakapurusas, Baladevas and Vasudevas necessarily possess thousands of wives. All Jaina authors have depicted that Rama, Laksmana and Ravana possessed thousands of wives. In Valmiki Ramayana, very few males are monogamists. The citations like THR 441: 24: (Valmiki Ra. 2.8.12) may have inspired Jaina authors to picturise Rama as polygamist. "The vow of complete celibacy' is greatly honoured in Jaina monachism but still Hanumana is Kamadeva and householder, he possesses many wives. (3) Vanaras and Raksasas The Jaina authors have depicted Vanaras and Raksasas as Vidyadharas or Khecaras, a variety of sub-human beings possessing various lores like Akasagamana etc. Vimalasuri has given 23
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________________ totally new meanings of the words, viz. Vanara and Raksasa.- Jaina authors feel that Valmiki's depiction of Vanaras and Raksasas is unbelievable and irrational. (4) Doctrine of Karman and other Jaina Tenets Doctrine of Karman is the backbone of Jaina Philosophy. According to this theory, every misery and happiness is connected with the rise of the fruits of good and bad karmans which are performed previously. Most of the important incidents in Ramakatha are explained in the light of Karmasiddhanta. While explaining the painful separation of Padma and Sita', the agonies in the life of Anjana , the infatuation of Bhamandala towards Sita ", the Jaina authors have not missed the opportunity to elaborate the doctrine of Karman. When Sita embraces Diksa, she explains the theory of Karman in nutshell. In all Jaina Ramakathas, every now and then, we find the keywords of Jainaism like Vairagya, Samyama and Diksa. During the preaching of Munis, the conduct of layman and monk is narrated at length. (5) Ascetics and their dwellings In Valmiki Ramayana we find several names of sages, ascetics, their dwellings (i.e. Asramas), their preaching and giving out different lores and weapons to Rama and Laksmana. In the Jaina versions, we see complete Jainaification in this respect. Every now and then we find the descriptions of Jaina Sadhus, Munis, Anagaras and Kevalins engaged in giving religious sermons, ing bigger and smaller vows to householders. There are Jinamandiras, Chaityas and places of pilgrimage. Padma, Sita, Hanumana, Ravana etc. visit these places, worship and adore in Chaityas and attend the religious assemblies. (6) An approach to the Sacrifices In Valmiki Ramayana we find ample references of various sacrifices and sacrificial acts. Vimalasuri and Gunabhadra had attempted to offer new allegorical meanings to these sacrificial acts for enhancing the Jaina tenets like Ahimsa, Samyama and Tapas. The discussion about the meaning of the word '34' occurs in Vimalasuri's and Gunabhadra's Ramayana. The protest against the Brahmnic sacrificial institution can be seen in the major Jaina versions. (7) Introducing the character of Narada It is well known that Narada is a Pauranika figure and is added to Valmiki Ramayana sporadically in Balakanda and Uttarakanda. This interesting character is introduced often in all major Jaina Ramayanas to accelerate the speed of the main story in convincing manner. Narada frequently visits Padma and Ravana, carries messages and gives detailed reports of various incidents. We find the peculiar character of Narada in Ardhamagadhi canons like Nayadhammakaha' and Rsibhasita. 10 "The Episodes of Narada in Jaina Literature is an interesting subject of a separate research paper.
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________________ (8) Ramasetu Valmiki describes the episode of Setubandha in Yuddhakanda. Pravarasena, a non-Jaina poet has dedicated his whole epic to Setubandha or Ravanavaho, written in Maharastri Prakrit in 5" Century A.D. Recently a lot of discussion is going on this controversial issue. The literary evidence of Kamba Ramayana is quoted often in this matter. After a genuine scrutiny of major ten Jaina Ramakathas, it is known that none of these Ramakathas have mentioned the building of a bridge to cross the ocean to enter Lanka. Vanaras and Raksasas used Vanari and Khecari Vidyas to cross the ocean." Padma and Laksmana reached Lanka with the help of Vimanas.12 (9) A Liberal Feminist Approach When we examine the Jaina versions of Ramayana, we come to know that on the whole, a liberal feminist perspective is reflected in the presentation of Ramakatha. The observation and scrutiny of each female character in the Ramayanas of both traditions is a vast subject; still some important points are noted here in order to illuminate the liberal approach of Jaina authors towards women. According to Vimalasuri, Sita is a daughter of King Janaka and queen Videha. 3 The myth of finding Sita in the box buried underground is totally absent in Paumacariya. Padma or Rama accepts Sita in Lanka without any doubt or ordeal (Divya).'4 Vimalasuri picturises the episode of banishment of Sita in suflyod , but the tone of Padma towards Sita is less harsh than Valmiki. Gunabhadra and his literary followers had ended the Ramakatha at the consecration of Rama in Ayodhya and had kept mum about the incidents of expulsion of Sita. In Paumacariya, Sita goes through the ordeal only once and after proving her pureness' voluntarily embraces Diksa and goes away. 16 In all major Jaina versions, the episodes of Manthara, Ahilya and Sabari are absent. They do not want to picturise Manthara as 'jealousy incarnate'. Kaikeyi was very much anxious about Bharata's consecration to create interest of worldly things in him who was on the verge of renouncing the house and becoming a monk. Kaikeyi is not responsible for the banishment of Padma. The decision of Vanavasa is taken by Padma and it is not the effect of the boon given to Kaikeyi. Kaikeyi's repent and her sincere efforts to persuade Rama from Aranyavasa throw new light on Kaikeyi's character. The sympathetic attitude toward Kaikeyi is very peculiar to Vimalasuri and his followers. 17 It is quite evident from the absence of Ahilya episode that Jaina authors do not wish to depict Padma as the up-lifter of 'Patita' woman like Ahilya by mere touch. Likewise they do not want to depict Padma as the spiritual up-lifter of Sabari merely by his presence. Mandodari, the chief queen of Ravana is presented by Valmiki only at the end after the slaughter of Ravana. Jaina Ramayanas, especially Vimalasuri had developed the character of Mandodari throughout his epic very skillfully." Mandodari persuades Ravana again and again to send Sita back. She puts forth her protest against Ravana's unethical deeds. Her love and loyalty to 25
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________________ Ravana is quite evident from her dialogues. The justice given to Mandodari's character is remarkable. We find very stray and strange references of Anjana, the mother of Hanumana in Valmiki. In Kiskindhakanda it is said that Hanumana is ter of Vayu and y' of Kesari.40 For removing the blemish on the character of Anjana, Vimalasuri and particularly Svayambhu have reconstructed and developed the Anjana episode into a full-fledged 341241'The name of Hanuman's father is Pavananjaya. In his character, there is a mixture of the characteristics of Vayu and Kesari. He is a brave egoist Vidyadhara and acts according to his male instincts and free wills. Anjana bears painful sufferings created by him for twelve years, solacing her mind with the help of Karmasiddhanta. Pavananjaya realizes his guilt and the episode ends on a happy note. In Jaina tradition, Anjana is enumerated among the sixteen adorable women. With this brief account of some female characters in Jaina Ramayanas, we can conclude that the Jaina approach to them is more humanistic, sympathetic and liberal than the contemporary Brahmanic tradition. It is very apt to note that in Jaina environment, right from the first Tirthankara Rsabhadeva, the number of Sadhvis and Sravikas is almost twice than that of Sadhus and Sravakas. 21 The Striking Dissimilarities Found in Various Jaina Versions of Ramayana It is already noted that Paumacariya of Vimalasuri is the first Jaina version of Ramayana. He is well-acquainted with Valmiki Ramayana, but has not mentioned his name. The introductory portions of Paumacariya reveal quite openly the purpose of writing the story. The cause of the Jainaification is explained as follows --- fa fa Yoani, quia 9 PasUT 461 (PaumCa.3.15) and aliyaM pi savvameyaM, uvavattiviruddhapaccayaguNehiM / 7 hegfa green, Eaifa aufset 11 (PaumCa.2.117) It means, 'All this appears to me to be lies, contrary to reasoning and not worthy of belief by wise men'. It is quite clear by this remark that he has deliberately rejected the Brahmanic version of the same story. Not only Vimalasuri but all Jaina authors have the same reason to refute the accounts of Rama and Ravana that they have heard from the Kusastra-vadins i.e. expounders of false scriptures. According to them, Lord Mahavira had narrated the story to Gautama Ganadhara. They got the story through the tradition of their teachers. If this claim is true then one expects basic minimum similarities in all Jaina versions. The similarities are already noted beforehand. Here some of the striking differences in major Jaina versions are taken into account.
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________________ (1) Dasaratha and his sons According to Paumacariya, Dasaratha was a king of Saketa or Ayodhya. He has four sons. Padma from Aparajita, Laksmana from Sumitra and Bharata - Strughna from Kaikeyi.22 According to Uttarapurana, at first, Dasaratha was ruling at Varanasi. Rama or Balabhadra was born in Varanasi. Rama's mother was Subala. Afterwards Dasaratha transferred his capital to Ayodhya. One of his queen gave birth to Laksmana and the other to Satrughna.43 Trisastismrtisastra mentions four queens and four sons of Dasaratha. 24 In Dasaratha Jataka, Dasaratha was ruling at Varanasi. He has 16,000 queens. His chief queen gave birth to Rama-pandita, Laksmana-kumara and Sita-devi.29 There is no mention of Bharata - Satrughna. (2) Birth of Sita Paumacariya mentions that king Janaka's wife Videha gave birth to a twin, Sita and Bhamandala. A Vidyadhara abducted Bhamandala. In course of time he was infatuated with Sita. After knowing the reality, he became a monk.20 According to Uttarapurana, Sita was an offspring of Ravana and Mandodari. A fortune-teller declares the female child as unlucky and Ravana abandons Sita. Marica keeps her in a box and buries underground at Mithila, with ample wealth in the box. Some farmers find her and handover the child to Janaka and Vasudha. (3) Svayamvara of Sita In Paumacariya, Janaka seeks help of Padma and Laksmana against Mlecchas. He decides to give Sita to Padma, a valiant warrior. Afterwards he arranges the Svayamvara. 20 We do not find reference of Ravana in this context. In Uttarapurana the episode of Svayamvara is totally dropped. (4) Kaikeyi and her demands In Paumacariya, Dasaratha declares his decision of renunciation and decision of the consecration of Padma. Bharata decides to follow the path of Liberation. Kaikeyi demands her boon which was kept previously with Dasaratha. She wants her son to be a king for engaging him in worldly life. Padma spontaneously declares his decision to go in forest. The span of fourteen years is not mentioned. 29 The account of Kaikeyi's demands is totally dropped in Uttarapurana. Dasaratha sends Rama and Laksmana to Varanasi. Rama became king and Laksmana, a crowned prince. However, It is very surprising that in Vasudevahindi, (6 Century A.D.) Samghadasagani follows Valmiki in this whole account of fourteen-years' forest-wanderings of Rama. In Dasaratha Jataka, Kaikeyi demands royal throne for Bharata. Dasaratha accepts her demands, but comments on the deceitful and jealous nature of women and sends Rama to forest.
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________________ (5) The Slaughter of Vali In Paumacariya, after a fierce war between Vali and Sugriva, Vali becomes a Muni and attains Nirvana." In Uttarapurana, Laksmana kills Vali.92 Silanka follows Valmiki and depicts Rama as a killer of Vali. 33 (6) Story of Sambuka The story of Sambuka is dropped in Jaina Ramayanas except Paumacariya. In Paumacariya he is not depicted as a sudra, but a son of Candranakha ( Valmiki's Surpanakha) and Kharadusana. While observing austerities in the bamboo-thicket, Laksmana kills Sambuka by mistake. 34 (7) Abduction of Sita This episode is picturised in Paumacariya and Uttarapurana in different manners. (8) Banishment of Sita Vimalasuri depicts this account in Parvas 93 and 94. Ravisena and Hemcandra follow him. Samghadasagani, Gunabhadra, Milanka and Asadhara have completed their Ramakathas with Rama's consecration. Conclusion When we consider the Jaina versions of Ramayana in totality, at first, readers' attention is attracted towards the reasonable changes done with positive attitude. Depicting the Vanaras and Raksasas as sub-human beings and not as wild animals and ferocious flesh-eaters is of course a positive and reasonable change. The sacrificial rituals involving violence are condemned and new approach is presented. Whenever there is an opportunity, the Jaina authors explain the incident by applying Doctrine of Karman. The narratives of Vali and Sambuka are presented in entirely new manner. Comparatively sympathetic and liberal attitude towards women is seen throughout the Ramakatha. Vimalasuri and his followers have picturised the ordeal of Sita only once and Digambara authors, otherwise famous for their rigid attitude towards women, have dropped altogether the incident of the ordeal of Sita. In spite of all these plus-points, an objective analysis and valuation of the Jaina versions is needed. If Jainas charge the Brahmanic Ramayana and falafa' and claim that they got the tradition of Ramakatha from Lord Mahavira, naturally the readers expect consistency at least in the basic facts in all Jaina versions, which is not the reality. So the charge of Halach4HT applies to them in the same manner. These Jainaified versions are successful in creating Jaina environment but it is difficult for even Jaina readers to believe that there are so many Chaityas and Mandiras and places of pilgrimage and religious preaching and Diksas during the forest wanderings of Padma and Sita and 28
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________________ elsewhere, at the time of Ramayana. These new renderings of Jaina authors are not popular among the Jainas even today due to the popularity of Valmiki Ramayana, which is deep-rooted in the society. An unbiased reader is compelled to admit that beautiful descriptions of nature and seasons, the presentation of dialogues and especially the poetic and aesthetic values of Valmiki Ramayana are much more lacking in the Jaina versions. The total Jainaification seems to be the cause of this lacuna. That is the reason why the Jaina authors like Samghadasagani and Silanka have followed the storyline of Ramakatha of Valmiki with some reasonable and rational changes here and there. Due to the disparity in various renderings, lack of poetic values and exaggerated Jainaification, Jaina Ramakatha is not very popular even among Jainas. Comparatively Krsnakatha which is introduced in convincing manner is much more popular among Jainas, but it is a separate thought-line for further research. List of References 1 trilokaprajJapti 4.510,511 ; vizeSAvazyakabhASya gA. 1741 - 1750 Avazyaka niyukti 370 - 375 ; Avazyaka bhASya 39 - 43 2 paumacariya 5.257, 6.86 - 90%; cauppanna mahApurisacariya pR. 175 ; uttarapurANa 68.519 ; 68.521 - 522; triSaSTismRtizAstra pR. 94 zloka 58 3 paumacariya 102.141 - 143 ; uttarapurANa 68.682 - 686 4 paumacariya 17.60 -82; paumacariu saMdhi 18,19 5 paumacariya 30.49 - 52 6 paumacariya 102.49 ; uttarapurANa 68.721 7 paumacariya 11.76 -81 7a paumacariya 11.24 - 26 ; triSaSTismRtizAstra pR. 88 zloka 36 8 paumacariya 11.49 - 68 ; uttarapurANa 68.89 - 99; 68.282 - 284 1 nAyAdhammakahA zrutaskaMdha1 adhyayana 16 10 RSibhASita adhyayana 1 11 paumacariya 54.34 - 35 ; uttarapurANa 68.509 12 paumacariya 54.38; uttarapurANa 68.522 13 paumacariya 26.75 14 paumacariya 76.15 ; uttarapurANa 68.642 15 paumacariya 93 16 paumacariya 102.3 , 49 17 paumacariya 31 ; (padmacarita) padmapurANa parva 31, 32 18 vAlmIki rAmAyaNa yuddhakANDa sarga 111 19 paumacariya 9.10 - 19 ; 46.27 - 44, 53.40 - 47; 66.32 - 35, 70.8 - 61 20 kiSkiMdhAkANDa sarga 66 zloka 10 - 30 21 kalpasUtra (J) gAthA kra. 134 - 137 22 paumacariya 25.1-14 23 uttarapurANa 67.148 - 150 24 triSaSTismRtizAstra 82.17 -19 25 dazarathajAtaka pR. 105 26 paumacariya 26 ; 27 , 28 27 uttarapurANa 68.17-27 28 paumacariya 28.41 / 29 paumacariya 81 30 uttarapurANa 68.51-80 31 paumacariya 9.46 32 uttarapurANa 68.464 33 cauppannamahApurisacariya pR. 175 34 paumacariya 44.30 - 39 09
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________________ List of Reference-Books 1) AvazyakasUtra with Niryukti and Haribhadra's Comm.: Agamodayasamiti, mehasANA, 1916 2) cauppannamahApurisacariyaM : zIlAMkAcArya, saM. paM. amRtalAla bhojaka, prAkRta graMtha pariSad, vArANasI, 1961 3) jaina sAhitya kA bRhad itihAsa (bhAga 6) : saM. dalasukha mAlavaNiyA, DaoN. mohanalAla mehatA, pArzvanAtha vidyAzrama zodha saMsthAna, vArANasI, 1973 %) Kalpasutra : Bhadrabahu , K.C.Lalwani, Motilal Banarasidas, Delhi, 1979 4) Mahapurana (Uttarapurana) : Gunabhadra , Edited - Pannalal Jain, Bharatiya Jnanapitha Kashi, 1954 6) padmapurANa : raviSeNa ,saM. - pannAlAla jaina, bhAratIya jJAnapITha, kAzI, 1959 7) Paumacariya : Vimalasuri , Ed. Jacobi, Prakrit Text Society, Varanasi-5, 1962 8) Purana Perennis : Ed. by Wendy Doniger, Indian Books Centre, Delhi, 1993 9) saMskRta sAhitya kA itihAsa : saM. baladeva upAdhyAya, zAradA mandira, kAzI, 1945 10) siddhArthajAtaka : khaMDa 4, durgA bhAgavata, varadA buksa, puNe 16, 1978 11) zrImadvAlmIkiya rAmAyaNa : gItApresa, gorakhapura, saM. 2024 12) tiloya - paNNatti : yativRSabha, saM. hIrAlAla jaina, AdinAtha upAdhyAya, jaina saMskRti saMrakSaka saMgha, solApura, 1943 13) Trisastisalakapurusacaritra : Vol. IV , Oriental Institute, Baroda, 1954 14) triSaSTismRtizAstram : AzAdhara, mANikacaMda graMthamAlA, muMbaI, 1937 15) vasudevahiNDi (prathama khaNDa) : saMghadAsagaNI, saM. muni puNyavijaya, jaina AtmAnaMda sabhA, bhAvanagara, 1930 16) vizeSAvazyakabhASya (2) : jinabhadragaNI, saM. dalasukha mAlavaNiyA, ela.DI.bhAratIya saMskRti vidyAmaMdira, ahamadAbAda, 1968 **********
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________________ Models of Conflict - resolution and Peace in Jaina Tradition (A Research Paper presented in the National Seminar jointly organised by Centre for Studies in Buddhism and Dept. of Buddhist Studies, Uni. Pune, February 2009) Introduction In spite of using the word 'Jainaism', the title of the paper contends the word 'Jaina Tradition' which is very significant. If we try to search the models of Conflict-resolution and Peace in Jaina environment, we see that these models are pervaded in the Jaina way of conduct, in Jaina society, in their pattern of observing religious practices, festivals and celebrations, in their history, in their Socio-political reactions, in Jaina Art and Sculpture and in Jaina Literature. All these aspects put together suggest that Jainaism is not a mere philosophical system but a full-fledged tradition flourished in India, long back before the advent of Buddhism. Three Inherited Models in Representing Jainism In the first model, Jainaism is re-presented as a negligible sister-system of Buddhism, as an essentially marginal unimportant heterodox group. This model is best seen in the countless references to the Jainas in the compound, "Buddhists and Jainas" and so on. The assumption is that by understanding something of the Buddhists, one know all one needs to know about their *darker reflection' - the phrase used by Louis Renou." In the second model, Jainaism is represented as a minority ascetic tradition, it is incapable of influencing political institutions or developing a mass popular following. The Jaina tradition is characterized as boringly ascetic, austere, unimaginative and so forth. In the third model, 'pure' Jainaism is defined as conservative and unchanging and all innovations are portrayed as degenerations. Original Jainaism is the essence and historical Jainaism consists in falling away from that essence. In this model, all innovation is ascribed to Hinduism, which is a dynamic and changing tradition. According to this model, influence moves in only one direction, from active Hinduism to passive Jainas. Thorough study of 'Pure Jainaism' and 'Historical Jainaism' reveals a different picture. Jainaism is one of the most ancient of India's indigenous traditions and the oldest of the surviving non-Vedic schools. It is quite evident that though Jainas are in minority from the ancient period till today, still they have not lost their identity. They stick to their fundamental tenets, doctrines and ethics but they are not 'fundamentalists in the modern sense of this word. In this paper, an attempt is made to enumerate the models of conflict-resolution and peace which have helped the Jainas in surviving without loosing their identity.
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________________ The Comprehensive Model of Anekantavada When we start thinking in the direction of model creation in Jaina Tradition, we easily come to know that Jainas never exerted or strive for creating these models externally or superficially because the theory of non-absolutism is the very base, essence or crux in Jaina thought. The chief, guiding model is already present which is gradually developed in the course of time. Whatever remains is the method of application of this comprehensive model in the various fields of human endeavor. The various models which we are going to discuss have sprung from the very core or crux of Jainaism. Anekantavada, the Jaina theory of multiple facets of reality and truth is so fundamental and central to Jaina Metaphysics, Epistemology and Logic that the entire Jaina system is known as Anekanta-darsana. Though we find the particular name 'Anekantavada' from 6th or 7th century A.D. and onwards, we can trace back the starting points from Bhagavati Sutra?, a canonical text in Ardhamagadhi. The gradual progress of Nayavada, Syadvada and Anekantavada is seen chronologically with the help of the treatises written by Kundakunda, Umasvati, Mallavadi, Siddhasena Divakara, Samantabhadra, Akalanka, Haribhadra, Hemacandra, Vadideva and so on up to Yasovijaya, of 19th century. The Ontological, Epistemological, Logical, Ethical and Spiritual implications of Anekantavada are elaborately explored by many eminent scholars of Jainaism. Jaina thinkers assert that reality is many-sided; it has manifold aspects and infinite characters. It is both existent and non-existent, permanent and transient, one and many etc. The conflict among the contradictory characters is resolved by creating the model of fourfold Nyasa or Niksepa. A thing is existent from the standpoint of its own substance (dravya), place (ksetra), time (kala) and quality, state or form (bhava). The thing is non-existing from the fourfold standpoints of another thing. Thus we can conclude that the non-violent, peace-loving attitude in Jaina Tradition containing reconciliation, adjustment and adoption is the natural outcome of the doctrine of nonabsolution. When we go through the long history of Jaina Tradition, with its religio-social ups and downs, we come to know that earnest attempts are made to reconcile by changing the outer expressions (viz. modes) and protecting the soul of non-violence and peace intact in spite of the charges of cowardice and surrender. The canonical literature of Jainas is almost free from the sarcastic, satirical and hostile remarks against their opponents. On the other hand Lord Buddha uses these weapons freely towards Niggantha Nataputta. In one of the Jataka tale Buddha depicts himself as a peacock and Mahavira as a crow." Now, we will discuss the further sub-models which are in congruence with the chief model of non-absolutism. A: The Model of Suitable Languages The capacity of Jainas to adopt various languages is unparallel. This multi lingual attitude is handed down to them by Lord Mahavira and further prominent Jaina Acaryas. Mahavira delivered his preaching in Ardhamagadhi. Further Jaina Acaryas used Sauraseni and Maharastri. 32
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________________ Nearly ten centuries after Mahavira, Jaina Acaryas stuck to the regional languages viz. Prakrits. From the fifth century A.D. and onwards we see that Jaina authors were interacting with others as intellectuals in terms of pan-Indian scholarly genre of Sastra. Jainas transformed their tradition into a school of learning by presenting their writings in the pan-Indian scholarly language of Sanskrit. But Jaina authors re-defined Sanskrit treating it, not as a sacred institution but a natural phenomenon. Jainas, such as Hemacandra wrote their own Sanskrit grammars to replace Brahmanical system canonized by Panini and Patanjali. Side by side, the Jaina authors continued their writings in Maharastri and various Apabhramsas, up till 15th and 16th Century A.D. Even today, the Sadhus and Sadhvis can address people in three or four languages very comfortably. This inherited model of acquiring suitable languages is proved to be beneficial even to the laity, which mostly owe to merchant class. B: The Model of Choosing Less Harmful Though Jainaism gives utmost importance to non-violence, Jaina thinkers are aware of the fact that for a normal person, it is impossible to avoid violence completely in his daily routine activities. The whole animate world is divided into five groups according to the possession of sense organs. When Jainas choose vegetarian diet and avoid meat, the model of accepting less harmful is exercised. Vegetable-bodied and water-bodied beings possess only one sense-organ. All other animates like shells, worms, insect, fish, serpents and four-legged animals possess two to five sense-organs. Among vegetables also the roots like potato, sweet potato etc. having Sadharana Sarira are avoided. It is advised that as far as possible the fruits containing many seeds like custard apple should be avoided. Vigilance in selecting the food inculcates them to accept food that causes the least possible violence. While choosing clothes, cotton-clothes are preferable than silk. Leather-articles are avoided. A guideline is provided to a businessman by giving a list of fifteen prohibited businesses (Karmadanas) so that one can choose a business which incurs less harm. In Jaina mythologies, it is depicted that when Bharata and Bahubali, the sons of first Tirthankara, enter into a war, they decided to engage a duel (dvandva-yuddha) in order to avoid a huge warfare causing death of thousands of warriors. For kings, Virodhi Himsa is somehow permitted but Samkalpi Himsa is highly condemned. Lord Mahavira preached the kings who were his lay disciples that they should avoid aggressive wars and showing off their military strength. While defending oneself, one's neighbor, one's country and one's belongings, violence is inevitable. These sinful acts create Karmic bondage and one has to observe penance for lessening the bad effects. The proclamation of Lord Krsna in Gita, i.e. 3 rar d o :' has no scope in Jaina ideology of Himsa and Ahimsa. In the freedom movement of India against British rule, the Jaina freedom fighters naturally preferred the non-violent way of Gandhiji than the way of Krantikarins. In fact, it is evident from Gandhiji's biography that he was actually influenced by the Jaina way of life.
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________________ C : The Model of Peaceful Interaction with Rulers When we examine the Jaina History from this point of view, we come to know that in the Ancient, Medieval and Modern period, Jainas are successful in keeping peaceful and creative interaction with the Rulers. There are few kings who themselves belong to Jaina faith. It is mentioned in the Prakrit inscriptions of Hathigumpha (Kalinga, Mod. Orissa) that this Jaina king Kharavela (200 B.C.) belongs to Cedi dynasty. Though Vanaraja Cavada who was a Saiva king of Gujrath in the eighth century, it is evident that he was a Jainized King. He was assisted by important Jaina laymen in ruling the kingdom. He was a devotee of a Jaina mendicant and received spiritual guidance to rule his kingdom. Kumarapala (12th Cen. A.D.) was one king in the Calukya dynasty who personally became a Jaina. Hemacandra, the most renowned Jaina Acarya was his Guru. Animal slaughter, meat, liquor, hunting and dice were strictly prohibited in his kingdom. The dynasties like Kadamba, Ganga, Rastrakuta, Calukya and Hoyasala were quite co-operative towards the Jaina monks and laymen. It is of course the outcome of keeping good relations with the rulers. On the advent of Mughal kings, mendicants of both the Tapa and Kharatara Gaccha attempted successfully to established peaceful relations with them. Muni Jinaprabhasuri was a contemporary of Mahammad Taghlak (14" Cen.). He influenced the Mughal Emperor with his occult yogic powers. Due to this relationship, Jinaprabha became successful in keeping the Jaina Samgha and Jaina temples intact. With the royal support, Jinaprabha produced remarkable literary works. In the 16th Century, Acarya Hiravijayasuri was honored in the court of Emperor Akbar. As a result it is said that the Emperor enforced non-harm in his kingdom on certain holy days and had taken a vow to forego hunting. Jaina narratives portray Jahangir in a similar fashion. The early twentieth century Tapagaccha Acarya Buddhisagarasuri had influenced Sayajirao Gaikwad of Baroda. The interaction between the Jainas and Europeans is very complex and even less studied than between the Jainas and Muslims.12 This has been an interaction at the socio-economic level, as Jainas were among the Indian merchants with whom Europeans had their earliest dealings. The British were the colonial overlords, the relationship in which the social position of Jainas as bankers, traders, merchants etc. brought them into close association with the economic side of the British Raj. A later wave of Jaina migration begins in the second half of the 19th century. With economic opportunities becoming available in British colonial territories, many Jaina families moved abroad, mainly in Africa. In the 20' century Jainas migrated to the 'West'. Jainas are seeking to widen their activities through the creation of 'Inter-faith-links' such as Jaina-Christian Association, the Jaina-Jewish Association and the Leicestershire Ahimsa Society for the care of Nature. In U.S.A. and Canada, Jainas have established many Jaina Societies and Jaina Centers. Some include temples, religio-social activities involving lectures and discussions for the spread of vegetarianism, non-violence and peace."
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________________ This brief account of Jaina history suggests that Jainas are very adaptive in the changing circumstances 'The Model of peaceful interactions with non-Jainas' is observed for the last two millenniums by Jainas but one cannot overlook the fact that the divide between Svetambaras and Digambaras and the number of lawsuits and public quarrels in recent years, shows that this is a powerful generator of a sense of otherness between Jaina Communities. During last two hundred years, there are many further divisions created, sometimes sharp and sometimes soft. D: The Model of Categorization When the Jaina thinkers select any aspect or important point for further elaboration, they divide it into various kinds, varieties and sub-varieties until they reach the logical end of the thought. They adjust and accommodate the non-Jaina views, objects or personalities among these categories. For instance, (i) Jainas present the ladder of spiritual progress with the help of 14 Gunasthanas. They place persons having wrong world view (Mithyatvins) on the first step of the ladder and name it as Mithyatva-gunasthana. (ii) While explaining Siddhahood, Uttaradhyayana mentions, isf --- Raffs --- PRISHTAGI'. 14 The gender and sectarian bias is thus overcome by this categorization. (iii) In the early centuries of Christian era, Jainas develop a format or model of 54 Mahapurusas or 63 Salakapurusas. They categorized the influential or illustrious personalities into Tirthankaras, Vasudevas, Baladevas, Cakravartins etc. The famous Hindu Puranic personalities like Rama, Laksmana, Krsna, Balarama, Jarasamdha, Bharata Cakravarti etc. got their 'space in Jaina environment. This all-inclusive tendency must have created a harmony with the Hindu brethren. E : The Model to Remove Social Injustice This model emerges rightly from the philosophical concept of 'Jiva' in Jainaism. Jivas or individual souls are infinite , each separate from the other. The transmigratory souls go through the cycle of births and deaths according to their own Karmans. The Jainas do not believe in any creator God, so the classes and castes are created by human beings and not by God. Basically all Jivas possess same status and are equally eligible for one's spiritual progress. On this philosophical ground Jainas tried to remove the class-barriers and caste-conflicts. The views on Asramas and Jatis are reflected in many texts like Uttaradhyayana." In Jaina tradition, Svetambaras have conferred the same religious and spiritual status to woman folk. In Jaina Samgha, right from Rsabhanatha, Sadhus, Sadhvis, Sravakas and Sravikas are enjoying equal rights. 18 Jainas give equal status to women but in practice, even today, Sadhvis enjoy inferior status than Sadhus. A reform is taking place, but the pace of the reform is very slow. One more observation is very noteworthy under this model that the literacy rate in Jaina women is comparatively very high.
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________________ F: The Model of Gupti (Guarding or Protective actions) In Jaina History, there is a very little scope for rebels, reforms, attacks or eccentric actions. The attitude of guarding and protective actions is directly connected to the ethical tenets of Asrava and Samvara. 19 Gupti and Samiti means guarding and careful movements. Due to this mild attitude, Buddhism has oppressed Jainaism for some time quite strongly to such an extent that it had to beat the retreat before Buddhism in many areas. Around tenth century the might of Buddhism in India declined completely. It could not resist the Jaina faith in the west and in the south. The activities of Kumarila and Sankara, the revival of Vaisnavite and Saivaite sects proved to be the dangerous opponents and they did severe damage to Jainaism particularly in the Deccan and South. The Saivite sect of Lingayatas procceded against Jainas extremely fanatically. It is said that the Hoysala King Bittideva ordered that Jainas, compatriots in his early religion be thrown in an oil-mill and crushed, if they did not want to get converted. 20 The Jaina responses to all these kind of oppressions was surprisingly humble and retreating. The growing might of Hinduism was not revealed to Jainaism only in its loosing followers. In spite of adopting some revengeful and fanatic steps against Bhakti cults, as far as possible Jainas adopt their language, deities and Puja rituals. This attitude of adoption is clearly reflected in Jaina Art and Sculpture. Jainas have enriched the country's art-treasure with numerous and diverse specimens of art and architecture. In the representation of the many lesser deities of the Jaina pantheon, such as Indra and Indrani, Yaksa and Yaksi as attendants of the Tirthankaras, the goddess Sarasvati, the Ksetrapalas in the depiction of scenes from the life-stories of the Tirthankaras, it seems that the artist was not restrained by any rigidly prescribed formulae and had greater freedom. He could also give play to his genius in carving and painting natural objects and secular scenes from contemporary life. In their temple-architecture, the Jainas while adopting the styles prevalent in the places and times where and when they built their temples also introduced certain characteristic features in keeping with their own culture and ideology. Thus the model of Golden Middle is found in Jaina expression of Art and Sculpture. Conclusion The Jainas possess a distinct religion, a separate philosophy, a different ethical code, a set of particular beliefs, practices, customs and manners and a vast literature of their own. The Jainas form a small minority at present and also in the past. Due to this fact, Jainas struggled a lot for identity crisis. Fortunately their sound monitory position and inclination towards charity and donation helped them a lot. They have adopted and still adopting various models of conflictresolution and peace. As we have seen above, the chief model of non-absolutism was already available for them as a central doctrine. The above mentioned six models are just some examples of the application of the theory of non-absolutism and Ahimsa. There is a vast scope for formulating more models on the same line. Due to various reasons the attention is not attracted towards the Jaina theories in spite of its tremendous capacity to give solutions on many problems in future. 36
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________________ Aidan Rankin quotes Albert Einstein in his book titled "The Jaina Path: Ancient Wisdom for an Age of Anxiety'. The father of the theory of relativity says, "I do not know if there is rebirth or not or life after death. But if it is true, then I would like to be born in India as a Jaina-21 It is very noteworthy that a scientist like Einstein has reflected a lot on the Jaina theory of multiples facets of Reality and Truth. List of References 1. Open Boundaries, J.E.Cort, Introduction, p.3 2. Bhagavati Sutra.7.58-60, 93,94; 9-231 3. Dravya, Ksetra, Kala, Bhava, Jnatadharmakatha 1.5.36 ; Sthananga 5.170-174 4. Jataka-katha, Durga Bhagavata Vol. 3 p. 105 5. Samavayanga 34 6. The first Jaina Sutragrantha is Umasvati's Tattvarthasutra (4th 5th Cen. A.D.) 7. Tattvartha. 2.23-24 8. Varieties of vegetables - Sadharana and Pratyeka , Jivabhigama 1.68,69,72,73 ; ___Pannavana 23.38, 121 9. Bharata- Bahubali Dvandvayuddha , Adipurana , Vol. 2, p. 200-220 10. Upasakadasa , p.488-491; Kalakacaryakathanaka, Norman Brown , p.34,35 11. Introduction of Vividhatirthakalpa 12. Open Boundaries, J.E.Cort, Introduction, p.7 13. Jainism , Natubhai Shah , p. 82 14. Uttaradhyayana.36.50 15. The division of Salakapurusas in Tirthankara etc., Kummaputtacariya, Verse 49 16. Jivas are infinite and separate , Alue mUlae ---jAva aNaMtajIvA vivihasattA, Bhagavati. 7.66 17. Criticism on Class and Caste, Uttaradhyayana, chapters : 9; 14; 15 18. Fourfold Samgha of Rsabhadeva, Adipurana, Vol. 1, p. 591-592 19. Tattvartha.9.1-2 20. Jainism, Glassenapp, p.65 21. Aidan Rankin, The Jain Path, p.1 List of Reference-Books 1) AdipurANa, bhAga 1, A. jinasena, saM. pannAlAla jaina, bhAratIya jJAnapITha, 1993 2) AdipurANa, bhAga 2, A. jinasena, saM. pannAlAla jaina, bhAratIya jJAnapITha, 1993 3) bhagavatIsUtra, aMgasuttANi - 2 , A. tulasI, jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), vi.saM. 2031 4) darzana aura ciMtana, paM. sukhalAlajI saMghavI, ahamadAbAda, 1957 5) The Jain Path, Aiden Rankin, New age Books, Delhi, 2007 6) Jainism, Helmuth Von Glasenapp, Gen.Ed. , Satya Ranjan Banerjee, Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, 1999 7) Jainism (The World of Conquerors), Vol. I and II, Natubhai Shah, Ed.S.R.B., Delhi, 2004 8) Jainism (A Pictorial Guide to the Religion of Non-Violence), Kurt Titze, Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, 2001 9) Jain Theory of Multiple Facets of Reality and Truth, Ed. Nagin J. Shah, BLII, Delhi, 2000 10) jIvAbhigama, uvaMgasuttANi 4, khaMDa 1, A. tulasI, jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), vi.saM. 2044 11) kummAputtacariaM, jiNamANikyaviracita, saM. pI.ela.vaidya, puNe, 1930 12) nAyAdhammakahA, aMgasuttANi 3, A. tulasI, jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), vi.saM. 2031 13) Open Boundaries, Ed. John E. Cort, Indian Books Centre, Delhi, India, 1999 14) pannavaNA, uvaMgasuttANi 4, khaMDa 2 , A. tulasI , jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), vi.saM. 2045 15) siddhArthajAtaka , khaMDa 3 , lekhikA - durgA bhAgavata , puNe 1977 16) sthAnAMga , aMgasuttANi - 1, A. tulasI, jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), vi.saM. 2031 17) THE STORY OF KALAKA, W. NORMAN BROWN, WASHINGTON, 1933 18) uttarAdhyayana, sukhabodhA TIkA , nemicandra , valAda , 1937 19) upAsakadazAMgasUtra , ghAsIlAlajI ma., zvetAMbara sthAnakavAsI jaina saMgha. karAcI. 1936 20) vidhimArgaprapA ; vividhatIrthakalpa, jinaprabhasUri , siMghI jaina jJAnapITha, saM. jinavijaya, 1935 ********** 37
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________________ Language & Identity (With Special Reference to Jainaism) (A Research Paper presented in the International Conference Jointly Organized by the Austrian Institute and Dept. of Sanskrit and Prakrit, University of Pune on 17th Sept. 2009) Introduction When the main theme of this conference came to my knowledge, immediately a comprehensive history of Jaina literature flashed before my inner eye. Thus the main theme of this paper is - 'How far Jaina Religion is successful in keeping its identity without any language-taboo as such ?' Hindu, Jaina and Bauddha traditions, originated and flourished in India, possess four commom characteristics. All of them have their own history, different literature, separate framework of philosophical doctrines, unique ways and rules of religious conduct and marked artexpressions suggestive of their separate identity. Hindu literature is consistant in keeping its identity with Sanskrit, whether Vedic, Archaic, Epic and Classical. Buddhist writers express themselves initially in Pali, designated as the western variety of Magadhi. The canonical and commentarial literature of Buddhism is found in Pali. But at the advent of Mahayana sect, Buddhist started writing in Sanskrit around 2nd 3rd century A.D. Afterwards they never go back to Pali. They developed high skills in Sanskrit and produced religious Sastric literature in pan-Indian language i.e. Sanskrit. (i) Language Variety of Jainas The variety of languages used by Jainas is stunning. No other religion of Indian origin had carried out its literary activities in various Prakrit dialects than Jainas. Jainas expressed themselves chronologically in Ardhamagadhi, Jaina Sauraseni, Jaina Maharastri, Sanskrit, Apabhramsa and in all the modern Indian regional languages from 10th century A.D. onwards up till now. (ii) Variations in Each Language (a) Ardhamagadhi : Strictly speaking Ardhamagadhi is the language of the sacred books of Jainas, the so-called Ardhamagadhi canon. The 45 books consist different forms and varied contents. These canons acquired written form after 1000 years from Lord Mahavira's nirvana. The oldest form of Ardhamagadhi is seen intact in the texts in Acaranga (I), Rsibhasita etc. The second stage of Ardhamagadhi is seen preserved in old Upangas and Dasavaikalika etc. Antagada, Vipaka, Nayadhammakaha, Nandi and Anuyogadvara represent third stage. The true serial order of 45 canons is challenging job for a scholar of linguistics. 38
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________________ (b) Jaina Sauraseni: The name Jaina Sauraseni is given to the Prakrit dialect which is seen in the works of the Digambara writers, most of whom came from the south. Digambaras produced JS. literature in two phases. In the first phase the treatises from 2nd century A.D. up to 8th century A.D. are covered. The second phase is seen in the 11th and 12th century. The language found in all these books is fairly uniform but differs considerably from the Jaina Maharastri of the writers of the north. The oldest JS works are found in prose form, but the JS works of Kundakunda and onwards are written in poetry form. The debate about the antiquity of Sauraseni and Ardhamagadhi is going on among the scholars of Jainaism nearly over a century. The literature found in JS. is mostly philosophical, ethical and spiritual. It is a fact that Jainas never used Sauraseni in its classical literary form. (e) Jaina Maharastri : From among the MIA dialects, the Svetambaras have used Jaina Maharastri to compose their post-canonical literature. According to Dr. A.M.Ghatage, "Slowly AMg. has come under the influence of Maharastri so as to develop into what is called Jaina Maharastri." In no other Prakrit language than JM., such a huge literature is produced in India for such a long period from 4th century A.D. up to 18th century A.D. Maharastri was understandable in the bigger middle region of India during this period. The earlier Sve. Jaina Acaryas like Bhadrabahu (II), Kalakacarya, Padalipta etc. were closely associated with Maharastra and specially Pratisthana. Nearly from 3rd century B.C. up to 2nd century A.D. Andhrabhrtya Satavahanas ruled over Maharastra who were pro-Prakrit and liberal in religions matter. Three stages of JM. are evidently seen as follows: * 1st stage: (3rd to 6th century A.D.) Archaic form of JM. is seen in various Niryuktis, Bhasyas, Curnis and Narrative works like Paumacariya and Vasudevahindi. 2nd stage: (7th to 10th century A.D.) In its classical form, JM, is seen in works of Haribhadra, Uddyotana, Silanka and Dhanapala. It shows influence of Sanskrit but still maintaining tendencies of colloquial languages in variety of forms and the use of Desi words. 3rd stage: (11th to 18th century A.D.) The late form of JM. is best seen in the stories of Sukhabodha and anthology called Vajjalagga. Here we see a strong influence of Apabhramsa dialects in phonology and grammar. Apabhramsa influence originates from the spoken languages of the authors. In Jaina Maharastri literature the works on logic and the works on scientific and technical subjects are comparatively much less than in Sanskrit, but the role played by JM. in producing rich cultural, social and religious data is really very useful in understanding Indian culture in better manner. It throws light on the life of masses in India during this long period. 39
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________________ (d) Sanskrit: The rise of Skt. on the horizon of Jaina literature is very late i.e. around 4 or 5" century A.D. 'History of Jaina Sanskrit Literature is a wholesome branch of literature in itself. If we will count the number the works carefully, we will come to know that the number of Sanskrit works are equal to the sum total of AMg., JS., JM. and Apabhramsa works. All important subjects and all literary forms are handled in Sanskrit by the Jaina writers. In the beginning of Jaina Sanskrit era, Digambaras were more active. From the 8th century onwards both Svetambaras and Digambaras contributed a lot to the Sanskrit litera-ture. During 12th century up to 15th century, Jaina Sanskritist wrote enthusiastically on various subjects. In the history-books of Jaina literature it is noted with a lament that a huge bulk of Jaina Sanskrit works is resting in unpublished form. Nearly 1000 years after Lord Mahavira, all the religious and philosophical expressions were carried out with the help of Prakrit dialects in Jaina environment. Around 5th century A.D. Umasvati realised the necessity to transform Jaina philosophy into a school of learning. He found that Jainas could not ignore the pan-Indian intellectual language viz. Sanskrit. Thus Jainas entered the field of Sanskrit through the monumental philosophical work Tattvarthasutra. In the history of Indian logic (Nyaya) Buddhist were the first, Brahmins were next to them and Jainas were the last. In the 5" 6" century, Siddhasena Divakara wrote Sanmati Tarka (JM.) and Nyayavatara (Skt.). Jaina logicians realised that no other language than Skt. can be used effectively in the field of logic. Five stages in the Jaina logic are seen. They are as follows - 1] Canonical Age (Agama-yuga) (up to 5th century), 2] Anekanta-yuga represented by Samantabhadra (5th century), 3] Pramana-yuga represented by Akalanka (8th century), 4] Tika-yuga represented by Prabhacandra (11" century), 5] Navya-nyaya-yuga represented by Upadhyaya Yasovijaya (18th century) Among the hundreds of Jaina Sanskrit works on logic, around ten or twelve works are original and noteworthy. Others are commentaries and commentaries written on commentaries. Jainas' Contribution to Indian Sanskrit Literature In the field of grammar, Canda is the first grammarian of Prakrit languages. Hemacandra's grammar is studied by Skt. grammarians. Jainaedra, sakatayana and Katantra grammars are also noteworthy. In the study of Indian Mathematics, Ganita-sara-samgraha of Mahaviracarya is unavoidable. He had handled mathematics as an independent science and not as device for calculating measurements in astronomy and geography. There are references of numerous treatises on Ayurveda composed by ancient Jaina authors, which are extinct. It shows the unforgivable negligence towards the mundane sciences. Ugraditya's Kalyanakaraka of 12th century, is a reputed work on Ayurveda. 40
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________________ Though 12th century is the peak-point of Jaina literature, Sanskrit works pertaining to 10th century, attained an esteemed position in Indian literature. Allegoric narrative of Siddharsigani viz. Upamitibhavaprapancakatha, Dhanapala's famous Tilakamanjari and Somadeva's often quoted Yasastilakacampu are the three Sanskrit works of Jaina authors produced in the 10th century, Amitagati's Subhasitaratnasamdoha (11" century) is strikingly different among the ample Sanskrit anthologies. Yasovijaya's mastery over traditional and Navya Nyaya is unforgettable in the field of logic. These are some of the masterpieces in Jaina Sanskrit literature. (e) Apabhramsa: Apabhramsa is a group of dialects developed from old MIA languages in various regions during around 8th century A.D. Therefore uniformity is not found in various Apabhramsa dialects. Apa. works written by Jaina authors are ample. In comparison, the Apa. works written by non-Jaina writers are scanty. The most striking feature of Apa. literature is that the whole of it is written in verse and there hardly exists any prose in it, except a passage in the book called Kuvalayamala, written by Uddyotanasuri. When we observe century-wise position of Apa. we know that Svayambhu's epic and mythology are the first works of Apa. written in the 8th century. During 9th up to 11th centuries, the number of Apa. works are increasing. Hemacandra wrote Apa. grammar as a part of his Prakrit grammar. Apa. gathas of Hemacandra show traces of different dialects. The initial Apa. works are mostly biographical in nature and are written by Digambara authors. Svetambaras started their Apa. writings from 11" century onwards. They are biographical, didactic and religious in nature. 15th century is the peak-point of Apa. literature. In the later centuries, Apa. works show decline serially and works composed in modern Indian languages are increasing. The language used by the Digambara writers appears to be fairly uniform and constitute the bulk of Apa. literature. Modern Indian Literature (i) The Adikavis of Kannad language, i.e. Pampa, Ponna and Ranna (10th 11th centuries) are prominent Jaina Acaryas. (ii) The history of modern Tamil literature starts with the literary pieces of Jaina authors. (iii) Jaina writers have contributed a lot to old Rajasthani, Gujrati and Hindi literature. (iv) The first Marathi words are found in Kuvalayamala of Uddyotana. (9th century) (v) The first Marathi epigraph is found at the foot of the huge idol of Bahubali at Sravanabelagola (11th century).
