Book Title: Vadavidhi And Vadavidhana Of Vasubandhu
Author(s): H R Rangaswamy Iyengar
Publisher: H R Rangaswamy Iyengar

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________________ VĀDAVIDHI AND VADAVIDHANA OF VASUBANDHU 15 अनुमेयेऽथ तत्तुल्ये सद्भावो नास्तिता सति' is a half Couplet in the Pramānasamuccaya' meant to explain the nature of the 'त्रैरूप्य ' of the ‘linga' or ' hetu' involved in Dinnāga's definition of the Inference for one's self as 'त्रिरूपालिङ्गतोऽर्थदृक् ' ' stated by him in the first Kärikā of the second chapter of his work. It is, therefore, by confusion that Vacaspati has attributed this definition to Diǹnāga. Arcata, in his " Hetubindutīkā,” as commentary on the “ Hētubindu ” of Dharmakīrti, cites this definition of स्वार्थानुमान. ' It is unnecessary, he argues, to know the use of Paksa etc. to draw an inference. It is enough, if one knows the nature of the reason (गमकरूप ). He cites in support of his contention the view of an ācārya : " पक्षसपक्षादिसङ्केतापरिज्ञानेऽपि न किञ्चित् प्लूयते । अत एव आचार्यपादैः नान्तरीयकार्थदर्शनं तद्विदोऽनुमानमिति गमकरूपमात्रमेव पक्षादिसङ्केतानपेक्षमेव प्रतिपादितम् । स्वप्रज्ञापराधात्तु तत्रापि कैश्चिदसन्त एव दोषाः प्रकीर्त्यन्त इति किमत्र ब्रूमः । " In commenting on this passage Durvēkamis'ra in his "Aloka " on the “ Hētubindutīkā ” attributes this view to ācārya + Vasubandhu : (आचार्य पादैरित्याचार्य वसुबन्धुमभिसन्धाय उक्तम्) and states that it has been expounded by him in his "Vādavidhi:""; गमकरूपमात्रस्य स्वरूपं दर्शयति वादविधौ वादविधिसंज्ञके प्रकरणे. " He further feels sorry that great thinkers, like Udyotakara, revel in finding 4 ८ PS. and PSV. II. 5: rjes dpag bya dan de mtshuñs la yod dan med la med la med ñid pão | अनुमेयेऽथ तत्तुल्ये सद्भावो नास्तिता सति । PSV. tshal gsum pähi rtags zhes gan byod pa de brjod par bya ste त्रिरूपं लिङ्गमिति यदुक्तं तद्वाच्यम् । PS. II, 1. rjes su dpag ryam gfes rani doññi tshul gsum rtags las don mthuri pão अनुमानं द्विधा स्वार्थे त्रिरूपा लिङ्गतोऽर्थदृक् । #HBT. p. 69 [Hetubindutika with the Aloka of Durvekamisra-Publish • ed by the Oriental Institute, Baroda.] HBTA. p. 317-19;


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