Commentary. A critic may possibly say that a passionless saint also has Karmic molecules, and will according to the above statement be said to be saparigraha, with possession. The reply is that it is not so, because there is no passion, no inclination for drawing in such molecules. They are automatically drawn in because of the vibratory activity of soul, functioning through mind, body and speech without any volition.
अतिसङ्क्षपाद्विविधः स भवेदाभ्यन्तरश्च बाह्यश्च । प्रथमश्चतुर्दशावधो भवति द्विविधो द्वितीयस्तु ॥ ११५॥
115. Very briefly speaking, Parigraha is of two kinds, internal and external. The first is of 14 kinds, and the second is of two kinds. मिथ्यात्ववेदरागास्तथैव हास्यादयश्च षड्दोषाः।। चत्वारश्च कषायाश्चतुर्दशाभ्यन्तरा ग्रन्थाः ॥११६ ॥
116. The fourteen internal possessions, attachments, are wrong belief, sexual inclinations, the six defects, laughter etc., and the four passions.
Commentary. The fourteen internal possessions are as follows:
(1) Wrong belief, (2) Desire for sexual enjoyment with man, (3) with woman, (4) with both, (5) laughter. (6) indulgence, (7) ennui, (8) sorrow, (9) fear, (10) disgust, (11) Anger, (12) Pride, (13) deceit, and (14) greed. अथ निश्चित्तसचित्तौ बाह्यस्य परिग्रहस्य भेदौ दो। नैषः कदापि सङ्गः सर्वोऽप्यतिवर्तते हिंसाम् ॥ ११७॥
117. External Parigraha is of two kinds with reference to living and non-living objects. All this Parigraha never excludes Himsa.
___Commentary. Himsa, the central sin, is included in every other of the remain. ing four, falsehood, theft, sexual impurity, and possession of goods.
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