GPO Box $, Canberra ACT 2601 Australia , 1991 63-- King Sudraka and Hits Drama , --Biswanath Banerjee
Orientalia. Collana di Studi Orientali del CESMEO
diretta da Irma Piovano. V.Torino. Italy . 1994. price. $ 25. 64--. - Syntactic Studies of Indo - Aryan Languages.-- Sukumar Sen
Institute for the study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Tokyo, 1995
Some other Publications on Jainism
The Chuo Academic Research Institute. Tokyo . presents seven monograph series of books on Jainism under Philologica Asiatica by Morichi Yamazaki and Yumi Ousaka. These Mono. are the following: 65- 1 Dasaveyaliya : Pada Index and Reverse Pada Index. 1994 66--2. Isibhasiyam : Pada Index and Reverse Pada Index. 1994 67--.3. Ayaranga : Pada Index and Reverse Pada Index. 1994 68-- 4. Suyagada : Pada Index and Reverse Pada Index. 1995 69-- 5. Uttarajjhayana : Pada Index and Reverse Pada Index. 1995 70-- 6. Dasaveyaliya : Word Index and Reverse Word Index. 1996 71-- 7 .Isibhasiyaim : Word Index and Reverse Word Index. 1996 72-- A Pada Index and Reverse Pada Index to Early Jain Canons , 1995 73-- Franz Steiner Verlag presents Williem B. Bollee - Materials for an edition and study of the Pinda- And Oha- Nijjuttis of the Svetambra Jain Tradition. Vol I Pada Index and Reverse pada Stuttagart. 1991 pp 160 Vol II Text and Glossary Stuttgart ,1994 pp 418 74-- Uttarajjhaya Word Index and Reverse Word Index,
M Yamazaki Y. Ousaka . Philologica Asiatica ,
Moonograph Series II 30 "x 20" pp 302 Tokyo .1997 75-- Doha giti Kosa of Sarahapada and Carya - giti-kosa
of variouss Siddhas.---. H. C. Bhayani .
Prakrit Text Society, Ahmedabad. 1997 76---Jaina Theory of Multiple Facets of Reality and Truth ,
NJ. Shah (ed) ( Anekantavada), Motilal Banarsidass , 1999
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