Book Title: Spiritual Guide Author(s): Rajyashsuri Publisher: Labdhi Vikramsuri Sanskruti Kendra Ahmedabad View full book textPage 2
________________ The Authors In the true spirit of "Guru-Shishya' Parampara the life of revered Acharyadev Shree Vikramsurishwarji Maharaj Saheb was wholely devoted to the services of his beloved Guruji Acharya Shree Labdhi Surishwarji Maharaj Saheb till his last breath. His total and unconditional surrendership to his Guruji is the hallmark of his success and resulted in having a mastery in Nyaya Darshan Jain Agam and their philosophy. He moved arround many parts of India barefooted as per the Jain religious practice which resulted in having a broadmindedness and basic approach within the orbit of Jainism and was a staunch follower of unifying the different sects of Jains and elevated the slogan of Jainam Jayati Shasanam. Eventhough he was wholly dedicated to Jainism he never liked the differences of its branches. Revered Acharyadev SHRI RAJYASH SURISHWARJI MAHARAJ, exponent of discourses, visionary, promoter of the renovation of various temples, the epitome of renunciation, a great preacher is blessed by Shri Labdhisurishwarji and Shri Vikramsurishwarji, his Grand Guruji and Guruji respectively. Shri Vikramsurishwarji, his gurudev was very effective in attracting people towards the virtues of Jainism, was a worshipper of ""Bhaktamar Mahastotra", practitioner of high standard of Sadhna and was a very simple minded soul. The author - Acharya Shri Rajyashsuriji a highly dedicated, courteous disciple of his guru and lucky enough to serve, care, worship incessantly such a great seven languages, his ability to give unbridled free flowing discourses and have also authored many writings, holy books and his creative poems are awesome. An in-depth study of the Aagam, grammar, law, philosophy, yoga, science, astrology, vastushashtra, psychology and various other fields are to his credit. Being a great personality his bright and exalted oratory attracts the people at the very first sight. Infact, few seconds in his auspicious company confers profound happiness and satisfaction. Deeply involved in various rites, rituals and disciplines, very compassionate towards everyone, he has a heart very simple like a child and delicate like a flower. He has suggested many novice ways for the propagation of Jainism. It is the outcome of his magnetic personality and devotion to God, that the renovation of temples at Bharuch tirth, Kulpak tirth, Uvasaggaharam tirth, the great tirth of Benaras which is the birth-kalyanak place of Parshvanath Bhagwan, Parshva-Padmavathy tirth at Ahmedabad were made possible. With his divine blessings; the following penances were undertaken. () Fastings by 237 people for one month continuously, (ii) Fastings by 1008 people for 3 days (Tela) at Chennai (iii) 360 people undertook the Siddhitap at Bangalore. Under the tutelage of His Gurudev Vikram Surishwarji and the guidance of the author, pilgrimages by foot from Secunderabad to Sammetshikarji in 191 days and from Calcutta to Palitana in 202 days were organised successfully which is considered as a golden event in the history of the last 500 years. During the pilgrimage, he was the chief orator, and convinced lakhs of people of all religions to abandon meat-eating, drinking wine and give up other bad habits. In fact, wherever he goes and whatever he preaches he gives importance to uplift the guru. Besides having profound and well versed knowledge of 3Page Navigation
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