Book Title: Schools and Sects in Jaina Literature Author(s): Amulyachandra Sen Publisher: Vishwa Bharati Calcutta View full book textPage 2
________________ Visva-Bharati Studies No. 3. SCHOOLS AND SECTS IN JAINA LITERATURE Being a full account compiled from original sources of the doctrines and practices of Philosophical Sohool and Religious Sects mentioned in the canonical literature of the Jainas Ву AMULYACHANDRA SEN, M.A., B.L. Of the Vidyabhavana ( Instititue of Research ), Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan faga HTC 55 . 58032 प्रान्ति निकलन Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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