Part IV. Rise and Glory
started crying. As time passed and as the people did not want to give in they started leaving Kansumara to return to their homes.
Again an atmosphere of animosity and disunity clouded the whole community. The community council fined the satavisas, The effects of this incident were felt all over East Africa. The community was divided into two groups. The group in support of satavisa stopped paying the membership dues. The executive committee in return passed a resolution that only people who are paying their membership dues can use the community property.
Meanwhile a religious festival was being celebrated in Jamnagar. One of the sponsors ordered the food from boys' boarding house. He invited all the student boarders to dinner. The students refused the invitation as the sponsor had asked the son of Lakha Kara to volunteer to taste the food. The boarding house committee made every effort to change the students' their mind. They were all dismissed from the boarding house as they had broken the boarding house rules. As some of the committee members belonged to the satavisa, the situation became nasty. Many members were forced to resign. There was disunity, animosity, and disharmony among the entire community. Progress came to a standstill. But there were some even-minded community leaders who, realizing the consequences, started working hard to bring back a peaceful solution.
At present, even though some old customs are difficult to get completely abolished, many reforms have taken place. Now lavish feasts celebrating dead relatives, the practice of child marriage and age mismatch marriages hardly take place. Widow re-marriages, marriages outside the community, including inter-racial marriages, are very common.