Preksha Dhyana :
pains. All this is because the flow of vital energy to the organ is not even. In perception of body, the sādhaka perceives the whole body from the tip of one's toes to the top of one's head. Each and every part of one's body is carefully tended by one's consciousness. And wherever the consciousness goes, it is faithfully followed by the vital energy. Conscious attention and vital energy always go hand in hand. Wherever and whenever there is concentration of attention, vital energy will have to reach that part, Vital energy is the faithful follower of the conscious attention. When the conscious attention embraces the whole body, as in śarīra-paekşā, the vital energy also flows evenly in the entire body. If there were an imbalance, it would be corrected. The entire body gets filled up with vital energy. The main objective of perception of body is regulation of the flow of vital energy and the objective is achieved because the flow is even and unimpeded after the exercise. 'Perception of body' is a technique for alerting the deeplevel consciousness and balancing the flow of vital energy. Functional efficiency of the sensory and motor nerves is enhanced. Consequently, while the spiritual self is cleansed (of contamination), the physical and mental elements are also benefitted satisfactorily due to the increassed vitality, more efficient nervous system, improved blood circulation and balanced muscular movements, Immunity
Another means of keeping the body free from disease is development of immunity. When the immunity is strong, the disease-producing microbes cannot harm the body. Even when some of them succeed in entering the body they fail to colonise and are destroyed. Anybody having strong immunity and resistance power, even if attacked by bacteria or virus, does not fall a prey to their depredations because immunized body stays healthy. Perception of body enhances the immunizing capacity of the practitioner and fortifies him against the vicious attack of the enemy. How and Why Health Improves ?
A question may well be asked—'How does one improve one's health just by perception of body?' The anatomy and the physiology teach us that the homeostasis of the
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