more misery ..... the misery that you are faced with, seems insignificant :
Hasmukhbhai who used to work in a small firm as an accountant came home in the evening as per his daily routine. The son opened the door. When he slipped his hand in his pocket to remove his wallet, he found that the wallet was missing. Somebody had cleverly stolen it. His wife also realized that the wallet was gone. She was alarmed within....she screamed. Hasmukhbhai was laughing, happily and loudly. His wife angrily retorted : "You have lost your wallet and you are laughing?" Hasmukhbhai said : "See, see the date. Today is 4th.. Yesterday this wallet contained the entire month's salary. Rupees twenty thousand. Today the wallet contained only rupees four hundred and the spectacle case. When good fortune is on your side, even robbers miss the ride !".
In these circumstances if the name of a person can have any impact in keeping a smiling face, then we all should have been named us 'Has Mukh', which means 'smiling face'!,
Here you should remember that even after losing his wallet, which thought helped him to maintain his equilibrium ? The loss could have been bigger than the one incurred ! When you hurt a finger with a needle, there will definitely be pain. But when the punishment of crucification is substituted with mere prick of a needle, then we don't feel the pain of the prick at all.
When the body is inflicted with disease, it is bad luck; but if you get the proper medical assistance and if others are there to serve you, to help you, to take care of you, then shouldn't you consider at least to that extent yourself fortunate ? What
MIND YOUR mind : 50