________________ NAGIN J. SHAH, a renowned Sanskritist and eminent scholar of Indian philosophy, has edited the present work. His first work Akalanka's Criticism of Dharmakirti's Philosophy--a Study, published in 1966, was widely acclaimed by scholars all over the world. At present he has several brilliant works to his credit. The following are the works in English: Essays in Indian Philosophy, Samantabhadra's Aptamimamsa--Critique of an Authority, A Study of Jayanta Bhatta's Nyayamanjari--a Mature Sanskrit Work on Indian Logic (in three parts). And the following works are in Gujarati: Sankhya-Yoga, Nyaya-Vaisesika, Bharatiya Tattvajnana, Sankara Vedanta--Avidya, Bauddha Dharma-Darsana. He has also given an excellent English translation of Muni Nyayavijayaji's voluminous important Gujarati work Jaina-Darsana (English title: Jaina Philosophy and Religion). Moreover, he has edited, from the old original manuscripts, the unpublished Nyayamanjari-Granthibhanga. Again he has edited (1) Jaina Theory of Multiple Facets of Reality and Truth, (2) V.R. Gandhi's Religion and Philosophy of Jainas and (3) Ac. Hemacandra's Pramanamimamsa--A Critique of Organ of Knowledge, A Work on Jaina Logic (Sanskrit Text in Roman Script with English Translation, Pt. Sukhlalji's Extensive Introduction and Philosophical Notes).