Book Title: Spiritual Code and Restraints Author(s): Manu Doshi Publisher: Manu Doshi View full book textPage 9
________________ seminars etc. are helpful in this respect. The factor of encouragement mentioned earlier also helps in stabilizing the faith and can therefore be considered a part of stabilization. ing, helping etc. The person having the right percept The seventh is Vachchhalla or Vätsalya. Literally it means affection. But it also denotes sharing, caring, loving, helping etc. The person having the right perception would have innate affection for others belonging to the true faith. He would spontaneously try to help those, who are in distress or are any way afflicted. Such help can be in the form of financial, medical, educational or any other type of aid. Such help should be extended secretly so that the person getting the aid is not any way embarrassed in availing the same. One can also extend help in solving their problems or in redress of their grievances. Sädharmivätsalya, health fair and collection of usable clothes for distribution among the poor and the needy are illustrative of this aspect. The last aspect is known as Pabhävane or Prabhävanä. It means raising the esteem for the faith. This can be done by undertaking activities that would make favorable impression. Thereby the people can be attracted towards the true faith and they can be induced to realize the importance of truth. Pratishtha Mahotsav, processions, conventions, cultural programs, exhibitions and other displays, giving awards, distribution of publications and other gifts to the people, impressive participation in religious functions are the different modes of Prabhävanä. The purpose of Prabhävanä is to make favorable impression in the minds of the people. These eight aspects are vital to attainment of the right perception or Samyaktva on which Jainism lays all possible emphasis. The reason is that it is impossible to have the proper insight without gaining right perception. Jnän obtained without gaining right perception is therefore termed as Ajnän. It should be noted that the term 'Ajnän' is not the same as ignorance. It means wrong or misdirected knowledge. Jainism describes three types of such Äjnän. The knowledge obtained by intellect without gaining right perception is termed as Matiajnän; that obtained from books etc. without gaining right perception is termed as Shrutajnän; and acquiring Avadhijnän in absence of the right perception is termed as Avadhiajnän or Vibhangjnän. It is not possible to attain Manahparyäyjnän and Kevaljnän without gaining the right perception. There are therefore no terms like Manahparyayajnän or Kevalajnän. Chapter 3 CHÄRITRÄCHÄR The Code of Conduct Panihän-Jogjutto Panchahim Samiehim Tihim Guttihim Esa Charttäyaro Atthaviho Hoi Näyavvo Panchächär Sutra Observance of five Samities and three Gupties with balanced mind is considered the eight-fold code of conduct.Page Navigation
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