Book Title: Tirthankar Mahavir and His Sarvodaya Tirth
Author(s): Hukamchand Bharilla, K C Lalwani
Publisher: Kundkund Kahan Digambar Jain Trust
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knowledge cultivates conduct to get rid of passions. When subjective passions are got rid of, it becomes easier to get rid of objective passions. Just as a man who has no hankering for money does not serve the king, in the same manner, an indifferent person does not get involved in sin.167
Five channels to sin are violence, falsehood, theft, sex and accumulation. To be indifferent to those is conduct.168 When the indifference is total it is full conduct, and when it is partial, it is part conduct.
The religion of a monk and of a follower has its emphasis on non-violence, etc not only external but internal too For all passions cut across right conduct. To kill right conduct, there is a karma called karma deluding conduct and its nature covers twenty passions five as follows:
anantānubandhi four: anger, pride, attachment and greed apratyākhyānāvarana four: as above pratyākhyānāvarana four: as above samjvalana four: as above
plus laughter, restlessness, grief, fear, hankering, strī-veda, rati, puruşaveda, napumsaka veda. In short, they are called attachment-malice. Four types of anger, four types of pride and fear, grief, hankering and restlessness total twelve, fall under malice and so the rest are attachment. Their absence means absence of attachment and malice. Absence of passions is the same as the state of detachment
Of the above, anantānubandhi kills svarūpācarana or practice as per one's own nature, apratyakhyānāvarana kills part conduct, pratyākhyānāvarana the whole conduct and samjvalana kills the yathākhyāta conduct, or conduct as stated.169 With increasing absorption in the soul, as these passions wane, conduct starts becoming purer.
167 Ratnakaranda Sravakācāra, Sloka, 48. 168 himsanytacauryebhyo marthunasevaparigrahabhyam ca pāpapranlıkabhyo viratih sanjnasya caritram
---Ratna Karanda Sravahācāra, SI, 49. 169 G D Baraiya, Jaina Siddhanta Pravesika, p. 61.