Book Title: Sectional Studies In Jainology II
Author(s): Klaus Bruhn
Publisher: Klaus Bruhn

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________________ Sectional Studies K. Bruhn S(SS) SANGAVE CO SCHÖNBERG Ka SCHUBRING AC SCHUBRING Ch SCHUBRING Do SCHUBRING Le SHAH St SHEE Ta OLDENBERG BI H . OLDENBERG Die Weltanschauung der Brahmana-Texte. Göttingen 1919. PEM VETTAM MANI Puranic Encyclopedia Motilal Banarsidass 1975. [Transl. from the original Malayalam) PFEIFFER Ka M. PFEIFFER "Altindische Zaubermärchen: Zur Struktur einiger Erzählungen des Kathāsaritsagara", in: Berliner Indologische Studien 1.1985, pp. 11-19. PFEIFFER We — Indische Mythen vom Werden der Welt. Berlin 1994 (Dietrich Reimer). POLLMANN Li L POLLMANN Literaturwissenschaft und Methode. Athenium Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 1971. POLLOCK Ay SH.I. POLLOCK The Ramayana of Valmiki Vol.2. Ayodhyakanda Princeton Univ. Press 1986. PPN ML. MEHTA and KR. CHANDRA Prakrit Proper Names Edited by D. MALVANIA. Pts.I-II: 1970, 1972. LD.Series Nos.28 and 37. PROPP Mo V. PROPP Morphology of the Folktale. Second ed. Indiana Univ. 1968. PRP H. VON STIETENCRON (ed.) Purana Research Publications, Tübingen. Vol.1: P. SCHREINER and R. SÖHNEN Sanskrit Indices and Text of the Brahmapurdna. Otto Harrassowitz 1987. (Twenty-six microfiches enclosed) Vol.2: R. SÖHNEN and P. SCHREINER Brahmapurana. Otto Harrassowitz 1989. PUSKARAMUNI Da PUSKARA MUNI Jain dharm mem dan. Udaipur 1977. RENOU Vi L. RENOU "On the structure of the Vişnusmpti", in: Bulletin of the Deccan College 20.1960 (S.K. DE Fel. Vol.), pp.319-23. ROTH Ma G. ROTH Mall Jäta. Franz Steiner 1983. ROTH Pa -"Notes on the Parica-namokkūra-parama-mangala in Jaina literature", in: H. BECHERT and P. KIEFFER-PULZ (eds.) Indian Studies (selected papers G. ROTH), Delhi 1986 (Indian Books Centre), pp.129-46. RUBEN K W. RUBEN Krishna. Istanbul 1944.— See pp.210-47 and 281 286 (Krsna in the Mahabharata). RUBEN TI - "Vier Liebestragödien des Ramāyaṇa", in: ZDMG 100 1950, pp.287-355. RÜPING AS K. RÜPING "Zur Askese in indisehen Religionen", in: Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft 1977, pp.81-98. - ROPING writes on p.82 that "Askese stands for tapas in its various meanings, i.e. it signifies "was in Indien mit dem Wort tapas bezeichnet wird". For reasons which cannot be explained here this is more than a common place. The principle can be extended to cases where several related Indian terms are under consideration See FS. V.A. SANGAVE Jaina Community. Second revised edition. Bombay 1980 J. SCHÖNBERG, Kshemendra's Kavikanthabharana Wien 1884. [Vienna Academy) W. SCHUBRING Acardiga-Satra. Erster Srutaskandha Leipzig 1910. [Abhandlungen der DMG] W. SCHUBRING, C. CAILLAT Drei Chedasttras des Jaina-Kanons Hamburg 1966. — The Doctrine of the Jainas. Transl. from the original German by W. BEURLEN. Motilal Banarsidass 1962. — The text of SCHUBRING Le is revised and abridged. - Die Lehre der Jainas. Berlin und Leipzig 1935. (Grundriss band) U.P. SHAH Studies in Jaina Art. Banaras 1955. M. SHEE tapas und tapasvin in den erzählenden Partien des Mahabharata. Reinbek 1986. — Refer to p.xiv for M. HARA's publications on the subject. G. VON SIMSON Altindische epische Schlachtbeschreibung. Unpublished Habilitationsschrift, Göttingen 1974. (Quoted from GRÜNENDAHL Ma: 110] — Study of Books 6-9 of the Mahabhārata. O. SIROVÁTKA "Zur Morphologie der Sage und Sagenkatalogisierung", in: L. PETZOLDT (ed.) Vergleichende Sagenforschung, Darmstadt 1969, pp.326-36. W.L SMITH "Explaining the inexplicable: Uses of the curse in Rama literature", in: Kahanamitrandganam (N. SIMONSSON Fel. Vol.), Norvegian Univ. Press 1986, pp.261-76. «Structural phenomena and further peculiarities. See $4 (IIA). S.A. SRINIVASAN Studies in the Rama Story. Vols.I-II. Franz Steiner 1984. G. STEERMANN IMRE Untersuchung des Königswahlmotivs in der indischen Märchenliteratur: Paricadivyadhivasa. Franz Steiner 1977. Our discussion focuses attention on two cases: application of PROPP's method to a clearly related material and SIMSON Ep SIROVÁTKA MO SMITH EX SP . SRINIVASAN Ra STEERMANN Pa


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