Book Title: Sakyabuddhis Commentary On Pramanavarttika I 3 And Its Vrtti
Author(s): Ernat Steinkellner
Publisher: Ernat Steinkellner

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________________ Sākyabuddhi's Commentary on Pramāņavārttika(vrtti) 13 383 SANSKRIT MATERIALS Small index letters indicate the beginning and the end of a correspondence in the edited text. For the meaning of the signs characterizing the different kinds of textual remains cf. E. STEINKELLNER, Methodological Remarks on the Constitution of Sanskrit Texts from the Buddhist pramāna-Tradition. WZKS 32 (1988) 103-129. An addition to the signs given there (p. [116-]118) is: T'r textus usus secundarii modo referendi, a text used secondarily by way of reference. padas in bold type and italics are considered to belong to the original text; padas in italics belong to that text but have been changed with regard to form or syntactical position; other word-forms do not belong to the original text but to the witness text, (a) T- anupala......ity āha apravịttir ityādi kesām apravsttih pramāņānām | bahuvacanam vyaktibhedena pramāņānām bahutvāt āgamāpeksa... (PVSVT 29,26-30,11) vyaktibhedena mānabahutvāt āgamāpeksayā vā ...... ägamasyäpi nivýttir nābhāvam sādhayatīti vakşyate (PVV 284, n. 4, $2) (c) T upalabdhiḥ sattvam eva (PVV 285, n. 1,1. 1f. [+ PVSV 4,10]) (d) T'r - upalabdhiḥ karmadharmaś ced vastuyogyatā kartrdharmas cej jñānam (PVV 285, n. 1, 1. 1) (e) T - asatāñ cānu palabdhir asattvam (PVV 285, n. 1, 1.2 [+ PVSV 4,11f.)) (f) T' - drøyānu palabdhau vastuvasān nivrttam sattvam svanimittam jñāna...ādi nivartayati (PVV 285, n. 1, 1. 3f.) (g) T' - adrsye 'py abhīstakāryakaranād asatkalpe (PVV 285, n. 1, 1.4) (h) T' - pratipattyadhyavasāyān nivsttam sattvam svanibandhanam ... ... nivartayati (PVV 285, n. 1, 1. 4f.) (i) - yasya visayasyābhāvaḥ sādhyate tadu palabdher apy abhāvo 'nyānupalabdhyā tasyāpy anyayā | (PVV 285, n. 4) TRANSLATION Referring to non-perception, he says "non-activity of valid cognitions"22, etc. (Question:) "Whose non-activity?" (Answer:) Of the valid cognitions23. He gives the plural, because in terms of the different individual 22 PV I 3(= 5)a apravrttih pramānanām. 23 In the Sanskrit original, the pratīka states only "non-activity" (cf. [a]).


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