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________________ (vi) From 15th century onwards, Digambara Jainas of Maharastra are seen engaged in writing various Tirthankara Caritas and so on. Religious discourses in various contemparary Prakrits Preaching in Ardhamagadhi is not an invention or revolt of Lord Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara. According to Jaina tradition, all the Tirthankaras before Lord Mahavira, also preached in Ardhamagadhi, it means, all the Tirthankaras might have preached in their own regional languages. For Jainas, Prakrits were very natural & intrinsic. They were not artificially employed for keeping the identity. The Jaina authors were mostly wandering ascetics and resting at a place during rainy season, delivering religious preaching. Naturally they developed an art of explaining a particular point by giving suitable examples, illustrations and stories in the current contemporary languages viz. Prakrits. Even today their are numerous Jaina Sadhus and Sadhvis, having ability to deliver lectures in three or four regional languages very fluently. Practical Jainaism In daily religious practices, Jainas recite Bhaktamara and Kalyanamandira stotras which are in Sanskrit. Digambaras read out Tattvarthasutra during the period of Paryusana. The Sadavasyaka contains Samayika, Vandana, Stuti, Pratikramana, Kayotsarga and Pratyakhyana. The whole text is in Ardhamagadhi. The practice of saying 'Micchami Dukkadam' is carried out very religiously. The Namokkara-mantra and stotras like 'Uvasaggaharam pasam' and 'Pucchisu nam etc. are in Prakrit and they are very popular. Jainas recite various religious texts very easily without considering whether they are in Prakrit or in Sanskrit. The capacity of Jainas to adopt various languages is unparallel. This multilingual attitude is handed down to them by Lord Mahavira and further prominent Jaina Acaryas. This inherited model of acquiring suitable languages is proved to be beneficial even to the laity, which mostly owes merchant class. Conclusion It is wellknown that Jainas are very rigid, staunch and uncompromising in religious matter and conduct. But for keeping their identity intact through the ages, Jaina writers and preachers display a very flexible and practical attitude towards languages. Can rigidity and flexibility go hand in hand ? We can solve this puzzle with the help of the eminent Jaina theory of 'Dravya-guna paryaya'. According to Jaina fundamentals, the six Dravyas (physical categories) and seven Tattvas (ethical categories) are Reals (HC). The language in which they are expressed and explained are only paryayas means modes, modifications or variations. Though the paryayas change, the 'sat' remains unchanged. Thus without creating and maintaining any language-taboo, Jainas molded themselves in various languages from time to time. 42
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________________ The intrinsic model of Anekantavada (i.e. theory of non-absolutism) and fourfold Niksepas (i.e. Dravya-Ksetra-Kala-Bhava) can also be easily applied to the literary activity of Jainas. Jaina authors are always careful in manifesting their thoughts in contemporary languages. They chose suitable language according to the subject, time, place and form of literature.
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________________ Some Problems in Editing Single Manuscript (With Special Reference to Bappabhattikaha) (A Paper presented in the Seminar on Manuscriptology arranged under the joint auspices of the Institute of Jainaology (Ahmedabad) & BORI on 1st to 3rd Aug 2010) Introduction One can enter the palace of Jainaological Studies through four gateways viz. (1) History of Jaina Tradition; (II) Jaina Philosophy and Religious Conduct; (III) Jaina Literature and (IV) Jaina Art. One cannot embrace the vast horizon of Jaina Studies in one's lifetime. We have to choose our specialized field. As a student of literature from my college days, I preferred to study Jaina Literature in my further studies. The contribution of Jainas to the whole Indian Literature is really remarkable. The variety of languages seen in Jaina Literature from Lord Mahavira (6th Cen.B.C.) up to now, is stunning. Jainas used Ardhamagadhi, Jaina Sauraseni, Jaina Maharastri, Sanskrit and Apabhramsa to convey Jaina thoughts in ancient and medieval times. Contribution of Jainas to old Gujarati, old Marathi and old Kannada is also noteworthy. While working in a prestigious Prakrit-English Comprehensive Dictionary Project at BORI, Pune, I got the golden opportunity to handle hundreds of Prakrit texts for preparing the dictionary articles. For the practical reasons, Dr. A.M.Ghatage (a world-known Prakritist and Linguist) limited the scope of the dictionary to published printed books. But he always inspired the editorial assistants of the dictionary to go through the unedited Jaina manuscripts which were available in the rich manuscript-collection of BORI. It will not be inappropriate to provide important information about Bhandarkar Manuscript Collection to this learned audience. Manuscript-Collection of BORI For understanding the history and the cultural heritage of a country, the literary treasure enshrined in Manuscripts, forms as precious a means as stone-monuments or other antiquities. Through different stages of civilization, the material used for writing in India was quite varied, being mainly palm-leaf (tala-patra), birch-bark (bhurja-patra), stone, metal (like tamrapata) and lastly, by the 10" century A.D. and onwards, paper. The Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, was founded on 6th July 1917, to commemorate the name and work of Ramakrishana Gopal Bhandarkar. The then British Government, out of confidence in the young band of the founders of the Institute, entrusted in 1918, its rare Collection of Manuscripts (earlier housed in the then Deccan College) to the custody of the Institute for better care and preservation. 44
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________________ The Bombay Government's entire collection of nearly 20,000 Manuscripts, which was transferred to the Institute, was earlier acquired through strenuous tours and wanderings by great Indologists and Professors like George Buhler, R.G.Bhandarkar, P.Peterson, F.Kielhorn, V.S.Ghate and A.V.Kathavate. About 10,000 new Manuscripts have been added to this original stock later through fresh acquisitions by the Institute's workers, and this activity continues to date enriching the total collection. The Institute feels proud of possessing some old and unique mss. on paper, palm-leaf and birch-bark. There are 20 volumes of descriptive catalogue in BORI. Volume 17,18 and 19 contains mss. concerned to Jaina Literature and Philosophy. These catalogues are edited by the eminent Jaina scholar H.R.Kapdiya. Some unique manuscripts from the collection are noted down by (Late)Prof. Laddu and Gokhaley in the Annals of BORI (1996). Among them the following Jaina mss. are noteworthy. 1] Oldest ms. in the collection fufaha9481911 : 7/1880-81 (Palm-leaf ms.) - Dated Samvat 962, i.e. 906 A.D. 2] Mss. having fine calligraphy (i) TTIMETGK Ptahl: : 1364/1884-87 - Dated Samvat 1469, i.e. 1413 A.D. - Specimen of excellent Jaina calligraphy (ii) gold chifaschalraal : 711/1892-95, 713/1892-95, 1169/1887-91 - In beautiful and small hand-writing. 3] Other old Palm-leaf mss (i) adtaafa : 10/1881-82 - Dated Samvat 1128, i.e. 1072 A.D. (ii) fa 1919920916412: 57/1880-81 - Dated Samvat 1138, i.e. 1082 A.D. (iii) fasfermarafof : 36/1880-81, 36 a/1880-81 - Dated Samvat 1145 & 1146, i.e. 1089 & 1090 A.D. respectively Many illustrative mss. of this collection are noteworthy, specially of Kalpasutra. Muni Jinavijayaji was one of the founder members of BORI. He played an important role in enriching the manuscript collection of BORI. 45
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________________ The Ms. of Bappabhattikaha In H.D.Velankar's catalogue of manuscripts, viz. Jinaratnakosa (published by BORI), I found a reference of 'Bappabhattikaha', a small Prakrit text which was available in Bhandarkar's manuscript collection. Dr. Ghatage helped me a lot to search other manuscripts in various manuscript-collections through his sources. At the end of his quest, he told me to concentrate on the single manuscript. Twenty five years ago, the word 'manuscriptology' was not so much in vogue as it is now. Foreign and Indian academicians had edited hundreds of Jaina texts in 19 and 20 century; but the methodological science of editing the manuscript is the brainchild of this decade especially is India. With this prelude, I humbly say that I have not attended seminars or formal courses on Manuscriptology. One can do better if one attends, but for editing an old Jaina manuscript, the first and foremost thing is that a person should have the deep knowledge or insight in Prakrit and Sanskrit. Digitization of manuscripts, exhibiting the manuscripts, knowing various scripts, techniques of manuscript-preservation and conservation, technical knowledge about the palm-leaf, birch-leaf, paper, copper plates etc., the history of paper, varieties of papers and stylus - all these things are of course important. Still they possess only peripheral value; it is not the crux of the matter. If one really wants to contribute Jaina studies, it is his solemn duty to edit at least few Jaina texts which are not yet published. When I found the single manuscript of 'Bappabhattikaha' my quest started. The basic information of the text is likewise: Description of the Manuscript The single manuscript of 'Bappabhattikaha' is found in manuscript collection at BORI, Pune. The catalogue no. 165/1872-73. Nine folios are there having the size 25.7 cm X 11.2 cm. Each folio contains 14 lines and each line contains 35 letters. Thin deshi paper is used. Script is Devanagari and letters are quite legible. Each page is decorated with black and red border. Each folio contains the page number at lower left side. Few corrections and notes are written in yellow ink. In itself the manuscript is complete but the name of the author is not written. Even the name of the scribe is not mentioned. The date of the ms. is also not written but considering the paper, style of letters etc. we can say that the date of this manuscript is approximately 15th or 16" century. There are 230 verses. 215 gathas are in Jaina Maharastri. 10 slokas are in Sanskrit. Slokas are in Anustubha, Vasantatilaka and Samajati metre. 5 gathas are found in Apabhramsa Doha metre. I started to edit this text in 1990. It was actually just beginning of my career in Prakrit. I put the text in proper Devanagari script and tried to analyze and translate the text. Now in 2010, when I went through the text and translation I felt that during the inbetween time, my perception and understanding have changed tremendously. I can understand and 46
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________________ appreciate the text in better manner. I think it is necessary for a researcher to review his own writings, particularly edited manuscripts time to time. I wish to highlight this point in this seminar on manuscriptology. Importance of this manuscript Bappabhatti is a historic legendary figure in Jaina tradition. Prabhacandra aptly says, bappabhaTTirbhadrakIrtirvAdikuJjarakesarI / brahmacArI gajavaro rAjapUjita ityapi / / 1 Eminent academicians like (Dr.)S.K.Ayyangar, A.N.Uapadhye, V.Krishnnammacarya, H.R.Kapdiya, S.P.Pandit, N.B.Utagikar, N.G.Suru, H.C.Bhayani and many others have discussed a lot about the date, personality and biography of Bappabhatti. The friendly relationship between Vakpatiraja (author of Gaudavaho) and Bappabhatti is discussed at length by these scholars. The account of defeating the Bauddha Bhiksu Vardhanakunjara in Vadasabha with the help of Vakpatiraja, is quite interesting in the narratives of Bappabhatti. With the help of these scholarly discussions, we can say in short that Bappabhatti lived during the later half of the 8th century and in the first half of the 9th century. He was from Modherakapura (mod. Modhera in Gujrat). This Svetambara Acarya continued the lineage of Jaina monks which was famous as Modheragaccha. Due to Bappabhatti's various qualities as mentioned above, he influenced the king Ama of Kanyakubja and king Yasovarma or Yasodharma of Laksanavati in Gauda region. Both the kings accepted Jaina faith and the spread of Jainaism was quite remarkable in their regions. During 11th and 12" century Bappabhattisuri become a legendary figure. From 13th century onwards Bappabhatti got honourable position in the Jaina Prabandha Literature written in Sanskrit. Here we may mention Prabhacandra, Rajasekhara, Jinaprabha, Pradyumna, Samayasundara, Ravivardhana and so on. In these Prabandhas, the authors added many myths and miraculous incidents created by their imagination while picturising the life-history of Bappabhatti. Many eminent scholars who endeavored in Jaina studies had noted ample literary sources about Bappabhatti, but nobody has mentioned this small biography in manuscript form; not even in their notes. So I felt that it is very important to throw a light on this small manuscript - the shortest biography among the available ones, noting down the important incidents in Bappabhatti's life. Bappabhattisuri, king Ama and king Dharma are the central characters in this narrative. The love-hate-love relationship of Ama with Bappabhatti increases curiosity in the reader. The Svetambara-Digambara controversy is discussed in gathas 210 up to 228. This issue is a separate subject of a research paper. Some Examples of Editing Single Manuscript According to the ideal norms, it is always desired to prepare a critical edition of a text, with the help of three or at least two manuscripts. The critical edition of Mahabharata, prepared by 47
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________________ BORI is so much regarded because it was prepared with the help of 14 manuscripts which were collected from the different parts of our country. But in all cases, it is not possible to get many mss. The oldest Jaina Sauraseni text Satkhandagama was found in Mudabidri, Karnataka, with its extensive commentary 'Dhavala' in 1939. The script was old Kannada and was written on palmleaves. The bare text of Satkhandagama was published in 1965, with the help of palm-leaf ms. Later on, the copies of Sarkhandagama were found in Sagar, Amaravati, Phaltan etc. which were copied down from the one and only palm-leaf ms. Same is the case of Vasudevahindi : Majjhima Khanda (1) edited by Dr. Bhayani & Nagin Shah. It is based on five mss.. But in the introduction it is noted that of the above described mss., Tms. is a palm-leaf ms. It is fairly old and it is comparatively better than all other mss. is the original and the other four mss. were possibly successively copied from T'. The original text is too much corrupt and we do not construe the text with the help of other copies." Thus it was practically edited with single ms. In the introduction of Samkhitta-tarangavai-kaha, Dr. Bhayani has noted down that though he edited the text with three mss., due to corrupt texts, the editor faced a lot of difficulties. With his scholarly endeavor he had suggested better readings but at many places we see the brackets, questions marks and dotted lines in the published text. Thus, while editing a text, there is not a prescribed formula about the number of mss. We can edit the text with a single ms. provided it is legible and having few corruptions. Some Problems and Observations While Editing The task of editing Bappabhattikaha with a single manuscript was comparatively an easy task. The paper ms. is comparatively modern i.e. of 15" of 16" Cen.A.D. The letters are big and legible. Still here, I indicate some orthographical problems and special features of the first folio. i) The ms. starts with a typical sign indicating 3 or 3164 ii) and as are not differentiated. (afgel, ga.1) iii) 7, 77, 7 and I are written in a peculiar style. (ga. 1;6) iv) is written in a curious way. (ga. 5;6;9) v) In place of 311, the scribe writers 3' with a typical sign. (ga. 10) vi) When the scribe wants to rub the letter he makes the ink to fade. (ga. 5; ga 9) vii) The style of writing star is very special. (ga. 4) viii) The conjunct consonants and are many times baffling. (ga. 7) ix) The style of writing 'z' is also peculiar at some places. (ga. 8) x) The forgotten letters are added in the margin. (ga. 6) 48
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________________ For understanding the meaning of the text, one should get acquainted with the peculiar style of a scribe. The above-mentioned examples are given as a sample. 2] The word bappaTTi is written in many ways, viz. bappabhaTTI, bappahaTTI, bappabhatti etc. 3] Two gathas of this ms. are found in Vajjalagga. i) BaBhaKa reads do purise dharau dharA, ahavA dohiM pi dhAriyA dhrnnii| uvayAre jassa maI, uvayariaM jo na pamhusai / / ga. 2 While Vajjalagga reads be purisA dharai dharA, ahavA dohiM pi dhAriyA dharaNI / uvayAre jassa maI, uvayariyaM jo na pamhusai / / ii) BaBhaka. reads uktaM ca - mA hoha suyaggAhI, jaM na hoi kila diTuM / paccakkhe vi ya diTe, juttAjuttaM viyArijjA || ga. 197 Vajjalagga reads mA hosu suyaggAhI, mA pattIya jaM na diTTha paccakkhaM / paccakkhe vi ya diTe, juttAjuttaM viyAreha / / ga.97*7 p.225 (Pat.) The word 347 z' is very indicative. If the poet had actually taken the verse from Vajjalagga, this text is certainly written after 14" century. Thus the cross-references in the ms. help in datefixation. One more gatha is quoted from Gathasaptasati. Of course with the Jaina Maharastri renderings of the famous Maharastri text of third century. It indicates the acquaintance of Jainas with non-Jaina works. Though the gatha is quoted from Gathasaptasati, the poet tells that it is samasyApUrti done by Bappabhatti. 4] In the sixth gatha of the ms., it is mentioned that in the TGA, there is a city called Hic and the person named and constructed a temple of Vira-jina, probably of Lord Mahavira. It will be an interesting search if we can locate the temple at modern moDhera. 5] Gatha 12 mentions the miraculous yogic powers of Bappabhatti. I was unable to grasp the meaning when I read it in 1990. The text reads nahamAsiAIpaI (?) saMjAyA bappabhaTTiNo siddhiM (ga. 12)
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________________ The letter is faded, so by dropping it, the text becomes EH131153. The Sanskrit rendering can be 'nabhamasiAdIni' which means 'AkAzagamana', 'aMjanasiddhi' and also other miraculous lores. 6] In Gatha 11, it is mentioned that run fars falu 34 ke Sur'. This is an example of metathesis with syllable-dropping. It should be 34-tek-Exui - means 'which a thief cannot steal away.' 7] Gatha 32 mentions that once king Ama was in deep love with gall. First I thought that it is a name of a city. But when I consider it as a Desya word, it was clear that this is a reference of a low-caste woman (compare Marathi-sia) 8] Now we proceed with the gathas, which were really like hard nuts to crack. desu piArau appaNo, kAurisaha paDihAi / HEB JE afo 347845, fq3ft facas ag 11 ga. 58 The first half of the first line of this Apabhrisa gatha is quite similar to old Hindi which means 344-12 TRI'. But the second line is just an unsolved puzzle for me. I had discussed a lot to (late)Dr. Ghatage but we could not find the exact meaning. This is the limitation of single-textediting. ii) The Skt. sloka runs: karmArikAnanaM dehe, zukladhyAnAnalena te / SICHT Fly Fez Feat alauga il ga. 202 One can derive the meaning from the first line, but the second one is still a puzzle for me. When we overcome the problems in reading the manuscript and put it into contemporary devanagari version, the next step is of course word by word translation with proper 37-2'. The third step is to examine the text from language point of view and grammar. Evaluating the text as a literary piece is naturally the further step. And at the end we can highlight the historical, social and cultural importance of the text, if the text deserves from this view point. Bappabhattikaha, although a small treatise, is so important that stepwise study of it is quite worth. But considering the limitations of this research paper, it is impossible to take note of all these points. Yet I cannot resist temptation to say that the text of Bappabhattikaha is flooded with Rasas, Bhavas, Alamkaras and that too without leaving the fragrance of original characteristics of Prakrit language. Especially the profuse use of Desya words and Dhatvadesas mentioned in Hem.Grammar attracts one's attention. I would like to present some examples: doute and HFE are Dhatvadesas for 54 ; faca for $14,g for 404, fosfor 471, 4654 for fa+ ; hiTThao for adhastAt (Marvadi-heThe); mukkala-Guj. mokalyu, Mar. mokaLe ; kaDDa from Skt. karSa - Mar. kADhaNe ; 50
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________________ hakkAra-to call loudly, Mar.-hAkAraNe ; Dhilla-Mar.-DhilA, Hindi- DhIlADhAlA-probably short form of zithila / fufco ; , y, , caf, 7954, the are also peculiar desya words. 'bailla-jaNa-saMkule gAme' is a phrase used for describing foolish and dull people of a particular village. The word bappa for tAta, janaka or pitA was quite in vogue. This word is used in the name bappabhaTTi vAkpatirAja is also bappairAa in Prakrit. The poet of Bappabhattikaha is very much expert in conveying his thought by using colloquial language and images. i) aha gihikhAlajalaM kiM ruccai rAyahaMsassa ? Does a royal swan like the water flowing from the gutter of a house ? ii) bahuariNaM na huriNaM hoi When there is heavy burden of debt, at a stage, one feels that he is burdenless. i.e. he declares bankruptcy. Gatha No. 144, 147 and 148 are the best examples of hy The vocabulary of Bappabhattikaha, contributed a lot to the Prakrit-English Comprehensive Dictionary of BORI. This point is enough to underline the importance of this Jaina Maharastri text. Manuscriptology and Scholars of Prakrit and Jainaism in the Last Century In the last century there is a glittering galaxy of Indian scholars in the field of Prakrit and Jainaism. Some of them came from Sramanic tradition, others from Pandit tradition and some of them are purely academicians. They edited literally hundreds of Jaina Prakrit and Sanskrit texts. At that time a methodological science of manuscripts was not developed. In the last two decades young scholars of Indology are attending seminars and conferences dedicated to Manuscriptology. The technical know-how of manuscripts is no doubt important but it is our duty to apply the methodology for editing unpublished mss. and that too with scholarly introduction, variant readings, translations and critical notes like our Purvasuris. A Glimpse of Unedited Mss. Here I am presenting a small list of unedited and unpublished mss. A Jaina scholar having specialization in Jaina literature would like to go through the list and edit few books of his interest in his life-time. It is possible that some scholars might have edited some books mentioned in the following list. It is requested to the editors to send the copy of the book to the library of BORI. [A] Caritas 1) d ata of famouf, Skt., composed before Sam. 1460, Gramthagra 4709, Two mss. available at hemacandrAcArya jaina jJAnamaMdira, pATaNa.
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________________ Hat Hay, 2) 428-14_1 of a scalfa, Skt., Sam. 1654, Gramthagra 2710, Single ms. at Yai pate, qas. 3) riekafa of alhat, for details, see Velankar catalogue. [B] Poetics (for details see Velankar Catalogue) 1) kAvyakalpalatAvRtti of zubhavijaya (4 mss. are noted) 2) 2014 of 340 g (6 or 7 mss. are noted) 3) Commentaries of tifaqeftfor on kiva, huga, fou and that [C] Grammar 1) lay-eft/ 2 /gfGHT-2115 of gigurky, Sam. 1080, palm-leaf ms. at Jesalmir, several others are also noted in Jinaratnakosa. 2) aloitat cu of wife, Sam. 1336, a book written for better understanding of old-1-21h. Six mss. are noted. [D] Dramas Hastimalla's two dramas named ' ' and 80-TG' are mentioned in 'A Catalogus Catalogorum' by T.Aufrecht, Vol.I published in Leipzig. The details of mss. are not noted. [E] Astrology 1) 5-4445/3-hafe of a 347827, Sam. 1323, four mss. are mentioned. 2) Ramada of wateft, Sam.1441, an astrological Prakrit work divided into 25 chapters; four mss. are noted. [F] Music Hifa-HU5H of fa 40-, 15th century A.D. The name of this mss. is included in the list of mss. in the Vadi Pasvanatha Pustaka Bhandar at Zaveri Wada, Patan. [G] Ayurveda MC-4-40-MHIM of 22:hild is a Prakrit text dedicated to try. The poet has used the prose Sanskrit and contemporary Hindi verses in-between. The description of the diseases like soll, MHE, Ehted, afdir, Euft, yug, Taal etc. is found. Various Yantras and Mantras throw light on its ritualistic nature. Pandita Ambalal Shah says, This book is published by S.K.Kotecha at Dhuliya but it contains serious mistakes.'' H.D. Velankar says, 'There are two mss. of the first 34 chapters, one at Kekadi and another at Nasirabad.' Concerned persons may take note of this.
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________________ Sanskrit Verse about Manuscript-preservation In Sanskrit, the words used for a book are 'grantha'or 'pustaka'. The Prakrit word for 'pustaka' is 'potthaya', from which the word 'pothI' is derived. It is very interesting to note that now-a-days we used the word 9781' for a manuscript or even a printed book having the shape of 9721'. When the art of printing was not prevalent, the word 'fritt was used in the sense of a manuscript also. "How a manuscript is to be taken care of by a bibliophile', can be best illustrated by the following poetic verse from a copyist appearing at the end of some Sanskrit manuscript: saMbhUSyaM sadapatyavat , parakarAt rakSyaM ca sukSetravat , saMzodhyaM vraNitAGgavat , pratidinaM vIkSyaM ca sanmitravat / badhyaM vadhyavadazlathaM dRDhaguNaiH , smaryaM harernAmavat , naivaM sIdati pustakaM khalu kadApyetad gurUNAM vacaH / / It is to be decked like one's beloved child ; to be guarded from another's hand like one's virtuous wife ; to be treated like an injured limb of one's body ; to be looked up every day like a good friend ; to be tied up strongly like a prisoner with strong threads; and to be always thought of like the Lord's name ; if one does thus, his manuscript does not come to grief. (Translation: V.Raghavan)7 How beautifully our wise forefathers had given us the norms of manuscript preservation and conservation !! List of References 1) prabhAvakacarita , zloka 766 2) vasudevahiMDI , majjhimakhaMDa (I), p.3 3) saMkhitta-taraMgavaI-kahA , pp. 4;6;8;10;12;14;16;40;58;64 etc 4) gAthAsaptazatI , Sataka 22 pia-saMbharaNa-palota-bAha-dhArA-NivAa-bhIAe / dijjai vaMka-ggIvAe~ dIvao pahia-jAAe / / 5) bappaTTikahA, ga. 151 pia-saMbharaNa-paluTuMta-vAhadhArA-nivAha (? ya)-bhIyAe / dijjayai vaMkagIvAo dIvao pahiyajAyAe / / 6) jaina sAhitya kA bRhad itihAsa, lAkSaNika sAhitya, (bhAga 5), foot note on p. 233 7) Annals of the BORI, 1996 Article: The Government Manuscripts Library, Laddu, Gokhaley. List of Reference Books 1) A Brief Survey of Jaina Prakrit and Sanskrit Literature, Dr. Nalini Joshi, Sanmati-Teerth Prakashan, June 2009. 2) Annals of the BORI, 1996, Ed. Dr.Dandekar, Dr. Laddu, BORI Press, 1997. 3) Bappabhatti and his Taragana, Sambodhi Vo.3, A.N.Upadhye, L.D.I.I, Ammedabad, 1974-75 4) Gathasaptasati, Hala Satavahana, Ed. Radhagovinda Basak, The Asiatic Society, Calcutta 9, 1971 5) jaina sAhitya kA bRhad itihAsa, bhAga 5, paM. aMbAlAla zAha, pArzvanAtha vidyAzrama zodha saMsthAna, vArANasI, 1969 6) japUna ThevA apulA ThevA,, rASTrIya pANDulipI mizana, BORI, puNe, 2005 7) Jinaratnakosa, H.D.Velankar, BORI, Poona, 1944 8) Manuscriptology: An entrance, S.Jagannath, Parimal Publications, Delhi, 2007 53
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________________ 9) prabhAvakacarita, prabhAcandra, siMghI jaina jJAnapITha, saM.jinavijaya, ahamadAbAda, 1940 10) saMkhitta-taraMgavaI-kahA, ec.sI.bhAyANI, lAlabhAI dalapatabhAI vidyAmaMdira, ahamadAbAda, 1979 11) Siddha-Hema-Sabdanusasana, Hemacandra, 8th Adhyaya, Dr.P.L.Vaidya, BORI, Poona, 1958 12) Vajjalagga, M.V.Patwardhan, Prakrit Text Society, Ahmedabad, 1969 13) vasudevahiMDI, majjhimakhaMDa (I), dharmasenagaNI, bhAyANI-zAha, ela.DI.Aya.Aya., ahamadAbAda, 1987
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________________ World of Tiryancas : The Unique Jaina Perspective (With Reference to Modern Discoveries) (A Research Paper presented in the International Conference on Jainaism arranged by the Archaeology & Museums Dept. of Govt. of Karnataka on 8th, 9th, 10th October 2010) Introduction Dr. Padmanabha Jainai's paper viz. "Indian Perspectives on the Spirituality of Animals", is the inspiration of this paper. Dr. Jainai has taken into consideration the Hindu, Jaina and Buddhist views about the spiritual progress in animals mainly on the basis of few mythological stories prevalent in these traditions. When I tried to find the word tiryanca in the scriptorium of Skt., Pali and Prkt. dictionaries, I came to know that the word tiryanca is repeatedly used and discussed in Jaina texts with various aspects, than Hindus and Buddhists. The typical thought-model of "14 gunasthansa" is of course applied to tiryanca but apart from this, Jainas have given a more deep and serious thought to the world of tiryancas. Informative and research-based films on insects, birds and animals are regularly shown on T.V.channels like National Geographic, Discovery, Fox History & Entertainment and specially Animal Planet. When we see these films with the Jaina background of tiryanca world, new thoughts arise in our mind. In this paper, an effort is made to co-relate the ancient Indian thoughts and particularly Jaina thoughts with the modern views. Scope of the Paper When a researcher tries to understand the Indian perceptions about tiryancas, he finds thousands of references in Hindu, Jaina and Buddhist literature. To limit the scope of this paper, only specific important texts are selected. Secondly, though the word 'tiryanca' is used, most of the observations are presented with reference to 'five-sensed birds and animals having mind' (samjni pancendriya tiryancas). (A) Vedic and Hindu Literature Smrtigranthas : Manusmrti (with the comm.s of Medhatithi and Kulluka) Yajnavalkyasmrti (with Apararka) Epics : Mahabharata Auyurveda : Caraka-samhita Philosophical Systems : Samkhyakarika (Matharavrtti and Suvarnasaptati) Mythologies : Markandeyapurana and Vayupurana
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________________ (B) Jaina Literature Sve.Agamas : Angas : Upangas : Mulasutras : Acaranga, Prasnavyakarana Jivabhigama, Pannavana Uttaradhyayana, Dasavaikalika Dig.Agamas: Satkhandagama (with Dhavala) Gommatasara (Jivakanda) Unanimously accepted sutragrantha: Tattvarthadhigamasutra (with important comm.s) (C) Buddhist Literature: Jataka-kathas The views about Universe Though in Vedic literature, the references of the origin of universe are found, the Samkhyas were the first who systematized the views. This is not the place to note down the views elaborately. The concerned point is, according to general Hindu or Puranic thought, the external world originated and developed systematically and chronologically. The world originated from either Paramatman, Prakrti-Purusa, Isvara, Prajapati or Brahman etc. Puranas and Smrtis start from the topic viz. Srstyutpatti. Universe is divided into non-movables and movables (sthavarajangama). According to Hindu thought, mountains,rocks, stones and trees were created first. After that, the world of movables came into existence. Though the various names of movables are mentioned, the category of tiryancas is not specified. The position of tiryancas on the ladder of development is not mentioned exactly. Markandeyapurana has tried in this direction but the list of the species is not provided." In Jainaism, from the viewpoint of a single soul (Jiva), universe is beginningless but having an end. From the viewpoint of universe itself, the same is beginningless and endless. The six Dravyas are eternal and real. The process of association and dissociation is continuous in the modes of these six real categories. Each living being is associated with Karman from the time immemorial. The universe is not a creation of Brahman, Paramatman, Isvara etc. Though Samsara is made up of trasas and sthavaras, there is not any serial order as such. Naraka, Tiryanca, Manusya and Deva are four gatis i.e. realms of birth. In Jainaism the range of tiryanca gati is very wide. A definite and enumerative description of tiryancas is found in Jainaism, which we will see latter. Etymology of the word 'tiryanca' The etymology of this word is almost same in Hindu and Jaina tradition. According to Kasikavrttinyasa, 'tiro'JcatIti tiryak'. Amarakosa expresses the same view as- 'sa tiryaG yastiro'Jcati' With the help of the scriptorium of the Sanskrit Dictionary of Deccan College, Pune, one can explain the word tiryanca in threefold manner. 56
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________________ As a noun : As an adjective: As an adverb: an animal, a lower animal, a bird broad, in a slanting position or direction obliquely, horizontally, transversely In the etymology of tiryanca, the slanting or horizontal position is underlined. If all kinds of insects, birds, animals and birds are covered under tiryancas, one cannot explain their oblique or slanting position satisfactorily. In Prakrit, the word tiryanca is noted as 'tiria', 'tirianca', 'tirikkha', 'tiriccha' or 'tericcha'. psm. gives five meanings - Adjective : (i) crooked, bent, oblique, curved ; (ii) a being born in the gati other than deva, manusya and naraka. Noun: (i) the region of mortals, middle region ; (ii) middle ; (iii) crooked gait. Since the existence of tiryancas is found in Madhyaloka, Jainas might have named them as tiryancas. According to Tattvartha 4.28, 3114414702: tel: This sutra identifies subhumans (tiryanca) as all life distinct from the gods and infernals (born by descent - i.e. upapata) and humans. We find the explanation of the word in Dhavala, likewise : 'tiriyaM ti kuDilabhAvaM suviyaDasaNNA NigiTThamaNNANA / accaMtapAvabahulA tamhA tericchayA NAma / / The author here emphasizes the crookedness, the powerful expression of four famous instincts and abundance of sins in tiryancas. Tattvartha-rajavartika had not mentioned the 'crookedness' but shows the subsidiary position of tiryancas due to which man makes them work for him. It is mentioned that a being becomes tiryanca due to its vicious Karmas. In Hindu tradition Samkhya, Yajnavalkyasmrti and Mahabharata mention tiryancas as *mudha' and 'tamasa', i.e. foolish and ignorant." Jaina commentators emphasize on their crookedness, meanness and deceitfulness with the help of the etymology of the word. Actually, from the Jaina perspective we cannot brand them with such adjectives. These vices are actually the reasons or causes of acquiring tiryanca gati. The Relevant Points to Understand the World of Tiryancas (1) Tiryancayoni or tiryancagati In Vedic or Hindu thought, generally we find three yonis or gatis viz. Deva, Manusya and Tiryanca.12 Narakayoni or Narakagati is not enumerated separately as the realm of birth except in the text like Yatindromatadipika." In Jaina thought, we find four yonis or gatis uniformly. We do not find any hesitation or difference of opinion about the number of gatis. 57
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________________ (2) Enumeration of Tiryancas We do not find common consent in Hindu tradition about the scope of tiryanca-gati. In Mahabharata, kita-paksi-patangas are considered separately other than tiryancas.14 Samkhyakarika Matharavrtti includes pasu-paksi-mega-sarisrpa and sthavaras among tiryancas." Samkhyakarika Suvarnasaptati mentions these five as 'lower births'.! Kulluka (Manusmrti) and Ramanuja (Gitabhasya) enumerates sthavaras and tiryancas separately.17 In Jainaismo tiryancagati is totally different from other three gatis. It includes animals, all small and microscopic life, vegetation and earth-, water-, fire- and air-bodied beings. They exist throughout cosmic space and so their habitat is not mentioned. Their life-spans and number of species are given in Sarvarthasiddhi 3.39. They are of two types - having mind and not having mind. Only five-sensed beings having a mind possess the capacity to remember. It is an expression of rationality or intelligence. Human beings and animals born of womb, the gods and the infernals are rational beings. Birth in womb is of three types - jarayuja (viviparous), andaja (oviparous or hatched) and potaja (without placenta). The examples of each category are given. According to the place of birth the varieties of tiryancas are given as rasaja, svedaja etc. in Acaranga.19 From the viewpoint of 'type of birth', the tiryancas have both births, viz. sammurchana and garbha (i.e. a sexual birth by agglutination of material particles and by actual mating of male and female). In short, we can conclude that Jainas have given a serious treatment to the world of tiryancas, with all minute details and their is no discord among the Jaina authors about it. In Hindu tradition, animals and birds are generally included in tiryancas but they are not sure about the inclusion of insects, moths and plant kingdom in it. (3) Classification of Five-Sensed Tiryancas having Mind We find a clear and classified picture of five-sensed tiryancas having mind in Jaina texts. In Pannavana, we find the classification according to the region of their activity and mode of their activity. Jalacaras are aquatic animals, sthalacaras are land animals, khecaras are flying birds, uraparisarpas are the animals crawling with the help of the body, bhujaparisarpas are the animals crawling with the help of feet.20 Sthananga classifies the animals as ekakhura, dvikhura, gandipada and sanakhapada ; and birds as charmapaksi, romapaksi, samudgapaksi and vitatapaksi. In Manusmrti22 and Vayupurana23, we find almost similar vocabulary as it occurs in Jaina texts but with the help of Puranic description, the exact scope of the world of tiryancas remains unexplained. (4) Four Samjnas in Five-Sensed Tiryanca In the 25th sloka of Hitopadesa, the four samjnas are mentioned, which are common to both-animals and human beings. These instinctive emotions are food, sleep, fear and sex.
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________________ Hitopadesa mentions that only Dharma is the distinctive feature, otherwise animals and human beings are same. The canonical texts like Pannavana44 and the later Dravyanuyoga texts mention the four instincts as food, fear, sex and possession (i.e. provision for future). It is noteworthy that svopajna-bhasya of Tattvartha differentiates between "intelligence as thoughtful knowledge" and "intelligence as subconsciously motivated behavior". Jainas hold that in five-sensed tiryancas mind activities and instincts are found. 'Parigraha' is replaced by nidra to suit the ethical and spiritual thought-model in Jainaism. Jaina texts mention that a particular samjna is categorically seen in each of the four gatis. In tiryancas, instinct of acquiring food is intense. Likewise 'fear' is intense in narakis, 'sex' in manusyas and possession' in devas." (5) Entry and Exit with Reference to Tiryancagati Jainas hold that the beings in all of the four gatis can obtain tiryancagati, according to their Karmans. Likewise the tiryancas can obtain all of the four gatis.20 The fixed rules or theories of obtainment of gatis are not found in Hindu thoughts. Manusmrti says at one place -'Insects, moths, serpents, animals, birds and sthavaras like tree etc. are able to obtain heaven by observing penance.' The Jainas hold that only "garbhaja samjni pancedriyas" are able to observe penance and not the tiryancas like insects, moths etc. In Kulluka's commentary on Manusmrti, it is mentioned that, "The plants, beasts, trees, birds etc. which are utilized in sacrifice (yajna) attain better life in next birth."27 The Jaina perspective does not allow the violence of ekendriyas to pancendriyas which is involved in sacrificial acts. Each living being acquires sugati and durgati due to one's own good or bad Karmans. We cannot predict the sugati of plants, beasts etc. because they are used in yajna, but due to violence the yajamana will certainly attain durgati!! In both traditions (Hindu and Jaina) the causes of acquiring tiryancagati are almost the same. They are enumerated as deceit, crookedness, violence, theft and other vices. (6) Capacity of Spiritual Progress Hindu and Jaina traditions differ about the spiritual progress of tiryancas. Jainas hold that only five-sensed tiryancas having mind are capable of spiritual progress. As mentioned in Samkhyakarika-Suvarnasaptati28 and Manusmrti29, the insects, trees etc. are able to exert for spiritual progress. Actually, stray examples of spirituality of animals are found in Hindu tradition but theory formation in this matter is the distinctive feature of Jaina thought. On the ladder of spiritual progress, Jainas accept the capacity of five-sensed tiryancas to go up to the 5" step i.e. samyatasamyata-guna-sthana. In the fifth gunasthana, the capacity for self-restraint can increase. Five-sensed tiryancas can have samyaktva with partial restraint. They are not able to observe vows completely. And their partial observance needs a guidance of a spiritually progressed human being. Jaina stories throw light on this fact. 59
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________________ In Jainaism, knowledge is of five types i.e. mati (empirical), sruta (articulate), avadhi (clairvoyant), manahparyaya (mind-reading) and kevala (omniscient). Five-sensed tiryancas can have gunapratyaya-avadhi along with mati and sruta." It is mentioned in Sarvarthasiddhi on Tattvartha 1.25 that, "Clairvoyance is available to souls residing in any of the realms of existence whether they are fully or partially self-restrained or completely devoid of self-restraint." It is mentioned in Nayadhammakaha that tiryancas can have jatismarana, when they are preached by spiritually progressed human beings." On the theoretical basis of Jainaism, tiryancas cannot possess manahparyaya. But it is our practical experience that the tiryancas who live in the proximity of human beings, can understand the human feelings especially of his master. So we can speak about the capacity of mind-reading (of course with limitations) in tiryancas. In Kumarapalacaritasamgraha 4, this practical observation is noted down. In Hindu tradition, discussion about the knowledge in tiryancas is not found separately but with the help of the examples in story literature, we can say that Hindus also hold the same view about the knowledge of tiryancas. In the books like Nayadhammakaha and Upadesapada, we get some examples of five-sensed tiryancas having anasana-marana (death by fasting). We will discuss the matter under the point *vows'. The Fourteen Points of Quest Applied to Five-Sensed Tiryancas A model of 14 quests (marganasthanas) is a special feature of Jainaism. Five-sensed tiryancas are examined from these 14 quest-points in the ancient books like Sarkhandagama, Dhavala, Gommatasara (I), Pannavana and Jivabhigama. They are enumerated as gati, jati, indriya, kaya etc. Apart from these points they are considered from the points of view like language, body, instincts, consciousness and many others. A full justice is given to the large tiryanca kingdom in Jaina tradition. Tiryanca-human Relationship (i) In the fourfold realm or existence, human realm and tiryanca realm are very close. Especially human beings and five-sensed tiryancas are more closer. (ii) In Markandeya-purana gramya and aranya pasus are mentioned. We can name them as 'tame animals' and 'wild animals'. This classification is very common in Hindu texts but not found easily in Jaina texts. (iii) In Hindu mythology, matsya, kurma, varaha and narasimha are the tiryanca incarnations of Visnu and they are very much honored. The tiryancas like tiger, mouse, peacock etc. are closely connected with the deities like Durga, Ganesa, Sarasvati etc. Some scholars of Jainaism mention 60
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________________ that the symbols (lanchanas) of 24 Tirthankaras are there in Jaina mythologies due to the influence of Hindus. (iv) Tiryancas are found in the middle region (i.e. madhyaloka or manusyaloka). The rules of acquiring the fourfold realms of existence are exactly the same for human beings and tiryancas. This fact also throws light on the closer relationship of both. (v) Hindus and Jainas both wrote few treatises on particular tiryancas. The books like Asvacikitsa, Asvavaidyaka etc are available in Hindu tradition. Caraka Samhita is very much keen about examining the flesh of different birds and animals before eating. The Jaina Acaryas, Hamsadeva and Durlabharaja wrote the books like Mrga-paksi-sastra, Turanga-prabandha and Hasti-pariksa in 13th century A.D. (vi) Flesh-eating was very much common in ancient and medieval India. In Manusmrti (5.11-25) we find detailed descriptions and prescriptions about flesh-eating under 'Bhaksyabhaksyavicara'. The sacrificial beasts were all five-sensed tiryancas. *Opposition to sacrificial violence and strict vegetarianism'these two points are chronologically developed in Jaina thought through centuries. If we examine the Prakrit and Sanskrit literature of Jainas from 5th century A.D. up to 12th century A.D., we can see the gradual application of non-violence in food-habits which culminated in vegetarianism. Further on, the critical examination of vegetarian food is seen in books and also in practice. Finally meat-eating and hunting were included in Sapta Vyasanas. Thus the sacrificial violence of five-sensed tiryancas promoted the Jaina thinkers to ponder over the issue of non-violence more deeply. (vii) Medical treatment of diseases with the help of herbs and animals is seen in Caraka samhita. 35 In the ancient texts like Acaranga (Part I) there is total negation of rogacikitsa for a monk or nun." The text Dasavaikalika prohibits the Pancakarmas (vamana, virecana, basti etc.) for ascetics. After some centuries 'acitta' and prasuka herbs (osadhis) were allowed. * Completely Utilitarian View about Tiryancas Reflected in Caraka-Samhita The word tiryanca is hardly used in Caraka. 'A good health and longevity of human life'is the aim of this treatise on Ayurveda. Every tree, plant, vegetable, fish, bird and animal is looked at from the medicinal point of view. While dealing with Pancakarmas and prescribing diet, flesh (mamsa) and soup of flesh (mamsa-rasa) is mentioned again and again. Caraka declares, liceu HRE GET HIHIC farged. The insects, birds and animals are generally divided in Jangala, Anupa and Sadharana. Long lists of these are found in Caraka-samhita. The classification of animals and
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________________ birds is done under eight main catagories. This type of classification is not found in any Jaina text. The categories are likewise :39 1) Prasaha : animals and birds who eat by snatching (29 names) 2) Bhumisaya : animals who live in burrows in earth (13 names) 3) Anupa : animals inhabiting marshy lands (9 names) 4) Virisaya : aquatic animals (11 main names and many others) 5) Varicara : birds moving in water (28 names) 6) Jangala : animals dwelling in dry land forests (17 names) 7) Viskira : gallinaceous birds (total 29 names in two groups) 8) Pratuda : pecker birds (31 names) Caraka mentions at the end that, Tiffaut 91 HH Radat-i.e. these are the eight groups of animals and birds whose meat is commonly used as food. Caraka never looks from the viewpoint of violence and non-violence while discussing bird and animal kingdom. His attitude towards tiryancas is totally human-centered, practical and exhibits completely utilitarian attitude of this system. Emotional, psychological, ethical or spiritual considerations of tiryancas have no scope at all in Caraka-Samhita. (viii) Good and bad omens related to five-sensed Tiryancas are seen in the whole Indian society in spite of caste and creed. In the Jaina Maharastri text of Durgadeva called Ritthasamuccaya, we can see hundreds of such beliefs concerned to five-sensed tiryancas which were prevalent in the 11" century. Interested researchers may take note of this. (ix) In the field of Indian classical music, the famous sapta-svaras viz. sadja, rsabha, gandhara etc. are related to five-sensed tiryancas. In the seventh chapter of Sthananga, the relation between the svaras and tiryancas is noted down.40 Thus, the above-mentioned nine points throw light on Tiryancas-human relationship from diversified angles. The World of Tiryancas Reflected in Story-Literature (a) Tiryanca-centred story-books : Durga Bhagavata, a renowned scholar in Buddhist Studies mentions that Jataka tales are the first and foremost story-collection in Indian literature and probably in the world-literature, in which the central characters are tiryancas. In these tales Lord Buddha's various births are noted down. Though he was a king, prince, merchant, sage etc. in his previous births, still many times Bodhisattva was born as a deer, peacock, crocodile, elephant, lion, fox, serpent, hare, monkey, horse, dog, swan and many others. In these births Bodhisattva preached ethical values and morals to human beings. In these stories, Bodhisattva's spiritual progress in the form of tiryancas is depicted. We cannot guess the spiritual ability of tiryancas in general, from these tales. Instances are not found 62
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________________ of non-Bodhisattva tiryancas who delivered religious sermon. Therefore Jataka tales are symbolical and do not provide factual information of tiryanca-world. In Hindu tradition, in the texts like Pancatantra, Hitopadesa and Brhatkathamanjari, we meet tiryancas, every now and then. In these stories animals and birds talk, discuss and even preach to human beings. They are depicted as wise, cunning, foolish, helpful, jealous, straightforward, crooked, deceitful and so on. We know that human virtues and shortcomings are symbolically presented through these tiryancas. These are not the true emotions of tiryancas. Barring a few imitative animal-based story-books, Jaina writers never indulged in such type of writings. A sound and fixed theoretical pattern of tiryanca-world was provided by the Jaina philosophers from ancient times. Jaina writers did not prefer to write about the tiryancas which would contradict the theory. (b) Scattered Instances of Tiryancas in Hindu and Jaina Literature In Valmiki Ramayana, the episode of Jatayu is very famous. Jatayu's help to Rama in searching Sita ; his death ; funeral pyre and Sraddha performed by Rama, is described at length in Ramayana. Hanumana, Sugriva and thousand other Vanaras helped Rama in many ways. The tale of Gajendramoksa in Bhagavatapurana describes the devotion of the elephant towards Lord Visnu. In Hindu tradition, the position of a crow' is very special. In the death-rituals, the role of a crow is very significant. It is also believed that a crow gives indication of the arrival of a guest. In the books like Sukasaptati, a parrot interacts with human beings. A parrot's role in fortune-telling is accepted in Indian society since ancient times. We can gather hundreds of beliefs about tiryancas, from Hindu literature and practice. In Jaina literature such type of stories are very rare. The reason is already mentioned that the theoretical pattern of Jainaism do not allow such occurrences. Jainas do not worship the tiryancas like a cow, bullock, tiger, cobra etc. They do not worship trees like Vata, Udumbara because trees are one-sensed tiryancas. Lord Mahavira was a lion in one of his previous births, but in that birth, he did not preach anybody. In post-canonical story-literature of Jainas, many animals and birds are mentioned when a particular Jiva was born in the realm of tiryanca. In the famous story of Konkanaka Brahmana which occurs in Vasudevahindi," it is the monk who tells the meaning of the pathetic bleating of a goat. The goat did not speak directly with the sons of the brahmin about his previous birth. In Nayadhammakaha Lord Mahavira has given the examples of a tortoise and an egg of a peacock.*Lord Mahavira preached the importance of self-control and Samyaktva through the symbolic tales. Nanda Manikara becomes a 'frog' in his next birth. The frog remembers his previous birth (Jatismarana) and accepts fast until death. The story of Mahamatsya and Tandulamatsya underlines the horrific effects of the excessive craving for food." Lord Parsvanatha preaches the couple of serpent. The anger and attitude of Candakausika serpent was pacified with the glance and words of Lord Mahavira.40 The Jatismarana of Meruprabha is described in Nayadhammakaha. In all these instances the mediatorship of spiritually progressed human being is depicted. 63
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________________ According to Jainaism these are not miracles. Some of the tiryancas really possess the capacity of spiritual progress up to the 5" gunasthana. (c) Five-sensed Tiryancas in Poetry and Epigrams In poetries and epigrams conventional or notional (Sanketika) descriptions of five-sensed tiryancas are found in Indian literature, both religious and secular. They are of two types. Some are based on actual observations and some are purely conventional. A female cuckoo keeps her eggs in the nest of a crow." Crows take care of them and feed the young ones. The peacock dances after seeing the rainy clouds in the sky. We can confirm these eventualities from actual observation. But we can't believe that Bharanda having two faces or the capacity of royal swan to separate milk from water. These examples are purely conventional. Jainas have also employed the examples of second type in poetries and epigrams but they are purely rhetorical and find no place in the Prathamanuyoga texts. Compatibility of Tiryanca-World in Jainaism with Modern Studies Some of scholars engaged in Jaina studies are exerting a lot to prove the scientific base and attitude of Jainaism. Actually this task is not so easy. The first thing is, the observations, attitude and expressions of Jaina thinkers are quite different and difficult to understand in the perspective of modern studies. Modern researchers in this field use latest techniques and methodology for the documentation. Their approach is objective and scientific. The naturalists never comment with ethical, religious or spiritual perceptions. Therefore without claiming the total scientific nature of Jaina thoughts, this is the sincere effort to judge the compatibility of tiryanca world of Jainaism with the modern studies in this field. The observations presented here are not supported with the modern textual references. As mentioned in the introduction of this paper, the following points are the outcome of the thought-churning process while seeing the films on insects, birds and animals. (1) Emotions Regarding the emotions of birds and animals, there are two opinions of the naturalists. Behaviorists' think that in tiryancas emotions are not expressed in many ways as we, human beings express it. Whatever emotions are seen, are only the mechanical reflex actions or behavioral responses to the environment. The naturalists, who are the lovers of birds and animals and some philosophers, express different opinion. They think that birds and animals also have emotions like us.48 Of course there is discrimination in the intensity of emotions but we cannot treat it as only instinctive mechanical responses. In Hindu tradition, the mudhata and tamasata of tiryancas is emphasized again and again. We have already seen the total utilitarian attitude of Caraka-Samhita. We can call them "behaviorist' in modern terminology. Jainas mention kasayas and lesyas of tiryancas. Therefore we can put them under the second category.
