Book Title: Shodhana Kriyas an Analysis
Author(s): M L Gherore
Publisher: Z_Pushkarmuni_Abhinandan_Granth_012012.pdf

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________________ । २०२ श्री पुष्करमुनि अभिनन्दन ग्रन्थ : नवम खण्ड PA S Pranaya mas: प्राणायामेण पातकं (हन्ति)।-गो. श. ५४. (Prāņāyāmeņa pātakam (hanti)) "Prānāyāma destroys the sins." प्राणायामैरेव सर्वे प्रशुष्यन्ति मला इति । आचार्याणां तु केषांचिदन्यत्कर्म न संमतम् ।।-ह.प्र. II-३८ (Pränayamaireva sarve prasuşyanti mala iti! ācāryānam tu kesāñcida nyatkarma na sammatam | "With prānāyāmas alone all the impurities are removed. According to some authorities no other practice (purificatory) is necessary." Dhayna: ध्यानेन सदृशं नास्ति शोधनं पापकर्मणाम् । -७. यो. या IX-१७८ (dhyänena sadīšam nästi sodhanam päpakarmaņām) "There is no other purificatory process equal to dhāyna for overcoming the evil deeds." Şatkarmas* for sodhana In a restricted sense sodhana Kriyas represent şarkarmas or six cleaning processes. These are the special features of Hathayoga. Although the satkarmas have some similarity with Pancakarmas of Ayurveda, Hathayoga has developed the contents of şapkarmas very elaborately. Attempts have been made to synthesize the basis of Pancakarmas with that of şarkarmas in Sarkarmasangraha. There is no doubt that şarkarmas play a prominent role in the Hathayoga curriculum. Satkarmas refer to the following six cleansing processes which are summed up in the verse quoted in Hathapradipika : धौतिर्बास्तिस्तथा नेतिस्त्राटकं नौलिकं तथा । कपालभातिश्चैतानि षट् कर्माणि प्रचक्षते ।।-है. प्र. II-२२. (dhautirbastistatha netistraţakaṁ naulikam tatha Kapālabhatiscaitani sat karmāni pracaksate D) Really speaking, şațkarmas are not six cleansing processes but six classes of cleansing processes. A very elaborate description of these cleansing processes is available in the Gheranda Sarhitā. Table I gives divisions and sub-divisions of the satkarmas. We do not know of any other authoritative Hathayogic text except Gheranda Samhita which gives exhaustive list of varieties of Dhauti. The efficacy of satkarmas can be gathered from the following verse : कर्मषटकमिदं गोप्यं घटशोधनकारकम् । विचित्रगुणसंधायि पूज्यते योगिपुंगवः ।।-ह. प्र. II-२३. ( Karmaşaçkamidam gopyam ghatasodhanakurakam vicitragunasandhāyi pujyate yogipungavaih 10 ) _ 'षट्कर्मयोगमाप्नोति पवनाभ्यासतत्पर:'-Quoted by ब्रह्मानन्द in ज्योत्स्ना। (şay karmayogamāpnoti pavanābhyāsatatparah ) “Practitioners of Pranayama resort to saakarmas." 'षटकर्मनिर्गतस्थौल्यकफदोषमलादिकः । प्राणायाम ततः कुर्यादनायासेन सिध्यति ।।-ह. प्र. II-३७ (satkarmanirgatasthaulyakaphadosamaladikah prānāyāmam tatah kuryadanayasena sidhyati ) * Şarkarmas in Smrtis have different meaning. The satkarmas mentioned in Brhatparāśara Smrti are as follows: सन्ध्या स्नानं जपश्चैव देवतानाञ्च पूजनम् । वैश्वदेवं तथाऽऽतिथ्यं षट्कर्माणि दिने दिने ।-बृहत् पराशरस्मति २७. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only'


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