Book Title: Paninis View Of Meaning And Its Western Counterpart
Author(s): Johannes Bronkhorst
Publisher: Johannes Bronkhorst

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________________ 462 JOHANNES BRONKHORST PÅŅINI'S VIEW OF MEANING 403 sources that have been proposed to explain Bopp's ideas on semantics, Pāņini is the one best established, better than Adelung and Leibniz. Note In the paper the following abbreviations are used: Dhp. Dhatupdtha, as found in Bohtlingk (1887). P Papinian sútra, as found in Bohtlingk (1887). References Adelung, Johann Christoph. 1806. Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachen kunde. Erster Theil. Berlin: Voss. Arens, Hans. 1969. Sprachwissenschaft. Der Gang ihrer Entwicklung von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. 2 Bde. Frankfurt/M: Athenäum Fischer. Bloomfield, Leonard, 1969 (1933). Language. London: George Allen & Unwin. Böhtlingk, Otto. 1971 (1887). Pånini's Grammatik. Hildesheim & New York: Georg Olms. Bopp, Franz. 1889 (1820). "Analytical Comparison of the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and Teutonic Languages". Internationale Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft 4.14-60 (Reprinted from Annals of Oriental Literature 1820, 1.1-65) - 1845. A Comparative Grammar of the Sanscrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Slavonic Languages. Transl. from the German principally by Lieutenant Eastwick. Conducted through the press by Horace H. Wilson. London: Madden & Malcolm. 1972. Kleine Schriften zur Vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft. Gesammelte Berliner Akademieabhandlungen 1824-1854 (Opuscula, Band 5). Leipzig: Zentralantiquariat der DDR. Bronkhorst, Johannes. 1980. "The Role of Meanings in Panini's Grammar". Indian Linguistics 40.146-157. - 1981. "Nirukta and Asfadhyayi: Their shared presuppositions". Indo-Iranian Journal 23.1-14. - 1982. Review of Joshi & Roodbergen 1980. Indo-Iranian Journal 24.302-305. 1984. "Nirukta, Unddi Sätra, and Asfadhyayi." Indo-Iranian Journal 27.1-15 Brough, John. 1951. "Theories of General Linguistics in the Sanskrit Grammarians". Transactions of the Philological Society 1951.27-46. (Re. print: Staal 1972:402-414. The page numbering follows the reprint.) Buiskool, Herman E. 1939. The Tripadi. Being an abridged English recast of Purvaträsiddham (An analytical-synthetical inquiry into the system of the last three chapters of Pånini's Astadhyayr). Leiden: Brill. Colebrooke, Henry T. 1805. A Grammar of the Sanscrit Language. Volume 1. Calcutta: Honorable Company's Press. Joshi, Shivaram D., & J.A.F. Roodbergen. 1980. Patanjali's Vyakarana Mahabhäsya, Vibhakrydhnika (P. 2.3.18 - 2.3.45). (Publications of the Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, Class C, 12.) Pune: Univ. of Poona. Kiparsky, Paul. 1982 (1974). "From Paleogrammarians to Neogrammarians". Kiparsky 1982:175-188. - 1982. Explanation in Phonology. (Publications in Language Sciences, 4.) Dordrecht: Foris. - & Johan F. Staal. 1969. "Syntactic and Semantic Relations in Panini". Foundations of Language 5.83-117. Lefmann, Salomon. 1897. Franz Bopp, sein Leben und seine Wissenschaft, Nachtrag. Briefwechsel zwischen Franz Bopp und Wilhelm von Hum boldt (1819-1835). Berlin: Georg Reimer. Martincau, Russell. 1867. "Obituary of Franz Bopp". Transactions of the Philological Society 12.305-312. (Reprint: Sebeok 1966.200-206.) Schulenburg, Sigfrid von der. 1973. Leibniz als Sprachforscher. Mit einem Vorwort herausgegeben von Kort Müller (Veröffentlichungen des Leib niz-Archivs, 4.). Frankfurt/M.: Vittorio Klostermann. Sebeok, Thomas A., ed. 1966. Portraits of Linguists. A Biographical Source Book for the History of Western Linguistics, 1746-1963. Vol. 1: From Sir William Jones to Karl Brugmann (Indiana University Studies in the His tory and Theory of Linguistics). Bloomington & London: Indiana Univ. • Press. Staal, Johan F., ed. 1972. A Reader on the Sanskrit Grammarians. Cam bridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Sternemann, Reinhard. 1984. Franz Bopp und die vergleichende indoeuropäische Sprachwissenschaft. Beobachtungen zum Boppschen Sprachvergleich aus Anlass irriger Interpretationen in der linguistischen


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