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________________ When emotions are studied, the modern researchers study lion, tiger, elephants, monkeys and many other animals and not the insects like bug, ant, butterfly etc. According to Jainas, the above mentioned animals are five-sensed tiryancas. While describing their emotions the modern researchers also lebel them as 'love', 'anger', 'pride', 'greed' etc. These words surprisingly match with the consent of 'passions' and 'thought-tints' in Jainaism. While explaining the nature of murcha (i.e. greed) Amrtacandracarya gives the example of a deer and cat, eating grass and rat serially. Though the instinct for food is common in both, the intensity is different. (Purusarthasiddhyupaya, sloka 121) While describing the vulture, the commentators use the word greed', taking into account its mannerism of eating. Of course modern naturalists give credit to vulture for keeping the environment clean. (2) Knowledge Modern researchers study the varied abilities of sense-organs of birds and animals. It is proved that in different birds and animals, certain abilities are excellent. We can call it Matijnana according to Jainaism. We can call it Sruta-jnana when the animals like elephants and whales convey emotions through sound-signals and memorize the meaning conveyed by certain soundsignals. A whole film was picturized on a researcher who took rigorous efforts on wild buffaloes to cause to reproduce, which were almost on the border of extinction. The researcher employed therapy of emotional healing to the wild buffaloes. The buffaloes responded the therapy and overcome the 'fear' in their minds. The capacity of the buffaloes to understand the efforts of the concerned person can be called Manahparyaya-jnana. The birds build nests instinctively at the time of breeding. But there is a species of birds who collect only blue objects and arrange the odd material skillfully to build a nest. According to Jainaism, it is not only a behavior based on Mati and Sruta but the level of intelligence is certainly higher. (3) Intelligence The naturalists, observing the behavior of particular species of tortoises have documented that these tortoises possess time-sense and sense of direction. They come to the same sea-shore in a particular season for breeding. The young ones coming from the hatched eggs, start crawling in the direction of the sea. When the young one become mature, the females among them come to same sea-shore and the cycle repeats. Sense of time and direction is conspicuously seen in migratory birds like syberian cranes and flemingoes. Some naturalists brand it as an instinctive knowledge. From Jaina point of view, it is autpattiki buddhi. The skills which the Jivas possess due to the birth in a particular species, are known as expressions of 'inborn intellect'. The physical features and the skills related to particular realm of birth (gati) is the actualization of Namakarman.
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________________ In the first and second Sutra of Kaivalyapada, these inborn skills are mentioned by Patanjali as "janmaja siddhis". The cat-class animals train their young ones to catch the prey properly. The mother elephant teaches the young one to use its trunk in right manner for drinking water and gathering grass. We can tame the animals like elephant, camel, horse etc. very easily. According to Jaina norms we can call it karmaja buddhi or vainayiki buddhi. The group-leader of the wild animals guide the group with its knowledge acquired through his life-time experiences, especially at the time of a calamity. Jainas would say that this type of behavior is parinamiki buddhi. Thus the fourfold intellect, described in the Jaina texts can be applied to five-sensed tiryancas. (4) Communication-skill (Bhasa-vargana) Naturalists are studying the sound-expressions of the tiryancas like whales and elephants by which they communicate with each other, of course limited to their particular species. In Jaina scriptures this expression is called bhasa-vargana. The language of five-sensed tiryancas is thus inarticulate language, perhaps because it cannot be transcribed in letters. It is noted down by a modern researcher that an elephant feels the vibrations of the shrill sounds of the companion through the padded soles of its foot. After analyzing the sound, the elephant expresses its reactions. The species like Gorilla, Chimpanzee etc. also have its anaksara bhasa." The bird-watchers have noted down the sound-signals of certain birds. Of course these signals of birds are very few. In Jainaism, one-sensed being possess the sense of touch. Language capacity is possible only when sense of taste (rasanendriya) is present (in a tongue-like limb) in the mouth. So all the beings from two-sensed to five-sensed have the potentiality of voice with which they can produce varying sounds to express their feelings of pleasure and pain, desire for food and co-habitation etc. The language-ability of five-sensed tiryancas is superior to the ability of four-sensed tiryancas but inferior to the ability of human beings, which is articulate in nature. Application of the model of bhasa-paryapti and bhasa-vargana to all the classes of Jivas is the special feature of Jainaism in contemporary philosophies. (5) Vows (Vratas) According to Jaina norms, a vow is a self-imposed obligation as to what one ought to do and not to do. Vows generate beneficial Karman. A vow of self-restraint is one of ways of inhabitating karmic flow. Partially practised vows also cause samvara and nirjara. Jaina texts mention spirituality of tiryancas maximum up to 5" gunasthana. It is of course due to the partial observance of vows. Here, an attempt is made to co-relate some of the partial vows with the behavior of five-sensed tiryancas.
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________________ (i) Many of the wild animals ascertain their domain by urinating or rubbing off their body, horns etc. on the boundaries. A lion, tiger, rhinoceros and many other animal, limit their domain. Migratory birds follow a particular sky-way for going and coming back. We can deal it as Dig-vrata i.e. refraining from movement beyond a limited area. (ii) Some animals are herbivores, some are carnivores and a few eat both. The first two types of animals strictly follow the rules about food. We can call this Bhogopabhoga-parimanavarta i.e. limiting the use of consumables and non-consumables. (iii) Generally animals do not stock the food. Some insects like ants and honeybees store the food but it is their provision for emergency and scarcity. We can name this tendency as Parigraha-parimana-vrata i.e. limiting the use of possessions. (iv) Naturalists observe that some species of deer, fox etc. and some species of birds choose their mate and remain faithful to each other for life-time. We can say that these couples observe the small vow to abstain from carnality, (v) It is seen that animals and birds, otherwise living in herds or flocks, go away in lonely places when they get an inkling of death. At that time, they abandon food, drink and wait for death. Some examples which are noted down in Jaina literature are already mentioned (viz. the frog, Meruprabha elephant, Candakausika serpent). This may be called as Anasana-vrata. While commenting upon Tattvartha 6.20, the commentator gives the explanations of akama nirjara and bala-tapa. We can include the fast of tiryancas under this category. At the time a death, the tiryancas endure hunger, thirst etc. and it causes akama-nirjara. (vi) Many of the wild animals are social animals. They live in herds. There are certain social gradations, conventions and rules of the group. Generally the member of the groups follows it. These types of social and ethical rules of animals are not mentioned in Jaina texts but since they follow the rules they are supposed to generate the inflow of beneficial Karman. In short, we can conclude that because of the observance of certain rules, whether instinctively or willfully, Jainas have thought of the possibility or potentiality of spiritual progress in tiryancas, especially the five-sensed tiryancas having mind. We should note that the spiritual angle of looking towards tiryanca-world is the domain of philosophers and not of the naturalists. Some New Aspects of Naturalists (1) Specialization : Modern age is the age of specialization. The naturalists observe each species of insects, birds and animals individually. If there are many researchers studying aquatic animals, somebody emphasizes on tortoise and other on fishes. Among fishes also, whale specialists and dolphin specialists are separate. Though Jainas have thought a lot about tiryanca-world, this type of specialization is not there and it is not expected from a philosophical system. (2) New parameters of classification are used in zoology which are absent in Jaina texts, e.g. (i) the classification of mammals and non-mammals, vertebrates and non-vertebrates (ii) herbivores,
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________________ carnivores and eating both (iii) active is day-time, night-time and both (iv) the classes of animals like cat-class, dog-class, horse-class etc. (3) Theory of Evolution : Charles Darwin, a biologist proposed a theory of evolution in the middle 19th century. He tried to establish the relation between an ape and a human being. "Whether there is a scope for the model of evolution in Jainaism?" is a separate point of debate. But on the whole, Jainas think that the 84,00,000 yonis or species of Jivas exist in the beginningless and endless world. They are divided into four realms of birth. If man is the topmost in the series of evolution, then manusya-gati is totally new creation, which is not acceptable in Jainaism. Many scholars of Hinduism are very enthusiastic in depicting theory of evolution in the ten incarnations of Lord Visnu. We have to admit that the development of universe reflected in Hindu mythologies is nearer to the theory of evolution than Jainaism. (4) Model of adaption and camouflage : This is the corollary of the theory of evolution. It is intended that every creature tries to adapt oneself according to the environment. The changes in color, size, body-limbs etc. can be easily explained with this thought-model. Not specifically, but we can say broadly that on the basis of fourfold Nyasas or Niksepas (viz. dravya-ksetra-kala-bhava) and on the basis of the theory of Dravya-guna-paryaya we can derive the model of adaption in Jainaism. (5) Social life of animals : Many modern naturalists are engaged in observing and documenting the social and family life of animals, birds and insects. The domination of male or female, the hierarchy of members, fighting with rivals, taking care of young ones, the co-operative activities of insects like honey-bees, ants, termites etc. are the main interests of modern naturalists. Considering the new aspects presented by the naturalists, we can say that all the natural sciences are exerting to fathom the mysteries of nature and discovering the world of tiryanca with whole-hearted and endless efforts. On this background, when we think over the world of tiryanca in Jainaism, the following salient features draw our attention : * In Vedic (Hindu), Jaina and Buddhist traditions tiryanca-gati is a separate realm of existence or birth. All of them have broadly given the etymology, classification, instincts, relation with human beings and spiritual ability of tiryanca. * The class of tiryancas is the largest class among the creatures according to Jainaism. The classification of one-sensed up to five-sensed tiryancas is very subtle. The class of 'five-sensed tiryancas having mind' is very close to human beings. * In the science of sacrifice (Yajnasastra) and Ayurveda (specially in Caraka-Samhita) the utilitarian and human-centered outlook towards tiryancas is explicitly seen. 68
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________________ * In Buddhist literature five-sensed tiryancas occur in Jataka-tales but of course in story form. Likewise the depiction of five-sensed tiryancas in Pancatantra, Hitopadesa etc. is attractive, full of literary merits and provide ethical guidance to human beings. * Animal-based story literature is comparatively much less in Jaina-tradition. Jainas observed, examined and analyzed the tiryanca-world more practically and rationally. * The application of 14 marganasthanas (points of quest) to the world of tiryancas" is the salient feature of Jainaism. Apart from this, Jainas have observed the tiryancas from the viewpoints of emotion, language, knowledge and intelligence. * The capacity of spiritual progress of tiryancas is mentioned by Hindus, Buddhists and Jainas but Jainas are successful in supporting their view with valid reasons viz. mati-sruta-avadhi-jnana, jatismarana, austerities like fasting, observance of partial vows and many other conditions enhancing samyaktva. * Except this spiritual angle, the considerations about tiryancas in Jainaism are very close to the views of modern naturalists. * Jainas proclaim the non-violent attitude towards every living being mainly for the spiritual progress of a Sadhaka and also for the well-being of the whole world. . The modern environmentalists also emphasize the non-harmful attitude towards the flora and fauna. Aim of the both is same. Jainas preached through religion and naturalists convey the message of environment-protection through their rigorous scientific efforts by giving the valid proofs about the bad effects of interference in the natural chain. * In Jainaism, there is no scope for human-centered and utilitarian attitude towards tiryanca-world. The humanitarian outlook about the flora and fauna is the sum and substance of Jaina thought. * "In every situation, always accept which is less harmful to others" is the practical guidance provided by Jainaism to the mankind. List of References 1) Collected papers on Jain Studies, Dr. J.L.Jaini, chapter 14 2) Samkhya-darsana 1.61 3) Manusmrti 1.6-50 4) Markandeyapurana (I) 39.29-37 5) OUT HIGRI 314 vala YETUT 3767T 344 uafer fa a ll Uttaradhyayana 36.65 6) a de HAT YOU, 16-Seher, falcie HER, YEAR, Tahun 1 Sthananga 4.285 7) Kasikavettinyasa 3.4.60 8) Amarakosa 2093 9) Sarkhandagama (Dhavala) 1.1.24 (p.202); Gommatasara (Jivakanda) 147 69
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________________ 10) Rajavartika (Tattvartha-Tika) 11) bhinnavRtto durAcAraH sa tAmasa: sa tiryakSu jAyate / Apararka Tika-Yajnavalkyasmrti 3.138 (1000,18); tiryagateSu tamo vizAlam / atastiryagAdayaH sadA mUDhAH / Samkhyasaptatisastra p.24; adharmarucayo mUDhAstiryaggatiparAyaNAH / kRcchrAM yonimanuprApya na sukhaM vindate janAH / / Mahabharata 3.245.18 12) devatiryaG manuSyeSu zarIragrahaNAtmikA | Visnupurana 5.33.42; Suvarnasaptati 37; Gitabhasya (Ramanuja) 9.8 (456.2) 13) Yatindramatadipika 4.46.7 14) kITapakSipataGgAnAM tirazcAmapi kezava / mahAdevaprapannAnAM na bhayaM vidyate kvacit / / Mahabharata 13.189.15 15) Samkhyakarika (Matharavrtti) 39 (p.42) 16) Samkhyakarika (Suvarnasaptati) 44 (pp.62,63) 17) Manusmrti (Kulluka Tika) 5.40 : Gitabhasya (Ramanuja) 9.8 18) Tattvarthasutra 4.27; 2.24%; 2.25; 2.34 19) se bemi-saMtime tasA pANA, taM jahA-aMDayA poyayA jarAuyA rasayA saMseyayA saMmucchimA ubbhiyA ovavAiyA / Acaranga 1.1.118 20) Pannavana 1.54-81 21) Sthananga 4.550,551 22) Manusmrti 1.43-46; 5.11; 10.89 23) Vayupurana pp.118-120 24) Pannavana 8.6 25) Pannavana 8.5-11 26) Sthananga 4.614 27) auSadhya pazavo vRkSAstiryaJcaH pakSiNastathA / yajJArthaM nidhanaM prAptAH prApnuvantyutsRtI: punaH / / Manusmrti 5.40 28) Samkhyakarika (Suvarnasaptati) 36 (p.54) 29) kITAzvAhipataGgAzca pazavazca vayAMsi ca / sthAvarANi ca bhUtAni divaM yAnti tapobalAt / / Manusmrti 11.240 30) tirikkhA paMcasu ThANesu atthi micchAiTThI sAsaNasammAiTTI sammAmicchAiTTI asaMjadasammAiTThI saMjadAsaMjadA tti / Satkhandagama , Dhavala 1.1.26 (p.207) 31) Tattvarthasutra 1.9 32) Tattvarthasutra 1.23 33) Nayadhammakaha 13.35 34) iyaM ca suranArakagarbhajamanuSyatirizcAM mana:paryAyA paryAptAnAM syAt / Kumarpalacaritasamgraha 79.20 35) tat punastrividhaM jJeyaM jAGgamaudbhidapArthivam / madhUni gorasAH pittaM vasA majjA'sRgApimam / / viNmUtracarmarato'sthisnAyuzrRGganakhAH khurAH / jaGgamebhyaH prayujyante kezA lomAni rocanAH || Caraka-samhita , Sutrasthana 1.68,69 36) Acaranga 1.2.140-147 37) Dasavaikalika 3.9 38) Caraka-samhita , Sutrasthana 27.87 39) Caraka-samhita , Sutrasthan 27.53-55 40) sajja ravati mayUro , kukkuDo risabhaM saraM / haMso Nadati gaMdhAraM , majjhimaM tu gavelagA / / aha kusumasaMbhave kAle, koilA paMcamaM saraM / cha8 ca sArasA koMcA , NesAyaM sattamaM gajo || Sthananga 7.41 41) Vasudevahindi pp. 29,30 42) Nayadhammakaha , Adhyayana 3 and 6 43) Nayadhammakaha 13.35-42 44) Bhagavati Aradhana 1644 45) Pasanahacariu 13.12 46) Upadesapada (I) , gatha 1-43, pp.131a-132a 47) Discovering-Wildlife: a Series Published by Reader's Digest. Common Cuckoo - The 18th Cen. English Nationalist, Gilbert White, thought that cuckoos laid their eggs in other bird's nests because it was anatomically impossible for a cuckoo to sit on its own eggs. This was due to the fact that its crop (food pouch) does not lie at the base of the neck, like other birds, but immediately below the sternum, causing a protuberance of the belly.
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________________ 48) Discovering-Wildlife Il-treated domestic elephants working for unscrupulous logging companies have also been seen crying in pain and misery. 49) Discovering-Wildlife 1) A Grizzly bear's sense of smell is so good that it can smell a dead animal from several kilometers away. What's more, it will travel across mountains, over rivers and through forest to get at it. 2) Asian elephant - It is well known that elephants have excellent memories and are capable of using their intelligence to solve practical problems. 3) Female White-fronted bee-eater often try to lay their own egg in the nest of another breeding pair. These parasitic females will spend hours investigating and testing out potential host nests, until they find one they are happy with. 50) Discovering-Wildlife A Bird - Puffins (kind of parrot) return to the same breeding colonies where they were born. 51) Discovering-Wildlife ___Monkey - Woolly monkeys communicate in many ways. The chuckle with a strong 'huhhuh' while play fighting. 'Nyonk nyonk' is used as a sign of encouragement. The high-pitched 'eeolk' signifies a feeling of well-being. 52) Discovering-Wildlife Wolf - Although it covers its faces, it sprays its urine openly to mark its territory. 53) Discovering-Wildlife 1) Lovebirds are an extremely close bond with their mate that lasts a lifetime. 2) Roadrunner (bird) males court a female by offering her a gourmet morsel, such as a lizard. If she accepts the offer, they mate and usually form a long-term bond in a defended territory. List of Reference-Books 1) adhyAtmarAmAyaNa : saM.prabhAtazAstrI, zikSA tathA saMskRti maMtrAlaya, naI dillI, 1984 2) amarakoza : mahezvaraTIkA, 'varadA' senApatI bApaTa roDa, puNe, 1990 3) AcArAMga (AyAro) : A.tulasI, jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), 2031 4) Emotions in Animals from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 5) uttarAdhyayana (uttarajjhayaNa) : saM.munipuNyavijaya, mahAvIra jaina vidyAlaya, muMbaI, 1977 6) kAzikAvRttinyAsa (bhA.3) : saM. dvArikAdAsazAstrI, tArA pablikezana, vArANasI, 1966 7) gommaTasAra (jIvakAMDa) : nemicaMdra siddhAMtacakravartiracita, revazaMkara jagajIvana javherI, muMbaI, 1916 8) carakasaMhitA : cakrapANidattakRta 'AyurvedadIpikA' sahita , 'vidyotinI' hindIvyAkhyAsahita , caukhambA saMskRta sIrIja, vArANasI, 1969 9) jAtakakathA : saM.durgAbAI bhAgavata, 'varadA' senApatI bApaTa roDa, puNe 16, 1975 10) jIvAbhigama : uvaMgasuttANi 4 (khaMDa 1), jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), 1987 11) jaina sAhitya kA bRhad itihAsa (bhA.5) : pArzvanAtha vidyAzrama zodha saMsthAna, vArANasI, 1969 12) jaiminIya-mImAMsA-bhASyam : A.zabarasvAmi viracita, yudhiSThira mImAMsaka, bahAlagaDha, hariyANA, 1986 13) jJAtRdharmakathA (nAyAdhammakahA) : aMgasuttANi 3, jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), 2031 14) Discovering-Wildlife, The Ultimate Fact File (Group I,III) : a series published by Reader's Digest 15) tattvArthasUtra : umAsvAtipraNIta, pArzvanAtha vidyAzrama, vArANasI 16)dazavaikAlika (dasaveyAliya) : saM.munipuNyavijaya, mahAvIra jaina vidyAlaya, muMbaI, 1977 17) dazAvatAra : pAMDuraMga vaidyanAtha AThavale, zrImad bhagavadgItA pAThazAlA, muMbaI, 1957 18) pAsaNAhacariu : A.padmakIrtiviracita, saM.modI, prAkRta graMtha pariSada, vArANasI, 1965 19) puruSArthasiddhayupAya : amRtacaMdrAcAryaracita zrI sureza sI.jaina, naI dillI, 1989 20) paMcataMtra : viSNuzAracita, saMskRti saMsthAna, barelI, 1995 21) prajJApanA (paNNavaNA) : uvaMgasuttANi 4 (khaMDa 2), jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), 1989 71
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________________ 22) bRhatkathAmaMjarI : kSemeMdraviracita, nirNayasAgara presa, muMbaI, 1931 23) bhagavatI ArAdhanA : A.zivArya, saM.paM.kailAzacaMdra zAstrI, hirAlAla dozI, phalaTaNa, 1990 24) manusmRti : viSNuzAstrI bApaTa, zrI gajAnana buka Depo, muMbaI 25) manusmRti : kullUkabhaTTaviracita, saM.DaoN. rAkezazAstrI, vidyAnidhI prakAzana, dillI, 2005 26) mahAbhArata : BORI, puNe, 1942 27) mArkaMDeyapurANa (khaMDa 1) : paM.zrIrAmazarmA, saMskRti saMsthAna, barelI, 1967 28) yAjJavalkyasmRti (bhAga 2) : aparArkaTIkA, harI nArAyaNa ApaTe, AnaMda Azrama mudraNAlaya, puNe, 1904 29) riSTasamuccaya : durgadevaviracita, saM.velaNakara, siMghI jaina sirIja, bhAratIya vidyAbhavana, muMbaI, 1945 30) vasudevahiMDI : saMghadAsagaNi, saM.munipuNyavijaya, jaina AtmAnaMda sabhA, bhAvanagara, 1930 31) vAyupurANa : saM.rAjeMdralAla mizra, bapTIsTa mizana presa, kalakattA, 1888 32) viSNupurANa : (khaMDa 1) : paM.zrIrAma zarmA, saMskRti saMsthAna, barelI, 1983 33) zAstradIpikA prabhAsahitA (bhAga 2) : saM.A.rAmazAstrI vidyAsAgara, zrI lAlabahAdurazAstrI keMdriya vidyApITha, dillI, 1980-81 34) SaTkhaMDAgama (dhavalA-TIkA) pu. 1.13 : saM.hIrAlAla jaina, jaina saMskRti saMrakSaka saMgha, solApura, 1993 35) zrImadbhagavadgItA : rAmAnujabhASyasahita, harikRSNadAsa goyaMkA, gItApresa, gorakhapura, saM.2008 36) sAMkhyadarzana (bhASyasahita) : paM.Aryamuni, hariyAnA sAhitya saMsthAna, hariyAnA, 1976 37) sAMkhyakArikA (mATharavRtti tathA jayamaMgalaTIkA) : IzvarakRSNa, saM.viSNuprasAda zarmA, caukhambA saMskRta sirIja, vArANasI, vi.saM.2027 38) suvarNasaptatizAstra (sAMkhyakArikA saptati) : IzvarakRSNa, tirupati devasthAna, 1944 39) sthAnAMga (ThANa) : A.tulasI, jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), vi.saM.2033 40) hitopadeza (kiraNAvali vyAkhyAsahita) : zrIkRSNavallabhAcArya, caukhambA saMskRta sirIja, vArANasI, 1970 **********
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________________ Some Distinctive Features of Pancastikaya (A Research Paper presented in the Seminar on Ancient Prakrit Texts' at Sravanabelagola by NIPSAR and BVP on 12th and 13th October 2010) Introduction When we look at Jainaism, as a philosophical system (Darsana) the available Jaina literature can be divided into four ages. (i) Canonical Age (ii) Anekanta Age (iii) Nyaya Age (iv) Navya nyaya Age. According to this division we can place Acarya Kundakunda, on the border line of the first and second age. We can call it post-canonical period in which the topics like pramana, naya, saptabhangi, anekanta etc. entered in the philosophical thoughts of Jainas. Acarya Kundakunda and Vacaka Umasvati are the self-illuminated stars of this age. There is no need to introduce Kundakunda, the literary giant and a saint with ultimate spiritual aspirations. I will prefer to throw light on some distinctive features of Pancastikaya- based on my humble observations. 1. Probable chronology of Kundakunda's works (According to subject-wise focus) If we try to fix the chronology of the works of Kundakunda, Astapahuda, Dvadasanupreksa and Dasabhakti belong to first group. Pravacanasara and Pancastikaya belong to the second group. Samayasara is no doubt the crest-jewel of the monumental literature. Though ratnatraya and navatattvas are discussed in each text, the focus of each treatise is separate. The focus of Pancastikaya is of course on five extended and extensive substances and of course the sixth dravya viz. kala (Time). The words samaya and pravacana are very much favorite of Kundakunda. Therefore while describing five astikayas, he says, 744144 que diuellt I'. At the end of Pancastikaya, he declares, 'bhaNiyaM pavayaNasAraM paMcatthiyasaMgahaM suttaM / '.4 In the initial benedictory verse, Kundakunda says, UT FRUIT FECHV, which reminds Ardhamagadhi text Avasyaka." 2. Arbitrary usage of the terms indicating philosophical categories It seems that in Pancastikaya some terms or expressions are used ambiguously and equivocally. These terms are dravya, padartha, artha, bhava and tattva. The term tattva (tacca) is used in Astapahuda and others in Pancastikaya. In verse 16, Kundakunda says, 'Hal Sache'. The commentators explain that 'jIvAdayaH SaT padArthAH', but immediately they give the names of six dravyas. In Dvadasanupreksa, Kundakunda says, taifa ya 7421317 fubeay 10 - Here the term padartha is used in the sense of dravyas. After completing the chapter of five astikayas
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________________ Kundakunda says, a HH1464 altoft 1 - Here he means the nine categories. In verse 108, he mentions nine padarthas as 'ala a 3731 '. In Darsanapahuda, he mentions, se cod, va payatthA, paMcatthI satta tacca NiddiTThA / '. In this particular context he is quite clear about the concepts of dravya, padartha, astikaya and tattva. But still 'bhava' and 'artha' remain unexplained. The terminology used in Pahuda is not followed strictly in other places. Dr.M.P.Marathe has pointed out the same difficulty in Tattvartha in the 'Studies of Jainaism'.' Dr. S.S.Barlingay has tried to understand the difficulty in the perspective of the development of other philosophical systems. The Vaisesikas use the term padartha and dravya while Samkhyas use the term tattva. In the course of time, the nine or seven ethical tenets of Jainaism are generally called as tattvas. Six physical realities are dravyas. Five extended substances are astikayas. The terms *padartha', 'artha' and 'bhava' are used while explaining these terms. It is very interesting to note at the end that Sthananga uses the word 'sadbhavapadartha' for nine tattvaswhile Uttaradhyayana uses the word 'tathya' (af) for it. "I 3. Concept of Kala in Pancastikaya According to Vaisesikas, kala is a dravya-padartha, Kundakunda explains kaladravya in total 8 verses in Pancastikaya. This is not the place to describe kala-dravya at length. We know that Svetambaras and Digambaras differ about the concept of Time. One point is noteworthy that Kundakunda does not mention the count of pradesas and kalanus in the text of Pancastikaya. Tatparyavrtti adds all these details, which of course is the further development. 4. Analogy given for 'Adharma' in Pancastikaya The stock examples for dharma and adharma are generally given as that of a fish and water' and 'a traveler and shade of a tree' serially. In Pancastikaya, adharma is explained likewise. "Moving things whether animate or inanimate are not arrested and brought to rest by the earth. But if there is no earth to support, there will be no possibility of rest for moving things. The example of earth' given by Kundakunda is very much convincing than chaya-pathika analogy. It reminds us the law of gravitation discovered by Newton while observing an apple falling on the ground. 5. References of Vaisesika and Bauddha Views Kundakunda has taken notice of the famous Vaisesika-sutra 'polu 31101T in Pancastikaya. He explains Jaina views about sabda and discusses the qualities of paramanu in verses 74 up to 82, with great enthusiasm. He says, 'Sound is not a quality of akasa. It is paudgalika, but still sound is not contained in the paudgalas. If the skandhas constituted by primary atoms strike one another, there is sound'. Vaisesikas are his chief opponents. The expressions in verse 50 are very eloquent in refuting samavaya' as a separate 'padartha'.
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________________ Likewise the terms like 'uccheda', 'sunya' and 'vijnana' are used in verse 37, to refute the Buddhist view on Liberation. 6. Influences of Vaisesika Terminology Kundakunda uses the word 'Dhatucatuska' for the four famous elements viz. earth, water, fire and air." In Dvadasanupreksa, while enumerating the 84 lac yonis, he uses the expression Mufact-ENG--1-3-04#' etc. Here, the word is not used for four elements but for the four kind of one-sensed beings. Otherwise they are known as ekendriyas or sthavaras, still he prefers the word 'Dhatu' which reminds "Mahabhutas of Vaisesika and Saptadhatu of Caraka.' Can we not say that this term occurs to his mind due to his close association with the Brahmanic terminology? While describing similarities and dissimilarities in dravyas Umasvati uses the terms rupi' and 'arupi' but in Pancastikaya, the terms are 'murta' and 'amurta', probably due to the influence of Vaisesika terminology. 15 7. Explaining Jaina terminology in easy words According to Samkhya philosophy, the sentient and insentient world is originated from Prakrti by the combination of sattva, raja and tama. The Pancamahabhutas are jada. Jainas hold totally different view about four of them. The ekendriya jivas are mentioned as prthvikayika (earth-bodied beings), apkayika (water-bodied beings) etc. Kundakunda explains the difference in prthvikaya and prthvikayika etc. in verse no. 121 of Pancastikaya, very elaborately. He says - 'na hi iMdiyANi jIvA kAyA puNa chappayAra paNNattA / jaM havadi tesu NANaM jIvo tti ya taM parUvaMti / / ' **The five senses and the six kinds of bodies mentioned above, these are not the essence of soul. Whatever in the midst of these manifests as consciousness that they call by the name Jiva". These kinds of explanations occur in Pancastikaya at many places. The etymology of the term dravya is given in the 9th verse. Kundakunda is aware of the fact that many concepts in Jaina philosophy are naive to the contemporary philosophers, so he tries to paraphrase those terms in easy words by using the colloquial language of that time viz. Sauraseni. The concept of Jiva is elaborately explained in verse 30 and 33. Thus Pancastikaya contributes Jaina thought by preparing the necessary background for the era of khandana-mandana. 8. Application of sevenfold predication to Dravyas Umasvati presents Jiva-tattva in the second chapter of Tattvartha very systematically. In a very unique way Kundakunda summaries the characteristics of Jiva, in Pancastikaya. He says that when we apply different viewpoints to look at the jiva-tattva, it can be described in ten ways (i.e. from one to ten). Interested scholars may refer the concerned duet of verses (verses 71-72) in this matter. While explaining the number 'seven', the commentators say that this term ATHCHIC denotes the seven-fold predication which is applicable to jiva. In the 14th verse of Pancastikaya, 75
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________________ dravya is viewed from seven-fold aspects of predication. Pt. Dalasukhaji Malvaniya mentions emphatically that the methodology of Syadvada and Saptabhangi used by Kundakunda is followed by the later Jaina logicians. Panditaji opines that the application of syadvada by Kundakunda is found in more developed form, than that of Umasvati's Tattvartha. One more thing is noteworthy that Kundakunda keeps avakta vya bhanga at third place in Pravacanasara (2.23) but at fourth place in Pancastikaya. 17 9. Transcendental and Empirical Viewpoints In each and every work of Kundakunda, he describes Jaina tenents from two major viewpoints, viz. niscaya and vyavahara. In the first chapter of Tattvartha, total seven nayas are mentioned. These nayas are not mentioned in the literature of Kundakunda. Kundakunda sticks to the above-mentioned two nayas and argued that the transcendental perspective is superior to the empirical one in assessing the essence of Jaina philosophy. However Svopadjna Bhasya of Tattvartha does not specifically distinguish between transcendental and empirical viewpoint as did Kundakunda. Dr. Nathamalaji Tatia has pointed out that the seven standpoints are endorsed in the ancient Satkhandagama and Kasayapahuda." 'Why Kundakunda prefers twofold viewpoints and avoids seven viewpoints ?' is a valid subject for further research. It is noteworthy that in the present context of Pancastikaya, Kundakunda mentions vyavahara and niscaya only once and that too in the concluding verse while describing moksamarga. 10. The style of raising doubts and answering This peculiar style is evidently seen in Virasena's commentary on Satkhandagama. We can locate the seeds of the peculiar style in some of the verses of Pancastikaya. For example, this style is best seen in verses 92 upto 95. Kundakunda uses the words like fa gafa" or " ET-A-EI" in his reasoning. But the whole reasoning is based on the religious doctrines of Jaina scriptures and not on the inference based on pratyaksa pramana as Naiyayikas do. He says, 'If space, in addition to accommodating other things, conditions their motion and rest, then why do these siddhas, whose tendency to go upwards come to stay at the summit of the world ? If space be the condition of motion and rest of life and matter, then there would happen the disappearance of Aloka and the destruction and dissipation of Loka or world. At the end of the argument Kundakunda says, 'So was the nature of the cosmos revealed by the great Jinas.' 11. The concept of trasa and sthavara as reflected in Pancastikaya The final form of trasa-sthavara concept is seen in the Dravyanuyoga texts like Brhaddravyasamgraha of Nemicandra. He says, puDhavijalateyavAU vaNapphadI vivihathAvareiMdI / vigatigacadupaMcakkhA tasajIvA hoti saMkhAdI / / 19
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________________ In the finalized form of Jaina doctrines, all the five one-sensed beings are sthavaras. But in the sastraparijna-adhyayana of Acaranga, in the 36" adhyayana of Uttaradhyayana (verses 68, 69, 107), in the second adhyaya of Tattvartha (2.12-2.14) and in verse 111 of Pancastikaya, it is mentioned clearly that the earth-bodied, water-bodied and plant-bodied beings are immobile, while fire and air-bodied as well as those with two or more senses are mobile beings. The concerned verse of Pancastikaya runs likewise: "fa T US A541 dy h 1" Kundakunda says, 'Though there is the rise of sthavara-nama-karma in air and fire, mobility is seen in them so these two one-sensed beings are mobile'. Tattvartha-svopajna-bhasya meets this controversy by the division of labdhi-trasa and gatitrasa while Sarvarthasiddhi varient of this sutra includes the fire-bodied and air-bodied as mobile beings. 20 It is remarkable that in the manuscript of Pancastikaya used by Prof.A.Chakravartinayanar, the concerned verse is absent. The writer of the manuscript may have felt that the automatic movement of fire and air does not qualify a being as 'mobile'. This term refers to those that are capable of voluntary movement. 12. The position of devotion' and 'charity' in Pancastikaya In 'Dasabhakti', Kundakunda mentions panca-paramesthi, guru, nirvana, sruta etc. as the adorables. Kundakunda ascertains the position of bhakti in two verses viz. 137 and 166. He says, "The person who has reverence and devotion towards Arahanta etc. will invariably get bondage with punya-karma, hence he can never achieve absolute annihilation of karma. Again he says, "The person who has not grasped the self through all his efforts associated with worship and reverence will only secure the happiness of devas. He qualified devotion' as prasasta-raga which leads to punya.' In verse 137, the same status is given to pity, love and charity. Thus, in Pancastikaya, Kundakunda designates devotion and charity as 'punyasrava' in the total framework of Jainaism. 13. The atheist nature of Jainaism We do not get discussion about the creator God, its nature etc. separately in Pancastikaya, but the atheist nature of Jainaism is clearly reflected in some of the verses of Pancastikaya. Kundakunda says, 'The six dravyas are the constitutive elements of the world. These are uncreated and eternal. 2- He adds, 'Just as several molecular arrangement in matter is seen in diverse forms though uncaused by alien agency so also the manifestations in the karmic matter occur undetermined by alien cause. Kundakunda states clearly that jivas and karmic materials are bound together strongly. But when the time for their separation comes they fall apart. Due to this aggregation and disintegration, Jiva experiences pleasure and pain.24
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________________ Thus Kundakunda has successfully prepared the background for the further Jaina logicians to present their arguments against the existence of God as the creator of universe and a giver of pleasure, pain etc. to beings. 14. The usage of the scriptural expressions "janadi-passadi' The position of Jnana and Darsana is unique in Jaina philosophy. These are the two among the triad of ratnas. These terms are used in the words like jnanopayoga-darsanopayoga ; jnanavaraniya-darsanavaraniya etc. The verbs are of course it and 4** (4789 or 9). These verbs are frequently used in Pancastikaya. Kundakunda says, 'Hoch 446) w a uefa' (verse 158). It means the jiva, free from all relations perceives and knows. Again he says, "Perception and understanding of objects are the functions of jiva or consciousness" (verse 122). In verse 163, he uses the verbal forms viz. vijANAdi and pecchadi. It is noteworthy that in Acaranga (I) we come across the usage of these verbs frequently and in the same context.25 The influence of terminology of scriptures in many other places, can be seen in Pancastikaya because Kundakunda is aware that he is presenting the essence of Jinavacana. He has purposefully selected the titles of his works as Pravacanasara, Samayasara etc. 15. Rare usage of examples, analogies and metaphors Actually this is the distinctive feature of the whole Kundakunda-literature but specially seen in Pancastikaya. The analogy of padmaraga jewel and milk is employed in verse 33 for explaining the characteristic of jiva. He gives examples to explain dharma and adharma in minimum words viz. '367 FE HET' and 'ygaita 20 In verse 146, Kundakunda uses the expression 'fire in the form of meditation' to emphasize the superiority of dhyana over subha and asubha. Barring these scanty instances, Pancastikaya is written in a lucid style without any poetic adornments which is suitable for dravyanuyoga. It is noteworthy that since the focus and purpose of Astapahuda is different, it is flooded These type of stylistic differences show the mastery of with examples, analogies and metaphors. the writer over language. Conclusion It is actually impossible to enumerate the distinctive feature of Pancastikaya, since it is the overflow of spiritual experiences expressed in lucid style with inborn wisdom. But in nutshell we can say that Pancastikaya is an excellent example of dehali-dipa-nyaya. It illuminates the nature of scriptural concepts of astikayas and dravyas in the perspective of contemporary philosophies and at the same time, it is the whistle-blower of the forthcoming era of logic in the field of Jainaism.
