________________ In Search of the Original Ardhamagadhi The collection of Prof. K. R. Chandra's studies "ara 37. 14 alu #" aims at ascertaining the linguistic characteristics of the original language of the Svetambara Jain Canonical texts or what is usually referred to as the Ardhamagadh: Canon. Chandra points out, through a detailed comparison of the cano. nical texts as edited by various modern scholars, the disagreement and diversity of the criteria of selecting the various readings. He has made quite obvious the consequent linguistic heterogeneity that creates problems for making out the real character of the leaguage of the Ardhamagadhi Canon. Secondly, he has sought to point out with the help of the Eastern Asokan and Pali language that inspite of the considerably changed character (under the impact of the standard Maharastri Prakrit) of the language of the Canonical texts during the long period of transmission, certain old readings have been preserved that reveal some of the phonological, morphological and lexical traits of the original Ardhamagadhi, and hence in setting up the text they should be preferred over other modernized readings. In support of his contention Chandra bas presented some typical case-studies. He has also examined the treatment accorded to Ardhamagadhi by Hemacandra in the Prakrit section of the latter's grammar. Thus these studies put forth a strong and convincing plea for restoring the original character of the language of the Ardhamagadhi canonical texts (some sections and portions of which probably go back to the pre-Asokan period) so far as it is possible on the basis of all the available relevant texual data. H. C. Bbayani Retd. Prof. of Linguistics Gujarat University Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only wwwainebles