The Structural Temples of Gujarat Sikhara above the shrine walls has perhaps been rebuilt at a later date; it is more taparing in form than spires of the same age; the finial is larger and clumsy. The maņdapa has been destroyed and cleared away except a portion of basement. The temple faces the east, and has been of the same style as that at Sunāk. 45
At Vadanagar, (Dist. Mehsana) the site associated with Amathora Mātā temple has yeilded remains of old temples which on the basis of their architectural form may be assigned to the 10th century A. D. Burgess has noticed these remains. From fragments lying about it can be said that it was once a small but very ornate shrine. Round it are five cells,46 four behind and one to the right of the entrance. 47 From sculptures around the shrine and door frames it can be said that the site originally might have been dedicated to Vişņu-worship. Sculptures of Varāha, Narsinha, Trimūrti, Sürya and others pertaining to Vişnu's incarnations and panels of Navagraha etc. are frequent. The newly erected temple of Amthora Mātā, in the old site contains many sculptures from the old temple. An old door-frame is
45. AANG. P. 108 plt. XCIII. Here figs. 65,66.
In the vicinity of the temple of Nilaka tha, there is a temple dedicated to goddess Brahmāņi. On local inquiry it is gathered that this temple was built at this site about forty years back out of materials of an old temple which stood at so.ne distance from the present site of the village. Local eye-Witnesses inform that the maņdapa of the old temple was an open one, while that of the new temple is a closed one. It retains some of the original sculptures like those on the pediments of bhadra, viz. Surya, Mahesa etc. Similarly the basement and spire of the temple are original ones while the mandovara is newly built. 46. AANG. plt. LXI, 1. Here Figs. 67, 68. 47. AANG. plt. LXII, Burgess assigis the shrine abɔut the early half of the 13th century. But in view of its closer affinity with the temples at Sunak Delmal, Kasara etc. the shrine may better be assigned to the later half the 10th cent. A. D.
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