(a) A better equilibrium between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic components of the autonomic system,
(b) Conditioning of the nervous region which controls the visceral functions.
Noble Laureate, Swiss Physiologist Dr. Walter demonstrated that there is an inner protective mechanism against overstress, which promotes restorative processes. In other words, everybody has the capacity to experience relaxation and drain out one's tensions. Regular practice of easy-tolearn technique of relaxation could become a potent drugless remedy for the most dangerous but common discases such as hypertension.
In the following chapters each bodily system is dealt with systematically. Thus the reader will acquire good knowledge of the working of various body systems. The knowledge of our respiratory system fwould enable us to learn to breathe properly. Once we know how our stomach and liver operate, we shall be able to eat properly and improve our digestion. The knowledge of the functioning of our muscles would enable us to regularly relax and stop wasting nervous energy. And the knowledge of our neuro-endocrine system which has profound influence upon the mental states, emotions and behavioural patterns of an individual would enable us to remove such psychological distortions as fear, cruelty, hate, etc.
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