Trust co-ordinately invites Scholars, Writers, Religious, Psychololist, Philosophist, Contemplators and highly motivated persons to make further research work and study on subject of “Equanimity". The person may be of any caste, creed or religion. The study may be in form of paper, essay books, thesis, lectures, debates, conference, or actually experiencing workshops or labs. Thus, whoever wants to work in this area is welcome to negotiate with the trust. They can become the faculty associate with the trust. They can work in harmony with trust activity.
For the ready Reference some of the topics for further study and research are mentioned herewith.
Equanimity and Jain Karmavada
2) Equanimity and Anekantavada (Jain)
Equanimity and Gunasthana (Jain)
i.e. Stages of evaluation to equanimity and Tranquillity Non-violence and Equanimity (Jain)
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5) Aparigrah and Equanimity (Jain)
Anasakti and Equanimity (Jain) Ahankara and Equanimity (Jain)
8) Krodha and Equanimity (Jain)
Concept of Moksha and Equanimity (Jain) 10) Gita and Equanimity (Vedic)
11) Vedic Karmavad and Equanimity (Vedic)
12) Pantanjali Yoga and Equanimity (Hindu)
13) Bhakti Marga and Equanimity (Hindu)
14) Arvindo Samrpana (Surroundig to God) and Equanimity
15) Buddhism and Equanimity
16) Pragna and Equanimity
17) Equanimity in Christians religion
18) Equanimity in Muslim religion
19) Eqanimity in tribal supertious religion & practice
Jain Education International
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