Book Title: Systematic Philosophy Between The Empires
Author(s): Johannes Bronkhorst
Publisher: Johannes Bronkhorst

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________________ Bronkhorst: Systematic Philosophy between the Empires 311 In Jainism and Buddhism in the Indian Cultural Context. Volume in honor of Padmanabh S. Jaini. Forthcoming.b. "Sankara and Bhaskara on Vaifesika." Commemoration Volume J. W. de Jong, Minoru Hara, ed. Forthcoming-c. "On the Nature of pradhana." Commemoration Volume Wilhelm Halbfass, Karin Preisendanz and Eli Franco, eds. Forthcoming.d. "Ašvaghoșa and Vaiseșika." Nagasaki Felicitation Volume, Kazuhiko Yamamoto, ed. Forthcoming.e. From Panini to Patanjali: The Search for Linearity. Pune: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 310 Reading the Past: Texts and History Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études. Sciences Religieuses, 105. Turnhout: Brepols. 1999. "Nagarjuna and Apoha." In Dharmakirti's Thought and Its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy. Proceedings of the Third International Dharmaklri Conference, Hiroshima, November 4-6, 1997, Shoryu Katsura, ed., pp. 17-23. Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, 32; Denkschriften der phil.-hist. Klasse, 281. Vienna: Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. . 1999d. "The Contradiction of Samkhya: On the Number and the Size of the Different tattvas." Erudes Asiatiques / Asiatische Studien 53, 3 (Proceedings of the Conference on Samkhya, Lausanne, November 6-8, 1998): 679-691. 2000s. "Die buddhistische Lehre." In Der Buddhismus I. Der indische Buddhismus und seine Verzweigungen. Die Religionen der Menschheit, vol. 24, 1. Von Heinz Bechert et al., eds., pp. 23-212. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer. 2000b. Karma and Teleology. A Problem and Its solutions in Indian Philosophy. Studia Philologica, Monograph Series 15. Tokyo: International Institute for Buddhist Studies. _ 2000c. "Abhidharma and Jainism." In Abhidharma and Indian Thoughr. Essays in Honor of Professor Doctor Junsho Kato on His Sixtieth Birthday, Nagoya, ed., pp. 598–581 ([13301). Tokyo: Shuju-sha. 2001a. "Pourquoi la philosophie existe-t-elle en Inde?" La Rationalité en Asiel Rationality in Asia. Études de Lettres (Lausanne) 2001, 3:7-48. 2001b "Pour comprendre la philosophie indienne." La rationalité en Asie / Rationality in Asia. Erudes de Lettres (Lausanne) 2001, 3: 195–221. 2002. "Perché esiste la filosofia in India?" In Verso l'India, Oltre l'India. Scritti e ricerche sulle tradizioni intellecttuali sudasiatiche, Federico Squarcini, ed., pp. 131-152. Milan: Associazione Culturale Mimesis. 2002b. "Discipliné par le début." In Le disciple et ses maitres. Pour Charles Malamoud, Lyne Bansat-Boudon and de John Scheid, eds., pp. 207-225. Paris: Éditions du Seuil. 2002c. "A Note on the Caraka Samhita and Buddhism." In Early Buddhism and Abhidharma Thought: In Honor of Doctor Hajime Sakurabe on His Seventyseventh Birthday, pp. 115-121. Kyoto: Heirakuji Shoten. 20020 "Patañjali and the Buddhists." In Buddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo Mori, pp. 485-491. Hamamatsu: Kokusai Bukkyoto Kyokai (International Buddhist Association). 2002e. "Literacy and Rationality in Ancient India." Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques 56, 4: 797-831. Forthcoming-a. "Jainism's First Heretic and the Origin of anekānta-vāda." Cardona, G. (1976) 1980. Panini. A survey of Research. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. Dasgupta, S. (1924) 1973. Yoga as Philosophy and Religion, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. Dundas, P. 1992. The Jains. London: Routledge. 2002. The Jains. 2a ed. London: Routledge. Foucault, M. (1966] 1973. The Order of Things. An Archaeology of the Human Sciences. New York: Vintage Books, Random House. Franco, E. 2000a. "The Spitzer Manuscript --Report on Work in Progress." In Abhidharma and Indian Thought. Essays in Honor of Professor Doctor Junsho Kato on His Sixtieth Birthday, pp. 562-544 (=[49] - [67]). Tokyo: Shunjusha 2000b. "The Earliest Extant Vaiseșika Theory of Gunas." Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Slidasiens 44: 157-163. 2000c. "Lost Fragments of the Spitzer Manuscript." In Haranandalahari. Volume in Honour of Professor Minoru Hara on His Seventieth Birthday, R. Tsuchida and A. Wezler, eds., pp. 77-110. Reinbeck: Inge Wezler. 2001. "Fragments of a Buddhist Pramina-theory from the Kusana Period." BDK Fellowship Newsletter (Bukkyo Dendo Kyõkai, Tokyo) 4 (Autumn): 2-12. Frauwallner, E. 1958. "Die Erkenntnislehre des klassischen Samkhya-Systems." Wiener Zeitschrift fir die Kunde Suid- und Ostasiens 2: 84-139. Reprint Kleine Schriften, pp. 223-278. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1982. _. 1960. "Sprachtheorie und Philosophie im Mahābhāşyam des Patañjali." Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Süd- und Ostasiens 4: 92-118. Reprint Kleine Schriften, pp. 284-310. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1982. Hattori, M. 1968. Dignaga, on Perception, Being the Pratyaksapariccheda of Dignaga's Pramanasamuccaya from the Sanskrit Fragments and the Tibetan Versions. Translated and annotated. Harvard Oriental Series, 47. Cambridge:


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