________________ I never had the privilege of meeting him, but many people in this country will unite with me in deploring the loss of a ripe and learned scholar of world-wide reputation". --George Grierson (England ). "xxx in whom the Jaina Community has lost an inspiring personality, and India cone of her most meritorious sons. He was an outstanding exponent of Jainism essentially the oldest of the existing Indian faiths". - Daily London Times ). illness Serving JinShasan He was one of those who, though belonging still to this world, and suffering od from human from higher worlds to have a stay among "092608 y to give us an po of living, and to point out a scope beyond the range of wisdom of many others". O -Heinrich Zimmer (Germany ). instanc gyanmandir@kobatirth.org Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org