Book Title: Prologue And Epilogue Verses Of Vacaspati Misra I
Author(s): Ashok Aklujkar
Publisher: Ashok Aklujkar

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________________ THE PROLOGUE AND EPILOGUE VERSES OF VACASPATI-MISRA-I* $1.1 Recently, I had an occasion to write about Vacaspati-mis Tattva-samikşi commentary to Mandana-misra's Brahma-siddhi. As one of my article, I pointed out that two verses found at the end of Yukti-dipikā manuscripts and probably referred to by the remark k ryani Sri-vdcaspati-misranant in one ms could have come from the Tatu samiksa. To judge the viability of the connection which had occur to me, I made a study of the verses found at the beginning and of Vacaspati's works. As a few verses composed by him are found in the middle of two of his works, I included them too to get a bel sense of his verse style. The purpose of the present article is to rep my discoveries in the hope that they will either throw new light on Vacaspa life or help in bringing precision and certainty to the conjectures have already been made about his life. I also hope that, when criti editions of those of his works which have so far not been critically edi . I was able to complete this article because of the help I received from Professors Albrecht zler, Lambert Schmithausen (University of Hamburg) und Karin Preisendana (University of Vienna) from Dr. Elliot M. Stern (Philadelphia), all of whom read the earlier drafts carefully and made me of the need for improvement in minor as well as major respects. Professor Srinivas Ayya Srinivasan versity of Hamburg) kindly discussed with me the questions I put to him regarding manuscript tions. My thanks go also to the Alexander von Humbolde Stiftung of the Federal Republic of Germ for its fellowship which enabled me to concentrate on research during 1998-99. I have italicized only those non-English words which are mentioned as distinct from used, when such words occur as parts of whole phrases or passages I will employ the following abbreviations, except in quotations and some sentences in their use would look oddamse for Manuscripte, sede for editors, edo for edition, comme ccommentary, and vole for evolume. The relevant details can be had from Aklujkar 1998. The verses concerned area kbandite borde-dino dhuintacchidab pandite-ganda-mandendb / winiard mandane-nakrepatkal yanti dcab frutti-mandanab // found at the end of the mss of Mandana-misra's Brahma-side spbubbidheyd wadhurup blural manlio Mopakbolant windle / k nw-garbhpy abbito bimdan Madurpatti yini dirtham lyme // ayant மானவ patah -latino நான் parenda tanam apy will Idm / il proydte ese mame frameb said widrandnugraba-drapiram // (found at the end of the of the Yukti-dipika). My preference for the readings given here is justified in the article to which I h just referred.


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