Book Title: On The Date Of The Nnyayavatara
Author(s): Piotr Balcerowicz
Publisher: Piotr Balcerowicz

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________________ PIOTR BALCEROWICZ encounter in the Jaina literature of this period are to Siddhasena Diväkara as the author of other works, but none to him as the author of NA." In view of the extant evidence, the opinion of MUKTHAR (1948)" still holds good that the author of the Nyayavatara is apparently different from the author of the Sanmati-tarka-prakarana and from the author of the twenty-one dvātrimsikäs ascribed to Siddhasena Diväkara. Strangely enough, the available colophons of NA. and NAV. contain no reference to the name of the author of NA. Since even the point is not clear whether the author of NA. was a Siddhasena, not to mention the problem of deciding which Siddhasena he could have been," I would-for the sake of convenience-suggest to tentatively call the author of the Nyayavatara Siddhasena Mahämati, after the specific identification of Haribhadrasuri. 50 arka iva arkaḥ, tena sūtritam-maintains that ""Arka" here is not in the sense of "Diväkara" but "essence". Clearly, arka here is an epithet of Siddhasena, who is compared to the sun (arka iva; arka-divä-kara), and by him (tena) the idea discussed before is composed in a sutra form (sütritam). If we took arka as DHAKY would like it, the whole clause could hardly be construable. 50 Cf., eg. [1] UPADHYE (1971: xiii): 'Haribhadra is one of the earlier authors to mention Siddhasena Divakara and his Sanmati. First, he calls him Śrutakevalin; and secondly, he tells us that his name was Diväkara (p. 1). Then he has a pun on the name that he was like Divakara, sun, to the darkness of Duḥṣama-kala.' [2] UPADHYE (1971: xvii): ...Pujyapáda...quotes Siddhasena's Stuti III.16 in his Sarvärthasiddhi (II.10; VIL.13). [3] H. R. Kapadia (AJP., 'Introduction', Vol. II, pp. 98 ff.): "Haribhadra refers to Siddhasena in his Sammaipayarana, in his Anekantajayapatäkä as well as in his Pamcavatthuya (vv.1047-8), calling him Suyakevali. Jinadasagani (c. 676 A.D.) refers to him thrice in his Nisihavisehacunni. [4] DAVE (1962): "So Siddhasena is earlier than Mallavadi and the tradition puts him as a contemporary of Vikramaditya who flourished in 57 B.C.' [according to UPADHYE (1971: 53)] and 'Akalanka and Vidyananda quote the Sanmati. [according to UPADHYE (1971: 59)]. 91 The following points are clear: (1) The Dväs were not composed in the present order; (2) they are not of one and the same Siddhasena; (3) the Nyäyävatāra is one of them; (4)... No indisputable evidence is brought forth for the common authorship of the Dvas, Nyäyävatära and Sanmati.... There were thus three clear and distinct Siddhasenas: (1) the author of Sanmati; (2) the author of Nyayavatara; (3) and another, the author of some Dva.s.' [according to UPADHYE (1971: 28)]. 92 It is not established that Arka was indeed used by Säntisūri as a synonym of Diväkara, AJP. BALCEROWICZ 1999 BALCEROWICZ 1995 - Balcerowicz, Piotr: 'Sankarasvamin: BALCEROWICZ (forthcoming) CHATTERJEE 1978 DAVE 1962 DHAKY 1981-82 Balcerowicz, Piotr: 'On the Relationship of the Nyayavatära and the Sammati-tarka-prakaraṇa.' Presented at the X World Sanskrit Conference, Turin, April 3-8, 2000. BHATTACHARYYA 1926- Bhattacharyya, B.: 'Foreword' to TSa.(1).i-cxvii. BSSBh Sankara: Brahma-sutra-sänkara-bhasya. Ed. with the commentaries: Bhasya-ratna-prabha of Govindananda, Bhamati of Vacaspatimiśra, Nyaya-nirnaya of Anandagiri; ed. by J.L. Shastri, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi 1980 [Reprinted: Delhi 1988]. Chatterjee, Asim Kumar: A Comprehensive History of Jainism (up to 1000 A.D.), Firma KLM Private Ltd., Calcutta 1978. - Dave, P. N.: Siddhasena Diväkara: A Study. A Thesis submitted to the University of Bombay for the Ph.D. degree, September 1962 [After UPADHYE (1971: 51)]. - Dhaky, M. A.: 'Some less known verses of Siddhasena Diväkara." Sambodhi 10 (1981-82) 169-173. DHAKY 1990 ON THE DATE OF THE NYAYAVATARA DHAKY 1995 BIBLIOGRAPHY -Haribhadra Süri: Anekänta-jaya-patäkä. Ed. with his own commentary and Municandra Suri's supercommentary. Vol. 1 & 2, Ed. H. R. Kapadia, Gaekwad's Oriental Series 88, 105, Oriental Institute, Baroda 1940, 1947. 51 - Nyaya-praveja"Wprowadzenie w logike" ("Introduction to Logic"). Part One: I. Polish Translation, II. Sanskrit Text, III. Notes § 1, Abbreviations and Bibliography. Studia Indologiczne (Warsaw) 2 (1995) 39-87. - Balcerowicz, Piotr. "Taxonomic approach to drstántábhasa in Nyaya-bindu and in Siddharsigani's Nyayavatara-vivrti Dharmakirti's typology and the Jaina criticism thereof. In: Dharmakirti's Thought and Its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy (Proceedings of the Third International Dharmakirti Conference-Hiroshima, November 4-6, 1997). Ed. by Shoryu Katsura, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens Nr. 32, Wien 1999: 1-16. Dhaky, M. A.: 'The Date and Authorship of Nyāyāvatāra." A typescript of a paper-presented to me by the author in 1990prepared for publication in B. K. Thapar Felicitation Volume [the edition was not available to me]. - Dhaky, M. A.: 'The Date and Authorship of Nyäyävatära.' Nirgrantha (Ahmedabad, eds. M. A. Dhaky, Jitendra Shah) 1 (1995) 39-49.


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