eminent disciples, such as the venerable ÂgñâtaKaundinya, the venerable Asvagit, the venerable Váshpa, the venerable Mahânâman, the venerable Bhadrika!, the venerable Maha-Kâsyapa, the venerable Kâsyapa of Uruvilvâ, the venerable Kâsyapa of Nadi, the venerable Kasyapa of Gaya?, the venerable Sariputra, the venerable Mahâ-Maudgalyâyanas, the venerable Maha-Kâtyâyana *, the venerable Aniruddha", the venerable Revata, the venerable Kapphina ", the venerable Gavâmpati, the venerable Pilindavatsa, the venerable Vakula, the venerable Bharadvaga?, the venerable Maha-Kaushthila 8, the venerable Nanda (alias Mahầnanda), the venerable
knowledge of the thoughts of others, knowledge of former existences, the divine eye. Sometimes a sixth Abhigña is added, viz. the knowledge which causes the destruction of human passion; Burnouf, Lotus, p. 820 sqq.; Spence Hardy, Eastern Monachism, p. 284.
1 These are known as the Five Bhadravargiyas, or, in Páli, Pankavaggîyas; they were the first five disciples.
2 The conversion of Kâsyapa of Uruvilvâ and the two following is told in Buddhist Birth Stories (translated by Rhys Davids), I, 114; Mahâvagga (ed. Oldenberg) I, 15.
8 Sâriputra and Maudgalyâyana are termed the foremost or chief disciples (agrasråvaka) of the Lord. About their conversion, see Birth Stories, I, 118; Mahâvagga I, 23.
* About him, see Mahâvagga V, 13.
• In Pâli, Anuruddha ; the story of his conversion is told Kullavagga (ed. Oldenberg) I, 8.
The name is variously spelt Kapphina, Kasphina, Kashphina, Kapphilla, Kamphilla. The Tibetan form Kapina (in Lotus, p. 294) agrees with Maha-Kappina in Pali writings; Mahavagga II, 5; X, 5. I cannot help guessing that the name is identical with spívns, the proper name of Kalanos, in Plutarch's Alexander, chap. 65; one would expect Κασφίνης.
? The same with Pindola-Bharadvága, Kullavagga V, 8. 8 In Páli Maha-Kotthita ; Mahavagga X, 5.
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