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________________ List of References 1) Agama yuga kA jaina darzana, p.281 2) paMcAstikAya, Agasa edn. Numbers of verses given in the paper are according to this edition 3) paMcAstikAya, verse 2 4) paMcAstikAya, verse 173 5) Sakrastava, a part of Sadavasyaka for Sravakas 6) bArasANupekkhA , verse 1 7) paMcAstikAya, verse 105 8) aSTapAhuDa, darzanapAhuDa verse 19 9) Studies in Jainism, pp.83-97 10) nava sabbhAvapayatthA paNNattA, sthAnAMga 9.665 11) jIvAjIvA ya bandho ya ---santee tahiyA nava, uttarAdhyayana 28.14 12) paMcAstikAya, verse 86 13) Adezamattamutto dhAducadukkassa kAraNaM jo du / so Neo paramANU pariNAmaguNo sayamayaddo / / paMcAstikAya, verse 78 14) Niccidara dhAdu-sattaya tarudasa viyaliMdiyesu chacceva / sura Niraya tiriya cauro coddasa maNuye sadasahassA / / bArasANupekkhA, verse 35 15) The words murta (mutta) and amurta (amutta) are found in Pancastikaya verses 78,97,99. 16) daviyadi gacchadi tAI tAI sabbhAvapajjayAI jaM / daviyaM na bhaNNate aNaNNabhUdaM tu sattAdo / / paMcAstikAya, verse 9 17) pravacanasAra, 2.23; paMcAstikAya, verse 14 18) Tattvartha sutra, Nathmal Tatia, p.27 19) dravyasaMgraha, verse 11 20) Tattvartha sutra, Nathmal Tatia, p.41 21) arahaMtasiddhacediyapavayaNagaNaNANabhattisaMpaNNo / ___baMdhadi puNNaM bahuso Na du so kammakkhayaM kuNadi / / paMcAstikAya, verse 166 22) jIvA puggalakAyA AyAsaM atthikAiyA sesA / amayA atthittamayA kAraNabhUdA hi logassa / / paMcAstikAya, verse 22 23) paMcAstikAya, verse 66 24) paMcAstikAya, verse 67 25) (i) viNaittu lobhaM Nikkhamma, esa akamme jANati-pAsati / AyAro (Ldn.), (ii) dukkhaM ca jANa aduvAgamessaM, loyaM ca pAsa viSphaMdamANaM / AyAro (Ldn.), 26) paMcAstikAya, verse 85,86 27) darzanapAhuDa 7; bodhapAhuDa 15,23 ; bhAvapAhuDa 82,90,95,122,123,158 ; mokSapAhuDa 51. List of Reference-Books 1) aSTapAhuDa : kundakundAcAryaviracita, saM.DaoN.hakumacanda bhArilla, zrI kundakunda kahAna digaMbara jaina tIrtha surakSA TrasTa, jayapura 2) Agama-yuga kA jainadarzana : paM.dalasukha mAlavaNiyA, saM.vijayamuni, sanmati jJAnapITha, AgarA, 1966 3) AcArAMga (AyAro) : vAcanA pramukha-A.tulasI, jaina vizvabhAratI prakAzana, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), vi.saM.2031 4) uttarAdhyayanasUtra : saM. sAdhvI candanA, sanmati jJAnapITha, jaina bhavana, AgarA. 1997 5) tattvArthasUtra : umAsvAtiviracita, vivecaka-paM. sukhalAla saMghavI, pArzvanAtha vidyAzrama zodha saMsthAna, vArANasI, 1976 6) TATTVARTHA SUTRA : Umasvati, Translated by Nathmal Tatia, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, Delhi, 2007 7) paMcAstikAya : kundakundAcAryaviracita, zrImad rAjacaMdra Azrama, agAsa (gujarAta), 1986 8) PANCASTIKAYA : By Kundakundacharya, Translated by Prof. Chakravartinayanar, The Central ____ Jaina Publishing House, Arrah (India). 1920 9) bArasANupekkhA : A. kundakundaviracita, padmazrI sumatibAI zahA, solApura, 1989 10) STUDIES IN JAINISM : Editor-Dr. M.P.Marathe, Gokhle, Department of Philosophy, University of Poona, 1984
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________________ Jainaism : Philosophy and Practice in India (A presentation given in the Panel Discussion arranged jointly by the Dept. of Philosophy, Mumbai and IPC - for the AAPA Conference on 22nd October 2010) Introduction Knowingly or unknowingly, a specific thought-model was created by Indologists, to look at Jainaism, up to the middle of 20th century. A certain pattern was reflected in innumerable references where the term 'Buddhists and Jainas' is used. The assumption was that by understanding something of the Buddhists, one knows all about Jainas. Though both are atheists, ascetic traditions and carry similarities in many perceptions, still we should know that their patterns of responses are different in many issues. I will give a few concrete examples. (i) Many scholars of Kautiliyan studies mention that "Buddhist and Jainas censure or condemn Chaanakya for his crookedness." But when we go through the countless references of Chaanakya, found in Prakrit and Sanskrit literature of Jainas, we realize that, Chaanakya is honored and appreciated by Jainas even more than Hindus. (ii) When we undertake a scrutiny of Jaina references about "sacrifice" (yadnya), we come to know that the thrust and way of opposition to sacrifices is different from time to time in Jaina History The scholars have developed a model of 'Pure-Jainaism' and 'Popular-Jainaism in their minds. They deal 'Pure-Jainaismas conservative and unchanging and all the new additions are looked upon as degenerations. Scholars of Hinduism portray that Hinduism is a dynamic and changing tradition, while Popular-Jainaism is the expression of half-understood and ill-digested Hindu influences. When we think about "Jaina Philosophy and Practice in India" it is the solemn duty of a researcher that he should remain aloof from the biased views and start thinking with fresh minds. Recent historical surveys of Jaina religion such as that of Paul Dundas (1992), treat the Jaina community not just as it was in the beginning, but as a growing, changing, innovating, internally diverse religious group. When Jainaism itself provides the doctrine of multi-faceted reality and truth', the format of 'dravya-kshetra-kaala-bhaava' and concept of 'dravya-guna-paryaaya', and thus gives space for change and innovations, then there is no need to create new models for understanding Jaina practices. Uttaraadhyayana mentions pannaa samikkhae dhammam'. It means, let us ascertain or examine the religion by wisdom or rational thinking. So, in this presentation, I wish to underline the flexibility and all-inclusiveness of Jaina practices in the broader perspective of the historical background of Indian religions. 80
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________________ Scope of the Paper 'Practical-Jainaism' is a very complex issue. It is impossible to cover all the Jaina practices in this paper. So I have chosen some of the important practices for consideration, particularly concerned to the conduct of laity i.e. shraavakaachaara and exclude monastic conduct in this presentation (A) Shraavakaachaaras : the practical guidebooks for householders A brief survey of ancient Jaina literature reflects the fact that Jainaism, like Theravaada of Buddhism, is a shramanic religion and its primary teachings concern the path of liberation that is to be followed by those who are able to renounce the world. In due course of time, 'space' was given to them, who choose to remain in household life but wish to lead a religious (i.e. merit making) life. We find Prakrit and Sanskrit literature dedicated to shraavakaachaara from 3rd Cen.A.D. onwards. These texts are the guidebooks to teach the laity "How to be a Jaina in practice ?" It is actually a very tough job, with one foot on the worldly path of making money and merit, and the other, rather hesitantly, on the path of liberation. Shvetaambara teachers noted down the conduct of laity in the terminology of anuvaratas, gunavratas and shikshaavratas (total 12) and Digambaras in the terminology of eleven pratimas. As mentioned by Amrutachandra it is expected from a householder that he should follow the path to the best of one's abilities. The wording suggests that it is impossible to prescribe hard and fast rules for laity because the abilities of householders are naturally different. Over the centuries Jainas developed 'Popular-Jainaism' that is, the daily and other regular practices and rituals which are actually performed or followed by large numbers of typical Jaina laypeople. These regular practices are known as kriyaas or charyaas, which are intended to lead people on a journey from the 'outer' to the inner' world of self. Moortipoojakas (or Mandiramaargins), Digambaras, Sthaanakavasis, Teraapanthis, followers of Shreemad Raajachandra, of Kaanji Svaami and of Daadaa Bhagavaana and so on, perform different rituals. We can classify these rituals as devotional, purificatory, expiatory, oblationary and ceremonial. Digambara non-image-worshipers generally follow the rituals of other Digambaras with exception of rituals associated with temples and images, instead they worship the scriptures. For the details of various poojaas, vidhaanaas and other rituals, one may refer the 5th chapter of the book - "Jainaism: the world of conquerors" by Natubhai Shah. (B) Worried Thinkers Every religion has some rituals but now a days Jaina thinkers are very much worried about this excessive ritualism and that too with great pomp and show ! Some are worried about the growing impact of deities, gods and goddesses like yakshas, shaasanadevatas, vidyaadevatas as so on. Some others are restless about the enthusiastic participation of Jainas in Hindu festivals like dashahara, deepaavalee, durgaapoojaa, ganesha-festival and so on. Will Jainas loose their identity
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________________ with such type of behavioral patterns ? Are they congruent with the philosophical and ethical tenet of Jainaism? A minute scrutiny is needed in this matter. As a distant observer of Jaina community for the last 25 years, I feel that there exists a deep-rooted 'Jainatva' in laypeople. An attempt is made here to note down some of the main points of 'Jainatva' with critical remarks. (1) Strict Vegetarianism We should know that this distinctive feature of Jainatva is the last phase in the process of the development in Jaina thought about dietary habits. It is the outcome of the reflections of Jaina teachers over centuries. We find references like 'bahuatthiyam mamsam, bahukantiyam maccham' in Aayaara. The incidence of Revatee in Bhagavatee Sutra is well-known. In the course of time, the Jaina thinkers were successful in percolating Ahimsaa in the dietary habits. Further on, they extended the restrictions to various types of vegetable life as well. The missionary zeal on reforming the dietary habits of Indians and the people abroad is certainly admirable for such a small minority. But we should remember that strict vegetarianism is the best example of the innovative spirit of Jainaism. (2) Observance of austerities (fasts) especially during Chaaturmaasa When Hindus are busy in various attractive festivals, vows and celebrations during Chaaturmaasa, Jainas keep one-day's, two-day's, eight-day's or even monthly fasts. In small towns and villages some Hindus also keep fast in Jaina manner. This tendency of observing fasts is growing day by day. Some people object the pompous udyaapanas but they are voluntary. The aphorism mentioned in Tattvaartha, viz. *tapasaa nirjaraa cha' provides the necessary philosophical background for such type of penances. It means, 'Austerities wear off karma as well as inhibiting it'. The commentary Sarvaarthasiddhi says very aptly that, "when austerities are part of enlightened conduct then only they cause samvara and nirjaraa. It excludes practices and rituals such as religious pilgrimage, sacred ablution, worship of gods and demi-gods and so on." It is noteworthy that even ritualistic laity never looses the focus on the observance of various fasts. (3) Deep-rooted theory of karma seen in the verbal expressions of Jainas There is no need to say that the Jaina theory of karma is the most systematic, rational and full of technical terms and concepts. It is vast, thought-provoking and the literature explaining karma theory dates from more than two thousand years ago up to the present. For explaining any good or bad happening in our daily life, a Hindu uses the words like 'destiny', 'god's grace', god's sport' (leelaa), 'letters written on forehead' etc. But almost every Jaina employs the terminology which is specifically connected with karma-theory. The words like 'bondage', *maturity', 'covering capacity of karma', are very easy for him. He tries to analyze pleasure' or *pain' on the background of vedaneeya. He is aware of the concept that lifespan-karma determines both longevity and realm of birth (i.e. gati). When he is deprived of certain things he knows that 'it 82
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________________ is the rise of antaraaya'.' In short a layperson knows that he himself is responsible for his present condition and not the God etc. Karma-theory gives solace to him and inspires him for better purushaartha. The teachers also insist in their religious preaching that the worship of adorables in any form, the acts like charity etc. create 'bondage of merit' but for the dissociation of previous karma, penance is necessary. (4) Daana (charity, donation) and Niyama (vow): as the expressions of Aparigraha (nonpossession) Jainas are many times blamed for having the excessive possessions which is the natural outcome of their strong financial position and their ideas of 'social status'. From the chapter related to Aanand shraavaka in Upaasakadashaa, we come to know that Lord Mahaveer expected limiting the bhoga and upabhoga and not total renunciation of wealth from a householder. The aphorism of Tattvaartha 'parasparopagraho jeevaanaam' inspires Jaina householder for charity. The topic daana-punya' is discussed at length in various Jaina texts. Each and every householder is keen about charity or donation according to his capacity. Likewise, a religiousminded Jaina person seem to be very eager to take an oath to abandon particular things especially food articles. We can say that inclination towards daana and niyama reflect the tenet of aparigraha. (5) Prohibited professions (Fifteen karmaadaanas) Jainas discuss in detail the three ways in which violence could be expressed. Intentional violence is totally prohibited. The Jaina lawgivers have drawn up a long list of professions that were unsuitable for a Jaina layperson." There is no doubt that the list needs revision accordingly but generally it is seen that Jainas choose a business which is reasonably free from causing harm to others. Jaina businessmen are reluctant to own animal husbandries, fisheries, leather-works, trade in ivory, alcohol or weapons etc. This is noteworthy at this point that pet-animals, fish-tanks, love-birds, tortoises etc. are not seen in houses of Jainas. It is cruelty to animals to keep them in bondage according to the shraavakacaara. Thus manifestation of Ahimsaa is seen in various ways in Jaina life-style. The high literacy rate, maintaining peaceful relationship with society, proficiency over many languages, enthusiastic participation in non-Jaina festivals -- these are some inherent qualities inculcated in Jainas due to their being a merchant class, for generations. This life-style is very much favorable to loose one's identity, but it is observed that in spite of socialization, Jainas have kept their identity intact with the help of religious practices imparted through family network and religious teachers. (6) Basics of Jaina ritual culture (specially poojas) The rituals like 'snaatra pooja' does not glorify the roles of gods and goddesses. It is the teerthamkara, and not even mighty Indra, who is the actual object of worship. The mode represented by the deities is not the highest mode, which is asceticism. The teerthamkara stands 83
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________________ for ascetic values and not for the felicity that the deities embody. Though vaishnava patterns are seen in Jaina poojas, still at a deeper level, they are congruent with the Jaina philosophy. According to Jainaism, transactions between worshiper and worshiped are not seen. The offering of food in Jaina worship is interpreted as ritualized renunciation of food. Food offered to Krishna etc. is called 'bhoga' (enjoyment) in vaishnavism. The recovered offering becomes his 'prasaada by which devotees are nourished. In Jaina tradition, the food offering is not given to' but given up'. Such offerings are not consumed by Jainas, instead given to non-Jaina poojaaris. (7) Absence of shraaddha, pitrupooja, pinda etc. in Jaina practices Almost in all sects and sub sects of Jainas, the above-mentioned posthumous rituals are not seen except very rare cases in rural areas. Shraaddha presupposes the existence of a world of manes (pitruloka). Since the Jainas maintain that the soul must be reborn instantaneously in any of the four realms of births (i.e. gatis). Hence adoption of the posthumous practices would undermine their very cosmology. Feeding the Brahmins at shraaddha etc. would make mockery of the doctrine of karma. Jaina laity is so far successful to prevent these customs which are totally against their doctrine. The word shraaddha used in the Jaina texts is a synonym of shraavaka i.e. "having right faith'. The word pinda is used purposefully for the alms (bhikshaa, gocharee) given to monks 13 In the same manner Jainas do not follow the customs of worshiping cow, trees, mountains etc. Somadeva (10th Cen.A.D.) had strictly prohibited these customs for Jaina householders in his Upaasakaadhyayana.'4 The effect of his prohibition is seen up till now. (8) Observance of sootaka, paataka, ashaucha etc. and samskaaras The reference of sootaka etc. are profusely found in the commentaries on the Digambara texts and typically religious Digambara laity follow these customs still now. I guess that Mandirmaargins also follow these customs. Sanskrit Mahaapuraana of Jinasena and Gunabhadra introduced many samskaaras, kriyaas and vidhis for laity and composed Sanskrit mantras accordingly. 16 Though the Hindu influence is explicit in these rituals, it is noteworthy that shraaddha etc. are not prescribed. Jinasena, Gunabhadra and their followers brought the peculiar ritualistic culture in Jaina tradition. It is a duty of a researcher to grasp the religio-social background in those centuries. If we observe the terminology used by Jinasena - Gunabhadra we realize the sincere efforts of the teachers to inculcate 'Jainatva' through these samskaaras by strictly using Jaina concepts and not those of Hindus. Instead of having 'Jainatva' by birth, they intended to create vidhis for the aaropana of Jainatva in concrete form. (9) A format created for influential personalities Jainas categorized the influential and illustrious personalities into teerthamkaras, chakravartins, baladvevas, vaasudevas etc. Yativrushabha (6th Cen.A.D.) includes 11 rudras, 24 84
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________________ kaamadevas and 9 naaradas. Thus Raama, Lakshamana, Hanuman, Naarada, Krushna etc. got 'space' in Jaina environment. Thus keeping intact the highest position of teerthamkaras, they assimilated many Hindu personalities and created a harmony with the Hindu brethren. There never developed Krushna-cult, Raama-cult etc. in Jaina religion because they have already given certain status to them to arrest the encroachment on their basic principles. (10) Growing impact of gods and goddesses in Jaina Pantheon Principally, Jaina philosophy is atheist. Yet the medieval literature of Jainas and the Popular-Jainaism' is flooded with the references and idols of yakshas, yakshees, rakshakadevataas, shaasanadevataas, vidyaadevataas, indra-indraanees, kshetrapaalas and so on. Is it this not a paradox ? Can we name it as 'degeneration from true Jainaism ?' There is a long history of yaksha cult in the Jaina environment. Eminent Indologist and Sanskritist Dr. R.N.Dandekar had written a voluminous thesis on Hindu pantheon, in which he had noted down the history of the culmination of vedic deities into puraanic deities. Parallel history of Jaina pantheon can be written. Major stages in this development can be located likewise: (i) Worship of devas, naagas, yakshas and gandharvas by the people in the Gangetic valley as guardian deities. (ii) Canonical references of chaityas and devaayatanas etc. and mainly of two yakshas, viz. Poornabhadra and Manibhadra. (iii) The hooded idols of Paarshvanaatha and stories about Paarshva, Kamatha, Dharanendra and Padmaavatee. (iv) Inclusion of Hindu goddesses with certain changes and thus 24 guardian deities of 24 teerthamkaras. (v) Legitimization of the worship of yakshas etc. and devising new rites, litanies and tantric practices. (vi) Emergence of a new class of clerics called as yatis and bhattaarakas having a special status similar to that of the mahantas. (vii) Increasing importance of yakshas in Jaina rituals. Building new independent temples adjacent to the main shrine. (viii) Efforts of revolt against yaksha-cult by Somadeva (10" Cen.) and Aashaadhara (13" Cen.). Declaring idol-worship as a form of heresy under the leadership of Lonkaa Shah (15" Cen.). Iconoclastic school of sthaanka-vaasis. At present majority of idol-worshippers is busy in their rituals and many lay-people of iconoclastic schools are going through the confused state of mind. To conclude, if vaishnavas, shaivas, maaheshvaras and so on can have their common identity as Hindus, there is no problem for Jainas, with such internally diverse religious groups and yet maintaining their common identity as Jainas. We can say this firmly because all of them carry almost same metaphysics, epistemology, ontology and ethics.
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________________ Future of Practical-Jainaism * In the present age of globalization and liberalization, Jaina youths will create a common platform in spite of their sects and sub sects. * Educational Institutes will come forward to impart Jaina philosophy, Ethics, Literature and distinctive features of Jaina art to the new generations on academic level. * As the process of conversion from one religion to the other is rarely seen in this era of Science, Jainas will remain in minority but enlightened youths come forward to profess the Jaina way of life. * Excessive rituals will be curtailed but temple-worship, poojas, jaap, praarthanas, penances, oaths and vows will continue because outer expressions are necessary for keeping the tradition alive. * Monks and laypeople will come forward to settle a minimum programme of the code of conduct and will try to follow it, is as far as possible. * There is tremendous scope for change and innovations in the structure of Jainaism, so new behavioral patterns will be created without damaging the essence of Jainaism. * Since Jainaism carries a unique elaborate perspective towards the world of Tiryanchas ( sensed beings like earth, water etc. ; insects, birds, animals and vegetation), a new class of naturalists will emerge among Jainas to preserve and protect the bio-species on the earth, carrying forward the wisdom of ancient Jaina thinkers. "I conclude with a very happy note that, there is no fear for Jainas to loose their identity, on the contrary, there is tremendous potentiality in Jaina philosophy and ethics to influence the world without going for any fanatic measures. List of References 1) meeste tema, gf maa, Introduction p.57 2) a 3RTEHT verse 1556; 3402h felica 51; CE 41; 341994 aluf (I)pp.563-566; Cor 20121 pp.336-338; Ritud pp. 77-86 3) Mena Hiering afaqua faer, "Collected Research Papers in Prakrit and Jainology" (Vol. 1)p.186 4) 3TTERTH, FT-TH4, chapter 23, verse 25 5) HAIf I HI Hafe Ram 4gITIf | 5giffe T4, verse 20 6) ERM, fu$441, 2.10.4 7) Tadla (1104123ca), shataka 15 8) Traia, 9.3 9) Ibid, chapter 8 10) Ibid, 5.21 11) 910 yfish40, FR49To 12) 378129 Haifa ami, FL fan fifa TH TH 1 GRT El a gaifa aui, Ha 374475 ya 11 SERTETTH, 14.12 86
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________________ 13) AcArAMga 2.1, piNDaiSaNA 14) somadeva, yazastilakacampU, upAsakAdhyayana, kArikA 136-140 15) sUtaka-pAtaka, jainendra-siddhAnta-koza pp. 442-443 16) jainendra-siddhAnta-koza pp. 149-153 17) The categories of shalaakaapurushas as teerthamkara etc. are mentioned systematically in Kummaaputtachariya, verse 49 List of Reference-Books A] Original Sourses (English Alphabets) 1) AcArAMgasUtra : saM.amolakaRSijI, amola jaina jJAnAlaya, dhuLe (mahArASTra), 2006 2) mahApurANa : jinasena-guNabhadra, saM. pannAlAla jaina, bhAratIya jJAnapITha, kAzI, 1954 3) puruSArthasiddhayupAya : amRtacaMdra, kSullaka dharmAnanda, sureza jaina, naI dehalI, 1989 4) tattvArthasUtra : umAsvAti, saM. sukhalAla saMghavI, pArzvanAtha vidyAzrama zodha saMsthAna, vArANasI, 1976 5) Tattvarth Sutra - That Which Is: Nathmal Tatia, Motilal Banarasidass, 2007 6) uttarAdhyayana (uttarajjhayaNa) : saM. munipuNyavijaya, mahAvIra jaina vidyAlaya, muMbaI, 1977 B] Secondary Sources (English Alphabets) 1) Collected Papers on Jaina Studies: P.S.Jaini, Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, 2000 2) Collected Research Papers in Prakrit and Jainology: Ed.Nalini Joshi, H.N.Jain Chair, Uni. Pune, Sanmati-Teerth Prakashan, Pune, 2008 3) darzana aura cintana : paM. sukhalAlajI saMghavI, gujarAta vidyAsabhA, ahamadAbAda, 1957 4) Jainism - the World of Conquerors (Vol. I & II): Natubhai Shah, Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, 2004 5) jainendra siddhAnta koza (bhAga 1-4) : kSu.jinendra varNI, bhAratIya jJAnapITha, naI dillI, 2009 6) Open Boundaries: Ed.J.E.Cort, Sri Satguru Publications, IBC, Delhi, 1998
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________________ The Ancient Jaina Text 'Rushibhashita' (Unique Example of Religious Harmony) (A Research Paper (based on theme I) presented in the State-level Seminar arranged by Ramakrishna Math, Pune on 12th and 13th March 2011) 1. Introduction India is known in the world as a land of spiritual personalities. In English we find three or four words for such type of personalities leading the life of renunciation, viz. sage, ascetic, monk and mendicant. On the other hand, in Sanskrit, Prakrit and Pali literature, we find ample words viz. #f9, A, ATY, , afa, 7194, 317 , Party, 1424, 1, 244, ufalth and so on. Apparently it seems that they are synonyms but when we go for the etymological explanations, each word carries a slight different tinge of meaning. Generally it is observed that Buddhists prefer the word fuarg',Jainas prefer and Adfer', while all other words are employed by Hindus. The word #f' with the etymology #19CHHIL' is generally in Vedic and Hindu texts. But when we go through the names of 45 Ardhamagadhi canons of Svetambaras, we find one valuable text titled Rushibhashita'. Here, the word #fo is employed in the sense 'a thinker'. When we go through the names of the #fas, we get startled because this ancient Jaina text exhibits the thoughts which are presented by the Indian thinkers in general without mentioning their caste, creed or tradition. So, in this paper, an effort is made to throw a light on the all-inclusive nature of Rushibhashita, which is hardly seen in the contemporary Indian literature. 2. Position of the Text in Ardhamagadhi Scriptures Rushibhashita is one of the oldest treatises in Ardhamagadhi Jaina canonical literature. Murtipoojaka Shwetambara tradition recognizes 45 Ardhamagadhi canons. Under the accepted system of classification this is classified as Prakeernaka (i.e. anthological text). Prakeernakas are the last part of the scriptures. Thorough scrutiny by the academicians suggests that Rushibhashita is one of the oldest Ardhamagadhi texts, but as the sectarian spirit developed in the course of time, (i.e. during 1000 years) the revered text was placed in the last. 3. Language and Date of Rushibhashita The language of this text is mixed Prakrit, containing many archaic forms' found in Vedic Sanskrit. The language indicates the originality and naturalness with colloquial flavor. The nominal and verbal forms show the influence of Magadhi and Ardhamagadhi at most of the places and Shauraseni and Paishachi at some other places. At very few places the influence of Maharashtri Prakrit is also seen. Thus according to its language, style and subject matter this is an extremely old work among the Ardhamagadhi scriptures. Even its present form can under no circumstances be dated later than 3rd or 4th century B.C.1
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________________ 4. The Nature and Content of the Text The text contains the thought-streams of 45 Rushis. The title of each of the 45 chapters (Adhyayana) contains the name of the seer. In the few opening lines of the chapter, the main thought is documented and it is told immediately that, 'this thought is told by the Arhat Rushi so and so. 2 According to the Appendix (Samgrahani) attached to the text, out of these 45 sages, twenty are believed to be contemporaries of Arishtanemi (i.e. the period of Mahabharata, fifteen that of Parshwali.e. 250 years before Mahaveer) and remaining ten that of Mahaveer). As such it would not be correct to believe that the list of the sages can be divided into the above-mentioned periods in the same order as mentioned in Rushibhashita. Schubring has made an effort to evaluate the traditions of the sages in his preface to Isibhasiyaim. We are not keen in the tradition-wise classification at present, but still it is noteworthy that Yadnyavalkya, Bahuk, Arun and Uddalaka clearly appear to be of Upanishadic tradition. Madhurayana, Aryayana, Tarayana (Narayana), Angirasa, Varishen Krishna, Narada, Asit Devala and many others also seem to be belong the Brahmin tradition. In the text itself, Ping, Rushigiri, Shrigiri and Ambad mentioned as Brahmin Parivrajakas. Dr. Sagarmal Jaina, a renowned scholar mentions that, 'I have no objection in accepting Mahakashyap, Sariputta and Vajjiputta as belonging to Buddhist tradition. It is obvious from the names and content of the text that Parshwa and Vardhamana are the Jaina thinkers. It is difficult to ascertain the historical existence of many other seers like Valkalchiri, Bhayali, Tarun, Ardraka, Varatraya and so on. One thing is very clear that most of the Rushis are not connected with Jaina tradition. The Samgrahanigathas mention that these thinkers are Pratyekabuddhas. In Jaina as well as Buddhist tradition, Pratyekabuddha is a person who attains ultimate knowledge through his solitary practices commenced by his own inspiration ; he neither becomes a disciple of someone nor makes disciples to form an organization, but he is a respected person in the society and his preachings are considered to be authentic. 4 A comprehensive study of Rushibhashita provides as valuable information about many known and some unknown seers and their preachings. We have to admit that Jaina Acharyas have done a valuable service to Indian literature and culture by preserving this work. 5. Jainaification in the Reflections of the Seers Some scholars of Indology raise an objection that the reflections in the text are not authentic and Jaina beliefs are propagated in disguise. The repeated use of Jaina terms is seen almost in every chapter, viz. Pancha Mahavratas, Kashayas, Parishahas, Samvara, Asrava, Papa, Punya, Nirjara and so on. Of course, there are grains of truth in this objection but still it needs deep scrutiny of each chapter. As an impartial reader, I have noticed that in each chapter, the view of the seer is noted in the beginning in few original authentic words and rest is the exposition of Jaina authors. So it is natural that many Jaina concepts creep in the exposition. There is enough evidence that what we today consider as Jaina concepts could originally have been concepts belonging to other traditions 89
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________________ creeping in later Jainaism. As such, the authenticity and originality of the text cannot totally be set aside. At the most we may deduce that there is an indirect influence of Jaina terms. 6. Astonishing Variety of Outlooks : Some concrete examples (i) Aryayana opines that by birth each human is noble. It seems that he has reflected a lot on the term Arya and Anarya. He refutes that an individual gets 'nobleness' or 'ignobleness' by birth. Ignoble are those who possess ignoble thoughts, lead ignoble way of life and remain in the company of bad ones. Aryayana wants to remove the barriers of caste and creed and wishes to emphasize noble values. (ii) In the 20th chapter, five materialistic views are mentioned. The name of the chapter is Ukkala. The Sanskrit renderings can be Utkala, Utkata or Utkula - which means 'the views against the mainstream'. Here, the names of the particular personalities are not mentioned and the adjectives like Arhat or Rushi are not employed. The thoughts in this chapter are important because the glimpses of non-spiritual views in ancient India are documented here. (iii) A sage named Taruna represents agnosticism in the words fhfe unfu Hodoof. The Jaina thinkers have turned the thought in their exposition and have underlined the importance of knowledge and inferiority of ignorance.7 (iv) According to the seer named Dagabhal, Dharma is male-oriented, male-dominated, male created and male-based. We can grasp the roots of the typical view of male-dominancy of the Indian thought in this chapter. Naturally, the later part of the chapter contains the defame or censure of womenfolk. The text reads : dhit tesiM gAmaNagarANaM, jesiM mahilA paNAyikA / te yAvi dhikkiyA purisA, je itthINaM vasaM gatA / / (The villages and towns administered by female rulers are reprehensible. The males under the thumb of females are worthless.) It is very remarkable that though the contempt of womankind is seen in this verse, the fact remains that certain ladies were carrying the roles of leaders in Ancient India (v) The 26th chapter entitled 'Matanga' (the seer) expresses a very liberal view that, 'a truly charitable and catholic outlook is the spiritual cultivation. Such a one be he a Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya or Shudra, is truly pious.' We find that in later Jaina and Buddhist texts, an attempt is made to give the exact definition of a Brahmin, Kshatriya etc. The views of the seer Matanga might have inspired them.
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________________ (vi) The seer Vayu, gives ultimate importance to truthfulness (i.e. Satya). His quest for reality is certainly genuine. Vayu mentions, '37814 tahui Hoa which means, 'The world is what is appears'. Certainly this view refutes the 'maya-mithya-bhrama' concepts about the universe and tries to realize the physical realities genuinely. These are some examples which throw light on the thought-currents of ancient Indian seers. Interested persons may go through the original text. There is no need to multiply the examples. 7. The Salient Features of Rushibhashita 1. Rushibhashita is actually a treasure-house of Indian thoughts. It is as if a think-tank from which all Indian thinkers developed their philosophical thought-patterns. 2. In this treatise, a glittering galaxy of sages, ascetics, mendicants and monks is seen. Each has its originality and still it represents a comprehensive panoramic view representing the period between 10th up to 5th century B.C. 3. Though it is a Jaina text, all are depicted as Pratyekabuddhas and Arhat Rushis. It is noteworthy that only two Jaina thinkers are documented. 4. The influence of Parshwanath is seen even in present-day Jaina religion. A comparative study of th St 29 and 31 chapter of this text has potentiality to reveal the contribution of Vardhamana (He is not mentioned here as Mahaveer) and Parshwa to Jaina tradition. 5. The text starts with the views of Deva Narada. It is very interesting to note that Jainas attitude towards Narada was regardful in the beginning but in further Jaina literature varied mixed views about Narada are seen. 6. The Prakrit language employed in the text suggests that originally these informal, oral sermons might have been delivered in their local, regional languages. 7. It can be observed that Rushibhashita is a treatise before the finalization of heretic and non heretic systems. It illuminates the period in which brand names were not stamped on thoughts. 8. Since all the seers share the common social and cultural background, naturally the similies, analogies, metaphores and illustrations are commonly seen whether they are theists or atheists. The terms like G2-5-0 -41; FUC-447, 349471, E1-4954-FACHH, 4051, 04914-14-5ti etc. are commonly used in the preachings of the seers repeatedly. Conclusion Considering the language and the rich content of Rushibhashita, it is proved to be one of the oldest works in Prakrit literature. Uniqueness of this work lies in its being free of sectarian prejudice. To conclude, one can say that Rushibhashita is a valuable work not only of Jaina religion but also of the Indian tradition as a whole. The religious tolerance of Indian thought is truly reflected in this work. It also has a historical importance because it provides valuable and authentic information about many known and some unknown Rushis with their preachings. It is a 91
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________________ text which documents the reflections of the seer prior to the institutionalization of six Darshanas and Jaina-Buddha religions. In the present complex communal atmosphere, where nationalism is disintegrating under the self-destructive pressures within communities, such exceptional collection of thoughts of equanimity and assimilation can promote and enhance moral values, in the present age, this great work could be an enlightening guide. Here, I tempt to use the traditional phrase "dehali-deep-nyaya' (i.e. a lamp put on the threshold of two apartments). On one hand, it reveals the openness of Jainaism and on the other hand it illuminates the assimilative spirit of true Indianism. List of References 1. Rishi-Bhashit : A study, Sagarmal Jain, Surendra Bothara, p.2 2. devanAradeNa arahatA isiNA buiyaM, Rushi. chapter 1; vajjiyaputteNa arahatA isiNA bujhyaM, Rushi. chapter 2; asieNa davileNaM arahatA isiNA buitaM, Rushi. chapter 3 ; etc. 3. patteyabuddhamisiNo, titthe vIsaM ariThThaNemissa / pAsassa ya paNNara dasa vIrassa vilINamohassa || Samgrahani, gatha 1 4. Commentary on Samavayangasutra.546 5. savvamiNaM purA''riyamAsie, Rushi. Ch.19 (beginning) 6. paMca ukkalA pannattA, taM jahA - daMDukkale, rajjukkale, teNukkale, desukkale, savvukkale, Rushi. Ch.20 (beginning) 7. Rushi. Ch.21, gathas 1 to 10 8. purisAdIyA dhammA purisapavarA, purisajeTThA, purisakappiyA --- purisameva abhiuMjiyANaM ciTuMti, Rushi. Ch.22, 2nd paragraph 9. uttarAdhyayanasUtra, adhyayana 25 ; dhammapada, varga 26 10. Rushi. Ch.30 (beginning) List of Reference-books 1. isibhAsiyAI suttAI, saM. mahAmahopAdhyAya vinayasAgara, prAkRta-bhAratI-akAdamI, jayapura, 1988 2. Isibhasiyaim, L.D.Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad, 1974 (With Introduction of Dr. Walther Schubring) 3. RSimaNDala-prakaraNam, Atmavallabha graMthamAlA, graMthAMka 31, bAlApura 4. nandIsUtra, mahAvIra vidyAlaya, bambaI, 1968 5. Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, J.P.Malal Sekhar, 1937 6. Prakrit Proper Names, Prakrit Text Society, Varanasi 7. Vaidika Kosha, K.H.V.V., 1933
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________________ 10 Re-interpretation of the 'Mithyasruta-Passage' in Nandi (A Paper presented in the International Conference organized by JU-CMS, Banglore on 24 January 2012) A Rationale for Choosing the Subject The present Indian Culture is the outcome of three major (viz. Hinduism, Jainaism and Buddhism) and countless minor thought-currents, influencing each other from thousand of years uptill now. In order to fulfil the purpose of this conference i.e "to enrich the academic and intellectual content to open up new vistas of research," an attempt is made to re-interpret the *mithyasruta-passage' in 'Nandisutra'- traditionally known as 'culika-sutra'- an Ardhamagadhi canonical text. Why this particular passage ? Around twelve years ago, in the syllabus of a Jainaological Institute, Bhagavadgita, Patanjalayoga and Dhammapada were introduced for the comparative study. When opinions of the traditional Jaina teachers (popularly called 'swadhyayees') were asked. Surprisingly most of them opposed firmly to study these texts. A passage of Nandisutra was shown to me where Mahabharata, Patanjala and Buddhavacana were designated as 'mithyasrutas' viz. 'heretical texts'. During last twelve years, I fumbled several times at this passage and also at the similar passage in Anuyogadvara. It felt very odd for me to stamp many renowned non-Jaina texts as mithyasruta, a spirit indeed not congruent with the non-absolutistic and all-inclusive nature of Jainaism. Thus this research article is a natural outcome of the efforts to re-interpret this ancient text in the light of non-absolutism. About Nandi in short Nandi is chronologically a later Ardhamagadhi text ascribed to Devavacaka' or Devardhigani of the 5th century A.D. It's language is a specimen of old Jaina Maharastri rather than Ardhamagadhi. In the histories of Prakrit Literature, it is told that Nandisutra was written and included in the Agamas at the third (or fourth) conference of Jaina monks, held at Valabhi (466 A.D.). Nandi presents the Epistemology of Jainas in consolidated manner using contemporary terminology of Nyaya, suggesting the dawn of Nyaya-yuga on Jaina horizon. The list of important texts presented in the concerned passage of Nandi is very enlightening for any Indologist. The whole passage runs likewise: se kiM taM micchasuyaM ? jaM imaM aNNANiehi micchaddiTTIhiM sacchaMdabuddhi-mativiyappiyaM, taM jahA - bhArahaM (1) rAmAyaNaM (2) zvinylcd (?) Hilfsgi (x) HTHE47377 () asya (8) Auf () 71 (?) YE() #114A (8) asefuzi (30) 9924 () afedi () Holcs () Rd () afsta (24) HIGI () gervi (26) aprvi (8C) MEI (19) ahavA bAvattarikalAo cattAri ya vedA saMgovaMgA / 93
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________________ eyAI micchaddiTThissa micchattapariggahiyAI micchasutaM, eyANi ceva sammaddihissa sammattapariggahiyAI sammasuyaM / ahavA micchaddiTThissa vi sammasuyaM, kamhA ? sammattaheuttaNao, jamhA te micchaddiThThiyA tehiM ceva samaehiM coiyA samANA kei 494ec931 aufa fundi (Su.72) The Context of the Passage in Nandi While describing the Srutajnana, DVG. first explains samyak-sruta i.e. Jaina canonical texts, specially ganipitaka, the 12 Ardhamagadhi texts. Immediately after that, he considers mithyasrutas. The whole Sruta-thought of DVG. is probably based on two important Tattvarthasutras, viz. zrutaM matipUrvaM TyanekadvAdazabhedam and matizrutAvadhayo viparyayazca / Thus, in this passage, DVG. gives examples of 31ATA or gafauzfa (i.e. 15-ja). Treatment of Mithyasrutas in Anuyogadvara Anuyogadvara is ascribed to Arya Rakshita belonging to 2nd cen.A.D. He divides 'bhavasruta into 'laukika' i.e. popular) and 'lokottara' (i.e. spiritual). AR' mentions the 19 texts, 72 arts and Vedas with its auxiliary texts. Though AR ascribes the texts as, 'brainchild of heretics', he is aware of the popularity and utility of the texts in day-to-day life. There is a lapse of time of three centuries between Anuyogadvara and Nandi. The attitude towards popular texts is changed in-between. The sectarian spirit can be guessed by the term *mithyasruta' in Nandi. DVG. is not favorable for the total dismissal of the popular texts, which comprise a part of contemporary education. All the Jaina texts are basically religious, ethical and spiritual. We do not find a separate parallel educational system which is totally 'Jaina'. It means that the educated Jaina monks were well-versed in these 'sastras'. The educated lay-votaries also might have gone through these texts. Therefore DVG. has justified his view by two arguments which are added to the list of heretical texts. The two supportive statements are not given by Anuyogadvara because the status of 'laukika bhavasruta' is already given to them. The purport of the supportive statements of DVG, is likewise: i) If the texts are studied by a non-believer (mithya-drstin), they become mithyasruta but if studied by a believer (samyak-drstin) they become samyak-sruta. ii) Or else, even for a non-beliver, the texts become 'samyak' if the texts help them to abandon their defiled views and creates samyaktva in them. Pt. Dalasukhaji Malvaniya praises DVG. for his liberal all-inclusive attitude in his book - *31114 $ f. In the self-commentary on Tattvartha 1.20, the nature of popular texts and Jaina scriptures is discussed and the view similar to Nandi is expressed." The Help Provided by the Commentators Jinadasagani's curni (included in Haribhadra's comm.), Haribhadra's vitti and Malayagiri's tika is available on Nandi. Each text has taken notice of the supportive comments of DVG. but throws no light on the names of the texts mentioned in Nandi. Haribhadra says, "Hraftril EHS 94
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________________ 100 Franz K$14191:' (p.26) Malayagiri mentions, "Hidic43 Trett yfiGadot ta ani 16644" l' (p.194) Malayagiri has discussed a lot upon 'How to attain samyaktva ?' by reading the 'mithyasrutas'. Malayagiri extends the list of texts by adding the name of six texts. It is surprising that commentators have not given even the Sanskrit equivalents of all texts. Ghasilalji mentions the Sanskrit versions but no further information is provided. Dictionary of Proper Nouns, mentions all the texts as 'heretical texts', without any comment. Dr.J.C.Jaina provides scanty footnotes concerned to the name of the text in his wa Hifera sfera (p.172). In Punyavijayaji's edition of Nandi and Anuyogadvara, ample footnotes are provided in which variant readings in different mss. are noted meticulously. General Observations on the Titles of the Texts The texts were so popular that for the commentators, it was needless to give the Sanskrit names. Many of the texts are well-known but five or six names are dubious for us at present time, which we will consider later on. "The list is very random. It is not based on chronology, reverse-chronology, popularity or subject-wise classification. "Malayagiri's six additional names suggest the increasing popularity of these texts during 5th century and 12th century (i.e. the date of DVG. and Malayagiri). In Malayagiri's list, 10131 - 4341631" has a peculiar context, because the lists of 72 arts found in Jaina texts like Samavaya, Aupapatika and Kuvalayamala start from leha-gaNis and end with sauNaruaM. "In all the modern editions of Nandi, the list of Malayagiri is found, which is definitely an extended list. * Barring few exceptions, DVG. prefers the names of the texts' and not the names of the authors'. DVG. renders all these texts as 'Srutas'. They are the treatises based on the joint efforts of many authors and handed down to us over the centuries by oral tradition. Where-ever the authorship is certain, he includes author's name viz. koDillaya, mADhara and kavila. Brief Critical Comments on the Each Text of Nandi 1) Bharata (RE) In the fifth century A.D., Mahabharata was popularly known as Bharata. Scholars accept the theory of three versions of Mahabharata. The second version was known as Bharata and the last one was Satasahasri Samhita i.e. Mahabharata. Thus the name Bharata in this passage helps us for the date-fixation of the present version of Mahabharata. We can guess that upto the 5th cen.A.D., the present version of Mahabharata was not finalized. It is very interesting to note that in the Ardhamagadhi texts, Krsnakatha found a reasonable space than Ramakatha. Thus in the list of popular texts, DVG. mentions Bharata initially and Ramayana at second place. It throws light on one of theory that, 'Bharata came first in the written form and then Ramayana'. Jainas' affinity to Bharata is due to the association of Krsna with the 95
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________________ 22nd Tirthankara Aristanemi. Haribhadra, in his Dhutakhyana mentions, "HRETHRU yas' and not otherwise. 2] Ramayana (TRY) Vimalasuri's Paumacariyam is the first Jaina version of Ramayana (3rd 4th cen.A.D.). It means that DVG. knows Paumacariyam. Thus, the norms of mithyasruta and samyak-sruta laid down by DVG., Valmiki Ramayana is mithyasruta but Vimala suri's Ramayana is samyak-sruta. 3] Abhitasuraksa (Enthryce ?) This name of the text is found in Anuyogadvara (49), Nandi (72), Vyavaharabhasya (part 3 132), Gommatasara (Jivakanda p.117) and Lalitavistara (12.33 Yell--124, p.108) with a lot of variant readings viz. haMbhImAsurukkaM, haMbhImAsurukkhaM, bhImAsuruttaM, bhImAsurukkhaM, daMbhImAsurakkhaM, bhaMbhIyamAsurakkhaM, AbhIyamAsurakkhaM etc. There is a lot of controversy about the Sanskrit version of the text. Dr.J.C.Jaina and Dr.Mohanlal Mehta explain it as, "a heretical (laukika) work by Bhimasura." I personally prefer the Skt. chaya 317 tahita'. According to me it is probably the second version of Caraka Samhita ascribed to Drdhabala, an Ayurvedic text which is based on the protection (raksa) of life (asu) for them who are very anxious (abhata) about the well-being of their life. In the whole Jaina Prakrit Literature, views about cikitsa and pancakarma are reflected, in three stages - first the denial, then a little reconciliation and at the end Jainaification of Ayurvedic texts. In this perview 37144te' could be an Ayurvedic text. 4] Kautiliya (wolfsu) The name Kodillaya certainly suggests Kautiliya Arthasastra. DVG. generally prefers the name of the text and not the author. Here, it means, 'the science of crookedness i.e. the science of polity'. We get ample references of Canakya in Jaina literature from 4" cen.A.D. upto 15" cen.A.D. Jainas generally prefer the name 'Canakya' and very rarely "Kautilya'. It is in real sense a sruta because the views of the predecessors are often mentioned in Arthasastra. At the time of DVG., the text was popular as Kautilyaka and not as Arthasastra. Many Indologist and Sanskritists like Hivargaokar, R.D.Karmarkar and Durga Bhagvat have mentioned that a certain sense of censure or dishonor towards Canakya is seen from this passage of Nandi. If we scrutinize the Canakya-narratives in Jaina literature a high regard is seen towards Canakya especially for his Prayopagamana death. If we interprete the mithya-sruta-passage in the light of DVG.'s remarks, and Canakya's esteemed position which is reflected in the narrative literature, we come to the conclusion that considering Canakya's attitude towards the larger good of the society, his text should not be totally dismissed as a mithyasruta. Many of the Jaina Acaryas described Canakya as +371472f4T ' - who achieved the highest goal of human life."
