Book Title: Rajgeeta English Translation and Comentry on Atmasiddhi Shastra Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra, Manu Doshi Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Mission View full book textPage 6
________________ FOREWORD In the ageless cycle of time, human birth is a rare occurrence. Man, because of ignorance has been spending Lthis precious human birth in metaphysical slumber and is oblivious to the higher purpose for which this human life has been given to him. The task to awaken man from this deep sleep that he has slipped into since eons, is indeed daunting and from time to time, has fallen upon the Enlightened Ones. The Enlightened Ones, through their aura, unparalleled speech and personal guidance have transformed many a soul. Shrimad Rajchandraji was an Enlightened One, who guided many seekers on their spiritual journey and led them to divine experience. It was an outpouring of Shrimad Rajchandraji's great spiritual elevation and compassion that He left behind a timeless masterpiece, a legacy for future generations. Shri Ätmasiddhi Shästra is a magnum opus, a rare jewel in the form of a concise scripture, which enables seekers to gain complete clarity on their spiritual journey to Self-realisation. SuchPage Navigation
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