Book Title: Sectional Studies In Jainology II
Author(s): Klaus Bruhn
Publisher: Klaus Bruhn

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________________ Sectional Studies 57 : 58 K. Bruhn UPADHYE Va VERCLAS Av STERNBACH Su VIENNOT Te -- The Varangacarita. Manikachandra Digambara Jaina Granthamala 40.1938. K. VERCLAS Die Avasyaka-Erzahlungen uber die Upasargas des Mahavira ... Hamburg 1978. Printed as a dissertation. O. VIENNOT Temples de l'Inde centrale et occidentale. T. I-II. Paris 1976. - 0. VIENNOT's extensive study is a good demonstration of the method of PH. STERN. A. WEBER Uber ein Fragment der Bhagavatl. Pt.I (1866, pp.367444), Pt.II (1867, pp.155-352). Refer for a more complete quotation to BRUHN We: 42. WEBER Fr SUKTHANKAR Na TATIA Pa TAWNEY Ka creation of quite new sequences in analogy to PROPP. The pancadivyadhivasa motif does not seem to be an illustration of either case. See also J. BANASZKIEWICZ "Konigliche Karrieren ...", in: Saeculum 33.1982, pp.265-286. L. STERNBACH "On some noncanonical subhasita-collections in Jaina literature", in: A.N. UPADHYE et alii (eds.) Mahavira and His Teachings. Bombay 1977, pp.41-75. -- The terminology of the author may not be quite consistent, but he distinguishes clearly between collections which are, in their content, strictly Jaina (pp.59-75) and collections which are prepared by Jainas but which are, in their content, non-Jaina rather than Jaina (pp.41-59). -- Refer also to N. BALBIR "Prakrit Riddle Poetry", in: Annals of the BH.O.R.I. 72/73.1991/92, pp.661-73. V.S. SUKTHANKAR "The Nala episode and the Ramayana", in: V.S. Sukthankar Memorial Edition (selected papers V.S. SUKTHANKAR) Vol.I. Bombay 1944 (Karnatak Publishing House). See pp.406-15. N. TATIA "Parallel developments in the meaning of parijna", in: Indol. Taur. 11.1983, pp.293-302. C.H. TAWNEY The Katha Sarit Sagara. Vols.I-II. Calcutta 1880, 1884. Enlarged edition in ten volumes by N.M. PENZER. London 1924-28. -- Refer for the chain of informants' (pp.2526) also to PENZER Vol. II, p.190. S. THOMPSON Motif-Index of Folk-Literature. Vols. 1-6. Copenhagen and Bloomington 1955-58. A. AARNE, S. THOMPSON The Types of the Folktale. Second Revision. Helsinki 1961. C. TRIPATHI "Narratives in the Pancakalpabhasya and cognate texts", in: Indol. Taur. 11.1983, pp.119-128. <<Universal history>> of Jaina tradition (= history of the sixtythree great men). A.N. UPADHYE Books and Papers by Prof. A.N. Upadhye. xi, 67 pp. Kolhapur 1957. -- See also the obituary for A.N. UPADHYE, written by C. CAILLAT in Sambodhi 5(2-3), JulyOctober 1976, pp.201-14. - Brhat Kathakosa of Harisena (A.D.931-32). Singhi Jaina Series 17.1943. We quote the introduction (pp.1-122). - Svami-Kumara's Karttikeyanupreksa Rajachandra Ashram, Agas 1960. THOMPSON Mo THOMPSON Ty TRIPATHI Pa UH UPADHYE Bk UPADHYE BI UPADHYE Ka


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