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________________ 5] Sakabhadrika (HT4f4131) The name of the fifth text in the list is 'Sagabhaddiyao'. This Prakrit version is accepted by Haribhadra and Malayagiri. Some other scholars accept the version 54f131' and render it as "TheHfCT - "a science (or art) of making carts, chariot etc." or "a science of warfare based on the description of Tacole etc." According to my opinion, 70-4fc4T has a certain meaning. We find a list of the non-Aryan people in Ardhamagadhi texts as saga-hUNa-babbara etc'. One of the meanings of bhadrikA is an enchanted sacred thread'. In Hindi dictionary it is translated as well. Therefore it can be a text based on popular beliefs, giving out enchanted black threads for expelling evil spirits etc. These magical practices might have entered in India with the advent of Sakas. The story of Kalakacarya and Saka King is given in the Prabandha literature of Jainas. Thus if we accept the reading 274-4fcht' it could be a text dedicated to magical rites. In the variant readings, fest' is common and words are - 2deg, HEO, T30, HTC, wao. 6] Khodamuha (?) Different Prakrit variants are noted of this text in different mss. of Nandi and Anuyogadvara. They are - sye, STYE, 314YE, ESTE and disry. If the name of the text is ', it is obviously a text concerned to horses, as Ghasilalaji suggests. But in that case, 915444 is a better reading because he' matches with the list of Srutas. Punyavijayaji accepts the reading "WYE'. The word 'ETE' can be traced in the Skt. roots eas and 'kSvid'. kSveD is phonetically nearer to khoDa. Various meaning of the root kSveD are given. The common general meaning is, 'to produce sound', which is necessarily connected with mouth (muha< mukha). Therefore clsHe is probably a text related to phonetics - a science of articulated sounds. If we treat as as a Desya word, the word means 'a mountain deity', thus CISE means the masks or small idols of mountain deities. Manoramakaha mentions Equuclu3 in the same sense. It is indicated that the art of making masks or small idols of popular deities was prevalent in the society. 7] Kalpasrita ( fata) Sanskrit rendering of the word fire is suggested by many scholars as fifth an art of weaving clothes with cotton threads.' It is only a wide guess based on the Skt. rendering. DVG. covers 72 different arts under clauf 13h. Do 'the art of weaving' is worth mentioning separately ? So we should think some other alternative. cynfera' can also be 7441fe as per rules. If we go through the various meanings of the4, the word tryfera direct us to wa', where the word 4' is used in the sense of, religious duties and rituals of Varnasramas'. If the word is suggestive of Kalpasutra, then it is sacrificial science or Jaiminiya Darsana i.e. Purva-mimamsa.
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________________ zruti-smRti-purANa is the famous triad. zruti (i.e. veda) and purANa' are mentioned. Therefore if we take kalpAzrita in the sense of smRti, there is no harm. Store is one of the 8 chapters of Caraka Samhita. So it can also be a work related to Ayurvedic medicines specially kalpa, rasayana etc. 8] Naga (? Nama) Suksma (AM4H) In most of the edited texts of Nandi and Anuyoga, the accepted reading is EH. As suggested by some scholars, it is off i.e. a text dedicated to the training of elephants. "750TUT is generally covered under 72 Arts. Therefore it could be a text of logic - where suksma or hairsplitting discussions occur. The word Naga indicates two Buddhist logicians of the same century which DVG. belongs, i.e. Nagarjuna and Dingnaga. It may suggest Mallanaga i.e. Vatsyayana where sex-life is discussed with minute details. 9] Kanakasaptati (Suvarnasaptati) (ulher) As suggested by Dr.J.C.Jaina and other scholars, That is obviously Suvarnasaptati, a commentary of Sastitantra-Mathara-Vitti which was translated and revised in Chinese. 10] Vaisesika (ashtua) It obviously refers to the Vaisesika Sutras of the revered sage Kanada. In the introduction of Tattvarthasutra Pt. Sukhalalaji Samghavi has pointed out the influence of Vaisesika Sutras on Tattvartha, the famous Jaina philosophical system in Sanskrit aphorisms. DVG. is not expected to dismiss Vaisesika Sutras totally as mithyasruta, therefore his supportive arguments apply to this text specially 11] Buddhavacana (9624) *Buddhavacana' are the Pali Tripitaka texts with atthakathas which were finalized after the three conferences (Samgitis) up to the period of DVG.. 12] Vaisika (afea) The name of the text is absent in Malayagiri's commentary on Nandi. It is definitely a work related to Kamasutra, a text concerned to erotics and certainly a part of Ancient Indian Educational system'. From the view point of a Jaina monk, who observe strict celibacy, this treatise pertaining to Kamasutra is of course a mithyasruta. Curnikara on Sutrakrtanga explains, "379 afiche afor5:, --- 37991 drift af at fo Penes Haf faster avaux adah H ATI (Cu.p.175) an affichalafu HRYH: 14 fifah: (Cu.p.177)" With the help of Curnikara, we can guess that afech could be a text pertaining to trade or commerce. The possibility of a commerce based text cannot be totally ruled out. 98
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________________ 13] Kapiliya (facs, filales, follarcom) If we choose the name of the text as child or chilafoe, it would be better, because DVG. prefers the text-name rather than the author. This is certainly a mention of Kapilamuni's Samkhyasutras. Kapil, the Upanisadic sage is mentioned by Brahmanic and sramanic traditions with a high regard". The fact is almost established that the ancient Samkhyas owe to Sramanic culture. DVG. mentions the treatise of Kapila, which was probably available to him but which is extinct now. 14] Lokayata (IRR) Obviously it is a heretical system in true sense known as Barhaspatyas and later on famous as Carvakas. Kautilya mentions them as Lokayatas or Barhaspatyas in his Arthasastra". In Sutrakrtanga, the text is enumerated under fulladt tegang . Haribhadra, an eighth-century literary-giant mentions and negates the lokayata views in his Sad-darsana-samuccaya . There is a possibility of having a written text of lokayata views before DVG. which he includes in the list of mithyasrutas. Not a single text of lokayatas is preserved and one has to rely upon the arguments of different acaryas expressed in their refutations. 15] Sastitantra (ufgdia) and 16] Mathara (476) The traditionally known lineage of Samkhya-sages is confirmed by the present mithyasrutapassage which is really a revealing fact. It is told that Kapila taught these views to Asuri and Asuri to Pancasikha. Probably it is the work Sastitantra'. Then Isvarakrsna (150 A.D.) included the gist in his Samkhyakarikas. Matharavrtti is the oldest commentary on Samkhyakarikas. Around 450 A.D., it was translated into Chinese as Suvarnasaptati which is mentioned by DVG. as Kanakasaptati. We can guess with the help of this passage that at the time of DVG., Samkhya system was at its peak. That is why Bhagavadgita is very much eager to include it in the Brahmanical tradition 14 Mathara holds high position in the enumeration of these texts because a commentary called matharavrtti on Nyayasutras is also probably present before DVG.. It is very illuminating that Vyavaharabhasya and its commentary mentions Mathara and Kautilya together" Thus with the help of this passage, we can fix the upper limit of many non-Jaina ancient texts. 17] Purana (9479) DVG.. mentions the general term 'Purana' and any of the specific Puranas are not mentioned. Bhagavata-purana is not mentioned in the Nandi-commentary of Haribhadra and also in Anuyogadvara (with comm.). Malayagiri separately mentions Bhagavata along with Purana. One of the possibility is ae DVG.. might have included Bhagavata in 'Purana'. The shadows of Bhagavata
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________________ and especially Krsnakathas are seen in the Ardhamagadhi canons viz. Jnatadharmakatha and Antagadadasa. The second guess of not mentioning Bhagavata separately is likewise - we can infer that the present text of Bhagavata was not finalized before 5th century A.D., but the social impact of the oral tradition of Krsnakathas was tremendous and was reflected in Ardhamagadhi canons. At the time of Malayagiri (12" cen.A.D.), the Bhagavata cult was at its zenith, so he added the name of the text very naturally in his list. It is interesting to note that in Bhagavatapurana, Rsabha is enumerated in the Amsavataras of Visnu. Detailed biography of Rsabha is given in Bhagavata which is very much similar to Jaina tradition. Dr. Padmanabha Jainai had discussed a lot about both of the Rsabhacaritas". The date of Bhagavata is fixed by Dr. Padmanabha Jainai as 10th 11th cen.A.D. If it is so, then there is no wonder that the name of Bhagavata is not found in Anuyoga, Nandi and not even in the commentary of Haribhadra. Thus the mention of Purana in singular' and addition of Bhagavata, compel the researchers to think over the antiquity of Puranas especially Bhagavata. 18] Vyakarana (CTU) Since the Prakrit grammars are not written before fifth century, then in the present context, it is of course the well-known triad of Sanskrit grammarians viz. Panini, Katyayana and Patanjali is referred to 19] Nataka (5) It is no doubt that, Natyasastra currently famous as Bharata's Natyasastra. The date of this text is noted down in the Deccan College-Sanskrit Dictionary as 1 or 2nd cen.A.D. In the Ardhamagadhi texts like Samavaya, Jnatadharmakatha and Rajaprasniya the list of 72 arts is given. In that list, after Lekha and Ganita - "Ruva, Natta, Giya, Vaiya, Saragaya and Pokkharagaya' are mentioned, which are directly connected with Natyasastra. 20] 72 Arts, starting with Lekha, Gaaita and ending with Sakunaruta (aranfic 1377 According to Jaina tradition, Drstivada (which is extinct) was a gigantic ancient sourcebook of Jaina knowledge including all arts, sciences, ethics and metaphysics. It is told that the 10 Purva of Drstivada, contained numerous Vidyas. If Sakunaruta is a Vidya, then it should have been the part of the 10th Purva. The 13th Purva "Kriyavisala' contained Lekha (art of writing), Ganita (art of counting) etc., total 72 arts for males and 64 for females. Sakunaruta is the last one among the list of 72 arts. It literary means the chirping of birds, cries of birds and specifically means, 'art of recognizing the notes and meaning of different birds'. Prof. Apte, in one of his articles suggests that it is an art of imitating bird-cries". But if it is a Gudhavidya (occult lore) then it is, 'understanding the meaning of bird-cries'. We find such instances in Prakrit narrative literature 100
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________________ Jaina, Buddhist and Hindu sources differ a lot while counting the 72 arts. Even the canonical and post-canonical literature of Jainas differs about the details. In the present context, it is noteworthy that Anuyoga and Nandi (Punyavijayaji edn.) do not include Lekha, Ganita and Sakunaruta separately because the might have felt that these are covered under alcacho131 viz. 72 arts. It is the addition of Malayagiri to note down the initial and last names of 72 arts. These are the practical arts based on varied skills and of course are not the names of particular texts. If we trace back the arts in Drstivada, the revered source-book of Jainas, DVG.. felt it necessary to sanction proper position for the popular texts, in the field of Srutajnana. 21] Four Vedas with its Main and Auxiliary Texts (auf der Ham) In the Vedic tradition, four Vedas are Rk, Yajus, Saman and Atharvana. Vedangas are six, viz. Siksa, Kalpa, Vyakarana, Chanda, Nirukta and Jyotisa. Upangas are four viz. Purana, Nyaya, Mimamsa and Dharmasastra. Besides this, each of the Veda has its Brahmana, Aranyaka and Upanisad. Whether all the above-mentioned texts were present before DVG.. or not, is a very debatable subject, but in the ancient Jaina texts we find the terms like acfag, aagiskt etc. at many instances. It is noteworthy that the division of Ardhamagadhi texts into Anga, Upanga, Chedasutra etc. is not found in Nandi. In fact this type of classification is seen in commentaries of Malayagiri. 22] Malayagiri on the concerned passage of Nandi The additional names of texts provided by Malayagiri are serially (i) Trairasika ( 34) (ii) Patanjala (pAyaMjalI) and (ii) Pusyadaivata (pussadevaya). These three names are not found in Anuyoga and in the ms. of Nandi referred by Haribhadra. (i) Trairasika (auf:31): In the list of the mithyasruta texts, and is found at the 12th place in many editions of Anuyoga and Nandi, but Malayagiri totally drops and and replaces it by 31. Two types of Trairasikas are found in Jaina texts. As mentioned in Visesavasyakabhasya and Avasyakatika (Haribhadra), VII was the 6th Nihnava (schism) who appeared 544 years after Mahavira-nirvana. Monk Rohagupta opined that there is a third class of 'no-Jiva' besides 'jiva and a-jiva'. According to the opinion of Jaina scholars, the Vaisesika-system, the Brahmanic atomism has emerged from this Trairasika doctrine But the Ajivikas are also mentioned as "Trairasikas'. Silanka declares in his commentary on Sutrakrtanga that, 'the belief in return from moksa', is held by the Trairasika followers of Gosala, who have twenty-one sutras arranged according the Trairasika sutras in the Purvas. Haribhadra, Silanka and Abhayadeva explain at various places that the followers of Gosalaka are called Ajivikas, as well as Trairasikas. 101
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________________ In the present context it is quite logical to take 'ajivika Trairasikas' and not the 'Nihnava Trairasikas'. Malayagiri might have gone through some text of 'Ajivika Trairasikas', which throw light on the existence of Ajivika sect up to 12th cen.A.D. (ii) Patanjala (4RIFA): It is obviously the Yogasastra expounded by the sage Patanjali (2nd cen.B.C.). It is not surprising that we do not find this name in Anuyoga, since at the time of Arya Raksita (2nd cen.A.D.). It might not have been gained popularity. But it is surprising that Haribhadra (8th cen.A.D.) omits this text, who himself has written the treatises like Yogabindu and Yogasataka. Malayagiri takes notice of the text explicitly. Instead of using the text-name like Yogasastra or Samadhisastra, he gives the full credit to Patanjali as an expounder of the science, which was culminated into a philosophical system at the time of Malayagiri. (iii) Pusyadaivata (946): Except Ghasilalaji, nobody has thrown light on the Sanskrit rendering of the word, a text mentioned by Malayagiri. Ghasilalaji's Sanskrit rendering in *Pusyadaivata' but the Hindi translation is 'Puspadaivata' which seems improper because the word Puspa' is always 'Puppha' in Amg. and JM., and never 'Pussa'. It could be a text devoted to a deity who nourishes (99-4792fa) the devotees by showering worldly riches, when pujas are offered along with religious chants. It is a mere guess made on the ground that in the twelfth century, Bhakti cult of Bhagavatas was flourishing and gaining popularity. With this lengthy account of each and every text mentioned in Nandi, let us proceed to the conclusive remarks. Conclusion * Mithyasruta-passage in Nandi is generally misunderstood and taken otherwise not only in popular Jainaism but also in the important texts like Gommatasara (Jivakanda). * The list of around 25 texts is provided here through which we get a glimpse of a vast *knowledge-treasure' available in the 5th cen.A.D., no doubt a part of the curriculum prevalent in the formal educational system of India. * If we arrange the whole syllabus chronologically and add subjec twise classification according to specialization, we find a systematic picture in the following manner - 1] Four Vedas with Brahmanas, Aranyakas and famous ancient Upanisadas. 2] The six auxiliary sastras of which Siksa-Kalpa and Vyakarana are specifically men tioned, by using the words utsya- fri-arrui. 3] The Upaveda of Atharvaveda viz. Ayurveda (ryce) is probably the previous version of the present Caraka Samhita, ascribed to Drdhabala (E41h). 4] The Smrti texts probably of Manu and Yajnavalkya if we take the word c4frd in that sense. 5] The contemporary versions of the two famous epics, viz. Ramayana and Mahabharata, particularly suggested by the word 'bhAraha'. 6] Puranas, specially Bhagavatapurana as mentioned by Malayagiri. 102
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________________ 7] 72 Arts, the list starting with Lekha, Ganita, Nataka and ending with Sakunaruta-as Malayagiri further explains. 8] Among the 'Laukika Sastras'-Kautilya's Arthasastra, Bharats's Natyasastra, Vatsyayana's Kamasutra, Vyakarna of Munitraya and Patanjali's Yogasastra are mentioned serially by the Prakrit names koDillayaM, NADagAdI, vesitaM, vAgaraNaM and pAyaMjalI. 9] Among the philosophical systems (Darsanas) - Vaisesika, Samkhya, Yoga, Buddha and Lokayata (i.e. Carvaka) are mentioned. Special affinity to Samkhyas is seen because four Samkhya-texts are mentioned viz. Kapiliya, Kanakasaptati, Sastitantra and Mathara. Mathara is suggestive of both i.e. Samkhya and Nyaya. R is mentioned in some of the mss. of Nandi which is of course Ajivika-trairasikas. 10] THE T31-C54E-grica - these three texts are popular texts based on chants, beliefs and rituals. The Exact Contribution of DVG.. Though DVG.. has copied the list from Anuyogadvara of Arya Raksita, he extended it a little and remarks authoritatively that the same mithyasrutas become samyak-srutas if studied by a samyak-drstin. Nevertheless, this study leads to liberation, the ultimate goal of a monk.' Points to Ponder Over Besides DVG.'s pan-Indian approach to knowledge, the present passage inspires the scholars of Indology and Sanskrit to think over many important points. Researchers can use this information to solve the below mentioned problems: i) The oral and written forms of Ramayana and Mahabharata. ii) The date fixation of Darsanas and Puranas. iii) Samkhya intimacy of Jaina Tradition. iv) Kautilya's references in Jaina Literature through centuries. v) Existence of Lokayata and Ajivika texts in 5th cen.A.D. We can locate many such points if given deep thought to this passage in Nandi. We can conclude that such a just and liberal attitude of DVG.. inspired many later Jaina Acaryas to write epics, biographies, dramas, didactic narratives and Sastric literature dedicated to Ayurveda, Mathematics, Logic, Rhetorics, Metrics, Yoga and so on, along with philosophical and spiritual subjects. The rationale provided by DVG.. tells us that - "A person having enlightened-world-view can attain spiritual progress through studying even the so called heretical texts, provided he possesses a non-partial attitude and power of discrimination." 103
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________________ List of References 1. The short form of Devavacakagani is 'DVG.', which is used in this paper for the sake of convenience. 2. Tattvartha 1.20; 1.32 3. 'AR' is Arya Raksita 4. Agama yuga kA jaina darzana, p.165 5. tattvArtha, paM. sukhalAlajI saMghavI (hiMdI), p.26 6.i) goTe pAovagado subaMdhuNA gobbare palividammi / DajhaMto cANakko paDivaNNo uttama aTuM / / bhagavatI ArAdhanA, 1556 ii) cANakyAkhyo munistatra ziSyapaJcazataiH saha / pAdopagamanaM kRtvA zukladhyAnamupeyivAn / / bRhatkathAkoza 143 cANakyamunikathAnakam / Gatha 83 7. saga-haNa-babbara - praznavyAkaraNa 1.21 : bhagavatI 3.95 8. prabaMdhakoza, kAlakAcArya kathAnaka, katha No. 4, pp. 22-27 9. diTTho gaMThI dhaNadeveNa / therIe diTThi vaMciUNa choDio / diTThAo donni tattha suvaNNakhoDiyAo / maNoramAkahA p.249,250 10. siddhAnAM kapilo muniH / gItA 10.26 ; uttarAdhyayana 'kApilIya' adhyayana 8 11. kauTilIya arthazAstra, prastAvanA - durgA bhAgavata, p.4 12. Silanka comm. on sUtrakRtAMga (I) 13. lokAyatA vadantyevaM nAsti jIvo na nirvRtiH / / dharmAdhauM na vidyate na phalaM puNyapApayoH / / SaDdarzanasamuccaya 80 14. sAGkhyayogau pRthagbAlA: pravadanti na paNDitAH / gItA 5.4 eka sAGkhyaM ca yogaM ca yaH pazyati sa pazyati / gItA 5.5 15. bhambhyAm AsuvRkSe mADhare nItizAstre kauTilyapraNItAsu ca daNDanItiSu ye kuzalA iti gamyate / vyavahArasUtrabhASya Part 3, p.132 16. Jina Rsabha as an Avatara of Visnu - Chapter 18, Collected Papers on Jaina Studies, P.S.Jaini 17. jainAMcyA AgamagraMthAtIla bahAttara kalA - vibhAga 8, jainavidyece vividha AyAma 18. kumArapAlapratibodha, zIlavratapAlane zIlavatIdRSTAntaH, 'sayala-kalA-siromaNibhUyaM sauNaruyaM ahaM suNemi', p.223 19. Jainism, Glasenapp.p.384 20. History of the Ajivikas, A.LBasham, Silanka and Trairasikas' pp.174-181 List of Reference-Books (i) Original Sources 1. nandIsUtram : devavAcakaviracita, vRtti haribhadra, saM.muni puNyavijaya, prAkRta graMtha pariSada, ahamadAbAda, 1966 2. devavAcakaviracita naMdisuttaM, AryarakSitaviracita aNuogaddArAI : saM. muni puNyavijaya ; mahAvIra jaina vidyAlaya, muMbaI, 1968 3. nandIsUtra : ghAsIlAla mahArAja TIkAsahita, jaina zAstroddhArasamiti, rAjakoTa, 1958 4. sAMkhyakArikA : IzvarakRSNaviracita mADharavRttisahitA, caukhambA saMskRta sIrija Aphisa, vArANasI, vi.saM. 2027 5. tattvArthasUtra : vAcaka umAsvAti, paM. sukhalAla saMghavI, pArzvanAtha vidyAzrama zodha saMsthAna, vArANasI, 1993 6. kumArapAlapratibodha : somaprabha, orieMTala insTiTyUTa, vaDodarA, 1992 (ii) Secondary Sources 1. Agama-yuga kA jaina-darzana : paM. dalasukha mAlavaNiyA, sanmati jJAnapITha, AgarA, 1966 2. prAkRta sAhitya kA itihAsa : DaoN. jagadIzacandra jaina, caukhambA vidyAbhavana, vArANasI, 1985 3. Prakrit Proper Names (Part I,II): compiled by Mohanlal Mehta, L.D.Institute of Indology, ____ Ahmedabad, 1970 4. History and Doctrines of The Ajivikas: A.L.Basham, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 2002 5. Collected Papers on Jaina Studies: Padmanabh S. Jaini, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 2000 6. jainavidyece vividha AyAma : lekhaka va saMpAdaka - DaoN. nalinI jozI, jaina adhyAsana, tattvajJAna vibhAga, puNe vidyApITha, oNgasTa 2011 * * ** ** ** ** 104
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________________ Some Salient Features of the Narratives in Kumarapalapratibodha (A Research Paper presented in a National Seminar organized by the Dept. of Sankrit & Prakrit Languages (UOP) on 'Katha in Sanskrit and Prakrit Literature', during 17" 19" Feb.2012) Introduction There is absolutely no need to elaborate the richness of narrative literature in Prakrit, in this scholarly assembly. At least for 26 hundred years, the stream of Prakrit stories, narratives, fables, tales and analogies is continuously flowing. Attempts of subject-wise and form-wise classification are found in Prakrit literature itself. If we try to analyze it chronologically, we can classify the story literature likewise : (i) Narratives in Ardhamagadhi Canons like Jnatadharmakatha and Antagadadasa. (i) Narratives in Ancient Commentarial literature like Niryukti, Curni and Bhasyas. (ii) Narratives in Skt. commentaries like Sukhabodha, Avasyakatika etc. (iv) Collection of narratives like Vasudevahindi, Mulasuddhiprakarana etc. (v) Long narratives like Kuvalayamala, Samaradityakatha etc. (vi) Didactic narratives like Upadesapada, Dharmopadesamala etc. (vii) Secular narratives like Dhurtakhyana, Lilavati etc. 1. The Date, Place, Nature and Status of Kumarapalapratibodha The author, Somaprabha, is a well-known Jaina learned man. He composed Kumarapalapratibodha in samvat 1241 (or A.D. 1195), i.e. only 11 years after the death of King Kumarapala. The work KumaPra contains a general description of the teachings in the Jaina religion given from time to time by the Jaina preceptor Hemacandra to Kumarapala, the illustrious Calukya King of Gujrat and also of the manner in which, after getting these lessons, the King gradually got completely converted to Jainaism. Besides KumaPra, three other works of Somaprabha are available. One of these is the 'Sumatinatha-caritra'. It describes the life of Sumatinatha, the 5" Tirthankara of the Jaina Religion. Like Kumara, it is also written mainly in the Prakrit language and like it, it also contains legends and stories explaining the tenets of Jainaism. His another Sanskrit work is 'Sukti-muktavali'. It consists of hundred verses of a miscellaneous nature. It is written after the style of Bharthari's "Niti-sataka'. His third work is 'Satartha-kavya'. It gives full evidence of his unexcelled command over the Sanskrit language. Kumara seems to be the last work of Somaprabha. KumaPra is mainly written in Jaina Maharastri Prakrit. But a few stories in the last chapter are written in Sanskrit and some portions are in Apabhramsa language as well. From this it is evident that our author was equally proficient in these three languages. The composition of the work is very simple and the language is quite plain and unsophisticated. 105
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________________ 2. Classification of the Narratives in KumaPra If we cast a comprehensive glance at the subject matter and sources of these narratives, we can compare it with a gorgeous variegated bouquet of flowers. Some of the flowers are fragrant, some are colorful and some are only fillers. Put still in totality, the bouquet is attractive. The author Somaprabha has skillfully avoided the monotony in the subject matter to keep the interest of the readers. We can classify the stories in the following manner: (i) Canonical Narratives Nayadhammakaha is the 6 Anga canon which is written in Ardhamagadhi based on stories and metaphorical narratives. Somaprabha has not chosen a single theme from this treatise. We find only two narratives based on the lesser known canons viz. (a) the story of king Pradesi included in the upanga called Rajaprasniya (KumaPra pp. 146-151) and (b) the story of the distruction of at Dvarika (pp.92-105), partly included in the anga canon, called Antagadadasao. The style of presentation is different and the details given are quite interesting. (ii) Mahabharata Narratives The celebrated epic Mahabharata is famous as a treasure of akhyanas and upakhyanas. It is a spring well of the whole Indian literature. Somaprabha also has taken resort of this great epic in four of his stories viz. Tocht' (pp.47-76); " a gifchTGE-416042 (pp.92-105); guft fauften (pp.253-259) and a-Wh*2 (pp.259-268). In order to fit with the Jaina environment, Somaprabha has done certain changes in the Mahabharata version of the stories. Of course his process of Jainaification is not totally new because the model of Jainaification is found in Jaina narrative literature right from the sixth century onwards. The focus of the above mentioned narratives is also different in KumaPra. Nalakatha and Dvarika daha-katha emphasises the bad effects of the vyasanas viz. dyuta' and 'madyapana'. Rukmini is presented as the idol of severe penances in rukmiNIkathA. In zAmba-pradyumna-kathA, the roles of Rukmini, Satyabhama and Narada are displayed in altogether new manner. Light and shadow play of the human emotions like jealously, shrewdness, diplomacy, hatred, wittiness and so on is explicitly seen in the Mahabharata narratives of Somaprabha. (iii) Traditional Narratives and New Creation For at least two thousand and six hundred years, Jaina monks and nuns are wandering on foot throughout India and resting for four holy months, delivering religious preaching to the householders. They take resort of the stories, narratives, folk-tales etc. to attract the common people towards the philosophical tenets. The rich treasure of stories is found in Niryuktis, Bhasyas and Curnis in compact form. Seeds of the traditional narratives are particularly found in Avasyakaniryukti, Vyavahara-bhasya and Nisitha-curni. Haribhadra, the literary all-rounder collected all the major stories in nutshell form and incorporated it in his Avasyaka-tika and Upadesapada. Paumacariya of Vimalasuri, Vasudevahindi and Sukhabodha-tika are the rich mines of traditional narratives. 106
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________________ Out of the 57 stories in KumaPra approximately 11 stories are taken from the traditional stock. Though the themes are not new, Somaprabha has successfully revived the narratives by the touch of his proficiency in classical Prakrit. Around thirteen stories, which are newly constructed by Somaprabha, are in true sense his own creation. Among them, the most interesting stories are (a) The story of Canda and Tauka (p.304) is a dhurtakatha ; (b) a story based on the interaction between a father-in-law and a daughter-in-law is based on family background (sfidarice p.220); (c) a story of Gunadhara and Gomati, is based on the proverb - 'tit for tat' (p.350) and (d) Naginikatha is a story of a flirt woman enjoying extra-marital relations (p.407). These stories are basically vratakathas but the plot, the characters and happenings are so nicely woven and neatly presented in lucid style, that one can call them as 'masterpieces'. Nearly ten to twelve stories based on 'vrata-mahatmya' are really stereo-type, boring and insipid in all sense. Somaprabha's failure in the art of narration is explicitly seen in these stories. 3. The Salient Features of KumaPra A] KumaPra : A Specimen of Classical Prakrit When we consider the post canonical Prakrit Jaina literature from language point of view, we can divide it as 'Classical Prakrit' and 'Sanskritized Prakrit. This division can be applied not only to Jaina Maharastri but also to Maharastri employed by non-Jaina authors. The anthology Gathasaptasati is quoted as a specimen of Classical Prakrit while Kassavaho, Gaudavaho and Sricinha-kavya are the specimens of artificial or Sanskritized Prakrit. Therefore it is utterly necessary to designate the language of KumaPra, whether it is 'classical' or 'artificial'. When we comprehensively examine the stylistic peculiarities of KumaPra, we come to the conclusion that it is certainly a piece of classical Jaina Maharastri, due to the below mentioned points: 1) Easy, lucid and running prose in Prakrit with occasional use of Sanskrit and Apabhramsa verses. 2) Samasyapurtis, Prahelikas etc. cited by the female characters are invariably quoted in Apabhrmsa. 3) Absense of long compounds and usage of small compounds having maximum three constituents of course with very few exceptions of dvandva-samasa'. 4) Profuse use of Desya words, Dhatvadesas and Proverbs. This point needs a little elaboration to understand the intrinsic nature of Somaprabha's language. i] (a) Nouns (with Marathi equivalents and meaning) Yric p.27.30 (M - RU) - hunting Efsat p.29.6 (M-ja) - wing of birds, fins of a fish forsi p.34.15 ( M CO) - forehead 107
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________________ gosa p.42.14 - early morning bAiyA p.87.13 and akkA p.207.26 (M - bAI, akkA) - a senior chief female supervisor of courtesans kAvaDI p.121.8 (M - kAvaDa) - a device to carry water khaDDA p.192.17 (M - khaDDA ; H - gaDDA) - hole, pit, ditch miMDha p.192.3 (M - meMDhA) - ram gaggarI p.215.23 (M - ghAgara) - water-pot cojja p.231.8 (M - coja, Azcarya) - wonder, miracle chikkA p.202.10 (M - ziMka) - sneezing cauhaTTa p.237.14 (M - cavhATA) - meeting place coppaDa-kApaDa p.172.13 (M - kApaDacopaDa) - clothes and some other things mAmaga p.241.6 (M - mAmA) - maternal uncle We can extend the list of Desya nouns by the words like viTTAla, jhaMpaya, jhAmala, caMcA, cappuDiyA etc. (b) Proper nouns like chaDDaa 396.9, Tauya 306.6, racchuga 306.5, dAmannaka 28.13, lacchI etc. throws light on the regional colloquial vocabulary of contemporary rural life. ii] Verbs (Some are treated as Dhatvadesas in Hem. (Gr.)) bolla p.28.18 (M - bolaNe) - to speak taDaphuDa p.29.4 (M - taDaphaDaNe) - to toss and turn, to flounder Dhakka p.97.12 (H - DhaMkanA) - to cover chaDDa p.223.4 (M - soDaNe H - choDanA) - to leave nilukka p.252.1 (H - lukA-chipI) - to hide chajja p.216.26 (M - sAjaNe, zobhaNe) - to suit, to befit viDhava p.198.27 (M - vADhavaNe H - baDhAnA) - to get, to acquire kurumAla p.44.28 (M - kuravALaNe) - to fondle, to pet iii] Past Passive Participles ciMcaia p.120.13 - decorated Dhakkiya p.97.12 - covered guMDiya - anointed iv] Adjectives - bhallima p.108.3 (H - bhalA) - gentle, good caMga, caMgima p.131.29 (M - cAMgalA H - caMgA) - good, nice 108
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________________ v] Through some of the phrases used by the author, one can relish the rustic flavor and rhythm of sub-dialects. a) fafers youts veu fafi3 43 yuf p.111.30 One should spread one's feet according to the length of his blanket. M - 34246U (9126U) 416-7 pAya pasarAve. b) ius des fins que es ans Taug Hoa fa p.239.8 The lady was doing all types of household works like cooking, cutting, pounding, grinding and carrying waterpots. c) a BTTHET 3 fayode RHU HUT p.234.1 The medicinal shrubs are in the Himalayan mountains while the serpent is near one's head. d) When one reads the phrase "faze , it reminds the specimen of Maharastri noted in Kuvalayamala viz. fuug, - A.N.Upadhye, intro.p.83. The above mentioned chosen examples are quite enough to prove that Somaprabha's Jaina Maharastri exhibits the peculiarities of classical Prakrit. It is really creditable because Somaprabha's other three treatises exhibit that he is a through Sanskritist, logician and grammarian. Hemacandra's contribution to Sanskrit and Prakrit literature is recognized from many angles. His Desi-nama-mala is really unique in the field of Dictionary-making. It is noteworthy that Somaprabha's Desya words and Dhatvadesa's are easily traceable in Desi-nama-mala. This fact confirms that Somaprabha has employed the contemporary colloquial language in his narratives to bring out the desired impact on common people. B] Characters Comprising All Layers of the Society This characteristic is true about the Prakrit narratives in general and it applies to KumaPra in particular. Merchant class of the society is represented in almost every narrative. Three layers of the merchant class are mentioned separately as Ibhya, Srestin and Vanik. The daily and occasional happenings in the life of merchant class are described with minute details since the Sravakas and Sravikas comprise a large part among the followers of Jaina religion in the contemporary society of Gujarath. We can enumerate the other male characters as - a king, prince, chief minister, minister, councilor, different persons appointed in the royal court like court-poet, ambassador, messenger, spy, soldier, police chief (kottavala-kotavala), village-accountant (talavara-talathi), aggregate of five juries (panca), servant, slave, village-head, householders of different classes, wandering ascetics-monks-sages, tribals, professionals like teacher, doctor, confectioner, farmer, gardener, fisherman, milkman, cowherd wrestler, chieftain of cowherds, painter, artist, elephant-driver, charioteer, bullock-driver, fortune teller, snake-charmer, magician, gambler, potterman, hunter, washerman, goldsmith, barber, evil-speller, monkey-carrier, juggler (garudi), grave-digger (domba), acrobat (dombari), group of wicked rascals or vagabonds, all kinds of thieves like a robber, housebreaker, plunderer, filcher and also the chief of the settlement of thieves (cora-palli-pati). 109
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________________ All the above mentioned characters possess important roles in the stories and help to carry forward the momentum of the narrative by increasing the interest of the reader. The world of womenfolk is none the less interesting in KumaPra. Female characters are found in the role of a queen, chief-queen, courtesan (ganika), harlot (vesya), supervisor of harlots (baiya, akka), step-mother, co-wife, female ascetic, nun as well as pseudo nun, female messenger, female slave, fortune-teller, acrobat, snake-charmer, gardener and in many other vocations. The picture of the society reflected in KumaPra, really provides a rich cultural data fathoming the genuine way of life, of the masses. C] Woman-Focused Narratives We cannot make a separate class of stories as 'woman-focused stories' because these stories can be included in the above mentioned classification. But when we focus our attention on the female characters of the narratives, we come to know instantaneously that womankind reflected in the narratives is one of the salient feature of KumaPra. Eight narratives are named after women. ( 21 p.151; E-G714162 p.181; fload 1 p.220; ladie p.230; 1941 p.237; 744-44 p.243; 74Uf1055217 p.253; tiffe p.407). In six narratives out of 57 female characters have no important role to play (3742f866211 p.23; ITR5211 p.129; Slechtge 241 p.92; 19741 p.402; HTR21 p.415; theles-af44 pp.447-450). Barring these six stories, in each and every story, leading role are played by women as an infant, child, unmarried girl, recently married young woman, middle-aged woman and as an old woman. We find housewives, courtesans, harlots, nuns, queens, princesses, servants, wet-nurses, slaves, beggars and women doing small occupations. Numerous references of female deities are noteworthy. We should give full marks to Somaprabha because he had cautiously avoided one sided picture of a woman. Some of his female characters are noble, exalted, generous, liberal and loyal but some of them are mean-minded, quarrelsome, vicious, miserly, jealous and self-willed. Many of the ladies are neither too good nor too bad. The famous topic of 'stri-ninda' is not high lightened in any of the narratives. Somaprabha's feministic approach can be seen from the below mentioned observations: * As we have seen, the householders of the merchant class are dealt with in almost every narrative. The references of their long business tours occur frequently. "The sexual life of their wives'-is a family problem as well as a social issue. Somaprabha has grasped this problem and tries to solve. It in his own way. (ufahamit 44-4704211 p.244; Pri hr-fe2 p.407; site) ar 127 p.237) * Normally, 'sva-dara-samtosa-vrata' is interpreted from the viewpoint of a male sravaka but Somaprabha mentions specially that, "the lady so and so accepted the vow of 'para-purusa tyaga'." The feministic interpretation of the vow, given by Somaprabha is really noteworthy." 110
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________________ Some brilliant female characters created by Somaprabha are likewise (i) a tribal woman, who was expert in arguments and debates (p.403.30) (ii) a Brahmin's wife and daughter-in-law, who were well-versed in samasyaparti (p.390-391) (iii) a normal housewife who understands the language of animals and birds (p.221.1) (iv) a princess ruling a country in a royal costume like a king (p.392.5-6) (v) a female servant telling a truth to his master to remove his doubts about his wife (p.158.5-6) We can conclude from these instances that Somaprabha's unbiased and just attitude towards women is reflected in the collection of the narratives viz. Kumarapala-pratibodha. D] Beliefs, Faiths and Rituals in KumaPra When we grasp the strata of the society reflected in KumaPra, we can understand the beliefs and rituals of the commoners in better manner. Some of the examples are noted down bellow - * The protecting deity of the city (nagara-devata) reveals herself before the prince and offers enchanted water to sprinkle over the five caused by the evil spirits." * Because of the step-mother's witcheraft, the son was affected by dropsy. * A lady called Mangala died and became a vyantari. She created a magical display (indrajala). 7 * Due to black magic (Mar. Bhanamati) on inauspicious fire broke in Ujjayini. Prince Abhayakumara dispelled the bad fire and evil spirits by pulling sacred fire. * The vow of begging a child to a deity and the fulfillment of the vow by naming the child after that deity is seen in several narratives. The growing influence of lower deities like Yaksas, Yaksinis, Sasanadevatas and Kuladevatas can be observed in many narratives. (FMCCI, siya1421 p.298; ashraf, affash42 p.344; Heidi, 76001 p.392) The philosophical background of Jainaism does not allow the interference of these deities but in their daily routine. It is seen that Jainas observe the deity-based rituals due to the vicinity of their Hindu brethren. As noted down by Dr.A.N.Upadhye, these popular practices finally find a definite role in the temple art of Jainas after 10th century onwards. Thus the references of lower deities in KumaPra are important from the stand point of sociocultural history of Jainas. E] The Motifs Used to Accelerate the Happenings The story writers employ certain motifs to accelerate the multiple happenings by raising the curiosity of the reader which compels him to go forward up to the end of the story. If we analyze such instances in the narratives of Somaprabha, we come to know that some of the motifs are based on the philosophical concepts of Jainaism, some are the contemporary social beliefs while some others are purely 'kavisamketas'. 111
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________________ (i) The narration of the previous births and future births by a kevalin is very common in these narratives and practically a part of each and every story of Kumara. We have to admit that the frequent usage of this motif brings dullness and boredom to the reader from the literary point of view. For example, in Simha-vyaghra-katha (pp.397-402) last sixteen verses are dedicated to the narration of many previous births, which compels the reader to omit that part of the story. The total impact of this interesting story gets bruised due to this lengthy ending. One other motif is used twice by Somaprabha, in which the dead person takes birth in his own house in animal form."" It is observed that the same motif is used in Vasudevahindi. Jatismarana is a pecullar concept in Jainaism, in which a person or even a tiryanca remembers his previous birth (p.23) in certain conditions. This motif is used in the story of Valkalaciri (p.284), Godhana (p.402) and in so many other narratives. The firm belief in Karma-doctrine is seen through many dialogues. For example, in Kundakatha (p.42) princess Devini tells his father that she is enjoying all the pleasures and wealth due to her own Karmas. (ii) Supernatural powers of Yaksas, Raksasas and Vidyadharas are exhibited in numerous stories." In Tarakathanaka (p. 118) the unique motif of a miraculous medicine is used which causes gender transformation. In the famous story of Udayana and Vasavadatta the mechanically mobile elephant is referred to, which is of course borrowed from the famous Sanskrit play Svapnavasavadattam. (iii) Changing the words in a letter ; getting a pot full of golden coins while digging a farm ; a long journey undertaken to acquire wealth ; usage of mantras and rituals to convert less valuable metals into gold ; releasing a horse or elephant to select the heir for the kingdom ; a confusion created due to the identical twins - these are some of the popular motifs employed by Somaprabha to enhance the interest of the narratives. We may conclude that many of the motifs employed by Somaprabha are very common and only few of them are totally unique. The repeatedly used motif of purvabhavas cause distaste in the reader and deprives the stories from being the classics. F] The Historical and Geographical References The historical details found in Kumara can be divided into three categories - i) the details of the ancient history based on legends. ii) the details of the contemporary history of Gujarath during Calukya dynasty. iii) the Guru-sisya-parampara of Somaprabhasuri. i) The ancient history of Magadha is found in Jaina tradition right from 7th cen.A.D. upto 14th cen.A.D., of course in a legendary form. Somaprabha has incorporated the references of Nanda, Sakatala, Sthulibhadra, Sriyaka, Vararuci, Candragupta, Canakya, Bindusara, Asokasri, Kunala and Samprati in two lengthy narratives viz. gurubhakta-saMpratinRpakathA (pp.166-174) and sthUlibhadrakathA (pp.443-461). It is observed that no new information is added by Somaprabha from the historical 112
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________________ point of view. It is practically the Jaina Maharastri and Apabhramsa version of the concerned Sanskrit narratives written by Hemacandra in his Parisista-parva. ii) The first Prastava of KumaPra is dedicated to the contemporary history of Gujarath. Muni Jinavijaya has aptly noted in his English introduction to KumaPra that, "the history of the two great personages (i.e. Kumarapala and Hemacandra) in the present work is not only as much as, but is even less than their history given in such smaller and later works, as Prabhavaka-carita and Prabandha-cintamani."12 iii) The 'Gurvavali' given at the end is important from the point of the history of Tapagaccha, a lineage of Svetambaras which has contributed a lot to Jaina literature. All the important cities, mountains and places of pilgrimage in Gujarath are noted down at the end of the introduction of Muni Jinavijaya. A curious reader can go through it very easily. It is really creditable to Somaprabha that due to the detailed geographical data, given by him, we can co-relate the modern names of the places very easily. (viz. d4- 4 (p.21) is modern cita; Bouter-aff and taaff (p.18) is modern forsryda; nfsal (p.179) is modern Yistan; Triyah (p.442) is modern tAraMgAsthAnam etc.). Conclusion In Jaina tradition 'narration' or 'story-telling' is not mentioned as a separate 'art'. In the extensive list of 72 or 64 arts found in Jaina treatises, 'the art of narration is not enumerated. Narrations, fables, tales, allegories are always treated as an instrument or device for imparting religious teachings effectively. This fact is true about Kumara, in every sense. The ethical and philosophical tenets comprise the central core of a story. Necessary details are woven around in narration form. The vows of a lay-votary (sravaka), its transgressions (aticara), the passions (kasayas), the bad effects of seven bad habits (sapta vyasanas) and the good effects of the religioethical virtues are described at length in almost each of the story. The chief characters of the stories listen to these sermons patiently and get overwhelmed with samvega, nirveda and accept partial vows or embrace initiation. When a reader knows the certain end of the story beforehand his interest becomes lesser and lesser - this is the natural limitation of being an excellent narrative'. The stereotype beginning full of the names of the region, country, city, king, queen etc. compels a reader to omit that part of the story, with a great distaste. But in spite of all these weak-points, we have to give three stars' out of five, to the narratives of KumaPra for the following reasons : (i) It provides us a specimen of classical Jaina Maharastri of the 12th century A.D. with a vocabulary full of desya words, dhatvadesas, popular idioms and sayings. (ii) The religio-social interactions and happenings among all the layers of the Indian society are reflected in the narratives. These details are definitely different from the contemporary Sanskrit and Pali literature. 113
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________________ (iii) The data of historical persons and places documented in KumaPra, might have inspired the 'prabandha' literature viz. Prabandha-kosa, Vividha Tirthakalpa, Prabhavaka -carita written in 14th century A.D. by the Jaina authors. All the eminent Indologists and Orientalists took notice of the prabandha literature of Jainas while reconstructing the social history of medieval India. (iv) The feministic approach of Somaprabha while depicting womenfolk is really noteworthy. Thus we can conclude that though very few stories of Kumara can be designated as 'excellent' from the literary point of view, still it holds an honorable position in the collection of Prakrit narratives' (Kathasamgrahas) by providing rich socio-cultural details in classical Jaina Maharastri. Note: 'KumaPra' is the abbreviation of Kumarapala-pratibodha List of References 1. mUladeva p.7; pradyota p.76; dvArikAdahana p.97; kUlavAla p.158; candanabAlA p.181; kRtapuNya p.204; mRgAvatI p.230; valkalacIrI p.284; ilAputra p.298; khapuTAcArya p.440; sthUlibhadra p.443 2. abhayasiMhakathA mAMsanivRttau p.43; devapAlakathA devapUjAyAM p.116; soma-bhImakathA devapUjAyAM p.122; kurucandrakathA dAne p.197; kRtapuNyakathA sAntaradAne p.204; bharatacakrikathA satravidhAne p.211; zivakumArakathA prANAtipAtaviratau p.313; puruSacandrakathA tRtIya guNavrate p.365; sAgaracandrakathA sAmAyikavrate p.371; raNazUrakathA pauSadhe p.383 3. Introduction - Prakrit-English Dictionary, BORI, Ghatage, p.*10 4. para-parisa-nivitti-vayaM paDivanna tIe gurupAse p.237.1 tappabhii hoi nAgo AjammaM eg-daar-sNtuttttho| nAgasirI uNa maNasAvi kuNai para-purisa-parihAraM / / p.348.22 5. amarasiMhakathAnakam p.27 6. kundakathAnakam P.43 7.kundakathAnakam p.44 8. pradyotakathA p.82 9. azokakathA p.83 10. amarasiMhakathA p.23; godhanakathA p.402 11. varuNakathA p.105; padmottarakathA p.129; siMhavyAghrakathA p.397 etc 12. KumaPra-Intro. p.viii List of Reference-Books 1. AvazyakasUtra (with Niryukti and Haribhadra's Comm.); Agamodayasamiti, mehasANA, 1916 2. bhAratIya saMskRti meM jaina dharma kA yogadAna : DaoN. hIrAlAla jaina, madhyapradeza zAsana sAhitya pariSad, bhopAla, 1962 3. Kumarapala-pratibodha : Somaprabhacharya, Ed. Muni Jinavijaya, oriental Institute Vadodara, 1992 4. nizIthavizeSacUrNI : amaramuni, kanhaiyAlAla 'kamala', sanmati jJAnapITha, AgarA, 1957-1960 5. prAkRta sAhitya kA itihAsa : DaoN. jagadIzacandra jaina, caukhambA vidyAbhavana, vArANasI, 1985 6. uttarAdhyayana (sukhabodhA TIkA) : nemicandra, saM. jayaMtivijaya, kamalasaMyama, AgarA, 1923-1927 7. vasudevahiNDi (prathama khaNDa) : saMghadAsagaNi, jaina AtmAnaMda sabhA, bhAvanagara, 1930 114
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________________ 12 Critical Review of the Debate of Man-Woman Equality (In Digambara, Svetambara, Yapaniya and Contemporary Perspective) (A paper presented in a U.G.C sponsered National Seminar on 'WOMEN AND JAINAISM' on 11th 12th Feb. 2012, organized by Shri Atma Vallabha Jaina Museum, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar (A.P.)) Introduction In Jaina tradition, the equality of man and woman is considered in respect to moksa or nirvana and in this context they consider the impossibility of a woman to attain nirvana as she fails to establish her as complete possessionless due to inability of her being nude. Acarya Kundakunda has explicitly opposed attainment of liberation from woman birth. Based on this, the post Kundakunda literature have further enhanced the view of non-liberation from woman soul and thus increased the gap between man and woman similarity. In this paper the points of man-woman inequality highlighted by the Digambaras are noted down from the original Digambara texts. We can sum up the Digambara views about a woman in nutshell, likewise : * A woman cannot attain liberation in stri-paryaya but man can attain moksa from purusa paryaya.? * Man can observe five bigger vows and of course the vow of non-possession completely. He can accept nudity very easily. Due to social constraints a woman cannot observe the vow of complete nudity. Hence her vows remain incomplete. * A monk observing five bigger vows are eligible to be worshipped. A nun cannot enjoy this status. In Jaina sastras six bodily statures (samhananas) are mentioned. Among them the first three statures are strong. A woman cannot have strong bodily statures so they are called abala.5 * By nature, bodily impurities are found more in a woman than in a man. * Therefore woman is not eligible to possess the pious scriptural knowledge." * A monk possessing scriptural knowledge is eligible for pathana, pathana, adhyapana and vacana, whereas a woman cannot. * As a corollary, a nun cannot acquire a designation like Acarya, Upadhyayini etc. * Since a woman is deprived of knowledge the expertise in conversation (vadarddhi) becomes a privilege of man. 10 * Only a man can acquire the riddhis and siddhis like amosahi etc." * The mystical power and mystical body which is used for the removal of doubts is also a privilege of a spiritual man. 12 115
