Book Title: Spiritual Guide Author(s): Rajyashsuri Publisher: Labdhi Vikramsuri Sanskruti Kendra Ahmedabad View full book textPage 6
________________ BASIC PRINCIPLES OF JAINISM Dt. 11-08-1979 19. Jain view of coexistence of all life 27.3.80 20. Desire is Root cuase of one's sufferings 29.3.80 21. Man must give up worldly desires 8.2.82 22. Who is true saint ? 1.3.82 23. Pious men need not fear death 3.3.82 24. Human life affords chance to end rebirth 3.11.82 25. Concern of saints for tormented souls 24.3.82 26. Jain view of co-existence of all life 27.3.82 27. Concern for others is real index of high status 12.6.82 28. Why should one be charitable ? 25.6.82 29. Meditation a must for attaining salvation 5.7.82 30. Parents to be revered as God 23.7.82 31. Attributes of a genuine Guru 6.8.82 32. Forgiveness surpasses all other virtues 24.8.82 33. More will power through fasting 6.9.82 34. Real test of Mantra's efficacy 11.9.82 35. Ahimsa, the greatest of all virtues 13.10.82 36. Man can control his feelings 18.10.82 37. The four evils man should eschew 3.11.82 38. Maintaining health is a social obligation 8.11.82 39. Being A friend Of All is A Lofty Ideal 19.11.82 Anger kills the virtues of the soul and destroys relations between individuals; pride throws obstacles in paying respects to the revered elders. Maya (deception) breaks friendship but parsimony wipes out the very complexion of a person. While everyone is entitled to earn wealth required for his essential needs, the surplus should be spared to serve the needy. The Doctrine of Trusteeship forms the basis of Jainism. It asks a man to develop the capacity to curb evil thoughts as mental impurity results in frustration leading to resort to violence. Acharya Vikram Surishwarji, the Jain spiritual guide, in his discourse on Bhagvati Sutra, one among the sacred scriptures compiled by the chief discipline of Bhagawan Mahavira covering all aspects of his message in the form of catechism, pointed out that wealth should be earned through honest means (Dravya-shuddha). The basic principles governing Jainism are truth, non-violence, magnanimity of heart and disciplined conduct. To take delight at the sight of the virtuous, to uplift the poor and the down-trodden, to observe the highest moral standards and make our character ideal, to practise austerity and lead a life of simplicity and purity, to be of charitable disposition, to be tolerantPage Navigation
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