Book Title: YJ International Newsletter 2004 Vol 18 No 01
Author(s): Young Jains (UK)
Publisher: UK Young Jains

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Page 5
________________ A Philosophy of Vegan Values By Dr Sapon The term philosophy is often used to mean a set of basic values and attitudes toward life, nature and society. In this sense, Veganism is a "Philosophy of Life," guided by what I envision as an essential core of values and principles: egans see life as a phenomenon to be treasured, with callous contempt, is a disheartening contradiction revered and respected. We do not see animals as of Vegan principles. either "The Enemy" to be subdued, or the Materials John Muir, talking about the natural environment, once for Food, Fabric or Fun that were put on Earth for observed "Every time I bend down to pick something human use. up, I find it is connected to something else." There is an • Vegans see themselves as a part of the natural world, equivalent "ecology" to our behavior. Everything we do rather than its owners or its masters. connects to something else; every action touches on the world around us, either close at hand and Veganism recognizes no expendable or superfluous noticeable, or far away and unperceived, immediate in species that humans are free to hurt or destroy. Species its effect or distant in time. of life forms need not justify their existence, nor plead for protection from extinction on the grounds of their If Veganism has a prime value, it is simply that lifepotential usefulness as food or medicine for humans. respecting compassion overrides individual issues of We continue to be burdened and misguided by adages custom, convenience, comfort or cuisine. such as "A weed is a plant we have not yet found a use If there is a single article of faith, it is that commitment for." to Vegan values will bring us closer to a world in which Veganism acknowledges the intrinsic legitimacy of all the fate and fortune of a planet and all its life forms do life. It rejects any hierarchy of acceptable suffering not hang on the judgment or the generosity of one among sentient creatures. It is no more acceptable to species. tormentor kill creatures with "primitive nervous If there is one single concept that both generates and systems" than those with "highly developed nervous sustains the meaning and the power of the Vegan systems." The value of life to its possessor is the same, world-view, it is found in the word mindfulness. As whether it be the life of a clam, a crayfish, a carp, a cow, Vegans, we strive to be thoughtful, aware and a chicken, or a child. concerned about the impact of our choices, our actions Veganism understands that gentleness cannot be a and our decisions. The fruit of this awareness is inner product of violence, harmony cannot be a product of peace, the quiet strength of ethical confidence, and an strife, and peace cannot be a product of contention and uplifting sense of fulfilment. conflict. Vegan ideals encompass much more than advocacy of a Dr. Sapon welcomes your comments. diet free of animal products, or a fervent defense of animal rights. Veganism excludes no sentient being Please write to animal or human- from its commitment to compassionate, gentle benevolence. To show tender Copyright © 1997-2002 by Stanley M. Sapon regard for the suffering of animals, yet treat humans The above article beautifully articulates the value of an ethic which is not anthropocentric. Extending value and rights to all animals (including insects) has tremendous consequences, as we can see, and results in a way of living which is more harmonious and compassionate. Further, the insight that these life forms have value in and of themselves, beyond their usefulness to humanity, lends us a totally new perspective on the meaning and value of life. which Jainism is ethically concerned encompasses plants and invertebrates in general, down to the most simple single-sensed being. It could, then, be argued that the concerns of Veganism are a subset of those of Jainism. Of course, the traditional lain diet is not a Vegan one, but certainly calculates the harm caused to all living beings in weighing up the choices of food to consume, while the Vegan approach considers the impact on animals alone. Further, Jainism as a spiritual system is also concerned with Self-Realisation and spiritual progress, which are not central to, but certainly not inimical to, Veganism. In this day and age, anyone applying any degree of awareness and vigilance of their impact on other life forms is worthy of praise. As we begin to see that all living beings have a Soul, Atma or Jiva, like ours, and that we are all capable of achieving that highest of goals, Moskha, we will all come closer to living a life of harmony with our environment, and of inner peace. In a sense, core Vegan ethics fit very well with Jainism. Firstly, Ahimsa is being extended to more than just other humans; secondly, the logic of Anekantavada is being applied to introduce a new, non-anthropocentric, viewpoint. Jainism attributes value and sentience, and thus the ability to feel pain and to be harmed, to life forms beyond vertebrates, to all living beings, which all have a Soul, Atma or Jiva. The word Jiva is synonymous with life itself. Thus the arena with Search for the Hero inside yourself. Search for the secrets you hide" Tasting The Mango 2002 Priti, Paras & Pujna Jain Education International For Persone 5 Private Use Only


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