Blessed Bhāskararāya, composed in 1775 A.D. the work Nityotsava, laying down clearly and methodically the system of worship taught in the Sūtra. A later scholar, Rāmesvara Sāstri, a disciple of a disciple (prasishya) of Sri Bhāskararāya, thought that Nityotsava failed to represent the Sūtra's true meaning and wrote in 1831 A.D. a succinct gloss (Vritti) of the Sūtra, by name Saubhāgya-sudhodaya. This latter work too failing to bring out the true meaning of the Sūtra, I proceed to write this commentary, Sitra-tattua-vimarsinī, to explain the true meaning of the Sūtra." mm
Of course these commentators try to show, by applying exegetic rules to the interpretation of the texts, that their own conclusions are correct. It is, however, of little practical use to enter into the merits of these contentions, especially in these matters of transcendental nature, in which tradition, as handed down from masters to pupils, should govern the actual practice. The same texts may be easily interpreted so as to support conflicting views