* धर्मबिन्दु-सूत्राणि
[ Sutras from Dharmabindu ]
सोऽयमनुष्ठातृभेदात् द्विविधो गृहस्थधर्मो यतिधर्मश्च ।
On account of the difference in the practitioners, Dharma is of two kinds namely, the grihastadharma and the yatidharma.
- The ordinary grihastadharma should be carried out with hereditary and unobjectionable occupations carried out lawfully and according to such abilities as wealth.
तत्र गृहस्थधर्मोऽपि द्विविधः सामान्यतो विशेषतश्च ।
The grihastadharma also is of two kinds: namely, the ordinary grihastadharma and the special grihastadharma.
० न्यायोपात्तं हि वित्तमुभय लोकहिताय ।
Only the wealth acquired lawfully brings felicity and welfare in this world and in the other world.
अनभिशंकनीयतया परिभोगाद् विधिना तीर्थगमनाच्च ।
O By performing such noble activities as serving the worthy according to prescriptions and visiting holy places; and by enjoying (wealth) without giving room for suspicions or doubts.
तत्र सामान्यतो गृहस्थधर्मः कुलक्रमागतमनिन्द्यं विभवाद्यपेक्षया न्यायतोऽनुष्ठानम् ।
० अहितायैवान्यत् ।
0 Otherwise, the result will be harmful.
तदनपायित्वेऽपि मत्स्यादिगलादिवद् विपाकदारुणत्वात् ।
Though not dangerous, like the poisonous throats of fish etc. dangerous consequences appear in the ripening process.
न्याय एव हि अर्थात्युपनिषत् परेति समयविदः ।
According to those who know the traditions, wealth should be acquired only by lawful means.
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