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________________ * In a spiritual ladder, a man can progress up to the end stage but a woman can reach only up to the fourth stage i.e. samyaktva.13 * Treachery, crookedness and deceitfulness is inherent in a woman." * Though cruelty is naturally inherited in a woman, yet she does not cross the upper limit of cruelty. Hence she never dwells in the seventh hellish region." * As a corollary, she cannot attain the extreme state of bliss that is moksa. Thus the Digambara granthas have succeeded in proving the assumption that a woman is far inferior to a man. Commentator Gunaratna in his book sat-darsana-sammuccya has elaborated the long going debate of man-woman-equality. He has proved that a woman is not inferior to man in all respects, at all levels and times. 1] Man-Woman-Equality in Yapaniya Tantra According to the views of the eminent Jaina historians, Yapaniya Samgha tried to reconcile the views of Svetambaras and Digambaras right from the 6-7th century. Concerned persons may go through the history books written on Yapaniyas. 17 Haribhadra quotes in Lalitavistara - yathoktaM yApanIyatantre - 'No khalu itthI ajIvo, Na yAvi abhavvA, Na yAvi daMsaNavirohiNI, No amANusA, No aNAriuppattI, No asaMkhejjAuyA, No aIkUramaI, No Na uvasantamohA, No Na suddhAcArA, No asuddhaboMdI, No vavasAyavajjiyA, No apuvvakaraNavirohiNI, No NavaguNaThANarahiyA, No ajoggA laddhIe, No akallANabhAyaNaM ti kahaM na uttamadhammasAhiya' tti / 18 The meaning is - "A woman is not a non-living being, not incapable to attain liberation (abhavya), not devoid of right faith, not a non-human, not a non-Aryan, not having life-span of infinite years, not having extreme cruelty, not having insatiable passions like moha, not unable to observe right conduct, not having bodily impurity, not without efforts to attain other worldly merits, not unable to attain the last nine stages of the ladder, not possesses non-eligibility to acquire mystical powers and ultimate good, then how can one think about a woman to deprive her from the supreme goal of human life ?" Thus the Yapaniyas establish the man-woman-equality in sixteen points. They start from the lowest category and the further five points are really beyond debate and suspicion. These points are derived from the philosophical framework provided by Jainaism which are agreeable to all sects. The further points throw light on woman's mental, moral, intellectual and spiritual capacities. The points of having complete aparigrahi, nudity and physical stature are not dealt with in the above-mentioned passage. It is a creditable effort to point out man-woman- equality without being partial and biased on sector. [2] Haribhadra's Exposition of Yapaniya Views: (As documented in the commentary 'Lalita-vistara') A verse of Caitya-vandana-sutra runs like this - 116
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________________ ikko vi namukkAro jiNavara vasahassa vaddhamANassa / HARATRI31 ans a a af at 1131,19 Haribhadra thinks that the words a h at-is the right opportunity to expose the debate of man-woman-equality. During the time of Haribhadra (i.e. 8 century) the spread of Buddhism was at its peak. The contemporary Buddhist thoughts were quite liberal towards woman. It might have inspired Haribhadra to express Jaina views about woman which were congruent with the non-absolutistic spirit of Jaina thoughts. The debate of man-woman-equality, the intellectual gymnastics of Haribhadra, his rationality, power of reasoning and impartiality is really praiseworthy which is depicted in the lengthy commentary on Caitya-vandana-bhasya. Considering the limitations of a research paper, it is not possible to scrutinize the whole reasoning of Haribhadra. But when one goes through the whole debatez, one feels that at some places Haribhadra has a topsy-turvy in the matter and he has by-passed the real issue. We can enumerate the issues likewise: i] Haribhadra picks up the issue of being an Aryan or non-Aryan according to the scriptures. If Haribhadra would have taken a position that all the Aryans (whether a male or female) are uttama-dharma-sadhakas and all non-Aryans are not'-then it would have been more logical. But he avoids to speak about non-Aryan males and speak about non-Aryan females. This hesitation is probably due to the examples of Harikesa Candala etc. found in scriptures. Therefore there is a scope of doubt that Haribhadra has treated non-Aryan males and non-Aryan females with a certain discrimination. ii] All the Jaina sects - viz. Digambaras, Yapaniyas and Svetambaras hold the same view about the cruelty of womenfolk. They think that extreme cruelty is the previlege of males. Therefore a woman is unable to take birth in the seventh hell and bear the hardships (upasargas). It is expected from Haribhadra that in this issue, he could have said that, 'both man and woman can go to the seventh hell.' In this matter Haribhadra accepts the scriptural views and stamps incapability of the worst variety of raudradhyana' of womenfolk. But unlike Digambaras, Haribhadra mentions that, without having gone to the seventh hell, a woman can attain the ultimate bliss i.e. nirvana.' jii] A special point is noted down by Haribhadra at the end of the debate concerned to the scriptural studies. Haribhadra opines that the sadhvis are not eligible for scriptural studies and naturally for the reaching the same. Prohibition of scriptural studies for women is not actually seen in the scriptural texts.21 But with the advent of time, during the gth century A.D., the sociocultural background denied formal and religious education to womenfolk in India in general and to Jaina nuns in particular. Haribhadra tries to compensate this injustice by some lame arguments. He says, 'there is a negation of sabdasruta and not of bhavasruta to women.' 117
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________________ Thus we can conclude that though Haribhadra advocates a lot in favor of women, the issues of i) Aryan and non-Aryan, ii) the arguments of saptama naraka and iii) the negation of dravyasruta - show the philosophical and social limitations to his advocacy. [3] Gunaratna's Arguments on Man-Woman-Equality Haribhadra's Sat-darsana-samuccaya possesses an esteemed position among the Darsanasamgrahas. While depicting Jaina views Haribhadra mentions - baddhasya karmaNaH sATo yastu sA nirjarA matA / Atyantiko viyogastu dehAdirmokSa ucyate / / 22 (Sat-darsana-samuccaya, verse 52) Gunaratnasuri (later half of the 14th Cen.A.D.) picks up the issues of man-woman comparison in the context of the above mentioned verse. His long debates is presented in the light of Digambara views. The methodology and expression is totally different from Yapaniyatantra and Lalita-vistara. Gunaratna seems to be totally against the inferior and under-previleged position of womenfolk. He raises questions about the criteria of this position and negates one by one. After the critical examination of the thirteen points presented by Gunaratna, we can say in nutshell that The uniqueness in bringing out the points of man-woman-comparison is remarkable. Gunaratna pleads four points viz. observance of vows, nudity, aparigraha and cloths, very successfully. He mentions the mental, moral, intellectual and spiritual capacities of women which are similar to men. Gunaratna accepts the bindings imposed by scriptures about the seventh hell with a meager opposition. He is unable to go beyond the customary practices about the vandaniyata of a monk. We cannot expect application of the model of social justice from Gunaratna in the field of education and other skills, considering the socio-cultural conditions of the medieval period. The accusation of treachery and deceitfulness is not fought out fully by Gunaratna. But to sum up, we can say that, the credit goes to Gunaratna to drag out the debate of manwoman-equality from the moksa-based arguments and to opt fresh outlook like the criteria of superiority and inferiority. [4] The Debate of Man-Woman-Equality in Darsanavijayaji's Book In 20" Century (exactly 1943) Muni Darsanavijayaji wrote a book named 'SvetambaraDigambara-Samanvaya'. In his book he had treated several issues of the sectarian controversy. Man-Woman-debate is one of the part of his book. Muniji followed a unique methodology. Though he was a Svetambara, he studied all important Digambara texts (viz. Satkhandagama, Kundakunda literature, Gommatasara etc.) very minutely. All the issues concerned to this debate were put 118
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________________ together from the Yapaniyas, Haribhadra and Gunaratna. Muniji exerted a lot to put forth the points of man-woman-equality from the actual citations drawn from the Digambara texts. It seems that at many places he is successful in establishing man-woman-equality but at few places he has taken shelter of far-fetched reasoning to draw favorable conclusions. The main theme underlined by Darsanavijayaji is likewise: "The obstinacy of nudity led the Digambaras to accept many views against the man-womanequality." We can interprete the above-mentioned assertion in a slightly different way. We can say that, **For carrying out the male dominated culture not only in the social field but also in religious and spiritual fields, Digambaras invented new devices to keep the womenfolk on the secondary position. They emphasized to prove that, their findings have a philosophical stand and hence the man-woman-inequality emerged in Digambara writings." To sum up, we can say that the efforts of Muniji are different and praiseworthy in general but a lot of implications brought out by him are far-fetched. His metaphysical quest of the genderbased inequality is the harbinger of the new era of 'feministic criticism.' [5] The efforts made by Jaina nuns to bring equality among nuns and monks, in the 21st century In India since the last four decades the movement for man-woman-equality is spreading like fire. Primarily Jaina sect fails to accept any social change and transformation easily. Hence the concept of this equality in Jaina sect has taken roots only since last two decades. Mixed reaction is observed for social causes like female foeticide, higher education in women, establishment of independent career, financial rights, freedom of thought, etc. At present only 5 to 10% of Jaina population have accepted the above changes. Most of the Jaina population residing in villages and smaller cities are still unaware of this agitation and prefer to be the way they are. The transformation seen in the society is also reflected in the sadhus and sadhvis. In this paper, the concept of man-woman-equality is discussed primarily in the above context. Hence the conclusion of this research paper focuses on the changes that have occured in the sadhvis. The concept of man-woman-equality which was restricted, only to attainment of liberation is now applicable to a variety of social causes. The colors of transformation have also affected the sadhvis which forms the important, unavoidable aspect of Jaina tradition. It is observed in literature that only the male Acaryas have discussed the issue of womanliberation. The thought process of nuns have not been taken into consideration. But in today's scenario, it is seen that the nuns have taken lead for man-woman-equality and they have started thinking and working on those lines. These changes can be summarized as: "The sravakas residing in foreign countries invite mainly the sadhvis for caturmasa and for observing Jaina rituals. Nuns travel abroad for the same and take active participation in social service for reformation and for the betterment of society. *They do not restrict themselves only to religion but have expanded their horizon for Jaina literature, language, philosophy, etc. Hence many of them have succeeded to become graduate, post-graduate, doctorate and so on. 119
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________________ * Sadhvis and Sravikas have taken active participation in educational institutes which promote research and teaching in Jainaism and Prakrit. They enjoy learning and teaching without considering sectarian differences. * Sadhvis and Sravikas are leading in editing books and forming libraries. * Many hospitals and gosalas are successfully handled and run by the sadhvis and sravikas due to the leading role taken by them for mankind and animal service. "Samani-samgha is taking initiative to attend various seminars, conferences and panel discussions with the help of modern techniques like power-point presentation, in India and abroad. * The code of conduct regarding vandanas as mentioned in chedasutras is also undergoing a vital change. Obviously the lead for this, is taken by sadhvis. As expected, it is getting a mixed response (favorable and unfavorable) from the sadhus. According to this, the sadhvis feel that vandana should be based on the seniority of the diksa and should not be on the basis of sex i.e. man or woman. We conclude on an optimistic note that the footsteps taken by the Svetambara Sthanakavasi Sadhvis is an endeavor to bridge the gender-based gap in Jaina religion. Conclusion * Acarya Kundakunda was the first to initiate the discussion about man-woman-equality based on nudity and liberation of female soul. In post-Kundakunda era the Digambara Acaryas stressed on the man-woman-inequality based on philosophical and social grounds. * Yapaniya sect which tried to have no sectarian difference but Svetambara and Digambara precisely tried to reduce the gap between man and woman inequality mainly on religious ground. Except a few social and philosophical differences Haribhadra have also tried to prove that a woman is equal to man. "Gunaratna widened the horizon for sex equality which was initially based only on the view of attainment of moksa. He stressed on the view of woman being no inferior to man leaving besides a few philosophical aspects. * Darsanavijayaji have added the principle of anekantavada to the aspect of man-woman equality. To prove this, he has used various citations from Digambara literature. "In the last two decades Jaina sadhvis have practically tried to prove man-woman-equality by their actual work. Thus they have shown an optimistic beginning of being an equal aspect of their counterpart, the so-called stronger sex of the society - 'MAN'. List of References 1. u fa fa-sifa Treet FGTATutos fa als farem Naggo vimokkhamaggo sesA ummaggayA savve / / liMgammi ya itthINaM thaNaMtare NAhikakkhadesesu / bhaNio suhumo kAo tAsiM kaha hoi pavvajjA / / jai dasaNeNa suddhA uttA maggeNa sAvi saMjuttA / ghoraM cariya carittaM itthIsa Na pavvayA bhaNiyA / / cittAsohi Na tesiM DhillaM bhAvaM tahA sahAveNa / fawuif en af grafty u H41 Sum 11 914163 23-26 2. 4314165 20,25 120
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________________ 3. sUtrapAhuDa 24,26 4. paMcamahavvayajutto tihiM guttihiM jo sa saMjado hoI / NigaMthamokkhamaggo so hodi hu vaMdaNijjo ya / / sUtrapAhuDa 20 5. saNNI chassaMhaDaNo vajjadi meghaM tado paraM cApi / sevaTTAdIrahido paNa paNacaduregasaMhaDaNo / / aMtimatiyasaMhaDaNassudao puNa kammabhUmimahilANaM / AdimatigasaMhaDaNaM Natthitti jiNehiM Nighi8 / / gommaTasAra 31,32 6. sUtrapAhuDa 24,26 7. lalitavistarA p.406 8. 'Adye pUrvavidaH / ' (tattvArtha 9.39) itivacanAt, 'dRSTivAdazca na strINAmi' tivacanAt / lalitavistarA (paJjikA) p.406 9. jaina AgamAta strI p.114 10. SaDdarzanasamuccaya p.306, para 277 11. navaguNasthAnasaGgatApi labdhyayogyA akAraNamadhikRtavidheH / lalitavistarA, p.405 12. AhAraka zarIralabdhi, manuSya ke sivAya anya jAtiyoM meM nahIM hotI hai aura manuSya meM bhI viziSTa muni ke hI hotI hai / caturdaza pUrvadhArI muni ke hI hotI hai / tattvArthasUtra p.76,77 13. strI samyaktva yAne caturtha guNasthAnaka to pAe jAe kintu vaha Upara ke nau guNasthAnaka prApta karane ke lie ayogya hai / lalitavistarA p.405 14. digambara kahate haiM ki striyoM meM anRtaM, sAhasaM mAyA' i. svAbhAvika dUSaNa rahe haiM / zvetAmbara-digambara (samanvaya), p.99 15. ----- ithio jati chaTThi puDhavi tti / ----- mUlAcAra, verse 113, para 12 16. jo AtmA sAtavIM nArakI pAne ko samartha hai, vahI mokSa pAne ko samartha hai / zvetAmbara-digambara (samanvaya), p.112 17. jaina paraMparA aura yApanIya saMgha (prathama khaMDa) saptama adhyAya, p.485 18. lalitavistarA p.402 19. lalitavistarA p.406 20. lalita-vistarA p.401-407 21. aMtagaDadazA, aSTamavarga 22. Sat-darsana-samuccaya, verse 52 23. Sat-darsana-samuccaya, p.301-308 List of Reference-Books 1. aMtakRddazA (aMtagaDadasA) : aMgasuttANi 3, jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), vi.saM.2031 2. upAsakadazA (uvAsagadasA) : vRttiracayitA ghAsIlAlajI mahArAja, zvetAMbara sthAnakavAsI jaina saMgha, karAcI, 1936 3. kArtikeyAnaprekSA : kArtikeyaviracita. saM.paM. mahendrakamAra pATanI, digaMbara jaina zikSaNa saMyojana samiti, indaura, 1996 4. gommaTasAra (karmakANDa) : nemicaMdrasiddhAMtacakravartIviracita, nirNayasAgara presa, muMbaI, 5. jaina AgamAta strI : DaoN. nalinI jozI, sanmati-tIrtha, puNe, 2000 6. jaina paraMparA aura yApanIya saMgha (prathama khaMDa) : DaoN. ratanacandra jaina, sarvodaya jaina vidyApITha, AgarA, 2009 7. tattvArthasUtra : umAsvAtiviracita, vivecaka paM. sukhalAlajI saMghavI, pArzvanAtha vidyApITha, vArANasI, 2001 8. bArasANuvekkhA : kuMdakuMdaviracita, saM. padmazrI sumatibAI zahA, solApura, 1989 9. bhagavatI ArAdhanA : A. zivAryaviracita, saM.paM. kailAzacandra siddhAntazAstrI, zrI hirAlAla khuzAlacaMda dozI, phalaTaNa, 1990 10. mUlAcAra : A. vaTTakera, saM. kailAzacandra zAstrI, bhAratIya jJAnapITha, dillI, 1984 11. lalitavistarA : A. haribhadrasUriviracita, municaMdrasUriviracita paJjikA TIkA sahita, hiMdI vivecana - bhAnuvijayajI, 'divyadarzana' sAhitya samiti, ahamadAbAda, 1963 12. vyavahArasUtra : zUbiMga, devanAgarI rUpAMtara, jaina sAhitya saMzodhaka samiti, puNe, 1923 13. zvetAmbara-digambara (samanvaya) : muni darzanavijaya, zA. maphatalAla mANekacaMda, boraDI, 1943 14. SaDdarzanasamuccaya : haribhadrasUriviracita, saM.DaoN. mahendrakumAra jaina, bhAratIya jJAnapITha prakAzana, dillI, 1989 15. sUtrapAhuDa (aSTapAhuDa) : kuMdakuMdaviracita, saM.DaoN. hukumacanda bhArilla, zrI kuMdakuMda kahAna digaMbara jaina tIrtha surakSA TrasTa, jayapura 121
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________________ 13 Pro-Environmental Thoughts and Actual Practices in Jaina Tradition : A Critical Review (A Paper presented in the International Conference and Workshop jointly arranged by UNESCO UOP, at Pune from 13th-16th Oct. 2012) Introduction In the last two decades the branch called 'Jaina Studies' is flourishing in India and abroad with amazing pace. Jaina institutions and Study Centers arrange grand conferences, symposiums and seminars with a great zeal and pomp. The subjects like Environment, Bio-diversity, Ecology, Liberalization, Global warming, Bioethics, Feminism, Scientific Nature of Jainaism etc. are chosen because these are current popular contemporary themes. In almost 90% of the papers, the conclusion - runs likewise : **Jaina tradition is scientific, logical and we find solutions of every problem in this revered, pious and ancient religion. Ahimsa, Anekanta, Syadvada, Nayavada, Five bigger vows, Doctrine of Karman, Jaina spiritualism and Vegeterianism contain great capacity to resolve every kind of conflicts and will bring peace, in the world." These words are murmured like a 'Japamala' in each and every academic endeavor of Jainas. During the last 25 years I got a rare opportunity to study Jainaism from philosophical and literary point of view as well as to observe the Jaina life-style with their daily and occassional practices. It is an established fact that Jainaism contains valuable seeds of the protection of environment. In this paper, an attempt has been made to examine and scrutinize the proenvironmental thoughts of Jainas as well as their culmination into actual practices. The congruency and in-congruency between these two is documented in this paper in a very comprehensive, lucid and brief manner. The paper is divided into four parts viz. (A), (B), (C) and (D). [A] The Pro-Environmental Thoughts in Jainaism (in nutshell) (i) The central part of the known universe is known as trasanadi, which is full of living entities. The scope of the living entities is from a subtle, tiny microbe upto the animals having huge size. Besides this, there are infinite groups of nigodi-jeevas. They are undeveloped living microbes sharing a common body. The total number of all trasa-sthavara-sukshma-badara-paryapta apryapta- living beings is mentioned as anantananta (ananta x ananta). (ii) Basically all of them possess consciousness or cognition which is expressed in the term upayoga? i.e. dnyana. 122
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________________ (iii) We can examine these living entities from fourteen points of quest (margana-sthana) viz. realm of birth, number of sense-organs, mind, passions, life-spans etc. etc. If we cast a glance to the varieties and sub-varieties of the bio-forms, we come to know easily that Jainas are fully aware of the living world around us which is called environment in modern terms. (iv) Earth, Water, Wind, Fire and Vegetables are actually aggregates of minute living beings. Innumerable microbes live together with the shelter of a small particle of Earth, Water etc. Becides this, a drop of Water etc. in itself is a group of water-bodied beings, which means a soul (jeeva) having the body made up of water. All these tiny bio-forms possess only one sense-organ i.e. touch. (v) The Jaina text like Pannavana and Gommatasara are totally dedicated to the description of the whole "living world'. We can designate these books as biological texts expressing extreme sensitivity towards all the bio-forms. The oldest Ardhamagadhi text proclaims at the very outset that one should be fully aware of the environment. Each human activity is disastrous to the world of ekendriyas. (vi) From the transcendental point of view, all the living forms are equally important. All of them possess individual soul. Each of the bio-specie wishes to live and tries to avoid which is not favorable to it. (vii) It is our duty, specially the duty of a human being, to let them live together with us. Though 'man' enjoyes top position in the complicated world of living beings, he has no right to harm them, use them and kill them unscrupulously. (viii) Food, fear, sex and possession are the four basic instincts of all living beings. We get our food from this living world. We should inculcate sensitivity towards them by their minimum usage. (ix) The doctrine of Karman is applied to all the living bio-forms and not selectively for humans and sub-humans. If we analyze the famous quotation parasparopagraho jeevanam' in Darwinian manner, we can understand this ancient Jaina tenet in a very illuminative manner. Darwin says, "Life-process is a continuous chain of activities which is comprehensive, interdependent, inter-related, complimentary, reciprocal and collaborative."'8 Jainas are fully aware of the nature of the living world. Thus Jaina thoughts fully support for the preservation, conservation and well-being of the surrounding world full of bio-forms from the epistemological, religious, ethical and spiritual pointof-view. 123
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________________ [B] [I] The Negative and Defensive Behavioral Patterns in Practical Jainaism With all this philosophical background we naturally expect that Jainas might have introduced positive models for the enhancement and enrichment of the environment. But alas ! the fact is exactly opposite. Here, I declare catagorically that the behavioral patterns of Jainas which are mentioned here are true in gross manner. These observations are based on the considerations of the age-group of forty-plus. It is the privilege of woman-folk to stick to practical Jainaism and to import it to gennext through family samskaras. The general tendencies are like-wise - (i) Jainas are very choosy, selective and critical in their food habits ; even veg food is provided to them. Dr. Padmanabha Jainai, a world-class scholar has been aptly point out this view in one of his research papers, viz. 'Fear of Food : Jaina attitude on eating'. The exactly opposite attitude is kept by the Hindus i.e. 'anna he purna-brahma'. This attitude of exclusion culminates naturally into the least botheration about the prohibited fruits, flowers, vegetables, grains and cereals. Thus they have least awareness of their names, species and harvesting procedures. Usage of roots, bulbs and so many other eatables are looked upon as 'sin'. The Jaina teachers and texts have developed a thought-model that, 'a path of moksha consists in overcoming the desire for food because liberation is freedom from hunger and thirst for ever. (ii) Though a class of Jainas is engaged in farming, organic farming is rarely seen because microbes, insects, earthworms etc. play an important role in organic farming which involves harm and violence to these creatures. It is very amusing that a common Jaina housewife generally hesitates to call a pest-controller because a thought-package of non-violence is inherent in her mind-set. (iii) For thousand of years it is hammered on the Indian society by the Dharmashastrakaras that the professions of Vaishyas are farming, cattle-rearing and trade (or commerce)." Jaina house-holders from the Vaishya community generally choose trading and commerce because other two occupations involve more violence. A long debate on professions is seen in medieval Jaina texts. Fifteen professions were declared as prohibited. Thus defensive back-foot play is seen on the home-ground of Jainas. (iv) Leather, silk, honey and use of wet flowers in decorations is avoided as far as possible because these things are procured by harming animals, silk-worms, honey-bees and flowering plants serially. To a certain extent, this life-style seems to be pro-environmental but on the other hand it gives rise to create a lot of artificial things. It produces huge heap of wastage which is highly non-degradable. The Jainas mostly prefer artificial things. The long-run effects are totally neglected. (v) Cruelty to animals is not tolerated by Jainas. They are extremely compassionate towards insects, birds and animals. But truely speaking it remains only on the intellectual and emotional level. In the vast society around Jainas, so many nature clubs' and institutions are there dedicated to observation, study and curative measures related to environment. 'mittee me savva-bhuesu" is 124
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________________ the popular slogan of Jainas but it is hardly seen that they have joined the club of pakshi-mitra, prani-mitra, sarpa-mitra and so on. When we take account of the hobbies of Jainas, we find that environmental awareness is distinctly lacking. It is a solace that the activity of goraksha is prevalent at least from the last two hundred years or even more especially in Gujrath, Rajsthana and Maharashtra. But a comment can be made in this matter that the philosophical framework of Jainas provides no special sanctity to a cow. We can enumerate many such behavioral patterns in which the non-violent attitude is seen but it is developed in such a manner that they do not take part whole-heartedly in the activities like the study of bio-centric sciences, tree plantation, organic agriculture, gardening, animal and bird sanctuaries and so many. [B] [II] The Rationale Behind the Defensive Role This moksha-centric shramanic religion developed in its initial stages from the point of view of monks and nuns, leading life based on strict renunciation, severe austerities and penances. While observing five bigger vows they have to abstain from all violent and sinful acts. Each and every movement of body, mind and speech involve subtle violence and causes papa-karma bandha.12 Strict injunctions are provided in the monastic conduct that they should minimize all the activities. It is a duty of a monk to avoid usage of all bio-forms as far as possible because due to any negligent act, he attains sin. In the course of time, the rules of conduct for a common householder were developed, prepared and articulated. Actually it is expected from a householder to observe five bigger vows in its gross manner. Lay-persons are not expected to lead a spiritual life. Common ethical rules, strict vegetarianism, daily upasanas, occasional religious practices and limiting the needs as far as possible - these are sufficient to lead a good life. The rules for lay-persons were prepared, preached and executed by various Jaina monks. Naturally the attitude of renunciation and prohibition got reflected in householders' conduct. The monks get alms from the householders. For getting the prashuka and eshaneeya (suitable) food, they might have imposed the restrictions over the householders. In this manner the defensive and back-foot play started in the sphere of householders' conduct and over the centuries a kind of aloofness and detachment towards bio-diversity crept in. [C] Few Signals Exhibiting Constructive Attitude (i) The biography of Teerthamkara Rushabhadeva is documented in Jaina mythologies at length. It is described that when natural resources (kalpa-vrukshas) come to an end, he preached the mankind to cultivate land, the art of agriculture, tree-plantation, house-building and water management.14 In fact his life is a great inspiration to lead an eco-friendly active life with enhancement and enrichment. 125
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________________ (ii) In the old Ardhamagadhi text Dynatadharmakatha, it is mentioned that the Jaina merchant Nanda Manikara developed a beautiful spot for travelers full of natural forests and artificial gardens, provided eco-friendly houses and water supply.15 (iii) A rare reference in Sutrakrutanga documents that it is our duty to preserve the rare species of the flora and one should help them to grow.16 (iv) The 24 signs or emblems of 24 Teerthamkaras are chosen from the world of flora and fauna. 17 (v) Several chaityas (gardens) are mentioned as the shelter-places of the preachers. It seems that the Jaina householders took care of the gardens. [D] The Attitude of New Generation of Jainas The observations in this point are based on a group discussion held in Mahaveer Jaina Hostel at Pune on 15th September 2011. The boys and girls belonged to the age group of twenty to twenty-five. During the discussions, I feel their new attitude and aspirations to look at their ancient religion. With due respect to their tradition, they expressed that, it is hightime now to revise the rules of householders' conduct in the new perspective. The excessively highlighted spirituality should be minimized and a focus is necessary on ethics and morality. They were eager to learn Jaina Studies on academic level. They expressed that larger part of the generous donations and charities of Jainas go to construct temples and hall (sthanakas). Majority of the youngsters want to utilize the funds for the betterment of the society. It was a great ray of hope that almost twenty percent of the students were eager to take active part in the pro-environmental activities. Conclusion When we think of environment, ecology or bio-diversity, two attitudes or angles are important. Preservation, conservation or less usage is one angle. But the angle of restoration, enrichment or enhancement with all possible measures is also or even more important. We have already seen that Jaina thoughts provide ample valuable data about the natural energy sources and the mutual relationship of all types of bio-forms. Jainas are aware of the degradation and degeneration of the eco-system. The concept of degradation is reflected in their concept of Time-wheel (kalachakra). Jaina mythologies say that when the bountifulness of kalpavrukshas started diminishing, Rushabhadeva purposefully exerted a lot for tree-plantation, agriculture and water-management. In the initial centuries of the Christian era, rules of monastic conduct were formulated. The monastic conduct was totally moksha-centric. The models of - (i) minimum usage ; (ii) nonattachment towards all the sensual pleasures and (iii) minimizing the activities of mind-body and speech - were the central guiding principles of monastic behavior. We see a parallel growth of the rules of conduct for normal householders, in the meanwhile. These rules were constructed, taught and preached to the Jaina society by the class of Jaina monks and nuns. Naturally householders' aspirations and aim of life were not properly considered. It was 126
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________________ hammered on them that for observing non-violence, 'don't touch them', 'don't harm them', 'don't dabble into them'. As a corollary, the feelings of awe, fear and sin took possession of the householders' mind while interacting with the four ekendriyas (earth, water, wind, fire), especially the world of vegetation, insects, animals and birds. Various behaviroal patterns came into vogue over the centuries which are mentioned in the main content of this paper. They were imparted to the next generations through family samskaras. When a person is brought up with the attitude of back-foot play, naturally the connectivity and awareness of the environment diminishes slowly. That is the reason why Jainas generally hesitate to come forward for tree-plantation, organic-agriculture, gardening, bird-watching and so many activities related to nature. The conflict of pravrutti and nivrutti is always present at the back of their minds which does not allow them for the wholehearted participation in pro-environmental activities. In the last two decades, the young generation of Jainas is thinking seriously over it. We can conclude with the happy note that these young people with broadened views will overcome the negative thoughts and participate in the preservation, restoration and enrichment of our mother earth. List of References 1. sAdhAraNanAmakarmodayena jIvA nigodazarIrA bhavanti / ni-niyaMtAM gAM-bhUmiM kSetraM nivAsaM, anantAnantajIvAnAM dadAti iti nigodam / gommaTasAra, jIvakANDa, tattvapradIpikA TIkA, 191/429/15. 2. samaNA amaNA NeyA paMciMdiya NimmaNA pare savve / ___ bAdarasuhumeiMdI savve pajjatta idarA ya / / bRhad-dravya-saMgraha, Verse 12. 3. upayogo lakSaNam / tattvArthasUtra 2.8. 4. gai iMdie kAe joge vede kasAe NANe saMjame daMsaNe lessAe bhaviya sammatta saNNi AhArae cedi / SaTkhaMDAgama 5. puDhavijalateyavAU vaNaphphadI vivihathAvareiMdI / vigatigacadupaMcakkhA tasajIvA hoti saMkhAdI / / bRhad-dravyasaMgraha, Verse II. 6. saNNA cauvvihA AhAra-bhaya-mehuNa-pariggahasaNNA cedi / dhavalA, pustaka 2, pRSTha 419/1. 7. tattvArthasUtra 5.21. 8. Darwin's Theory of Evolution : From Jaina Viewpoint, Dr. Nalini Joshi, A paper presented in ____ the National Symposium, at Jasol, Rajasthan, 2012 9. Collected Papers on Jaina Studies, Padmanabha Jaini, Name of the article : 'Fear of Food : Jaina attitude on eating', p.294 10. kRSigaurakSyavANijya vaizyakarma svabhAvajam / gItA 18.44 ; manusmRti adhyAya 8, sUtra 410; nItivAkyAmRta, trayIsamuddeza sUtra 410. 11. khAmemi savve jIve savve jIvA khamaMtu me / mittI me savvabhUesu vera majjha na keNai / / vaMdittusutta 48. 12. kAyavAGmana:karma yogaH / sa AsravaH / tattvArthasUtra 6.1-2. 13. se bhikkhU --- asaNaM vA pANaM vA --- phAsuyaM esaNijja ti mannamANe lAbhe saMte paDigAhejjA / AcArAMga (II), piNDaiSaNA, 1st Udde. Su.3. 14. mahApurANa, jinasena, 16.179-180. 15. jJAtAdharmakathA, adhya. 13, Su.12-13. 16. jAtiM ca vuDDi ca viNAsayaMte, bIyAi assaMjaya AyadaMDe / ahAhu se loe aNajjadhamme, bIyAi je hiMsati AyasAte / / sUtrakRtAMga (I) 7.9. 17. tiloyapaNNatti, 4.604. List of Reference-Books 1. AcArAMgasUtra : saM. zobhAcandra bhArilla, zrI amola jaina jJAnAlaya, dhule (mahArASTra), 2006. 2. bRhad-dravyasaMgraha : nemicaMdraviracita, zrI digaMbara jaina kuMdakuMda paramAgama TrasTa, iMdaura, 2000. 3. Collected Papers on Jaina Studies : Edited by - Padmanabh S.Jaini, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, Delhi 2000 127
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________________ 4. Jainism and Ecology : Edited by C.K.Chapple, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, Delhi 2006 5. jaineMdrasiddhAMta koza (part 3&4): saM.DaoN.hIrAlAla jaina, upAdhye, bhAratIya jJAnapITha, nayI dillI, 1944. 6. jJAtAdharmakathA : zrI AgamaprakAzanasamiti, byAvara (rAjasthAna), 1981. 7. manusmRti : viSNuzAstrI bApaTa, zrI gajAnana buka Depo, puNe. 8. zrImadbhagavadgItA : gItApresa, gorakhapura, saM. 2060. 9. sUtrakRtAMgasUtra : zrI amola jaina jJAnAlaya, dhuliyA, 2002. 10. tattvArthasUtra : umAsvAtiviracita, vivecaka - paM.sukhalAla saMghavI, pArzvanAtha vidyApITha, vArANasI, 2007. * *** ** *** * 128
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________________ 14 Darwin's Theory of Evolution : From Jaina Viewpoint (The Paper presented in a National Symposium on Jaina Philosophy, Science and Scriptures, on 22nd 24th Oct. 2012 at Jasol, Rajasthan) Rationale behind the Choice of the Subject Scholars of Jainaology always claim that the tenets of Jainaism are closer to the modern scientific concepts than all the existing faiths. They present ample examples to prove their thesis. Six realities comprising the universe ; the Time not being an 'astikaya' reality but an inferential concept based on the changes found in different categories (dravyas); the concept of paramanu and skandhas; presenting sabda as not being the quality of akasa but atomic in nature ; water being a combination of two gases ; the treatment of dharma and adharma as the principles of motion and rest ; the consciousness and emotions of the world of vegetation ; applying the concept of mind, emotions, knowledge, passions and spiritual progress to the world of fine-sensed tiryanchas - through these concepts, the scientific nature of Jainaism is generally observed and explained by modern science. Darwin's Theory of Evolution in Nutshell The biological studies take a great leap when Charles Darwin (1809-1882) presented the "Theory of Evolution'. The main steps in his argument can be summarized as follows: 1. The globe has undergone and is continuing to undergo systemic transformation, which means that life on earth must change in order to survive. 2. Nature provides an unlimited supply of unsolicited, fortuitous and hereditary novelties. 3. The fertility of nature leads to an unremitting struggle for existence. 4. In nutshell, we can say that the species which adapt with nature will survive, whereas less fortunate biological species will perish. The change in nature is very slow. Human being stands on the top of the evolved species. Darwin's theory was based on the thinking and rethinking of his predecessors. His theory of evolution was explained and expounded after his thesis by many scientists like Huxley, Spencer, Heckel, Morgan, Whitehead and so many others. Aim of the Paper In this paper an attempt has been made to examine Darwin's theory and it's implications in the light of the philosophical views expressed in Jainaism. [1] The Traditional Jaina Views : Apparently Against the Theory of Evolution The history of the concept of the evolution of bio-species goes to the period of Greek thinkers in the western philosophy. But it was Charles Darwin who explained it systematically with the ample data collected by him. Two books written by him, viz. "The Origin of Species' and 'The Descent of Man' gave him world-wide acknowledgement and fame. In his second book, he opined 129
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________________ that a particular species of monkey-class, i.e. 'ape' and 'human-being' are originated from a common forefather during the elongated process of evolution. This opinion created a huge fury in the class of religious-minded Christians. They took it as a serious blow on the traditional faith of the supremacy of human being, as it was the ultimate creation of god. According to the traditional framework of Jainaism, there are four separate gatis (realms of birth/destination).- Human birth is altogether different from tiryancas (subhumans). The universe is beginning-less and endless. It was told by the omnipotents that there are four gatis in the universe and they will remain forever. Not any of the gati is created from the other. The species and sub-species are enumerated by the Sarvajnas and they are 84 lakhs. The increase and decrease in the number is not opted for. Philosophical texts of Jainas declare that every living being has gone through the cycles of births and deaths within the range of these four gatis. The jivas follow certain rules of transmigration but in this journey, a soul may not follow the linear sequence of ekendriya to pancendriya necessarily. The universe is not created at a certain time-point. In certain Upanishadic texts we find a sequence of the creation of pancamahabhutas." The Hindu or Pauranika concept of avatara, suggests a certain order of jalacara sthalacara-ubhayacara-manusya etc. Jaina philosophets do not entertain both of these thoughts, viz. the Upanishadika and Pauranika. Apes and human beings are totally different. An ape belongs to tiryanca gati. How can we transform and merge one gati into the other? In the texts like Uttaradhyayana', Prajnapana' and Gommatasara, a certain sequence of ekendriya to pancendriya is evidently seen, but it is there only for the sake of convenience in enumeration. In the process of bhavadharana the doctrine of Karman prevails. Every soul transmigrates with the taijasa and karmana bodies and takes birth according to his nama-karman and gotrakarman. The principle of progression and regression has nothing to do in this process. The pauranika texts of Jainas say that Tirthamkara Rsabhadeva had the life-span of 84 lakh purvas. It is told that he taught 72 arts for mankind and certainly not to vanaras. It proves that manusya-gati is not a certain step of a ladder. This five-sensed species with mind, intellect and power of discrimination is existent from the beginning-less time. According to the theory of evolution, a slow, steady development of the bio-species is seen which is based upon the principle of adaption, but the Jaina norms say that in the present avasarpini era, a continuous regression is going on. The physical, mental and spiritual abilities of human beings are diminishing. The fully developed souls like 24 Tirthamkaras take birth in the 3d and 4" part (ara) of each avasarpini and utsarpini. This fact is not consistent with the theory of evolution. In nutshell, we can say that, when grossly seen, there is no scope for the theory of evolution in the Jaina framework of universe. 130
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________________ [2] The Concept of Nigodi-jivas : a turning point In the legendary history of Jainas, it is noted that Arya Kalaka or Arya Syama propounded the concept of nigodi-jivas. 'Nigoda-vyakhyata' is the famous epithet of Arya Kalaka. In the Ardhamagadhi canons like Pannavana and Jivabhigama and in the Sauraseni canons like Gommatasara (Jivakanda), we find this concept in its elucidated form. A curious reader may go through the whole lengthy discussions of nigodas from the lexicons like Jainaendra-Siddhantakosa. In the present context, we can summarize it likewise - These nigodi-jivas are the most undeveloped bio-forms. Innumerable nigodi-jivas possess a common body. They are found everywhere. They are 'anantananta' in numbers. They are basically 'sadharana-vanaspatikayika-jivas' having one sense-organ i.e. touch." A traditional presumption is very common in Jaina philosophy. It is said that when a perfect human soul attains liberation, a single jiva comes out of the nitya-nigoda into itara-nigoda." This presumption implies that when a human soul attains moksa, an undeveloped microscopic organism enters into this samsara. Thus the concept of nigodas contains the seeds of the theory of evolution. Charles Darwin and his followers have explained the theory in a very elaborative manner. We can call it as 'Darwinian expressions'.'- When we go through these expressions, we find a striking similarity between Darwinian expressions and Jaina thoughts. Of course, all of us know that the ancient Jaina thoughts are not expressed in the modern scientific technical terms. Here, an attempt has been made to reach the common underlying truth of the both expressions. [3] Interpretation of Darwinian Expressions in Jaina Terminology D. Life-process is comprehensive, all-pervasive. The same life-force flows through all sentient beings. It is incarnated through various forms. It flows through the world of vegetation, insects, animals, birds and human beings and act accordingly. The same life-force is seen, from the amoeba upto the developed human being, J. Jivas are infinite. Upayoga i.e. cognition and consciousness is their common characteristic. 13 Though there is a vast variety of jivas, according to gati, jati etc. each carries the common feature i.e. upayoga. We can interpret it as a common life-force. (ii) D. Life-process is a continuous chain of activities which is comprehensive, interdependent, interrelated, complimentary, reciprocal and collaborative. J. It is pleasantly astonishing that Umasvati had expressed the same view when he gives the characteristic-based definition of jivas, viz. 'parasparopagraho jivanam'.14 The plural used in the word jivanam' can be interpreted exactly in the Darwinian manner. Umasvati had noted down the characteristics of all six dravyas (categories) in the same comprehensive way, putting light on their collaborative nature. 131
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________________ D. In all living organisms, there is a struggle for existence. Each strives hard for life and avoids extinction. J. Four samjnas (instincts) exist in every jiva. They are enumerated as food, fear, sex and possession. The instinct of fear (bhaya) can be interpreted as the struggle for existence. Acaranga says very categorically that - "savve pANA piyAuyA, suhasAyA, dukkhapaDikUlA, appiyavahA piyajIviNo jIviukAmA / savvesiM jIviyaM piyaM / "16 (iv) D. All species of vegetation, insects and animals adapt changes according to the environment which are necessary for survival. These changes are carried forward to their future generations through genetic properties. J. Since * jiva' is a 'dravya' it naturally possesses certain qualities' and 'modes'. Each soul is necessarily distinct. 'Possessing a favorable body' is a mode according to Jainaism. Mainly, bodily features are determined by namakarman. Other genetic qualities are determined by gotrakarman. When a jiva takes birth in a particular species, it adapts the forms which are suitable. It means, if the species adapt changes during the long span, they can be treated as modes (paryayas). Thus though Jainaism accepts the concept of rebirth, it is not contradictory to the theory of evolution. (v) D. Those species which are strong enough to struggle, will survive and other will get extinct in this conflict for existence. 'Survival of the fittest' is the law of nature. J. If the often-quoted fixed number of 84 lakh yonist is accepted then it will create difficulty because in the theory of evolution, some species are newly created while some species extinguish in the course of nature. All the major Indian traditions viz. Hindu, Bauddha and Jaina agree unanimously about the number of yonis i.e. 84 lakhs. In the oldest Ardhamagadhi and Sauraseni texts, the number is not found. According to my opinion, we should take it as merely arthavada and a later addition in the course of doctrinal development. If the number is not taken literally, then there is no difficulty in accepting the norm, viz. 'survival of the fittest.' (vi) D. While leading further the arguments about the theory of evolution, the renowned biologist Lamarck said that, 'the resolve and efforts of a bio-specie play an important role in the progressive evolution of that specie.' J. Each soul possesses 'ananta-catustaya.19 Each soul has the intrinsic power to go upwards (i.e. urdhvagamita).20 So if there is mental resolve, each bio-specie can strive for 132
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________________ betterment. Jainas consider that though dravya-mana is not present in the lower species, still bhava-mana is always there. Thus there is a scope for betterment in each bio-specie. (vii) D. While criticizing the orthodox thoughts of the church, Darwin makes it clear that, the ability to survive' is limited to the physical existence of the species. We should not mix it up with the moral progress. Biological facts and moral tenets are totally different. Though Darwin had marked out this difference, still personally he held the view that the theory of evolution is not contradictory to the moral elevation. J. In Jainaism there are two levels of evolution - (i) The doctrine of Karman and the theory of Gunasthanas take care of the moral and spiritual progress, (ii) While concept of nigodas and the classification of bio-species on the basis of sense-organs (and mind) suggest the biological evolution. The biological facts should be considered from the level of vyavaharanaya and the ethico-spiritual theories from the level of niscayanaya. Both of them are real. In ideal conditions, they go hand in hand, but discrepancies are found in our day to day life. (viii) D. The consciousness and mind are the developed forms of matter according to Darwin. J. Jaina thinkers say that the dravyamana is paudgalika-- but bhavamana is a mode of consciousness. Jainas would never agree that consciousness is a developed form of matter. The tajjiva-taccharira-vada of Sutrakrtanga" represents the Darwinian view and it is negated with full enthusiasm. Consciousness and matter are totally distinct but are in contact with each other from the time immemorial (ix) D. The changes, modifications and activities in the universe are just natural. There is no place for any divine interference or intervention in the course of nature. Darwin's theory is based on experiment and there is no scope for god. J. Same position of god is there in Jainaism, but they have applied the theory of karman and purusartha to every bio-entity. When we apply karma and gunasthana theory to every bio-specie, certainly several doubts and difficulties occur. In the present context, it is better to omit the debate. D. The universe undergoes constant changes and modifications. Darwin highlights that nothing is permanent and static. These modifications happen through the process of adaption. J. The popular Indian concept of 'kutastha nitya' is not accepted by Jainas. The 'sat' or reality itself is consisted of 'utpada vyaya-dhrauvya'. In one way it differs from Darwinian view but it is important that the concept of constant change is incorporated in the very definition of Draya. 133
