the northern part of India. Acharya Mandev Suri wrote and recited the Shantikaram stavan, which ended the epidemic. Because of this many non-Jains embraced the Jain religion.
339-357: Inspired by the discourse of Acharya Kakka the Bhavda Oshwal Mala Shah undertook pilgrimage to Shatrunjay. Shresthi Ranvir of Lahore took a big contingent on pilgrimage to Samet Shikhar. And the Oshwal of the Karnat gotra Shresthi Ravat of Takshashilla took a large contingent on pilgrimage to Shatrunjay.
357-360: Reading and memorizing of the Jain scriptures by Acharya Skandil in Mathura and Acharya Nagarjun in Vallabhi.
372: The Oshwal Shresthi Dhaval son of Gosal Shah of the Bhuri gotra under the leadership of Acharya Sinh Suri took a big contingent on pilgrimage to Shatrunjay.
412: Division of the Svetamber sect into Chaitya vasi (Deravasi), those who lived in temples or Upashryas and Suvihit margi those who did not live in one place for long period of time. They would only stay in one place during four months of rainy season (chatumas.
470: Soma son of Gokul Shah of the Chauradia gotra took a big contingent on pilgrimage to Shatrunjay from Marukot Malot.
508: In the temple of the village Atru of Kota Kingdom, installation of memorial stone of Oshwal Shresthi Bhensa Shah of the Aditya gotra.
510: Final reading and memorizing of the Jaina scriptures by Acharya Devardhigani, who reduced the scriptures to writing for the first time.