Book Title: Shodhana Kriyas an Analysis
Author(s): M L Gherore
Publisher: Z_Pushkarmuni_Abhinandan_Granth_012012.pdf

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________________ Sodhana Kriyas: An Analysis ᄆ DR. M. L. GHAROTE, M.A., M.Ed., D.Y. P., Ph. D. Principal, G. S. College of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis, Lonavla Importance of Sodhana 'Sodhana' is a very important concept in Yoga. Karma, Kriya, Śuddhikriya, Śauca, Nadiśuddhi, Ghatasuddhi, Cittaśuddhi are some of the well-known terms used for representing the concept of 'Sodhana'. Literally translated 'Sodhana' means an internal cleansing or a purification. But in a wider sense of the term it also includes conditioning or strengthening. This idea of sodhana is very well expressed in Gheranda Samhita as follows: आमकुम्भ इवाम्भःस्थो जीर्यमाणः सदा घटः । योगानन संद परशुद्धि समाचरेत् ॥ ŚODHANA KRIYĀS: AN ANALYSIS (āmakumbha ivām bhaḥstho jiryamaṇaḥ sada ghaṭaḥ | yoganalena saṁdahya ghataśuddhim samacaret || ) "Just an an unbaked earthern pot disintegrates in water so also is the case of the body, Therefore, bake the body in the fire of yoga so that it is purified and strengthened." Jain Education International Yogabija also, in the same connection, talks of 'apakva' and 'Paripakva' bodies. All the practices of Yoga aim at purification. The concept of 'Purgativum' in Mysticism is similar to the 'Sodhana'. The concepts of 'tapas' in Yoga and 'mortification' in Mysticism are intended for and used as 'Sodhana'. The process of 'Sodhana' is completed when samadhi is attained. Various Yogic Practices as a Means of Sodhana From the following quotations, it will be clear how the various Yogic practices as a class act as Sodhana. Asanas : आसनेन रुजो ( रजो ) हन्ति । - गो. श. ५४ (asanena rujo (rajo) hanti) २०१ . [सं.] 1. "Asanas remove disorders of the body (and fickleness of mind)." ततो द्वन्द्वानभिघातः । - पा.यो.सू. II-४८ (tato dvandvanabhighātaḥ ) "Thereby (with the practice of Asanas) dysrrhythmia in the tonic impulses, giving rise to tremors, disappears". आसनेन भवेद् दृढम् । घे . सं . I १० (Asanena bhaved drḍham) "Asanas strengthen the body." For Private & Personal Use Only SAFE


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