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________________ Conclusion In the introductory part, it is already noted that 'the theory of evolution and regression' is an important theory propounded in the era of modern sciences. It is not expected from the ancient texts to express modern theories in the same terms, concepts and vocabulary. A solemn duty of an Indologist is to gather the favorable and unfavorable indications with reference to a particular theory. The prima-facie suggestions got from the Jaina texts are not favorable to the theory of evolution. But when we compare Darwinian and post-Darwinian expressions of the theory in the Jaina thought-currents, we know that Jaina theories can be tolerabaly interpreted in modern terms. On the other hand, selected modern terms can be explained in Jaina terminology. At the end, we can say that there is a broad scope for the Darwinian theory of evolution in the framework of Jainaism. The favorable points can be summarized likewise (i) From the viewpoint of continuous existence, the universe is beginning-less and endless. It provides a large scope for change, progression and regression. (ii) The concept of 'dravya' itself includes origin, permanence and destruction. Origin and destruction take place only in the modes. It means that without affecting 'jivatva' of a soul and paramanutva' of a body, there is a reasonable scope for the changes in the external forms of various bio-species. (iii) The concept of subtle nigodi-jivas (microbes) provides strong basis for the theory of evolution. (iv) The description of sthavara-trasa and the serial order of ekendriya to pancendriya - these two points are quite eloquent of having grains of evolution. (v) Darwin and the Jaina texts, both of them place human beings on the top of the creation. (vi) Conservative Jainas will never agree to recon 'manusya' as a developed 'tiryanca' but a rational academician has no difficulty in accepting this Darwinian theory by a little moderation in the concept of 4 gatis'. (vii) If there is a scope for little alteration in the number of 84 lakh-yonis, then there is no difficulty in accepting the emergence and extinction of new bio-species. (viii) The long spans of bhavasthitis and kayasthitis provide a necessary scope for the slow changes through adaption in the species and sub-species. We can conclude that evolution is pondered over in Jainaism in two directions. (i) The ethico-religio-spiritual direction describes the journey of a soul with the help of theory of Karman and rebirth. (ii) The empirical direction suggests that in the struggle for existence, certain bio-forms are created by adaption and certain bio-forms extinguish because of low will power. It all happens due to the earnest instinct 'to live'. 134
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________________ In my opinion, these two thought-lines are parallel and not tangent to each other. The spirituality of Jainaism is not at all a hindrance for the serial progress or regress in the bio-species of the universe. List of References 1. p. 114, Introducing Darwin by Miller and Loon. 2. paMciMdiyA u je jIvA , caubvihA te viyAhiyA / neraiyA tirikkhA ya , maNuyA devA ya ahiyA || Uttaradhyayana 36.155. 3. loo aNAi nihaNo / paumacariya 3.18 4. asaMkhejjAhiM ussappiNi - avasappiNIhiM avahIraMti kAlao | Anuyogadvara Ga. 423. 5. AtmanaH AkAza: sambhUtaH / AkAzAdvAyuH / vAyoragniH / agnerApaH / adbhayaH pRthivI / pRthivyA oSadhayaH / oSadhIbhyaH annaM / annAtpuruSaH / Taittiriya-upanisad 2.1. 6. Utt. 10.5-13:36.69-155. 7. Prajnapana pada 1-15. 8. audArika vaikriyA''hArakataijasakArmaNAni zarIrANi / Tattvarthasutra 2.37. 9. p.29, Agama-yuga kA jaina darzana ; p.112-113, jaina dharma ke prabhAvaka AcArya, sAdhvI saMghamitrA. 10. Gommatasara Ga. 191-197:200: 320-322:378. 11. a) sijjhaMti jattiyA khalu iha sNvvhaarjiivraasiio|| eMti aNAivassai rAsIo tattiA tammi || Gommatasara Ga. 197.441.15 b) iti vacanAdvA yAvantazca yato muktiM gacchanti jIvAstAvanto'nAdi nigodavanaspatirAzestatrAgacchanti / / syAdvAdamaMjarI 29.331.13 12. pAzcAtya tattvajJAnAcA itihAsa, utkrAMtivAda, ga.nA.jozI. 13. upayogo lakSaNam / Tattvarthasutra 2.8. 14. Tattvarthasutra 5.21 15. saNNA cauvvihA AhAra-bhaya-mehuNa-pariggahasaNNA cedi / khINasaNNA vi asthi / Dhavala 2.1; 1.413.2 16. Acaranga 17. guNaparyAyavad dravyam / Tattvartha 5.37 18. Niccidara dhAdusattaya tarudasa viyaliMdiyesu chacceva / sura Niyara tiriya cauro coddasa maNuye sadasahassA / / Barasanupekkha Ga.35. 19. anaMtajJAna, anaMtadarzana, anaMtacAritra, anaMtavIrya. Ksapanasara Ga.610 20. jIvo uvaogamao amutti kattA sadehapariNAmo / bhottA saMsArattho siddho so vissasoDagaI / / Brhaddravyasamgraha Ga.2. 21. Tattvarthasutra 2.11, Hindi comm. Sukhalal Samghavi p.54-55 22. Ibid. 23. jesiM taM suyakkhAyaM bhavai, taM jahA-aNNo jIvo aNNaM sarIraM, tamhA, taM micchA / / Sutrakrtanga 2.1.18 Reference-books for the Darwinian Theory 1. Introducing Darwin : Jonathan Miller and Borin Van Loon, Printed by Gutenberg Press, Malta, 2010 2. pAzcAtya tattvajJAnAcA itihAsa (khaMDa 3), DaoN. ga.nA.jozI, mahArASTra vidyApITha graMthanirmiti maMDaLa. 3. Wikipedia Website by searching Theory of Evolution'. Original Jaina Sources 1. aNuyogadvAra (aNuogaddAra) : Arya rakSita, saM. muni puNyavijaya, mahAvIra jaina vidyAlaya, muMbaI, 1968. 2. AcArAMga (bhASya-niyuktisahita) : jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), 1974. 3. uttarAdhyayana (uttarajjhayaNa) : muni puNyavijaya, zrI mahAvIra jaina vidyAlaya, 1977. 4. gommaTasAra : nemicandrasiddhAMtacakravartI, da seMTrala jaina pabliziMga hAUsa, lakhanau, 1927. 5. jIvAjIvAbhigama : uvaMgasuttANi 4 (khaMDa 1), jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), 1987. 6. tattvArthasatra : umAsvAti, paM. sukhalAlajI saMghavI, pArzvanAtha vidyApITha, vArANasI, 2001. 7. trilokaprajJapti (tiloyapaNNatti) : yativRSabha,, hIrAlAla jaina, jIvarAja jaina graMthamAlA 1, solApura, 1943. 8. dazavaikAlika (dasaveyAliya) : navasuttANi 5, jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), 1987. 9. prajJApanA (paNNavaNA) : uvaMgasuttANi 4 (khaMDa 2), jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), 1986. 10. sUtrakRtAMga (sUyagaDa) : aMgasuttANi 1, jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), vi.saM. 2031. ********** 135
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________________ 15 Revealing the Scientific Nature of the Jaina Concept 'Sammurcchima' (Agglutination) (The Paper presented in a National Symposium on Jaina Philosophy, Science and Scriptures, on 22nd-24th Oct. 2012 at Jasol, Rajasthan) (I) References have been taken from the Website Wikipedia - Subtexts:- 1) Asexual reproduction 2) Hermaphrodite 3) Cloning (II) References also been taken from Pranisastra (part I and II) written by Dr. V.M.Apte, published by Maharastra State Sahitya and Samskrti Mandal. Introduction Non-violence (ahimsa) is the basic principle of Jaina philosophy and ethics. Jaina philosophy has observed innumerable species of living beings in this universe. The classification and description of all the living creatures has been mentioned in the ancient Prakrit Scriptures and later Sanskrit texts of Jainas. Jaina philosophy describes the spread of living species and the nature of all kinds of living beings in universe, so as to enhance the sensitivity towards living beings. This knowledge helps to observe non-violence and avoid violence. Classification of Living Organisms in Jainaism * Classification based on liberation i) Emancipated beings (siddha-jivas) ii) Worldly beings (samsari-jivas) * Based on movement i) Immobile beings (sthavaras) ii) Mobile beings (trasas) * Based on mind i) Rational beings (samjni) ii) Non-rational beings (asamjni) * Based on sense-organs From one-sensed beings to five-sensed beings. * Based on destinity (gati) The beings having hellish, sub-human, human and celestial destinity. 136
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________________ * Based on bodily features The beings having gross (audarika), protean (vaikriya), conveyance (aharaka), fiery (taijasa) and karmic (karmana) bodies. * Based on sex i) The infernals and living beings born by agglutination are necessarily hermaphrodites, ii) The gods are either females or males. iii) Living beings in human and animal species could be male, female or hermaphrodite. * Based on the places of birth (yoni) There are 84 lakhs varieties of places, where life could exist i.e. where a living being could take birth. These birth-places could broadly be categorized into nine types - i) Occupied by living things only ii) Cold iii) Covered iv) Occupied by non-living things only v) Hot vi) Uncovered vii) Occupied by living and non-living things viii) Both hot and cold in part ix) Both covered and uncovered in part * Based on the types of birth i) Viviparous and oviparous animals and vertebrates without placenta are born in the womb. ii) Infernal beings and gods are born by descent. iii) All other beings are born by agglutination.1 Just like a kaleidoscope visualizes the images of glasses in different views merely by changing the angle, likewise Jaina philosophy also classifies living species into various types. The kaleidoscopic visualization of different livings presented in species, really inspires a scholar of Jainaology for further search. Rationale for the choice of the subject Special interest arose while reading the description of the birth and birth-places of living species mentioned in Jaina texts. I thought of correlating the similarity between 'birth by agglutination' and 'agglutinated organisms' with modern Zoological and Botanical studies. It was noticed that the reproduction of plants and animals mentioned in today's scientific study by asexual reproduction, cloning, tissue culture etc. were almost similar to the process of reproduction of various types of agglutinated micro-organisms explained in Jaina texts. 137
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________________ For correlating the Jaina views with the modern Zoological and Botanical sciences, Wikipedia website and the book ret (M 3,2)' of Dr. V.M.Apte helped us a lot. With the above thought process, the title of this paper was decided which is - Revealing the Scientific Nature of the Jaina Concept 'Sammurochima' (Agglutination) 1. Types of birth according to Jaina philosophy This research paper primarily focuses on the places of birth and specifically on the birth of living beings. Hence we will discuss in detail about birth. Tattvarthasutra mentions - sammUrcchanagarbhopapAtA janma 12 Means there are three types of birth - i) by womb ii) by descent iii) by agglutination (of material particles) i) Birth by womb This process of birth is related to sexual relationship. The physical body (or foetus) is formed in the mother's womb when a sperm (from semen) meets the ovum. There are namely three subtypes of birth by womb - a) viviparous animals (jarayuja) b) oviparous animals (andaja) c) vertebrates without placenta (potaja) ii) Birth by descent Birth by descent is without parents and with a fully developed body. iii) Birth by agglutination This is a form of asexual reproduction where sperms and ovum do not meet. In this type, the soul absorbs the material particles that lie at the spot of its birth and uses the power of its karma to convert them into an agglutinated body." Out of these, birth by womb is well-known. Birth by descent is characteristic of infernal beings and gods. Birth by agglutination is a peculiar concept in Jaina philosophy. Nearly 70% of the total beings are born by agglutination. Still we do not find detailed description of the process of agglutination in these texts. 2. Concept of 'agglutinated beings', according to Jaina philosophy i) How 'birth by agglutination differs from 'birth by womb'? Four instincts of each living beings are enumerated in Jainaism. 'Sex' is one of them. This instinct is expressed in each living being through reproduction. Each living being reproduces because it wants to exist. Reproduction is related to sexual relationship where there is birth by 138
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________________ womb. It has been noticed that in plant and animal kingdom birth can occur even without male and female mating. Jaina philosophy describes this process as agglutination. ii) Jaina concept of sammurcchima as described in the commentaries Jaina philosophy believes in karma theory. According to this, the future birth of living being is decided by the karma of that particular being. The one who is destined to be born as agglutinated being takes birth at its appropriate place. During this the living being is accompanied by its own protean and karmic body. The soul along with its protean and karmic body absorbs the material particles that lie at the place of its birth. After absorbing the desired material particles, the soul takes the form of the particular being. This type of birth is, 'birth by agglutination'. Commentary on Tattvarthasutra says - atra sammUrchAmAtraM sammUrchanam , yasmin sthAne sa utpatsyate jantustatratyapudgalAnupasRjya zarIrIkurvan sammUrcchanaM janma labhate , tadeva hi tAdRk sammUrcchana janmocyate / iii) Detailed description of agglutinated beings according to Jaina philosophy * There are three types of birth - birth by agglutination, birth by womb and birth by descent. a) Birth by agglutination : All one to four-sensed beings, five-sensed animals born by asexual reproduction and human beings born by asexual reproduction (having no mind) are the examples of this kind of birth. b) Birth by womb : Livings beings born by sexual reproduction viz, five-sensed animals and humans (with mind). c) Birth by descent : Infernal beings and divine beings." * Agglutinated human beings are without power of thought (without physical mind) (or having no mind) * Agglutinated beings range from one to five-sensed beings. * According to the realm of birth, agglutinated beings exist only in human and subhuman species * There are 84 lakh birth-places, out of which agglutinated beings take birth in 58 lakh places and even more. Apart from these birth-places, some agglutinated beings also take birth in four lakh five-sensed subhuman birth-places and fourteen lakh human birth places. Here lies the importance of the detailed thinking of these beings. * The 84 lakh birth-places are broadly categorized into nine varieties like sacitta, acitta, misra etc. Agglutinated beings can take birth in any of these nine places. To * Agglutinated beings have gross, fiery and karmic bodies." * All agglutinated beings are necessarily hermaphrodite." * Maximum and minimum life spans of all agglutinated beings are noted down in different manner. But agglutinated humans have life less than one antar-muhurta (upto 48 minutes).'s 139
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________________ * One-sensed to five-sensed subhuman agglutinated beings are of two types - i) matured (paryapta) ii) immature (aparyapta), whereas all agglutinated humans are necessarily immature.14 * They possess entirely asymmetrical body configuration (hundaka samsthana)" and the weakest bone-joints (sevarta samhanana).16 Though Jaina philosophy has categorized agglutinated beings in multiple ways, yet two more varieties can be added viz i) naturally agglutinated and ii) artificially agglutinated. 3. What is common between agglutinated birth and asexual reproduction Commentators have not clearly explained the concept of agglutinated birth described in Jaina scriptures. We fail to understand that i) Does asexual reproduction actually mean birth without physical mating? ii) Birth without ovum or egg laid by female ? iii) And birth without any of the remnants of that particular being ? But according to Jaina philosophy one thing is crystal clear that asexual reproduction does not involve individual female, male and their sexual mating. Also we do not except any of the type of sexual reproduction viz. viviparous, oviparous birth and birth by womb. Then question arises that in asexual reproduction don't we actually need female, male, ovum or sperm for life to exist ? But where there is no particular sexual material, can birth occur? For explanation of all these querries the important keyword is 'birth-place'. We expect to have some remnants of the particular class of plant or animal to exist in that birth-place. This kind of birth where actual physical mating does not take place is considered as, 'asexual reproduction in the present paper. Botanists and zoologists say that there are two types of reproduction i) sexual ii) asexual. We can safely conclude that birth by agglutination according to Jaina philosophy, is a type of asexual reproduction. 4. Scientific analysis of four one-sensed agglutinated beings According to Jaina philosophy, all one-sensed beings viz. earth, water, fire, air bodied organisms take birth by agglutination. But science does not believe in this concept. Scientists do not accept earth, water etc. to be living beings. Commonly the belief is that earth, water etc. bodied beings mean microorganisms residing in earth, water etc. Jaina philosophy describes these beings also but at the same time they describes beings whose body is earth as earth-bodied-beings and so on. Microorganisms living in earth with its support and earth-bodied-beings are two separate entities. According to today's scientific study, micro-organisms living in a small particle of earth, a small drop of water etc. can be termed as bacteria, viruses and other kind of microbes. Science believes yeast to be a type of bacteria which reproduces asexually. Amoeba also reproduces asexually. Amoeba is a unicellular micro-organism. It cannot be classified as male or female or parent or its offspring. Under favorable circumstances amoeba takes birth and multiply by division of its cell. The division and formation of new amoeba takes place in four days. Under 140
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________________ difficult situation and unfavorable circumstances where the cell can't divide there is formation of almost 500 spores within the single cell, which disperse in different direction. These spores again under favorable circumstances reproduce by division. All one celled being like viruses, bacteria, fungi etc. reproduce as mentioned above. According to Jaina philosophy this type of reproduction can be termed as agglutination. 5. Agglutination in Plant-Kingdom In this point, we will discuss, whether the whole plant-kingdom can be related with agglutination. Plant-kingdom is considered at great length in the ancient Jaina texts. This special treatment is given due to their visibility to naked eye, there usefulness to human and subhuman species and the plants possess observable growth, reproduction and life-cycle. Jaina texts enumerates 10 lakh yonis of pratyeka-vanaspati and 14 lakh yonis of sadharanavanaspati. According to them, all these vanaspatis reproduce themselves by agglutination. Botanists divide plant-kingdom into flowering plants and non-flowering plants. In some of the flowering plants there are male and female pollens. With their close contact, seeds are produced. But all seeds do not grow into plants. Botanists have observed that some flowering plants are only male-plants while some are only female-plants. Secondly, in flowering and nonflowering plants, we can reproduce the species by planting a branch, stem etc. Such type of plants can be called agglutinated plants. The term 'clone' is derived from the Greek word denoting trunk' or 'branch', referring the process whereby a new plant can be created from a twig. The modern method of tissue culture in which saplings are produced by using a fragment of plant, can be designated as agglutination. In Botany, 'fragmentation' is defined in the following manner Fragmentation is a form of asexual reproduction, where a new organism grows from a fragment of the parent. Fragmentation is seen in fungi and some plants. The Ardhamagadhi canon Sutrakstanga, enumerates the water-plants as avaka, panaka, saivala, kalambuka, hada, kaseruka etc. We can say that these aqua plants are reproduced by fragmentation. Dasavaikalika mentions a list of plants as aggaabiya, mulabiya, porabiya, khandhabiya and so on." These are certainly the examples of fragmentation. Since fragmentation is a variety of asexual reproduction, we can designate these plants as 'agglutinated'. In the botanical texts, the second variety of asexual reproduction is apomixis. Apomixis in plants is the formation of a new sporophyte without fertilization. It is important in ferns and in flowering plants. It means, the flowering plants in which reproduction is seen by apomixis can be called agglutinated plants. For example, some of the fig trees bear flowers having only female pollens, still figs are produced. In nutshell, we can say that in Jaina texts, the whole plant-kingdom is brought under agglutination, but botanically it is not totally true. In botanical texts it is noted that in some of the most undeveloped species of plants like fungus and algae, the sexual and asexual production is seen. 141
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________________ We have to be satisfied with the fact that the ancient Jaina texts mention two varieties of asexual reproduction, viz. fragmentation and apomixis. 6. Agglutination in two-three and four-sensed Organisms According to Jaina philosophy two-sensed to four-sensed organisms, take birth by the process of agglutination, e.g. two-sensed organisms - worms, leeches, mollusk, snail etc. ; threesensed organisms = ants, fleas, plant-lice, termites etc. ; four-sensed organisms - flies, mosquitoes, butterflies, moths etc. Thus the above mentioned category of organisms reproduces asexually. Important Jaina texts like Sthananga, Samavayanga, Bhagavati, Jivabhigama and Uttaradhyanana fail to comment about the process of reproduction of the two to four-sensed organisms. But Prajnapana, Tattvartha and the commentaries of these texts and Gommatasara (Jivakanda) have distinctly described birth by agglutination in these organisms.20 According to Zoology worms, ants, flies etc. reproduce sexually. Under unfavorable or exceptional situations these organisms reproduce by different methods of reproductions e.g. normally the honey-bee reproduce sexually, but when there is absence of female-queen-bee, a worker-bee (homosexual) can transform itself into a female-bee and can lay eggs without the process of mating. We can say that the birth of these bees take place by agglutination. Inspite of faster rate of reproduction by asexual means why do these organisms reproduce sexually, is still unanswered even to the scientists. According to the scientists multicellular organisms rely more on sexual method of reproduction. Due to this organisms which can adapt to the changing environment are born. Hence asexual reproduction is less rampant in these organisms. The females of two to four called organisms usually lay hundreds of eggs at a time. Hence cluster of such insects are born altogether. Hence Jaina philosophy labels them as agglutinated beings. Modern Zoological science describes 'hydra' as "Budding is also known on a multicellular level, an animal example is the hydra, which reproduces by budding. The buds grow into fully matured individuals which eventually break away from the parent organism.' This 'hydra' can be categorized into agglutinated being. "Fragmentation is a form of asexual reproduction where a new organism grows from a fragment of the parent. Each fragment develops into a mature, fully grown individual. Fragmentation is seen in many organisms such as some annelid worms and sea stars have specialized structures for reproduction via fragmentation.' Hence the above mentioned organisms like worms, sea stars can also be called as agglutinated beings. 'Parthenogenesis is a form of agamogenesis in which an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual. Parthenogenesis occurs naturally in invertebrates like water fleas, aphids, stick insects, some ants, bees and parasitic wasps.' All the above described beings can also be classified into agglutinated beings. According to zoological science honeybees reproduce sexually as well as asexually. 142
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________________ Jaina texts mention that all agglutinated beings are 'napussakavedi.' These organisms carry some characteristic marks of male as well as some of females. Such organisms are eager to mate both male and female. We cannot say that all agglutinated beings are napussakavedi according to botanical and zoological views, but both of the sciences mention a group of organisms which is called 'a class of Hermaphrodite.' In biological context, a hermaphrodite is an animal or plant that has both male and female reproductive organs. Thus we can say that the hermaphrodites can be designated as agglutinated organisms. Zoology also describes almost complete hermaphroditism in snails, slugs and few subvarieties of fishes. In these, features of both the sex (male and female) are present as well as desire for sex persists. Amongst these banana-slugs a type of earthworm reproduces on its own, i.e. without male-female mating. 7. How can we scientifically describes the birth of five-sensed Tiryancas (animals and birds)? According to Jaina philosophy the five-sensed sub-human beings can take birth either by womb or by process of agglutination. These are five subtypes of five-sensed sub-humans which are -jalacara, sthalacara, khecara, uraparisarpa and bhujaparisarpa.-- As discussed earlier, the birth taken from womb means sexual method of reproduction and birth by agglutination means asexual method of reproduction i.e. without male-female mating. Asexual reproduction is the ability to reproduce without a partner in these situations, where the population density is low. The example can be given of some desert lizards. It is seen that, in some cases dinosaures like animal living on oceanic islands, a single female member of the species is enough to start a population. Parthenogenesis is a form of agamogenesis in which an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual. Parthenogenesis occurs naturally in many plants, invertebrates and vertebrates. The examples of vertebrates are some reptiles, amphibians, fish and very rarely birds. According to modern Zoological science vertebrates and invertebrates reproduce either sexually or asexually depending upon the conducive atmosphere. However some reproduce only asexually. For example - one female turkey laid eggs by asexual method of reproduction and yet the eggs hatched giving birth to baby turkey. Hammerhead shark and blacktip shark females on maturity give birth to young ones without mating (i.e. they reproduce asexually) give birth to young ones. Bdelloid rotifer reproduces only by asexual method. Scientists believe that these species are reproducing in this manner from last 10 lakh years. Some sub-species of frog and fishes reproduce in different manner altogether, though they exist in different male-female identity. In these types the female goes near the water and lays eggs. Then the male counterpart excretes semen. The sperm from semen penetrates the egg and a new being is formed which has undergone various stages of development like two, four, eight cell being serially. Thus from these multicullular stage a tadpole and later a frog is born. 143
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________________ Thus the above mentioned examples in zoology are similar to agglutinated five-sensed subhuman-beings of Jaina philosophy. The undeveloped vegetations from the flora-kingdom and aquatic beings from the fauna sector reproduce asexually. Based on these observations Hemecandra mentions - sammUrchajAstRNAdayaH / / sammUrcchanAjjAyante sammUchejAH , AdigrahaNAd bhUcchatrAdyAH / / matsyAdayAH sammUrcchanodbhavAH / / AdigrahaNAt sarpAdayaH / / 23 8. How can we explain the concept of sammurochima manusyas, in modern scientific way? Jaina philosophy describes birth by womb and birth by agglutination for human beings. Right from the process of male-female mating to conception to actual birth is described in detail in various works like Tandulavaicarika, Prajnapana and Jivabhigama. These also describe the varied physical and mental development in human beings. Moreover agglutinated human beings are also described in Jaina texts like Sthananga, Samavayanga, Bhagavati, Jivabhigama, Prajnapana, Uttaradhyayana, Gommatasara (Jivakanda) etc. Agglutinated human beings are described in Prajnapana as follows - se kiM taM maNussA ? maNussA duvihA paNNattA, taM jahA - sammucchimamaNussA ya gabbhavakkaMtiyamaNussA ya / se kiM taM sammucchimamaNussA ? sammucchimamaNussA egAgArA paNNattA / kahiM NaM bhaMte sammucchimamaNussA sammucchaMti ? goyamA ! aMtomaNussakhette paNatAlIsAe joyaNasayasahassesu aDhAijjesu dIvasamuddesu pannarasasu kammabhUmIsu tIsAe akammabhUmIsu chappaNAe aMtaradIvaesu gabbhavakkaMtiyamaNussANaM ceva uccAresu vA pAsavaNesu vA khelesu vA siMghANesu vA vaMtesu vA pittesu vA pUesu vA soNiesu vA sukkesu vA sukkapoggalaparisADisu vA vigatajIvakalevaresu vA thI-purisasaMjoesu vA NagaraNiddhamaNesu vA savvesu ceva 'asuiesu ThANesu' ettha NaM sammucchimamaNussA sammucchaMti / aMgulassa asaMkhejjai-bhAgamettIe ogAhaNAe asaNNI micchAdiTThI aNNANI savvAhiM pajjattIhiM apajjattagA aMtomuhuttAuyA ceva kAlaM kareMti / se taM sammucchimamaNussA 124 According to the above description - i) All agglutinated human beings have similar shape. ii) It's measurement is the infinitth part of a fingertip (i.e. angula-asamkhejja-bhaga). iii) Agglutinated human beings are mindless, have false belief, are ignorant and immature. iv) The maximum life span is of 48 minutes. v) These agglutinated beings are born in fourteen impure places like stools, urine, sputum, pus, blood, semen, dead bodies of human beings who take birth by womb. Pathology describes excretion of various cells of human beings in their excreta like stools, urine, sputum, blood, vomit etc. which according to Jaina science forms the birth place for agglutinated beings. Though these excreta might differ in their appearance yet they have same genetic makeup i.e. DNA (Deoxy ribose nucelic acid) which forms the identity of that particular being. Hence probably agglutinated beings are described to be of same shape. DNA is present in each and every cell of human beings. According to Jaina philosophy agglutinated beings take birth only at impure places i.e. various excretions. But this philosophy mentions birth in any of the human being body part as they consider the human body to be impure. 144
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________________ 9. Can we establish relationship between agglutinated beings and cloning? Cloning in biology is the process of producing of genetically-identical individuals that occurs in nature when organisms such as bacteria, insects or plants reproduce asexually. Cloning in biotechnology refers to process which is used to create copies of DNA fragments (molecular cloning), cells (cell cloning) or organisms. According to genetic science, cloning is done artificially. Cloning has been almost successful in plants and some animals. Human cloning is still under trial. According to the concept of agglutinated human beings in Jaina philosophy, these asexually born human beings could be replicated if the immature paryaptis are matured artificially in favorable conditions. The concept of sammurcchima is certainly the distinctive feature of Jainaism. Thus in-toto, agglutinated human beings are born asexually from sexually born human beings under natural circumstances. Same thing done artificially in laboratories is nothing but cloning. Genetic differences seen in the plant-kingdom in dense forest is by the process of agglutination which occurs naturally. We humans do the same artificially by twig grafting, seed grafting, tissue culture which is cloning. Same is true for animals Conclusion * The verb 'sam-murch is found in various brahmanical Sanskrit texts denoting various meanings like - to be unconscious, to churn, to grow, to form and so on. In the Jaina texts, the noun sammurcchana' is closely connected with the process of birth, which is the distinctive feature of Jainaism. * When we read the description of this concept from the Jaina texts, at the outset, we think that hundreds of organisms are produced without the presence of males and females. But when a deep thought is given, we realize that "How sat (16) can be produced from asata (31401) ?" Therefore we have to presume that a certain fragment of that organism should be there at the birthplace when the process of agglutination takes place. * We have to presume that garbha-janma is sexual reproduction and sammurcchana is asexual reproduction. Sammurcchana or agglutination is seen in the microbes having one-sense to fivesenses. With the help of botanical and biological sciences, we can interpret the references found in the Jaina texts. * Each of the species of the microbes exerts for its existence during the continuous life-process. It is the basic instinct of all living beings. This instinct is realised through sexual and asexual reproduction. This instinctive force is underlined by Jainaism as well as by the life sciences like botany and biology. * Jainaism proclaims that each jiva (i.e. microbe) is separate and individually independent. Science also says that the DNA of every living organism is unique. 145
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________________ * According to the Jaina thought, agglutinated beings are weak, undeveloped and almost devoid of perceptive knowledge. Scientists also say that the beings produced by asexual reproduction are comparatively weaker and their capacity of adaption is lesser. * The possibility of cloning, tissue-culture, grafting etc. can be traced in the ancient concept of agglutination. * The Jaina texts say that all the beings, which are born by agglutination, are napumsakas. It is implied that for the further reproduction the same process of agglutination is followed. But the scientists say that the hermaphrodites reproduce further by sexual and asexual reproduction. * The Jaina term 'samurochima manusya', suggests the possibility of human clone. The description of 'sammurcchima manusyas' available in the Jaina texts imply that it is impossible to produce the exact 'garbhaja manusya' from the sammurochima manusya. Genetic engineers are exerting a lot. But their experiments say that the clones do not have long life-spans and they do not possess the ability to reproduce. This observation is noted down in the experiment of the cloning of Dollysheep. A lot of efforts have been made to prove the scientific nature of Jainaism by analyzing the six categories from the viewpoint of physics but there is a lot of scope to discover the Jaina thoughts from the viewpoint of botany, biology, zoology and genetics. List of References 1) Tattvartha. ch.2 2) Tattvartha. 2.32 3) Tattvartha. 2.32 to 36 (with comm.) 4) Tattvartha. 2.32 (with self-comm.) 5) Tattvartha. 2.32 to 36 (with comm.) 6) Jivabhigama 1.128 ; Prajnapana 1.84 7) Gommatasara (Jivakanda) 84 (with comm.) 8) Gommata sara (Jivakanda) 90 (with comm.) 9) Gommatasara (Jivakanda) 89 (with comm.) 10) Gommata sara (Jivakanda) 85 to 87 (with comm.) 11) Jivabhigama 1.15,64,74,79,82,85,101,128 12) Prajnapana 1.49 to 84 ; Gommatasara (Jivakanda) 93 (with comm.) 13) Prajnapana 1.84 ; 4.107 to 161 14) Prajnapana 1.49 to 84. 15) Samavayanga prakirnaka 204,206 16) Samavayanga prakirnaka 191,193 17) Acaranga to 117 ; Jivabhigama 1.66 to 74 ; Prajnapana 1.30 to 48 ; Satkhandagama (Dhavala, Jivasthana); Gommatasara (Jivakanda) 184 to 195 18) Sutrakrtanga (part II) 3.13 19) Dasavaikalika 4.8 20) Prajnapana 1.49 to 84 ; Tattvartha. 2.34 to 36 (with comm.); Gommatasara (Jivakanda) 84 (with comm.) 21) Tattvartha. p.78 22) Bhagavati 8.9 ; Jivabhigama 1.97 ; Uttaradhyayana 36.170 23) Abhidhanacintamani Namamala 1201 ; 1356 24) Prajnapana 1.82 to 84 146
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________________ List of Reference-Books 1) abhidhAnacintAmaNi nAmamAlA, A.hemacaMdra, jaina sAhitya vardhaka sabhA, ahamadAbAda, vi.saM.2032 2) AcArAMga (aMgasuttANi 1), jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), vi.saM.2031 3) uttarAdhyayana, saM. muni puNyavijaya, mahAvIra jaina vidyAlaya, 1977 / 4) kirAtArjunIyam, haridAsa saMskRta graMthamAlA, cokhambA saMskRta sIrija oNphIsa, vArANasI, 1968 5) gommaTasAra (jIvakAMDa), rAmacaMdra jainazAstramAlA, nirNayasAgara presa, muMbaI, 1916 6) jIvAbhigama (uvaMgasuttANi 4) khaMDa 1, jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), 1987 7) tattvArthasUtra, umAsvAtipraNIta, sukhalAla saMghavI, pArzvanAtha vidyAzrama zodha saMsthAna, vArANasI, 1985 8) tattvArthAdhigamasUtram, umAsvAtipraNIta, svopajJabhASya va siddhasenagaNiTIkAyukta, prathamavibhAga, devacaMda lAlabhAI jaina pustakoddhAra phaMDa, muMbaI, 1926 9) dazavaikAlika, saM. muni puNyavijaya, mahAvIra jaina vidyAlaya, 10) prajJApanA (uvaMgasuttANi 4) khaMDa 2, jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), 1989 11) bhagavatI (aMgasuttANi 2) jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), vi.saM.2031 12) samavAyAMga (aMgasuttANi 1) jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), vi.saM.2031 13) sUtrakRtAMga (aMgasuttANi 1) jaina vizvabhAratI, lADanUM (rAjasthAna), vi.saM.2031 14) SakhaMDAgama (dhavalA TIkA), jIvasthAna-satprarUpaNA 1, saM.hIrAlAla jaina, jaina sAhityoddhAraka-phaMDa-kAryAlaya, amarAvatI, 1939 ********** 147
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________________ 16 Wisdom in Jaina Tradition [A Paper Presented in the Seminar Organized by BORI, Pune on 28th Dec. 2012] The Scope of the Paper The general theme of the seminar is "Wisdom in Indian Traditions". An attempt has been made in this paper to locate the areas in Jaina tradition in which glimpses of wisdom are seen. Jainas have their own religion, history, literature, philosophy, code of conduct and art expression in the form of caves, temples, icons, inscriptions and beautiful paintings. To bring out the hidden wisdom of Jainas in all these areas of Jaina Studies is almost impossible. Therefore in this paper observations are presented with critical remarks mostly concerned to literature and philosophy. The Scheme of the Paper The paper is divided into four main parts. A] The place of wisdom in Jaina Epistemology. B] Some noteworthy Jaina texts and their position in Indian Laksanic literature. C] The hidden wisdom of Jaina scriptures. D] Wisdom of Jaina tradition through ages - (i) Cultural richness reflected in the Prakrit literature. (ii) Social wisdom of Jainas in creating various thought-models. Conclusive citation from Acaranga - the oldest Jaina text. A] The place of wisdom in Jaina Epistemology The relation of the knowledge with soul in Jainaism is not like that in the system of the Naiyayikas and Vaisesikas. In Jainaism knowledge is the essence, nature or chief characteristic of each individual soul (atman, jiva). Knowledge is sva-para-prakasaka viz. self-illuminating and illuminating the other. Instead of giving the definition of knowledge, Jaina scriptures and Tattvarthasutra mention the five types of knowledge viz. Mati, Sruta, Avadhi, Manhparyaya and Kevala. Matijnana is empirical knowledge, commonly known as Indriyajnana. It is cognition or perception gained through the sense organs and mind. It is certainly limited. Srutajnana is articulate knowledge which is conceptualized through language. It can be compared with Sabdajnana, Agamajnana or Scriptural knowledge. In the modern perspective it is applicable to all informative knowledge which is reliable and authentic. Other three varieties of knowledge are basically spiritual in nature. Nandisutra, the last Ardhamagadhi scripture (5th cen.A.D.) is entirely dedicated to Jaina epistemology. Nandikara has rearranged the varieties of Jnana and Pramana in congruence with the contemporary Nyaya concepts. He created space for the concept of 'fourfold buddhis' mentioned in the scriptures like Nayadhammakaha. Today's topic is 'wisdom'. It is closely connected with *fourfold intellect'. Nandikara designates it as the asrutanihsrta variety of Matijnana i.e. sensory 148
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________________ knowledge. Autpattiki Buddhi is inborn intellect, comparable to I.Q. at modern times. Vainayiki is the knowledge acquired through proper training or education which is imparted by an able guru. Karmaja is the skill acquired through regorous practice. Parinamiki is the knowledge gathered through our life-long experiences and it grows in accordance with our age. Thus the concept of 'wisdom' is connected with empirical knowledge (Mati) on one hand and with Srutajnana (articulate knowledge) on the other hand. According to Nandi, Jaina scriptures are Lokottara Srutas and treatises of non-Jainas are 'Laukika Srutas'. A long list of Mithyasrutas is given in Nandi and Anuyogadvara in which whole syllabus of contemporary formal education in India is reflected. In one of my research paper I have interpreted the 27 names of the non-Jaina texts which are noted down in Nandi. A curious person may go through it. The last brilliant comment of Nandikara might have inspired the Jaina writers to produce remarkable literature dedicated to technical and scientific subjects. The concept of 'Caturvidha Buddhi' and 'Laukika Sruta' are in true sense the well spring of the secular, non-religious literature of Jainas properly designated as "Laksanika Sahitya'. B] Some Noteworthy Jaina Texts and their Position in Indian Laksanika Literature Parsvanatha Vidyasrama Sodha Samsthana, Varanasi has published eight parts of the history of Jaina literature. In the fifth part, dedicated to Laksanika Sahitya, total 27 subjects are covered. The list runs likewise - Elche, RT, reichle, 59-G, HEI, #fta, sol, fora, 197, Afta, Falu, 751401, sAmudrika, ramala, lakSaNa, Aya, argha, koSThaka, Ayurveda, arthazAstra, nItizAstra, vAstu-zilpa, ratnazAstra, mudrAzAstra, dhAtuvijJAna and prANivijJAna. When we critically examine the 5th part of Jaina Laksanika Sahitya we observe that * The lists of books and subjects are unnecessarily lengthened. * Many of the names are copied from 'Jina-ratna-kosa' and 'Jaina Granthavali' without any further search. * The subjects are conjunctured from the name by commonsense and a comment is passed that 'yaha grantha dekhane meM nahIM AyA hai|' * The manuscripts containing five-six folios are also noted down under the title 'the book'. * There is a common practice of ancient literature to quote the names of Purvasuris. Sometimes names of their treatises are given. Actually they are not found in manuscript form. The description of such type of works is given in the above-mentioned fifth part. All the tikas, vrttis, laghuvrttis and avacuris on the same work are separately counted. For the sake of enumeration it is quite right, but the qualitative value is very meager. Thirteen commentaries on Katantra Vyakarana and twenty-three commentaries on Sarasvata Vyakarana are written. Such works make the list quite sizable but due to repetition and imitation they are devoid of wisdom. The Real Contributions to the Laksanika Literature (i) About grammar, we can say that the Skt. grammars of Jainas are mostly commentarial and imitative. The originality of Panini, Katyayana and Patanjali is unbeatable. Praktalaksana of 149
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________________ the Jaina grammarian Canda is the first Prakrit grammar (24, 3rd cen.A.D.) which was followed and enlarged by Vararuci and Hemcandra. Haima-praksta-vyakarana is studied by the students of Skt. and Prkt. The secular nature of the Apabhramsa gathas is appreciated by Dr. Ghatage. Digambara Jaina sage Akalanka wrote grammar of Kannada language in Skt. All the prkt. grammars are written in Skt. because of the exactness and compactness of Skt. Around the fourth century A.D. Jainas started their writings in Skt. For them Skt. was a pan-Indian language of formal education. They never looked at Skt. as a sacred, pious language or the language of gods-Girvanavani, because this concept does not suit to their philosophical and mythological framework. Parasikabhasanusasana is written by Vikramasimha and Pharasi-dhaturupavali was prepared by an anonymous Jaina writer. For details please see p. 76 of the above-mentioned book. (ii) About lexicons, it is observed that Nighantus and Niruktas are the source of inspirations for the lexical works of Jainas. The first metrical commentaries of Bhadrabahu on prominent Jaina scriptures are called Niryuktis no doubt after the word 'Nirukta'. The worth mentioning lexicons are Dhanapala's Paiyalacchinamamala and the most celebrated Abhidhanacintamaninamamala of Hemacandra. Abhidhana is the continuation of the famous Amarakosa with its own peculiarities. It contains hybrid Sanskrit words influenced by desi and Apabhramsa words. Desinamamala is peak of wisdom and scholarship of Hemacandra. It will not be out of context to salute the wisdom of Padalipta (1"-3rd cen.A.D.) who had prepared Desikosa nearly one thousand years before Hemacandra. Hemo refers Padalipta at the very outset of his DENAMA. The romantic poetic narrative of Padalipta was Tarangavatikatha, the first of its genre in Prakrit. Padalipta's active participation in the making of Gathasaptasati' is noteworthy. A small manuscript having six folios is available at L.D.Institute, Ahmedabad. It is a small lexical work in Skt. and Persian. It is noted at the end that // iti zrI jainadharmIya zrI somamantrIzvarAtmajaviracitA yavanIbhASAyAM tauruSkInAmamAlA smaaptaa|| In nutshell, the lexical works of Jainas are important especially in the field of Prakrit. (iii) In the field of Philosophy, except Vedanta, all the other Philosophies were systematized before Vacaka Umasvati wrote Tattvarthasutra around 4h-5h cen.A.D. He was convinced that Jainas could no more ignore the pan-Indian scholarly language viz. Skt. He converted all the important philosophical data which was available in Prakrit into Skt. aphorisms. Umasvati's darsanika genius is unparallel up till now. (iv) 'Doctrine of Karman' is common to all Indian systems except Carvakas. In Jaina philosophy, 'Theory of Karman' is the base, backbone and a strong link between philosophy and practical conduct. Jainas negated creator god and accepted the concept of beginningless and endless universe. As a corollary they methodically developed the Karma-doctrine with minute details and spiritual mysticism. Unlike its Brahmanic and Buddhist counterparts, Jainas' wisdom is seen in developing a full-fledged branch of Karma-literature. 150
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________________ (v) When we consider Dhyana and Yoga, Jaina writers wrote their treatises on this subject from 5th cen.A.D. up to 14th cen.A.D. Among them, Pujyapada, Haribhadra, Subhacandra and Hemcandra are prominent. The credit goes to Haribhadra to present Jaina thoughts on Yoga in altogether new manner, new classification and the spirit of synthesis with Brahmanic and Buddhist Yoga and Dhyana. Recently, on the line of Vipasyana, some Jaina monks have developed the Jaina method of sadhana called Preksadhyana. (vi) The history of the study of Astrology starts from the canonical period in Jaina tradition. Four Ardhamagadhi texts are important, viz. Suryaprajnpti, Candraprajnapti, Jyotiskarandaka and Ganividya. According to Jaina mythology, Aryabhatta and Varahamihira were brothers of the revered Jaina Acarya Bhadrabahu. The works of Haribhadra and Thakkura Pheru are noteworthy. When we go through the whole long list of Astrological texts, we find that though some of them are published, still a huge corpus is laying in unedited form. It is very curious that majority of manuscripts are preserved in the collection of L.D.Institute, Ahmedabad. Though fortune-telling was totally negated for monks, still the branch of Astrological studies is really strong in Jaina tradition. It puts light on the academic interest of the Jaina monks. (vii) The same historical facts are true about the science of Nimitta (Prognostics). Arya Kalaka, Bhadrabahu and Dharasena possess the epithet 'Nimittavetta'. Jayapahuda, Nimittasastra, Angavijja and Ritthasamuccaya are some of the names of published texts on Nimitta. The language of all these can be designated as Arsa Prakrit influenced by Sauraseni. Most of the unpublished manuscripts are preserved in the Patana Grathabhandara, Gujrath. (viii) In the field of Logic or Nyaya, Buddhists were the first who applied logical methods in debates. Brahmanical texts of Khandana-mandana style were developed immediately after Buddhists. Jainas' entry in this field is a little later. Sanmati-tarka of Siddhasena is the only work in logic which is written in Prakrit (J.M.). Akalanka, Samantabhadra, Pujyapada, Haribhadra etc. developed a new method of Syadvada and Saptabhangi to refute others on the basis of the theory non-absolutism viz. Anekantavada. Pramana-mimamsa of Hemcandra, Syadvada-manjari of Mallisena and Jaina Tarkabhasa of Yasovijaya are the well reputed texts. Tarkabhasa is written in Navya-nyaya-style. Jainas' contribution to Indian logic is really praiseworthy. (ix) It is the fashion of first decade of the third millennium to beat the drums of Jaina Ayurveda, very loudly. When we go through the contents of the Jaina works on Ayurveda, we realize that Caraka, Susruta and Vagbhata are still at the top. The Jaina author Ugraditya (11th 12th cen.) wrote a really remarkable book titled Kalyanakaraka, strictly following the Jaina rules about food and medicine. The classification of diseases is new. Rest of the details can be found on p.231-232 of the above-mentioned book on Jaina Laksanika Sahitya. One of the old manuscripts of the ayurvedic text Jatsundariprayogamala is preserved in the BORI collection. It is heard that the text is on the way of publication. 151
