Late Prof. H.C. Bhayani, one of the doyens of Prakrit and Jain Studies in the country, also deserves a special word of thanks for his suggestion to me that I should provide a Foreword in English to this publication. I only hope this would measure up to his expectations. Pandit Vinay Sagar too (formerly of this Institute) took considerable pains to make all the necessary improvements and in getting all the Indices prepared under his able direction. Shri Johrimal Parekh has laid the Institute under deep debt by supervising the entire printing work as a labour of love. Our enlightened Chairman, Shri Pratap Bhogilal, to whom development of the Institute is a matter of life's mission, has provided the driving force for pushing the publication through the severe odds natural in any such kindly under-taking. Last but not least is the 'kindly light' of Sadhvi Suvrata Shri Maharaj who has been a perennial inspiring force to the activities of the Institute, in general and to me, in particular.
V. Venkatachalam Former Director, BLII & Chancellor, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, New Delhi.