Book Title: Microcosmology Atom in Jain Philosophy and Modern Science
Author(s): Jethalal S Zaveri, Mahendramuni
Publisher: Jain Vishva Bharati
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Index Ākāśāstikāya (space; one of
the six eternal uncreated substance) 74,
75, 91, 102, 164 ānāpāna varganā, See
śvāsocch väsa vargaņā a kṣarātmaka (articulate), 89 aloka/alokākāśa (supra-cos
mos; uninhabited
universe; void) 76 a na kşarātmaka (inarticu
late). 89 ananta (infinite), 118 anantānanta (infinitely in
finite) 118, 161 ānāpāna vargaņā (group of
matter essential for respiration also called śvāsocch vāsa
vargana), 177 anaśvara (indestructible), 189 anekānta vāda (Jain Doctrine
of Non-absolutism), 70, 135, 143, 187 Outline of -, 137, to
140 antya [ (ultimate)
end-product] 123. anuśreņi gati (motion in
straight line, without change in direction)
129, 198 anutaţikā (division by fis
sures) 92 aphusamānā gati (motion
from one area of space to another without passing through the intervening space), 202
233 apratighāti (that which can
not be stopped or hindered by any
thing),130 artha-paryāya (Self-interac
tion; internal or implicit modification), 73,
101, 102, 169, 170, 171 arūpi (imperceptible hy sense
organs), 126, 155 asankhya/asamkhyāta (in
numerable), 112, 118,
128, 160 asaṁkhyātāmía (innumera
bleth portion), 128 a kșa ya (imperishable), 98 aşțasparśī skandha (an aggre
gate of physical atoms having eight sparsa, also see catuḥsparśī, sparsa), 111, 159, 160,
179, 191 astikāya (homogeneous con
tinuum-spatially extended substance) 75,
95 astitva (eternal existence; one
of the six universal
qualities), 80, 81 ātapa (hot effulgence), 90, 167 ati-vega-pratighấta (Col
lision between two self-activated particles moving at a very high
velocity). 137 audārika śarīra (gross physi
cal body), 86, 108, 176 audārika vargaņā (a group
of material atoms that