Experiential Entrepreneurship Workshop | Kunal Parikh, Umang Patel
Career & Networking | College/JNF
WARNING: significant participation required from all attendees.
Have you ever had an idea for a service, product, or company you wanted to create? Or that lingering feeling that you'd be better off working for yourself, but just don't know where to get started? This interactive workshop will take participants through every step and stakeholder in the entrepreneurial journey.
Exploring Diversity and Inclusion Issues in the Workplace | Sheenika Gandhi
Diversity & Inclusion | JNF
Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace has been shown to retain employees, instill trust within the company, drive innovation, and lead to high performance. This session will explore diversity and inclusion in the workplace, the reality of being a minority in the workplace, the status of pay equity, implicit bias and how you can be an advocate for a more inclusive environment. Attendees are welcome to share their experiences and thoughts during discussion.
Exploring Non-Attachment in Interpersonal Relationships | Rea Savla
Jain Lifestyle | College/JNF
"Aparigraha," or non-attachment, is a key principle in Jainism. Although it is easy to conceptualize its meaning in relation to material objects, understanding how to practice non-attachment with loved ones is tricky. This session will be a discussion exploring whether it is possible to simultaneously maintain a relationship, love someone, and practice aparigraha. We will use movies to guide our conversation and analyze the role of attachment in types of relationships.
Five Life Lessons | Saman Shrutpragya
Jain Lifestyle | HS/College
The most important thing in your life right now is something we tend to overlook - just being alive. In this talk, we are going to learn 5 life lessons that will help us enhance our daily lives. Keeping these lessons in our minds will help us reduce friction from our lives and bring us to ease.
Food Technology and Meat Alternatives | Sidhant Gandhi
Social Issues HS/College
A provocative session on new food technologies and their impact on Jains and the world. Includes a tasting session of vegetarian meat alternatives.
Four Noble Truths of Jains: A New Horizon | Anthony Ruda, Viral Shah
Jain Education | College/JNF
The Four Noble Truths of Jains-formulated four decades ago for seekers-break new ground in Jain philosophy, digging deep into the most fundamental concepts of our ancient tradition and updating them for our times. Join JNTA for a video conference with its President and Founder, Prof. Kanti V. Mardia, as we go far beneath the surface and back up from the very roots.