carimaiṁ). The first four of the eight Finalities were the last four acts performed by Gosāla, viz., the last drink, the last song, the last dance and the last improper solicitation. The other four were the last tornado, the last sprinkling elephant, the last fight with big stones and missils," and the last Tirthankara who is Gosāla himself.
Gosāla's sprinkling himself with the muddy water from the carthen vessels gave rise to the doctrine of the four things that may be used as drinks, and the four things as their substitutes by virtue of the coolingness. Those that may be used as water are the cow's urine, water accidentally collected in potter's vessels, water heated by the sun, and water dripping from a rock. Those that may be used as substitutes are holding in the hand a dish or a bottle or a jar or a pot which is cool or moist; squieezing in the mouth a mango or a bog-plum or a jujube or a tinduka fruit when it is unripe or uncooked, but not drinking its juice ; squeczing in the mouth kalāya or mugga or māsa or simbali beans which they are unripe or uncooked, but not drinking the juice ; and feeling the touch of the moist hands of the gods Puņņabhadda and Māņibhadda when thcy appear on the last night of six months to one who eats pure food for six months, lies successively for two months each on bare ground, on wooden planks, and on darba grass. He who submits to the touch of the two gods furthers the work of venomous snakts but he who does not do so generates in himself a fire which burns his body and he dies and attains liberation.
Ayambula, an Ajiviya caine to visit Gosāla at the time and felt ashamed finding Gosāla in a delirium. He was about to go away but Ajiviya elders called him back, explained the new doctrines and asked him to put his question to Gosāla after throwing away the mango in his hand. Ayambula did so and asked about the halla insect. Gosāla replied “This which you see is not a mango but only the skin of a mango. You ask about the halla insect--it is like the root of the bamboo ; play the lute, man, play the lute." The Gosāla feeling the end approaching called his disciples and requested them to observe liis funeral with all honours and proclaim that he was the last Tirthankara. But afterwards he felt that he was not an omniscient but a false teacher and a humbug but that Mahāvira was the true Jina. Then he called his disciples and asked them to treat
» The first three of the latter four refer to historical events of the time The sprinkling elephant was known as Secanaka and belonged to king Sreņika of Magadha who gave it to his younger son by queen Cellanā. His elder son Kunika on becoining king demanded the elephant from his brother which was refused. This gave rise to war in which stone missiles were used.
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