Book Title: Notes on Some Prakrit Words
Author(s): H C Bhayani
Publisher: Z_Nirgrantha_1_022701.pdf and Nirgrantha_2_022702.pdf and Nirgrantha_3_022703.pdf

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________________ NOTES ON SOME PRAKRIT WORDS H. C. Bhayani (1) Aduāliya The Partridge In / And The Cart In Agastyasimha's Curni on the Daśaveāliyasuttal (c. late 6th Cent. A. D.), while treating various types and sub-types of the udáharanas, the following story is given as an illustration of the Vyamsaka (“trickster, trickery') subtype of Hetul: एकेण गामेल्लएण कटु-सगडेण णगरं जंतेणं अंतरे तित्तिरी मता लद्धा । तं सगडे पक्खिवित्ता णगरे पविसंतो गर-धुत्तेण पुच्छितो - कहं सगड-तित्तिरी लब्भति ? | तेण भणितं - तप्पणादुयालिताए । धुत्तेण सक्खिणो आहणिऊणं सगडं स-तित्तिरीयं णीयं । गामेल्लओ स-चितो अच्छति । अण्णेण विडेण पुच्छिता - किं चितेसि? तेण सव्वं कहितं । विडो भणति - जाहि पदेसिणि वेढेत्ता भण 'विसिटुं पिता तप्पामाडुगालियं देहि' 1 दिण्णाए 'अंगुली दुक्खति' ति महिलाए आदुतालावेहि । तं महिलं स-सक्खियं हत्थे घेत्तुं भण - तप्पणाडुतालिता सगडतित्तिरिए कीता! तेण जहोवएसं कतं । धुत्तेण सण्होरं जेमावेत्ता सगड-भरो विसज्जितो, णियत्तिया भज्जा ॥ Translation : A villager while going to the city with his cart loaded with pieces of wood saw a dead partridge on the way. He picked it up and put it in the cart. As he entered the city, a city-rogue asked him : "For how much can I get the cart-partridge ?" The other replied, “In exchange of commingled barley-groats." The rogue called witnesses and took away the cart with the partridge. The villager sat worrying. Another clever and cunning fellow asked him : "What is your worry ?" The other man told him all that happened. The cunning fellow said : "You approach that rogue with your index finger wrapped up and tell him, 'Give me the commingled barley - groats we agreed upon.' When he gives it, tell to the chief lady of his house that "my finger aches" and get it soaked by her (in cold water ?). Then getting hold of that lady in the presence of witnesses tell the rogue : "I have bought the barley-groats (tappaña) and the soaker (adutalitā) in lieu of the cart-partridge." The villager acted in accordance with the instructions. The rogue with humble submission dined him, returned the cart, discharged him, and called back his wife. Notes : tappaņāduyālitā, tappanādugäliyā, adutālāv-, tappanādutālitā. If the inorganically inserted -12- and -g- are removed and -du- in the first form is taken to be a mistake for -du-in other forms, we would have tappaņāduāliā and āduālāv.. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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