Book Title: Sakyabuddhis Commentary On Pramanavarttika I 3 And Its Vrtti
Author(s): Ernat Steinkellner
Publisher: Ernat Steinkellner

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________________ 380 E. STEINKELLNER which has regularly been incorporated into Karnakagomin's explanations”, is also not extant, although particularly in this case a knowledge of the original phrasing would be most desirable. Only a few Sanskrit fragments have been transmitted in the margins of the manuscript of Manorathanandin's Pramāņavārttikavrtti. The following is a critical edition with a translation of the Tibetan translation of Sākyabuddhi's Pramāņavārttikatīkā (PVT) on the passage PVSV 4,5–17 for which Karnakagomin's explanation is missing. The edition is based on: D-Edition of Derge, edd. J. TAKASAKI et al. Tokyo 1982: mDo 'grel Je (= Tshad ma 3, No. 4220), f. 13al-14a7 N - Edition of Narthang, mDo 'grel Je (No. 3710), f. 15a7-17a37 P - Edition of Peking, ed. D.T. SUZUKI. Tokyo - Kyoto 1966-1971: mDo 'grel Je (97) (= Vol. 131, No. 5718), f.15b5-17b2. Only significant variants are indicated. The orthographical variants given are those of the Peking edition. Words and phrases in italics are those of the explained text. CRITICAL EDITION (P15b5 [N15a7, D13al]) *mi dmigs pa'i dban du byas (6) nas tshad ma rnams ni mi (N15b) 'jug pa (PV I 3[= 5ja) żes bya ba la sogs pa smos te gan dag mi 'jug pa yin že na tshad ma rnams so || man po'i tshig smos pa ni bgsal ba'i bye brag gis& tshad ma rnams mano pa'i phyir ro || (7) yan na lun las bltos pa' yin tel 'di skad du ’og nas kyan luń log pa yan dňos po med pa sgrub par byed pa ma yin no zes 'byun nob || tshad ma rnams ldog pa'i mi dmigs pa de ñid med la mi 'jug 'bras bu can (PV I 3[=5]b) p. 485ff.) and later proposed *Sākyamati to be the correct equivalent of Sakya blo which he assumed to be an abbreviated form of Sākya blo gros (WZKM 44 [1937] 69 = Kleine Schriften, p. 576]n. 1). I regret having been unaware for a long time of the fact that the name occurs in the Mahāvyutpatti (new edition No. 3487). Thus his name is definitely Sākyabuddhi. 5 Cf. E. STEINKELLNER, Philological remarks on Sākyamati's Pramāņavārttikaţikā, in: Studien zum Jainismus und Buddhismus. Gedenkschrift für Ludwig Alsdorf, edd. K. BRUHN - A. WEZLER. Wiesbaden 1981, p. 283-295. 6 PVV 284, second part of n. 4, and 285, n. 1 and 4, contain sentences that can be related to PVT. 7 I would like to thank Prof. Shigeaki Watanabe for copies of the relevant pages in the Narthang edition from the collection of Naritasan sent some years ago. 8 bye brag gis corr. (cf. Whedena): bye brag gi NPD. 9 man D: yin NP.


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