Book Title: List of Hastlikhit Scriptures Part 1 Author(s): Jinendrasuri Publisher: Harshpushpamrut Jain Granthmala View full book textPage 6
________________ Find PRXxx HASTALIKHIT SCRIPTURES INTRODUCTION SAMGYA GNAN DARSHAN CHARITRANI - MOKSHAMARGAH In the sasan of Sri Arihant Parmatma, Samyag Gnan, Samyag Darshan and samyakcharitra are the means for way to Mokshmarg is what has been told. To keep Aatma out of Death & Life cycle is known as Moksh. The Life & Death Cycle is like a Seed Karma. To destroy such a Karma - Samyag Gnan, Darshan & Charitra are the Means. SUTRAS & RACHNA To obtain Gnan, Lord Arihant has described the meaning of Dharma, Ganadhar's epicted Sutras, Tradition Niryukti Language, Churni, Tika Published, After that thousands type of Prakaran's Charitra were published by the litreatureists. xx INTRODUCTION In Olden days they would make Byheart the Introduction. During the difference of Skandilacharya and Aachary Nagarjun the Introduction were made the part of Sutras. After that during the period of Shraman, In Valabhipuram, Vir Nirvanathi 980 years ago, 500 Aacharyas got toghether and made to to Understand the importance of Introduction. SCRIPTURES OF HASTALIKHIT In the mean times, due to the Natural Calamities and ageing of the period, they are becoming exit. Started to be printed and are changed from time to time. Today the Talpatra Scriptures are 1000 years old and the Paper written Scriptures are 800 years old. After 200 years of the First Hastlikhit Scriptures, the First Lithograph published was started. Today Offset press published and Computerized publishing is in Progress. LIFE SPAN OF HASTLIKHIT SCRIPTURES These are the Basic Scriptures. Todays paper last maximum for 60-70 years. Whereas even today the Handmade paper last for at least 300 to 500 years. Instead of Talpatra there comes Khadtal which also lasts very long. VERIFICATION AND REWRITING Lot of Hastlikhit Scriptures are verified and are re-prined. But then to there are thousands of Hast Scriptures that are left out. Therefore it is necessary to verify these and bring them to existence in printing. It is also to be seen that these Hastlikhit Scriptures are again rewritten same way by which this Tradition & Literature will live for many thousand of years in future. Jane AGAMAN REWRITING-DISCUSSION OF OTHER SCRIPTS. It is only today due to Agaman Bhakti that the Aagam budh is written, in the same For Private & Personal Use Only • AL PERDEERDEN GELDEERRYPage Navigation
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