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________________ Three stages about the use of Ayarveda are seen in Jaina literature. In the canonical period, total negation is found. In the commentarial period it is noted that a monk can use pure and acceptable (prasuka and esaniya) medicine in exceptional situation. The third stage is seen in the books like Kalyanakaraka. At this stage Jainas produce books dedicated to this subject. These types of modifications and flexibility really exhibit the wisdom of Jainas through ages. (x) When we think of ancient Indian mathematics, the works of Aryabhatta (4h cen.A.D.), Brahmagupta and Bhaskaracarya are the most revered ones. Actually speaking, the Numbers and Measurements of Time and Space play important roles in the canonical descriptions of Jaina Cosmology, doctrine of Karman and the life-spans of living beings. Interested person may go through the appendices of Tattvartha edited by Dr. Nathmal Tatia. Ganitanuyoga of Jainas includes the treatises describing geography, astronomy and astrology. In Jaina tradition, independent book of mathematics is not found before Ganitasarasamgraha of Mahaviracarya. It is noted down by the concerned scholars that in many respects, this book surpasses Brahmagupta and Bhaskaracarya, still very few people know about it. One scholar named Dr. Shah is busy in writing a book on Jaina Mathematics utilizing the library of BORI. I think L.D.Institute is going to publish it. Another remarkable work on Maths is Ganitasarakaumudi of Thakkura Pheru written in Jaina Maharastri Prakrit. Pheru, a Svetambara Jaina householder of fourteenth century was a treasurer at the court of Kutubuddin and Allauddin Khilji. He wrote small treatises on various scientific and technical subjects like metallurgy, numismatics, mathematics, gemology, architecture and astrology by using colloquial contemporary terminology. The book is published by Rajasthan Prachyavidya Pratishtan, Jodhpur. The name of the collection is Ratnapariksadi-sapta-granthasamgraha. Thakkura Pheru's position is really really unique in the perspective of Laksanika literature. (xi) Kautilya's Arthasastra, a proper combination of Politics. Economics and Ethics will remain always at the top in this particular field. Among the later versions of Arthasarstra, Nitivakyamrta of the Jaina author Somadevasuri holds higher position, because of its secular attitude and classical Sanskrit style. We cannot forget Yasastilakacampu of the same author which possesses a rich cultural data. (xii) While considering the commentarial literature of Jainas, it will not be an exaggeration to say that one-third part of the whole bulk is merely commentarial. One thing is worth mentioning that these authors wrote commentaries on Jaina and non-Jaina works without any sectarian bias. Amitagati's Kavyaprakasakhandana, Siddhacandragani's solitary commentary on Banabhatta's Kadambari and Caritravardhana's commentaries on five famous Sanskrit epics - are some of the gems of the secular commentarial literature of Jainas. Namisadhu explains the word 'Sanskrit' and Prakrit' in a very naive manner in his commentary on Rudrata's Kavyalamkara (2.12) Jainas' expertise in commentarial literature is in itself a subject of a big research project. 152
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________________ C] The Hidden Wisdom In Jaina Scriptures It is generally observed that certain Ardhamagadhi and Sauraseni texts, the seeds of many empirical sciences are found. Unfortunately the rich contents had not developed into a full-fledged branch of knowledge due to various religious and social reasons. All the post-canonical literature is written by monastic class. The religious history tells that in the course of time Jainaism became more and more renunciative and moksa-centric. The religious conduct and spirituality prevailed over empirical knowledge and wisdom. Here, some of the important points incorporated in the scriptural texts are enumerated which certainly exhibit wisdom. (i) The credit of ancient Indian atomism goes to the Vaisesika Sutras of Kanada. Varttikakaras and Vyakhyakaras developed the atomic theory very systematically. Some of the oldest Ardhamagadhi and Sauraseni canons had put forth some valuable thoughts about matter i.e. pudgala or paramanu. In the fifth chapter of Tattvartha, atomism is summarized and systematized by Umasvati in 20 aphorisms. When we compare the Vaisesika and Jaina Paramanuvadas, we have to admit that the Jaina thought is more deep, subtle and nearer to modern Physics. (ii) Same is the case of biological sciences. Non-violence is the essence of Jainaism. Ancient Prakrit texts and later Skt. texts of Jainas proclaim that there are innumerable species of living beings in the universe. Classification of living organisms based on (a) liberation, (b) movement, (c) mind, (d) destinity (gati), (e) bodily features, (f) sex, (g) place of birth and (h) types of birth is presented in the second chapter of Tattvartha. If we reconsider the concept in the light of biological sciences, it certainly reveals the wisdom of Jaina Acaryas. For example, the concept of sammurcchana is comparable to asexual reproduction, grafting and cloning. Genetic properties and the rationale behind it can be searched in the detailed descriptions of Namakarman. (iii) In almost all Jaina texts the sensitivity towards all bio-forms in the universe is enhanced. There is no exaggeration at all if we say that the intrinsic nature of Jainaism is pro-environmental. The Jaina thoughts fully support the preservation, conservation and the well-being of the surrounding world full of bio-forms from epistemological, religious, ethical and spiritual point of view. If we interpret the Jaina principle 4 4TUET SICHT' in the light of the commentaries on Tattvartha (5.21) it goes nearer to the Darwinian expressions. Darwin says, "Life-process is a continuous chain of activities which is comprehensive, independent, interrelated, complimentary, reciprocal and collaborative." (iv) Anekantavada is the 'Jaina theory of multiple facets of reality and truth.' It is translated as 'theory of non-absolutism' or 'the theory of relativity'. The theory of relativity was expounded by Albert Einstein. The scholar of Jainaism Aidan Rankin has cited one quotation of Einstein in his book titled "The Jaina Path : Ancient Wisdom for an Age of Anxiety. The citation goes likewise : "I do not know if there is rebirth or not. But if it is true, then I would like to be born in India as a Jaina." 153
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________________ D] Wisdom of Jaina Tradition Through Ages In the conclusive part of this paper two more points are worth-mentioning. (i) Cultural Richness Reflected in the Prakrit Literature The whole Prakrit literature written in the ancient and medieval period in general and the narrative literature in particular, we reveal that it provides a rich and variegated data of the contemporary Indian culture. The aspirations of commonfolk are reflected in the short stories, tales fables, allegaries, examples and illustrations. The big narratives like Vasudevahindi, Samaraiccakaha, Kuvalayamala etc. are really noteworthy. It is helpful for the better understanding of the behavioral patterns of classes and masses. Details are found about festivals and celebrations, fairs and pilgrims, religious and social ceremonies, customs and beliefs as well as rites and rituals. The Orientalists and Indologists have always fathomed the Prakrit literature for understanding the historical, geographical, political, economic and cultural conditions of Indian society. (ii) Social Wisdom of Jainas in Creating Various Thought-models The Jainas possess a distinct religion, a separate Philosophy, a different ethical code, a set of particular beliefs, customs and manners and a vast literature of their own. They form a small minority at present and also in the past. Due to this fact, they have struggled a lot for identity crisis. For keeping the identity in fact, they have developed certain models or behavioral patterns of conflict resolution and peace which are congruent with the philosophical framework provided to them. Application of certain thought-models in one's daily routine is not an easy task. It requires distinct social awareness and wisdom. Without going into details, here some models are noted down which show the social wisdom of Jainas. The models are likewise : (1) The comprehensive model of Anekantavada. (2) The model of suitable language. (3) The model of choosing less harmful. (4) The model of peaceful interaction with rulers. (5) The model of adaption in mythology, art-expressions and social conditions. For each of these points, 'n' numbers of examples can be given. Interested person may go through my research paper, titled, "Models of Conflict-resolution and peace in Jainaism.' I conclude this paper with a citation from Acaranga, in which the wisdom par-excellence is manifested. "All breathing, existing, living, sentient creatures should not be slain, nor treated with violence, nor abused, nor tormented, nor driven away. This is the pure, unchangeable, eternal law which the clever ones who understand the world have proclaimed." (Acaranga (II) 4.1.1) 154
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________________ List of Reference-Books 1) Agama-yuga kA jaina-darzana : paM. dalasukha mAlavaNiyA, saM. vijayamuni, sanmati jJAnapITha, AgarA, 1966. 2) Agama svAdhyAyamAlA : preraka, kuMdanaRSijI ma., trilokaratna sthAnakavAsI jaina dhArmika parIkSA borDa, ahamadanagara, 2002. 3) AyAro (AcArAMga) : vAcanA pramukha, A. tulasI, saM.muni nathamala, jaina vizvabhAratI prakAzana, vi.saM.2031. 4) bhAratIya saMskRti meM jainadharma kA yogadAna : DaoN. hIrAlAla jaina, madhyapradeza zAsana sAhitya pariSada, bhopAla, 1962. 5) A BRIEF SURVEY OF JAIN PRAKRIT & SANSKRIT LITERATURE : By Dr. Nalini Joshi, Sanmati-Teerth prakashan, 2009. 6) THE JAINA PATH : Aidan Rankin, New Age Books, New Delhi, 2007. 7) JAINA PHILOSOPHY - An Introduction : Mohanlal Mehta, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bangalore, 1998. 8) jaina sAhitya kA bRhad itihAsa (bhAga 5), lAkSaNika sAhitya : paM. aMbAlAla zAha, pArzvanAtha vidyAzrama zodha saMsthAna, vArANasI, 1969. 9) nItivAkyAmRtam : somadevasUri, saMzodhaka-pannAlAla sonI, jainagraMthamAlAsamiti, 1923. 10) prAkRta sAhitya kA itihAsa : DaoN. jagadIzacandra jaina, caukhambA vidyAbhavana, vArANasI, 1985. 11) TATTVARTHA SUTRA : Umasvati, Translated by Nathmal Tatia, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, Delhi, 2007 155
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________________ 17 Ethical Values Reflected in Jain Philosophy [A Paper to be Presented in the National Seminar Arranged by P.G.Department of Studies in Sanskrit, Karnataka University, Dharwad on 22nd 23rd Feb.2013] Relation of Indian Philosophy and Ethics Generally in Ethics, it is expected that the conceptual analysis of moral values should be presented in a very logical and convincing manner. One question can be asked, 'Is there an independent inquiry in Indian tradition that undertakes the analysis of moral terms?' In his book Gitarahasya, Lokamanya Tilak shows how the discussion of morality has to be carried out in the context of Dharma and Niti and it is not necessary to have a separate discussion of Ethics on par with western philosophy. We have to admit that in Indian context, an autonomous and independent branch of Ethics or Moral Science does not flourish. It is the mindset of Indian thinkers that we cannot consider ethical values separately, in isolation with other inquiries. The classical Indian philosophies are darsanas'. The term hints at an attempt which not only includes a rational inquiry but the direct perception of the reality. Except Carvakas all darsanas accept moksa, Kaivalya or nirvana as the ultimate goal of human existence. Thus the six orthodox and two heterodox darsanas are basically spiritualistic in nature with a due limited scope for ethics or morality. Acaradharma in Brahmanic and Sramanic Traditions The acaradharma (code of conduct) is expressed in Brahmanic tradition by providing the ideal of carturvidha purusartha (i.e. dharma-artha-kama-moksa) and duties according to varna and asrama. Sramanic traditions did not focus on these concepts, many-a-times negated enthusiastically. The early Buddhists have used the term Dharma which refers to moral rules applicable to all human beings irrespective of class as caste.? The Jaina text Adipurana proclaims clearly that, Hovardha'. The Jaina philosophers have used two terms - viz. dharma and vrata. The term 'vrata' implies choice and willingness to accept certain rules on the part of a person and 'dharma' implies a moral force or pressure. Jainas maintain that 'dharma' does not possess intrinsic value but only a means to liberation. Considering the separate patterns of life, Jainas and Buddhists have prescribed separate code of conducts for householders (sravakas) and monks (sramanas). Two Models to Look at Jainas Ethics 1. When we cast a glance on the books titled 'Jaina Ethics', we find that without any scrutiny, the whole monastic conduct and householders' conduct is taken under Jaina Ethics. 2. Some scholars of Jainism presuppose that the monastic conduct is spiritual and the rules prescribed for householders are ethical or moral. Both the above-mentioned models are partially true. Monastic conduct is basically moksacentric. Many or the rules and regulations are prescribed from the religious and spiritualistic point 156
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________________ of view. Many of the behavioral patterns of monastic conduct are not universal. Moral values are required to be followed by human agents irrespective of caste, creed, sex, nationality etc. But still the five greater vows viz. non-violence, truth, non-theft etc. can be designated as common moral values applicable to all human beings as such. Since the full-fledged observation of these five bigger vows (especially brahmacarya) is too lofty ideal, still Jainism suggest the smaller versions of bigger vows for practical purposes. The five main vows can be called sadharana dharmas. In the Jaina, Buddhist and Yoga philosophy they are introduced serially as mahavratas, silas and yamas. They can be regarded as central to Indian moral thought. One more point from the Jaina monastic conduct can be considered as ethical values. Generally the topic of dasavidha dharma' is included in monastic conduct. Ninth chapter of Tattvarthsutra gives the list of vulnerable human qualities. Esteemed Jaina scholars Dr. Nathmal Tatia translates it likewise "Morality is perfect forgiveness, humility, straightforwardness, purity (i.e. freedom from greed), truthfulness, self-restraint, austerity, renunciation, detachment and continence." One may disagree about the universality of some of these virtues, but grossly we can designate them as ethical values though they are enumerated under sadhu-dharma. Likewise, some of the vratas of a householder may go outside the sphere of univeral morality. But grossly speaking, the whole scheme of anvrata-gunavrata-siksavrata with its transgressions (aticaras) possess ethical values and that too within the range of practicability. Thus, in the second part oh this paper an attempt has been made to put light on the conduct of Jain householder. Wherever possible, the ethical values are tagged with the contemporary modern terminology viz. environmental ethics, professional ethics, social ethics, bio-ethics, media ethics and so on. There is a whole branch of Jaina literature which is dedicated to the conduct of laymen and laywomen. Svetambaras have noted down five anvratas, three gunavratas and four siksavratas. Total twelve vratas are described in detailed manner with the enumeration of five aticaras (transgressions) of each of the vrata. These transgressions help us a lot for the proper understanding of the ethical or moral values implied in it. Digambaras provide almost same purport but in a graded manner. Total eleven stages are described which are called pratimas in which firmness is expected which naturally leads the layman to the next stage. It is impossible to note down critical observations on each of the vratas with its trasngressions within the limited scope of this paper. In fact the total number of seventy aticaras is a separate issue for ethical examination. For the sake of avoiding monotony of mechanical discussions, selected few important observations are noted down. (1) The word sthula ahimsa itself suggests that for a normal householder it is impossible to observe non-violence in perfect or ideal manner. The philosophical framework of Jainism presupposes that in almost every activity of body, mind and speech, violence is implied. Eating, drinking, walking, talking even breathing causes harm to the sad-jivanikayas. We can divide all violent activities in four categories. In three of them, we have no control to avoid it totally. The 157
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________________ last category viz. samkalpi, hissa (intentional violence) should be avoided totally. This practical view towards ahimsa, put the unreachable ideal of total ahimsa in the range of moral value. (2) The transgressions of gross ahimsa are almost animal-centered. Many of the scholars have expressed their wonder about the animal-centrality and expect human-centrality in the place of it. But I highly appreciate the implied moral value of preventing cruelty to animals and also to birds, insects and all living creatures. It is told likewise : One should not (i) keep the animal tied (ii) cut or pierce the animal in any part of its body (iii) overload or burden it and (iv) disturb the animal during its feeding. This humanitarian attitude towards animal-kingdom is highly appreciable. (3) The vow of sthula satya is to abstain from falsehood. At the face it looks like a personal virtue but when we cast a comprehensive glance to the transgressions mentioned, we come to know that it is highly concerned with media ethics. These transgressions mentioned in the old Jaina texts as if to provide reasonably good norms to all media whether printed or electronic. These norms are significantly applicable to 'breaking news', 'sting operations', 'debates', 'reality shows' and 'irresponsible twits'. It is categorically mentioned in Jaina texts that one should abstain from (i) Rash or thoughtless speeches based on exaggeration, understate or misrepresent in one way or other, (ii) Accusing others of conspiring, (iii) Disclosing very personal secrets of one's close family members, (iv) Misleading advice and (v) To make false document. The vow of 'satya' is specially elaborated with mentioning five more prohibitions. 'Deceitful acts regarding the engagement or wedding of a girl or boy'- provides moral guideline in family matters. 'Deceitful acts in selling or buying of cattle (in modern times all the vehicles)'-is a high alert for businessmen and agents. Land-mafias are covered under the third transgression of 'satya'. All misappropriations of deposits are mentioned as a crime called 'nyasapahara'. Fairness in justice occurs if one abstains from false witness. Thus the judicial matters are also taken care of in this transgression. (4) The transgressions of sthula adattadana go deeper in business ethics in general. Due to the close proximity of Jaina householders to trade and business, these transgressions demand a high standard of honesty. There is no separate low-code of 'Jaina Law' as such, these are the moral bindings prescribed for the entrepreneurs up to the small traders, retailers and shop-keepers. Bad practices are mentioned likewise (i) Buying a stolen good, (ii) Encouraging a thief, (iii) Cheating in measurements, (iv) Production of duplicate articles and (v) Tax-evading. All the above-mentioned transgressions reflect a curious connection with the details provided by Kautilya Arthasastra. The word *viruddha-rajyatikrama' suggests that a true religious person should be primarily a law-abiding citizen. Morality is highly connected with the rightful means of earning. We can think of Niscayanaya if we are righteous in Vyavahara-naya. (5) There is a high alert against sexual crimes under the observation of the vow of sthulabrahmacarya. Complete celibacy is expected from a monk or nun from the spiritual point of view. But if we wish to put it under moral or ethical perspective, partial observation of celibacy or continence is sufficient. Thus the vow of restricting one's sexual life only to one's wife or husband (i.e loyalty or faithfulness) comes under the regime of ethical code of conduct. The transgressions 158
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________________ of this vow provide sanctioned middle way to lead good sexual life. Sexual enjoyment with a kept woman, an unmarried woman or a widow is strictly prohibited. The word 'anangakrida puts restrictions among these transgressions is odd because it prohibits to help or to take lead in arranging others marriages. From social point of view it is not proper to remain totally aloof from match-making but otherwise all other transgressions provide legitimate guideline to maintain *character in popular sense. (6) Sthula-aparigraha means lining one's possessions and particularly one's desire or excessive greed. It's importance from the standpoint of social welfare is so important and so much underlined by social philosophers that it needs no elaboration. It is a high ideal from the standpoint of an individual and the exact measurement of aparigraha' is difficult to prescribe. One thing is highly appreciable in it. The Jaina expression of aparigraha is its flexibility. Jaina code of conduct advises oneself to restrict one's needs according to one's monitory conditions and social status. Jainas know that the concept of 'aparigraha' of a beggar, a poor, a middle-class person, a rich man and a multi-millionaire is obviously distinct. So Jaina texts suggest to restrict one's possessions accordingly. (7) The vow of dik-parimana limits one's movements in various directions. From the practical viewpoint, it is impossible for a householder to limit his field of activity especially in this age of expansion and globalization. This difficulty is taken into consideration in the description of this particular vow. This vow is not taken specifically at the time of taking the twelve vratas. It is taken from time to time. It underlines the need of isolation and firm residence at a particular place for serious studies, valuable research work, writing down literary works, spiritual meditation and so many other important things. This vow and the vow called desavakasika help us a lot in fulfilling the above-mentioned aims. Though Jainas religion connects these vows to non-violence and ultimate good of self, it can be utilized to fulfill practical aims and ends. (8) The second gunavrata is upabhoga-paribhoga-parimana which can be easily covered under parigra-parimana is discussed under anvratas. One important point noted under the transgressions of this vrata is fifteen karmadanas i.e. a list of fifteen prohibited professions. A grate debate can be done whether all the professions mentioned in the list can be designated as immoral or not. Still four or five of them are worth-considering with grate emphasis at present time viz. illegal mining, trade of ivory and sandalwood without permit, depleting tanks and wells, setting fire to woods for making char-coal, trade of poison (in which drugs and narcotics can be included) and specially illegal traffic of children and women. The all-time-illegality of these professions puts light on the foresight of Jaina thinkers by including these professions in the list of prohibited trades. (9) Anartha-danda-viramana-vrata is a vow to abstain from frivolous and harmful activities which do not serve any human purpose. Four manners and five transgressions of this vow are mentioned. The vow is so dynamic that it starts from rearing good qualities on personal level and extends upto the observance of International norms of political ethics through which 'world-peace' can be realized. If we groom the tendancy of indifference, laziness and negligence, it will affect our personality. Majority of such people will create hindrances in national prosperity. Excessive stock and careless use of arms and weapons are mentioned here which provide guideline for the 159
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________________ International treaty of ceasefire. Use of obscene language or expressions is connected with sexual crimes. The typical terms 'kautkucya' and 'maukharya' can be related to media ethics. The last transgression of this vow is suggestive of artificial scarcity is important from the viewpoint of social ethics. (10) The first siksavrata called samayika is the vow to practise equanimity. Though it is converted into a peculiar Jaina ritual it is a sadharana dharma of all existing religions. Whether it is samayika, puja, sandhya, namajh or confession - it is a natural effort of a common human being to connect oneself to the sublime principle which is highly adorable. (11) If pausadhapavasa or fasting is done for the upliftment of the soul through karmanirjara then it comes under religious or spiritual field, but if it is willful diet control with purely healthreasons, then it enters into the sphere of ethics because for many reasons it is our duty to keep ourselves fit and fine. The transgressions of this vow are connected with social ethics. Spitting, throwing out of garbage, contamination of water etc. by improper disposal of toilet - a caution has been given to avoid all unfair behavior while living in the society. (12) Atithisamvibhaga, the last among the twelve vows of a householder advises us the social sharing of one's possessions to deserving people. Though a very narrow interpretation of this vow is found in many Jaina texts, the Jaina society is broadening its view by giving liberal donations and extending charity to socially distressed and deprived people as well as to animals. Jainas are changing their traditional view towards charity viz. temple bulding and coming forward to build libraries, educational institutes and uplifement of the downtrodden. Conclusion Since equal weightage is given to catrtra i.e. conduct in Jaina Philosophy it becomes very interesting to examine the rules of conduct stated in almost all Jaina texts. We have to admit that in monastic conduct, spirituality and ritual prevail. The aim of moksa is highly individualistic. Therefore the issues of social ethics are found less in it. Sravaka, Sramanopasaka or Grhastha is a Jaina householder. Basically all the twelve vratas or elevan pratimas are connected with the centre of Jaina philosophy i.e Ahimsa. Outwardly it looks that householders' vows are important from the religious point of view, but the social-views, national views and world-views are so skillfully imbibed in various vows that we can very easily connect it with (the so-called !) branches of ethics viz. individual ethics, social ethics, political ethics, professional ethics, media ethics and so on. Since Jainism is deeply concerned with the well-being of the earth, in a comprehensive way it can be called bio-ethics or environmental ethics. At this point we have to remember Nitivakyamrta of the Jaina author Somadevasuri belonging to ninth century A.D. The name of the treatise itself suggests that he is very keen to incorporate the moral principles in general, in his book. Nitivakyamsta is the simplified version of Kautiliya Arthasastra. He enumerates many moral virtues common to all the people and at the end, he exclaims - sarvasattveSu hi samatA sarvAcaraNAnAM paramAcaraNaM / 160
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________________ In nutshell we can say that in Jaina Philosophy there is a great spiritual leap but the take-off is from the firm ground of Ahimsa and it penetrates through the sphere of ethical or moral rules. In Indian environment, ethics did not flourish as a separate branch but the Indian thinkers never thought of bypassing ethics. Actually their journey can be designated as 'from ethics to metaethics'. References 1) Gitarahasya (Marathi), Kesari Prakashan, pp.49-50 2) Adipurana 38.45 3) Studies in Indian Moral philosophy, page 23 4) ffcalpi4a 1.4, page 9 161
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________________ 18 Contribution of Prakrit Literature to Indian Literature (An Article written for the magazine 'Heritage India') In comparison with Sanskrit the educated and cultured class generally knows very little of Prakrit languages. The ever-flowing streams of human language continue since time immemorial. It is import to know the exact status of Prakrits among the available stock of 2000 languages of the world divides into 12 major families. The Indo-European is a major family among them. The IndoAryan constitutes a major branch of the Indo-European family. The Indo-Aryan family is subdivided and titled as Old, Middle and New. The ancient language of the Vedas particularly that of Rigveda belongs to this period. Besides the Vedic as a literary language, many regional dialects were prevalent among the common people. George Griersson in his Linguistic Survey of India has referred to all spoken or colloquial languages during and before the Vedic period as Primary Prakrits. Though various dialects and sub-dialects were employed to carry out day to day needs of common people, it took several centuries for Prakrit to assume a form of literary language. Particularly it was when Mahaveer and Buddha adopted Ardhamagadhi and Pali respectively as languages of their religious sermons, we find the dawn of literature in these languages. For many centuries there was a misconception that 'Prakrit' means 'Sanskrit' and those who could not pronounce it properly, resorted to impure Sanskrit i.e. Prakrit. It was a Jaina author Namisadhu who first proclaimed the explanation of the word 'Prakrit' very logically. He said, ***Prakrit' is 'Nature'. Prakrits are natural and spontaneous expressions of mass devoid of strict rules of grammar etc. These natural languages were intelligible to women, children and uneducated commoners." The word Prakrit stands for a group of languages and does not refer to any individual language. Marathi (with all varieties), Bengali, Uriya, Assamese, Bihari, Hindi (with all varieties), Gujrati, Rajastani, Marwadi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Kashmiri are all the varieties of new or modern IndoAryan languages. All these regional languages are originated from there respective varieties of Prakrits (technically called Apabhramsha) and not directly from Sanskrit. The Dravidian languages (Tamil, Telugu etc.) and Tribal languages are of course not included in the Indo-Aryan languages and therefore they do not posses their respect Prakrit varieties. Let us now consider the major varieties of Prakrit which are found in literary form. * Magadhi was employed in Ashokan inscriptions and Sanskrit dramas. From which the eastern group of Indian languages derived. Pali employed in Buddhist scriptures bears close similarities with Magadhi. * Ardhamagadhi found place in the total his scriptures of Svetambara sect of the Jainas. * Shauraseni is found in Sanskrit dramas, from which the Hindi and its sub-variety of Shauraseni. 162
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________________ * Jaina Shauraseni is a sub-variety of Shauraseni in which ancient texts of Digambara Jainas are written. Maharashtri is found in many non-Jaina epics and also in the metrical lyrics in Sanskrit dramas. The language 'Marathi' was developed slowly over centuries from the Maharsshtri Prakrit. "Jaina Maharashtri is a language-variety created and used in huge narrative and biographical literature by Jaina authors. This peculiar language was intelligible to the people residing Mahasrashtra, Gujarata, Madhyapradesha, Uttara-pradesha and Rajastana for nearly one thousand years (5th Cen.A.D. up to 15th Cen.A.D.) Shvetambara Jaina Acharyas produced religious, philosophical didactic literature in various literary forms viz. narratives, biographies, legendary histories, epics, eulogies etc. All the above-mentioned languages developed linguistic changes by 10" Cen.A.D. and gave rise to Apabhramsha languages. We will see one or two examples. i) From Magadhi Apabhramsha - Assamese, Oriya and Bengali ii) From Maharashtri Apabhramsha - Marathi and its sub-dialects etc. Some Salient Features of Prakrit Literature i) The Reflection of Society and Culture The Prakrits were closely associated with the common people of the society hence the literature of Prakrit depicted a different picture of society and culture from the literature of Sanskrit. It is a comprehensive picture of social and cultural aspects of the people, not merely of the 'naagara' or elite class. The heroes and heroines belong to the ordinary class of the society e.g. goldsmiths, coppersmiths, potters, weavers, confectioners, fishermen, merchants, monks, nuns, courtesans, middle-class and low-class housewives, merchants, thieves, beggars and so on. This literature represent the festival, celebrations, fares, religious gatherings, clubs, vows and rituals, pilgrims, food-offerings, customs and beliefs of the common people of the society. Indeed the realistic picture of the society helps us to fathom the true Indian aspirations'. ii) The relation of Prakrit and Jainaism Approximately 80% of Prakrit literature is written by Jaina authors. The language adoptability of Jainas is stunning. Jaina Acharyas wrote in all varieties of Prakrit as well as in Sanskrit. Their ancient Prakrit texts include tenets, doctrines, stories, analogies and a variety of subjects like philosophy, history, geography, astrology, moral conduct, logic, science of omens and many other subjects. iii) Prakrits in Inscriptions, Sanskrit Dramas and Poetics Prakrit was largely employed in ancient epigraphy. They were meant for the common people of the society. So they were written in regional languages and not in Sanskrit. Ashokan inscriptions, Hathi-gumpha inscriptions and Nasik inscriptions are found in Prakrit language written in Brahmi or Kharoshti scripts. 163
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________________ All the famous classical Sanskrit dramas of Kalidas, Bhasa, Bhavabhuti etc. contain almost 50% dialogues in Prakrit. The comedian, lay-man, ascetic, sage, child, woman and low-caste persons are prescribed to use Prakrit languages in dramas. The readers and teachers have always ignored these Prakrits and the relay on the Sanskrit adoptions (chaya) of Prakrit portions. The Prakritists realize the flavor of the idiomatic expressions of the Prakrit dialogues. A drama written totally in Prakrit is called Sattaka. Rajshekhara's Karpurmanjaree based on singing and dance in the oldest form of 'Loknatya'. Sanskrit treatises on poetics discuss in details the nature of poetry, poetic merits and demerits, style of poetry, figures of speech as well as various 'rasas' and 'bhavas'. The examples of 'shringara', 'hasya', 'karuna' and 'shanta' are quoted from Prakrit poetries by the Sanskrit rhetoricians. Almost three thousand Prakrit 'gathas' are located by scholars which are incorporated in the Sanskrit texts. iv) Use of Deshi Words Prakrit languages consist many Sanskrit words and words derived or simplified from Sanskrit words. But the speciality of Prakrits is the profuse use of Deshi words. These are the purely colloquial forms and in no way can be derived from Sanskrit. A dictionary of Deshi words is written by the Jaina sage Hemachandra in the 12th Century. Some of the words are likewise : potta-belly, daddara-staircase, bappa-father, dimkuna-bug, jhada-tree, khidakki-window, chukka-to fall, choppada-to anoint etc. v) Some Classics in Prakrit Literature * Ardhamagadhi text 'Achara' (part I) is written in the style of Upanishads. 'Rishibhashita' presents the reflections of 45 contemporary thinkers. The manuscripts of 'Kalpsutra' are very attractive and colorful with miniature paintings. Ample narratives concerned to Chanakya or Kautilya and Chandragupta Maurya throw light on the hoary past of Indian History, * 'Paumachariya' written in old Prakrit is the first Jaina version of Ramayana which is distinct from Valmiki Ramayana. * Vasudevahindi consists the interesting tales about the wanderings of Vasudeva, father of Lord Krishna. It is really the rich mine of ancient Indian folk-stories. *Samaradityakatha is a large classic novel written a very lucid style to advocate the theory of Karma and rebirth. * In Dhurtakhyana a conference of 500 cheats is presented. A new style of satire full of parody and ridiculance is developed by the authors. A competition is declared. Khandpana, a woman rogue wins the competitions. She arranges a grand lunch for all cheats skillfully, not spending a penny out of her own pocket. *Kuvalayamala is a blend of prose and poetry. It is basically a love story. Due to its occasional descriptions exhibit rich socio-cultural data of the 8th Cen.A.D. Kuvalayamala stands as inevitably in the study of Prakrit literature. 164
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________________ * The Gathasaptashati occupies a foremost place in Prakrit anthologies. It is a 'muktaka' type of poetry manifesting the poetic abilities of the common people of Maharashtra. King 'Hala' of Satavahana dynasty revealed the poetic competence and intellectual abilities of the common people and invited the verses composed by them. He selected 700 'Muktakas' and offers one gold-coin for each the selected verse. Names of poets and poetesses are documented in the text. Pathos of love (shringara-rasa) is prominent but the rasas 'Hasya' and 'Veera' are also employed. Indeed this anthology stands not only as incomparable in the Indian literature but is enumerated among the world classics. Prakrits are like ever-flowing powerful currents of water. Continuous change and freshness are the distinctive features of Prakrit literature. Despite a shift of status of knowledge-language from Sanskrit to English the importance of regional dialects and sub-dialects remained the same in all the times in India. The outburst of emotions and expressions originated from the depth of heart can be articulated through the mother-tongs viz. Prakrits. * ** *** ** * 165
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________________ 19 The Rustic Love-expressions of Maharashtra (An Article written for the magazine - 'Heritage India') Every Sanskritist and particularly Prakritist in the world, knows the uniqueness of the anthology 'Gaathaa-sapta-shatee'. At the very outset one may think about it as a religious work but it is not so. In this article, an attempt has been made to highlight the soul of Gaathaa-saptashatee, in which the poetic love-expressions of contemporary Maharashtra are documented. This collection of 700 verses (gaathaas) belongs to 1st century A.D. "Haala Saatavahana', the 17th ruler of the Saatavaahana dynasty, is the compiler of this work. It is noted down in the third verse of this text that, "Out of ten millions of verses adorned with ornaments (or rhetorical figures of speech), seven hundred only have been collected (or compiled) by Kavivastala (lit. compassionate toward the poets) Haala". Many mythological accounts of the king Haala, Saalaahana or Saatavaahana are found in the legendary-history-books written in Sanskrit. Modern historians have written a lot about the history of Saatavaahana dynasty. Ancient Pratishsthaana (Paithana) was the capital of Saatavaahanas. Haala, the present compiler was a great lover of Prakrit, particularly Mahaaraashtree Prakrit. He appealed and encouraged his subjects to write their poetries in their colloquial language. The appeal of the king was extremely welcomed and literary hundreds of poets and poetesses showered king Haala with their muktakas (gaathaas, two-line as) in torrents. Per poetry, he offered one golden coin After going through the whole collection carefully, he selected 700 best verses and divided them into 7 parts - each called 'shataka'. Thus Gaathaa-sapta-shatee manifests the poetic competence and intellectual abilities of the common people of Maharashtra. The expanse of Saatavaahana kingdom was a large one. So this unique anthology acquired tremendous popularity. It is a grand package of poetry and wisdom, a rich-socio-cultural data and the aspirations of common people, mainly belonging to rural areas. No wonder that this anthology is enumerated among the world-classics. In true sense, it is the Gangotri of the vast and rich Lokasaahitya in Marathi. This anthology was first translated into German by Weber. It is available in English and French. Up till date, it is translated into all chief modern Indian languages. We find many imitations of this unique treatise in Sanskrit, Prakrit and Apabhramsha. Bihari Lal's Sata-sai in Vraja-bhaasha attained great popularity. When a Prakritist cast a glance to the subject referred to in this anthology, a wide range of subjects is seen. There are the good sayings (subhaashitas), quotable quotes, the descriptions of good and bad persons (verses dedicated to sajjana and durjana), the ethical teachings, universal value judgments, the role of Destiny and Death in the worldly activities, the serene beauty of nature, the outlook of commoners towards the ways of life and so on. But it is observed that the 166
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________________ spontaneous, natural and un-restricted outburst of erotic sentiment (singaara-rasa) is the soul of this anthology. Most of the verses are full of erotic ideas which are exhibited with unique imagery. Studies from the view of rhretoricians, this anthology is full of poetic excellences but dhvani or suggestiveness is the salient feature of almost every verse. Several renouned commentators have exerted a lot to explain the hidden meaning (popularly known as 'double meaning'). It may be believed that the vibhaava (ensuant feeling), anubhaava (manifestation of feeling), vyabhichaari-bhaava (accessory feeling), love in association or union, love in separation, even illicit and unbridled kind of love - all these agitate, everywhere and always, the human mind, in the same manner. Men of taste can enjoy a good deal of delight from the suggestive words and expressions of various kinds of erotic ideas inlaid in them. It has been said in the last verse of the fourth century (viz. shataka i.e. chapter) that if read by men of sentiments, a 'gaathaa' in this treatise may seen to him as sweeter than ambrosia. Some beautiful examples exhibiting all possible shades of 'love' will help the reader to know the essence of this anthology - The initial benediction is dedicated to the intense love of god Shiva and Gauree. The verse runs like this pasuvaino rosaaruna-padimaa-samkanta-gori-muhaandam gahiaggha - pankaam via samjhaa - salilanjalim namaha 11 Which means, "Salute the twilight offering of handful of water by Shiva, on which remains reflected the moon-like face of Gauree (Paarvatee), red in anger, and which therefore looks as if it bears the red lotus of adoration." (1.1) At the very outset, a rasika gets thrilled with the beauty of imagery used by the compiler (i.e. Haala) as an apt benedictory expression for this anthology! The fourth verse of the first chapter is oftenly quoted in the books of poetics by the Indian rhetoricians. The purport of the verse can be summarized like this - "Look here !, the female crane appears splendid while sitting steady and motionless on the lotus-leaf, just like a conch-shell placed on a spotless vessel made of emerald." (1.4) Actually, it is a beautiful description of nature but the commentators say that, here, a *meelanotsuka naayikaa' is suggesting to the hero that, 'this place is safe and suitable for our secret meeting. In another verse (1.19), the romance of a newly wed couple is described. The husband is wondering when he observes the two different moods of his newly-wed wife - the most romantic mood at night and the most obidient daughter-in-law among the elderly family members at daytime. He exclaims - **The beloved lady, who with her cheeks blooming with joy, gave in that way hundreds of directions to me at the time of dalliance during the previous night, could not be believed by me the next morning to be the self-same lady with her down-cast face." (1.19) 167
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________________ The relation between the young lady and her husband's younger brother (devara) is one of the favorite subjects in this anthology. The flirting of the devara is oftenly mentioned. The different reactions of three different young ladies are quite amusing. One lady encourages him, another lady bears him with great distaste and the third one instructs him properly by showing the pictures of Lakshmana, so devoted to Raama, recorded in the paintings on the walls of their house. (1.20) The sentiment of love is so subtle that in different situations, it appears before us in altogether new manner and mode. A young lady who beloved is going on the long journey next day, expressess her feelings - "It is reported that my tough-hearted beloved husband will go abroad tomorrow. O Lady Night, I request you to so lengthen yourself that 'the tomorrow' does not at all come into actuality." (1.46) Some of the couples live together with certain adjustment and patch-work. One of the poets of this anthology aptly says - pemmassa virohia-samdhiassa paccakkha-dittha-viliassa uaassa va taavia-seealassa viraso raso hoi 11 **The feeling of that love, which is first estranged and then composed, and in which the fault (of either of the pair) is directly visible, become flavorless - like water (first) heated and then made cold." (1.53) One of the poets describes the pseudo-anger in love-sport of a young couple. The meaning can be paraphrased likewise - "Look here ! the feeling of displeasure towards her lover adopted by the lady, fretted by jealous anger, slips away quickly like a handful of very fine sand." (1.74) The onomatopoetic word 'surasuranto', which is the adjective of the 'fine sand', is quite noteworthy. Actually, in this anthology, the power of words consists in the usage of proper deshi words, having the flavor of the rustic ideas of the village-dwellers. Half of the credit of the success goes to the apt use of proper deshi words - which have nothing to do with refined Sanskrit words. A very small list given bellow will illuminate the rustic nature of this poetry - adaanaa, attamatta, undura, ulla, ojhara, olugga, kakkara, khudda, khutta, golaa, gose, ghola, chiradi, chulachulanta, choija, chippa, dhakka, tambaa, tuppa, paosa, pakkala, pattala, phaggu, bhandana, mankusa, maami, runda, lukka, vallara, vellahala, baaulla, saaulee, hallaphalla, hutta ..... and so on. Again, going back to the main theme of love, one poet of this anthology thinks that when one looses one's love, the person starts thinking of various alternatives. These options are enumerated in a very simple manner and simple words. We feel the attitude of philosophizing the emotion of love in the verse 1.76 At another place the jealousy of co-wives (sautana) is captured and stated by using unique poetic imagination, which is really rare. The verse means - "The red color of her lips, which was wiped off by the kiss of her lover on the previous night, is seen reflected next morning in the eyes of her co-wives." (2.6) A typical filmy love-triangle is also not new when we read - 168
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________________ saa tujjha vallahaa, tam si majjha veso si, teea tujjha alam baalaa phudam bhanaamo pemmam kira bahu-viaaram tti 11 "She is your beloved, but you are mine. You are an object of hatred to her, and I am hated by you. O boy, I plainly state this - love is said to have many transformations." (2.26) The extreme condition of love-lorn youngsters is described in Gaathaa-sapta-shatee 2.41. The psychology of a widow or widower is expressed thus - "The couple had shared many moments of joy and misery throughout their life. Their love was matured. In this case, when (he or she) dies, the dead-one remains immortal in the memory of the other. But the alive person feels that as if he is dead." (2.42) The attitude of a flirt youth is described in a unique way which creates a smile on the reader's face "O fortunate one ! having had no place (for herself) in your heart, full of other thousand women, she is making her thin body thinner, in order to get place in your heart." (2.82) Unsatisfied sex-instinct of a middle-aged woman is expressed without any constraint in the concerned verse, likewise - "The village is full of young men ; the month belongs to the spring season ; she possesses youth ; her husband is old ; the matured liquor is handy. Under these circumstances, will she die ? How can it be that she is not unchaste ?" (2.97) Unfulfilled one-sided love of a younger girl is described with her psychological thoughtmodes in these words - "Perhaps my merits are trivial, or he is not an appreciator of merits, or I am, myself devoid of merits or his favorite girl possesses many merit." (3.3) The countdown of a fiancee starts right from the departure of her fiance and see what happens In the first half of the day of his departure, the fiancee painted the whole wall with the marks, saying, "he left home today', 'he left home today', 'he left home today'. (3.8) At another place, a friend of the heroine says very smartly and intelligently "There is no wonder that one can give to others the best of his wealth which one possesses ; but you have given to your co-wives 'ill-luck', which does not exist in you." (3.12) A true friendship is defined at three-four places in this anthology with the help of using offbeat and non-traditional images viz. a doll painted on the wall, or a rough woolen blanket. References of the river Godaavari are ample and scattered through all the chapters. Godaavari is often presented as a witness in love matters. One young girl exclaims - **The flood water of Godaa and the midnights of the rainy season - both are aware of his attractive youth and of the daring feat of mine which is not woman-like." (3.31) The sense of exaggeration is seen while describing the beauty of a damsel-like girl - *The gaze of a person, who falls first on a particular limb of hers, gets stuck thereto. So all her limbs could not be seen by any one person." (3.34) 169
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________________ At one place, there is an interesting reference of a love-letter written by a lover to his beloved. He says - "O dear friend ! What shall I write in my love-letter ? I can't complete even the initial 'swasti, as my pen slipped out of my hand because of sweating and trembling of fingers." (3.44) The sweet nostalgic memories of aged persons are noted down likewise - "Alas ! the villagers narrate our unique love-stories to each other and we simply hear them like distant observers !" (6.17) Totally shameless behavior of a wanton woman is presented in one verse very artistically. The poet says - "The wanton woman has so tamed the dog with food and drink that the dog welcomes her paramour but barks at the owner of the house (i.e. her husband) when he comes in." (7.62) Several references of harlots, courtesans and unchaste women are found in this anthology along with the kula-vadhus and kula-baalikas. If we compare the present anthology Gaathaa-sapta-shatee to a decorated hall, then the subhaashitas, descriptions of nature, ethical teachings and philosophical reflections etc. are the peripheral decorations while the glittering chandelier of 'singaara-rasa', hanging in the middle of the ceiling, is the crest-jewel of all decorations. These rustic love-expressions of Maharashtra, start with the devine love of Lord Shiva and Gauree and the last auspicious salute at the end of the 7th chapter is also dedicated to the same celebrated pair - the spring well of all the patterns of acting, music and dance Indeed the Gaathaa-sapta-shatee stands as incomparable in Indian Literature. * * * * * * * * * * 170